Background info: For those of you new to the wrestling world, here's a rundown -- Steve Austin, nearing the height of his popularity was starting to irritate Vince and more and more, so the older McMahon came up with a plan to take his top draw down a couple of notches. Enter Shane McMahon. Shane, pretending to be disgusted with his father, goes to Stone Cold and fools him into believing that he has signed him to a new contract, after he had been fired by Shane's father. The two strike up a friendship, coming to each other's "resuce" a couple of times, you would see them talking here and there -- it was kinda cute But then...uh oh! SS '98 rolls around, and when it just looks like Stone Cold is going to win the belt, Shane counts "1! 2! .... " no 3. Instead, he flips him the double bird and runs outta the ring back to where he and dad celebrate pulling one over on ol'Stone Cold :( I LOVE this storyline. Mainly because it's the first time we see the delectable Shane McMahon on RAW, in any sort of serious role (his first and only prior roll was really just a bunch of "don't do it dad"s) and because it was the first EVER McMahon Master Plan. Also because from a slasher's point of view, it's intriguing that Steve "DTA" Austin believed young Shane so quickly. I know, I know...MARK, well...that's me Okay, phew - - on with the story!! ===================== Caught In A Lie ===================== I never could say no to him. Not when I was a little kid, not when I was a rebellious teenage punk, and not when I became an adult. He's my father, how can I say no to my own father? So when he asked me to help him screw over Stone Cold Steve Austin, I didn't have to think very long about my answer. The plan had been simple: Win his trust, mess with his mind a little, pretend to be on his side. It was a deceitful, ugly thing to do to another human being, but that's Vince McMahon for you. Some men think with their dick, my dad thinks with his ego. Steve Austin had humiliated, upstaged, and insulted him for long enough, it was time for Vince to show the lowly wrestler just who the better man was. So that's how it went for a few weeks. It had been easier then I first thought it would be to win over the Rattlesnake's trust. I guess I have a way of getting under people's skin. My innocent face, my charming personality? Fuck, whatever. I'd accomplished my end of the deal. So far, at least. The Bossman thing came as a surprise to me. Vince had told me earlier in the day that he would "up the ante" that night on RAW, but I figured it'd be a little slap in the face or something. Not that fucking, thick skulled, ex-prison guard shoving a nightstick under my chin. I was fuming, I was confused, I was scared shitless. How far would Vince go? I had no idea. I think that was what scared me more then anything else, not knowing how far my own father would go to get his revenge. But I guess Vince knew something I didn't know, as usual. Because while I was fully expecting to get my brains bashed in, Vince must of known all along that Steve would come to my rescue. At least, that's what I kept telling myself. It was afterwards, in Steve's dressing room, that he decided to drop a bombshell on me. "I know you're hidin' something, kid." I don't know if I kept a straight face or not, probably not because the look of confidence on his face tripled right in front of me. I tried to deny it, but it didn't work. "You've been acting weird for the past couple of days, like you're nervous or something. Well, I just want you to know that I know what's going on and that I want to put a stop to it right now." He moved forward, his blue eyes locked onto mine. Steve Austin redefined the word 'intensity', I couldn't breathe. But I could run, I could back away. I found myself doing just that, stepping back and back until my legs hit the couch and I fell onto my ass. "Look, Steve, I can explain..." Shit, was that _my_ voice? He leaned down, "Stop. You don't have to explain, I understand." His face was....blank. Not angry, not hostile, not anything. "You, uh, do?" I sounded pathetic. I wished he would just pile drive me through the coffee table and be done with it already. He nodded gravely; leaned in closer, propped up a hand beside my head and seemed to...sniff... me. Weird, I know, but I _swear_ that's what he did. "Yeah." He paused. "You're gay, aren't you?" It took me a good minute to compose myself enough to come up with an answer to that. "Huh?" And it still wasn't very articulate. "I see the way you look at me," he calmly explained. "How jumpy you get. Hell, the whole reason for coming to me in the first place, I'm not BLIND, kid!" He actually smiled a little then. "You don't have to be nervous." So there I was, caught between a rock, (or was that a stone? Ha ha) and a hard place. If I told him I didn't have some sort of weird crush on him as he seemed to believe, then he'd demand to know what was really bothering me. If I told him I _did_ have a crush, then ... well that would cause just a whole new set of problems, wouldn't it? A question, odd in it's suddenness, did come to me though. Just how far did Vince want me to go to make Austin believe our lie? How far did _I_ want to go? And if it did go that far, then who was lying to whom? We stayed that way for a while, with him leaning in towards me, growing more and more obvious of his intentions with each passing moment, and me sitting there like a deer caught in headlights. "Okay. You're right." The words came out of me, and I didn't know where they came from. He's _right_? What the _fuck_ was I