Save hours of client server support overtime .
End users upgrade their own software without the fuss
Load'nGo is a proven solution to client side version control in any client server application built in anything - Visual Basic, C++, Delphi (even Clipper).
How much time do your applications support people spend ensuring that every user has the right version of the client software loaded on their workstation. How often does the incident log say "old version loaded". How many times have your support people spent all weekend rolling out a new version only to find that they need to do it again (for whatever reason) on Monday evening.
We've been there. We have the solution. Load'n Go
If everything matches - your user isn't even aware that Load'nGo is there.
To roll out a new version of the EXE or a new report file format or a new anything, simply place the new version in the central version folder and Load'nGo does the rest. Load'nGo will even broadcast a message to your users for you !
Load'nGo is so simple to install and use yet it will save you thousands in support staff effort (usually over weekends and after hours)
Load'nGo works. Give it a try for only $25. Call (+27) (0)82 443 4389 or email us now
Email: philk@yebo.co.za
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Email: philk@yebo.co.za