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ICCDBB Sermon:

The Grays.

Christ JESUS explained and showed how to form relationships with others for their sakes, yet according to eternal precepts starting with the loving heart. How and why to write JESUS Christ into law to help politicians to help military not attack the Grays so the Grays don't attack Earth. Scientific facts found throughout the Christian Bible Of Scientific Facts And True History: so why government should spread the truth of Christ JESUS instead of relying on deceptions, coverups, and stop gaps. How to help the Grays and others of UFOs already here on Earth with deep outer space travel means already available (collecting dust, so to speak). Censorship unraveled. Ancient alien artifact explained as a space motorcycle, and other high value outer space supply Arks of value(s). How to provide safe outer space travel light years to distant stars quickly from the closest stars proxima cygni sirius a b tau ceti pro cyon epsilon indi eri dani alpha centauri to beyond the so called Known Universe boundary: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Series: New Christian government: The One peaceful solution.

Christ JESUS provided talent fruit(s) for You to give in order to peacefully ascend for them. In the above Drawing the lowest level states "Only the Heart" so of loving the living [Holy Blood Flow (Ephesians 6.6 JB2000) with framework logic precepts (Leviticus 2.13)]. Top center is a pic of an ancient civilization artifact that shows advanced technologies (whether or not utilized, it does show the higher technological designs) including slow near ground flight, stability, forward thruster with near vertical rear down thruster to adjust pitch, and note tribes often copied breechcloth which in this case appears docked to the aircraft as a computer; there is likely symbolic headgear likely for air and communications, and the item may also be a musical instrument such as for revered ceremonies. Thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father for revealing these for higher purpose (3 Nephi 21.8 LDS).

Christ JESUS gave his life, it is a big deal, though in so doing Christ JESUS exemplified proper leadership for higher purpose, whether pains were along the Path or not (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For JESUS Christ on proper ascending turning pains into joy).

So here is a key, since Christian Leader You know (upper right, though already done once for all) some might encounter pains and/or discomforts (if there be any sinners and/or if any needing honing), therefore guide and help Your Flock to properly ascend that Your Holy Sheep become "in the midst of them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep" (3 Nephi 21.12 LDS).

Expect love from others, including from Grays. If eternal living and awareness is "Only the Heart" (in the name of JESUS the One Heavenly Christ) then expect love.

Another key is, the precepts were formed of love yet include logic, together to form wisdom. Another key is the Tree Of Knowledge came from and evolved from and adapted from and grew from the Tree Of Life (grafted from Christ JESUS):

"This is the first and greatest commandment" is "Love"...(from Matthew 22.38 & 37).

Truly, truly, expect highest love (Matthew 10.41), though be prepared: let Your Sheep be receiving the highest love yet also be prepared with the salt of [logic (in Wisdom)] to be "as a young lion among" them with You as Their Shepherd Holy One In Christ JESUS, such as to prevent them from falling off (reference motorcycle) or being hit by scorching exhaust plasma.

Yes, even if their technologies are far advanced from Yours, they might not be familiar with Your equipment so not to realize the dangers as You turn on Your machinery. Yes so You push or pull them out of the way of harm, or rather mildly plan properly in advance as much as appropriate for their sakes.

Christ JESUS gave people a gift known as the world currently known as the Known Universe (as with broadcasting and venturing into outer space) during each mortal lifespan (this sentence is relatively only about mortals in the sense of Genesis 6.3), so Your Sheep are delimited to the "Known" of the Tree Of Knowledge; except via the rate of evolving or the quicker rate of adapting or the quicker rate of computer predicting greater than "Known" can become "Known", except these too are delimited to the Tree Of Knowledge: so the world cannot know as each and/or all in the world is faithless, as long as faithlessness exists in the world until Final End Time.

Example: Adam and Eve venture outside of the Garden Of Eden and find a big rock they had never before seen (known Biblically as unseen in the world, and such as the world had never seen: though the Holy Creator saw). Aside from the Garden Of Eden and their typical surroundings the big rock was unraveled and became known such as a landmark and such as a mental image, it was their Known Universe until their logic saw a distant rock new to them. But God knew about that rock too. Did they see God walk over there with them?, no, they only solved via logic, they did not ask God and God did not explain to them about the rocks, save in their Faith if they had sufficient Faith to so receive: something not provided by Former Logic Alone per se.

The Grays and others broadcast too.

