Butterfly or Moth?
Butterfly or
Stunning Beauty
Graceful flight
Enchanting voice
Wiskful charm.
See it flutter
Hear it mutter
But look at it carefully
Or Moth?
What are they
Who are they
They both look alike
They fly through your window
In splendid delight
(Day, noon and night)
"They both have nice wings
that allow them to fly."
But one brings the truth
And the other a lie.
Wings of grandeur
Voice of delight
Message of love.
Nothing to fright
"they is no hell,
take everything slight."
Be cautious
This is an Angel of light.
Like a Moth
It destroys
Your fabric in sight.
"Shhh!" he whispers
with words of deceit
He approaches with pride
And boast of great feats
Yet nothing he says
Exalts the true Christ,
Who saved us from sin
With his shed blood the price.
One fly at day
The other at nght
Both grant you blessings
But one brings you plight
One brings the truth
One bring a lie.
Oth leads you to calvary's cross
The other just wants you to die.
So look at it carefully
Test the spirit
Do not go on
On your own merit
What does it say?
Is Christ the King
Or some strange new
Message it brings?
So don't be deceived
By voices and sight
And beautiful wings
That dance in the light
Trust in the Lord
And the teachings he taught
Then you can which
Is Butterfly or Moth.
By JeroMe,
Copyright © '97.