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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

Blood. Drawing graph shows how to distinguish time and resources for Christian Word And Work. Drawing of the nearby Milky Way Galaxy and superclusters flowing. Blood Flowing Soul Of New Christianity Ascending In The Straight And Narrow Of Christ JESUS throughout the Universe: from microbes to the known and beyond into One Your New Heavenly places. The truth about the Garden Of Eden and spaceships. Alway Sermon writing, never sleeping, as Pure Holy Blood constantly reliably at Work without complaint. High and low level Holiness outpouring and/or pulse parameters. The responsible Christians conquering Eternal systems specifying risks and rather proper victories according to types of Christian enterprises of Church criteria precepts pertinent to images of Spirits. How to compresses and be small or be a giant and move planets while preventing diseases. Blood Firmament key explains why there is pain in the world and how to solve as a superhero. Protective level forming in DNA hourglass shape. How to properly create the Immaculate Conception. ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provided proper Christian Immersion Baptism in Elias that the Heavenly Host properly guide in this world of vessels, that the Heaven agrees. Such Immersion is as to be a Christian blood cell and rather a Christian vessel able to flow through Heavenly Firmaments, thanks be in the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS In And For The Heavenly Father.

Creator Christ JESUS gave One Christian You the created Universe including the Heaven, and gave You Elias and Baptism of Timeless relevance Holy Seed of Christianity, and the Instructor Christ JESUS sent Apostles to Baptize though Christ JESUS In His Own Holy Flesh and Holy Blood did not Baptize (John 4.2). Christ JESUS called the sinner His Friend, toward the sinner becoming Christian: to God, All The Created Is Good, since for One Highest Purpose. So send Your Anointed to Baptize, though You Yourself be of higher; if asked from any higher Heavenly and/or of Your Christian Church position holder(s) if You are not the top position holder, then yes Baptize, otherwise let Evangelism and Baptisms be of Your lower position holders though not too low, not toward any tempt against New Members: even so let Your Christian Church criteria apply over this sentence if for higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

Your Christian Ministry is special. If to do nothing but float along through the Known Universe then to eventually be noticed by lower level microbes and interpreted as if dead to be eaten.

Christ JESUS said scatter Your seed on the Good soil. The Good soil has microbes that provide living decay victories over dead things. Your Flesh provides victories for Your higher level Blood. The Heavenly Garden Of Eden as the Christian Bible explained was with land and trees and other levels of things. The Garden Of Eden is hardly merely a sterile spaceship lab, rather an orderly delightful arrangement of flowers, rainbows, appropriate sexuality, appropriate non-sexuality, and appropriate greater increasing for Good. The highest is the Heavenly One in the Holy Spirit, similar to Pure Flesh found in the Garden Of Eden which has highest parts which can be as sterile lab Christian Church(es) or of opting private mansions, or forests, yet appropriate mansions, and friendly forests toward lovely open parks in which the ants do not steal picnic food(s) because such is for choices made by sinners, more than for One Pure Christian free option.

Christ JESUS gives this key, that the Pure One is not merely pushed about as a fallen leaf in the wind, rather the Pure One goes properly (for high purpose, and for lower sakes part toward key to their hope [so hardly "properly" ascending is hardly toward being attacked as the lower come to realize])(see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Grace defense at

The sinners, the unfair, the illegal, and such are anxious toward hiding, censoring, and defending with military, even if it means coming out from hiding to attack (possibly innocent others, civilian collateral damage, and reference friendly fire). Such shedding of blood is not the Christian Path since Christ JESUS died once for all and no further sacrificing higher, mid, nor lower is needful (see above Garden Of Eden parameters).

See the Sun and stars and the Heavenly places up there?, they were organized by the Holy Creator.

Consider that the lower than parent level child is Pure, without need of repentance, and the key to entrance into the Heavenly Garden Of Eden (Matthew 18.2&3).

So, being careful how Ye perceive, the lower level is already Pure. It is only not Pure, it is only not friendly, it only attacks if a person rejected Christianity;

even New Christianity for that matter (see above "If to do nothing but float along").

So a key is that not only a Christian can properly ascend, yet also a microbe and also even dust can properly ascend (as far as up to a Firmament, then unto a new creature. The ascending agrees with the ascending: every and all levels.

The Heavenly Spirit, Pure Blood, and Fresh New Water [slightly similar to Deep Sea Water (toward saline solution: generally blood without cells) also some places have fresher water currents] agree, though the Holy Spirit is higher, and next level is ascending Christian Blood, and then the water level.

Raise the salt water properly to be less salty (if toward drinking): convert it to help the blood, and the blood to help the Heavenly Spirit. Generally as other high precepts also apply, is not to turn to the lower Mission (Luke 17.31) save minimal that the above would have You Do, so to rather ascend properly even if counted in the secular as if to turn (Luke 17.18):

So this key is that the secular may wrongly have counted lower Christian Missions as if to turn and even fall (such as to fall away from the love of money, since people know for instance that money can help people buy bread and wine for the Christian Eucharist) though Christ JESUS taught rather victory over addictions. So let the not addicted Christian Do rightly, save to suffer counted as though addicted to and for Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Holy One Father.

Christ JESUS enables therefore these precepts that with having ascended over levels and Firmaments, the new key is with creating higher new levels and other levels as much as appropriate in Christ JESUS.

For instance the Pure Christian Blood may be guided to eat bread to sop the water in the blood for a higher Holy Spirit concern. So in this situation the "bread to sop" precept seems to appear in the secular as if higher priority level than the Pure Blood, though hardly, similar to how the Temple builder is greater than Temple (Matthew 12.6).

In another example, the Righteous Blood operates and controls the growing and maintaining of the bread and water, yet the Righteous Blood is over these the way a pilot is over the vessel and may opt to drink water.

