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    You hear a fairly large bell with a long piece of rope ring with a deep throaty sound. You notice that engraved on it is "Starbrow Macepaw leaves this bell to announce the deaths of all who lie here." A shiver of grief runs through you as you realise, this is a graveyard...
    Are you here to see a friend or enemy to burial, or to view the many tombstones? Welcome to the graveyard, though it is a sad and dreary sight, it is a way to remember the dearly departed... Friends of loved ones can write a short paragraph about the deceased, or leave something by their marker.
Report A Death
A small, temporary stone near the centre of the graveyard is engraved:
Lilac Macleod, Mouse, Healing x2
Died of mysterious causes
The first body to be entrenched in these soils, and a friend and that. May you live on in darkforest's gates, Lilac the White. I leave with you he stone that marks your grave until a more suitable marker is found, or more is added.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
I live a home made staff, made in far off lands of unknown names. It is purple, strangly, with green swirrles. You where a great mouse, Lilac
~Songbreeze Tree Swifteye
I leave you with a beatiful wreath made of the sweetest roses and lilacs I could find.Rest in peace.
I remember the times when you and I use to despise the sight of each other. But, as time passed, we learned to become great friends...which is something I will never forget. I leave with you this beautiful sapphire necklace, in remembrance of the most memorable times in this lovely Port, and all the things that you brought to it. Here's to you Lilac Macleod, one of the most feisty, but most friendly, mouse I ever knew...
~Lord Xylus
The best healer this Port's ever seen! Many a fun day in dark? No, Sun forest. Yer deserve it for saving so many lives.
~Starbrow Macepaw
Out of generosity, I leave this poor soul a simple bag of herbs, to symbolize how this beast has saved so many lives with these herbs
~Cloud Mousehero
I never knew you, Lilac. But from what I have heard, you were a wonderful creature. I leave a rock carved like a setting sun...
I will miss you for we could use more healers and you were a great one.
I may not have known you, but I want to pay respect. You must have been a wonderful beast, thus, I leave you this seaweed tiara I made meself
alas i knew you not so i leave nothing but this a salute and for making so many friend a hand

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What you leave:

A small, temporary stone laying beside another is engraved:
May Flower, Mouse, Music x2
Died of mysterious causes
Lays beside her sister in life and in death, she was a pest to some, but still a caring beast. I hope she is warm and cosy in her new home, where ever it may be. I leave with you the stone that marks your grave until a more suitable marker is found, or more is added.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
MayFlower, my dear mouse, you were the best prankster I knew. You always made me laugh and you will always remain in this squirrel's mind and heart. May your rest be filled with wonderful and joyous dreams...
~Lord Xylus
Hay-ho Mayflower. Boy, I reamber the good times, and, hahaha, the times when you cryed us up at 3 hours before morning. But, all the same, I give you this gress. It is the color of may flowers. Rest in peace, you will always be the best cryer.
~Songbreeze Tree Swifteye
I leave this small, pink heart-shaped rock. I never knew you, but you sound a lot like me and from what I have heard you sound like you were a kind creature.
As I am a relatively new member, I never knew many of the first beasts who have fallen. I find it sad, but the world is dark and cruel...

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What you leave:

A small, temporary stone off to the left is engraved:
Margo, Hedgehog, Commanding/Forging
Died of strange illness
Paid a great price for vengeance never gotten. Perhaps some friends will erect a memorial for her mother as well. Revenge shall no longer cloud your mind, Margo, may you rest in peace. I leave with you he stone that marks your grave until a more suitable marker is found, or more is added.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
In memory of Margo, whom I never met I leave a small stone carved with message "may you now have rest"
~Galia Rosebud
I met Margo once, and just once, but that was enough to know that she was a wonderful creature

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What you leave:

One of Greeklem's claws resting on a piece of white silk memorial:
Greeklem, Goshawk, Forging x2
Died in ambush
Greeklem lived a happy, but short life. After his family being killed in the mountains, he enrolled as a port moss warrior. He was killed in a weasel ambush, yet he proudly killed 17 weasels bare-clawed. We will remember him always.
A 2 foot tall bronze statue of a Hawk with the message:
Greeklem fought well and died with the enemies heart in his claws, now you may rest sky brother.
~Rag Wing

::a candle and a rose is left for him as Thistle starts to speak::
I knew not that a great bird as you could die, but as a sparrow myself, I and many others will lead on your legacy...
~Thistle Sharpbeak
A blood-red scarf symbolizing what could have been prevented flaps in the breeze:
The first and maybe last goshawk to come to port, I've heard. His death, I have also heard, could have been avoidable. Never leave the port alone these days, for danger lurks outside. I suppose this is a lesson to us in that.
A blue stone signifying a teardrop:
Goodbye father
I leave these 4 white roses, in honor of your bravery. Though I never met you, I admire you for your courage.
~Lydo Trueshot
I leave a single red rose, to represent the short but beautiful life you led.
I give this silver feather in rememberence of a fighter I never knew but I dearly wish I had. Rest in Peace.

