
Buffy walked from the bathroom to her room and then proceeded to pace across the room. She was doing this when Willow walked in. "Hey Buffy," Willow cheerfully said as she dropped her bag on the bed.

"Hey Will," Buffy looked very worried as she continued to pace around the room.

"Buffy? What's wrong?" Willow stepped in front of her to stop her movements.

"I'm late," Buffy sighed and sat down on her bed.

"Late?" Willow thought for a moment and sat down next to Buffy, "Are we going somewhere? We aren't going out until tomorrow, right? So what are you late for?"

"I'm late, in the period sense. I was due last week, and it didn't happen," Buffy sighed again and rested her head on Willow's shoulder.

"Oh, wow," Willow lifted Buffy's head and looked at her, "Who is it? Riley?"

"No, I haven't slept with anybody since Parker, and I got checked after that. It's not him," Buffy thought and stood up, "Wait! I slept with Spike! It was the spell, but we had sex."

"But Spike's a vampire. They can't have children. But you're the Slayer. Maybe there's some kind of slayer thing."

"I better find out if I'm pregnant first." Buffy got up and grabbed a brown paper bag, "I'll be in the bathroom."


Willow walked into the bathroom and saw Buffy waiting by the counter. "Is it time yet?" she asked hopefully.

"One more minute," Buffy smiled at Willow, "At least it's Spike's, out of everyone."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes. I have for a long time, actually, but I just realized it. I know it's hard to handle, but I think you guys will except it sooner of later."

"Well," Willow paused when the timer dinged, "We'll have to if he's the dad." She smiled encouragingly at Buffy.

Buffy picked up the stick and looked down at it. "Plus," she ran over to Willow and hugged her, "I'm gonna be a mom!"

"Yes! I'm so excited for you!"

"It's weird, but good," Buffy frowned, "How will I slay?"

"You'll have to tell Giles."

"That should be fun," Buffy laughed and threw the stick into the garbage and walked back to her room.

"When are you going to tell Spike?" Willow asked as Buffy grabbed her coat.

"After I tell Giles and my mom," she picked up the phone and dialed, "Giles? Yeah, I'm coming over. Call my mom and have her come over, ok? Yeah, it's important. I'm bringing Willow."


Giles opened the door and Buffy walked in, followed by Willow. "Hi Giles, Mom, Spike?"

"Yes, I-I thought if this was important he should be here," Giles took her coat and then sat down.

"Hi Buffy," Joyce called from across the room, "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No," Buffy smiled nervously at everyone and sat down.

"Slayer," Spike smiled and walked over to her. He sat down and put his arm around her.

"Spike," Buffy stood up and looked at everyone. She got up and started to pace again. "Well, um, I have something to tell you."

"Go on," Giles prompted.

"I wasn't planning on telling Spike yet, but I might as well because he's already here. I'm pregnant."

"Honey?" Joyce gasped, "Are you sure?"


"Well, th-that's, uh, different," Giles said, flustered.

"Spike?" Buffy looked over at him, "What do you think?"

"That wanker!" Spike stood up and tightened his fists, "I'm gonna kill Riley. How could he do this?" He growled and walked over to Buffy, "I'm going to make him eat his own spleen."

"Gross much?" Buffy smiled, "It's not Riley, or Parker for that matter."

"Calm down Spike," Willow walked over to them and gently patted his shoulder.

"Who is it?" Spike glared at no one in particular.

"It's yours, I don't know how, but it's yours," Buffy looked at him.

"Bloody hell," Spike said before he fainted.

"Not the reaction I was looking for," Buffy cringed.

"Buffy," Joyce said, "Do you love him?"


"Then I'm ok with this," she smiled at her daughter at looked over at Giles.

"I never knew vampires could faint, it's, f-fascinating," Giles said as he leaned over Spike.

"He's a vampire?" it was Joyce's turn to faint. Willow caught her before she could fall to the floor and gently set her down.

"Wow," was all the hacker could say.

"I'd say," Buffy grinned and walked over to her mom. "Wake up," she shook her a little. Joyce woke up and looked at Buffy.

"Another one?" she smiled and sat up, "What is it with you and dead guys?"

"I don't know, it just happens."