So lower precepts as are as though interchangeable, under the consideration of higher. And the higher are not interchangeable according to the lower, rather of the free opting of the higher along the freely opted straight and narrow. If the flow of the Known Universe turns (see above Drawing), it does not mean the Creator JESUS would that any follow that turn: rather to alway Do the Will of the Heavenly Holy Father wholly vested in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS provides precepts from His Teaching circa 2,000 years ago that have not in this generation been clearly explained in terms of specifically matching new technologies with associates causes and effects, so these are for You from Christ JESUS, to so specify conquering such things and energies and higher purpose ideas properly for One and for their sakes such as to form new levels to help guide them, hence to protect them, and to help make them worthy to be able to properly overcome things that have been obstacles unto their opinions, toward each benefiting all.

Also of the lower perspective is not less than to thwart them if they have sinned so therefore one of the protections for Christians that have ascended unto higher levels for Christ JESUS The Reliable And Highest Protector: so with this knowledge, now this new key is given goodly worldly laws are contained within the greater Holy Law which is mainly the greater unseen.

Previously, as in the Old Testament, the Holy Laws were counted as knots in tassles at the bottoms of the garments, in the New Testament the Robe Of Christ JESUS reportedly had 613 knots, one for each law until His Time circa 2,000 years ago to constantly remind Them of the 613 Holy Laws Of Moses (various sources)[(613 or other similar high number is difficult to remember especially toward secular, ibid.) as many hardly remember the Ten Commandments].

So Christ JESUS met each and all, yet also gave more, Christ JESUS gave the new Two greatest Commandments, and other new Commandments, and precepts greater than what Moses gave such as divorce freedom (Matthew 19.8) which stray by the people accounted toward secularism and complicated things and worsened their paths such as tied to complex and often misleading valuations of people (of value though when in the higher level context).

Christ JESUS gave You this living creating power such as pertinent to the new IPhone and it's users: to apply precepts to each device and to each user and to groups: freedom yet rather to properly in the name of Christ JESUS to apply Holy Christian Precepts as not recorded in the public Bible (Matthew 19.11) until You Record (Matthew 19.12).

It is not even known from the Christian Bible for sinners to mislead,

instead it is known in Your Heart for Your Flock To Properly Lead In Christ JESUS One.

It has not been known publicly until this Final End Time unraveling, yet is Yours yet of Your Holy Grace (rather than self defeat) to record in reference to cite Christ JESUS the source for Christ JESUS though not to stray.

This, of Holy Living Blood, You, with Your Flock, even as Christ JESUS showed, even as New Christianity may help clarify (reference given talents, times, Your amount of proper Christian Faith,...) is for You to properly record, Preach, accomplish: all for better, all for best, all for Good, all For Christ JESUS.

The people were not given all, they were not given too much sugar for example lest to suffocate, rot their teeth (bacteria), raise blood pressure, fat, and/or diabetes. The Holy Word is with Power, the Holy Spirit is Powerful, the Holy Word is with Doing, yet as much as the Holy Word is already given: Do.

The Holy Word is not given to overwhelm nor toward temptation toward stray, so as written in John 20.30 ASV:

Many Holy Signs And Words therefore of what Christ JESUS Did and Does in You now are for You With Your Disciples: new unto the world in wonder.

If in wonder, as You Do, then even if not You personally, then many are lost: in wonder. In wonder until You overcome in Christ JESUS One, to solve their wonder which can include miseries.

New Blood Seal:

Write these new things Christ JESUS gave into Your Heart, Beloved Living Seal.

The knots have changed in the Living Holy Spirit, likened now unto the way a rope of knots might be exchanged for a modern chain: change temporary things toward more permanent Good (even rather perfectly).

Keep the Holy Record Of One Truth, yet write anew for their sakes now. Write in their language to save, write in higher jargon for their sake as much as they have ascended. Write in Heavenly Holy Sacred Living Wording as not known in the public circa 2,000 years ago. Write properly and You Will Find Christ JESUS Agreeing, Ether 3.27 LDS:

If not sure, a person may freely opt to wait until endued with power from on high (Luke 24.49 already accomplished in Christ JESUS) though for their sakes Your Holy Work is urgently needed, Ether 8.26 LDS:

Time and again notice heart discussions in the Christian Bible.

Christ JESUS offers the pool of blood in the heart toward constant agreeing in the Heavenly Holy Heart: the key constantly pulsing (toward Christian Follower only) rather constantly flowing Universal Soul: that the Pure Blood be agreeing with the Pure Spirit.

Christ JESUS said be awake (see Luke 21.36 at mid page spirits often are of the night [and sleep]): consider this key, You are higher level than Your blood cells, though You dine before Your blood cells dine (Luke 17.7&8) and You hardly send out Your blood cells on vacation without You: rather they work around the clock, rain or shine. Yes relax at times, eat, drink, be merry, go on vacations with Your Blood, yet prepare Your Sermons [for instance (consult Your Christian Church criteria and Your position responsibilities)] bearing Your Cross in mind that while You deserve breaks at times, the hearers of Your Sermons can hardly longsuffer not hearing Your Sermons To The Fullest, as the hearers include largely the greater amount of people (including as they tell others).

So a key is be awake in the Holy Spirit One over the blood, yet respect the blood worthiness level, including higher Grace it may offer for You, including nutrients, including reliability, and so forth including it's high and low aspect parameters, and as it flows left and right, yet all for Your higher purpose in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS said My meat is to do the Will of Him that sent Me, that I may accomplish in perfecting and completing His Perfect Work ( as contained in the Heart (Psalm 40.8) Doing the Universal Pulsing for Perfect Flowing in Time (see above Drawing).

So, what is this given whole of Time?, it is the meat of living and greater, it is the food to which proper preparation generally with proper spicing to enhance though if proper then to distinguish as written in Matthew 23.23 YLT:

Some people have wondered how if at all the Christian Bible applies to them in their situation now, in this generation, even in this year and today and per the contract and transaction being considered in the moment: there was a television show about a couple weeks ago and the person had made millions of dollars selling spices and was buying a mansion, and whether the person was very active in Christian Church or was not, even so these same Holy Christian Precepts Of Christ JESUS One Beloved, apply. They apply to the buyer, they apply to the seller, and they apply for all to realize in their hearts. Even the very stones would cry out if the Holy Christian Of Israel held it's tongue.

