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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

Christian Higher Holy Spirit Levels,

Leadership over sex and porn are also included for the sake of Your Flock and others.

Christ JESUS laid down His life to raise it up again (John 10.17 WNT),

and for a person to do the same is a waste of time unless to ascend properly as Christ JESUS instructed to bring and give to God JESUS for higher greater purpose:

becoming Christian is approximately the least a person can Do since Heavenly Accounting in God starts with Faithful Good Work(s) (Alma 13.3).

To be properly ascending is to have these Good values added unto You Properly Ascending Christian Leader For Christ JESUS Greater One: the Followers Of Repetitious Priests have hard ascended (Hebrews 10.1) and many have opted to delimit themselves toward little more than tithing (1 Timothy 6.10). If a Christian Church is of a corporation, the top power must be Christian(s).

The Blood Of JESUS Christ was shed for all, but the Eucharist is not for all

and when they are not "distinguishing" to be ascending, it is why many are illogically out of sync against their heart(s), sick, or dying (1 Corinthians 11.28-30 APE). The Face Of JESUS Christ ancient artifact discovered, and analyzed by labs with results this year. Acceptable Christian Sex. Bible Porn. Marriage, dating, masturbation, Bible verses. Leadership over sex and porn are also included for the sake of Your Flock and others with proper ascending through precepts. How to get a job, how to select an employer, occupations, occupational hazards, risks, wolves is sheep's clothing. Michel Angelo man finger touching God. Firmament key levels algae brain. Blues Brothers movie Carrie, Fools Gold, Silence Of The Lambs. Jimmy Swaggar Ministries television show. How to teach gyroscopic forces physics including over complex guidance systems with or independent of gravity. Fully illustrated pics nudity nude naked nudes advocacy sex having sexual, David Goliath sling stone, graph higher systems new Prophecy robert ross benchoff ICCDBB Sermons In Series For Christ JESUS Internet Church In JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS showed people how to properly ascend through levels (such as positions and such as Missions that don't have worldly titles), though through the tougher Firmament levels Christ JESUS provides personal help and guidance as needed. In the above Drawing the Right foot helpfully signals that it has extra blood for the sakes of the other foot and higher members, also not leaving undone the lower part signaling the need for blood / maintenance when appropriate.

Christ JESUS God provided what people are to Do: text above "A" and "B" at the top of this Sermon explained already

This key is Christian Doing of the agreeing in the Holy Heavenly Word: Doing the Holy Work [properly ("conditionally")]: Planning and Creating.

Properly conditionally Planning and Creating is what God Did and so what people and all are supposed to be Doing Eternally, save any higher level option.

People are to be Christian to be in Highest Heaven (whether or not on Earth, whether or not in the flesh) in order to lift every worthy ("Properly conditionally") other.

So a "Properly conditionally" is the higher levels are more "worthy" already than the lower levels. This is stated hardly to show bias preference nor to puff any self unrighteously, rather to state the Holy Fact of the Creator One In Christ JESUS In The Father Of The Holy Spirit. Noting Christ JESUS has met the "Absolutivity" Eternal worthiness definition, so One Christian In JESUS can ascend or descend (Jacob's Ladder Genesis 28.12) as on Holy Missions.

So a key is with properly pertinent Prophetic saying and Doing, some of the created are not people, some are given as lower level entities (vessels, each and all with the Living Spirit Of God).

Note that water is made of molecules, things, so the deep is the same as dust which formed people, unless the discussion perspective parameter otherwise specifies [generally ranging from higher level exactingly to lower level conversationally understood parameters (Genesis 3.19, save above text "save any higher level option")].

So after the Holy Word (John 1.1) then the things were created: the creations of God, from God: the gift including Christ JESUS: Christ JESUS including a Person You Christian Leader: You [becoming] Eternal Universe And Greater In Christ JESUS.

The Beginning of the creations can be found with interpretations at, notice the Weymouth interpretation includes "Lord of God's Creation.", in other words over God is a "Lord" (see above text "Christ JESUS", "One", and "You" with "option").

The Christian Priest has noticed backsliders, water, and low level vessels. And the Christian Priest is aware all should ascend properly, whether if to be stepping and/or leaping. The higher levels vessel, such as of a "Christian Priest", is aware of many keys, proper worthiness, and to be ascending (including as pertaining to Christian Church positions, see Your criteria) including as on Mission Work(s): yet all in One Christ JESUS (already accomplished in the Christian). And while many keys are already accomplished, a person has new experiences, and more importantly even uniquely Christ JESUS is in charge to freely unravel: that only One Will be accomplished.

One Work is already accomplished, the Holy Heavenly Will is completed, except in this given gift, the current world to be completely added to One (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS in this Series on Perfection being that which Perfects).

Consider how a person in the wilderness can want to build a house, and they start by constructing a hammer (such as by selecting a fallen tree branch to hit and pry things). So with their new hammer, they start building their house. But they are no longer alone, they are now the self + the hammer. They no longer hammer with their fist as perhaps previously opted, when more appropriate to hammer with their new hammer. Their resources are become greater, though if the new hammer splinters it might become redone, discarded, saved until if needed, or obsolete and utilized otherwise such as for fire.

So here is the Weymouth interpretation key. "Lord of God" is the worthy new hammer. The new hammer when goodly redefines the created Heavenly Plan though hardly toward lower level Missions. The new hammer might enable the making of a mansion and rockets, rather than merely a leanto house.

So this is Your blank canvass Universe on which to paint.

This given from above is Your clay.

Genesis 1.1 shows the first thing God Did was to create the "Heaven" and/or the "Heavens" ( if "Heaven" then the same as the Eternal prior to creation, yet rather to better edify is similarly the "Heavens" as accordingly One In Worthiness properly ascends, hence binding anew in the lower created as room (hence "Heavens", levels) is and are made in Heaven.

So here is a new key, when You make Heaven on Earth, it is become in Heaven above, so at least to many the highest level becomes with more levels in between the highest level more distant from the sinner.

So this is a new key concerning the increasing rate (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS in this Series on how this is pertinent to Final End Time)(see as Prophesised "now with all these precepts being unraveled increasingly quickly comes the increasing rate" at [Prophesied yes, and with rather Prophesying):

Few are Chosen, yet as You Christian Leader, each creating a new level of the "Heavens" is as if increasing the gap against sinners (from the lower perspective), and rather for all for Good including Eternal Joy, is the higher purpose: both increasing Heaven and increasing Joy (contained in Heaven, and in both the Universal Heart and in any individual vessel Heart as known (reference Faithfulness interpretation(s)).

So You are an Eternal Joy builder and grower as You enter the ascending increasing rate Flow. You are the Perfection In Christ JESUS Perfecting.

So You now in this generation know how to cause both Heaven and worldly things to grow:

Creation Power.

You are given all power over people (JST, 1 Timothy 2.4 LDS), lands, and things (Ether 10.9 LDS).

In the increasing toward Final End Time rate as Prophetically written

1. "The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed,"

also 2. "and all that is secret will be made known to all.

(circa 2,000 years ago in Christ JESUS with now known as Christians ascending: personal End Time(s) within New Christianity)(ibid. with text item #1 above: of this generation now Luke 12.2 NLT pertinence in Final End Time).

Everything is being revealed in a quickening pace. A key unraveled now is that Final End Time is a defense of Grace for All, even if One or as the Highest Level Freely Opts: so defense for each and all though hardly as many had imagined and rather as appropriate (as much as levels being created apply [to such, for such (mindful "such" also opted even as much as some amount of higher Faith though also reference the Firmament concerning the Eternal: JESUS "the spirit of prophecy" Revelation 19.10: the One Holy Name and the Spirit Of The Eternal)]).

Everything is being revealed in You, Beloved One, at a quickening pace.

So a key is that if You are at a high level, then levels under You Of Holy Grace (see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at You can grow defensive levels to distance the Self Vessel from sinners toward minimal maintenance, or rather invite [mainly].

Note that if to invite properly is to include level building and growing.

In the above Drawing, apologies, the long arrows point to the left would be better illustrated ascending and perhaps to the right some to be in context with this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS, though for presentation / hosting considerations (thanks JESUS and Angelfire [also search engines]) such as with consideration of viewer monitor size while goodly, for Your sake(s) generally speaking instead of ascending as a large and larger...Drawing a subroutine is indicated by the arrows which actually symbolizes higher greater rather than lower repeat. So the ascending should be one continuously ascending line, though hard to illustrate in this world in details. As with maps as some Christians are with great skills to make things with zoom capabilities, such may help; though for now is the urgency to save and lift as many as possible within the given as much as of Faith and Wisdom and Other Given(s) pertinent now especially given this "quickening pace".

So lower left in the above Drawing is alga, that might opt to be together for mutual benefit among algae to be a giant brain, and above right is forming into human image of Christ JESUS connecting as One Christian Faith (with proper Christian Baptism not shown), then of the long arrows toward left rather ascending (not shown) is the You God interaction Growing Together As One JESUS Eternally.

Also there has been much television discussion on things Preachers, God Bless, hardly knowing what to say, and the same is true of things such as site hosting with errors. Errors are hardly the same as sin. For example, two people independently rob banks, the one goes to prison, the other finds the mistake made somehow (perhaps an Act Of God, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on flip-of-a-coin, and on casting of lots, and on freely opting in higher levels) and returns the overage to the bank as much as able, the best of their situational ability toward instantly.

Save Miracle Intervening, Christians do make mistakes Beloved One, look at the Members during Sermons as they scratch themselves and look away from the Preacher to see the windows and stuff, that doesn't mean don't go to Church, it doesn't mean go to sleep, it doesn't mean stand up and debate the Preacher during the Sermon (though reference You Christian Church criteria). Some have proffered that only perfect writing is right (such as Joseph Smith, among the Greatest), though the travels, ink, papers, and such were possibly paid by the root of all evil: beyond knowledge alone, with doing in the world with worldly hands.

Let the defense of Christians be One with helpful guiding rather than division and sifting.

Christ JESUS wrote on the ground with His Finger: perfectly perfecting. Joseph Smith and Other Christian(s) Did likewise. So if to speak of worldly things then under laws. Rather rejoice together within One Christ JESUS. If to see a curved page then to be a sinner. If to see a Holy Page then Mark 11.29 & 30 (some translations include the exclamation point:..."Answer Me!"

Kick the Priest if it is the best Way (John 13.18/Psalm 41.9), so did they to the Prophets prior. Let all rejoice and be glad in it, if it is the best Way: if it is the Will Of God. Rather if able of proper ascending: kick away the kicking, hardly by kicking all the more, rather Peace.

Are people to believe Joseph Smith loves "gold"?, as if something worth something so much as to discuss "gold" rather than to use that ink to write "JESUS"?, (as written Book of Mormon Testimony of Eight Witnesses), rather Peace, Holy Faith, with ascending and understanding, giving love for the sakes of the little ones.

Shall a person outlaw women so as not to be tempted?, shall a person outlaw sexy buttocks, or sexy ankles?, shall a teacher outlaw teaching other than what JESUS taught such as to outlaw Joseph Smith?, porn?, violent video games?, money?, dating?, card playing?, trees?, and so forth?, rather as stated in the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS many are very intelligent including in the secular, in God, and even in low level vessels. There are laws already, even too many, even cris-crossing each other, and even there are systems of proprietary processes, and if to Preach, please be sure comprehensively ( with proper prioritizing in Christ JESUS (ibid.).

Many without giving reason say do this or that.

Many without giving Christ JESUS pertinent glory say do this or that.

Often it is because it is their own sin that they glory not Christ JESUS.

Some do not look at porn so they say no porn for anyone,

if Good then as Biblical JESUS then no more generations for them,

no sex and remove their genitals (Matthew 19.12)

or rather give Christ JESUS proper glory, yes rather opt to conquer the Prophets as Christ JESUS Did with proper interpreting in All The Prophets And Scriptures In One Luke 24.27 HCS:

Stupidity (preferred ignorance so as to not have to opt to properly cite Christ JESUS [, and secular meanings]), causing problems, and misleading others, are not ways to be as Christ JESUS. A Disciple grabbed a sword and cut off an ear: it does not mean go do likewise. A Disciple wanted to make a statue of Christ JESUS for remembrance: it does not mean go do likewise. Yet the Disciples stopped their ways when Christ JESUS said for higher purpose.

Porn is of temporary images and symbols, the Drawing below artifact is a temporary image and symbol of Christ JESUS, the Christian Bible text is of ink letters of temporary images and symbols: conquer the temporary rightly for Christ JESUS:

a tree was planted of a seed, worship the tree or rather rightly if the fruit is right give thanks to Christ JESUS [within ownership law,...] pick and give to the starving thankfully hardly that they are starving rather that You Give In The Name Of Christ JESUS that they too give Christ JESUS One glory. A person can eat a strawberry but another person is allergic. A person can lead a blind person but if the leader is blind then to risk the ditch (Luke 6.39).

The strawberry is not illegal, the blind are not illegal; first conquer the allergy if to eat the strawberry or make the strawberry non-allergenic though hardly if to undo the higher purpose (if to change DNA for instance of a strawberry or a person it can have other effects): so properly Conquer In Christ JESUS. If to lead the blind then let the blind see: some things (such as porn) are toward feet relative to some things (such as Christian Leader Heart are toward the higher, yet hardly leave the other left undone).

Do Good for some, rather for All One. Help the trees some amounts, help the statue makers some amounts, yet help the Christianity more, and in all cases for the pertinent glory of Christ JESUS, and even when not pertinent give Christ JESUS glory. If in the Christian Temple glorify Christ JESUS, if in the den of thieves glorify Christ JESUS save hardly if to promote thievery: yes, this is a key.

If to speak of Christ JESUS, for their sakes, if to hardly speak of Christ JESUS, for their sakes; and in every case for the higher purpose in Christ JESUS. Make wars against porn, or rather be the Christian example. If a person says no porn but fails to give a reason, or if a person says no to salt but fails to give a reason, or no to pepper or no to reading or stops a person heading to Congress if without higher reason, then truly know for Your sake(s) such is toward wars. If to stop a a person heading to Congress rightly [even though illegal] it is for example to say the bridge ahead is out and there is no sign to warn, then such is truly not to stop and rather to help the person even if a longer route, and even if to save their life for mutual benefit.

