
Spike's feet pounded on the pavement as he walked towards the mansion. He'd been living there since he'd gotten to Sunnydale. He heard a snap and whirled himself around. A vampire leapt at him, only to be kicked into a bush.

"So, it's true," The vampire said as she stood up, "you're the Slayer's follower now. You disgust me; You're a demon, yet you help kill your own kind."

Slipping a stake out of his pocket, Spike moved forward and thrust it into the vamp's chest. "Yeah, but it's so damn fun." He brushed himself off and continued walking.

Rain began to fall and painted spots on the pavement. "Damn," Spike walked quicker, almost running down the street. He stopped when he heard a noise. "Come out, come out wherever you are, " He called out in a chirpy voice. He turned but saw nothing. "Huh," then he heard it again, a quiet whimpering.

Spike stepped over the curb and onto the grass. He saw someone huddled under a maple tree. As he walked over to the tree, Spike noticed that it was Willow. He hurried over and crouched in front of her.

"Red, what's wrong?"

"Angel," Willow's body shook with every sob, "He's...going...LA...Cordy." Spike moved on closer and wrapped her in his arms.

"It's all right. You were too good for him anyway. Come on, let me walk you home." He stood up and reached out his hand. Willow looked hesitantly at his hand then reached out and pulled herself up.

"Can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to spend the night alone," Willow started walking next to Spike.

"Sure thing, Luv," Spike put his arm around her shoulder and led her to the mansion.


Spike opened his door and ushered Willow inside. "You can put your coat on that chair," Spike pointed to an arm chair and walked into his kitchen. He put filled the kettle and grabbed some tea bags. "Do you want milk and sugar?"

Willow timidly made her way into the kitchen. "Yes. Where are the mugs?"

"In the second cabinet," Spike turned the burner off as the kettle whistled. He poured the boiling water into the mugs and smiled at Willow. "You can have my bed. It's the softest one. I'll sleep in the guest room."

"Would you sleep with me tonight?" Willow stared deep into Spike's eyes, "I just don't want to be alone. I need someone to hold me," Willow smiled shyly and waited for an answer.

"Of course," Spike gulped. He walked towards his room and Willow followed. "Right or left?"

"Right," Willow threw back the covers and crawled under them. Spike turned off the lights and joined her. "Night Spike."

"Good Night, Luv." Willow turned onto her side, facing away from him. Spike placed his arm around her side and drifted off.