============= Blow-Pop Job ============= Hunter Hearst Helmsley was somewhere between annoyed, amuesed and really turned on at the sight of Shane McMahon stretched out on the table before him, looking for all the world like a human sacrafice. "I'm thinking you want something." The other man nodded. Grinned. "Something sweet and tasty. Like candy. Sugar. Yeah, I want sugar. A cherry blow-pop." Shane smiled and rolled over so that he was on his stomach, then rolled again so he was on his side. "I want something to suck." Ignoring the obvious innuendo, Hunter shrugged, "So go to the vending machine down the hall. Knock yourself out." "I want you to get it for me." "I'm not your stooge, get it yourself," Hunter said. He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair. "And as dramatic as sweeping all the stuff off the table was, that laptop was expensive." Shane dismissed the thought with a yawn and careful, cat-like stretch. "I'll get you a new one. But come on, Hunter. I know you want it." "'It'?" "Yeah. *It*," Shane leered, leaned in close so that their noses bumped and foreheads brushed. "Sugar. Candy." "Something tasty." Shane nodded agreeabley. "Can't we just have sex?" Pretending to look surprised, Shane lay back down on his back, smiled. Slowly. "What? You think I'm easy or something? I want my cherry blow-pop first." Hunter growled low in his throat, reached out to touch the younger man but was denied the pleasure when Shane squirmed away. But it was a *nice* squirm. "They're 25 cents in the cafeteria. Actually, get me a grape one too, I want both flavors." Grumbling to himself, Hunter got to his feet and fumbled around in an ashtray for the appropriate change, all the time painfully aware of the other man staring at him near by. Looking so incredibly fu - "If they don't have purple, get orange." "Mmmhf." Hunter headed for the door, hoping already for short lines and exact change. He pointed to Shane as he left, "You...don't move." Shane nodded, "I'm not going anywhere without my candy." "Sugar." Another nod. "Something tasty." His grin was manic. "You are *so* in for it when I get back, Shane." "Yum." **end