Welcome to
You may be wondering why you are here. Well not here on this planet, most relatively normal people don't start pondering their existance at the prompt of a glowing sign that says "Pepperland." (Though, if you did, I would be honored!) I was actually referring as to why you are here at my website. And the honest and truthful answer to that question is..... well, OK, I don't know the answer! I was just feeling the urge to create, and you are apparently an innocent bystander in my seemingly futile attempt to become part of the mass that is the web!!
Well, as long as your here, why don't you pull up a beanbag and stay awhile!
Me? A DJ? Well, if you say so!
More links added! 9/18!! Just got here and you already can't wait to leave! So typical!
A crazy collection of some wild 'n crazy stuff other people have said!
I'm sure by now you must be wondering "who is this lunatic?"
See all my adorable dragons! They have been adopted all over the 'net! (I'm such a humanitarian- or is that dragatarian?) Garrett's room has moved to inside the dragatorium, but he's still there!
More info on the Conspiracy! 9/18!! All my wild and crazy theories archived on one easy page!
Updated 12/11!! What's fun this week?? Pepper's Handwriting font!! Download it today!!
I LOVE Doyle(played by Glenn Quinn on Angel) I'm simply devastated that the producers killed him!! Go here to support the cause of resurrecting him!
This Page last updated 12/11/99
I got it for free at http://come.to
Guess how many people have been here? Wow! How did you know that? Are you psychic? Oh.... uh, nevermind! There's a counter right here!
Think I'm off my rocker? Want to join a cult and worship me? Did you know me in another life? tell me about it!