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What you leave:

A pile of stones memorial:
Vermin of the world
Killed by goodbeasts
Though they are cowards and evil I set up this marker to remind us that even though they were vermin they still lived, and to offer hope for a future free of war.
~Rag Wing
A small wreath of white and red roses:
Symbolizing that the death of others was not in vain.
~Galia Rosebud
::nods sadly:: Vermin are not always bad, sometimes they are just a little confused I pray that the killing will stop someday...

~Thistle Sharpbeak
At least they died defending there cause
Brother, did you really die?
~Xeron the Wild
An olive branch:
Not even vermin are all bad. I've known some to be friends, even. I hope we resolve the differences someday, but until then, I fight you. *sets an olive branch among the stones* That symbolises my hope for peace in the future. I hope vermin hear of this somehow, they may change their ways if they do. *nods gravely, and walks away*
~Mayberry II
I vow that I will always try to capture instead of kill. Vermin, I think, is an unfitting name. They can be good, I should know.
~Starbrow Macepaw
Because my two best friends from the northlands were a wildcat and a vixen, I leave this wreath of wildflowers, to show that beauty can be found even in the savage and wild, as happened with my vixen friend Yamhi and wildcat friend Sunspot. I believe in giving everybeast a chance at my friendship(slavers excluded). Not all 'vermin' are evil, which many woodlanders don't realize. When manybeasts picture 'vermin', they picture in their heads a rat dressed in rags with a jagged sword who's heart is nought but evil. I know that is not always true, and I hope otherbeasts will have the chance to see that evil picture proven wrong.
~Starfur Longears
A dagger and a peace lilly, for the war that surrounds us and the peace we all hope for.
~Rab Streampaw
What I leave here is the past. Hopefully 'vermin' can change... I also lay here a new begining- The start of a place where it doesn't matter what type of beast you are... *he turns away and walks off solemnly*
There are those who say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Though I believe that sometimes the breeze will blow a bit... Vermincan change... it's not a matter of can, it's a matter of wanting to change...
I leave a broken spear blade to show nothing can last forever, not even the evil of a foebeast.
Vermin can be good. This is true, but it is also true that a vermins nature is evil. Vermin! We don't need to fight! I am as good in friendship as I am with my fists. I hope in the Dark Forest these poor vermin are playing with the poor victems of their evil deeds, and that they are all happy.
I have nothing, I knew none of you. So all I have to give is this here salute
~Swifteye Treeflyer

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What you leave:

A willow longbow and a marlfox axe stick out of the ground:
Blackthorn Bloodwrath, Badger, Command/Forging
Hon Rosie, Hare, Command/Navigation
Died in battle protecting each other
Blackthorn and Hon Rosie died more then just comrades, they died as friends, defending the innocent and protecting the weak.
~Thistle Sharpbeak
::you see a poem off to the side::
Hon Rosie and Blackthorn
Hon Rosie and Blackthorn,
are dead!
As we sit here to mourn,
We think of all the nice things they said!
They died protecting each other,
In a battle with no end!
Here we sit with Rosies' mother,
Wishing there lives went down a diffrent bend.
 Then we stop and think,
Just maybe it was for the best,
That they don't have to suffer from anything,

~Springlily Seastorm
I have been for many days and have barely heard about Hon Rosie's death. I wish I could have been there to help her and tell her how I really felt, but it is too late. She will always be in my memory and heart.
~Sergeant Sapwood

A large ruby encrusted with the words "You still live in a different world; our hearts."
Blackthorn was a good friend of mine. May her soul be forever joined with the heavens.
~Selta Redglass
What perilous beasts those two were! I honor them as true warriors. Blackthorn was ready for anybeast ter become her friend. Tis' hard ter see two losses such as these. I hope I see them on the other side.
~Starbrow Macepaw
Hon Rosie & Blackthorn! Oh, if only I could have helped stop this sorrowful event! I never got to talk to either of you, but I knew you both to be skilled in battle & very goodbeasts!I leave you a banner with a symbol of your bravery upon it.
~Lydo Trueshot
The treacherous things those two must have been through! The tears flood back when I think the fateful time. I leave Bloodwrath a Diamond-Encrusted sword my friend gave me before passing away. For Hon Rosie, I leave a beautiful willow tree seed and plant it. For many years, the tree will stand in honor of the two friends who died for each other.
~Selta Blueglass
In the rush of battle, you see where your friend's loyalties lie. Sometimes we do things that are foolish in some beasts eyes, yet courageous in another's...

