Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :72:00
- 1 Gallon Pickling Cucumbers
- 2 Cloves
- Garlic
- 4 Tablespoons Salt, Non-Iodized
- Sprigs
- Dill, as required
- Water, as required to fill gallon jar
Joe's Tips
- Wash cucumbers, cut off both ends.
- Mash garlic and place on the bottom of a glass jar or crock.
- Fill jar with the cucumbers.
- Bring water and salt to a boil and then allow to cool to room temperature.
- Pour over pickles in the jar or crock and place a dish on top with a weight to hold the pickles down.
The pickles will become sour by natural fermentation [do not add vinegar.] and are ready to eat in 3 days. After 5 days, pickles should be placed in the refrigerator.
Recipe: Joe Ames
NOTES : This recipe is from G. Kaledas in Lithuanian Customs and Cookery sold by the Knights of Lithuania Anthracite Council #144