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Alpha Female

Description: She is a female Utahraptor, 3 1/2 yrs of age, with medium height and slim build. Her tail is very long and thin, aiding in exemplary balance. Some of her teeth hang out over her jaw. Many of her visible teeth are chipped or broken. Her right eye is frosty blue and stationary. There is a scar starting from behind her eye to about five inches in front of it. It suggests partial blindness. Her other eye is a crisp emerald green. The outer rim of her iris blends into gold. She is a glossy black on top. Her fingertips are russet and her claws are ebony. She has sandy reddish-orangish-brown sides and her underside is a bold orange-red. Her feet blend into a dark, rich brown. She has a green-tan, stiff, short feather crest. Her muscles seem to ripple like waves beneath her taut skin. She is normally inquisitive, compassionate and thoughtful, often openly affectionate. She has a hot temper. It is not in your best interests to make her mad. She is immensely loyal and protective of her mate and her pack. She values both but if forced to choose between the two, her mate would be her first pick.

She was born 3 1/2 years ago, and she and her brothers (Coyote and Gold Talon) were orphaned after both parents died defending them from Acros. She and her brothers got on from there by scavenging and eating scraps from other predators' kills. StormSurge and her brothers were one day ambushed by a Deinonychus tribe, who viciously beat them into compliance. They were forced to fight rival tribes for the entertainment of the violent race. Storm lost her right eye in one of these fights, and she gained the scar on her left side when she tried to escape the Deinons. She succeeded, but only after mauling the Deinonychus tribe's Alpha. The rest were scared of her and stayed away, even though she was only half-grown. She and Coyote wandered another year, scavenging and preying on very small game. Gold Talon had wandered off after a mate. The pack was created shortly after Coyote and Storm found this territory and thought it suitable.
Connections to other members: Shrike's mate