thinking?! Steve smiled, satisfied - happy even. His hand touched my face and I...flinched. Or maybe I shuddered. It was such a big hand, such an intimate touch. It made me nervous. Wrestlers slap each other on the ass all the time, they grab personal, _erogenous_ zones for all sorts of wrestling holds, but the face...that's something different. You only touch the face when you're REALLY serious. "Would it make you feel better if I told you I felt the same way?" No, actually, it wouldn't, I wanted to say. But of course I didn't. I just sorta nodded. Stared at his bald head, his sweat, his chest. I could feel the heat radiating off his body, so close, and I didn't know whether to be repulsed or something else. Men weren't my thing. I loved women. And Steve Austin was about as far from being a woman as you could get. Not that he wasn't good looking. His muscles, his language - is deceptive. It makes people blind to the soft curves of his face and lips, his eyes, and body. He's not cold at all; he's far too hot. The hand moves down my face, to my neck, he watches it travel and I think I'm losing my mind. Scream? Run? Hit? Fuck, I don't know. I don't know _anything_. His's a paw, it's powerful, it's touching my chest and my waist. It's working at the buttons of my shirt, and before I can protest, before I can say 'no' ...he kisses me. At first, I don't respond. I can't. I'm frozen, rigid in his grasp. I can feel myself frowning at the utter strangeness of it, how it's both foreign and familiar at the same time. A man's mouth and a woman's mouth aren't that different, but his goatee scratches my chin, and he's so _strong_. Stronger then me. He grips the back of my head, pushes me in harder against him, and I respond to his kiss. Open my mouth and take in his tongue, repress shudders as he takes control of me, right in that very moment. I'm fooling myself, I was never in control. His hands squeeze my shoulders, I can tell he's holding back and that thought too, makes me shudder. I'm use to much smaller, much softer, I'm use to being the aggressor. But's all I can do not sink to my knees like some cheap whore on the street. What's he doing to me? With a word, I can make him stop, but I'm stuck. If I tell him to stop...will my cover be blown? Will weeks of work just go down the gutter? How far am I willing to go? And that question again: how far do I want this to go? When he straddles my lap, its nearly enough for me to put an end to it right there, but he's still kissing me, still groping down my chest and my arms, and pulling at my clothes. He wants me naked, he probably wants me to make _him_ naked, and Jesus Christ...this - this is some heavy stuff we're getting into. I feel like I'm a virgin again, fumbling and unsure in the back of my car, trying to act like I know what I'm doing. His tongue pushes against mine, he sucks at my mouth, and I can feel his, oh god, I can feel his cock pushing into my stomach. "Steve..." I finally manage to get out as he breaks the kiss and chews at my neck, " don't..." "It's all right, I won't hurt you." I've never heard so much in his voice, but now it's all there. The lust, the emotion, it reverberates against my throat, and his lips tickle as he talks. He won't hurt me? He's already hurting me... My shirt is off and his mouth travels down my naked chest, I can hear moaning and I know it's me, but I try convince myself I have every right, that this doesn't change the me I was five minutes ago. I don't like what he's doing to me, I don't like _men_, it's just -- a tongue. It could be a woman's, it doesn't have to be _him_ making me feel this way. I try to picture Claudia Shiffer, or Madonna, or even that chick I saw in the blue corvette this morning, but every time his goatee scratches my nipples, or I feel his blunt, strong fingers massaging me all over...that image shatters. There is a deep, rumbling sound of pleasure coming from his lips, his tongue and mouth are soft, but there's strength in his kisses. All that's left is Stone Cold Steve Austin. The man, who three weeks from now, I will betray. He unzips me. Pulls off my pants and boxers in one swift move that leaves my legs trembling and my hands clawing the cushions of the couch. I'm painfully hard. I know what I want, I know what he's going to do, I want to cry, I think. I want to beg him to stop, beg him to take back the last few minutes and all the confusion that comes with it. Beg him to take me with his mouth. All I can do is moan. "God, you're..." his voice trails off. His eyes, blue and clear and focused, bore into me. He kisses me again, and I melt, I force him closer as I wrap my arms around massive shoulders, and tug uselessly at his shirt. Jesus. He pulls away, he kisses my stomach, his tongue swirling around in my navel, and biting at the sensitive flesh around it. I feel his breath, and when I look down, I see his bald, clean scalp and swallow hard. Claudia Shieffer, I am thinking, would _not_ appreciate the comparison. He swallows me in. His mouth is hot, wet and I feel faintly the hard ridges of his teeth. My cock rests on the pad of his tongue which is suddenly moving now, up and down my shaft, licking and tracing patterns along the skin of my cock. His cheeks collapse as he starts to suck, his head bobs as he moves up and down over my crotch, and his fingers are digging very, very hard into my hips. It scares me that he seems to be getting as off on the whole thing as I am. I'm thrusting hard into his mouth, moaning and gasping, and - oh help me - saying his name, over and over again. My vision blackens, I