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Thanks You For This Day

I give you many thanks for the day.
And for each hour in it.
You gave me a reason for life.
As we walk along the road side by side,
And as the moon began to glow in the sky,
I felt so much contentment.
And when tommorrow comes,
There shall be another day of good life.
We shall see the hours go by so quickly,
And I who thought I was just a nobody in life,
I have come to terms with the being somebody for you.
There is no other way that I want to live.
Let the trees grow tall and each season come,
And lets grow old together.
We shall hear the whispers of life,
And we can laugh and cry together.
And when we are gone,
Let nobody feel sorry for our passing,
For we have had the best in life.
by MPulsipher

View My Other Pages
My Sites at Angelfire
Sonja's Love
A Precious Gift
Poem-One Moment in Time
Poetry-My Soul Wanders
Poem-Your Tender Heart
Poetry-To Have and to Hold
Poetry-If I Could Live my Life Again
Poem-The Gift
I'll be Missing You
The Spirit
Life's Journey
Christmas in Heaven
One Moment With You
Let Me Be Free
Give Me One Life With you
So Tenderly
In the Still of the Night
Sweet Thought of You
Home is Where the Heart is
It Is Better to Have Loved
I Love You My Friend
Through the Eyes of a Child
I Think of You
Looking Back
I Feel the Warmth
I Feel Your Pain

My other Site Poems-Special Thoughts
Poem-Without a Doubt
Poem-My Special Friend
Poem-Thoughts of A Friend
The Eternal Gift
Poem-The Way You Are
Poem-I'm Telling You
Poem-I'm Not Poor
Through Your Eyes
Where do I Belong
My Love
Your Tender Heart
I Wonder Where You Are
The Light on the Other Side
Love Lost
It Is Your Heart I See
