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precessional numbers
18-36-54-72-90-108-126-144-162-180 72 is the base number. Why 72? Precession of the constellations. Every 72 years the constellations more 1 degree. Thus it takes about 26000 years to make a complete cycle. the mayan calendar is based on a 2600 year cycle. (also the yuga, hindu mythology). Half of 72 is 36. Half 36 is 18. 18 plus 36 is 54, 3/4's of 72. 90 is 72 plus 18. 72 plus 36 is 108, plus 36 is 144, or two times 72. add another 36 and you get 180, half of a circle if we were working in degrees. Which funny enough, we are.
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