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From: (Michael Martinez)
Subject: Peter Jackson Speaks About HOBBIT/LOTR Movie Rumors
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 07:31:20 GMT
Organization: The Xenite.Org Domain
Lines: 59
Message-ID: <6cgn2s$>
X-Server-Date: 19 Feb 1998 07:30:36 GMT
X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.01
Xref: mindspring rec.arts.books.tolkien:56552
Status: N

It's been a few weeks since I last checked the PJForum, so I missed this 
announcement when Jackson posted it.  I give it in full here, sans followups.

  Posted by Peter J on January 30, 1998 at 06:00:46:


  I'm working on an unnamed film for Miramax Films. I've signed a 
  confidentiality agreement which prevents me from discussing it
  until Miramax decides otherwise.

  There is obviously spectulation about what this project is, but don't
  bother asking questions about it, because I can't answer them at
  this time. I will not confirm, or deny, what the movie is.

  Most of the rumours I read on the net about my next project are total
  rubbish. In fact I've hardly seen anything approaching the truth, so
  don't believe everything you read ... keep an open mind at all times!

  I will not tell you what I am working on, but:

  1. It is not produced by Saul Zaentz. I've never met, or spoken to
     Saul Zaentz.

  2. It will not star Sean Connery. 

  3. Dreamworks, Spielburg, Lucas, are not involved in any way, and
     never have been.

  Go figure ...

  There is light at the end of the tunnel!

  Thank you for your interest, Peter J