"Mr. Giles, I think we should leave these two alone for a few minutes. You too, Willow." She got up and left.

"Yes, I'll be in my office if you need me," Giles said before leaving the room.

"I'll be at the dorm," Willow left.

"Spike," Buffy said as she straddled his hips, "get up." She lightly slapped his face.

"Buffy?" Spike asked when he came to. "Is it really mine?"

"You're the only one I slept with."

"Well, this is, weird."

"You don't want it! You hate me, I'm going to go now," Buffy got up and Spike grabbed her.

"I do want it," He smiled and kissed her. "I've always wanted to have children, but couldn't because I'm a vampire. I don't know how this happened, but it's a damn good thing."

"I love you," Buffy smiled and leaned down to kiss him again.

"I love you too."


Buffy walked into Giles' office, followed by Spike, "So, what's the what?" she asked.

"I've found an account of this happening before," Giles held up a book and began to read, "An offspring conceived-"

"Giles," Buffy interrupted him, "Just tell me what it means."

"It says here that if the slayer and a vampire have, er," he looked up at Buffy and she nodded, "over a Hellmouth, they can have a child. This has happened only once before, in the late 1600s."

"Ok, so we know how it happened," Buffy smiled and took Spike's hand in hers, "But was everything fine with the mother?"

"It says here she died before the child could be born," Giles sighed and closed the book.


Spike trudged along the street, kicking a rock ahead of him. He'd dropped Buffy off at her room and was on his way home. *Cor, a baby.* Spike smiled and continued walking. He saw someone ahead of him, and recognized Riley when he got closer.

"Hostile 17," Riley grumbled, "Ready to go back? I've got a nice cell for you."

"Not Bloody likely," Spike chuckled, "I've got to protect my woman."

"Buffy's not yours," Riley glared at Spike and stepped closer to him.

"She's got my baby!" Spike shouted at him. *Ha, take that, you wanker!*

"Like Hell it is," Riley shouted back. *Baby?* "It's mine!" Riley lied.

"What?" Spike stumbled backwards.

"Yep, it's mine," Riley chuckled at the expression of hurt on Spike's face.

"You wanker!" Spike charged Riley and jumped on top of him. Riley kicked him off and grabbed his gun. The electricity wouldn't kill the vampire, but it'd hurt like hell. Spike was already lying on the ground clutching his head in pain. Riley stood up and fired three shots at his body before being knocked down.

Buffy kicked his gun out of the way and pulled a stake out of her sleeve. Then she turned to Riley, "He attacked me for no reason," Riley lied, "I was only protecting myself."

"Spike?" Buffy said as he stood up, "What happened?"

"He said it's his and it pissed me off," Spike gave her a sloppy grin and walked over to her. He had to limp because of the bullets in his side.

"Riley," Buffy looked down at him, "You're human, so I can't kill you, but you are a true ass. If you ever hurt Spike again You will wish you are a vampire so I can stake you and end the pain. Got it?"

"Yes," Riley stayed on the ground as they walked away hand in hand.


Spike lead Buffy into his apartment and locked the door behind them. He flicked on the lights and smiled at her. Buffy smiled back and sat down on the couch, pulling him with her. "I'm going to start patrolling for you," Spike said.

"What?" Buffy looked at him, "I'm capable of doing it myself."

"I don't want you or the baby to get hurt."

"Well, then you can come with me, I'm not going to give up slaying."

"I want," Spike looked in her eyes, suddenly shy, "I want you to move in with me."

"Do I get a say in it?" Buffy smirked at his control.

"No," he smiled back, "I want to always know you're safe. Plus I'd like waking up with you every morning."

"Who say's we'll be sharing a bed?" Buffy teased him.

"Me," Spike leaned down and captured her lips. The kiss started out gentle, but soon became rough. Buffy's mouth was invaded by Spike's tongue. He caressed every crevice of her mouth. She had to break the kiss to breathe, and spoke.

"I guess," she smiled wickedly, "that we could share a bed."

"Starting now?" Spike picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.

"Uh-huh," Buffy smiled and sat down on the bed, "Make love to me."

Spike grinned and spoke before joining her on the bed, "When I'm done with you, you won't be able to walk."

And she couldn't.