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What you leave:

A small stone pile:
All brave warriors who died in battle
For all courageous fighting beasts who died defending the weak and the defenceless. May they be remember in honour.
~Galia Rosebud
A large bronze bell inscribed with:
They died so we might live, warriors in the truest sence of the word.
~Rag Wing

A small piece of wood inscribed with:
The greatest warriors of all time are the ones that have risked their lives for their fellow beasts. But only a true warrior knows that you need more than courage to become brave. These were true warriors.
I've known many a warrior in my time. Some dead now, some still living. Just wanted ter say that I've not forgot em'
~Starbrow Macepaw
Leaves her own bow, repaired of recent damages. (Has recently bought a new weapon anyway):
I did not know many of these creatures, but that they were brave and fought to the end is enough for me to mourn their deaths. These creatures were not fearless, for that is not possible. They were afraid and they faced their fears. Many went to their last battle knowing they would die, and just wanting to take a few with.  I should hope that we all find it in out hearts to be as brave and true as these creatures. *runs off so nobeast will see her cry*
~Mayberry II
Warriors will fight and die for what they believe in, if they must. There is no higher honor than dying in the midst of what you live for... battle... I hope that when I die, I may go in battle, as a true warrior...
Do not fret Goodbeasts! Your deaths were not in vain. Because of you and others like you I and others like me had happy childhoods. I have come to take your place and I can only hope to leave this world in such in honored way as yours: to die fighting for a cause with the blood of freedom and all that is good flowing in your veins. That is the only proper way to go.

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What you leave:

A lopsided cross is engraved:
Greentwig, Mouse
Fell down a hole
Poor Greentwig walked straight into a trap one day, as I watched from the sky. It was cleverly covered with leaves and dirt, but as soon as he stepped down on the grownd, it was no longer there! I swooped to the rescue, but alas, the hole had spikes lined at the bottom. And so the forest grows even more deadly to the beasts of Port Moss. Rest in peace, Greentwig, as darkforest gates swing open to welcome you...
A small dagger:
I never knew greentwig, but if i did, i probably would have liked him...
A wreath of white roses:
I never knew you, but I bet you were kind. Rest In Peace, Greentwig.
To say that life is fragile is an understatement. Ours lives are brittle as a scupture made of rose petals... We must watch out for all those holes in life. Greentwig learned that the hard way...
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What you leave:

A plaque on the tomb made of solid gold, with the name "Matthemuo lies here":
Matthemuo, Seamole, Command/Healing
Assasinated by Armand
You killed many vermin uncle, now i shall take on your role. You were armand's true enemy, now i shall defeat him. The river shall run red with the blood of vermin from port skull. Sleep peacefully forever, i shall protect your grave...
::chuckles sadly:: He always made me laugh...I will greatly miss him....
~Thistle Sharpbeak
A ruby-encrusted dagger:
May this dagger represent all of the hardships you faced during the trials of life. Matthemuo, you were my friend and I will always remember you, comrade. Maybe one day I'll see you in the afterlife, but until then: PEACE.
~Lord Xylus
One rose gently set on top of a gem flecked stone dagger, with a tear-stained piece of paper fastened on by a thin silver thread. "good bye" it reads.
~Ssomtor Seabreeze
Armand was afraid to face you in true battle, so he assassinated you... I WILL slay that worm...

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What you leave:

A stone carving of a otterpup's toy boat:
Kinvara, Otter
Killed by the weasel when he was 3 seasons old
The day I was born, Crellmort the Insidious killed my brother when he was playing with a toy boat in the River Aurelius. My father, Killian, devoted his life to finding and killing Crellmort. He was ultimately successful, but lost an arm in the process. Now, I carry the sword of my father, named Kinvara for the brother who should never have died so young.
~Kestrel Sterlingeyes
I leave my locket which shows a sage plant. It represents long life.
~Winter Breeze
An otter tailring with a design of ivy leaves:
That one so young was killed makes me wonder what the world is coming to. Little ones should not have to fear for their lives.
~Mayberry II
I leave a small boat carved skillfully out of an old oak that was right by our holt, by my grandfather. He made one for my little brother but sadly I too lost him when our holt was attacked, I know it is not much, but I also leave my deepest regret, rest in peace little one.
It is a shame when a young life is taken for the pure malice of it... I leave a ring of gold set with a ruby...
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What you leave:

Tombstone of marble, made by Rawnblade:
Jade Widestripe, daughter of Rawnblade, Badger
Accidently killed by sword of Badger Lord
Rawnblade's gold bracelet with small gold pendent in shape of badger:
She died at a yound age, trying to save a friendship. She will forever be remembered and loved by her father, Rawnblade. May her soul rest in piece and never be forgotten.
Jade will always be remembered by her friends and family. I shall never forget her sweet smile and beautiful laugh. She truly was a great creature. I shall miss her dearly, forever.
~Sergeant Sapwood
It seems foolish to think of the cause of death, some, however, realize that stuff happens...

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What you leave:

An Ascrod's Death Bow marks a tomb:
Esuom, Mouse, Fletching/Reading/Writing
Starved to death
My dear friend was missing for a long time. *Sniff* I found her.
~Giant Stripe
Starving is a terrible way to die... I leave my best apple pie, covered in candied rose petals.
To you I give my mourning,
A scone I leave in the morning.

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What you leave:

A small, temporary stone is engraved:
Marend, Hedgehog, Navagation/Forging
Died while defending the Port
Well, Marend has fallen. He had been with the Port of Moss for quite some time now... Let it be known that this is an honerable barial, and that Marend is to be remembered for times to come.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
Farewell Marend. We fought together on many an occasion, and your proved yourself worthy time and time again. Rest in peace my friend.
I only wish I could have been fighting along side him so this would never have happened.
I had only fought along side Marend once, and he was a valient fighter indeed. I only wish i could have known him better. I am sad to see him go. But i will always remember him in a special place in my heart.
Marend, I remember you were the first creature to ever beat me in a duel, and that is not a lie. It was then that I realized what a good and brave fighter you were. You died, sacrificing yourself for your home and the home to many others, which is just about the most noble thing a creature could do. I honor you for your cause and your efforts. Long live your spirit my friend, Marend...
~Lord Xylus
Many a goodbeast has died defending the Port, I think it's high time we attack THEM. So, slashing and spearing, and laughing and jeering, we'll destroy each and everyone of them!
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What you leave:

You enter through the mouth of a tomb shaped like a rat's skull, with flames burn brightly in its eye sockets:
Adrian, Otter, Reading/Writing/Forging
Killed defending the port
My friend and family member...dead.. Rangard slew him in a deadly battle. May all remember him for his deeds.
~Riveneye the Spear
Adrian, my friend. I remember our first duel together. I remember absolutely despising you, and I think you felt the same... But now, I regret ever holding such feelings towards such a brave beast. You were always ready to fight for a good cause, no matter what stood in your way, and I hope you are rewarded for your efforts and victories in the afterlife. Here's to you, Adrian, one of the bravest otters I knew.
~Lord Xylus
Another soul I have not had the fortune to meet... If his blood was as pure as Riveneye's, then he must have been a true warrior, perilous and brave to the very end.

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What you leave:

A big stone heart is engraved:
Rose Cottontail, Hare, Healing/Cooking
I loved sapwood, and because he didn't love me back i'm dead. Give my dubloons to sapwood out of love for him... And if he says that he will love me then i will come back to life.
~Rose Cottontail
A bouquet of white flowers, the only to be found during winter:
Dreadful thing, really. Poor Rose spent days weeping, and refused food and drink... Until it was too late. She said that she was deeply in love with Sapwood, but the fool was too thick-headed to notice the lady's love for him... Soon, she grew too weak to stand, and as she lay, week and dying from a broken heart, she asked me to write down the above message on a heart, and set it on her grave. A true pitty, and a waste of life. Unless there is a beast out there who thinks otherwise, I shall point the acusing digging claw at this beast's murderer.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
A shimmering star:
I leave to Rose Cottontail my vow that I will always remember how she struggled to get Sapwood to love her and I shall now try to get him to love her. I leave also a small shining star that dropped out of the heavens which shines brightly for Rose.
The namesake flower of the deceased:
I am sorry she died for such a reason. I didn't know you, but I have some advice. Think of it this way: if he didn't notice you he prob'ly wasn't worth it and you don't need his love to come back.*smiles sadly and walks away*
~Mayberry II
First of all, I didn't even know who this one you call Rose Cottontail was. I'm not sure where any of this came from, but I do not understand, and cannot begin to believe, why I am being blamed for this creature's death. I am sorry for this creature's pain and suffering, but what kind of idiot goes ranting on about loving a hare whom she didn't even know. Didn't she also be a squirrel? Does the name "Rose Brushtail" ring a bell? I'm just about flippin' tired of being blamed for everything. Just leave me the bloody hell alone already, wot!
~Sapwood, Sergent
Poor Rose, I feel sorry for her. I feel that nobeast should blame Sapwood, He didn't do anything. Rose died, but not of heartbreak. I diagnosed her body, and found that she died of natural causes. In her honor, I leave this carved wooden heart
~Aroeye Silverfur
Rose, you may be deceased, but let me impart some wisdom onto you: If you fall in love, you're going to get your heart broken.
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What you leave:

A small plaque on a tomb is engraved:
Alina Laterose, Mouse
She wanted to see the world. Bless her soul.
~Winter Breeze
Although I did not now Ms. Laterose, I can take it that she was a brave warrior and died a warriors death, I leave her with the finest silk cloth of a deep blood red, with her name embroidered in a deep gold thread, may you always rest in peace.
I have seen most of this mortal world, and it is cruel, dark, and hard, Port Moss is the light.
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What you leave:

A great sheild marks a tomb:
Mousehero Family, Mice
Died from lack of food and bitter cold
Vermin evicted my family from our beautiful home which was underground. My whole family (5 mice) except for my brother and I, died. We built a ship and tought ourselves to be sailors. He died before we could reachland, so I have decided to man our ship and take it to this Port where they will be buried. Rest in peace at Dark Forest...
~Cloud Mousehero
Small, hand sewn vests, big enough to fit mice:
A sad, sad tale, Cloud Mousehero. I shall leave these vests here... Who knows, they may be needed? My sympathy is with you, I have never been through those sort of troubles. It therefore beyond my knolege as to how to offer comfort, or what to do. May they find peace, Cloud Mousehero. That is all that I can offer you.
Cloud, my entire family was killed as well. I know it sounds Richard Simmons-ish, but I share your pain.
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What you leave:

A large statue of a muscular squirrel:
Felldoh the Strong, Squirrel, Warrior
Was overcome with overwhelming odds of the vermin kind...
Felldoh, the bravest squirrel I have ever heard of. When I heard the story of Marshank's destruction, you were the main character in my mind. The story of your death inspired me to fight against evil, and bring down vermin reign. Here's to you, Felldoh, the squirrel who changed my life...
~Lord Xylus
A wooden lance and lance thrower is what I leave for you Felldoh. You were the bravest squirrel I knew.
~Flatch Foeseeker
I leave a small golden leaf hanging from green vine-like string. Your legacy will live on. May you always be in happiness.
Legacys of heros will always be remembered, your's especially. You slaughtered a score and a half of vermin with only a broken javelin. If that wasn't enough, you gave Badrang the beating of his life. I tip me rudder to ye.

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What you leave:

Two silver arrows:
Sickle Steelspike, Hedgehog, Forging/Fletching
Ramble Oakpaw, Otter, Forgingx2
Accidently killed
My life was fairly peaceful until one day when I was walking to port moss i heard some talking by a nearby pond i had washed in earlier that morning. Seeing thier dagger and hatchet i assumed they was vermin. Taking my dagger and the one on the ground i swiftly throwed them true. After i heard them scream i went to make sure they were dead and to see if they had any vittles with 'em. To my horror i realized that they werent vermin as i thought, they were an old hedgehog and otter hermit pair i had stayed with only 2 nights ago. Tears freely streaming down my face i gave them a decent burial and now i will always sight before i fire. I have taken the hedgehog's shop and will make and sell items from it so an accident like mine wont happen agian.
~Targo Broadblade
Many a beast would call you paranoid, I would merely call you aware and constantly vigilant. Accidents will be made, and lives will be lost...

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What you leave:

A beautifully carved ship made of sweet-smelling sea flowers:
The entire crew of the Goodship Sunbeam (1 Mole, 5 Mice, 2 Hedgepigs, and 7 Otters)
In the midst of the storm a vermin fleet ambushed the Sunbeam.
They torchered the dying before setting the ship alight.
As soul survivor of the tragedy, I feel untrue, I dearly wish that I could have done something, instead being tossed over the bow taken for dead, good bye friends, I shall see you in another life.
How sad... But, Samkin, don't feel untrue! If you hadn't lived, who would construct their memorial? I think they would be happier that you lived on...

