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Your heart was always open wide,
A place for us to stem the tide
Of pain, and as your arms enfold
again and yet again,
Healing, as a gentle rain.

Your loving soul invites embrace,
Your smile, beautific, upon your face,
You share with us a joy in life,
Regardless of your years of strife.

Now I believe in angels, as I never have before;
I know that you protect us from your perch
On heaven's floor.
And when I hear the laughter and the rumble from above
I will pause, and know,
That it is you, just sending us your love.

Rest in peace, my sweet Friend.

Copyright July 22, 1998 ~ Drifter


Do not cry for once was me
I am spirit - I fly free
No sorrow or tears of what used to be
Celebrate my life - fly with me.

My special friend Michelle wrote this for me when Norma died. It helped sustain me throughout the painful days of mourning.
Thank you so much Michelle.
