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Golf Female


Gender: Female.

Specie: Utahraptor

Age: 4.

Coloration: Desert red-color with some (just a little
bit) green. Darker
red-brown striping.

Physical characteristics: Fast, healthy little
dinosaur :) I love to carry a stick
around with me (not necessarily for protection or
bopping on heads!) I have
one green eye, the other a blue one with yellow (just
like in real life). The
green one is MY right and YOUR left.

Size: *N/A*

Different point: (unknown).

Story: Born as
Veloci for short, Zaidaalida was a member of a
diminishing pack. Unfortunate to have been born the
time and place Utahraptors were most hated and killed,
she and her pack frequently moved from place to place
in search of safety and a place to call home. When
young, most of the total population of Utahraptors
have been killed by Deinonychs and their confused and
crazy Utahraptor leaders. The females of the species
were the first to have been killed, as it was found
that they had a stronger instinct for family and
territory; they were the better fighters. They never
stopped there. They had the taste of the sport, and
they continued it until the Utahraptor species became
unbelievably rare. This was then known as “The Time Of
The Great Dying.” The total population only consisted
of two leading Utahraptors, two others wandering in
the deserts in search of sanity, and Veloci with her
carrying stick, left alone after the murder of her
parents. Nomadic she had to become to keep herself
safe from the others, she had to look for the
legendary home of more Utahraptors that Minok, one of
the wandering Utahraptors, had once come from. Finding
her desperate searching useless, she was close to
defeat and insanity. Until she stumbled into a pack at
last! Shy and afraid at first, she was reluctant to
get around them, afraid they would attack her. She
watched a for a few days out from smelling range of
them, carefully noting their personality. Finally, it
was time she gathered courage and join them. To her
surprise, they were welcoming and warm! She stayed
with the Shadow Hunters and changed her name to
Zaidaalida (with yet another one on the mind), until
the pack moved and join with the United Raptors. She
was extremely happy to be with them, and a place to
call home, but she felt she was still lonely.
Depressed she was, until one handsome Utahraptor stood
on the periphery of the pack, watching. Waiting. She
was excited by his presence. A familiar face......??

Personality: Shy and somewhat intimidated by other
Utahraptors, fearful they may turn their backs on her
just as those back home have. However, she is always
playful when provoked. She will always be found gazing
to the stars, day-dreaming and learning Arts, using
divination to locate the other Utahraptors and
learning how to be of help to others. She is always in
high spirits toward her new pack, never threatening to