Children like toys and birthday parties, so take away the toys and birthday parties; adults like mansions and parks so take away the things they like: rather Christ JESUS utilized such in inviting people into Heaven, such as "In My Father's house there are many mansions." for You (John 14.2).

Christ JESUS did not say You have to post porn in Your Christian Church nor even in the Church bathroom nor bedroom if any, and You don't have to sell it nor promote it, and yet if to say there are other better things to Do for Christ JESUS: great!

You don't have to fight the battles that have already been won. Christ JESUS as if won and rather earned, even so the gift from the Heavenly Father is suffered as Yes In Christ JESUS: agreed. Did a Flock Member make them male and female?, hardly, rather such is of the Plan Of The Creator.

God made genitals from dust, other sculptors did similarly and that's pretty good if for Christ JESUS though higher precepts apply. Permission from Christ JESUS above is important, yet Christ JESUS already explains such as the "sculptors" need be Christian, and the sculpted need be hardly part way, such as stone, or such as a living genital with no other body parts; rather to complete the Mission properly for Christ JESUS: proper Christian Baptism. And in the literal sense, let the Christian Sculptor make from dust the person and living and then fully ready [as much repentance as needed to be pure (full repentance and greater in Christ JESUS)] and so agreeing beyond decision to be properly Immersion Baptized Into Christianity: then the sculpted is hardly any false idol. Conquer these given things, such as from dust to naked image to Christian: figure it out, rather look much is already given from Christ JESUS: completed for You And Your Flock.

What good is porn?, a multitude of Heavenly values (above Drawing A&B) and rather One In Christ JESUS (ibid. key). What good is a sinner?, saved You self, right?, even so the secular remains secular under the law, under the Christian Firmament: until properly raised. Get rid of porn, get rid of non-Bible, get rid of money; or rather properly conquer precept on precept for Christ JESUS.

Many things in the Christian Bible and in the One True Work Of Christ JESUS were measured, including how much dirt to touch and move with the Finger, how long a sentence to speak, how much salt to add, measures of time, measures of distances such as to measure a new Christian Church foundation, how high to place a garter belt at a Christian Wedding if opted, and how many to expect to be at Church so as to stop constructing pews according to various reasons.

Don't "stop constructing pews" because of lower reasons, rather of the highest available level in Christ JESUS.

If to only construct more pews, then no room for the Pulpit.

If to construct pews only for the lower secular reasons then contrary to the Pulpit And Christian Leadership Sermon.

In the above Drawing levels are shown. All Christians have levels, even Christ JESUS has One high level seat for You, Beloved.

Let's blame the Quakers because their horses cause traffic deaths, lets blame the LDS for the same reason with car accidents, and rather ascend properly in Christ JESUS that such be best overcome for all, even for the dust and water.

Christ JESUS Did it with the least effort (see above Drawing on "Effort")[the balance of this sentence has contingencies not detailed, and is roughly articulated in pertinence to Former Logic Alone and rather for higher Faith In Christ JESUS]: so a key is, that if You imagine Christ JESUS had it tough relative to You, Beloved Former Leader Of Hell, then Your are Right and Your are wrong: Christ JESUS traveled through Hell that You (and others) made and still consider, then hardly have You chosen to be as Christ JESUS: Yes rely on JESUS died once for all, yet rather than being about receiving any title such as "One" rather give: worthiness to enable giving the title(s).

This is an easy simple saying as much is beyond the abilities of humans, and as if far worse, could be explained though such is for the worthy able to convert losses into gains. Christ JESUS is ascending, see the above text. Where are You lost Sheep?, rather fetch and give the Shepherd a stick to catch You and whack You if appropriate in His Holy Christian esteem. That is, hardly to build weapons, though even the Word You Preach is a weapon, even a new weapon (2 Samuel 21.16 NET), a growing weapon; and weapons often misfire or similarly work against the user, even the safest end butts against the user (and in other words, some people look for judgement satisfaction, while others interpret for the Greater Good).

Preach, yet Preach Rightly. If to fight against an yearning child, fight with a surprise giving of a gift they can greatly appreciate, rather than with a stick to cause loss of a Christian or potential Christian. You are ascended, hardly any reason to go down only to see need to ascend and start again in wasted efforts repetitiously.

So a key is other Christians Will be helping You: Your Work Will become as if vacationing though continue the Good Work.

It has been said former President Lincoln could hardly do the skills of other Presidents (in other words Lincoln was with many lackings toward many mistakes relative to the then advanced skills and technologies of many others), yet in the Presidency many Good or goodly things were accomplished, as is true of virtually any person, and any vessel (Titus 2.7).

In a day the algae can have the biggest brain ever, the same is true of water (the Holy Water, Holy Spirit, and Holy Blood: 1 John 5.6-8).

Christ JESUS taught concerning distractions, and such is Good. Too much salt is a distraction toward death (sleep). Likewise be aware mistakes are often made by Priests, and are often so wrong and so distant from the True Holy Path as to be too much for the moment, even so Christ JESUS was misinterpreted, so knowing their thoughts He Did other Good rather than overburden them (John 10.16). The point being, instead of giving them the stick against them, He gave His Holy time and effort to others, others agreeing in His Good Offering(s). They received as much Good as they were able. Hence each and all received as much Good burden as they could give to others. And if they did not give then Christ JESUS gave Good to other Sheep.

The key is that the agreeing Christian in Christ JESUS can receive up to a level (such as to fulfill a Covenant Promise to their talent level), though beyond Their own vessel ability level to give might be according to the talent level limit, and hardly toward sin and hardly toward unFaithfulness nor untrustworthiness (see above text on two bank robbers).

Such as hardly in the same perspective as the sinner that freely chose to not comply even often prior to any promise.


Christ JESUS be praised as though for male and female for porn, rather for the Doing of Christians the Will Of The Heavenly Father In One Holy Spirit As Christ JESUS Preached And Did.

Concerning porn, it is mainly associated with lower levels, filth, and often illegal activities; though if the Holy Creator made them male and female then for a Good reason, even as a Christian can wisely distinguish the higher part toward Heaven.

In the above Drawing the single alga knows to do good, though hardly as a Christian with an advanced intellect, heart, and other organs functioning together as One and even toward higher Oneness given time and talent with means to accomplish victoriously for Christ JESUS. So the alga is hardly able to build a brain instantaneously, and though in the lower levels in relationship to the Christian the alga is hardly to be left undone, such as to Preach to the alga and to all vessels, even though the alga might be as slime in the porn sense of the word.

Creator JESUS gave male and female, Priest JESUS gave restoration of higher Marriage and with Elias Christianity: JESUS and Elias (males) together so formed; yet the "males" "together" is(are) of the higher level: "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven" (Matthew 22.30): this ensures agreeing with the Creator Work with giving "male and female" for the high purpose of male with female Marriage.

Male with female Marriage is from the human (above animal since animals are not worthy of human sex nor Baptism nor Marriage Matthew 7.6) upward, until the Firmament "like the angels in heaven". Higher than the Heaven Firmament is only the Spiritual Knowledge of proper sex matters, without the vessel(s). Note that while intelligent people handle legal sexual matters reasonably well in this generation, the law such as about "carnal knowledge" focuses on the lower matters and hardly on the higher Christian matters so largely misses the point.

So a point is this Christian Leader, if You lead and law writers follow Your Leadership, then lead better concerning the above "Note".

So the gift from Christ JESUS unto Your help and guidance is with the human level, the Christian, and the Christian Leader level unto higher.

In the secular human level You might teach for instances of law and of broken hearts associated with broken lives and of VD and that oral sex is associated with poisons. Of the Christian level You might teach of moral parameters (Your Christian Church criteria) and Christian Marriage lasting benefits toward the higher Eternal Purpose. Yet of Christian Leadership hardly of the lower levels and rather Preaching almost exclusively of the better higher Eternal Purpose with the Good the Creator JESUS Plan.

Low secular level porn is often less about the Church and more in their opinions about being seen by: their parents (family criteria), the law, and similar to the law the general public. Of the young from diapers to adults and even into adulthood, concerning sex in the secular is a conflict of interests in each vessel and in each involved in sex together and thinking about sex, as their conscience weighs heavily against themselves (therefore an Evangelism opportunity, though not detailed here and also involving "criteria" see above text).

Generally as people find ways to as if get-away-with things, such as sexual relations, people tend to become accustomed and more routine in such though toward lower level robotics and mechanical processes and subroutines at night subject as a leaf that is dragged by the shifting sands of the winds, instead of overcoming, save toward Christianity.

The previous sentence did not say cut away sex organs in order to be more Heavenly as Angels, and it did not say get rid of flirt, dance, nor porn. Sex organs are more important with Christians than sexless spiritual Angels (certain of which have fallen) though when properly of Christian precept on precept.

The secular sexual activities are often with other sins, so a key is the secular dies away relative to the Christian Way. As explained at titled "Evil in the Last Days":

Christ JESUS loves families, and generations, and yes there are higher values: Heavenly. Generations come with having sex. Porn is about sex. Rather if to be about sex or a car or another vessel pray, yes if about porn pray: but not as an idol worshipper, do not worship porn nor a car nor other above Christ JESUS. Yet pray for the car even if You don't own one, pray for sex and porn for their sakes, pray and worship rightly in the name of Christ JESUS.

If a person gives not God proper Christian traceability (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at such as if to say no dictionaries, no encyclopedias, no porn, no Internet, no communications, and/or similar, then to transgress the Holy Spirit Word And Will Of Christ JESUS One In The Heavenly Father. If to say no porn, then to sin, and please Excellent Leader understand this type of sentence was not wanted to be placed in this Sermon since it could be interpreted as if to be offensive and has often in history been toward debates, interrogations, and worse; though Christ JESUS wanted this in this Sermon pointing at You Christian Leader if toward banning porn and at others if toward banning porn (until further into Final End Time) for a reason so that ban effort sin is no longer misinterpreted, and for higher key purpose: this is hardly about improperly founded attacks against porn as people have worked, and this is rather for future generations.

In other words, the Egyptians had a slave camp, then others would be born of rulers and they would inherit the slave camp.

If to not give Christ JESUS proper traceable credit, in properly pertinent precept on properly pertinent precept then to freely opt to make Yourself step aside as prostitutes and promiscuous people ascend Heavenly as You so opted to do not ( "Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers"), so rather ascend as Christ JESUS enabled You previously and as You can now even to leap to high position as previous level lest toward risking what You had longsuffered to attain for Christ JESUS. So what is "depraved" (see above quoted verse) and instead what is flesh toward pure flesh and Heavenly?,

if "depraved" then under law since "the strength of sin is the law" (from 1 Corinthians 15.56 LDS), so be of goodly cheer to such an extent that the worse part of porn and sex is not actually porn nor sex but a cover to conceal other sins of straying from Christ JESUS (such as hate crimes, insanity, and such) so secular worldly laws are often against such (ibid.);

though if flesh be to ascend in Christ JESUS Spiritually moving "toward pure flesh and Heavenly" then consider people that looked at each other and noticed they were sexy males and females and distinguished for themselves and for higher purpose(s) (product sales, dating, Marriage, [non-exclusive normally] Men's Conference, and so forth) for the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS (Matthew 19.5). So this key is for Evangelists: people normally want to ascend properly. Sub-keys are for being over secular level crimes and how criminals attempt to hide and shift blame to those they decided could hardly defend themselves, the way a child breaks the television and blames the unaware younger sibling: so according to fear of the authority though hardly if the authority is:

pure Spirit, if with flesh then also pure flesh, and

interpreted by others as pure [sinless (as interpreted by criminals, and "child").

So a key with this concerns "fear" and with "fear" that any other including if any is subordinate or slave (rather "other" so rather One In Christ JESUS) be not so afraid so as to not confess, hardly to require confession as if secular law and rather of Grace to Host. For instance if "a child breaks the television" it indicates an Act Of God and/or the "child" was jealous of the "television" and/or other separation from Christ JESUS (therefore secular and temporary). The "television" is hardly value (save teaching the "child" value before-the-fact for Christ JESUS Oneness) as the "child" is the greater value. Truly if to punish then punish the "television" rather than punish the "child". Yet truly the "child" may be innocently communicating the need for the authority to improve.

"Little children have no need of repentance" (Matthew 18.11 JST) therefore if a fault then hardly of such pure people (until such change [grow]).

The little children have no need for porn, yet should have proper guidance for Christ JESUS including away from porn. Young people and nudist families have unclothed selfies: so let legal age criteria and Your Christian Church criteria consider the Word And Will Of Christ JESUS.

Christian Prayer is a high level Faith matter, but if only to pray then truly to wear out the knees, to pee down the leg, and to ignore the family (James 1.27): truly if only to pray then sin. If only to preach, sin; if to Preach then also to Do. This does not mean porn nor cars, this does not mean lack of porn nor lack of cars. Rather this is part of the precepts properly helping the learners and the families.

Tell them to put on clothes before going into non-nudist areas, tell them to take of their clothes before going into the bath, tell them wear clothes in Church, tell them take off clothes and have sex if appropriate and tell them illegal porn words if such become legal to say and if these things are appropriate guidance in Christ JESUS though hardly for general public Sermons ("children"): go beyond censorship if legal and with proper Christian Church criteria over conquering, for Christ JESUS.

If appropriate tell them to be sexy and do it: You Christian Leader know about abstinence, dating, blood types such as pertinent for future children concerns hence higher love, You know about emotional impacts affecting others, You are the Holy Guide that God has placed over them.

If You like Bible porn and perhaps medical book type porn and want that to be Your Christian Church criteria limit, alright in Christ JESUS save if too much toward contrary to Evangelism (being out of touch, less Baptizing, less respected [circumcision, sex activity types,...]), and in Christ JESUS it is also alright if another Christian Church focuses on other such as broadcasting equipment, and/or such as focusing on a water shortage at their location, and such is alright in Christ JESUS.

While a "water shortage" at a specific location might hardly seem as noble as saying: porn, appropriate porn or no porn; since so saying is hardly about an isolated case of a Church, and rather applicable for all people [virtually (some are with less sex interest)]: even so a particular Christian Church criteria is of great value even if not about things of another Christian Church criteria of another level of focus and so such a level of interest.

So sometimes Christian Churches are mired in "water shortage" and "porn" concerns

therefore sometimes Christian Churches are mired in "water shortage" and "porn" victories in Christ JESUS.

