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Here you've found my wonderful Gallery of pictures others have drawn for me. I love them!! Thanks you guys, I really appreciate them.

Ali drew this first ever online picture of Sol.

Tara drew all these! First, Second, and Third. I love her stuff.
Griffin, another WhipTail friend, drew this one.

This one is by Amy K. Cyrway. I love the belt.

And this picture is by Pragtora.


Demonalisa drew this picture of Solstice

Flyx drew This one and I love the pose!

Jade Griffin surprised me with this pic of Sol as a kid!

    The wonderful NightWing of MiniClan painted me! Here is the result.

    Sanji drew this picture of Sol and Artemis.

    And last, but not least is Kanthara's wonderful version of Solstice.

    I know NW has drawn a couple more of me, and Lex has drawn some too. I'll try to add them when I get the chance. <=)


Design and Graphics Copyright © 2000, Moyra/MysticPC

With Special Thanks to Nerd for Catrina