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What you leave:

A long ruby dager:
Rosedew Whitetail, Squirrel
Died saving a friend
I knew her well, very kind sweet and nice, she was. Very brave fighter. May you rest at the Dark Gates forever friend.
~Riverwind Oceanspeck
Poor Rosedew. i met her once, and she was a wunnerful creetur.*SNIFF* I leave this arrow in her memory
~Aroeye Silverfur
A friend is a very important person. Dying to save one is an honorable death... I never met you, but I can tell that you were a perilous beast...
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What you leave:

A Gallian dagger with rubies in the hilt:
Liam Freebeast, Hare
He was trying to escape a slave ship when a sea rat killed him
He wanted to get home to see Mamma, Hon Rosie, before she went to battle. But she died too soon and now my very dear friend is gone as well. I leave the traditional Gallian, his tribe, dagger because Mamma would want to have it. He never had a last name of his own, so I give him Freebeast, because he was trying to break the chains that bound him to the ship, but always was he a freebeast in heart.
~Mandy Rosemary
Some beasts say that it is better to be dead than a galley slave... and at times I have to agree...
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What you leave:

Double bladed sword:
Orthang the Valient, Badger Lord
Lord Orthang died of old age in his bedchamber at Salamandastron
"Wisdom is found on the desolate hillside, where none come to feed; and the stony bank where the rabbit scratches a hole in vain." -Lord Orthang the Valient
In his honor, I leave this old harcordion, found by the sea.
~Aroeye Silverfur
You dedicated your life to defending our shores, in your honor, I leave a badger lance engraved with name on the handle.
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What you leave:

Large statue of an otter with wings holding a tankard and a sheepish grin on his face:
Motter, Otter, Navigation x2
Fell out of the crows nest in a drunken stupor
I may be dead but at least I'm drunk!
A flask o' me own brand o' October Ale. Something to take on your trip to The Dark Forest. Rest in peace you crazy drunk.
The poor old otter, I always felt sorry for him. If he had listened to me, instead of drinking, i would have loved him, wich, I guess I did anyway. He always reminded me of a grandad. In his honor, i leave this cask of elderberry wine, His favorite.
~Aroeye Silverfur
Alcohol... The cause of and solution to, all of life's problems... I leave a keg of October nutbrown beer in rememberance...
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What you leave:

A massive black granit stone, with thier names engraved on it:
Ms. and Mr. Dunny Mole
A calapsed tunnel
They were fine moles, it's so sad they left their son.
I leave a carved spoon with squirrel pictures on the handle
~Aroeye Silverfur
I find that if you have seen enough of this mortal world, you will not be at all surprised when the end comes... I leave a small silver trowel to symbolize the wonders of these two moles when they dug...

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What you leave:

A small pile of rocks:
Jaggineld, Hedgehog, Rations/Forging/Reading/Writing/Command
Died protecting his friends in a vermin attack
Jaggineld was one of the members of Port Moss who had been around almost since it was first built. A shame to see him die, now. Though he had occaisionaly violent tendancies, this hedgehog cannot be easily forgotten. May your spirit rest in Dark Forest's gates, Jaggineld.
~Opaxia Rivvermole
You were indeed a great warrior, and I am sad to see you go, rest well.
~Xeron the Wild friend. We fought side by side on many an occasion. May your soul rest in peace. I will avenge your death, or may I die trying. Jaggineld, I'll see you in Dark Forest soon enough, and we may feast with the warriors of old. Farewell.
~Riveneye the Spear
I did not know Jaggineld, but I know that he was a truly perilous beast. I leave this carved sword, made from the hardest of oak trees.
~Aroeye Silverfur
You sound like a true warrior Jaggineld. I remember staying up many a night reading by lantern light, of your heroics...

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What you leave:

A Golden cross:
Trueflight Aroesong, Squirrel
Drowned by being pushed
Trueflight was my best friend in the world. She drowned to death when she was rafting on the river. her body was eaten by fishes, and I will not rest until I find her murderer.
~Aroeye Silverfur
Poor Trueflight, that's an awful way for anybeast to die. I leave this handmade squirrel tail bracelet. It is carved beechwood with a design of music notes and vines.
By being pushed? THAT LOWSEY VERMIN!!! I feel a weight in my stomach to think about it...

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What you leave:

A massive black granit pillar:
Greybeard the Old, Mouse
Though this wreck happedned so very long ago, I wish to pay tribute to the brave souls of those who gave their lives to protect Port Moss.
Even though I didn't know him, I feel very sorry for poor old Greybeard. In his honor, I leave this Old Pair of bark sandals.
~Aroeye Silverfur
Greybeard...I, of course, never knew you, but you sound wonderful and benevolent in the stories... I leave a ship-in-a-bottle, made in the image of a galleon...

