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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

1 Principle / One Principal: Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS gives guidance to Christian Leaders, in order to guide their Sheep Flocks Of Christians and visitors, in order for higher purpose which also in the Created Universe means time: both for Christians to ascend properly in Christ JESUS (see below Drawing) citing mainly the Words Of Christ JESUS and also Doing as Christ JESUS Did according to given situations and talents, and for time to repent that sinners become Christian which also is proper ascending.

This is a Creator given Principle over pertinent Holy Precepts: there is One Best Way for each entity to ascend Eternally for the sakes of all, which also includes moving away from confusions and sufferings of temporary worldly addictions, since the Alpha And Omega Creator JESUS made it so worldly addictions cannot Eternally solve.

Principles of Christ JESUS grow greater Good Eternal Character, Angelic and greater: Oneness. Here is an example of a proper Principle simple to solve: which protects a family?, a person with a weapon made for the purpose of killing or a Christian In The Name Of Christ JESUS: so the correct answer is with Immaculate Mary and with John 19.26 (You Comforter) and a multitude more of words and precepts of Christ JESUS In One.

Below right is water flowing under the bridge, and

higher Principled Water flowing through the DNA tube. What to Do after death. How to lift water and objects with your voice, Holy Word JESUS. How to better understand water, Blood And The Holy Spirit. Types of ascendings after deaths. Water fingerprints trace works, to benefit Christians in all Work(s). New rocketry design. New San Shan DNA style [living] helix with reverse helix Bridge for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Principles Of Faith chart. After death experiences. Wavelength and harmonics laws and principles, and how Christian Faith attaches Time to lift things. How rainbows exist. Low cost way to write on the Moon and other orbs. Holy Spirit empathetic feelings. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS provided that the secular is toward itemizing things as if things were stagnant (, though of the higher Principle of Christ JESUS the things Flow as pulses and waves, and rather of the Christian Straight And Narrow. Principled power in the Word is hardly found in the sinner, rather through proper interpretation growing from Christian Faith and therefore hardly devoid of any appropriate Holy Work. Whether of little talent or great talent in any field, give measure according to such means (Mark 12.43 with 2 Corinthians 12.9) so if Principle might require, Prepare (see above AB Harmonic & cited verses).

Christ JESUS often spoke in parables publicly yet for more ascended in precepts Apostles (see below Drawing on "Time") were given instruction(s) on how to properly interpret to properly Preach and Do Precepts and Principles of Christ JESUS Pure Flesh And In One Holy Eternal Father And One The Right Hand Agreeing In The Spirit Of The Heavenly Father. This is a Principle: as a bird can glide on the wind, so too rather the Pure Body Of Christ JESUS can soar on the Holy Spirit Of The Physics Of God, yet with this is "parables publicly" for higher purpose for their sakes, and lest they disagree and do other sins.

Christ JESUS revealed the proper Path Of Faith to the people according to their abilities to properly ascend, as shown to Adam until the free opt gift which yielded a fall and now in Christ JESUS is the proper solving Path Of Faith (circa 2,000 years ago and since).

Christ JESUS revealed for the public parables, but the public has strayed. Christian parable usage grew until 1870 [reemerging 1940 (] at a time when there was much Christian Church splintering into denominations, currently with 2.1 billion Members of which the largest is Roman Catholic since just after 1,000AD (, and in 1870 at a time when there were Far East cultural shifts toward "Western" "Christian" disciplines (, and also importantly when Louisiana Territory of traditions of customs, became states.

This "customs" is important in Christianity as "customs" is tied to Principles Of Christ JESUS In One Holy Physics Creator for Your better distinguishing [(Acts 21.21&25) hence with ascending]. So to have substituted secular laws for higher "customs" [if the "customs" were proper, as evidenced (except arbitrary since not referencing Christ JESUS fully)] was as to agree toward the secular lower parts, toward sinfulness (hence including also toward more preferring other faiths as if under other gods: sinfulness).

Matthew Henry Commentary in "faith, in which we are to make great use of the law" ( to perfect: to perfect is to be led of Holy Christian Faith for higher purpose instead of being as a dog on a chain able to do little other than bark and if so then often to be censored and perhaps beaten. Beneficial allocations are given according to higher principles of faithfulness rather than lower laws against criminals. Higher laws are toward True Christian Faith higher than secular laws, but lower laws have often victimized victims.

In the 1870s money was legally allowed and given into the hands of trustees, so stocks (, matters of Christian Faith, labor, costs, profits, production, savings, and money in general became further independent of representational, so a factory might labor and produce coins for instance though the trustees decided the values according to their individual group criteria, such as market indices were involved, whether a gold standard or a credibility standard was involved, and so forth, whether of goodly intentions or for private group gains.

Often Preachers have joked about absurdities on absurdities, though Christ JESUS would rather that Preachers be toward parables and higher rather than toward lower secular laws and riddle games, and even so, many Preachers that joked typically Did such for proper higher values (if to joke at all: rather joking is more for secular entertainment).

So here is a Principle Of Christian Faith, that the secular be for higher purpose, and if they be toward fighting then rather perhaps try a joke in friendliness (settle it quickly lest toward conflict Matthew 5.25), yet if Your Members and visitors come in peace then the secular need for joking is less needful toward the extent of as much as of Your talent to give higher gifts of Heavenly joy, and if unable to overcome and rather than drone on repetitiously with little gaining for them, then perhaps a lower joke though not too low to ease their burden, so they can see they might walk on water too as You Do (eventually in Heaven at least).

Be a friend for their sakes, that they see they can be as Your Holiness In Christ JESUS, though hardly be overly in lower friendliness since toward rejection (Matthew 13.57).

So a Principle of personal relationships is with proper Christian Responsibilities, and so correlated to the highest position a vessel is given, including secular position(s) and rather more importantly Christian Church Position(s). So to be a friend properly for their sakes and to need something, seek Christ JESUS (personally John 6.44, or at least Pray JESUS or perhaps see the Words Of JESUS In The Christian Bible).

A related Principle is that since the highest is of Christian Leadership, inquiries and help requests are generally relatively toward secular maintenance and should be handled generally by the next highest level position holder. For instances, if a person wants to lead a classroom of students or find suitable person to date, or to feed their children, such things are secular (the examples did not so much as mention Christ JESUS): so the person should properly go through channels, and rather if able be more concerned with higher matters (below Drawing center Time through Christ JESUS with Matter to the left) so be more concerned unselfishly for Christ JESUS.

So hardly flood the Christian Priest with peskiness. Rather be as the Priest and not irresponsibly, rather consider what Good Christ JESUS would have You Do for all, so then You can seek wisdom from Christ JESUS toward directly, so even such is hardly to bother Christian Church Position Holders. Even so, it is appropriate to notify Them so They know what's going on under Their pertinent realm of responsibility, and they can become aware of some interests and activities, and criteria may be to log and/or otherwise keep records which can be helpful such as with making pertinent others likewise aware of pattern shifts: toward making them living records of the Work Of Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS taught responsibility such as feed Your Children (both the Holy Part John 21.16, and tangible food John 21.5-9) but as in the above examples it is normal in the sinful past that often many people "did not so much as mention Christ JESUS" in their many secular conversations. Friend in Christ JESUS, this is simple to understand as there truly are reasons (some higher reasons) to not mention "JESUS": even so, add a little salt to Your secular conversations. Many for instance may marvel at the previous sentence, and many might turn away or otherwise be led astray, except with this sentence to further explain: consider the number of words in the previous sentence, now count the number of times in the "JESUS" was mentioned in the previous sentence: therefore is this Principle: ascend to be aware lest toward tricks and traps and pitfalls and temptations and the grave; even in higher level Holy Prayers there are other word vessel types of talents for guiding, helping, and edifying [even secular might help], until Final End Time: JESUS:

so before Final End Time ascend Properly: arrange Your letters, words, precepts, charts, Sermons, and greater, and even in the secular add a little salt in the Holy Heavenly Name JESUS. Have the quality of salt (JESUS) among Your Realm of people and greater (Mark 9.50). So a Principle is that others find Your love of Christ JESUS normal to Your conversations and Your Work Example.

Christ JESUS offered the public fewer Commands and rather for lifting the public unto Principles: Customs [Christian Customs (normal to Christian Faith that was becoming less defended and more being put on trials e.g. Scopes Trial to 1987 cultural shift

Christ JESUS: the starting point.

Consider if now on the Right Hand Of God considering what to Do next: You already have the Christian Word.

True, there are many things not yet written, if to be written (John 21.25), yet the higher parts are already on the Right Hand Of God.

So a high key of the living growing God is the free opting One Christ JESUS might choose to so Do.

If to choose then of proper priorities (for the Heavenly Father for All One).

If of proper priorities, then of the highest. Do not kill, for instance means that to kill is sin, and it is not the higher: love God. So if highest and to opt then to opt love rather than hate, to love peace rather than fight, so for instance at the closest to perfect translation of Ephesians 6.12 is APE:

And rather that "your fight" is better if "no fight" or "love" or at most "past fight(s)". Yet the point is made very clear in each and all those translations. Yet rather seek to be perfect, that not only the higher yet also all parts be Pure And Holy.

So You Free Opting is therefore with victories over Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers, as much as given, for Christ JESUS, for the sake of All One to the full extent in You (in Your Spirit in Your Vessel in Your Flock in Your Flock Vessel as a whole, and so on).

So a key is that as much as the Holy Comforter already is victorious over "Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers" then to that extent You already won. So You may opt to Do any other if thought not yet accomplished for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS Did already accomplish, though You Go, Do, let Your Mind know what Your Heart already knows.

So if You now were in Heaven on the Right Hand Of God then what direction would You Go?, this question is given for another high purpose in Christ JESUS, to edify for distinguishing for their sakes: consider that if a secular person looks up [in faith], then in the right direction they see toward You, they therefore have direction.

But You, on the Right Hand Of God, have no such "direction" indicator (no such fact to Go to, to conquer, and/or to conclude through Faithful journeying).

So a great key is that while the world is given Holy Direction (for starters), hardly so of the Holy Highest JESUS One (aside from knowing what Eternity again has to offer, even so, the latter is greater than the former state). So of this great key is to not only be One With Christ JESUS, yet also to properly lead, hence to be considering what to Do next,

and this is to be victorious over "Principalities and The Rulers and The Powers" of sin that there be no more sin.

This great key enables the next higher key concerning opting: if all is properly Conquered For Christ JESUS One, then: New Beginning.

And so with this New Beginning key is another key of great importance in this generation: if a Christian be of full personal End Time in Christ JESUS, then the Personal New Beginning is already for harvest now today. And "Personal New Beginning" is rather more perfectly stated as "One New Beginning pertinent to the Heavenly part as long as the world has sin" or is counted as if such.

Eternally in other words, if personal victory, then hardly for self (such as self maintenance) rather concerning the higher therefore for Christ JESUS One; and sin can be conquered in a moment, such as a bomb that destroys the entire Universe, such as something that destroys all sinfulness, yet rather the victory is not toward any destruction and rather with the higher perfecting: from given to greater, from the Birth Blessing to the greater [considering rates] giving Blessings.

True God can sweep clean the slate immediately, though the given with rates is for You and for Your Higher Purpose(s) In Christ JESUS: New Christianity.

It is important to properly know the highest opting yet to be realized in this generation, though considering the given knowns, the gift from Christ JESUS, just under the beyond are the knowns that the secular has arranged in many ways, often with grace, though often as a dog that chases after it's own tail.

It is Good for the Christian to properly lead and arrange these things properly: reference 1 Corinthians 12.28 and rather higher better if able, with awareness of growing on their being on the Holy Branch Christ JESUS, and with awareness the last state is better than the first when traveling on the Holy Path for the sake of all.

Example: Timeless Eternal Spiritual Word, the Created, Time for ascending [secular repentance], language of tongues, definitions, sentences verses precepts of Christ JESUS [secular axioms], GodMath Triads for Christ JESUS expanding with growing unto new and greater formulas, principles (this Sermon) of Christian Faith, theorems, theories, laws, and more important higher matters of Christian Faith Perfectly Growing and ascending properly in Holy Leaps and greater Higher Transfiguring, with Perfection Perfecting for their sakes even once for All One JESUS.

People are struggling (blood, sweat, tears,...) trying to find better ways, such as with respect to the previous sentence: physics: the so called answer to everything: but some called it Unification, and others called it the God Particle, and so forth, so even the Christian Bible explains their works and rather Higher Holy Christian Work in [(John 4.22) so from Chosen Jews to Christian to New Christianity Leadership Properly Ascending] in Christ JESUS.

Consider Isaiah 25.8 HCS:

Likewise memory Will be available (rightly translate and interpret the highest sense alway for their sakes, save if any lower level maintenance or option applies of Christ JESUS [Creator Plan]) the time Will come when all Will be All One In JESUS the Christ so as written in Hebrews 8.12 GWT:

Of the above verse many or most translations proffer things such as if JESUS Christ One could "not remember" [APE (] any longer as Time becomes run out (Final End Time, rather All Personal End Times prior to Final End Time physical limit [such as rightly for Christ JESUS, preparing and choosing Peace lest war(s)]) though God is Perfect and not forgetfulness since forgetfulness enables sins, so God was misinterpreted or God said such according to the ability of civilization at that time to receive and not be overwhelmed beyond their learning talent (tied to "forgetfulness" and temptation)]. So whether misinterpreted according to higher Christian Faith criteria or whether so stated for their sakes, then You may right grow greater than the first state via Christ JESUS with via more perfectly stating the Christian Faith Principles Of God (note that per se Your Christian Church might have excellent criteria already).

In other words for example, a car driver in fast heavy traffic looking for their exit sign hardly starts texting happy birthday meaningfully at that moment, rather the traffic has a rate of speed and the birthdays have a rate of speed, so key is that the comprehensive prioritizing (hence for Christ JESUS) is the important matter [save a leap of Faith properly (which is beyond the parameter of this example): leap in Faith though most properly for all their sakes of this key].

Consider how a toddler starts to learn to connect toy pieces together and brings connected items to You saying "I built this for You!" to Your great delight, but then if falls apart and the toddler exclaims "I failed", yet perhaps You might say "No, it was a lovely gesture, thank You!".

So key is that even though You said "No" (in this symbolic example for the sakes of others), "No" was actually Your agreeing with the toddler on the more important higher level of the levels of the Physics Of The Creation.

"No" was stated for their sakes, including for the sake of the toddler, and it might have been better stated, though given Your urgent heartfelt compulsion (2 Corinthians 9.7 NIV) You immediately replied sufficiently and for their sakes, for their Heart(s).

So with this key is not only proper planning, yet rather being trained in the Highest Spirit Of God, that is so if such an incident occurs then perhaps to quickly rather respond "The more important part is that You loved and gave charitably", and if the toddler continues paying attention to You, then adding such as "Your charitable love is like what Christ JESUS does".

Therefore to not only agree in the higher part, yet also in the lower level. And with these agreements, then new higher agreeing in Christ JESUS.

Consider that if not to agree in either of the parts (before the word "And") then the verse Matthew 21.31 applies with neither perfect so neither is fit for the Kingdom Of Heaven so Luke 9.62 applies not only in Word yet also in Pure Flesh, in Pure Deed, in Pure Path, in Pure System,....all aspects, even all thinking is better when steadfast in the highest along the Holy Path.

Some day all Will be One, so a key is that in other words, sinners Will no longer sin. So consider what God told His People in Exodus 20.26 DR:

If there are no sinners left in the region of Your Christian Church then You All per se can go naked since there is no temptation since no sin, but that is not the case, so keep Your clothes on and Your Sermons clean. Yet what is the case is that You gain keys properly conquering over such in Christ JESUS. For instance if with genitals in Heaven and naked, none are unaware and none notice: One. This is not sin since sin is gone then, of victory in Christ JESUS The One Heavenly Father.

If to implant a seed toward impartially as a lab scientist or as a farmer to bear more cattle, then according to the higher criteria and not the lower, and yet in Christ JESUS let every part of every criteria agree.

Now Christ JESUS said "do not say" wait [improperly], rather as written in John 4.35 YLT:

God came the first day, and stayed until Adam, and is here now, and came 2,000 years ago and Will come: the personal End Time is proper Christian Baptism (though some hardly knew it) and if already a properly Baptized Christian and unaware then ascend, empower the self-in-order-to-empower-properly-for-all (rates, terms, and conditions apply as the secular says, yet rather in Christ JESUS).

Now of a key, how is it that if given two people and the one is a latest research molecular scientist and the other is a Christian Preacher, the Christian Preacher hardly knows it (the latest molecular science)?, the answer being that some things apply, such as concerning the latest updates (see above "One"), and another subset key is the secular knows it in their heart and subset to it is a key that they are practiced in the latest molecular science.

So the key point here is that God gave not into Your Heart to know, yet also into their heart, and their heart may be Christian, or not: in the secular, sinnners know in their hearts, but they disagree and do not invite higher Holy Christian Truth. So their formulas and their sciences are legally called "flawed" and "subjective" and so forth: confusion, and so a key is their confusion is not whole but is in parts. The above Drawing has a big red X over the secular steps, rather showing Christ JESUS throughout (see above text pertinent "most properly").

A key is the sinner has that which was created of spirits (of the Holy Spirit) and formed of the Hand Of God and improved of Christ that is One Savior One Truth JESUS and none other whom sinners repeatedly have rejected and so have hardly Truth and have not Savior Grace to ascend above the Firmament since sinners have wrongly placed extra obstacles in their own ways. And so a subset key is the Whole Truth is what sinners rejected so the sinners of the secular only have part(s) of the Truth, so for instance a secular sinner can make a formula and another sinner can make a formula but that doesn't necessarily mean those two formulas work together for those sinners and they do not indicate the proper direction, the course in life the sinners should go as the formulas were made for their selfish purposes of sins and so they are already within the direction they chose to go.

In other words the sinners have nothing better to themselves but the temporary and other temporary formulas and things to come for them are flip-of-coin works toward mindlessness and their own confusion which gives losses and sufferings. Yet Grace can be accepted in the sinners, but as they can be made aware and know this in their hearts often the sinners repeatedly reject Christianity even if to cause other pains and even in hopes of causing others pains, and so they travel themselves into pains and sufferings, the sinners create their own pains and death stings and sleep stings even as if awake and alert in the Day.

So be aware of this key Christian, the secular people "only have parts" of the Truth, only parts of the Unification Theory, only parts of the answer to everything, and only partial understanding of the God Particle, and such: and of a key even if You tell them.

So of a key of facts, they have a personal set of facts that they honor, so if to be aware Christian Leader to have ascended to have conquered one or more of such facts [of theirs, in which they agreed (but be aware they may turn against themselves], then their facts [whether about a formula or a torso and/or other] as a minimum have no per se higher power against You, Your Words, Your Christian Faith, Your Flock, and so on; meanwhile of a key their facts are an opportunity to Evangelize and greater.

Because in sin they rejected One True Savior JESUS they reject if You tell them the Truth such as the formula to answer everything, save the "Evangelize" key.

So be wise in Christ JESUS to consider You are being given true facts from sinners along with multitudes of falsehoods. Even so key with this is that "You are being given true facts from sinners".

Now another key works with this, Christians have sometimes made mistakes. Also a key with these is that Christians and sinners each and both say things for various reasons: so a formula for a situation is not as a formula if the situation changes.

So within this context there is only One Highest Solution as stated above concerning the Eternal Truth And Doing Of Christ JESUS One.

Even with this Holy Principle, You and they are in this given world to so overcome in Christ JESUS One.

So a key in this given world is as when Christ JESUS The Child of 12, from starting in verse 48:

So of a truism hardly leave the flesh forgotten nor undone. So of a Principle Of New Christianity bind Heaven On Earth.

So this great key is given: You know the Truth JESUS, from proper Christian Baptism, while sinners do not know save glimpses (and similarly if any rejects ascending for Christ JESUS then toward a slow evolving rate if any)[(and if not descending) specific conditions apply].

The value of this great key is that You can grow from the Holy Top for them and for all and for Christ JESUS.

That is, while the secular tries to flip coins to find answers, You are entered into harvesting their successes (conditions apply) and You know where You are going Christian even though they cannot at the moment agree because of their sinfulness (and/or in other words rather according to Faith talents: levels)(John 7.34).

So a key Principle in this given Time and given World Of Flesh People Vessels And Things (both are splendid Holy Gifts) is that while the secular tries to build from the bottom (and You can too enter into to harvesting as much as freely given from sinners...such as from boasts of sinners), You can build from the bottom (see above Drawing) and from the Top, so this value becomes under the following key:

start rather from Christ JESUS: the Holy Top.

Then You Will become wisely able to arrange the lower aspects.

Now consider that if You have a person's hand in Your Hand, or a device in Your Hand, then You have a vessel, a substance of things seen (from higher Faith: You JESUS wisely understand toward proper [translation and] interpretation of that vessel as being for instance a hand or a device, yet for One higher purpose for the glory of Christ JESUS even if One: Praise Be!

Now with this previous sentence consider that if You have their sweat and/or blood in Your Hand, or the oil of a device in Your hand: then the liquid would be hard to hold and would drip out with physics of capillary actions, surface tension, wettability (with angle of attack), blotting powers, and so forth ["so forth" in secular perspective, rather so on in Christian Perspective].

So a key is You have these physics with You already for the greater glory of Christ JESUS, such as toward trying to overcome gravity in order to hold the liquid, in other words if to hold the liquid then to have these physical ideas (whether from secular and/or from Christians) to help You according to Your opting to hold the liquid for higher purpose in Christ JESUS. So if to better hold the liquid then to apply certain of the physics (such as all applicable) to the situation, for Christ JESUS.

So You understand this, yes. Now consider the Drawing below. In the center is a Christian Time chart of symbolic waves and energies, corresponding to building blocks to the left. So Your Hand is as the blocks together as the cup vessel for holding the other that would flow away and be as though lost if allowed;

and what's to help hold the Holy Given Time Flow, the Holy Principles Christ JESUS, the physics of capillary action and such.

Capillary action is as in grape vines causing a main nutrient water to rise to where needful while the Water Flowing As Itself A Vehicle is as liquid blood properly within a vessel yet for a time outside the vessel such as from the hands of Christ JESUS on the cross, then the "as though lost" changes (clot, evaporate,...) if not properly utilized for higher, such as given to another in need of blood.

Time is given, high Holy Things are given, these givens are already come to pass for You in You. The Holy Spirit is in these, in this world counted as if parts of the Holy Spirit, suffer it so when appropriate.

For Christ JESUS as You freely opt to think of the Eternal beyond Time, the One True Higher Purpose comes to Your Holy Mind (from the Pure Heart from the Pure Agreeing Soul), and with this is not leaving forgotten nor undone the diligence to the Parents. They worked to raise You (or Guardians, counted as same in this context). Christ JESUS would that You properly enter into Their works and harvest for the sake of all and yet of this key, for the Heavenly.

In other words, to help sinners is no help at all (example a sinful addict wants to murder again so help them aim is hardly help, lest to aim away not toward sin); if to help sinners then first: for Christ JESUS.

So to help the world is to first Say And Do For Christ JESUS lest in vain (talents apply, such as if a person is able to speak, even so then Pray And Do, even if Doing is only Praying as the maximum a person can Do at the time).

Therefore of a key Principle is that first and continuing is with and for Christ JESUS, and then therefore the maximum. Yet if to fulfill the law and the Prophets and the Saints and all things needful as already accomplished (2 Peter 1.3) yet given time to ascend, to fully repent, be Christian, and Lead, then to no longer rely on Christ JESUS to Do For You, even so continue to so rely; rather to be as if back then circa 2,000 years ago [save now currently (behave as appropriate for now, such as if in a space suit floating outside the ship Do more than gird the loins and rather maintain the suit yet definitely in a Christian manner)]: Lead. Lead as if Christ JESUS was asleep, lead if a Wife and Your Husband is away, lead as if a child trying to be as the Parent stepping on the invading insect, lead as the Creator offering gifts so that the Holy Comforter might freely opt to Host and Guide.

Blessed be the insect, in it's proper place. Of this precept, let God judge You as proper.

Gird Yourself with the precepts and higher Principles of New Christianity for their sakes, and after Final End Time for the New Beginning: yet even better and greater and more joyous.

So how is it possible, it was impossible that a greater than Christ JESUS be?, even so ascend properly, be One. Of the Drawing below [background (though if to read words visit though the Drawing in this world is hardly perfect: symbolic)]

two properly become One, this is a Principle Of The Holy Father Creator.

This is a key Principle concerning how the last is greater than the first (Ruth 3.10).

The world has many gems lying about, as sinners focus on this and then that in flip-of-coin methodology. Sinners throw away pearls. These treasures are valuable in You living for proper leading, though as stated above for Christ JESUS.

While Your Starting Point is Christ JESUS, the sinners (including lower level vessels) start other places and at other points, though often are known easily and simply according to the fruits of their words and works, and be aware their fruits change at times. Usually their fruits are for themselves, even if working with a group in which they are often known for producing other specific fruits.

So in Christ JESUS, if to know of a "truism" (as stated above) then to explain further some of their starting points. Understand such as for Evangelism and Flock Leadership that if to know the source, then to know their character, to know them, to know in that and/or from that point the unraveling of the Holy Scriptures and Word And Will Of God that they strayed or are vulnerable [or are Holy (all these things added to You)] shows how to solve in them.

A truism is similar to an axiom [a word often more popular in sinners that seek to flee from words toward Christ JESUS, Truth, Love, and such as sinners prefer words that are more for their sinful confusion ways such as personal profit at any costs]. Axiom sounds like ax, something that can be a dangerous weapon, sinners tend to like such as if to protect their selfishness [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on word roots) even to often surpass language translation barriers, along with symbols].

Holy Principles are as righteous customs. Truisms are likewise. In this generation Your Flock can specify more appropriately to better define to better know God to better Lead for their sakes, for the greater Joy.

An axiom according to Wiki ( is a postulate, "a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments. The word comes from the Greek axíōma (ἀξίωμα) 'that which is thought worthy or fit' or 'that which commends itself as evident.'"

So while Your Starting Point is Christ JESUS, theirs is whatever they happen to opt to say. For example: if their starting point is atheism then as if to claim many facts and formulas for the selfish glories of those involved, without any discussion of the higher Truth Christ JESUS.

The secular is lies. Now Christian You are given this fertile field, and in it are weeds, and some weeds can offer helps such as leaves for the healings of nations. Also in the wild You might also find gems and fruit trees and bushes and things to make paper and computers for the Scriptures.

Now with awe for the depth of those minds of those lost, consider that the sinners admit their own confusion as if their crown of glory. Merriam-Webster states their axiom is unprovable: "In mathematics or logic, an axiom is an unprovable rule or first principle accepted as true because it is self-evident or particularly useful." (

So if sinners tell You to prove it, show them their definition ("unprovable"), and show them Yours. Reveal their lie precept (asking You to prove it), and show them the true loving guidance rather of Christ JESUS.

So here is a low level key, if they ask or say prove it, You can immediately talk about JESUS Christ. But they might feel You did not answer their concern so ignored them and talked about whatever You felt like talking about and so they might wrongly (of their own sins) be offended. So rather address them specifically, a low level [as though toward a low Mission, yet rather] with (their "unprovable") the lower not being left undone explain the higher in Christ JESUS (if they interrupt You One, it is not Your sin but theirs).

If sinners claim they have proof, You know they are wrong unless any proof came from the Christian Source (James 1.27 ESV).

Below center Time And Energy Flow For Christian binding Heaven On Earth. What to Do after death. How to lift water and objects with your voice, Holy Word JESUS. How to better understand water, Blood And The Holy Spirit. Types of ascendings after deaths. Water fingerprints trace works, to benefit Christians in all Work(s). New rocketry design. New San Shan DNA style [living] helix with reverse helix Bridge for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Principles Of Faith chart. After death experiences. Wavelength and harmonics laws and principles, and how Christian Faith attaches Time to lift things. How rainbows exist. Low cost way to write on the Moon and other orbs. Holy Spirit empathetic feelings. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS provided gifts of the Holy Spirit into You, including of Christian Faith to properly reveal for guiding others, and such are as times utilized for Christian purposes, or otherwise, which have often been used by sinners to selfishly have things. Things are not the problem as much as the things are lifting the spirits properly in Christ JESUS for the High Purpose.

Christ JESUS said gird thyself. So some things are OK to have (for Christians, and even for if any be secular). Some things are are Christian Church appropriate and hardly for unrepentant secular save to give such totally to the Christian Church [(not a tithe such as 10 or 15...%, rather some things belong 100% to the Christian Church) manufacturers are not necessarily sinners].

Christ JESUS said of Christian Marriage the Two would become One, so in moments this One for instances might be naked on the top of the blanket, or the One might be rolled together in the blanket: the point being the One "gird" for the Two As One "thyself" though not to cease praying in the Heart(s).

If to be with clothes and to be in a car with other people, then to be girded in that car vessel. If to be traveling as such then girded in that time, toward confusion or toward Eternal Value: Timeless.

An adoption might add a family member, though in this given generation not to add a third...parent. If to add a new Member to the Flock, then hardly to replace the Priest, rather as the other type of Position Holder (even seek to have a future Priest work with the current Priest prior: proper orientation, proper awareness, proper planning).

There are many Principles and precepts, so seek the higher that others fall-into-place (stated in secular terms for edifying) rather that others ascend: a great key:

Living Precepts, Living Principles, Living Higher Opting.

This text (referring in example from below the above Drawing caption until this sentence) adds confusion to the people that chose to exist toward inert, ineffective, and sleeping; under their "unprovable" work laws.

Yet for the Christian the higher guide enables greater gift giving(s).

So there are great truths in the secular world, yet edify Your Flock that those secular formulas, systems, powers, things, and such are out of order: deranged: lost and offensive. The people of the secular were given unto Your Flock to properly edify: from above. And such is not about offending, rather leading via Holy Example quoting Highest Scriptures in the daily situations when appropriate.

Yet otherwise in the Christian Church let the Priest quote Christ JESUS even when feeling appropriate or not. Rather have a Sermon plan, though longsuffer that Your Sermon per Your plan is for all, for You, though hardly Yours and rather belonging to Heaven for Them Your Flock and visitors: in other words sometimes the Lord instantly would have You Do as if toward speaking in tongues though rather certain highest things have been inaudible, and like unto the first some things heard and/or seen have been untranslateable and inexpressible within sensible secular terms (see above higher Principles of proper customs)(Romans 8.26):

in other words, according to Your Worthiness at any given moment as You ascend over a level victoriously even if hardly aware, the Lord in some circumstances when best would have You blurt out Holy Things even if You don't understand: the things You blurt are hardly for You: for their sakes. Compare the secular, the insane person blurts out things that don't make sense, yet You are raised in the Holy Spirit: the risk of Christian Faith to You is that the secular might imagine insanity so be sure to be on the proper Holy Path For JESUS to minimize risk against Yourself for any hearers.

Beyond worldly comparison consider how You seek the Heavenly Will above: the greater unknown Good: so if unknown, then You can expect surprises as God unravels the Good in You for Your hearers.

Christ JESUS gives You this Principle of proper precepts that it is alright for You to blurt out things felt from above, though while trying to maintain the lower systems over which You have responsibilities of Your Faith and talents. So this Principle is hardly as an insane blurt, even though if without immediate proof nor understanding (Acts 10.46 & Acts 19.6).

Yet the greater Good is that miracles can be conquered given for their sakes such as Prophesying if pertinent (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on speaking the Prophetic Words Of Christ JESUS pertinent to past present and future) as written in 1 Corinthians 14.39 and 40 Weymouth:

Note that a person in a mental institution speaking in tongues or words that seem out of context, might be with higher purpose of certain talents though perhaps with lack of other specific talents to interpret properly. Also note to not only allow (not left undone, though toward minimal for the hearers' sakes) speaking in tongues yet also working so [(James 2.26)safely please].

So how would Christ JESUS have Your Word (and/or Speaking) With Work be most Blessed and most effectual?: in one form, from above Holy Spirit immediately or following (such as of Your Faith, as with a rate) You might begin to interpret for them in the form of Prophesying, understanding that Prophesying is similar to tongues.

This New Christianity Principle is of Your (living) seeking the greater unseen unknown for Christ JESUS for higher purpose, so Your Principle is from unseen to unseen in You and unseen in hearers (viewers, perceivers, even in sensing devices, so even in all), except for the amount of pertinent Christian Faith the receiver has talent to interpret and reasonably comprehend (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ancient and/or advanced transmitters, receivers, transistors, baselines with signals,...).

Understand Your Principle is for victories in the Holy Spirit, since the substance of things seen and known already, are worldly things and facts; though the unseen is Spirit unraveled in Your Principle Faith In Christ JESUS.

Consider if a sinner realizes something, it might be true or false, fact or fiction, right or wrong, a thing or an illusion, a personal power or a delusion.

Yet it You One come to know with powerful certainty in Your Soul, then true, fact, right,...though not necessarily applicable for Good in the given situation save with higher or highest accord.

The sinner is similar though of the temporary, whereas Your Right Faith is Eternal even if not applicable in the current moment, for instance Marriage is Eternal save for their sakes Moses granted exception and rather than toward sin Moses took them as far as the Promised Land: so if there is a sinner and You consider the situation and opt to grant Mercy, then hardly toward sin and rather for higher purpose in Christ JESUS; whereas if sinners sin and their sinful gang finds out and enjoys then they are toward losses.

In other words, once You became Christian, other higher Principles apply. Also it is likewise, once You became a Christian Leader.

So Your Principle of unraveling the Holy Spirit is according to Christian Faith, and continues in Faith until unraveled into two givens:

A. worldly understanding, and/or

B. higher, as in Your Christian Church Flock, or as in Your High Position Holders, and/or as in the recipient of a Prophetic understanding or a Miracle.

In other words some things Will become known of You plain and simple for all to easily clearly understand, but other things not so. Some things Will be only understood in people of higher levels.

Examples: a parent in worldly prediction tells the children "We're going to Grandma's", You In Higher Principle say "We're going to Heaven": You speak Prophetically and can speak in prediction and in fad terms, but the world has not Whole Truth to speak Prophetically.

As You gain details from Above, Your proper translating increases.

Your Christian Principles and precepts give You Holy Distinguishing Powers increasingly, even increasing Your rate.

Spirits need aligned in Your Faithful conquering for Christ JESUS, for instance a heavy rain might cause Your fruit tree to fall making it easier for You to gather fruit, though if to have fruit next time from it, then it might be good to consider whether to right the tree.

Spirits to You Christian are as Holiness (Holy Spirit) or as Holiness waiting to happen (such as You can Do now in much given from Above).

But to the sinner, spirits are only in an alcohol bottle and/or or beyond understanding; in terms of in this generation largely. Previously hundreds of years more was of mystical things, and thousands of years ago there was more idol worship as in Egypt but such were associated with falsehood misdirections and trickery and were not then higher Holy Spirit(s).

So let this precept be known in You, that there has been an evolving and adapting, from those times toward the more Eternal as the latter is greater than the first. So this Principle Of Prophesying In You is that while the Prophets Prophesied Until John, a greater than John is here Christ JESUS said, and it is of a Truth and applies now that JESUS Christ would that You ascend in proper worthiness, to such an extent as to be responsible and great in Faith even to sit in His Throne without selfish sin rather if appropriate (such as if it pleases the Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS).

So understand the precept, it is important to get into Heaven (via giving properly, even though the actual is from being Chosen: let each pertinent agree in Highest Holiness). Give the self likewise to not only claim JESUS yet Be.

For example a person sees gold bearing rock so stakes a claim, but they have no money for equipment to dig: their claim per se is useless to them except perhaps if to convince another to buy it, generally speaking.

Christian dig higher into Your Claim, invite Your Flock to help You. If You also have other duties while They are digging and They find the gold vein goes a certain direction, perhaps let Them guide Your Enterprise to such an extent, that They learn the Leadership to lighten Your burden for mutual benefit as You also otherwise help Them.

Christ JESUS gave special knowledge unto those with Him, His Apostles. You might opt to increase Your team of organizers of the Words of Christ JESUS, and the Deeds too.

This builds and grows Your Flock Character Prophetically speaking.

For the benefit of others, others have concerns such as about for instances: future plans, what to eat, where to visit, and so forth. Your Holy Team can establish or improve (latter greater than former) Your overall Christian Church criteria, and also within that criteria establish particulars, with this recommending that the Team start with Holy Matter They best know already. A fitting though secular example is at though have Your Team start at the Top naming the Christ, JESUS, and then below a horizontal line of Heavenly Host(s) (detail for the sakes of many and many purposes), and vertical line(s) down to show the next horizontal line such as Apostles, and the orderly fashion under, and likewise with formulas of Principles and precepts (see above top Drawing on citing Christ JESUS, connecting with pertinent verses matching the above with the lower).

Keep their Flesh Holy, this helps with properly interpreting tongues and Prophecies and Principles Of Christian Faith.

Help the Holy Flesh be Pure understanding save of higher Creation Purpose the flesh accomplishes not. That is, for instance on a barren beach the flesh might leave footprints, though the spirit might guide the feet to make the sand read SOS, JESUS, and/or other. And be wise that even so, if without flesh, let any spirits be Holy.

Here are some translations of the same verse:

Things stated in this Sermon Series are often helpful: greater is Your Team eventually (rates apply): this is a Principle Of Faith Of Your Christian Flock Team.

Note that You can have visitors as Your Flock (and they can be counted), though not the same definition sense as Your Christian Flock Members (as for Your Christian Census and Book Of Life).

So this progress reveals a high Principle: properly defining, making definitions that are Holy, hence traceable (see above "citing Christ JESUS").

This Defining comes with formalizing the above Graceful Work to chart [(list, detail, illustrate, make character videos,...) more clearly] the course, the Holy Path. As Your Team charts the course, Your Team may find higher Holy Benefit(s) to Better Defining Senses as various precepts apply to various situations: so to connect certain precepts with certain of Your Christian Church goals, parameters, exterior needs such as in the community and such as if to encounter any not of Earthly origin, and concerning flying, submarines, play, and other things that people find interesting. This is for their sakes, such as for the secular and Church.

Yet because You are a Christian Church, there are things not done in the secular, that You reserve unto Your Christian Church (such as oversee proper Baptism and Eucharist), so these higher matters need also Prayerfully be Done.

What value is it for Your Flock Team(s) to make the Great Holy Chart and subset Holy Charts for applications?: What, Who, Where, the Holy Highest?, JESUS; and JESUS The Christ JESUS said love the Lord Your God as this is of a verse, a precept, a Principle, and Holy Command. So the above verse with "the body does not benefit anything" is not higher than JESUS so save if JESUS opts Miraculously, then otherwise the body is Pure In Oneness with the Spirit Of JESUS (whether in this world and/or in Heaven) or the body is less value toward sleep,...and undone dust. This is properly conquering this "body" verse, this is properly interpreting, even if ancient Holy Writers merely Did the best they could.

This Doing of Your Flock to properly organize (including beyond intelligence of the world, beyond people save Christian Faith) for people of the future especially for Your Christian Holy Family Of Father Mother Sister Brother As One (charting likewise to properly conquer Matthew 13.57 et. al. for Christ JESUS) and for all for Good.

Another binding of Heaven On Earth that this living charting Does in and for Your Team is to put the Christian Bible into Each of Their own word so Each knows of Their Own Heartfelt Truth for higher Oneness In Christ JESUS, so later if a hurdle new to Them comes They have the Christian Bible and extra help in Their Own Tongue And So Clear unto Them, or if in the future exhausted and They forget They can remind: truly, truly, even as though to reach through Time.

With only One Truth, as with Your Chart(s) and with Your Original Christian Bible (Book(s), Sermon(s), and similar [Anointed so Living] Christian Vessel(s)) Your Holy Path Miracle(s) yet to be accomplish in You from Your Perfect Body from Heaven Above through Christ JESUS, becomes more clearly known in Your Heart for Good, as These Holy Things In One help show You what greater to properly Do next (not that any things are required [in GodMath], save minimal Luke 9.3) as Christ JESUS taught and showed.

In secular terms,

people walked in-between weeds, somewhat straight somewhat crooked along cattle paths, walking on muck;

later the paths were reserved for people and so were cleaner;

later the paths became roads, then highways,

then people flew above most of the dust,

then people walked their Sermon voices through electrical carrier signals of transistors to amplify for all the world.

Even the secular knows new ways to advance with things, yet so Do Yet For Christ JESUS, so Do From The Holy Top JESUS.

Even properly build and grow Your "the chariots of the sun" (2 Kings 23.11 LDS) as much as enabled under Your Holy Plan.

If You saw any goodly deed in the past, so do likewise that is, save rather Do Better as much as possible and appropriate (What is "appropriate"?, see Your Chart, see What You explained was "appropriate"). You Will Be Great, so update Your Chart because You Will Be Greater Praise The Lord!

As shown in the above Drawing lower right You might opt to plans simple mists, and/or simple clear polymer aloft lenses to write JESUS on the Moon or to go to the Moon and write JESUS on the Earth and make a pic and broadcast it to Earth, free for all to see (if You for instance reference Your [free or pay] site then clearly distinguish for their sakes [see above Chart priorities] toward Eternally growing their trust).

From Holy Plans for You to Greater from Your Future Priests. What to Do after death. How to lift water and objects with your voice, Holy Word JESUS. How to better understand water, Blood And The Holy Spirit. Types of ascendings after deaths. Water fingerprints trace works, to benefit Christians in all Work(s). New rocketry design. New San Shan DNA style [living] helix with reverse helix Bridge for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Principles Of Faith chart. After death experiences. Wavelength and harmonics laws and principles, and how Christian Faith attaches Time to lift things. How rainbows exist. Low cost way to write on the Moon and other orbs. Holy Spirit empathetic feelings. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS provided You with ways to innovate, and rather One Holy Way that includes adding such "ways" though for One higher purpose. New Principles Of Christian Faith Will Be Abounding All The More via Christ: JESUS. Signs and Wonders Will see how You Made Them, Beloved One. You Will Give And Put Your New Heart Intelligence Spirit Of Holiness into those innovations and greater, thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Christ JESUS of the Heavens above showed how to make Miracles for their sakes, for the Greater Glorying Of The Heavenly Father.

Christ JESUS delivers You out of longsuffering when no other escape is known of Self talents, Christ JESUS delivers You out of confused image dreams likewise; with caring instruction enabling Principle applications You know in Your Heart from Your Soul from the Holy Spirit Of God.

Added to pic 3 in the above Drawing "Spin" refers to the circled dot and "x" which indicate spin direction (reference rifling value) and the outer diameter would be larger than shown for artificial gravity (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on higher purpose in Christians colonizing, UFOs, gyroscopic effects,...and on the flying saucer and other designs).

Now is this Principle, if Christ JESUS indicates You should move a step (symbolically) in a direction, then not only go a step, yet rather as much as appropriate many steps, even leaps and catapulting [notice devices (flesh, body, vessels) can be instrumental though if within JESUS criteria for One Christ Eternal JESUS (see above e.g. "transistor")].

So this Catapulting Principle is new in this generation for Christian Ascending (Isaiah 2.4). That is, if You Christian Leader proper Plan and Build a robot, even though the robot is far from worthy to be Baptized nor even considered human (reference Your Holy Chart,...for updates and definition senses), Your eye of Your robot might for instance automatically open the front door of Your Christian Church Building if You have such: goodly!

So this is a key Principle, while the world and Known Universe is more greatly beyond Your Personal Body, the catapults and all of it are here now for Your proper dominion.

If You see a pearl in a neighbor's field, don't steal it. Rather accept Your neighbor properly, Evangelically, into Your Flock. Give them awareness of the pearl of which they may have been unaware, and greater than a pearl the the higher Pearl Christ JESUS One: One Work that You accomplish in Them.

But hardly a Church can use a pearl generally speaking. Some Churches rather could utilize the grand Holy Feasts, some the clothes to gird, some water, some transistors, and so on. Christ JESUS In Your Christian Chart And Your Christian Sermons And Christian Bible and criteria guide You on what to Do; the point being that opt to ignore the pearl for now to prepare the Feast or opt to gain the pearl in order to gain the neighbor and the Feast, or other option, the best of Your options.

So a high Principle is Your Christian Church criteria sets the guidance, the goals, the legalese, and/or the other. Rather properly [with appropriate Member(s)] arrange Your criteria starting from the Top: JESUS, if not already Done.

If to start with money, of the secular premise that there will be no church building without funds; or if to start with legalese similarly; or if to start for any other than the JESUS Of Your Heart (not referring to another with the same name, rather the Highest, yet JESUS is in others too) then to need to improve entirely Your Christian Church to really start in Highest Truth JESUS.

This hardly means undo everything prior, rather see in Your Heart what revealed this (Matthew 7.5) to Yourself that You might better Evangelize others.