It is hardly the criteria, it is the Will Of God as to whether You Christian Church go this way or that for to be in the straight and narrow with the given situations and talents, and yet with the higher discerning such as to distinguish water from evidently temporary drought or permanent drought, if given to distinguish instead of God having to spoon feed, yet rather conquer a location change and conquer water [and conquer porn: and all these properly as Christ JESUS advised: 1 Corinthians 3.2 and 3 (in part):

Many Preachers have Preached against porn, and of the above verse 8 this is a True Holy Key. Yet parameters apply to the precepts, and there is an orderly arrangement of the precepts both overall until Final End Time, and over situations in between: example to drive from city to city a precept is with gasoline but the gasoline is not poured onto the highway, nor even into an electric car: so a precept has to apply properly, and while the gasoline precept is hardly wrong nor sinful, since it is pertinent often in this generation, the higher purpose in the case of the "highway" and in the case of the "electric car" is hardly appropriate. This situation is hardly to judge whether a gasoline car is better or worse than a "highway" or an "electric car", and rather of properly distinguishing the higher principles toward the Heavenly Eternal.

Likewise with sex the matter of with a vessel or without is lower than the higher Heavenly With Angels (even perhaps with ascending higher, see "rates" in the above text). Preachers have Preached against sex and porn, yet Holy Heavenly Beloved Preachers consider that many such matters are toward dating toward Christian Marriage, as the youth generally speaking know in their hearts. Now in Your Defense Beloved, they Do know in their hearts something about love and sex, though often similar to driving a car without knowing every detail about how it works nor where the destination is; even so rather be knowing every unraveling of Christ JESUS (e.g. properly fitting the higher precepts, & Christian Sermons)

This is similar to Your Christian Travels, with Christ JESUS though the Spirit goes where it listeth: Christ JESUS said You don't know (John 3.8).

To interfere against splitting from parents (Luke 14.26) to lovingly find a spouse is contrary to the Physics Of The Creator: don't be a sinner. Similarly if You just started walking around today as Christ JESUS said to Do, to start a Christian Church, then You likely have no Christian Church criteria other than One Holy Standard (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS), so to leave it to parents, and many parents leave it to schools, and many schools similarly pass-the-buck instead of being with the source Christ JESUS, the source of the "lovingly" feelings emerging.

The Marriage sexual concerns can be similar depending on Marriage interpretations and Covenanting, yet guide away from sex outside Marriage (laws also apply). Now is a Christian level look at related lust, about which Christ JESUS spoke,

and this is a great key concerning porn:

people in Your Christian Church and on the phone and on live Internet chats might sinfully lust and invite for illicit sex,

but to look at a pic on paper or a vid on the Internet and not be anxious to get with that person is hardly lust.

Even so another precept applies, so with this is a key to properly distinguish, including that other parameters apply. Self love is righteously toward maintenance (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS), save if against Christ JESUS (Luke 14.26). The same is true of people together, except the conditions are multiplied (such as sins of each, misinterpretations compounded, hiding with alibis,...) and might be magnified (such as pregnancy, fines, jail time,...).

It is generally not illegal to be born, even if with sexual male or female (or partial, hardly covered in this Sermon) equipment even that strangers such as doctors, nurses, parents, babysitters, police officers and others might notice; and with being born it is hardly the fault of the infant if another see their sexuality.

So a key is that it is possible to be nude or even playing with the organs and perhaps another infant, and continue to be Pure In Vessel Unto The Lord.

It is possible for the person being seen and for the viewer to be pure, even to include people in Your Christian Church seeking [see Your criteria].

So a key is, make certain Your Christian Church criteria is properly prioritized and comprehensive (impossible save Christ JESUS) or consider guiding lest to devolve to be under laws of Your own doings. This is hardly about sexual freedom, rather the Will Of God.

You Christian Leader hardly made them male nor female, so give Christ JESUS the credit. If they are with sexual activities, and with porn, and with lusts, guide them unto lusting Christ JESUS: for instance dancers show their bodies (clothed or other) as bait on hooks, so with such maintenance guide them to do greater time and effort dancing less for a selfish reason and rather of Christian Leadership (independent of You so there is hardly conflict-of-interest) dancing for God:

and God is a jealous God so guide them to not turn away (save such as until the end of their weary feet, the end of the song, the end of the event, or save until similar [though for instance a spouse may be allowed to cut-in until Final End Time or of higher purpose])(types of dances for instance apply, such as hardly to disrupt a mutual pattern of all dancers).

Rightly some Preachers have said don't waste a lot of time on porn, though if so it is toward lower laws, unless if to guide them unto higher values such as to say instead of wasting a lot of time on other things this week [such as porn] how about volunteering to organize these Christian Church chore lists and updating per season and it might only be a couple hours per week though very helpful. Or similarly please poll some nearby strangers about this Christian Church.

Here is given You a powerful key with many areas of applicability for many people:

to ask for their Covenant Promise, to invite yet with specific values for the hearers.

Your Covenant Promise Members Will say the "Preacher asked me to"...similar to the Blues Brothers movie saying "We're on a mission from God" similar to being much more than a superstar! Some people enjoy such.

Porn is inappropriate in a Christian Church service, and inappropriate on a Holy Mission such as to update or poll. Though nudity in the nursery can be appropriate. So a key is that the House Of Prayer is Holy, and not secular, and this precept applies to porn, lust, and other things. Even so consider that many Christian Churches accept the root of all evil.

So another key is of value, to rightly distinguish according to the higher rather than the lower and maintenance. Your Sermon is important, chore lists and polls are less important, and porn is less than those. Yet porn is not without value. To have goodly ideas about how much or how little skin stretches, such as concerning circumcision and such as concerning openings, these are important keys of values so as not to hurt people, and porn shows without testing each person to see how flexible they are. To see porn to know about sperm transfer, expressing milk, bathing, and so on is helpful and specifics are no more to be discussed in normal Sermons than to have a Sermon about an addiction if the Sermon giver is addicted to something. The Sermon is like the House Of Prayer though the Sermon is toward the highest part, the highest part is Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Father Praying Faithfully In The Holy Spirit In The Original Plan.

Understand there are lower level reasons, for instance naysayers show lists on the Internet of misinterpretations through the decades as though against Christianity though actually Christians successfully Do their best as any person can so opt for God. That is, while the Christian Works, the naysayers place themselves under lower levels under laws. So while the naysayers are to be thanked and loved for their Christian helps, far more important is the proper Christian Leadership without jumping to wrong conclusions and without treating precepts of Christ JESUS merely as lower laws. Levitic and Davidic laws for instances, included legalese toward the murder of Christ JESUS, when rather the Levitic and Davidic precepts were of matters of higher Faith guidance as with "here a little, there a little" (Isaiah 28.10 NHE).

The "here a little, there a little" description is more toward baking (a pinch of this, a handful of that) rather than toward legalese per se (in a lab 1/4 gram of this element, 5 grams of that compound).

Abraham Fathered nations as the pebbles on the beaches, and at ninety years old Commanded Of God, if porn might have been helpful to view toward becoming more motivated (not likely since God is plenty of powerful motivation, and conditions apply) Abraham and/or Sarai might have welcomed porn to accomplish the Victory For Christ JESUS thankfully.

So too with porn, there are proper Faith aspects, and many legalese aspects.


Just one sentence on pertinent Evangelism: while preparing this Sermon, yesterday October 11, 2017AD as typical many things were mentioned such as about pews and such as about people, though when "porn" was first mentioned in a favorable light (see above text) the visitors to this site skyrocketed, so of a key don't stoop to a lower Mission unless very important (hence actually therefore a higher Mission) since there are many higher Holy Spiritual things to discuss, though if to discuss in Sermons things others already know in their "hearts" (see above text) then be extra careful to hardly tread on their sprouting "hearts" and if it is hard work give all Nehemiah 9.14 for instance.

Higher Holiness.

Free beer, free porn, free clothes, and/or other might fill the pews with people, though seek to fill the House Of Prayer with True Worshipers Of Christ JESUS, and likewise toward advertising that potential visitors need filled in their hearts.

People are looking for solutions, and the solutions pertinent to the highest known in the Heart in the Soul in the Heavenly Holy Spirit are the most prized.

A great key new to this civilization is going to be given You ("new" in the sense of this generation, aware that otherwise great(s) such as Christ JESUS is(are) already with such), though first with being toward appropriately preparing each hearer(s) soul(s).

While the secular has very intelligent people, many try to selfishly apply Holy Principles for their own party to win court cases, to beat others technologically and financially, and to do similarly toward sin and toward making themselves worthless and unable to ascend; similar to those who crucified Christ JESUS (yet rather Christ JESUS is currently available even if they have been not intelligent in such).

So while this key has practical Holy higher conquering applications that can be accomplished instantaneously, this key is hardly given for those of little ascending, and rather more valuable for the properly ascending in New Christianity for far more than face value.

Now in preparing toward this great key Christian Leader consider that You have a position available (with or without pay) and some interested in filling the position though just by looking at them You might in Christ JESUS be able to see what pertinent crimes they committed and how recently; not only that, also rather what goodly deeds they did such as to greatly help Christian Leaders: this is becoming possible now increasingly rapidly, and frankly much of it has been tied to porn. So in this sense is a lower key, if to throw out porn, it is tied to throwing out Your own help; and future generations truly.

So this is hardly about porn and rather of the gift, the higher reason even to overcome sin quickly.

See beyond the seen: it is known as Holy Faith.

The secular offers a the court trial because it said You can't tell by simply looking at a person whether they are innocent or guilty: but that was a big lie.

Secular scientists have already proven it themselves (and was the Christian aware?, even so ascend).

Christ JESUS explained some things sinners cannot do such as in Matthew 5.36 DR:

So this is hardly about appearances as normally have been of values in sinners' opinions, which previously included "porn" in the former opinions of some Preachers, so this is for the Christian Preacher With Christ JESUS: in God all things are possible, Matthew 19.26, so rather Mark 9.23.

And this precept likewise applies to Revelation 22.11.

These precepts together create a Heavenly bound Principle, a Holy Covenant Principle over Firmaments (for the One Worthy) and a Principle over any pertinent Principalities, for Christ JESUS.

Now a secular lower level key tied to porn proven in the secular, so that if to look at a person then to have an indication, for instance is that it has been said that if a man ejaculates he loses zinc and so his hair turns gray or white (various sources)(perhaps of masturbation, perhaps of making babies).

Now another lower level key similarly is given, there has been evidence (ibid.) that for instance a female with black hair streaked (naturally evidently) with white hair at least in some cases has been sometimes associated with a certain specific sexual activity (so hardly toward a problem as if isolated that God could not intervene because instead God can intervene:)(so hardly only a problem, as was considered previously, rather) so since the activity was toward risk, now in Christ JESUS One can help that person if so active (this is not to say a person with black hair streaked with white hair has done such an activity, rather that some similar looking people did).

To prepare this in perspective toward the start, the face value, prior to much pertinent ascending; consider that if a person is sick and goes to a medical doctor, MD, the MD does not administer to the patient every shot, every pill, and does not bandage the patient head to toe (Lazarus): instead the MD gives the patient only the particular thing likely to remedy the particular type of sickness.

Such is true of types of porn, sex, and a multitude of other things. This key, greater in higher levels, Christ JESUS gave You for Oneness Victory over porn for their sakes.

Your Faith In Christ JESUS can see that if there is any problem and if so to consider the course of action option(s):..."divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand" (Mark 3.24): the Holy talents and precepts are to function together as One In Christ JESUS.

If to Evangelize, and if to Shepherd the Flock, then hardly toward casting out, also less toward accusing toward wrongness nor even competing [(save Christ JESUS said ascend of precepts in Christ JESUS) so save of a level or levels if pertinent], and more toward Oneness, so hardly as a warden over inmates and rather as One Host With Invited Guests and normally the mature guests would help the host (a note concerning age: some adults nap while some toddlers might such as pick up a fallen spoon and hand it to the Host: Wisdom).

During a recent Jimmy Swaggar Ministries television show for instance many were arguing about this very thing, ascending levels in One (steps and/or a flow [leaping]). The point rather is each was right though at various levels.

For example a parent teaches a child on stairs "one step at a time" because of the child's short legs, though if a strong agile long legged parent grabs and carries a child because of fire and the parent decides to flow better because of a great safety margin and so steps two steps at a time rather than burn, the child might wrongly say "no, one step at a time". There are situations to reduce porn to rather pray, and there are situations that growing in not only Word yet also in Will is appropriate for Christ JESUS.

Proper Christian Faith is as to start preparing a Sermon for their sakes, and then the preparing is from Heaven. Proper Work is to start, and then if appropriate God sees the Work through unto greater: unraveling the Holy Christian Scriptures: unraveling very Faith itself (a noun, a substance, a vessel, Matthew 13.31, yet alive and already with spirit for converting unto growing.

This key is as the Preacher prepares and so learns the Path more excellently in an advancing rate, not necessarily about keyboard speed for instance and rather of value of information, is that although the Preacher continues to Work the Soul In Christ JESUS enlightens in the Faithful Christian process.

Newly Baptized Christians ascend as They never did before though perhaps hardly aware with fresh memories of sinful ways, yet can Wisely opt to help Their Preacher more (quickening Their own info value pace in the process) though Their Preacher may Wisely consider and perhaps opt to assign Them to another of the Christian Church Position Holders so Their value increases yet the Preacher is not encumbered if pertinent (also with considering Position Holder(s) and more concern(s)).

The Newly Baptized may see little change for quite awhile, yet should continue in Christian Faith, and be glad for others quickened in the Spirit, though let the Newly Baptized help the "quickened" since for the Newly Baptized the "quickened" may have fallen on stones to Comfort the Newly Baptized awhile (Matthew 13.5) that the Newly Baptized might ascend of the higher purpose via the helping the "quickened" such as with the Newly Baptized providing unto the "quickened" with Isaiah 49.10 to Comfort them, hardly to return favor as in the secular "quid pro quo" (of letter of law, reference edifying though secular movie Silence Of The Lambs), rather that the "quickened" be shown favor and that worthlessness hardly enter (save a little salt: catalyst, motivating, hope, greater Doing), and in so having Done then toward Worthiness Of the Newly Baptized as ascending in Christian Faith is for the [Newly] Baptized and hardly for sinners save to save them (Matthew 13.11), and therefore having Done so then to the further glory of the "quickened in the Spirit" for Their glorifying Work for Christ JESUS One.

