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The Miracle Babies

To see their beautiful mama, click here

Click on the thumbnails to see enlarged versions

Embryos - 2 days old - August 21, 1999

All 3 embryos

5 weeks - September 12, 1999

No picture

This is when we discovered that we were having triplets. We saw 3 sacs. They were too small to tell if there was anything inside.

7 weeks - September 23, 1999

All 3 babies

8 weeks - September 29, 1999

All 3 babies

10 weeks - October 13, 1999

All 3 babies

Baby A

Baby B

Baby C

12 weeks - October 27, 1999

3 Heads

Baby A

Baby B

Baby C

14 weeks, 2 days - November 12, 1999

3 Heads

All three are doing well. They are all measuring the right size (about 4 1/2 inches), and all their organs appear to be doing well. We'll be able to see much more in our week-20 ultrasound.

Baby A

Well, Dr. Belfort, one of our perinatologists and a native of South Africa, stated that he thought he saw a "winky." Yes, it appears Baby A is a boy!!!!

Baby B

The gender of Baby B is yet unclear. He/she is wedged in between the other two and underneath Mom's navel, making it difficult to tell. There is still a chance that A and B are identical, however.

Baby C

It looks like Baby C, our crazy child, is a girl!!! We are pretty excited to think that we are having one of each. We should get a confirmation on gender in two weeks. We have a great shot of our little daughter sucking her thumb on our ultrasound video.

16 weeks - November 24, 1999

All 3 Babies

Well, it looks like we have 2 girls and a boy. Baby A is definitely a boy, as you will see in a picture below--clear winky. Baby C is a girl. The technician would not give us 100% certainty on Baby B, but she thinks B is also a girl. Our next ultrasound is in 4 weeks, and we should be able top confirm Baby B's gender at that time. We are pretty confident that she is a girl, however.

As you can see in the picture, Babies A and B are head-up on the right, and Baby C is head-down on the left. B likes to stay as far away as possilbe from C because C is a lunatic. She's always kicking and punching poor Baby B. C must get her aggressive behavior from her mother.

It's a Boy!
Side view
Waving with his left hand

Baby A

Side view
Front view with both arms up next to her head
Side view with her little sister (Baby C) underneath

Baby B

Our second little daughter
Her legs--they are probably quite strong from so much kicking

Baby C

18 weeks, 1 day - December 9, 1999

This was just a quick check up to make sure they were okay, so there are no pictures or videos. They did confirm that Baby B is a girl. That makes 2 girls and 1 boy. We are a just a bit excited.

26 weeks, 1 day - February 3, 2000

The kids seem to be doing well. We've had a few trips to the hospital lately becasue of contractions, but everything is okay. The cerclage is holding well and has already bought us a few weeks time. We are so glad we decided to have it done. They all measured well. Baby B measured a little smaller than the other two, but she is still developing okay. Our goal now is to make it to at least 29 weeks. If they were born today, however, they would still have over a 75% chance of survival. At 29 nines weeks the chance of survival is over 95%. Mama is taking great care of her lil' babies.

His face is on the right
Trying to put his foot in his mouth

Baby A

Her face is on the right. You can
see her lil' right eyelid opening up.
Baby C is sitting on her head
Her back is facing us with her head on the right

Baby B

She's swallowing some fluid with her knee close to her face (head is on left)

Baby C

They are here--born February 15--click here


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(c) Dane Seeley, 2000