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~~~ Oekaki Board! ~~~

Okay, before you start lemme explain.What is an Oekaki Board? Its like a forum, but you can draw online and post a picture for others to see.

How does it work? quite easy, just click on the picture above or the link below and it will take you to the site... once there you can view others pictures and comments (ignore the japanese) and when you want to post your own click "Draw" the tools are pretty easy to figure out, when your done with your pic. click "Send" then click okay, and write down your comments.... Easy and Fun!!!

RULES!!! Keep all content "PG" no profanity, innapropriate pictures etc... if so then.... "In the name of the moon! I will punish you!" I will delete your entry so it will not be seen, and take other action if neccesary