Pure Foundation Christ JESUS, then properly: Pure Step on Pure Step, Pure Ancient Technology Catapult on Pure Ancient Technology Catapult, and rather Pure New "chariots of the sun" on Pure New "chariots of the sun".

The blots in the above Drawing are water drops that were with people, and each person has their own [fingerprint] type of water drop. In other words, the spirit of each person (from the Holy Spirit) went into their drops of water and each of their drops were alike: each drop gained a new spirit.

So this Principle is that each thing Created that is with You gains Your value to an extent (Mark 5.30 Webster's Translation)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Anointing the Universe, all created for Good): Your Virtue goes into such according to recipient Faith. While You may not have felt any losses, Virtue, Faith, and other flows through You, yet some as the Holy Spirit Of God Flows into Your Soul, the True Mouth Of Your Pure Body.

So You moved from umbilical cord, to mouth, to Soul (so to speak, wise to consider the pure innocence of infants). JESUS is able from above to measure lower precept Holy Virtue (yet One)(so this too is a precept, similar to how to maximize Holy Spirit with minimize body).

So Virtue has a place in the Heavens: Virtue is up to a specific level in the Heavens, virtue is in levels and can be as high as a specific level, though in Christ JESUS Virtue is raised to the Highest.

So this is a Principle Guide Indicator concerning how to be One.

Ascend, yes, yet be worthy to be ripe and favored of the Lord to be picked as fruit, to be Chosen to be One, yes, yet alway Highest.

The water caries the spirit. So put water in Your Sun Chariots, save if sufficient Holy Spirit already is present, then is a free option to consider whether if to do lower level maintenance: so distinguish the high purpose, yet also this maintenance, this Holy Preparation Principle (Luke 14.31).

Caringly Prayerfully plan what You would conquer for Christ JESUS (see above "Your Christian Chart",...).

JESUS Christ offers better Principle Of Faith over death:

3AM November 16, 2017AD, awaking from a dream, it seemed appropriate through the balance of this Sermon to explain this for all, though consider who would benefit: Christians. At least initially it is the Christian that not only agrees, yet seeks Christ JESUS rather than sin, while the sinners have turned away and have not been anxious to read Christian literature and have not agreed with Christ JESUS The First Risen (Jeremiah 8.1); as in 1 Thessalonians 4.16 GWT:

Christ JESUS said Lazarus is sleeping though He Will be "better" [awaken, recover, be well,...(

With these, thanks to Christ JESUS the dream explained things in a new perspective for You And Your Flock Hearers. Generally it used to be that if a person died the living people sometimes stood around wondering what it was like, beyond that death, which Christ JESUS explained as sleep. Though now given from above is the living to living perspective without soon returning in the flesh such as Lazarus Did.

The given dream did not involve spilled blood, pains of death, the effects on loved ones nor human bystanders living in flesh, nor the "trumpet", nor much glory in Heaven, rather for Your Edifying was specific to the point of death though shown from the higher perspective of the Holy Spirit.

In overview the dream was as just slightly above the Firmament as considered in part from above. More of the end of the dream is remembered just before awakening, than other parts.

In the dream two Caucasian adults perhaps in their 20s died, perhaps 10 (AM or PM) a Male (large with dark brown hair)(little is remembered, a slower death [or sleep]), and perhaps 12:43 a Female (blondish hair cut, white pullover top woven in vertical stripe pattern with light blue jeans, a quick death [or sleep]).

While talking with People in the dream a Person (so likely a Heavenly Angel according to help following) guided, and with others (Holy Spirit in the part viewed, as interpreted now awake) from focus on the things of the task at hand (Working utilizing a box to describe the concern for Christians, without awareness of how standing), to heading down as in a group (like unto People as many fingers in a mitten [and more People higher]) then realizing floating seeing heading to the ground both quickly yet in a controlled rate safely and mildly to see the Female lying on the seemingly grassy ground and above Her perhaps 5' was a white bottom of a boat that seemed as the cause of Her death [or sleep] as though had fallen on Her though raised for higher purpose in Christ JESUS to see the Eternal part, the living, through death sleep, from life to a new life, for Your sake.

Many dreams come and go, some seem clear, some seem crazy, though this dream helps the seeing that all are for properly interpreting for One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS.

This sentence explains a very brief time, the Female lying there went from looking alive (with normal color) to gray hues only, and She without that flesh vessel [clothed Spirit] was concerned such as now what?, what's next?, and then met Her same Spirit from the "mitten", like unto Her thinking Oh, OK; and They were One and She was now aloft in the Holy Spirit without former flesh.

When She became One She [They One Person] became brightly colorful with some extra color as for instance as triangle sunlight (reference similar crown of Statue Of Liberty, symbolic of thorniness of crown of JESUS).

Some interpretations for high purpose come from this given dream, interpreted here as a Living Principle. Aside from the typical ideas of pains, consider that for example a person works long to bring forth a turkey for Thanksgiving Dinner but trips a little on the way to the table though nothing falls: so too likewise there is a fear [in this case (aside from any pain)], a new wondering for a moment, then "OK", the agreeing with the higher above (as witnessed/dreamed). In the moment of "trips a little", the Server might wonder if all is lost per se, even so Salvation comes from Christ JESUS.

When the Female of the dream had that moment, the Holy Spirit felt it in empathy. Note that no "trumpet" nor great higher Joy was witnessed, though such was not specifically part of the Mission, to see that "sleep" from the higher perspective.

Such "empathy", and such "OK" agreeing with the Heavenly In Christ JESUS above is not something the sinner does, and so this would explain the spirits that rise [as Spirits] from graves (whether with clothes and/or bones, or other, see above text).

The Christian is judged already, concerning the death pain and grave of the first death, the Christian is judged already according to the proper Christian Baptism, and that according to being Chosen.

Judged / Proper Christian Baptism / Chosen.

That dream is over, though the story accordingly continues in Revelation 20.6 & 7 NIV:

So let the ascending be with higher awareness and with properly (best of given ability) spreading the Holy Word as Christ JESUS Did.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS November 17, 2017AD,

modified July 9, 2019AD.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: What to Do after death. How to lift water and objects with your voice, Holy Word JESUS. How to better understand water, Blood And The Holy Spirit. Types of ascendings after deaths. Water fingerprints trace works, to benefit Christians in all Work(s). New rocketry design. New San Shan DNA style [living] helix with reverse helix Bridge for 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Principles Of Faith chart. After death experiences. Wavelength and harmonics laws and principles, and how Christian Faith attaches Time to lift things. How rainbows exist. Low cost way to write on the Moon and other orbs. Holy Spirit empathetic feelings. ICCDBB Principle Sermon For Christ JESUS.



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