The sinner wants to grow properly*, but very often doesn't know how, even when told and shown (*as the Christian Does). It is because the sinner wants the credit selfishly. This is the same principle for Christians to ascend (ibid. though rates apply, talents apply, situations, criteria, and so forth apply for high purpose).

The sinner can rise through levels up to the Christian Firmament but that's all unless to repent and be properly Baptized into Christianity.

The Holy One, the Christian, can rise.

To the sinner, God made the Tree Of Good And Evil. To the Highly Ascending Christian, God made all for the Good Purpose of All One in Christ JESUS.

In the Stephen King movie Carrie the sinner was the Mother which censored and worse (see comments at bottom of page that a person can have faith but miss the point of "the true spirit", also accordingly let the Christian and other(s) not commit the sin(s) of wrongful "force"(s)[a popular interpretation in this generation]), and the maturing child had sexual dreams toward leaving the Mother to be with a man.

The Priest enjoys being clean, such as after bathing, after repeatedly manipulating sexual body parts (anti-bacterial sprays are also available to similarly disinfect hardly with touching though some materials stick to the body contrary to ascending): Adam and Eve were "manipulating sexual body parts" and hid themselves (Genesis 3.8&10).

So some Preachers today say no porn, and touch sexual organs and then are openly pleased, but Adam and Eve did such and hid. The Preachers today are hardly more Holy than Adam and Eve were concerning touching and concerning sexual organs, in fact if any was more perfect it was those that the Christ Bible explains were in Heaven.

To the sinner porn is sin. To the Holy Faithful One searching for Good, the gift reveals the Holy Way to Miracle Heal, even by speaking the appropriate Holy Word, praise Christ JESUS!

In the secular if a person sees a robber, the person might yell "Stop!" and the robber might stop, or might die.

In Your Christian Faith if a You see a person doing risky things, You might advise them to stop, and if they do so they might live.

Some sex matters have been associated with very dangerous, illegal, and lethal matters, such as concerning blood types. So if a couple wants sex together, even Christian Marriage might be forbidden, though Christianity continues: it is only the problem that is to "stop".

Porn is a new tool for You. This is not to say look at porn. If any of Your Flock might look at porn or any other tool, see to it that they look at porn with Christ JESUS, or that they look at the tool with Christ JESUS. People have a sexual drive, so this is important. The Holy Creator gave the sexual drive, so this is exceedingly more important.

This is more than a Miracle Healing Key tool, this is of increasing Your Faith, the Faith Of Your Flock, and the Faith of any and all as much as other save the already ascended so high.

You are Christian, so supposed to be One with the Creator, right?, so envision building the first person. How to Do it?, What to Do?: Adam needs be made so to eventually become Christ JESUS. So You would make Adam so many cubits tall, Matthew 6.27 DR:

(see above text "in God all things are possible").

So to be for Christ JESUS then You make male Adam with a penis. And You make Adam sinless, since some sinners wrongly get an erection when winning in battle so might more easily get it cut off: keep in mind this is True Holy Faith In Christ JESUS. You make His penis long enough though able to shrivel in cold weather to protect it. You make Eve with a breast so many centimeters or inches protruding. You make their sons and daughters with small parts of a specific size that grow at a specific rate.

Now of this same Miracle Healing Key, after having made these people, if You see any variance from Your Plan, it is sin.

Because You made the other dimensions, height, width, if with any straight line, angle, or curve, then You know what would have caused the variance. In a secular sense You can narrow it down. Of higher Faith You Know already how things grow and even the final result. In Christ JESUS if (John 9.3: only when appropriate) You Christian do not already know, then reasonably You Wisely can at least "narrow it down" (though hardly toward secular, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS specifics on the eye-of-the-needle: You reference the Christian Bible and rather Christ JESUS thankfully) and rather fix them up.

Sinners involved with porn have shown behaviors.

Yet this Holy Key is hardly about secular "behaviors" and rather the direct fact(s) of vessel appearance: for their sake. For You to best heal them (see MD above), You see how they did not grow per Your Plan for Them.

Christ JESUS said the vessel is Your Body, it is Your Temple. If You in fact or symbolically see Your Church building that has been hit by a car (symbolically sin) then You know to remove the car, add wood, bricks, plaster, and paint. The same Principle applies to the human body (Luke 6.42), if a person has been hit by sin, You remove the sin (aware of Matthew 12.45 maintenance during their recovery), and then You add the pertinent steps (hardly leaps) that they overcome the pertinent sin yearning(s) if any. Then They newly aware of leap risks, should be better talented to advance (perhaps soon on their own so to speak, stepping and leaping for Joy In Christ JESUS thankfully).

Christ JESUS said and/or asked "What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? (from Luke 13.18 NLT). Now You can look at a tool, such as porn, and look for the Good if any, and consider why God gave You (such a destructive menace, rather) such a Blessing: it is an unseen Blessing, a problem until in proper Faith Your fix up and solve in Christ JESUS. Consider manure, how the carrot with air and water in proper amounts fixes it up until a food for the people and the people fix it up, preferably in the Lord, with proper Praying in thanks, that it become proper Christian Food.

You can freely opt to look away and hide from porn the ways sinners do if otherwise to be found out and chastised by the stick, or Your Properly Anointed Tools Of Faith (this is hardly to Bless porn, even so nonetheless in ascended perspective as Victor Over Porn You can and already Bless the Universe directly or such as with Your Preaching) can ascend with or without porn of no consequence to You unless You make any Blessing of it for Good Higher Purpose.

The carrot hardly eats manure in order to produce manure, rather for higher purpose: You.

You shall know them by their works, their fruits; and that is how they Will know You.

If You need to find a person with only one hand, when You find such a person, You know it, and You can prove it even in a court of law.

With ascending properly increasing Your distinguishing talents for their sakes, You let sin come apart somewhat as You see how to fix it toward the Christian Standard: no waiting required, much sin is already falling apart and ready for instantaneous solving.

So of the above Miracle Identifying And Healing Key You become more talented in performing Miracles properly and openly. And another greater key comes, people often work hard to hide sins (so for instance You are hardly harmed nor even aware in secular terms) and yet the non-sin part, the healing Miraculously In Heavenly Joy part, is not only openly known in their presence, yet also from You Source JESUS. Holy Joy is becoming increasingly from You (even so praise Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Holy Father).

Painful sin (hidden) x You curing (Joy for all) = Cured and Joy for as many as Willing to agree (Matthew 9.29).

Without You the pain continues until Final End Time or until another of appropriate Faith (such might include secular talents though such may lead to further surgeries and/or other pains).

If a person writes with a pen a lot they might develop a callous on the finger at the contact point with the pen.

When people behave a certain ways there are signs: signals they may not notice, though the higher ascended sees (conditionally, save highest).

When vessels signal, such as to appear a certain ways, their ways might become known (hardly to associate with illegal interpretations, rather to meet the law and to seek to help all).

With full respect to the fair and legal matters, if a signal comes to You it is a Blessing unless of sin, in which case the sinner is attacking You, Beloved. And even if being attacked, You for their ascending is appropriate as much as with overcoming any pertinent sin and yet rather for Good JESUS For Heaven.

For Your awareness, if to defend Yourself, it might happen that You be called into court: so seek the higher in Christ JESUS to overcome for court satisfaction and delight of all for Christ JESUS, yet aware that not all things are answered instantaneously.

Even so, Christ JESUS said "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." (John 14.18 KJ).

So be aware of this key, sometimes You Will Do a Miracle and see no results, so check Your Own Faithfulness, also considering the circumstantial appropriateness of the Miracle.

For instance, if to draw a straight line but a person puts their hand over the middle of it to hide the middle from You, it does not mean the line turned nor actually disappeared to be no more, rather it is likely straight and only disappeared from Your sight. It might not be appropriate under such circumstances for God to instantly give You x-ray vision just so You can see through the hand, for instance the x-rays might harm the hand, Your Eyes, Your Head, and so forth.

So a new key is not only to have a new talent such as to make the dead walk, yet also of that new talent to not worsen their state.

So if You see a person breathing sideways through a hole in their neck, it does not mean stick Your finger down their throat:

Christians want to Do Miracles And Heal, though some matters are none of their business,

ascend to properly distinguish.

Some may want to Evangelize more people than anyone ever, Good, typically, though hardly if by forcing people under water (generally known as illegally working to be drowning them).

If You say or do anything there may be people objecting, questioning Your motives, and trying to sift You for hidden meanings. Even so seek to Do Good and to seek and to save the lost for Christ JESUS yet appropriately proper precept on proper precept.

If You see a person that was attacked by a sin, it does not always mean drop everything else, be pushy, and intervene yelling and screaming. It is hardly about only some of the Teachings and Doings of Christ JESUS, rather of All.

You already know how to identify some people, and now You may further identify some Good from Christ JESUS in order to overcome some problems, and rather stated now as some opportunities for greater Good In Christ JESUS.

Which is better, for an MD to say there are sick people, don't look at them, or for the MD to try to cure them?, likewise

if to be shown porn, seek to look for any Good and if hardly of Your Faith no longer look; rather consider this and greater:

become aware when shown pits and traps, so to better not fall into them, better noticing signs even if very little secular evidence is present.

Too much zinc for instance may cause prostate cancer, too little zinc for instance has been associated with bladder cancer.

To identify a person according to their sex organs is toward porn (in this case "porn" is counted as if a reference for comparing: so a secular standard), if not to identify a person according to their sex organs is toward lack of Marriage, anxiety, hopelessness, lack of generations, and so forth.

To cure a person from sexual addiction is normally Good, but to cure a person of sex is not necessarily Good.

For a curious child to look in another's diaper is not necessarily all bad.

For an adult to look at porn when they are supposed to be at Church is normally hardly Good.

For an adult to run to Church when they are supposed to first put on clothes from having come straight out of the shower is hardly Good, though if their house is on fire and the full Church is next door, then pretty Good.

Porn is not Your enemy, wine is not Your enemy, unleavened bread is not Your enemy: the chemical chlorine is toxic yet when a person even in a secular level ascends properly over chlorine they can use it as a tool toward decontaminating water. If You make an enemy, it is Your problem to conquer for Christ JESUS (reference Word(s) And Work(s) Of Christ JESUS for any condition(s)).

If a tree is not Your Christian Church, it does not mean that tree is Your enemy.

Some talk about sinful things: such are Your opportunities in part, that God grants You, and not to overburden You.

For example of animals, pigs are pretty smart, but don't cast pearls before swine, rather if for instance near a shallow salty lagoon perhaps teach the pigs to rout up the oysters for You to open so them so You gain more pearls and for the works of the pigs You watch over them and feed them.

Likewise if You Meek One inherit a porn business, it is Yours, so You might opt to convert it to a Christian Church, or convert it into a Christian Bible publishing company perhaps keeping all workers employed, and/or bringing in other workers. If Your Christian Church criteria is toward sexual concerns, You might make helpful pertinent materials though not to undo the Christian Work: and seek to keep Your Sermon Pure For Christ JESUS. People that like to cover much of their bodies with clothes is normally respectable (though for instance see above text including "police officers").

If given something, seek to ascend and be with causing any and all to properly ascend in Christ JESUS.

Stop looking at porn and it will go away?, ignore porn and it goes away?, a driver fell out of their car as the car approaches Your house so ignore the car so it goes away?, rather Christ JESUS would that problems, if any ("if any" is stated hardly for this given time and rather for preparing [for Your sake, for Your Flock] for beyond Final End Time when All Is Holy Heaven), be best solved in You In Christ JESUS, that You continue properly ascending toward creating a New Heaven.

Worldly difficulties are delightfully overcome in Christ JESUS. If a child spills milk, hardly to forever stop looking at the child. A vessel can perish, it is something that can be known, truly, truly, even Blessedly, such as a piece of tissue paper typically that after it's useful life it disintegrates properly: it removed the problem and now the tissue paper can go to solve greater problems such as to add fiber to a beneficial bacteria such as done at sewerage treatment plants: in other words the tissue paper ascends.

The letter of the law interpretation is that Christ JESUS Will of a large sword (translation comments...) pierce and conquer nations and each person, each soul (...Luke 2.34&35), though the ascending Christian Faith is of the unraveling of higher mysteries for their sakes, for the sakes of the fertile ground, the people as much as of proper faith or rather Holy Faith to hear into Their Heart, then to turn the Sword into the Plowshare:

harvest porn, wine, and merriment; though nothing is sacred if without Christ JESUS. Anoint the entire Universe, though in vain if without Christ JESUS.

Ever Increasing Faith Ministries (televised and at includes levels of Faith of Christian Positions and yet ascending Faithfully for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

New Testament "Paul's Apostolic Authority" explained in 2 Corinthians 10.15 NIV:

Therefore keep the original, and yet consider the Newer Greater as Christ JESUS Faithfully Taught and Did, since the greater unseen is being unraveled, and people hardly have to appear as if beggars and rather if of proper Christian Higher Faith people can wear for instance pants, and for instance gird up to wear a flying suit capable of outer space rocketry, and innerspace safe travel through a mountain of rock as never before of the "Known Universe" of this generation.

Oldest Testimonies toward animals, rather Properly Faithful Newest Greatest Christian Guidance.

Heavenly guidance is hardly for conquering people in former ways toward domesticating animals to work for their masters. The word "hardly" allows for Your created body from Heaven: truly even from Your Heavenly Parents even if absentee or worse (Fifth Commandment of the set of ten). Respect those over You, past generations suffered much for Your sake (even if a person was unaware of any suffering). Sometimes having sex is a lot of work, for various reasons such as exhaustion, and such as due to being otherwise mindful of Christ JESUS so such as trying to bear in mind Song of Solomon 7.3 (also see below text Song of Solomon 5.11 and Drawing) and/or similar: Christian Bible Porn.

The Christian Bible has porn perversions though let the Christian Leader distinguish three realms for instance (X, Y, and Z): the Christian Temple House Of Pray With Holy Sermons And Pure Services with likewise support works of hands buying Christian Bibles, Missions, and see text below "carpentry" along the straight-and-narrow upwardly ascending (X); Grace with Mercy likewise given such as a Member going home awhile for ongoing Christian outreach and for personal generational family needs, to work, to eat, to vacation, to have sex, to maintain their items, and such (Y), and if sins [illegal category](Z).