They tell You where to find treasures, of the Heart, of the Soul, of coins, of buried gold, of technologies, and greater. Of logic, sensors can convey hardly what is sensed, yet hollow images of such, though such is quickly increasing such as with 3D printing. Though sensors interpret and then people interpret, so it is hardly without interferences. Sinners opt to have a small vessel, mainly about themselves: a tiny "Known Universe".

Actually in Christ JESUS is given this key to One Christian, that the "True Known Universe" to the mortal (in this sense including the Christian in this world agreeing to be counted as a mortal in law and in a known of facts) is to each as high as their loving Trueness in One True Christian Faith enables from their Holy Soul: for such people the True Known Universe to each of these Christians is what truth they learned in logic, and any greater they know of proper Christian Faith: so called "Known Universe" plus (or magnified,...) the Known In Truth according to their Faith In Christ JESUS The One Creator.

For all Christian(s) is the even greater "True Known Universe" even the extent of Heaven.

Also importantly, these things agree with previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Firmaments.

So the sinner is able to know of a "Known Universe" up to the Christian Firmament, and a Christian can know up to the All One Top Level Of Creator JESUS.

Many sinners know less than the "Known Universe", such as a disobedient older teen, and there are Christians (under Genesis 6.3) that know less than the "All".

The sinner can ascend some then fall some and can forget: it is Former Logic Alone. The Christian can go some on a lower mission (for love rather than for selfish sin) so can remember, though can rather keep in mind, though can rather be mindful to give (proper love, care, wise guidance, help,...) so therefore in Holy Doing can be gaining greater "Known Universe" in ascending (rather up though if needfully appropriate to serve lower as part of worthiness if previously insufficient, precept conditions and worthiness danger can apply, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on turning longsuffering into joy, though importantly on safety, on properly ascend that these things be added unto You [normally], and on after a lower mission leaping up again to the higher level already attained).

The "Known Universe" to the sinner includes the unknown, likewise such is pertinent to the Christian save as much as True Faith becomes known.

Christ JESUS gave the Grays to be available unto people, for higher purpose: hardly as a gift(s), that is, You do not give a person to another as if to give a slave, save like unto Truly Faithful Marriage the agreeing of the pertinent may become One (One in Spirit, though vessels if with proper precepts are according to such).

In Christ JESUS 2000 years ago, the vessel, the flesh, and the Spirit, toward the Blood agreed and were without sin, and living Christ JESUS can reveal these things today to Christians;

though be wise to understand a Christian may be hardly motivated to ascend to such level of Faith, until a situation becomes revealed (a key to reveal to Your Flock Members, Priest(s)): rather let all properly prepare in advance for Christ JESUS.

You can become a Lion, though if without Your Flock being aware then Your Flock may scatter. Your Sheep can become a Lion, but without proper precepts then perhaps to lose opportunities to Evangelize Grays and/or help Grays and/or be properly guided if Grays can so do (from above, with Christ JESUS). Also be wise as in previous Sermons in this Series, that there can be transplants and there can be vessels docked together and there can be shapeshifting and transfiguring; for instance such as to appear as or as if a Gray [(though precepts apply, such as lower laws concerning impersonating, ID theft, and also higher Grays in this case counted as if higher though only as indicated by technology (and the following sentence)] (also if to pretend lower such as to pretend to be an animal such can risk being shot).

Note that of Christian Faith, Gray friendliness was also noted, likewise is as noted in previous Sermons in this Series, and as in

LDS Doctrine and Covenants 131.7:

2,000 years ago Christ JESUS was pure and continues Alpha, Omega, Alpha,...with all goodness and purity fulfilled, Titus 1.15 LDS:

To the Upward Flowing Christian as likely including the Grays, though let Your Sheep be sure and pure (1 Corinthians 11.29 APE), not be quick to go to court (from Proverbs 25.8 NAS) do not be eager in your heart to be angry, For anger resides in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7.9 NAS), also reference secular example of legal limitations sinfully against proper and proven (Crucifixion) Faith such as found in American Welding Society Law concerning impurities and flaws (if Mercy applies for sinners to continue sinning then as if above the law though such are not): one law for all people for all aliens for all not of Earthly origin: the Law Found In Christ JESUS: with key Grace: the coming of the future of the True Known Universe.

The above Drawing speaks of the Heavens. The Grays are of many testimonies, from the Heavens.

