
Willow was walking down the path towards her dorm. Riley spoted her and ran to catch up. "Willow!" he shouted as he ran.

"Oh, hey Riley," Willow smiled and shifted her backpack. "Looking for Buffy?"

"Actually no," Riley took a position beside her and they entered the dorm. "I'm looking for you. We need to talk about some stuff."

"Still to shy to do the talking thing with the one you want?" Willow smiled again as she climbed the stairs.

"Yeah," Riley followed Willow into her room and sat down on Buffy's bed.

"So," Willow dropped her bag and sat down. "What can I do ya for?"

"What's Xander like?"

"Xander? He's funny, nice, and wait, why do you want to know?"

"Well," Riley blushed ever so slightly, "I kinda like him."

"Xander? But he's a guy! And, Buffy." Willow raised her voice and stood up, "What about Buffy?"

"She's nice..."

"Nice! She's wonderful! And she's my friend, and what did I promise to do to you if you hurt her?"

"Um," Riley got quiet, "beat me with a shovel?"

"Yes! Now get those bad Xander-like thoughts out of your head and like Buffy," Willow was obviously pissed off, "And Xander doesn't even like men. I think I know my best friend a little better than you do!"

"Fine," Riley got up to leave, "but why did he kiss me if he doesn't like me?" He slammed the door as Willow sat back down.

"He," she paused, "kissed you?"

Xander was lounging on his bed when Willow walked donw the steps. "Hey Will," he looked up from his paper, "demon trouble?"

"No," Willow sat down on his bed and glared at him. "We need to talk."

"About what?" Xander closed his paper and went into good friend mode.

"About stealing other people's boyfriends."

"Is this the whole 'Veruca Bitch Speech' again?" Xander asked and sighed.

"No!" Willow got even angrier and said, "It's about you kissing Riley."

"I can kiss who I want to."

"Riley is Buffy's. She needs him and she deserves him. She hasn't had it easy with Angel and you don't know what it feels like." Willow bit her lower lip and looked as though she was going to cry.

"And you do? Xander shouted, "What's so wrong with your life? And Buffy has it bad, but not that bad."

"I know what it feels like!" Willow shouted back, "Oz left me!"

"Yeah," Xander laughed, "poor Willow finally had one bad thing happen to her and now she can enlighten the rest of us."

"It's horrible. He just left me, Like Angel did to Buffy. That's why we both deserve someone, and thats's why Riley beliongs to Buffy. You don't need someone like we do. The only person you ever lost was Cordy."

"Like Cordy doesn't matter? I loved her! And first of all, Riley doesn't belong to anyone. He's a man, not a possesion! Secondly, you're nothing like Buffy. Oz left you for good reasons. Buffy turned Angel evil, sent him to hell, and then had him leave her all alone to deal with it. She went through so much shit and I feel more sorry for her. Buffy deals with it every day. She doesn't sit and mope, she continues her life. You know nothing of real pain."

"Oh, and you know all about that." Willow rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Question Will," Xander pointed at her shirt, "Who bought that?"

"My mom."

"And who bought all you other clothes, paid for college, books, food, and everything else you need?" Willow was silent, "Thought so. I've had the pain of taking care of myself since I was twelve. I live in my parents' basement and I have to pay rent. I get beaten because I can't afford to move out."

"Beaten?" Willow choked out.

"Yeah. You never noticed, did you? All those days when I would show up at school with bruises and sprains it never even occured to you. How thick are you?"

"I never thought..." Willow started crying.

"No, you never do. You assume everyone's life is as perfect and yours. So what if you boyfriend left? He'll be back. You've never experenced true pain."

"I have."

"No, you haven't. I have it so much harder than you do. Riley could make my life a little bit happier and you don't want him to just because it doesn't fit your plan. Just get out."

"Xander," Willow sobbed.

"No, get out!" Xander wiped at his cheek and turned away from her. Willow walked up the steps and once again left Xanderto deal with his pain, alone.