Christ JESUS is of the Heart (X) rather than the flesh of generations also of value toward secular, so sexual concerns are essentially secular though the secular (Y) needs Your Christian Higher Holy Spirit Guidance to conquer these levels properly for Christ JESUS, in or at least toward Oneness (X). Your Leadership over sex and porn are also included for the sake of Your Flock and others so they do not sin (Z), yet rather for higher purpose (X) or at least toward higher (X) hence at least (Y) if not Christ (X).

Sex is not for (X) nor (Z), nothing is for (Z) save Christian Evangelism including the full repentance. So sex is for (Y). Some perversions come and go, as fads, and of secular laws, and given situations. You are over Your Christian Church criteria that might opt to detail guidance for this current situation such as perhaps for this generation. Long ago there were multiple wives such as when males were killed in battles, of the ancient part of the Christian Bible, though now, with Christ JESUS of around 2,000 years ago You are hardly of battles hence hardly of "multiple wives" and rather of higher in Christ JESUS with one man one woman Marriage, yet with You is higher Wisdom over such as the given from above changes over You, unless You (from this world and rather from Heaven JESUS One) are no longer so effected.

So known widely as "soft porn" types of sexuality and/or perversions are known of You, as not the same as destructions, so while some flirting and teasing is acceptable, torture and death are not and are not sex nor porn, and should not be added to such "soft porn" type acceptable sexuality.

Christ JESUS provided such things such as the Christian Bible and [of increasing Faith in Christ JESUS from such Christian Bible Preacher(s) One] the Christian Faithful wisdom over [as per situation (Deuteronomy 30.11), rather properly increasingly Faithfully] the given concerns of the moment and this generation and the next time frame and next situational frame. Properly solving for Christ JESUS overcomes many time concerns, and many other related key matters.

In this Series Of ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for instance while the secular has done many goodly things, many problems were also pointed out as directly tied to the secular not giving Christ JESUS the glory, in law, in commerce, and in other specified areas. Though Christian effort in President Donald Trump And Vice President Mike Pence is showing victories for Christ JESUS. Also at a lower level the secular handling of sex matters in public, the entertainment industry, in businesses and government has been per given often, and it is that same reason of context, in the describing, the indicating, the higher talents pertinent to moments that has added value(s) over sex legalese; which many have called arbitrary though many of the finger pointers have tried to push the envelope (example: people at times intentionally made near borderline videos against standards (tempting, arguing) to try to get away with it rated X then edited out the X part and resubmitted to get an R rating according to various sources over years, having wasted government effort for their private hopes and gains).

So here is a key concerning people that try to get away with things such as slight infractions or such as disputed territories (GodMath Testament p. 16&17, Affiliated), that given this "videos" producer example: there is a tendency of the Physics Of The Creator that things properly accomplished for Good Christ JESUS Flow together properly fitting into place, so greater videos have a tendency to focus on the goodly whole of the videos, that is, on the details that work as one [for the buyers viewing (rather Faithfully for Christ JESUS)]; but focus on other diversions such as about how the video might be rated after-the-fact is hardly toward video greatness and instead as in this case toward ratings traffic jams amidst diversions.

This Sermon For Christ JESUS and for everyone is hardly about changing standards and rather of the Doing The Word And Will Of Christ JESUS. In that Created given Will including changing growing physics types, is the needful growing improving for Christ JESUS, formerly of cultivating (honing associated with Luke 22.31 toward secular lower tactics), rather of higher Christian guidance: preparing the Way Of The Lord, planning the Word With Doing.

So importantly now in this generation even in not many years is Christian Leadership over such, and not through a secular entity.

So soft Christian Bible porn is OK, right?, hardly, with the "Christian Bible" aspect toward yes, but the other part somewhat out of context: soft porn has generally been of breasts and less of the pelvic region, though soft porn such as a magazine has sometimes included some sexual intercourse pics along with the more abundant non-pelvic pics. Such intercourse has often been considered hard porn, and to include soft porn and hard porn to this extent is such as evidently appropriate of the Christian Bible and now in this generation but hardly any other harder perversion types often found in hard porn.

Now what Does this mean in Christianity, what impact Will this have?:

starting with the entry into Christianity, if a sinner is to fully repent, then the lower level ideas are about "repent from what?", generally, so this guidance can help them and the higher Evangelism level, though overall to let them repent without specifying is toward goodness such as with their coming to Your Christian Church and seeing how others dress and behave and interact, though without specifying can also be adding extra burdens on them as they are looking for Your Guidance rather than their own interpretations (2 Peter 2.22 having hardly yet received 2 Corinthians 3.2 from You).

Placing extra burdens on others is the placing of such on all and on the self, save the One Holy Way Including Word And Deed. So include things important to them, such as Sexual Specifications, and such as Procreation, Respect, Honor, Love, Mercy, Faith, Evangelism criteria, ascending criteria, and other things needful for and in Christ JESUS until Final End Time JESUS.

Higher than the "entry" level is Your specific awareness such as for Your Leadership and Sermons, and under such Leadership are specific worthiness requirements over proper Baptism, for instance whether it is alright to Baptize a nude person or Preach in the nude and such are not so normally of higher Faith In Christ JESUS. Even so, not to unworthily promote sex, though consider if God is Spirit and not flesh then without clothes though all things have spirits or higher Spirit(s): so high conditions apply and not for excuses to Do lower things: the Holy Path is not made of excuses, such as if an excuse to have sex.

Not only would Your Christian Church criteria be updated according to the above text also stated here "changing growing physics types, is the needful growing improving for Christ JESUS", yet also effecting this text as of this Sermon.

God is unchanging, yet God grows. God is unchanging yet people are Chosen and brought into Christian Oneness. The Holy Physics Path is unchanging yet higher and higher anew and the last state greater than the first.

Turn not Your Christian Church into a marketplace of flesh even if without lucre. Sex play and sexual intercourse [also including if to demonstrate] in a Christian Church Building is forbidden (Matthew 21.13 and not toward mating due to higher distinguishing Deuteronomy 12.12 as a Priestly Firmament).

Sermons on porn, and porn otherwise, does not mean any of Your Members should so participate (Ezekiel 8.6); and whether abstinence or not is no guarantee of ascending. Let all You Do be for Christ JESUS.

Many have spent much time looking at porn. Specify for them for purity and kind considerations for the sakes of others, and also about risk and against any added torture, disease, or death. If for instance to look at a pic (aside from the subject in the pic) it is somewhat similar but not the same as to lust after the pic. If to lust a pic (perhaps it has a nude image) then toward idol worship, so a person might put the pic on their wall, but some things should not be put on the wall toward worship of the pic and/or the subject image in the pic. Do not worship a computer, nor television, nor video, and hardly dream on such nor nudity nor vacations nor weekends if overly toward lusting; though often greater care [perhaps counted in the lower as if lusting] and attention is needful such as to clean a computer and update, and such as to recuperate and maintain and nourish and learn greater for Christ JESUS.

So here is a key, be attracted such as toward Marriage, yet be more attracted into the Christian Church; in other words per se less toward rules consider Your Christian Church criteria and within such criteria if appropriate offer Your Flock an idea making Them aware that people often spend too much time looking at diversions so might consider for every moment of their most addictive area (watching TV, porn, playing sports, eating, texting,...) they also volunteer the same time and/or effort toward Your Christian Church tasks rather than toward wasting time; and make known conditions apply, such as whether there are family and/or employment ties to a diversion, and for instance if a person is fat perhaps they should opt to work on a non-Church-Feasts task. So a subset key is have Your tasks list long and ready (reference Prayer list).

The Old Testament explains much incest, sexual identity problems, rape, sodomy, and other, such as some as noted in Song of Solomon 5.1 & 5.9. Let Yours not be lost nor a target for predators, save be found Doing the higher Will Of Christ JESUS. The Old Testament explained (mostly after the fall and being cast out from the Garden Of Eden), and the New Testament and thereafter properly interpreted the legalese into the form of higher Christian Faith.

This Faith is increasingly important as lies increase proportional to population growth save in terms of Christians (even so, meaning Christians properly interpreting and leading). Many groups lie. In terms of porn, a Married couple might have sex on a bed and the bed does witness such as wrinkled sheets and stains (often legal evidence) though no person had sex with the bed per se, so this is a truth related key concerning Firmaments.

While the bed is alive with spirits even though legally classified [as if] inorganic, the bed is as a computer and porn on a computer unless live similar to a phone or person to person. It is the living though inorganic top level that distinguishes the fruits thereof. So concerning a traditional sex toy such as to have sex with an inflatable doll is hardly sin.

Concerning masturbation many have referenced Genesis 38.9 (ISV):

Such was hardly about masturbation, rather toward the opposite a lack of extramarital sex (though traditions have changed with technological [see above "inorganic"] advances for this generation, have Mercy on those dating, and if Married then sex with the Spouse only [conditions usually do not apply, such as medical]). The sin of the above verse was the selfishness since leading to this verse was Genesis 35.10 & 11 LDS:

"And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.

"And God said unto him, I am God Almighty: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;"

so this was a special event God requested through Onan Leader Jacob (as Jacob interpreted, evidently [according to after-the-fact] rightly).

So male with female sex is generally for the Married couple or singles (conditions apply), and was for multiple partners though Matthew 19.8 & 9 also applies (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on entertainment).

Death, needless destructions, bondage, suffocation, whips, and similar are hardly of value save educational of what not to do, though conditions apply (see government laws and Your Christian Church criteria). Hardly let Your Flock Members wear dog chains nor be led by leashes. Similarly jokes are very often unfairly biased, often irreverent, often callous, often lies, and so forth, so are hardly for Temples.

Fakes such as putting a celebrity face on a porn pic is a lie (see text below "at the source" for higher purpose in Christ JESUS The Source Of Good), so rather think on Christ JESUS Creator in the heart of the created including celebrities. So with this is a key to not lie lest increasing risk that others might misinterpret: so if to be for instance to choose a profession such as a magician or a spy or a comedian, then to be wise to consider some professions are more known for tricks as lies, and for diversions, while other professions are less toward such: such as a Christian Priest.

An occupation choice as an actor may become known for murdering increases risks of being murdered, such as by a confused person that thought they saw it on the news. A person of a profession known for sex perversion item sales increases their likelihood to be approached for participation and some lascivious people in their own opinions and experiences are weary of being told "no" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on being exhausted [confusion]). So rather planning a venue in life is tied to the Christian criteria (see above associated "Christian Church tasks") by higher level [at least per pertinent moments per se] civilized people.

So a is key related to such problems in the secular world pertinent to virtually all professions though if to become employed then in Christ JESUS ascending to better know them by their fruits (Mark 13.29), and such at times (Mark 13.28), has effected Christians in the world (Mark 13.30).

Christ JESUS chose a profession. Under Parental criteria He was raised under carpentry, and later had greater victories for the Holy Heavenly Father until one of the great occupation(s) in pertinence "Do not touch Me, for not yet have I ascended to the Father" (from Saint John 20.17 Berean Literal).

So Christ JESUS had the job of ascending, it is a job less risky and cleaner than a job for instance in the porn industry. So in this respect the Christian Leader already has rewards (Matthew 6.5 yet of a higher truth Luke 12.44).

Christian Leaders have said no to porn for some high virtuous reasons: there are negative parts such as about "lascivious people" [at times (see above text)], and yet rather there is only One positive greater part concerning Christian Faith In One Christ JESUS.

Mark 2.16 NAS, JESUS ..."drinking with tax collectors and sinners"..., is no excuse for gluttony, drunkeness, nor for that matter to be addicted to porn.

In the life of JESUS circa 0 to 33AD there was touching of the body of Christ JESUS for higher purposes, birth, cleaning, circumcision, likely suckling, and adult touchings (example Luke 7.38). After that mortality and crucifixion of the body was the higher no touch policy.

In this mortal section of living is the free opting to enjoy living to the extent of as if to hate the world of sin because for the greater Heavenly part, and not "moderation in all things" as has been said yet rather in Christ JESUS some things are for moderation and other things for naught (example poison or all (Christian). Yet also be aware even the naught or all are conditional if under law, and if under the higher levels opting over such.

Christ JESUS gave people the option to Marry (Matthew 19.8), so a key is, if to opt to Marry, then to look for the opposite sex and not a fake, not a wolf in sheep's clothing (see Drawing below).

This ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS explains value(s) in properly distinguishing, and there are people out there interested in tricking others for many sinful reasons.

Also it is important with or without opting Marriage, to distinguish given Creator Physics for many goodly reasons, even One Good Higher Purpose, such as to know how Your vessel functions best, and such as how Your vessel is the same or other than theirs so You can best help them and toward the fulfilling the Will Of God With Yourself (see above examples such as involving "skin").

If a person comes to You Priest and wants to know if the Creator made it so that "offspring can inherit genes from the mother's previous sexual partners" (debated secular site example or similarly if viewing porn changes people and if so in what ways, then ignorance is hardly bliss (Isaiah 43.19), Leader.

Forbidden knowledge has value in Christ JESUS when forbidden according to the lower vessel's unworthiness.

Rather Christ JESUS is of Enlightenment: the Light.

This ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS Prophesied enlightenment is coming at an increasing rate,

as Christ JESUS said ..."I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly" (John 10.10 DR).

Christ JESUS loves You and when Christians are properly male and female Married then Christ JESUS Covenants for them to have sex: the Two Oneness Personal End Time until the Final End Time when Christ JESUS Marries All One yet properly and highest and honorable beyond reproach.

Typically the cliche "I don't know" is not the best answer.

If You don't know Faithful ascending in the precepts of Christ JESUS and person shows You WNT:

then immediately take Your family and friends with You into prostitution in order to sell the vessels, and for instances NLT translation and Pulpit Commentary would agree according to what they wrote. Your intellect sees the above verse, yet Your Heart/Soul may freely opt to seek higher and has already found so in Christ JESUS in proper precept fitting on properly pertinent precept; even though Your lightning quick vision and brain clearly show You what is as if the fact of the case but it is not (examples D&C 112.7 & Proverbs 23.23)

Be aware, the Old Testament has many parts that were wrongly stated.

Though it doesn't mean throw away the Old Testament. In this generation people are cross referencing anew and finding new artifacts that help explain.

If a person doesn't understand the Second of the Two Commandments (Mark 12.31), guide with digging a little deeper into the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20.17) and similar supportive matters (verses, gifts, benefits, risks, consequences, laws,...).