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What you leave:

You enter a Cave carved out of chrystal, all shiny-looking. Suddenly you trip and scream, you have stumbled on the body of a beautiful squirrel with a barbed shaft buried in her breast:
Eucalyptus Branchtuft, Treejumper
Shot by a ferret with a longbow
Euacalyptus was always suich a kind creature, she never deserved a name like eucalyptus. I'll never rest until I find the beastly coward that shot her from three feet, instead of giving her a chance. She would've slain him. In your honor, eucalyptus, I leave a squirrel bow and a hardwood boomerang. May you rest in peace, and I will always remember you.
~Aroeye Silverfur
Ferrets... cowards of the woods... I leave a ferret voodoo doll with lots of sharp pointy pins in it's eyes and body
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What you leave:

Small stone carving of a squirrel twirling a sling:
Jukka the Sling, Squirrel
Slain in battle in the fortress of Salamandastron
My ancestors lived in the pine grove of Jukka. I greatly admire her. I think I might just be very distantly related to her... She was, in my oppinion, one of the best squirrel heroines there was... which is why I leave this memorial to honor her.
Jukka, the name shall always stand in the memory of my heart.. In your honor, Old friend, I leave this Old metal sword, sharp and deadly. She always admired metal weaponry. I admire Jukka greatly.
~Aroeye Silverfur
*smiles sadly* A truly perilous beast in deed.
For once, and just once, I concur with Lydo... A truly perilous beast... I leave a large skinning knife, and three braces of throwing daggers, as you always loved metal weaponry...
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What you leave:

A small stone, carved with the image of a wilting rose:
Diablo, Otter, Forging/Cooking
He was killed on his way into Port Moss
Diablo was a brave otter, he would have been a welcome addition to
Port Moss, had he not been slain by the vermin of Port Skull.
Poor Diablo, That's an awful way to die. I knew him, he was a good friend of mine. In his honor, I leave this necklace of braided vines.
~Aroeye Silverfur
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What you leave:

You walk to a wall, made completely of red sandstone, with a sword and shield on it:
Martin the Warrior, Mouse
Not known
I never knew him, but I used to stay awake all night listeing to stories of the mouse warrior of Redwall.
~Aroeye Silverfur
I know he was a great warrior so I leave a cloak for him to use in the Dark Forest..
Martin... though you never said anything about it to each other, you and Rose knew that you cared for each other deeply. I leave a pair of saphire rings to symbolize that love does not end at the gates of the Dark Forest...
I leave a little statue of you and your magnificant sword. In it you look noble but kind. I would have enjoyed to meet you. I wish you lots of good fortune, wherever you are. Thank you for giving good beasts the courage to fight off evil.
Martin the Warrior mouse, mouse, defender of goodbeasts, and long dead, dead. I never knew you, knew you, and have only heard stories of you, of you, from the south, but they are brave stories, stories indeed. You were a plague to vermin, vermin, Martin the Warrior, and I give thanks, thanks to you for that, even past darkforest's gates, gates.
Martin the Warrior, the most honorable creature I've heard of. I would have dearly loved to meet you. I leave you with a forest green cloak embroidered with golden thread. May you live on forever in everybeasts' hearts.
Who has not heard of the great Martin? I am humbled just by standing here. I wish we could have lived during the same time. There are so few true warriors alive today. If I got one wish I would use it to gaze apon your face, even for an instant...
You went down in history as a Brother of Redwall in peace, and a battle Lord in war... A model I am trying to match... I leave a solid gold helm with you name engraved upon the visor.
I met him once when I visited Redwall for the first time. I leave a picture of the two of us in front of the abbey...
~Saphire Morio

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What you leave:

A small ornate grave engraved with a tiny lily-of-the-valley lies under a dying willow tree:
Lily-of-the-Valley, Mousemaid
Murdered by vermin
No one has ever seen that little mousemaid hurt a hair on a livin' creatures head.
Lily was my sister. I give her the key to an unknown lock. She always loved unknown objects.
~Winter Breeze
*Wipes away a tear* Another life taken too soon... I leave I carved otter paw-ring...

