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Letter to Warner-Lambert
I am greatly disturbed about the inequality between your Trident products offered in the USA and Canada. I was recently introduced to the Canadian version of your Trident sugarless gum products, and find them to be greatly superior to the American version. The increased product size, wider range of available flavors and more appealing packaging all seem to be improvements that could easily be extended into the United States as well. It is extraordinarily frustrating to be unable to purchase these flavors in the USA, and impractical for me to have friends purchase and send me the Canadian products. I would be very pleased to see these reforms come quickly to your American product offerings.

Thank you for your time,
Olivia Henderson

Warner-Lambert's Reply

Thank you for contacting Warner-Lambert through our Internet web site. We appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us regarding our Trident Gum. We have forwarded your comments on to the responsible department for their information and we thank you for taking the time to contact us. If you should need further assistance, please feel free to contact Consumer Affairs at (800)223-0182 Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.

Chip Horner, Director
Consumer Affairs Department

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