- Serena
and Rini -- Our favorite! Vegetables!!! (LAB)
- Serena
and Rini -- Eeww!!! Candy!!! (LAB)
- Amara
-- I hate races! (LAB)
- Amara
-- What a pretty dress.. (LAB)
- Sailor
Moon to Tuxedo Mask -- Enough with the corny speeches already!!!
- Sailor
Mars -- Moon... Prism.. Power!!!!!
- Sailor
Neptune -- Uuugh! Violin music! who wants to listen to that garbage!?!?!?
- Fiore
to Darrien -- Who needs you?!? Not me thats for sure!
- The
Amazon Quartet -- Who wants to be a kid?!
- Amara
-- I like men, infact I *Love* Darrien!!!! (Michelle)
- Hotaru
-- I just have so many friends!!! In fact I'm the most popular girl
in school! (Michelle)
- Serena
-- I hate my friends!!! (Michelle)
- Amy --
Not another "F" in math!!!!!
- Usagi
-- Look! I got Straight "A's" again!!!!!!!
- Darrien
-- Serena, I dont love you anymore...... I love Rei!!!!
- Rini
-- Serena!!!! You're the greatest!!! *gives her a hug*
- Serena
-- You're right Rei...... as usual.
- Chad
-- Rei guess what???? *wearing a suit and tie carrying a briefcase*
Ive just been promoted!!!
- Serena
-- Wake up Luna!!! It's 5am!!! Rise and Shine!!!!!!
- Rini
-- *waves her arms and jumps up an down* Lets play pretend!!!!!!!
- Pegasus
-- Shut up already!!!!!
- Rei's
grandpa -- Who needs girls???
- Amy
-- Ive dropped out of school, I decided school sucks......
- Amy
-- C'mon Serena!!!!! *tugs on arm* Lets go to the arcade!!!!
- Lita
-- I'm going to travel to another country...... On a plane!!!!!!!!
- Lita
-- I'm so sick of cooking!!!!! I already burnt breakfast this morning!!!
- Serena
-- Sorry Amy, cant go to the arcade now, I have to study
- Rei
-- Serena, your so smart! I wish i could be like you!
- Trista
-- *Yells really loud* Heeeeyyyy people!!!!! Wassup!!!!???
- Amara
and Michelle -- Sure Serena, We'll go to the movies with you! Who cares
about our mission, Its not that important!!!
- Sailor
Uranus to Sailor Star Fighter -- Your such a good friend!!!!!!
- Chibi-Chibi
-- "To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether tis....."
- Serena
-- This world sucks!!!!!!! I'm Joining the Negaverse!!!!!!