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(A Chorus of Angels sings praises from above.) This is the first major update to my page since I started the page. THREE YEARS AGO. Basically I am going to eliminate the want/haves for Overpower bein' as they killed it(sniff) and I am going to add Dragonball Z. Feel free to continue sending me trade requests for Overpower or the DBZ CCG. For a little while anyways. In a month I am going to be in a place where I can't use a computer for 2 years. WOW!!! I should get back home about December of 2004. For now please enjoy my homemades and check back for DBZ homemades with a similar theme.I am going to see if I can find someone to keep an eye on this page, but it may not work out. So thank you for your time. I never thought I would even have more than a dozen of my friends visit this place, but it had over a thousand visits last time I checked. Thank you and good bye.(Please e-mail me at:
People have visited my site since 10/24/2002.
Homemade Overpower cards

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This page is brought to you by the letter "H" and the number "12" and our special friend ANGELFIRE!!! Latest update made 10/24/2002.


I am in no way associated with Overpower, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Image Comics, Fleer, or anyone else.