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I take it your dirt is a bit rusty, or your bow has cracked, or perhaps your leather armor is slightly torn? Well, you've come to the right place... Welcome to the repair shop. Here we can either add something to your existing equipement, say strengthening a brittle oak shortbow in to a plain oak short bow, or repair equipment damaged in battle. Check the table below for the currently possible repairs.
Upgrade/Repair What it Provides Cost
Blade Extension This upgrade will increase the lenth of a sword, dirk, dagger, or any weapon that has a metal blade attacked. Good for adding a bit of reach to your weapon, and turns a pitiful dagger into a dagger, a dagger into a dirk, so on, so forth.
Reinforcing This repair can mend a broken staff, a brittle bow, or simply anything that needs to be strengthened with a carefully placed strip of wood, or a bit of metal. Reinforced weapons are also less likely to break.
Adding Stones Improve your weapon by adding a gemstones, crystal, or just an ordinary rock. On a blade, javelin, club, and axe weapons, these stones add not only decoration, but they can help add balance to the weapon, and are quite effective in battle if used properly. Remember to specify the kind of stone, and where it goes. (Ex: Add a ruby stone to the pommel of the dagger)
Adding Spikes This upgrade lets you add a spike or hook of varied length on you weapon. It improves melee combat with a bow, makes a club slightly more deadly, and can improve a javelin, or turn a staff class weapon into a javeling class. State where you want the spikes, and any details about them when you're asked what repair/upgrade is needed. (Ex: Medium sized spikes near the end of the spear)
Metal Caps Add a metal of your choice to the end of a wooden weapon. Capping off the end of a staff, javelin, and even an axe or club will prevent the ends from splintering through use. It not only extends the life of a weapon, it can increase damage done the same way adding a stone can. State the kind of metal you want to cap your weapon with when you're asked what upgrade you want (Ex: Copper metal caps)
Patches Cloaks and leather armor just isn't that sturdy against a weapon with a sharp edge. That's why they need to be repaired with patches. A patch can also help to repair a broken strap.
Those are all the repairs available for now... Why not use the form below to make use of one of them?
What is your charector's name?

What is your e-mail adress?

What weapon are you upgrading/repairing?

What upgrade(s)/repair(s) are you ordering?
Any extra information goes here.