In proper ascending the proper Christian Immersion Baptism was only the starting point, as Christ JESUS explained and as He expounded power for all to have, John 5.36:

Aside from the Charity aspect, in the above Drawing is 3 Matter Memory: some people as sometimes seen in movies have "old money" as it's known and the money accrues and runs itself systematically, similar to line 3 if a person in the secular has a surprise that they inherited some major corporations they might hardly know what to do and so the corporations on which many rely might fail.

With clothes and sandals another person with nothing else (starting at the convergence point on line 2) save Christianity might inherit major corporations (extended line 2)(be careful how Ye hear) and being a Christian they might conditionally close some of them if they found sinfulness. Now be wise to consider worthiness responsibility: the Christian measures Goodness; even so the Christian is aware of responsibility to hardly be the source of any sin (legally as much as reasonable)(morally pure as much as able of the heart yet allowing free opting to a distinguished minimal extent such as much as the Christian Standard allows and such as the Christian Church criteria allows [which might be the same amount though some Christian Churches specify within expert talents]).

So ascending is of worthiness, though the higher level might also [toward minimal] note sin to spare people from further worse pattern of wrongful sinful entrenchment, for example if a crook keeps getting away with stealing the crook might hire gangs as buffers that try to bribe officials. So while to responsibly note activities, whether the activities be Good, then also to be aware of their lack if any, nonetheless for the weightier meat of higher Holy Will Of JESUS One Perfecting: this is similar to casting a net for proper gathering though if a part of the boat starts to disconnect there is an interruption (in secular terms) until fixed lest to sink and lose what little had been longsuffered to gain (2 John 1.8).

So the responsible Christian would be planning toward conquering Eternal systems, and hardly flip-of-coin technology and rather Holy Ascending Technology. So the responsible Christian would be planning toward being able to run things properly, the Christian Way, so with transparency for awareness of the activities and flows for Good higher purpose and with transparency over Their whole enterprise of corporations (Their Corporate Conglomerate Vessel).

The above Drawing 3D graph with 1 God, 2 Time, and 3 Matter, shows a convergence point of these three (90 degrees to each other). From this point upward to 1 God is not 3 Matter, therefore it is Spiritual (below it but not shown by this line would be negative spiritual if any [see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on self destructive temporary, on pulse, and on growing rates]). The Physics Of God give people time to repent, so the 1 God x 2 Time factor is not evidently needed to exist or is not needed so doesn't exist, except if 3 Matter exists, and not only if 3 Matter exists in whole, rather if any part of such 3 Matter contains sin (for time to repent: also see below verse of Will "of God").

People can ascend through some levels, though lifting needs be from above in Christ JESUS if to ascend through Firmaments (example: of Miracles the Chosen People were lifted out of bondage, lifted to be given water in the desert, lifted to be with Manna,...). So if to be in a sinless region, then not to opt to be involved with a sinful region save to properly lift it of Christ JESUS as much as agreeing, for their sakes in the region that was sinful; which also is glory for Christ JESUS One (whether a Christian notices immediately or not).

In the above Drawing since "God is not 3 Matter", therefore "Spiritual", and since Christ JESUS was born in the flesh, on the 3D graph Christ JESUS was always at the convergence point while in the flesh, always at the current moment of time (so with the graph moving, Flowing, so the convergence point is current per se, per Christ JESUS) until ascending to on the Right Hand Of The Heavenly Holy Father, with the vessels as much as pertinent for Christ JESUS and so Pure, so hardly including any "Corporate Conglomerate Vessel" unless Christian, so with Pure clothing and sandals and some Christians (Mark 9.39&40) the perspective is either Christ JESUS had little, or Christ JESUS helped grow the seed of Christianity Elias.

So the having of material possessions is either Christianity out along line 3 less if any were motivated more than minimally by the root of evil, or minimal clothes and a stick and a growing Christian Church. Now note of these two the latter is a sure bet, relative to the former which might include works of sin.

Knowing their thoughts, Christ JESUS reminded them of their hearts (Matthew 9.4) so if to be Pure then hardly part Way: ascend properly.

Step 1. The sinner repents and is properly Baptized.

Step 2. The new Follower Of Christ JESUS should ascend, honing (not falling back into lower habits) and rather growing into New Christianity for the sakes of others.

Step 3. The Christian Leader is the Miracle One Doing the Will Of The Heavenly Father and giving victory to the Heavenly Father in the name of Christ JESUS.

So now is unraveled this Heavenly Father Key for You. There are many Christians in this given world. So likewise there are bound in Heavenly Places free (similar to how many Christians are free to roam) Holy Spirits (/Holy Spirit) that are (/is) free to roam.

Therefore consider that if You go now into Heaven You might happen to meet some images of Spirits that look like Christians, yet They are One in Christ JESUS.

So if for instances to talk with the fat one, and then to talk with the skinny one, it is so similar since One, like unto talking with Christ JESUS personally.

True, there are spirits in need of help and guidance, true there are spirits that Did ascend at some rate and other spirits at another rate; so be aware. Yet if in Heaven then as to talk with Christ JESUS so to give glory to the Father Comforter In Heaven: yet in the name of Christ JESUS. A key is maintenance can be done in this world, though in Heaven try to not think of the self.

A key now in this generation is ascend now so that Your Spirit ascends in Heaven for Their sakes, to help guide Those visiting Heaven in their visions and dreams, even so rather ascend to be the voice and person and image of Christ JESUS, and not to deceive, and not toward the self (save awake in this world so see above maintenance key), and only One Christ JESUS.

So another key comes forth for You. When in a vision (even planning, designing, figuring investing [see above "bet"],...) or in a dream, then it is treated as Spiritual and when awake as now in the flesh toward Pure.

If given time: for Christ JESUS. If ascended: Christ JESUS One.

So in this world is given You time to improve Heaven for Christ JESUS All and this is a great key,

including lesser though Heavenly level to grow Your Eternal Mansion,

though in Heaven (if to sleep to this world) then to help at the Spiritual level (though see text above about reliable blood).

So if in the Spirit without flesh, honor the Christians that came before You, before Your time, through helping the living: the living Spirits, and the living people in the flesh in the world: for Christ JESUS. So this binding in Heavenly Places agrees with Holy binding on Earth and in the overcoming of the former world unto greater for Christ JESUS.