If a person for instance has a powerful pistol, a powerful hot plasma gun, or other powerful device they might shoot cattle for food, or shoot to form shock waves to help people scientifically, or to weld or other for people: in other words to utilize a tool properly for the greater Good.

If to shoot a person it is sin according to a Firmament toward protecting people (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Miracle Healing(s) and on not harming more than able to Heal)(Matthew 5.21&22): so a key is the Love Of God is revealed in Firmaments for protecting people.

Likewise a key is that levels including Firmaments are Miracles given as gifts from above, including both presents and benefits. Presents include the benefit of growing and healing(s) so having grown is a present, and having been Healed From Above is a present, likewise for a Christian to give Oneself to the other in True Marriage is to give the Christ JESUS also [(Matthew 25.26 APE)x multiplying gifts (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the last is greater than the first, on the Demming Win Win Philosophy, on Marriage(s) and on Firmament(s))] multiplying the benefits of being together Eternally and so their gifts and benefits including the giver receives as in Marriage You give Yourself to You through Christ JESUS And Your Spouse (ibid. on "Win Win", and on sum is greater than it's parts). Similar is an infant can hardly care for itself relative to an adult, though that same infant becomes an adult and then gives care of itself and can also care for many infants simultaneously, even of greater systems as yet unseen in this civilization.

So a key is that proper Christian Marriage is a Miracle.

Faith is Spiritual in the Christian and not only Love yet also of proper precepts (and talents,...) of the given [being given] of Christ JESUS.

Love grows a thing: Love grows proper Faith, in Christ JESUS.

Love is proper Faith except if the knowledge part (precepts of Wisdom) of Faith is sin, a non-Spiritual thing: other faiths are sins, faiths to those outside of a Christian's Marriage is sin against Christ JESUS, the Christian Spouse, and the Christian Self.

Now within this perspective a major key is given in a pattern, even a Holy Trend (see Affiliated GodMath Testament and previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on triads) with 1. JESUS, 2. [Your] Christian Spouse, and 3. [Your] Christian Self.

This concerns the properly fitting of higher precepts on higher precepts, Done according to Covenanting if properly appropriately fitting together for the given situation to be ascending properly toward and in the higher purpose of Christ JESUS if the person or group doing the fitting is worthy or if Christ JESUS opts (if so then "worthy" might only apply to puffed up temporary amount or might change).

This properly Discerning Key of Covenant (Christ JESUS over) two parties, also applies to secular matters reasonably more easily understood (John 3.12):

Two parties enter into an agreement, or similarly a party enters into a contract with their customer; so of these parties the higher par in the secular is the contract and/or agreement, and the higher "JESUS" part is law, an agreed standard, general knowledge (such as "Look it's the Moon", "Yeah") and/or conversational pertinent also to given situations and assumptions.

Likewise of the higher Christian Path a lower pertinent precept fits some pertinent higher precepts and any, all, or the best is fitted, with "JESUS" over such or at least the Christian Bible information [(John 10.38) as You form such and see it grow].

2. First Party, 1. Mediator Christ JESUS (1 Timothy 2.5), 3. Second Party.

Higher substitutions can be made, such as to change a "Party" to a representative entity or if to symbolize. Reference the way a chef might substitute honey for sugar in a particular recipe to make it taste better or to change a recipe if appropriate, though hardly as if to substitute salt for sugar.

Spouse substitution for example is not appropriate. Date substitution is, even so higher decorum applies (Matthew 5.44).

The Spouse is permanent, lest to devolve such as to caveman and ape days, or perhaps to be given thirst in the desert as the Chosen and hope for meat to fall from the sky. Note the God Of Mercy did not starve the Chosen to death, though rather counted Their ascending worthiness in Joy With Their God Their Provider.

In this ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS, levels have mainly been shown as horizontal layers and less as curved and tilted, as is often the case (such as with Genesis Chapter 1) though threshold levels also include vertical (Psalm 103.12), 3D, and other dimensional aspects; worth conquering though hardly covered in this Sermon.

In some situations lower level involvements are prohibited by law, by teachers, by Ushers, by levels, and/or other(s) (see above sex "in a Christian Church Building is forbidden"). Due to some sexual and other matters in this Sermon already having been discussed by many and having been determined as illegal or immoral, this Sermon changes nothing, similar to how Christ JESUS came to fulfill the Prophets and the Law (so people started to repent and straighten out again and from the Remnant grew Faith better and stronger than the First [yet of the same First Love]), for instance Christ JESUS hardly came to change the Ten Commandments, rather to clarify the higher meaning and purpose of the old as gifts anew, refreshed and greater, better understood and better appreciated.

This is a Sermon, it is hardly a law. This is a Sermon, even so, You know the truth in Your Heart and are free to choose. This Sermon is not to cause any break of the law nor for immorality. Rather this Sermon is available that the Chosen and/or any other(s) might glean benefit(s) from this relating of these given precepts of the ancient Forefather(s) (Foreparent(s)) of humanity.

Becoming civilized, and being more civilized increasingly often involves tools. In part sex is a tool (reference tools, and things such as organs and DNA modifying) and sex is much more than a tool (Luke 7.26), a thread of life and the living until Final End Time or other higher level Miracle for Christ JESUS.

Is a hammer a sin?, no, but it is a tool. Is growing a sin?, or Healing?, or Comforting a sin?, no.

Christ JESUS in fact was more concerned with cleaning the internal than the external per given vessel (Matthew 15.2) and if You Are Christian then Your [sperm or egg or] DNA is Christian too and similar to Your Word And Your Doing, though conditions and precepts and levels and talents...apply, for instance some words are lower than Your DNA to serve nutritionally and maintenance on Your DNA unless if to leave Your body or a part (Mark 9.45, also circumcision of source of sebaceous fat Leviticus 3.16).

Tools are not sin, but if to use tools to build false idols then sin. Sex is conditional, such as for appropriate circumstances, such as with permissions, and so forth. But sex might be wrongly used as a demonstration for selfish purposes: similar to porn but not porn, since porn (God forgive, though for the reader John 14.10) like the Bible is for You, and some porn is available free, similar to some Bibles.

Porn can edify, though the Christian Bible is a higher level and a key amidst books. The Christian Bible unlocks other books including gleaning true higher purposes of secular books. Christ JESUS unlocks the Christian Bible. One Christian Leader unlocks the Bible on a high level, and another reader unlocks unto their level.

Sexual relations might include interests such as concerning Higher Holy Spirit Levels, and/or scientific interests, and/or entertainment, and/or incorporating into Christian Church criteria (or editing), and/or might be of interest to any interested in dating.

Frankly whether in the street or in a University Psychology classroom discussing sex, many people know very little about sex (and a lot of things), such as due to censorship and due to other interests.

Of this current generation here is an example in this excerpt from the excellent Fools Gold secular movie script (no legal affiliation):

"...and died a week later of consumption.

- Oh...

He drank too much?

No. Um... Consumption, darling.

As in tuberculosis.

Not to be confused with consuming,

as in guzzling.

Oh, man. I'm so dumb.

Huh. You wanna hear dumb?

I used to think that it meant he died

having sex, as in consummating."

(Read more:

So the movie had three interpretations, consumption in their sense was a disease, and not "guzzling" and not "consummating"; and in the movie people also had "sex in a church", so the movie should hardly lead newbie daters rather You with Faithful Christian Wisdom should lead them: conquer Wisdom (Revelation 13.18, & rather see above "see it grow") for Christ JESUS: in the precepts Christ JESUS would that You have been give from Christ JESUS for proper higher Heavenly Will.

The secular "school of hard knocks" only teaches as high as the secular.

So if to give sexual freedom, what will they do? run amok having sex in the streets? many already do such, though rather consider what happened when the Chosen people became released from the chains of bondage (and Acts 12.7).

The removal of part of the Berlin Wall to see the truth was on November 9, 1989, many went and saw, but many then returned to their homes: yet all learned the truth that had been kept from them on the Eastern side.

It was a great peaceful movement in this civilization.

This Sermon hardly started as if to be about sex, though toward fulfilling a Sermon on Higher Holy Spirit Levels for You With Your Flock Ascending, the lower steps of the Word Of The Heavenly Father generally (exceptions are such as talents and given situations)(also reference frameworks, and puffed up) need be conquered first, then the higher more advanced Will Of The Cornucopia Of Blessing(s) (note cornucopia is from goat's horn shape wicker basket overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn).

If to walk through the valley of the shadow of death, perhaps plant flowers and such, perhaps carry lights, perhaps post lamps and signage (John 13.34).

Guide the Christian to date the Christian, with Mercy. Guide a Christian to Marry a Christian, with Mercy. If to find a couple unequally yoked guide the Christian to hardly be for sin and rather that the Christian Evangelize.

Christ JESUS makes more than sexual organs, though frankly some people have been so overly focused on anti-sex as to have evidenced addiction traits, having slowed their own progress.

Rather than quarrelsome as the Old Testament often seems to have been, the New Testament Of Christ JESUS offers highest Mediator solving in the properly Faithful.

Some high level worthiness is per person, and some is per household (see above text "Carrie" with a goodly [very Good if in the right situation or higher Faith] though a lower legalese addicted Christian Mother). Your Flock can ascend to Christianity but might stop there and be on time and sit in pews dutifully.

Christian Ascending is from Old Testament to New Testament, from value to higher value (for Christ JESUS, for the Christian to Speak, Do, and Be for Christ JESUS).

Christian Ascending is from Sermons to better New Sermons (see above text "Ever Increasing Faith Ministries" for example), as much as able (also perhaps with pertinence to a Christian's Church criteria though hardly with properly increasing Faith see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Missions).

The Physics Creator of the Body would that the Pure Spirit agree hence with the Pure Body, growing in Christ JESUS; God is Spirit, JESUS came in the flesh.

So a key is the only Way to have a Pure Body is in Christ JESUS One. Sexual intercourse needs be properly the Husband With Wife as One Flesh (Mark 10.8) though such is only a subset of the greater Oneness of the Christian Church toward the Holy Spirit.

So the Married are Pure to the level of their Christian Family, and higher is the higher level need: if to be Truly with Pure Flesh then Priestly (see above "Priestly Firmament"). Be of good cheer, of the Few Chosen there is an abiding force free to be opted of such, so many are in the Christian Flock so many helps are available (additionally see below sinner lack as compared to [secular sense] rather "the Christian might see Blessed helps coming from many directions and resources,"). And when the Christian Works Faithfully Ascending then Christ JESUS is to be thanked as victories over such Holy Works come for One Highest Purpose.

Christ JESUS created sex (organs, activities, abstinence, procreation,...) though in Heaven it becomes realized as a new more important higher more Holy value, and is no longer sex as was of the worldly flesh: a value of feeling goodly in the self is overcome, self-satisfaction is no more, coming Prophetically In Final End Time Heaven.

So here is a great key concerning You in Heaven, and two subset keys concerning worldly sex. In personal End Time, such as providing Heaven On Earth for their sakes, do not expect worldly sex as much as in Heaven,

so a subset key (1/2) is that a Priest can opt to be without sex in the world (as much as thinking it can help though a subsubset key is having conquered perhaps to opt rather the higher Will within the Will [not to undo the previous], see related precepts at ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Immersion Baptism physics such as on sensory changes, and on water pressure and heart; so a Miracle from Heaven clear to each is appropriate if this subsubset would apply lest to lead astray);

the other subset key (2/2) is that as each becomes One the Heavenly [part while in the world (Wife glory crown head is Husband, Husband glory crown head is Christ JESUS 1 Corinthians 11.7) yet with maintenance of body sexually and/or asexually conditionally] Bride so is the Head over the flesh currently in this world and later at Final End Time the Bride has arrived in full for Christ JESUS so there is no more Marriage of this created aspect, Matthew 22.30 APE and GWT:

In other words, in Heaven if there was sex in the sense of You with another in Heaven, then sex with the self since All One, so it is superseded by the greater outpouring rather than inpouring: so two keys: a New Beginning, and less about maintenance masturbation (hardly Heavenly).

Masturbation: such lower level includes secular so if very low such as addicted, then that very low level vessel might be helped by higher even if only higher within the secular levels, parents and laws apply. More importantly higher Christian Church criteria apply, and the higher One Holy Standard applies under the Godhead under Christ JESUS (so likewise this applies to dating).

Beds were soiled by blood flows of females menstruating, and help came from above Christ JESUS, though widely realized in the higher secular levels as with the advent of female hygiene products such as to absorbing blood at the source instead of [in secular cliche:] eventually getting around to it after-the-fact (the secular has value(s)).

Likewise masturbation might be with added lubrication so people would consider cleanliness at the source, often, generally speaking. Males should masturbate rather than make nocturnal emissions (typically, this generation with flesh in the world) though other options can be available.

So these lower level keys are hardly to promote sexual activities save toward more proper living, with mercy on people added. Also Christian Church criteria, and other criteria may apply, even toward modifying this guideline for higher purpose(s); yet consider grandparents and ancestry had sexual activities and had enough Mercy in such as to thereof yield You: a great ROI.

If to walk into a Christian Temple, then hardly of secular matters, that is nearly perfectly to be not of secular matters except after the Sermon And Holy Praying And Services as when cleaning and carpentry and electrical and other maintenance is normally done (distinguish from sellers for private gains), and even Christian Temple maintenance is not with lower level sex (John 11.14): a Church might opt to have minimal flirtatious allusions in a Church Play but that is the lower limit in Christian Church matters, since sex is for the home, tent, or such; or for the medical profession; or perhaps secular level only entertainment.

Generations change, secular moral standards change throughout centuries, though toward the straight-and-narrow is the rail of iron yet hardly unforgiving and rather for the free support option, so let the Christian Church have a hold on the Faith Blood Flow Rail Bread and yet for higher purpose leading as the Holy Example For Christ JESUS One.

In Heaven they do not give unto Marriage nor are given in Marriage so if to describe a male or female then not against Male With Female Marriage in this created, though in Heaven sexual words such as "His" or "Her" are in the Holy Spirit not flesh (unless flesh is so Pure: then likewise agreeing "not flesh" save under the higher only as much as if acceptable words and deeds asexually save Christ JESUS) so

how to describe Heaven:

"His head is as the most fine gold, his locks are bushy, and black as a raven." (Song of Solomon 5.11).

