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A Message of Peace to all Kashmiris

Kashmir has been in news for last couple of years due to terrorism. We both have spent our childhood in this valley. Those were the days of peace and mutual trust. There were no guns, no terrorism and no killings. People of all faiths used to live in harmony,triquility and peace. We remember those days and therefore feel gloomy when we  look towards the state of affairs in our Kashmir now.  We don't want to touch any political or controversial points regarding Kashmir. I request my visitors too to remain away from such political overturns as far as this page is concerned. Let us make it clear here that this page of our's is a home page and we have taken great care in not offending the sentiments of any section of the Kashmiri society. We love Kashmir and all it's people irrespective of their faith. All Kashmiris are welcome. We had lived in the harmony in past and let us all strive for getting that peace back in our Kashmir. In this section of our home page, you will mainly find information about Kashmir which is not controversial. So without any apprehensions please take a tour of our homeland Kashmir

Kashmir which is situated in northern India. It is virtually called the Switzerland of Asia. The valley is full of beautiful flowers and virgin mountains. It is a beautiful place on earth. We have tried our best to put as much information about Kashmir as possible. For specific information on Kashmir we have tried to classify the details of information GroupWise. By hitting the links below you will get information about different classified group. I hope you will enjoy the virtual tour of Kashmir.

Situation and Location

Physical Divisions

Cities and Towns (With Pics)

Religious places of Hindus and Muslims(With Pics)

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Monday May 10, 2004