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What you leave:

A tomb carved of unmarred marble stone, hewn in the simple shape of a square. A steep path leads downward. Deep below rests a tomb, in which lays the body of the once great Gallen. The cover of his sarcophagus is the likeness of a lying badger, while the deceased warrior's actual blade rests in his hands. Hung above is his well used sheild and finally a marked off area in the corner is made for items to be left, shining in the flickering torchlight:
Gallen the Strong, Badger, Forging/Command/Rations x3
Struck Down During A Port Skull Raid
A good friend Gallen was, and a great ally of Port Moss. It is a shame he died, but, we all must die eventually. Be peaceful in your tomb, Gallen the Strong, and may you take your well deserved rest. However, you will be missed greatly by your friends...
~Opaxia Rivvermole
i leave him a white shining pearl
Gallen . .You were a good captain, but an even better friend. . I leave to you a gem heart, because when you died, a piece of my heart died with you. Farewell, dear friend. .
~Thistle Sharpbeak
Gallen? Dead, dead? And i thought the world, world, would end first! I leave for only a little while, little while, on a trip to the western caves, only to find a badger, badger, is gone. We might not have been great friends, great friends, Gallen, but it was nice knowing you. I leave you, leave you, this miniature wood carving, carving, of an axe.
A truely worthy opponent... I leave a gold badger figure, complete with moveable appendages... *Smiles weakly*

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What you leave:

A green, square-cut stone, with an engravement of a lunging pike, with an old, partly rusted sword thrust through the top face of the square:
Holt Stormfin, all otters
Slaughtered in their sleep by corsairs
My family... my friends... everyone I cared about... slaughtered by corsairs while they were defenseless and asleep... I vow upon the grave of my holt, that I will track down the murderers, and make them scream in unbearable agony before I send them to the Dark Forest... For cowards die a hundred times, but heroes die but once...
I did not know the holt but I am sure they were the bravest anywhere. I leave them a pressed columbine. It's not much but It's all I have.

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What you leave:

Two wooden swords crisscrossed with a bell in the center:
Southpaw, Badgerlord
Fought off vermin to save comrades and grant them freedom
He died as all badgers die. With a lot of vermin or to give some other beast freedom with the cost of his.
A death very similar to Lord Stonepaw's... Hmmm...

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What you leave:

A single crimson feather:
Jeri, Otter
Died fighting vermin many seasons when she was still young to save her best friend from slavery.
There is no way to put it into words. At first I thought it was a curse, aimed at me as punishment for becoming too close to you. I was so devastated, I thought my world would end, after torturing me, so I tried to end it sooner. But you wouldn't let me. And now I realize that you have not gone, that our friendship will be everlasting. I leave you your first feather of your collection, while I wear the rest with me forever. It will remind me that the best ways to die are either laughing or with friends. You're lucky: you got both. ::laughs and turns away::
~Crimson Redtail
A friend is a little word we make... Yet there is nothing little about it... A friend is someone you can trust... Someone you can rely on... A should to cry on... I a yin-yang pendant, a symbol which(to me) represents eternal friendship, as well as many other meanings...

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What you leave:

Riveneye is buried in his nephew Adrian's crypt. His armor and all his equipment is on a statue of Riveneye near the docks
Riveneye the Spear, Otter, Cooking, Command, Navigation
Died in a skirmish with a Port Skull patrol
A sad business, death, when you loose a friend. Especially one who has been with the Port for a very long time. Riveneye worked his way up to being a captain of his very own ship, before it sank below the waves in the great storm that took so many of our ships, and though he was a fairly violent dueler, he was a fair beast. He earned his title well using his long battle spear, though it wasn't enough when the patrol took him down. It is easy and true to say that this beast who earned the title of Senior Champion will be missed by all those who knew him. Good luck, even in death, Riveneye the spear...
~Opaxia Rivvermole
I never talked ter Riveneye much, still considered him a matey though. I hope he thought the same as me. I bet he left his mark on Port Skull, warrior that he was.
~Starbrow Macepaw
Riveneye is dead as well?!? This is news, news. Gallen goes, Jaggineld goes, and Riveneye goes, goes. What a sad time we live in, live in. I leave a small amulet, amulet, for hope of a better life...
I can't believe it... Riveneye's dead... My hero, my idol, my role model... dead... I-I leave a statue of an otter wielding a spear just like his, cut out of pure white jade, which I myself carved...
Ah, another dear veteran gone. Tis a sad thing, but death's claws touch us all eventually. May you rest in peace, Riveneye.
~Thistle Sharpbeak

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What you leave:

A Beautiful Replica of the Pearls of Lutra
Cyn Fallon, Otter
Cyn was the best sister an otter could ever have. I made sure that the vermin who poisoned her paid for our loss.
Any creature corwardly enough to poison the innocent deserves to burn at the stake...After all, these are the Dark Ages...I leave a rose cut from flawless emerald found near Redwall Abbey...
I leave flowers.... I'm sorry this happened to you chap.
~Basil Jr.

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What you leave: