Under the Influence...
No, this page isn't about drugs or alcohol (although some of the things listed are just as dangerous and addictive). It's just a short and incomplete listing of the things that I feel influenced me.
In the Past:
Mom & Dad
The Marx Brothers (4 out of 5: I never saw Gummo)
Monty Python's...
...Flying Circus
...Quest for the Holy Grail
The Three (actually five) Stooges
On the Net:
The Ax-Wielding Duck Awards
The Nakama KiSS Group
Counting for Lunatics
Blood Soaked and Honor Bound
The Shinigami Project
In the Now:
Cherry Poppin' Daddies
[main] [golden spud awards] [jackass awards] [adopt-a-sprite] [nm rift] [quotes]
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