When in Heaven, it may be likened unto a Christian Leader In Church Services:

key, if in Heaven and to think of the self then hardly to stay in Heaven, as to cast the self out (save if appropriate, conditionally, circumstances such as to start a New Creation);

if serving to be a Leader In Christian Church Services such as to give a Sermon Of The Life Of Christ JESUS then Good, but if to include nonpertinent things such as if to brag on the self inappropriately then to fall from the grace in Their eye(s), to fall from higher respect amidst the Flock of Hearers as much as nonpertinent wasting Their time (above Drawing line 2).

Christ JESUS gives the gift(s) of flowing physics. The above Drawing shows there are patterns and branches symbolizing flows, some merge, others blossom, and within the scope of the perspective of this sentence whether they merge or blossom, neither option breaks the law nor commits sin nor transgresses the Will Of God. A pertinent verse and precept is John 1.13 LDS:

The Heavens are Flowing With Life And More Abundantly. Do They stop if a person sins?, no (save if a Miracle is needed: circa 2,000 years ago, and other if Above would so opt); Do They stop if a person Does the minimum that a Member can Do?, no, it might even be as much as the Member has talent to Do.

Yet if a person can the person would be wise to be a Christian Leader Doing The Maximum They can for Christ JESUS and in Christ JESUS:

key: in this world now, and in the next, now (see above "visions and dreams").

so with proper ascending You don't have to wait until You die to go to Heaven.

Go Do now for Christ JESUS: rightly envision, dream higher Christian dreams.

This ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christ JESUS has shown Drawings with many levels, such as of the above Drawing with graphic awareness so that for instance You might plot Covenant agreements over time.

Because Heaven is with Christ JESUS above, therefore hardly to try to measure Christ JESUS (such level, as if a secular sinner might be able to be tempted such as to puff the self to wrongly be in the highest position); though You and any Christian Church Members of the same pertinent level may measure any of lower levels such as for census (Numbers 1.2) and planning.

So this key is given toward edifying yet conditionally for their sakes, for the sakes of the hearers. The ambition of Christ JESUS is to Do the Will of the Heavenly Father, and so the ambition of every vessel should be to Do the Will of the Heavenly Father, therefore

to Do the Will of Christ JESUS while also to Do the Will of the Heavenly Father so that if You see any person or image that looks like a person, then to be wise to be of Heart to treat as You would treat Christ JESUS, to treat as Holy and Divine and Precious above all. So this key is even though multiple, each is to be Holy unto You for Their sake(s).

If to see a sinner then to treat for the Good rather than for the evil, such as to recognize that the sinner has a strong will for which they can thank their Creator, and/or that the sinner has great hopes, so to likewise thanks for their Creator. In other words You can appreciate through their greatness the love and mercy their Creator has placed in them in Prayerful hope that such grow greater in them for their benefit.

Christ JESUS give that You for instance see the above Drawing that as a personal vessel or in a larger vessel You may travel into the Heavens to where the shown lines of force converge and flow together so to compress (relatively) and shrink or to expand the size of any vessels entering that region of outer space.

So now this great Holy Spiritual key is given, line 1 God is Spiritual so if to travel in time line 2 without the flesh line 3, then

Your Spirit can be independent of shrinking or expanding.

So without being wrongly puffed up in sin, You Spiritually can envision greater literally, and Spiritually.

So Your Great Spirit can move to where things become small, or You can opt that Your Spirit move to where lines of force expand. So Your Spirit can be of the other dimension or intermittent as much as appropriate in Christ JESUS for the greater result in One Higher Purpose In Christ JESUS.

If Your Holy Spirit moves to where matter compresses, then You are as though giant.

If a large enough giant, then if to bind in the Known Universe as in Heaven, then to lift a large rock, or to be able to lift a planet (Matthew 17.20) as much as Your Faithful Will In Christ JESUS And For Christ JESUS.

Smaller too: change a molecule, check inside an electrical device, grow a blood plasma nanotube similar to moving grape vines on a trellis such as toward preventing a disease.

Be careful to Do these for Christ JESUS For The Heavenly One, and be caring how the hearers would hear, prepare, be ready if they say prove it, that You are with both Psalm 78.41, and though also with awareness of John 4.48. Be ready to leap in Christian Faith for the Lord, yet seek to ascend that You are able lest heard in their minds as if puffed up. With having ascended and experienced, then with the substance of Faith, as One Of Authority (Matthew 7.29) and less inclined of previous status as perhaps if toward any fumble of words: be properly "practiced" in Holiness (Matthew 23.23 NIV).

Invite, yet be on guard. If to be swamped by those seeking selfish healings (God Bless) if Your Holy Work is being interfered, then hardly so do for them save if they become of New Christianity with You properly (Your Christian Church criteria may have same and/or other goals and duties).

So a new key in Christ JESUS is given: a Miracle doesn't mean it came from You as if on Your own independently per se. You might opt to guide them to ascend to find the performing of the Miracle(s) on their own in Christ JESUS (Matthew 26.67&68 WNT though also Luke 6.29 WNT).

This is part of the Anointing and assigning of Christian Church positions: that They Do: that They ascend.

They questioned, accused, spat, and struck innocent Christ JESUS in the face and harmed His Pure Vessel and crucified and the Holy Blood Flowed.

The Blood Flow Option.

From the free option of Christ JESUS to make the ultimate (in secular terms) self sacrifice, came this Firmament key. Sin is not an option. So this Firmament key concerns Your free gift to opt to Do Good, even if on the Holy Sabbath. Many people want Miracles now, for free, demanding against God and expecting if there is a God: though Christ JESUS already gave them the perfect knowledge and example and His very life, and far greater gifts. In Heavenly Terms the Heavenly Father gave His Holy Son to be tortured and killed by such people at least somewhat toward personal vessel maintenance and perhaps were even toward sin.