can't see, only feel. His hand grabs mine, and in a gesture perhaps more intimate then what he's doing to me with his mouth, we hold hands. I squeeze back tightly, and he sucks harder. I want to scream. I think I do. I come so hard, I black out for a moment. When my eyes open, he's breathing hard next to me, his eyes are closed and his lips parted and wet. Wet with me. I smell myself on his breath, and am suddenly taken by an impulse so great I act without thinking. The kiss is salty, sexy, and I'm hard again. Austin's teeth graze my lips before he bites, then his tongue flicks to soothe the pain. "Shane...turn over." It chills me, these words. Makes me freeze and clench my eyes shut. He wants to fuck me, and I think - I think I want him to. Grabbing the couch cushion behind me, he places it under my hips as I turn over and I hear his own zipper pull down and his pants get thrown across the room. There's the rustling sound of a bag being opened and shut, and soon, he's behind me again. Somewhere along the line, I've stopped believing my lie. This isn't about Survivor Series, this is about us. Him and me, right here. "Relax..." His voice rolls over me like fog, and I'm coated in its reassuring tone and confidence, its gentle rolling calm both clouds and stuns my senses. "You'll like it, I promise." So he knows, he knows I've never done this before, but he also thought I was gay. This makes me pause, makes me think. Of what, I'm not sure, my brain is too muddled to form rational thought, it's as if I'm drunk or high, I'm riding a buzz as Austin's hands gently start to massage my shoulders. He works my right side first, kneading the muscles and the skin, alternating his hands with his mouth, licking and kissing. He works on my left side. Hands, mouth, tongue. I'm going to pop out of my skin, I'm going to come again, and Austin's going to have to fuck my corpse. Touch disappears for a moment, and I groan in disappointment, shift my hips to feel more and I feel his gentle chuckle behind me at my impatience. Then, something cold and soft touches my ass, it smells like hand lotion, and I can't help but tense when he rubs it slow and hard between me. I shiver, I ache, and when a single finger pushes into me I press my face into the couch seat. Blind to everything, the feeling becomes more intense as he slowly finger fucks me with one, and then two of his meaty digits. They rub something electric inside me, I'm so tight, and I'm clamping down hard around his fingers, writhing and thrusting my hips back to feel more. I feel so full with him, he keeps hitting that spot deep inside me and I'm groaning, begging...when he withdraws I cry out with my need. I don't have to wait long, I feel him straddle my waist from behind, his knees brushing either side of my hips, and his breath is exhaled in short, abrupt heaves. The tip of him is pushed in, and I whimper. I want _more_, I need him so badly, but he won't fuck me, he's holding back, and I say his name as a plea, begging for it. "Steve, fuck me, please, oh God..." He's so hard and big, and when he thrusts inside me it's as if he'll split me apart. This is what was suppose to be Vince's plan for revenge? Me, face down on a couch, and Austin giving it to me from behind? If I had the breath, I'd laugh. It hurts, he's so heavy on top of me, and so full inside of me, I can do anything but gasp and squirm underneath him. He's saying something, but I don't understand. He could be speaking a foreign language. But when he starts to pull back then push inside me again, I understand. Our breathing is loud in the room as he fucks me, his hips and my hips working together to get him deeper inside me. His hands roam all over my back, and he leans down to kiss the base of my neck. A hand runs through my hair and all the time he's thrusting, pushing, and pounding me with his dick. The room spins suddenly, as he picks me up and deposits me on all fours, he kneels behind me and pulls at my cock which is now no longer trapped by cushions and fabric. "Shane..." My name's never been said like that, by a voice like that, I think it's what makes me come. It's a shattering experience, I cry out his name and I fall loosely in his grip as he comes shortly after. We both collapse on the couch and the weight of his body on mine is very.... nice. He holds me to him, his chin resting on my shoulder, our naked limbs entangled on the small couch. He kisses me, slow and deep and I shudder, closing my eyes. So, this is it, this is what it's like to be with a man, to be with Stone Cold Steve Austin. I'd be lying if I said I had never thought about it before now. But I'd also be lying if I said I ever thought of it seriously. I wish I could say I never turned on him at Survivor Series. That after that night I went back to Vince and told him to take his goddamn plan and stick it up his ass, but I didn't. I'm a dutiful son. When November rolled around, I did what I set out to do and betrayed Steve Austin. We haven't talked since. Unless you count the verbal, and sometimes physical, assaults we inflict on each other. Still, I can't help but think that we still share something. I won't be poetic and call it a "bond", or be cheesy and call it "unrequited love" (it was never about love). There really are no words for it, I think. No, it's more an act, a - if you'll excuse my verbage - a _thing_. It was when he touched my face, when he held my hand, when he kissed the back of my neck. When he told me he wouldn't hurt me - a promise I could not keep with him. It was when, for just a moment, we were together. **end