The Oldest Face And Facts Of JESUS

[the JESUS of the New Testament

(according to artifacts and test results within the past year)]. The Face Of JESUS Christ ancient artifact discovered, and analyzed by labs with results this year. Acceptable Christian Sex. Bible Porn. Marriage, dating, masturbation, Bible verses. Leadership over sex and porn are also included for the sake of Your Flock and others with proper ascending through precepts. How to get a job, how to select an employer, occupations, occupational hazards, risks,wolf in sheep's clothing, wolves in sheep's clothing. Michel Angelo man finger touching God. Firmament key levels algae brain. Blues Brothers movie Carrie, Fools Gold, Silence Of The Lambs. Jimmy Swaggar Ministries television show. How to teach gyroscopic forces physics including over complex guidance systems with or independent of gravity. Fully illustrated pics nudity nude naked nudes advocacy sex having sexual, David Goliath sling stone, graph higher systems new Prophecy robert ross benchoff ICCDBB Sermons In Series For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS brought people from the former war ways of the Old Testament unto the New Covenant that Christians convert the world to Heaven. Shown above is a Christian breakthrough, the graven image of Christ JESUS, the naked face of Christ JESUS, the exterior vessel nude beauty of One Lord And Savior. This is hardly as a graven image that You likely saw on Your last trip to the market, rather this is for higher level considering.

Christ JESUS provides for You in the above symbolism and far greater than symbolism since True Of Heavenly Holiness, that in the above Drawing is shown a Real Truth In The Flesh Yet In JESUS You see the tiny indicator through Your vessel eyes so that through Your mind heart and soul Christ JESUS enters Your Steadfast Christian Faith Increasingly: and this Holy Path enables You from that "tiny indicator" to properly distinguish the level of the [Holy Lamb(and/or lamb)] to the full extent of the [Holy Lamb(and/or lamb)].

If to properly prepare Faith in Christ JESUS, with preparing in the Heavenly Eternal Mansions, Places, and Systems, with preparing in the Creator Father in the Holy Physics of the Holy Spirit [with rather the Holy Flowing in These In One, [and with Doing so for their sakes until all be One] then is to properly see anew such as to go find in the field a precious value and Joy In JESUS such as if whether to find a crown to give or whether to find an vessel to tame, culture, preserve at it's highest level unless too low and in need of rate assessment considerations, values, and other higher opting considerations in the Doing The Word And Will Of The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit Of The Eternal Heaven.

The larger font under this Drawing is so shown for You that the proper distinguishing for You be as of the larger font rather than of this more normal to worldly language and secular interpretation [wrongly, per se, though goodly toward a high secular level (see above Drawing center Codice Book and ancient artifacts discussions)]: that a person can see the wolf or lamb and distinguish. So anything of any spirit that is not the [Holy Lamb(and/or lamb)] becomes known and something might be done about it.

So as long as there are any others until Final End Time, then when finding others than the [Holy Lamb(and/or lamb)], something might be done.

So in distinguishing the above larger font [over (secular comparison), rather] for the sake of the lower [and so as Christ JESUS Taught And Did including for their sakes that all be One All], then to realize levels of Christian Faith.

In the secular some people look for the attackers, rather Christian Faith sees the Lamb. The lost see of their own options and ways and designs threats, and sinners interrogate the innocent. The unaware interrogate the others including abuses against the Holy Higher Wise including the leaders they placed over themselves. The interrogators include the secular, including the trappings of people which can include Christians and Their Services which sinners sometimes undo against themselves. Yet such Christian(s) serving the higher values of the higher levels are from Heavenly Glory To Heavenly Glory, from made perfect in former of Christian circumstances to greater Christian Leadership armed with greater higher Tree Of Life living and greater Tree Of Knowledge savvy since of greater pertinence in Their Own Faith for giving proper serving to the Holy Spirit In The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS so more worthy to discern to be properly Flowing higher in Holy Covenanting so of higher level service power for outpouring lovingly caring helpful useful guidance in the higher level Will Of God for their sakes, for the sakes of any in need.

Though the Will Of God is not under the carelessness of sinners, so while the sinners receive great values the sinners have often freely opted to try to bite the hand of their higher Shepherd Guide And Protector, the same as would rather of the Word lead the unawares to greener pastures and cool waters and higher values as much as of the Will Of God, including free options, spiritual considerations over the given physics situations, and for the greater unseen Good.

Sinners need to repent, and to ascend properly.

Christians often are likewise in need of ascending.

Ascending is for all, for the benefiting of all, for their sakes, for unselfish reasoning and rather Highest Wisdom In Christ JESUS.

If so for Highest Wisdom In Christ JESUS, then for Highest Wisdom In Christ JESUS One.

This then includes increasing powers over properly interpreting, for example, if to start to travel through a swamp then to become better at traveling through swamps, to become expert over such things such as for turning swamps into farms to provide jobs to feed the hungry, and such as over great higher value land management projects such as biosystem sharing with others such as in desert regions for mutual benefit and yet all for Christ JESUS lest to be undone and perchance even a total waste of time and instead merely sin.

If a sinner freely considers whether if to walk outside, they might be afraid the cops would see them.

If a Christian walks outside, even if in the same neighborhood as the sinner, the Christian might see Blessed helps coming from many directions and resources, such as to find something They enjoy finding, and rather if They so find and give Christ JESUS the praise toward the glorifying of Christ JESUS. The Creator places such of the Holy Physics where the properly yearning to ascend hearts might best find.

Your wealth of flowers and vegetables comes from dung.

The Holy Spirit Plan started with the deep and later dust. Dust is hardly a toy. A toy is far more advanced, similar to a machine, a computer, or a robot, but such hardly grow (expansion of the Known Universe for example). Growing properly without disease nor critters is according to worthiness from above, and yet in the more advanced is the greater agreeing in accord to grow better, greater, more, and so magnifying and uplifting others, the higher Christian levels are hardly about the self and rather for their sakes (same [similar such as to a Church or a family helping their group], higher, and lower: though higher [such as parent over young child] hardly needs help).

So the lower level hardly evolves and instead often becomes worn out, perhaps obsolete.

So is this key that the higher level increasingly is with Holy Accord In One Christ JESUS and helping guide others properly (not as farming, not as forced servitude).

The higher has gifts and benefits to give. That means the higher is endowed with such, for example in schools people are taught subjects such as for example from alphabet to words to sentences, and for example from counting on fingers to addition to subtraction to advanced physics.

Since You are endowed with advanced gifts then of talent of pertinence to advanced physics for instance already in You, and in each of Your Flock Members, even if any don't know how to add nor subtract reliably. Also Christ JESUS is available (Matthew 28.20).

David did as in Old Testament times, BC, Before Christ JESUS explained the greater Way: rather than war: peace!

In the above Drawing the person (David [symbolic of a Flock Member]) has many advanced physics, not only about the brain and mind, yet endowed within and more as the innate heart and essence of the vessel already given. Listed are many points though many more are not listed. The numbers listed represent some of the many advanced physics points often running automatically, and in this case these symbolize gyroscopic points: Number 1 Shoulder, 2 Elbow, 3 Wrist, and 4 Fingers [with sling tool].

Yet instead of destruction these already endowed advanced physics values can be utilized for advanced greater Good In Christ JESUS (as already often happens). The person walks while swinging the arm: their Shoulder gyroscope causes a gravity shift within that the person controls to help the person properly walk (for Christ JESUS) and not fall.

A tethered weight can act against the [sinner] inappropriate user's wishes and can wrap around the arm or smack against their own head. The Wise In Christ JESUS swing their arm and move the tool weight at to proper speed to advance the Holy Work in advancing the physics potential to solve the greater ascending.

So this is a key: Pray for such value over gyroscopic effects and greater advanced physics and all subject and courses and fields of study, yet be wise to know even if somewhat unawares, that You already have each and all of these: Pray thankfully.

Higher Holiness over perversions that have been contrary to higher value sex concerns.

Christ JESUS is credited with the Good Higher Purpose including going to and fro, North and South, East and West, ascending and descending, turning (Luke 8.45) though yet for higher purpose in the Will Of The Heavenly Father alway on the straight Holy Path. Christ JESUS was there in the midst of slave types of situations (Matthew 8.9) and in the midst of adultery (Proverbs 7.26 with Mark 3.27) as people hid from Holy Light due to selfish hardness of hearts though Christ JESUS did not condemn (John 8.11 over Matthew 19.8).

"Christ JESUS did not condemn", this is a key of higher Holy Christian Faith, the world measures problems to the end of having discovered problems. Higher Holy Christian Faith rather measures Good according to conquered [levels] victories for Christ JESUS, with [a position holder of a level] measuring only the known(s) up to the level of the position holder as above that position level is a matter of Faith guided in part in the Good bound in Heaven similar to Prophetic awareness.

Also of a key "Christ JESUS did not condemn" and so showing an even more excellent Way than punishment as written (a key: if You in proper Christian Faith And Word are Highest Holy One then Christ JESUS Does Such Heavenly Will) Proverbs 13.24 NAS:

Rather "He shall spare the poor and needy," (Psalm 72.13).

Often the world said "Spare the rod and spoil the child" though rather than be beaten by a stick during Christian Baptism and rather than beat children until senseless or dead, as of the above partial (pertinent key part) verse "The righteous" already have enough for proper ascending. If to pour proper Christian guidance over Your guests then to move away from the rod of discipline and the sickness of mental tortures, and exceedingly more importantly toward the "child" becoming a Leader Of Righteousness For Christ JESUS like unto Thyself.

So there is One comprehensive Way of solving over the many various encounters (Christ JESUS: for this generation ICCDBB For Christ JESUS generated the PCS tool).

So maintaining the past high value precepts from above with applying such to the new for Christ JESUS even if the new encounters are not yet seen by the body (the lower levels): is a Righteous Path description in part. So here is a section of that Path, in pertinence starting at 2 Nephi 12.6 LDS:

The above verse is found in THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ page 81 with verse footnotes including "Sorcery" and Genesis 10.14 as found at concerning Good and also many types of horrible things.

So parents, care responsibly for children, though be wise to consider the above concerns many things, far more than children, though with children and adults concerning higher systems and processes. As often referenced in the past it has been somewhat out of context with strong bias against sexual matters (consult Christ JESUS, the Christian Bible, Your Christian Church criteria, and parental criteria such as concerning families, responsibilities, dating, promises, Weddings,...).

So in the properly Faithful Christian context is now the key of Luke 14.26 NIV GWT:

Parent, help guide Your child unto high Holiness In Christ JESUS and when Your child in Your opinion is ready then consider allowing that Your Child, the child vessel be counted as if to hate You in order for them to abandon You if appropriate to begin Their new greater life for You One In Them. With this is, Beloved lover of Your own children, is counting as if to hate Them, them, in order to rather Love Christ JESUS exceedingly more (such as of private Prayer, going to Church, and so forth) instead of temptation toward sins. Even so because of "Love Christ JESUS exceedingly more" You Will be Loving Your Child exceedingly more, even if unseen and immediately unrealized by any [self or witness] (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Witness improvement(s)).

The above "parent" info is for the Christian Leader as many Married young adults [with children] come to the Pastor for guidance and being young therefore often without the leaping rate of Wisdom so truly in need of Your Wisdom and also for higher purpose(s) in Christ JESUS, though also likely because of so many have given the young adults false and very biased information, such as "To have sex is sin". If true, then coming from sin the newborn is sin and the created has no higher purpose, though rather view from the Heavenly Perspective Faithfully In Christ JESUS: in context consider the reason Christ JESUS said in John 8.23 WNT:

From pure Heaven Christ JESUS can Choose and Save and make Worthy and Pure and then lift to Heaven.

The higher Heart Soul Holy Spirit, and similarly as much as with the Head, are of the created for Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS. So knowledge of These Things And The Created For Higher Purpose is not sin nor wrongful bias.

Conditions apply, sex with lower Firmament is sin, DNA modifying must also so apply such conditions.

Sex with the proper created is not sin since from above.

Though the human is hardly capable of pure sex though in Christ JESUS it is possible as in a True Wedding (with clothes lest toward tempting others).

See above text "The Priest enjoys being clean", and as much as proper in Christ JESUS then yes and also pure, even if in the act(s) of the flesh for Christ JESUS (in this instance not to undo the "True Wedding" aspect, nor other high Holy precepts).

Be fruitful and multiply is concerning Good fruit, the Holy Spirit, pure children, and similar as the Righteous need no repentance (Luke 15.7 ASV). Consider what a Righteous person Does, such as They Talk, Work, and Honor the Sabbath for Christ JESUS.

So of a great key, if the Righteous Husband is with sexual activity with His Righteous Wife (as appropriate above and to Them as They Covenant Agree with each other including both the seen and unseen, the stated and the unstated) then as the Creator.

Some knowledge is in secular terms forbidden. Some knowledge is to be conquered properly Faithfully as the Christian can Do in Christ JESUS, as Christ JESUS would have the Christian so accomplish for the Heavenly Holy Father.

Many details are not covered in this Sermon. Even so some higher precepts have been shown here charitably, honoring Christ JESUS.

If entities become Married in Heaven (Revelation 21.2), bind on Earth as in Heaven; and so if bound in Holy Matrimony in Heaven then Pure. If Married, then Holy Spiritual activity similar to sex though immaculate and greater, and in this case from Heaven to Heaven since in Christ JESUS and yet Christ JESUS has the free option to be in the Pure Flesh (and You too as much as of sufficient proper Christian Faith level) or only in the Holy Spirit (and You too as much as of sufficient proper Christian Faith level).

Christ JESUS became seed flesh in Mary.

When the opt, the decision, is of the Spirit Word, it is only Spirit Word. Yet when of the Spirit Doing in this created is in part the creation of levels and Firmaments (reference such as talents, and such as precepts).

Covenanting: when the Firmament is conquered then is the formation (see above text measuring only "up to the level") become possible as Heaven above is alway ready.

So the pertinent Victory In Christ JESUS is similar to a Christian creating, similar beyond worldly measure: Holy Oneness In Christ JESUS.

So this is not to say it is contingent upon the sinner nor the lower, for waiting on them to ascend; rather Heaven is already prepared and aware and weighted and measured and gave the lower every Good property and power, even the above with having provided Time And So Created Prophecy of above and not in lower sin.

