====================== Sean Waltman's Ass ====================== One hand in a bowl of easily accessible popcorn - lightly buttered - and the other wrapped around a cool can of Mountain Dew, Debra sighed in content as RAW went off the air for that week. It had been a good show, and - this was the clincher - Sean Waltman, (whom she liked to call X-Pooky), had been in the main event. He had looked even yummier then normal, and Debra giggled to herself in thought of all the wonderful dreams that would come from the memory of seeing his tight little ass on television that night. The fanfic potential alone was enough to make her dash to for her computer, inadvertently leaving a trial of popcorn kernels behind. Her room was a shrine to the WWF. Off of every wall hung posters, calendars, and cardboard cut outs of her favorite WWF wrestlers. But mostly, they were of Sean Waltman. She had all FIVE of his action figures, including a special one where the eye was not fully painted in, causing the mini-Sean to look like he was winking. She had an exact replica of his green bandanna, all the DX and X-Pac shirts, and a huge collection of magazines and newspapers that had any mention of the WWF superstar. She was obsessed. Booting up her computer and staring dreamily at her giant clay bust of Sean Waltman's head, which she had made herself in art class, Debra smiled a little wistfully. All twelve times the WWF had been in Texas she had tried to meet him, but it was always to no avail. She'd either miss him by a few minutes coming out of the back, or only get a glimpse of his raven head bobbing into a limo or car. It was so frustrating! Here she was, his biggest fan in the whole wide world, and she couldn't even shake his hand to tell him so. It was as if some unspeakable force was keeping them apart. Her screen came to life, revealing her Sean Waltman/DX wallpaper, and Sean's voice, in WAV format piped up over her speakers: "Bring it!!" Maybe I'll update my site, she thought, but then decided against it. No, she would rather just check her mail and go right to sleep, it was getting pretty late. Opening up Outlook Express, and watching in delight as her mailbox filled with e-mails from the [XPAC4LIFE] mailing list, Debra did not notice that her Sean Waltman bust was teetering towards her. Didn't even have time to gasp when it fell on top of her, knocking her flat on her back and leaving the glowing of her computer screen staring down blankly at her as letters from [XPAC4LIFE] continued to arrive. "YEEEEAAHHH!" Sean Waltman's voice proclaimed when the mail was finished. But Debra didn't hear; her eyes closed tight in unconsciousness. "Hey, hey - " Oh, leave me alone, Debra thought, turning away from the hand that was roughly slapping her face. "Dudes, I think he's coming around, come on, make room for the paramedic." Debra moaned as intrusive fingers suddenly started to poke and prod what felt like a very painful lump on her head and she flinched back quickly against whoever it was. "Quit it, already!" she complained, "Ow! I'm fine!" "He's fine!" the same voice that had been talking the whole time proclaimed. Frowning, wondering who the jackass was that kept calling her 'he', Debra blinked open her eyes for the first time, and squinted against the blaring light. It hurt, this light, but she kept her eyes open anyway, trying to focus on one of the several blurry heads that floated over her. "Who - wha...?" "Don't try to talk," a blonde and blue smudge soothed. "That bastard Hunter really knocked you for a loop out there." "Hunter?" Debra frowned in confusion, what the hell was going on? Where was she? "What's..." Finally, the face came into focus and she gasped in surprise, jerking up on the gurney she found she had been placed on and edging back up against it. "Rodney? From the _Mean Street Posse_?" The blonde posse member cast her a confused look, and then turned his head to draw attention to two others she had not seen before. Pete Gas and Joey Abbs stood behind him, both staring at her as if she had grown a second head. "Well, yeah," Pete said, an uneasy smile on his face, "Who the hell were you expecting, Shane-O?" Debra let out a squeak and promptly fainted once again. "Eeep!" The posse watched, mouths open as Shane McMahon fell back in an unconscious heap of black and purple Armani. "Whooooaa...I think maybe Shane was hit harder then we thought," Abbs said, as he poked Shane in the side with his finger. "He did seem kinda confused," Pete acknowledged. "Why don't we put him back in his dressing room, when he wakes up maybe he'll feel better to find himself in a more familiar place, without a bunch of people hovering over him like a carnival freak show." Nodding in agreement, Rodney grabbed one end of the stretcher, as the two other posse members hung off the sides. Shane didn't move for the entire ride. Debra was relieved to find that when she opened her eyes this time that she was alone, and in what appeared to be her own room. It was dark but she could distinctively make out the wrestling posters on her wall (the ones her mother always shook her head disapprovingly at) and her computer on the desk. Her head still hurt, but it was ebbing away into a dull, manageable throb. "Mom?" She froze, slammed her hand over her mouth. No, no, that wasn't right at all. That voice had NOT come out of her mouth. In the noisy hallway before, among all the disorientation and confusion, she hadn't noticed, but now - alone - it sounded all too clear. She didn't know what was worse: the fact that her own voice didn't belong to her, or the fact that it was a voice she recognized. Munching on an Energy bar and absently drying his hair with a towel, Sean Waltman walked down the halls of the Waylon-Dublin arena, his body pleasantly numb from an over- all good match with Al Snow. The man was as nutty as they came, but he was a good wrestler, and with Steve Blackman in his corner, no easy opponent to defeat. But he had done it, and he was feeling good. Turning the corner to get to his own dressing room, he stopped short when another door opened and a dazed looking Shane McMahon came out, a hand holding his head as if he feared letting go would cause it to roll off his shoulders. Sean smirked, couldn't help but rag on the other man just a little. "Hey, Shane-O, Hunter didn't knock loose any screws there, did he? Ha - at least it can't make you any dumber then you already are." The other man froze at the sound of Sean's voice, turned slowly and then his large brown eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Sean in front of him. He stood, frozen, with his mouth hanging open and his chin trembling. Taken off guard by the reaction, Sean shifted uneasily on his feet. "Hey, come on, Shane - don't take it so - " "OH MY GOD IT'S YOOOOOOOUUUU!!!" Shane let out a loud shriek and ran towards the other man at full speed, and before Sean could move out of the way, Shane had him in a steel lock around his waist, his head against Sean's stomach. "I can't believe it, oh my gosh wait 'till I tell the girls on the list, I actually met Sean Waltman!" Shane pulled back and beamed up at the other man, eyes wet and face blushing a furious red. He seemed to be having trouble forming sentences and he talked in a high-pitched exuberant tone. "I have almost ALL your matches on tape!" he gushed, jumping up and down while holding Sean's hand, "Even from the WCW! And - and, I have your t-shirt, and your hat, and your bandanna, I have ALL the X-Pac and Syxx stuff, and I'm even bidding on E-Bay for your 1-2-3 Kid stuff! And now I'm meeting you for real!! Eeeeek! I can't believe it!" Shane moved in for another hug but Sean, who had been listening in open mouth disbelief bolted back. "Gagh! Jesus fucking Christ! Don't come near me you FREAK! I make one little joke and...you take things way too far, man." Wide eyed and innocent, arms still extended for a hug, Shane stared at him with a tilted head and confused pout. "What do you mean?" "What do I _mean_?" Sean sneered. Then, waving his arms and bouncing around in a mock impression of the other man, Sean mimicked, "'Oh Sean, I'm your biggest fan, oh I love you, oooh oooh ...'," he stopped and jabbed a finger in Shane's direction. "That's not funny." His shoulders slumping noticeably, Shane sniffed, looked away, then - much to Sean Waltman's horror - broke out into a fit of sobs. "You don't have to be so MEAN!" Shane stamped his foot and rubbed stubbornly at his eyes, "Is this how you treat ALL your fans?!" he wailed, and broke into a fit of new sobs, attracting the attention of several passerbys as he did so, and Sean flinched at the wilting looks he received. As Shane continued to wail, tears streaming down his face, Sean felt his uneasiness grow. How hard _had_ Hunter hit him with that chair anyway? Geez. Sean waved his hand helplessly, trying to get Shane's attention without actually touching, or getting closer, to him. "Hey, come on, man...aw hell... don't - don't _cry_..." "I'm _not_ a man!" Shane stamped his foot again and wiped his nose on his sleeve, "I'm a 18 year old girl from Texas and I don't belong here!" Oh boy, Shane's lost it, Sean thought, reluctantly reaching out to put his hand on the other man's shoulder. It seemed to comfort him somewhat, his tears dying down to an occasional hiccup of misery, and with sigh, Sean pulled him into a hug. Sniffling, Shane sighed and relaxed into the embrace, finally stopping all together after a while and smiling lightly in content. Sean pulled back and smiled uneasily at Shane, "Er...are you okay?" Shane nodded, his eyes still wet and his cheeks flushed. Sean was immediately taken by the fact that Shane suddenly DID look like he was 18. Not an 18 year old girl, not by any stretch of the imagination, but still very young. "I am your biggest fan, you know," Shane said, his voice misty, "and I've wanted to meet you forever. This is probably a dream, and I get the feelin' I'm going to wake up soon." "Yeah?" Sean asked, getting increasingly uncomfortable with the fact that Shane was not making any move to break out of the hold anytime soon. "Why?" "'Cause in a dream...you always wake up at the best part." Shane leaned in, and kissed him. Sean froze, his body going tense, and his lips freezing in shock. Holy shit! Shane McMahon is kissing me! he thought, even as he slowly started to return it, dropping deep into the touch. His lips were soft, his mouth a little inexperienced as it moved over his, and Sean moaned deeply in pleasure. This is way too good to be true, Sean thought distantly, his head buzzing with arousal, maybe _I'm_ the one that's dreaming. Shane, meanwhile, had pulled back and Sean opened his eyes to meet the other man's gaze. He did not look happy. "Sean, you want to explain to me what the fuck it is you're doing?" Debra awoke once again, a light cloud of dizziness hanging over head as she opened her eyes and tried to get a grasp on where she was. This time she had no doubt that it was her room: the water bed, the desk and lamp, Mr Snuggles in the rocking chair. And, she gave a slight pout of displeasure, her Sean Waltman bust, in pieces all around her. Still, she couldn't quite bring herself to be too upset about it, she had, after all, had a wonderful dream while knocked out. It had seemed so real too! Getting to her feet and making her way to her desk, Debra briefly wondered if she should make a fanfic out of it, but shook off the idea with a laugh. No, it was far too out there, even for her. ***END