For Love

Buffy rolled over and grabbed the phone before it could ring again, "Hello?" She rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. It was seven o'clock at night.

"Hello, luv," Spike said, "Are we going out tonight? Slaying I mean."

"Yep, I'm not ready though." Buffy sat up and ran a hand through her tangled hair.

"Did I wake you?" Spike asked, slightly worried, though he wouldn't admit it.

"Yeah, but I needed to get up. I was only going to close my eyes for a minute after class, but I fell asleep for a few hours."

"Good. I'll be over in about half an hour."

"That's fine"

"Bye, Slayer."

"Bye, Spike," Buffy hung up the phone and hurried to get ready she pulled a black jacket over her red tank top and twisted her hair up. *Gotta look good! For, um, the vampires, not Spike.* She smiled and went to find her weapons.

Spike showed up ten minutes early. He knocked on her door and waited until she told him to come in. "Slayer."

"Hey, Spike," She smiled and handed him a stake, "Why didn't you just walk in? Willow invited you a while ago."

"It would be rude." Buffy giggled at him and walked out the door. "What's so bloody funny?"

"A polite vampire, what's the world coming to?"

"I didn't want to just barge in because you might have been naked."

"In your dreams," Buffy scuffed him as she left the dorm.

"Every night," He said quietly and then ran to catch up with her.

"Did you check in with Giles?"

"Yeah, he wants us to check out the cemetery on Maple and Hurr. He said there's been a female vampire hanging out there. She's got a gang of vampires and he says she sounds dangerous."

"Looks like were going to the cemetery first. Wanna go Bronzing after?"

"It's a date." He smiled and clutched his stake, eager to get the slaying over with.


The cemetery was quiet when they arrived. Buffy walked ahead of Spike and used her slayer sense to check for vampires. She sensed a group of them and motioned Spike to follow her. "How many stakes do you have?" he asked.

"I've got five hidden on me, why?"

"Give me one more, I've got bad feelings." Buffy reached down and pulled a stake out of her boot and handed it to him.

"There, now be quiet until we find them." He nodded and followed her. They walked over a small hill and saw a group of vampires standing around a grave. A small woman was standing on top of the headstone. It looked as though she was giving them instructions. Buffy got closer to her and gasped.

"Dru," Spike choked out. He looked at Buffy and she looked like she was ready to run. He turned to leave when Drusilla spotted him.

"Spike!" She called out to him, "You've come to my party. And you brought me a present, the Slayer. You've been a bad boy." Two of the vampires come over and grabbed Buffy and Spike. They exchanged looks and Spike knew what she wanted him to do.

"Let me go, luv." Spike smiled as she nodded to the vampire holding him and he was released. "Daddy's back."

"Spike, you've been a bad, bad boy. You left me all alone. Miss Edith was mad at you." She hopped off the headstone and walked over to him. "But now you're back and we can have fun again." She smiled wickedly, "I'm gonna kill the Slayer."

"What?!?" Spike jumped in front of Buffy.

"Bad Spike! Your thoughts aren't of me anymore. Miss Edith tells me the Slayer fills your mind. She's not your princess, I am." Drusilla walked over to Buffy, but Spike stepped in front of her.

"You're not going to kill her," Spike grabbed her as she went for Buffy.

"You tricked me!" She changed into her true face and pulled her arm away from him. Spike growled and looked at her in his game face.

Buffy spun and got away from the vamp that had been holding her. She slipped a stake out of each of her sleeves and staked the vamps to her sides. There were about nine left and she left Drusilla to Spike and went after them.

Spike ducked as Drusilla swung her arm. He spun around and smacked her in the back of the head. "Spike, why do you do this?" She cried as he hit her again, stake in hand.

"Love," He replied as she gasped. Growling again, she charged at him and knocked him to the ground. Her hands were wrapped tightly around his neck, but he pulled them off. He kicked her off of him and she tumbled five feet away from him.

"It's her," Drusilla smiled and ran towards Buffy. Buffy didn't know what hit her. She had just staked the last vamp when she was grabbed from behind. Drusilla was about to sink her teeth into Buffy's neck when she exploded into a cloud of dust. Buffy turned around and found herself face to face with a grinning Spike.

"Thanks," She smiled and hugged him. Spike wrapped his arms around her and sighed. "You probably want to go home. This couldn't have been easy for you."

"No, I promised you we'd go out. And I feel fine," Spike sighed," I was over Dru a long time ago." A bolt of lightening lit the sky and drops began to fall. Spike looked up at the sky," Bloody hell. Why does it have to rain?"

"Too bad vampires don't melt," Buffy smirked, "it'd make my job a lot easier."

"You'd miss me if I was gone."

"Yeah, and you're friends with Angel," Buffy laughed and turned to face him.

"Peaches?" Spike smiled, "Him and me go way back."

"That was horrible," Buffy brushed her bangs out of her face and looked up at Spike. *Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, kiss me...* "Kiss me." Spike looked at her funny. "Shit, did I say that out-"

Buffy was cut off as Spike's lips crushed hers. She moaned and pressed her body against his. He slid his arms around her body and pulled her closer. Buffy sighed when he broke the kiss. She looked into his sparkling blue eyes and said, "I love you."

"I know," he smiled, then she smacked his arm, "And I love you too. Now lets go on that date." He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked off.


Riley walked into the Bronze and looked for Buffy. He spotted her dancing with a blonde man. They were dancing very close together, rubbing against each other. He waited until they sat down then walked over. "Hey Buffy," Riley said as he sat down.

"Hi," Buffy smiled and looked at spike. She mouthed 'be nice' and turned back to Riley. "This is Spike. Spike, Riley." Riley reached out his hand then took it back when Spike didn't shake it.

"Wait, are you the Spike?" Riley looked slightly confused.

"Which Spike?" Spike asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"The Spike Buffy said she was going to marry. I thought he wasn't a real person."

"I'm not." He smiled and looked at Buffy, "What's with this marrying Sl-, er, Buffy."

"Well, remember that night when we were with Giles?" Spike shook his head no, "We weren't really acting like ourselves, and his eyes were bothering him."

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, I was out getting the things for Giles and I kinda told Riley we were getting married."

"Why?" Spike grinned, enjoying how flustered she was getting.

"Because I wasn't thinking clearly, and I needed an excuse."

"You're not a real person, are you a vampire?" Riley casually asked.

"What? No," Spike laughed, "Vampires, he's funny," he said as he looked at Buffy.

"It's ok, he knows I'm the Slayer. He's with the lab."

"What? The lab that put this bloody chip in my head!" Spike growled and started to get up, but Buffy pushed him back down.

"You're hostile 17!" Riley stood up and grabbed Buffy's arm, "He's not safe Buffy. He's a vampire, one that escaped us."

"I know," Buffy pushed his arm off of her and continued, "and he's my date. So if you'll leave us alone."

"Date?" Riley choked out

"Yep," Spike glared at him and moved closer to Buffy.

"But he's an evil vampire."

"No, he's a former evil vampire," Buffy motioned for Riley to sit back down and he did. "Spike can't fight anything that's not evil. He's been helping be slay for the past few weeks. You should tell Walsh that her chip only works against things that are good. In fact, Spike killed one of the meanest vamps tonight, saving my life. Her name's Drusilla, might want to cross her off you list." Buffy smiled and grabbed Spike's hand. She dragged him away from a very stunned Riley.

"What was that for?" Spike looked surprised.

"He was pissing me off," Buffy took Spike's hand in hers and left the Bronze. "No one messes with my date."