Vessels are known by their fruits (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on metabolism) and fruits have seeds (or sources similarly) and seeds are planted or eaten (often bitter though often packed with nutrients, and knowledge carriers, offering traceability aspects), and many seeds are discarded (such as to spit out watermelon seeds though otherwise might be saved as food). So a key is vessels carry seeds, such as traceability to past generations and toward Prophesying of the future generations (at least predictively). So You have Holy precepts including Prophetic precepts, and You have greater than former seeds, fruits toward the future: Word precepts, with flesh seeds ready for Anointing.

So a future precept key similar to growing is the end with the new beginning; the Pure Word Seed Spirit, with the Pure Anointed Seed Flesh: therefore this key is to not only Anoint the Universe yet also for each Holy New arriving as part of Eternal Growing: Anoint the Eternal, the Anointed One (Ezekiel 17.8). Your body touches the Universe now, Your body touches the Eternal now, Your body touches both the clothed and the naked now, both the clean and the sinful though the sinful only as much as for their full repentance and proper Christian Baptism and that the Holy Pure Self remain unstained.

If with Heavenly Christian Heart, Christ JESUS knows You (John 10.14), Christ JESUS knows the Pure of the Created. Christ JESUS knows every vessel, their bodies, their brains, their minds, and their thoughts (Matthew 12.25). But the sinner cannot know (lest given from above [such as of Christian Prayer and a hand in the Work(s)]) the higher though can know much below the Christian Firmament (and as much as the Christian tells and gives though misinterpretations by sinners apply) as the life of the sinner is the life of futility ( so the sinner flesh is never pure and is even under secular law therefore.

Save Your Christian Church, specify over sexual matters properly, and over addictions, and over all Eternally (reference Your Own Christian Church goals and interests) as much as pertinent

yet a now a key is given, if to be Heir, Children, then to be worthy in all things forever, lest any system under You fail: Christ JESUS is sufficient worthiness, yet seek to be as Christ JESUS, exacting, austere, and specifying (Luke 19.22&23) for their sakes, for Your Heir(s): this is hardly law rather of proper Christian Faith this is a free option of the Grace Of God.

So in this sense (see above "futility") while the sinner can amass a secular fortune, let the Pure Flesh Amass The Growing Ascending Fold.

See with new eyes, yet see Christ JESUS eye to eye (Jeremiah 34.3 NAS). The Pure Flesh departed though of Christ JESUS it no longer has to be that loss, Genesis 3.7 GWT:

They merely honored themselves, they should have honored [Christ JESUS] God.

If to construct clothes, for Christ JESUS. This does not necessarily mean that Your Church should be in the clothing manufacturing business, rather over such and all businesses. If people are confused about sex or drugs or music or dance or other: set them straight, helpfully, kindly, peacefully, caringly.

Be One though Honor the greater above rather than Oneself, that is Do so more than Oneself.

Adam and Eve were toward Honoring God after knowing sex, but after being caught. Rather from the start and during and after and anew: Honor God. If to make a mistake Honor God with thanks for newly becoming aware, with understanding mistakes are not corrected at the same rates and some are toward mortality relatively (secularly).

Adam and Eve put on clothing but that did not spare them.

It did help somewhat toward greater higher Holy Faith.

Similarly a person might want a certain type of nutrition, but since for instance it might have an unpleasant taste it might be encapsulated to halt the "unpleasant taste" and to help with swallowing.

The clothed Wife can accept the Marriage Seed [such as generally with likemindedness, disrobing, and after foreplay], though then cleanly put on garments.

So it was hardly to know, it was hardly each nude or together male and female, it was hardly nakedness of sperm transfer into the female properly (save matters of Heavenly Father permission [see You Christian Church criteria], awareness, invitation [Marriage], and high values). It was hardly the sexual matters aside from Doing as animals previously had done, and rather of new responsibility over a new level even a new Firmament level: it was the responsibility to give God the glory, though also the responsibility to not place sexual pleasure ahead of higher God. Even to not place sexual pleasure ahead of One (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Heart, on the Head, on the head, and on minimizing maintenance).

In Christ JESUS be wise to consider many people look at porn and are involved in sexual relationships, and when such lookers and the so involved they not only look at porn and are not only involved in sex, they also study human vessels, behaviors, kindness and it's limitations about which many know little (be caring to not tempt beyond the means of any), they look at muscles and how tenderness is administered (such as for Marriage procreation) and they look at skeletal structures and the background of flowers and candles perhaps.

The point is they are much brighter than only being about porn and sex, and they look around and study, but if to be invited to be an Medical Doctor, MD, and study similar under financially prohibitive relatively tyrannical Professors (Beloved Professors, see top of page "accounting") such lookers and the so involved would hardly be interested. It is important to God to form people, it is important to produce Holy Son JESUS. Lack of porn and sex is also of value(s).

Parents, Police, MDs, and others have pics, vids, and activities that are not necessarily illegal nor immoral even if human nature is involved as the subject. There are multitudes of reasons to have proper porn and proper sex. If for instance concerning the worst of porn situation, if the last indication of their child being alive is in such a video, to the parents it is hardly about porn and they might be for porn and sex or against porn and sex, yet the video represents something else of higher value: their child, and not other lower interpretations, though they might also keep the video for police and records.

Another person might keep illegal porn for records (not recommended without higher permission and then hardly recommended due to activities of this generation), reminding them of other friends in a certain episode in their life, similar to a traditional scrapbook. So porn to one person is not porn to another, so as concerning government(s) as of the above text, government(s) has a tough job, far tougher if without Christ JESUS recognized legally at the Eternal Top (see above, Christian Bible, and previous ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christ JESUS). Consider how an ornament or a ring or another thing was given as a gift and how the item might not be important (positionally, resale value,...) yet the higher value personally (higher Heart level value) is key: love can be associated with idol worship and porn, though overcome in Christ JESUS: an ancient clay idol that is no longer worshiped (nor to be,) is welcome in a museum, similar to an out of date flag, or also in context somewhat a mudskipper in a zoo tied to evolutionary thought as Churches found it offensive though such is conquered in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS would that You conquer the whole world and Universe, not that You merely sit in a pew and hear. The Universe has much confusion (including sin) that is white already for harvesting for Christ JESUS. For instance, a bull wants to eat [Your] grain, so it tramples through and eats competing against [You] the farmer and the farmer can say "no bull" or the farmer can do something about it such as to harness the bull to plow the fields that together properly with [You] the farmer at the Head in charge yielding far more grain enough to give and/or sell.

As on television yesterday and of various secular sources, wild dogs could find food but did not have bow and arrow technology so they made friends with humans and some ties became even greater than ties to their own species: their competition; so Christ JESUS gives a higher precept and even a Firmament: Conquered In The Name Of Christ JESUS. Similarly a farmer with rats in the field and in the house allowed cats, so the animals became domesticated. Domesticate porn, but not past Your Christian Church criteria as much as within rather the Will Of Christ JESUS One In The Holy Heavenly Father.

A schoolgirl puts on a short skirt to flirt, but a long dress for the prom and possible sex: which is the porn?, both?, neither?, rather before-the-fact plan and counsel, guiding unto all righteousness though hardly beyond their means to so conquer (lest such works be in vain). If You don't want them to see porn or have sex, perhaps have them write things that they believe as reminders for them (such as a paper note they may want to carry on prom night); similar if You want limited sex (see "flirt", and concerning when to kiss, who to kiss [such as having met Parents and/or You],...); similar concerning porn parameters (bikinis, nudes, and/or other options) rather than poking out their eyes; perhaps have them pay for [Internet, phone,...(porn)] things often of lower levels though not beyond their means, such as not to be excuse to steal in order to so pay. If they pay (perhaps such as per chores) then perhaps (depending on the Covenant) give them some alone time, perhaps get out of their house (to be closer to them to be their friend, and return ibid. Matthew 16.27) and prepare new worthiness higher tasks and various types of rewards [such as to get them away from too much addiction].

Christ JESUS would that each and all give Christian Prayers for One Holy Purpose In Christ JESUS (for their sakes), such as when (whether young or old, higher conditions apply) dating and possibly if about to have sex Praying over possible sexual matters with asking the other opposite sex vessel to also Pray for the sake of the higher and for the other (but not for adultery, not for torture nor bondage, not toward disease; pertinent in this generation save consideration of laws and Christian Church criteria and parent or guardian criteria) and making clear this Praying and discussion is no guarantee of having sex and that this Prayer is a specific Prayer, though otherwise the Marriage Prayer is another type of Prayer. Similar is to Pray if to go to school, if to go to Church, if to go or stay Pray (Ephesians 6.18).

In Christ JESUS of course a person would not want to cheat another person so for instance if clothed and toward dating then if there is a disease, a body part that is not normal, if there are children or others in care: fairly such things should be made known at the onset; risking the other vessel departing, though generally not to be otherwise self deprecating and certainly not to dishonor any other.

An arranged Marriage is sinful, it dishonors love, the censored, and so forth. An arranged Marriage is not the same as proper loving guidance nor even computer dating guidance which is normally not the flip-of-a-coin and rather: similar interests which is not the same as though toward covenants and covenanting. Sex with family members is not appropriate even to watch though sex counseling, guidance, and discussions are generally appropriate (conditions apply)(Leviticus 20 with Christian Church criteria current interpretations for this generation).

The Old Testament had Marriages with multiple partners though the last is greater than the first, according to rates (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rates) and so some processes are ready for harvest before other processes and in this "multiple partners" concern the better greater way is with many people already toward greater better fairness, in this case at times there were generally men with multiple wives, so now there is generally a man with one wife, so toward more evenly yoked together. This is due to women having been Priests and Preachers and similar, and due to technology (see above "female hygiene products"), and other: yet all of the Good from Christ JESUS.

In Christ JESUS Beloved, note that if alright to know the Old Testament, then to know of such sex: though with Prayer to include Christ JESUS The Leader. And be careful how You hear and read: if You see Biblical reason to Do or not do something, it is wisdom to gather greater loving understanding such as other qualifying verses to have it in best perspective righteously.

Sex within Your Flock Members [see above "dating" and "Marriage", though otherwise] should be toward private in lower positions (see above "places for" [dating, sex, vacations,...]), though toward the Priest level rather than sexual harassment of subordinates violating their rights (secular site example consider putting into Your Christian Church criteria a "dating" notification policy to let high Position Holders of the Church to be made aware ( & Titus 2.2).

Now a new key is given in New Christianity, that You Pray For And Over The Christian Firmament Level, the human Firmament level, and the so called of secular inorganic Firmament level (and the other Firmaments such as concerning the Marriage Firmament, and such as the level or Firmament* of going steady [akin to advanced higher position training],...)(*see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on opting over lower levels [example a customer might turn left or right so a proprietor might post signs: "Men" "Women"]). For instance yoke together properly hence Christian With Christian [even if not the same Church Position Holder level]. But an animal level is not the same so Pray Thanks Christ JESUS for the Firmament. Similarly some have allowed animals in beds and should not, and animals should not be in homes at least as long as there are homeless people. If for instance in an outer space habitat then in distinct living spaces that a person might opt to visit but the animal has no right to visit the person's habitat.

If to Pray for Firmaments and levels, then to Pray that others be worthy: people can gain worthiness, though Firmaments are already Prayed to prevent falling, preventing stains from the lower world: a key.

So another key is in order not to steal from vessels unfairly, then to properly serve, not sex, rather properly serve such as in feeding them if under Your responsibility reasonably. Speak the Word Of God to pigs and animals and lower level entities though not as much as to undo the higher Good such as the Firmament over them unless worthy such as if to have a skin graft from an animal then only to that extent of the graft and not the balance of that animal otherwise, and if the graft does not comply to grow properly then readiness to heal, or if still wrong cut it off lest to worsen (Matthew 5.30).

So with these parameters laid out for You and Your Flock it is easier to see the greater Good (including therefore with Your Own Ascending [for their sakes]).

The Firmament over animals is fair to humans (above) and to animals (below), so how is it fair to oppress animals?, free animals that roamed streets for instance were run over and died (and so caused higher level problems of car accidents, disease, cleanup risks, accounting,...).

Christ JESUS is over Final End Time completed in Holy Heavenly Victory In Christ JESUS, and the living process continues in each Christian and in all vessels and all created.

Christ JESUS noted the Temple was a place for Prayer and not merchandising, and other places were Holy for removing sandals (Exodus 3.3). The Holy Temple had courtyards and rooms (see mid page Drawing So there are places for some things, such as sex often toward the bedroom, bathroom, and such; so similar how a parent tells a child not to let others touch them on certain parts of their body, likewise consider telling an older child if to do ["your business" as some have said, and/or] sex then in certain room(s) only. Similarly adults should consider laws concerning sex in cars, establishments, and open areas, and more importantly Their Christian Church criteria.

If You look for info concerning Christ JESUS and for instance concerning Apostle Peter, You might see porn. Sinners often make insults and jokes about Christians, though sometimes hardly aware in themselves they throw away gems such as to quote a Christian Bible verse, and so a some things might happen. It may show the sinner had trouble properly understanding the verse as their wrongful interpretation shows, so it indicates an opportunity for the Christian to properly Evangelize for their sake(s).

Porn might happen to show You Apostle Peter without His loins girded about. Peter freely opted to risk such for Your sake (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on thread-of-life, with Sermons on Flow).

If to look for and find Apostle Peter on a porn site, then rejoice as much as properly found, and as much as the text properly is interpreted. And hardly waste time there unless toward converting (see above text), be thankful, praise God (Matthew 15.27). Yes, lead, yes look for the best sites and the best sources of properly Faithful reliable Christian information. Yet hardly cancel when rather converting might be possible from Your Holy Work. In the above Drawing, if it is a True image of Christ JESUS, then how great it is even if it came from a porn site or terrorist site or a site that is sickly; furthermore does any person imagine that the same day a great Christian book or artifact is found that it is immediately on the world's most respected site: more toward the opposite as many try many ways to be on such a site.

Christ JESUS said gird up thy loins. When Peter was in jail, chains were His clothes, but it was not porn: properly discern for Peter. Do not say Apostle Peter was a porn star unless Peter otherwise was a porn star. Peter freely opted and Did something other than be naked, even if shown by some artist as if interpreted as though naked in a painting; Peter freely opted to help You through Doing the Will Of God, for Christ JESUS, so Honor Holy Heavenly Disciple Of Christ JESUS Peter. The Holy Angel that came to Peter advised Him to put on His regular clothes that were there with Him (Acts 12.7&8).

A nude face is given You, the Face Of Christ JESUS!

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS October 26, 2017AD.

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