Be caring in Christ JESUS to heal all, help all, serve all, properly guide all, love all, and Do All Good In The Will Of The Heavenly Holy Father In Christ JESUS. So be careful how Ye hear: You don't have to heal-on-demand, that is You don't have to be servant to their sins (if any John 9.3), for instance if a murderer is shot and visits the medical doctor and is fixed and goes out and murders some more and the doc fixes and the murderer murders more people and kills the nurse and destroys the fixing materials and cuts the doctors biceps, then the doc has a free option to refuse treatment, also the doctor should not help the murderer kill people; so if to see patterns of sins, then if to cooperate is toward illegal and/or immoral sin and harm against others.

Be Wise to consider if to help the person in Christ JESUS from the start, even before they murder, then to save many lives, and perhaps their life and Your own.

Of this Firmament key, sometimes is it right to freely opt to not heal, and to not perform a Miracle, that the True Holy Artery Path be realized in them that they no longer follow other ways and rather they be more for Doing The Will Of Christ JESUS.

For instance a football player almost dies and receives medical help and goes playing for money again, and a car driver almost died in accidents and receives medical help and goes endangering others again by speeding, aggressive driving, and other crazy stunts. In many activities people try to endanger themselves and others, as in untethered brittle cliff face climbing, and as in taunting gators.

If Christ JESUS gave His life that You need not be sacrificed, then of this Blood Flow Option rightly Christ JESUS would that You be on His behalf rather than on the side of the careless sinners that led to the crucifixion of their Savior One.

Many people with sicknesses or with missing limbs complain, and if You Heal them they will freely choose to continue to complain (see above pattern examples).

You can understand that many complain because they have pain, and to make others aware is often goodly that they are well and no longer complain, yet also understand Christ JESUS did not complain on the cross, rather Did The Good Will Of The Heavenly Father such as with what limited amount He had (in secular terms), with His Word(s) He formed a new family (John 19.27) and continued speaking of the Scriptures [(John 19.28) note that if to alert others is not necessarily a complaint, Christ JESUS spoke of His thirst and yet within context explaining the higher Heavenly value for the greater blood and heart for Good (Deuteronomy 32.45-47)].

Christ JESUS would have You properly ascend through levels for their sakes, and this Firmament key unlocks and unravels for You And Your Flock And Visitors why there is a free opting of the greater Heavenly above, and why in this temporary world some pains continue for a time for their repentance sakes when sinners turn away from the Truth (sometimes due to their own selfish options with yearnings to please the self more than currently appropriate [reference for instance valuations of children, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on rates]).

So this Blood Firmament key explains in part why there is pain in the world: because sinners freely opt for pains (sometimes to punish the self as though toward Heaven though toward the grave-bed, sometimes for money and/or other selfish relaxations, pomp, and excesses).

This Firmament key answers the cliche "Why doesn't God just"...[fix it, help, or put everybody in Heaven now,...]:

In other words, You call Yourself a Minister so why don't You just solve crime as a superhero and heal and bring joy and Heaven now?, and the answer Beloved Minister is You are already doing precisely that in Christ JESUS, even as fast as others are able to receive the Heart Flow of Christ JESUS One.

Note that even so agreeing in accord, there are times and seasons [with pauses in the secular, for greater joys in witnessing great Miracles (Jeremiah 51.29)], and the matters of Your amount of Faith and theirs applies.

Concerning this Blood Firmament key (as coined in this Sermon for Your referencing purposes) Christ JESUS chose rather than to solve a problem, to solve the systematic source of the problem making, enlightening the Holy Agreeing Soul for the Heart as He demonstrated and as recorded for all in Matthew 15.26 YLT:

This is further explained in the previous precept,, in Ellicott's Commentary: "-The insertion of the conjunction 'for' in the Greek gives it a force which it is hard to reproduce in English,"..."which had softened the usual word of scorn, and presses the privilege which it implied."

So continuing traceably from this Blood Firmament key comes this other new key added to now the greater You: this key is a force in pertinence and not toward selfish demands, yet demanding [under (for Christian Followers) or rather] for stating the Holy Word With Power (proper Faith as a grain of mustard seed Matthew 17.20 and greater Matthew 13.31).

This new key "force" is hardly about asking, save it is the Will Of God that You ask. And with this, since "hardly about asking" since already accomplished in the future for You (Philippians 4.19 see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Physics Of God) this key concerns the above text of Christ JESUS having spoken of "thirst".

So in lay secular worldly terms, if to ask, then [ask for their sakes,] ask for all: as the secular teachers have asked "Did you bring enough [candy] for all" [or was it for selfish purpose unfair to others watching you eat candy], and note many fine teachers [even though in the secular] even if the response is "Yes" tell the child to put it away [to rather continue more properly with the lesson]. Note: this is not toward an excuse to be secular, rather bear the name of the Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on not causing confusion concerning names).

So this key is hardly of asking though Christ JESUS Did ask as for water as in John 4.7 yet with follow up verses as part of the precept (similar to asking for a coin and saying appropriately render to Caesar and render to God Matthew 22.21).

In the secular people ask for water (an Evangelism and/or ascending opportunity), and often sinners in cliche wrongfully seek revenge blood but revenge is not for sinners, as written in Romans 12.19 LDS:

So here are many Holy Precepts properly assembled already for You (many keys for You), also with the verse below likewise.

Some of the keys are counted and itemized here for You, yet these precepts can also be properly arranged otherwise (not shown here, reference for instance the function of a comma). 1. "Dearly" is a gift of love from Heaven, 2. "beloved" likewise Friend is for peaceful agreeing in love, 3. "avenge not yourselves" (see next verse), 4. "but rather give place" so this key is toward placing sinful unstraightened and not ascending spirits of living energies into a "place" for their sakes (in the secular similar to being grounded, also similar for the innocent Flock Members to properly ascend such as to wait in line at a stop sign), 5. a key of New Christianity recordkeeping, 6. "mine" details some gift about Oneness for their sakes involving "repay" greater than they had ever invested in the secular, and 7. the Word of "the Lord."

So are the sinners rewarded?, hardly, that is, not for sin, rather similar to Your Flock Members that they should be ascending at least as much as Your Christian Church position holders (note even if in a coma in a hospice You might Anoint a Flock Member to a special Prayer Group Position for Christ JESUS for example).

With the above verse is the "revenge blood" Flow upwardly ascending to give blood rather than receive, so to be toward authority over giving blood for their sakes; and so if they properly ascend of You Christian then truly blood in them ascends upwardly, as written in 2 Corinthians 10.6 BS:

So here unraveled from Christ JESUS now of His Holy Precepts and given as a gift for You now is this great ascending key that if to be in New Christianity then to freely offer gifts including gifts of: Vengeance in the form of appropriate and helpful levels for the sakes of others, that they conquer for Christ JESUS and become worthy to become ascending properly in the Christian Leadership Way toward greater helpful guiding all unto One Christ JESUS As One In The Holy Name Of Christ: JESUS.

Secular vengeance is sin. Examples are withholding funds to teach a person a lesson but outside the law (Matthew 21.13), and such as hearing about robberies so locking Church doors. See Your Christian Church criteria: invite save to not inappropriately temp though also reference Numbers 35.14, so perhaps have an open Prayer area while other places are closed for the night. Also consider (ibid.) as in the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS (at that You hardly allow Your Christian Church be a brothel to sell or rent people (other than Your place prior to Final End Time note that other places of employment, entertainment, and such might exist per pertinent criteria; also note this key that the secular works the farm and New Christianity reaps the harvest rewards, for their sakes [that the secular learn to follow Prophesying (Genesis 41.29,30,&36) and help feed any in need] and as example in higher Christian Leadership in a relationship giving richly toward the higher purpose in Christ JESUS (Luke 12.21).

A great blood key is all blood and even all living spirits are required of this generation, for God to reap and to magnify the Blessing so add to this the past Heavenly Forefathers and the and the Good of the Ancient Of Days, and likewise into the future beyond circa 2,000 years ago and beyond current Personal End Time(s) even unto Final End Time and the greater beyond, that the Blessed magnifying with ascending levels commence in Your awareness and so in Your Flock, for the greater Good for all created to exalt for the sake of their being the Holy Ascending All: JESUS.

How does Your Flock Member go beyond this time of this generation today?, via abiding in the ancient True Prophets, even in the Teachings And Doings In Christ JESUS as in properly applying precepts unto victories for Christ JESUS The Future Eternal One.

Rejoice in Christ JESUS the Heavenly Victor, as new better meanings come from ancient Perfection, as written in Luke 11.50 LDS:

"That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation;".

Praise the Lord, joy unto the Lord of the whole Universe!

To the sinner it is confusion, to the secular at best it is following or to try today to have it shipped by yesterday save rather to ascend in Christ JESUS the Standard Maker Over Time (Joshua 10.13 NAS).

So in Christ JESUS, You and Your loved Ones being attacked, is turned into ascending Holy Blood for Their sakes: plan ahead, prepare the Way Of The Lord, Pray for their sakes, please the Heavenly Father.

With the above is this key of Preaching or even if asking, with clout, similar to a military leader ordering troops to do something, except rather this key also offers freewill to opt to properly Do so or if to do otherwise then to clearly transgress the law and/or the Prophet(s).

People make mistakes and have unusual situations, though otherwise this key is toward an expectation that if You offer a great enough value, the hearer can not reasonably disagree, and rather it is reasonable that You are toward expecting them to agree with Your idea [(see "sell me this pen" at this demand is very similar to asking "Will You please sell me this pen at a high price."].

People want a better life, they must have it, they risk their lives for adrenaline rushes and they yearn to overcome despair and hopelessness. People want a better life full of Miracles and You have it Christian Leader, as written in Proverbs 4.23 NAS:

Because You have Flowing Springs Of Living Greater In Christ JESUS, ask them if they might want to ascend properly likewise, and even if of confusion and/or situational issues they decline for now, Your Firm Belief Will counted in the secular as if pestering their souls, and in Your Heavenly Flock Your Word Will be as their future Holy Path Plan.

If to properly ascend, then in Christ JESUS distinguish the greater meaning of this key. Here are three pertinent examples if for instance to ask a child to take out the garbage:

Take out the garbage please (and the chore might or might not be done), or

Take out the garbage or you're grounded, or rather

Take out the garbage and you'll get that toy you've wanted, yet rather without a bribe yet a "force" (see above text), the catalyst that compels them to start, and that motivates them to start in the future on their own, and that drives them toward constantly perfecting of their own free opting in Christ JESUS.

So what drives them?: the wait and see?, the works of trials and errors?: rather Christ JESUS gives the precepts properly for all to properly ascend with each of the multitudes of levels and with Firmaments offering benefits that include gifts of Spirit including greater Joy, and even tangible gifts in this world: even so focus on the higher Spiritual and though hardly leave undone the tangible vessels.

The Christian knows in the Heart Of Christ JESUS how to conquer time, see the Drawing below, the Christians are Doing it already: Joyously.

But if a person is under sin under the law, then they are not Doing conquering time but are instead of free self option under their higher authority: Time. The sinner as shown in the Drawing below is not even on the right page to be over time, the sinner is lost in another dimension of fluffs, lies, deceits, temporary hollow works, and product burdens even if in worldly terms lucky. The sinner dimension is as a person, perhaps very intelligent, with power, speed, talents, and hidden fighting abilities; though as in sheep's clothing: a pretense of Holiness and acceptability.

A sinner might rob the same place where a day later they visit as a brag to show they are over that place, but they are not, the owner is over that place. So the sinner would consider worse sin as if to solve but sin cannot solve.

Therefore a Good news key is that sin is temporary.

Worldly sin is temporary. The former world is of an end unto it's own useless works of undoings.

The Pure Perfect Christian Way is the Way of True Bragging Right(s), though hardly to brag if at all save if to brag on Christ JESUS. So for example if a Christian is to brag on Christ JESUS for a hearer's sake, then to so brag, and then of freely opting rightly, to also note perhaps if important to so Do (such as if the hearer wants to hear more on Christianity Oneness specifically) then suffer it to be so now for higher purpose [their sake, their interest in Oneness (Matthew 3.15 AKJ)] so edify for them the Oneness except the moment of self pomp though when so Done then only for agreeing with Christ JESUS: One (and this agreeing as shown by the ovals in the Drawing below can include a Christian Saying And/Or Doing Great Holy Things [for Christ JESUS, for the Heavenly Father, in the Holy Spirit])(John 6.40)(You may opt to explain showing this Drawing or make Your own such as personal to their highest position level).

So the "1 God" line shown in the Drawing can be a Firmament and/or a level (dimensionally, a plane surface at another right angle): yet it is far greater since it is greater than all the other lines whether individually or in combinations. Similar is the Time line though only until Final End Time (New Beginning also can apply).

But the line of "3 Matter" is a line of risk. For example a person in outer space can have a spaceship full of gold but can run out of air in seconds, and so their flesh can run out of time; though the full Spirit Christian Pure Flesh In Christ JESUS transfigured on the mountain beyond the scope of Known Universe survival [leaving and returning (reference beyond vaporized)], and Christ JESUS could have had all the wealth but Christ JESUS said "Begone, Satan: for it is written, You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve" (from Matthew 4.10 KJ2000).

Your Journey From Spirit To Flesh To A State Greater Than The Former. Drawing graph shows how to distinguish time and resources for Christian Word And Work. Drawing of the nearby Milky Way Galaxy and superclusters flowing. Blood Flowing Soul Of New Christianity Ascending In The Straight And Narrow Of Christ JESUS throughout the Universe: from microbes to the known and beyond into One Your New Heavenly places. The truth about the Garden Of Eden and spaceships. Alway Sermon writing, never sleeping, as Pure Holy Blood constantly reliably at Work without complaint. High and low level Holiness outpouring and/or pulse parameters. The responsible Christians conquering Eternal systems specifying risks and rather proper victories according to types of Christian enterprises of Church criteria precepts pertinent to images of Spirits. How to compresses and be small or be a giant and move planets while preventing diseases. Blood Firmament key explains why there is pain in the world and how to solve as a superhero. Protective level forming in DNA hourglass shape. How to properly create the Immaculate Conception. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

Christ JESUS provides a part of the Eternal now for You And Your Flock to experience with helping others see [the higher Christian value to help others]. The Eternal is the Living Eternal, and as Time Flows, with it the living Christian blood as described in the above Drawing of 1 God above, 2 Time, and 3 Matter (cargo, the applicable amount), all the enduringly more Blessed And Joyous for the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS In And For The Heavenly Father. Note that to the right 2 as shown symbolizes the Heart Eucharist being given, as toward Your Pure Member Vessels, though the Heavenly Spirit is also pouring out blood constantly (not shown).

Christ JESUS had Holy Blood in His Pure Body constantly while alive in secular terms. Though blood on the ground can sit there and quickly dry, such spilt blood such as after a battle has generally been toward lower value. Blood in the open, without the body, flows downward, according to gravity. Blood can be made to flow upward to where needed (higher value places) though such has often been toward pumping. So since the water, spirit, and blood agree (1 John 5.8) there have been at times associated spirits turned and falling.

Christ JESUS gave precepts for ascending unto personal End Times, that not only the pulse be available, yet also the continuous blood. Though be caring how to properly perceive such precepts, for example the legs of a millipede seem as though independently stepping and instead as a team flow (reference the wave as of a crowd in a stadium [or coliseum]): such is hardly to be eaten (creepy things) save for the best higher Holy Path for Christ JESUS (Ezekiel 2.10&3.1, Mark 6.7).

For Christ JESUS consider (see below text "Mary") this key, that to go Do a Christian Good thing, is as a pulse of Good; to go Do a Christian Good things is more toward continuous Good: better. Yet in Christian Good Deeds Doing(s), is the continuous Holy Flow Of The Holy Spirit In The Word And Will Of The Flowing Everlastingly In Christ JESUS (Exodus 4.6 & rather 7, John 20.27).

There are Holy Pulses, yet of a key Beloved consider that as You increase Your Flock You increase Christianity and the Holy Pulse Rate as now approaches the Holy Continuous Flow Rate (hence Spirit is measurable)(this verifies the Luke 17.6 measurement Conquered under Christ JESUS) as with final preparation(s) for Final End Time.

Again be in Christ JESUS, caring and careful how Ye hear and perceive. If to measure then to measure according to Your Victories, in the sense of rather Victories of Christ JESUS, hence if to properly measure Prophetically then according to Your Victories level: Your pertinent level of Faith, wisely considering talents, situations, precepts, and higher Opting in Christ JESUS may apply; note this is hardly to say Christ JESUS changes to opt otherwise, rather as perceived if from a lower level if strayed (see above Drawing key on Hand over strayed lines of efforts, rather over the shortest line even Highest Rate Straight Flow).

Christ JESUS Creator One provides the ascending levels for Good, shown in the above Drawing straight up and with such also to the right (Time). Though these same Holy Physics Gifts are a barrier to sinners trying to escape and hide below without reasons since they don't want to be embarrassed nor caught. These God given Physics also effect and affect the Matter side, in other words while great Miracle things can be accomplished, there is risk associated with things.

Key is that with greater power in Christ JESUS, to be able to Do greater and greater things (Matthew 17.20) it becomes of greater importance that JESUS be given the credit (lest for instance a giant growing Christian corporation lose what little it had gained (Job 38.24?, from Holy Spirit God Creator).

The Immaculate Conception, with the former state greater than the first.

Something greater than the Immaculate Conception?, yes; greater than Christ JESUS?, yes; greater than God?, yes You shall be with proper Faith In Christ JESUS.

There are secular works, some are excellent and truly great and improving; yet focus on the greater in Christ JESUS In The Holy Will Of The Heavenly Father, even in One Holy Heavenly Spirit.

Two bloodline keys Will be given You now, first the higher Holy Way In Christ JESUS, and the second is with love even if secular (including lower levels such as toward dust and molecules) as all these things Will be added unto You and greater, in the One Christ JESUS.

A. The Spiritual Immaculate Conception Path: the Spiritual Father implanted the seed into Mary yielding Christ JESUS. So this Immaculate Conception key includes that You go and Do likewise: the first step in Christ JESUS is to be completely ascended (see above "as soon as your [Christian] obedience is complete") in order to yield the Perfect being and/or as much as Mother Mary has Good Work(s) counted on Her behalf. Then with Pure Flesh Wholly Spiritual (see above Drawing) In Christ JESUS One find a planet where a Pure Mary type person exists and inseminate if Christ JESUS agrees (rather let Christ JESUS inseminate if any question or if Christ JESUS opts to inseminate though then perhaps counted as if toward incest in secular terms; if there is to be any inseminating for such a cause). So this Spiritual Immaculate Conception key is from Christian Spirit (not about touching for sexual sin feelings), to Purest Of People (Chosen People: as Faithfully agreed in Mary With Joseph) In Flesh: so Christian Spirit Within The Heart Of The Vessel (an untouched per se vessel of flesh ascended yet ascending: John 20.17 BL going beyond carnal flesh had been, see Ephesians 4.8 BL as interpreted in the BL's BS version); so with the unstained (untouched) Pure Vessel traveling from Earth into the Heavens and likewise agreeing from the former flesh yet Pure In Heart In The Heavenly One level to the greater unseen by the former worldly ways save glimpses, whispers (Job 26.14 GW), and as through the mist (1 Nephi 8.24), and as through memories and records and this precept is an Evangelism key that when people look back on their lives they (especially with Christian interpreting with them for their sakes) perceive to be mindful of how loving times in their lives were and for instances [even if embarrassed to discuss their sins and illegal activities pending] that when they strayed from those loving times their life changed to the worse (and per se rather than "those loving times" Christ JESUS ascended).

So from Holy Spirit to Holy Spirit With Holy Body to Holy Spirit With Newly Bound In Heaven Holy Vessel level place that Christians might enter (Hebrews 10.10).

B. The secular path for added awareness of their thoughts: Creator Christ JESUS gives for each and all the Holy Physics to follow, so the best secular path is similar to the above item A, though less worthy and below the Firmament level save Final End Time. The secular after-the-fact examines the given (toward Christian Evangelism as above item A) so as to see the greater goodly aspects pertinent to their secular concerns (note that certain great things exist in the secular such as charity though only to measurable limits Ephesians 4.7). When the secular finds plans that fit together (secular plans are with multitudes of gaps, reference illegal laws, stop gaps, lost civilizations,...) then the secular assembles (reference contractor problems such as concerning new buildings, Matthew 10.10 save above item A): therefore so far item B is risk upon risk. Then from the plan, if to be as God then if to visit a planet as with as small a craft as possible, also note a Christian might lead such a secular endeavor; that frozen sperm (not all unfreezes well) might be added to a [rocket] vessel that has advanced computer capabilities pertinent to this item B task. Then finding a planet with a civilization similar to 2,000 years ago with a Chosen similar to Mother Mary then to angelically prepare [Mary] and with consent perform artificial insemination for the sake of that civilization. But if to so plan, then first to give the word clearly and thoroughly for all authorities (e.g. international, national, donor,...) that they first agree as not rape.

So given in A and B above is that A is preferred and over B save if A opts: so B needs be Christian and as perfect as all can agree in order for Christ JESUS Over The Holy Spirit to completely agree, in order for the last state to be as if greater, rather One New In Christ JESUS in order to properly conquer, and with the Word And Will In Christ JESUS is the proper interpretation of Revelation 17

(within this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS detailing per se).

So the proper interpretation of Revelation 17 concerning the Holy Blood (verse 6 / Matthew 1.21) is JESUS. So properly distinguish the fruits:

the secular did not create JESUS, though Christians should try this key to continue to be Doing The Holy Word And Will Of The Heavenly Father In JESUS.

As written in Matthew 24.11 HCS:

So the newborn(s) of the secular would be likened unto great civilization leaders (hybrid(s)), some of which civilizations failed.

Even so True Prophecy In Christ JESUS is at the True Christian Faith option

(at least relative to the secular, rather reference Absolutivity and rather GodMath).

so the secular continues to be under law, and the Almighty continues to be Eternal with parables: a True Ascending Key.

So another great key is now unraveled of the Almighty Precepts In Christ JESUS: End Times can be measured

toward the past for the good for all, and rather for the Highest Christian One for the greater Eternal Heaven.

So the New Christianity heading is more concerning the greater in Christ JESUS not yet current, as much as if given time.

If not given time then likewise the heading rather is more concerning the greater in Christ JESUS;

in other words whether with time or without time needful, then the heading rather is more concerning the greater in Christ JESUS.

So a great key is over body and blood, that the course be Prophetic, save rather:

the heading is more concerning the greater in Christ JESUS.

What Christ JESUS In The Word And Will Of God The Father In The Heavenly Spirit is the important part, whether with time or without, whether with body or without, whether with blood or without; but none of this is toward without as the proper ascending in One Christ JESUS continues.

Even so it is not toward losses save for the best proper ascending, reference Numbers 36.3 NIV:

So caution is appropriate and preferred in terms of the One Truly Best Holy Spirit Path In Christ JESUS (otherwise reference Numbers 36.3 YLT translation toward the casting of lots, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower lots, and on lower flip-of-a-coin, and similarly on secular predictions; also see above text on "gaps").

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS, November 5, 2017AD.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: Drawing graph shows how to distinguish time and resources for Christian Word And Work. Drawing of the nearby Milky Way Galaxy and superclusters flowing. Blood Flowing Soul Of New Christianity Ascending In The Straight And Narrow Of Christ JESUS throughout the Universe: from microbes to the known and beyond into One Your New Heavenly places. The truth about the Garden Of Eden and spaceships. Alway Sermon writing, never sleeping, as Pure Holy Blood constantly reliably at Work without complaint. High and low level Holiness outpouring and/or pulse parameters. The responsible Christians conquering Eternal systems specifying risks and rather proper victories according to types of Christian enterprises of Church criteria precepts pertinent to images of Spirits. How to compresses and be small or be a giant and move planets while preventing diseases. Blood Firmament key explains why there is pain in the world and how to solve as a superhero. Protective level forming in DNA hourglass shape. How to properly create the Immaculate Conception. ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS.


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