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Arroweye & Star's Specialities & Repair, a shop run by Arroweye and Starbrow Macepaw
You walk in and see counters to your left and right. A tall red squirrel is checking behind the counter on the left. An otter is rummaging through some junk behind the counter on the right. She looks up."Would you like fletched items from Arroweye, forged items from me, or repair?" She asks. (E-mail Arroweye for the repair of fletched items, e-mail Starbrow for the repair of forged items.)
Shop Sells: Arroweye's branch sells Ammo, arrows, and accessories + repairs fletched weapons and armor. Starbrow's branch sells weapons, armor, accessories+repairs forged weapons and armor
Shop currently has these materials:
Wood -6
Copper -7
Feathers -3
Leather -2