Things I got a problem with

* Pee
* Prejudice of any kind
* Annoying people
* Fruits
* Meat
* The city I live in
* School (Anything and everything related to it)
* Be Bored out of my mind
* Wake up early
* Feel cold (especially when my feet are)
* Feel really hot
* Country music (but hey, i'm starting to get over this one)
* Be depressed
* Preps that cry b/c they don't have their make up with them
* Trash on the ground
* Label people
* Stupid backaches
* When I say something and people have no idea what in the hell I'm taking about
* "Loose" people along life
* People that keep saying the same things over and over
* Get yelled at
* Nosy people
* Table, doors, walls edges, somehow I always end up hitting them
* Receive orders (even though I never run from them)
* Ask for money

~ ~ ~ That's all i can think of for now... I'll put more in as "panic" (my brain) thinks of it ~ ~ ~