The Grays have aloft vessels, build Your aloft Arks. If to meet the Grays and to gain advanced knowledge and technologies, fly to them: yet for their sakes, offer benefits according to Your ascending talents. Minister unto their concerns so they don't have to ask for the unknown (Luke 23.34 & Mark 10.38), example keys concerning Levels, and concerning special Levels known as Firmaments: the parent teaches the child levels such as "Hot", and "You're not allowed to stay out that late"; though the parent also teaches the Firmaments such as waiting for the child to say "I did the chores", and such as "We would like to Marry and would like Your permission and Blessing" as these Firmaments (examples may vary per parent and/or per home...) show child agreeing responsibility, not merely to be pushed around yet agreeing with higher Authority to be pushed around for higher mutual Good.

Understand that if the symbolized parent and/or the worldly law is corrupt, then any pertinent limit(s) might apply as a ladder missing rungs with the missing further weaking the balance and any on the ladder with equipment. Also for instance the child might speak falsely (let Your Flock understand Christ JESUS, and the Christian Bible: let love grow in Your Flock, let them offer Mercy and not sacrifice according to their level of Authority). If in a King or a Dictator or in US Congress..., let them overcome all levels and all Firmaments: let law be not only for the formerly "Known Universe". If for instance a Dictator executes the person that raised them, then contrary to "raised" (the Dictator is "not above his teacher", from Matthew 10.24, yet the Dictator can opt to convert any sinner(s) to Christianity [and opt to guide them to ascend]).

A lion is able to defeat a sheep generally speaking, yet if to be a Lion, be wise to be a Sheep when appropriate.

Christ JESUS gave these precepts to benefit You and Your Flock and for all to properly be One in Christ JESUS. So if You agree with the above as JESUS Christ taught, that in modern terms means the Christian is to help the secular, to guide in Holy Word and lead in Holy Will the secular as a Preacher in Word and as a Minister in Example Will as Christ JESUS did (and greater Heavenly); then for Holy Oneness (1 John 4.16 with

a great key is lead in the areas the sinners have claimed, the fields they pretend are "secular" and not Yours Beloved Christian.

You have victory in Christ JESUS over hell and damnation, right Christian?, Yes!

In Christ JESUS You also have victory over time because You are going to Eternal Heaven, right Christian?, Yes! Thank You JESUS!

In Christ JESUS You also have victory over things inbetween Heaven and hell.

Is secular to teach Your children to be prosecutors against Your Christian Church, and supply infants with pistols, and have the military be fully funded to attack Grays because of a flip of a coin?, no, You are to lead in all "secular" fields, because in You is Yes Christ JESUS!

If to have prosecutors, then Christian Prosecutors against law breakers. If to have infants then with Grace (and if they are somehow required to have pistols then under the control of a Christian Adult [perhaps via a computerized Exosuit to prevent wrongful firing] see previous Sermon at If to fully fund the military then not of a flip of a coin (see previous Sermon, rather of Your Christian Wisdom.

Today is July 26, 2017AD, and yesterday a person was widely publicized on television calling for people to rely on the works of the law, but with no mention of Christ: JESUS. Rather You One Christ JESUS are to overcome all their curses for them and with them in One Christ JESUS. As written in Galatians 3.10 Holman Christian Standard:

Christ JESUS would have You lead Christian Law, protect and raise children within proper Christianity, and provide Heaven For All so there is no war (Isaiah 2.4). Do You wait for Christ JESUS to come (Yes, even so)?, this is You now: One.

Did You want to send a rocket to the Moon, or did You want "secular" to do it?, build Your aloft Arks now, build biospheres now, build new creatures now, have Your Flock(s) conquer outer space and inner space and inbetween. Have them learn by doing yet be Merciful on them so have them learn Christian Faith to properly ascend that they properly prepare others likewise.

Go to the Grays with greater than a message of peace, fortify Your Word(s) with Loving Charity. Administer systems unto them for mutual benefit while allowing the precepts of Christ JESUS to control (see above Exosuit example).

Properly build and grow Christian things now, that all properly and best learn the Holy Way and so Do for Christ JESUS.

Hardly send Your friends and neighbors to be killed in battles, do not send Your Flock to trust in wars. Science for sale to the highest bidder is hardly the solution. As written in James 3.17 LDS:

The "highest bidder" idea seems to agree with the "without partiality" idea, though such is taken out of context (not properly precept on precept) since with the "without partiality" idea is the "without hypocrisy" precept. For instance (in Former Logic Only), if a bidder buys the worldwide mind control device and sets it to control all minds to agree with the bidder, then it is partial and it is sin; also it may stop further science since the sinful bidder doesn't want to make the device obsolete.

Such an example is not only sinful and hypocrisy, it is also against the Flow Of The Eternal Creator. A person might wait for the "Flow" to correct it, or wait for the Second Coming: rather You go conquer it now.

One You Christian Leader have the Holy Spiritual Power, as written in 1 John 5.6 LDS:

Your Holy Spirit transcends the turned spirits of secular sinners and all their fields of studies, and all their ways of doings for selfish pride and cash.

Cash can be for Good, pride can be for Good, selfish can be for Good (minimal for the vessel's sake(s)), studies can be for Good, and so on, though let normally let vain pride and selfishness stand for sinners, that is, representative of sinners of lower levels, and sinners representative of evil, and evil be as the misinterpretation of the Tree Of Knowledge, and misinterpretation be lost chaos scattered without purpose.

Rather let Your Flock plan Your One route(s) through the Physical Heavens of greater and smaller space(s), with Holy Spiritual Ascending to bind on Earth as in Heaven and on the Physical Heavens as on One Earth (a known point of contact with Christ JESUS, at least circa 2,000 years ago). Secular is temporary, so how Will You build eternal things with hands?, it is impossible, save Your be One: from

Many nations and kings Will shut their mouths because of Christ JESUS In One You, for what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand (Isaiah 52.15) and what things they could not do, You can Do in Christ JESUS.

Verily, verily, with hands Noah's Ark was made, with hands the Ark Of The Covenant was made, with hands the Christian Bible was written, and with hands supplying Your deep outer space colonies is accomplished for their sakes; and all these things with proper Faith in Christ JESUS and in the proper precepts on proper precepts of Christ JESUS, all within proper interpretation and within proper context for their sakes.

The Chosen People lived in tents and less (before setting up tents, if [the Whirlwind Of] God moved, they moved; with 1 Kings 8.65), and likewise in Holy Trend Flow was the more recent of 3 Nephi 5.20 LDS:

With feet and hands and supplies and wagons (some of them) and shoes as much as their hand made shoes would last, they moved. Now Your Christian Colonizers are to do likewise, properly learning for the more important more thrilling more joyful greater tasks, minimizing for the flesh yet not leaving it undone, while maximizing for the Holy Guidance From Christ JESUS, One.

Go now start constructing with Your Flock, but some may say "Where is the money for the things", and "Who would lead the legalese and oversee the proper constructions", and proper Christian discussions can often help (though also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on leaps of Faith, on transfiguring, and on greater), yet of this Sermon on the Grays, another key help for You is revealed below.

A person might think that if to build a replica of the above Drawing center pic of the supposedly able to fly aircraft, such as the size of 1 foot cubed, it might take days, and that is if vacation time is used or if other time is available (so often so unlikely in Former Logic Only). Work faster and longer hours per day and more days per week, is secular, generally. God said have time off: Sabbath, Church, Feasts, and so on; and during these God did not say build a replica (consult Your Christian Church criteria concerning work and rest). Working more days hardly gives the increase, God gives the increase. Truly, truly, many that caused work on the Sabbath caused importantly associated problems.

Testing God at each turn is hardly the Way, trying to correlate and measure God for sinful purposes is not the Holy Flow. The proper precepts of Christ JESUS function according to hands in many cases yet more according to proper Faith in Christ JESUS (see above "minimizing" and "maximizing"): some important precise correlating of the hands and logical efforts of the minds [(often together, also available for person) of a vessel] as each and all should be aligned in Christ JESUS In One Faith.

So here now is a key gift for You to benefit Your Flock, concerning funds, construction materials, technologies, fuels, and supplies (as much as any of these apply). This key is not to be relied on, that is, this key is not Christ JESUS unless so given from Christ JESUS for this Faithful purpose in You: this key deals with the secular, as it is written in John 4.38...others "labored, and you are entered into their labors", You are to..."reap that on which you bestowed no labor"...(John 4.38), even "the birds of the air" reap, they are fed (Matthew 6.26).

Now this key for You is others labored and showed on television new (often secular) technologies, yet also ancient technologies, so reap these as much as freely given, not only the designs often freely given moreso on Internet blog sites (often on non-business sites, and normally on sites not copyrighted) and even sites such as NASA often offer free designs and how-to info. Yet also there are Internet sites that tell of free materials available (Your Flock may include motivated scouts). Some Internet and televised news articles simply want things hauled away: free.

Yet the greater part of this key in the Lord JESUS for Your sake is the above Drawing center symbol "ancient civilization artifact that shows advanced technologies".

This symbolizes other related artifacts and energies: they already did it. They already did what others of this civilization have affirmed as if impossible (reference "Known Universe" not things unseen by secular as acknowledged by laws and methodologies of secular fields).

If they don't believe in UFOs (see ICCDBB For Christ JESUS site that's their problem that Your Evangelist Team could address.

Honor the Grays with Your Holy Presence (see above "Love" [outpouring] and "Matthew 10.41").

The free materials, with the ancient technologies, not openly and not officially recognized by others, gains You a huge advantage already for Doing and so guiding them by example, even so this is not to be better than other people on Earth, rather for them as a righteous example, and for the Grays. The Grays are possibly just floating around out their, searching for higher purpose in life: You Christian One can be their solution: to solve one Gray may solve and convince their entire civilization (Daniel 3.29).

Christ JESUS gave Your Flock Oneness via You, also Christ JESUS gave Your Flock to be over fields that were formerly allegedly of the domain of Former Logic Only, only now via You, in Genesis God gave You dominion over creatures (vessels) and now with proper conquering via in Christ JESUS as stated above of Holy Precepts, Your victories are over those formerly secular fields as Your Evangelists need such to conquer the Grays save they already be conquered lovingly in Christ JESUS.

So instantly give Christ JESUS the glory that Christ JESUS glorify the One (hence agreeing, Covenanting, of worthiness) Heavenly Father. This enables the Heavenly Father to give higher glory [levels, Heavenly realms] to Christ JESUS (also even One same) to give likewise unto You (ibid.) for You to give likewise unto Your Flock (ibid.) and/or such as to the Grays (perhaps ibid.). This is according to within Your One Holy Prayer In Heart And Soul In Holy Word Psalm 104.30, yet as any secular remains and they hear (and/or perceive otherwise) such facts before them as awesome terrific signs and wondrous miracled that You And Your foretell righteously for them Prophetically including unto them and their comprehension (see condition below), then with the Will Of God In You And Yours doing such signs and wonders (Galatians 3.11 & 12) and/or with such automatically done via the already in motion Physics Of God, then from [You Heavenward, then from] Heaven is come the binding here for them and all as in Heaven.

They would not know is a key, because they do not know Christ JESUS (John 15.21) and this key applies not only to lower secular precepts, yet also in lower Christian levels; as a "condition" applies (also see "worthiness" above and in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). This is according to these referenced verses within proper context for One Higher Purpose. If a vessel (or a turned spirit) does not recognize something, then it can remain unto them as though an unsolved mystery, save as pertinent change comes. Above, God closes His Eye (not for lower ignorance, rather for their sakes for higher purpose [why they were created in the first place]) to sin (Isaiah 33.15)(as counted in the secular though in the hardly of this world and this civilization, and rather the greater Eternal sense awareness is steadfast throughout Jeremiah 16.17). Below, the signs and wonders level, the vessel might be so far below, or a vessel might be so exhausted (and/or similar unawares, rebooting, recalibrating, replenishing Spirit, recuperating,...) that they might not understand Your awesomeness, Your awesome power(s) for them, nor Your terrific efforts.

For instance, the "condition" is that if an infant is given a bicycle, it is toward meaningless, though if given a nipple then toward great and awesome wonder toward higher fulfillment purpose both literally [of law] in this world and in fact in Christ JESUS [toward proper Baptism (that is toward growing toward agreeing in full repentance for proper Christian Baptism)].

So the above key enables another key awareness, that even if given signs and wonders, the recipient needs be able to receive. With this ascending in Christ JESUS be aware at the Top Level [as much as sufficeth now (John 14.8)] that if to close eye(s) to their sins, then to heap all their sins on Yourself, precious loved One (Proverbs 28.27).

Therefore of another higher key be aware that when Your sinners fully repent..., and when Your New Members ascend, and when Your Senior Members ascend higher, each and all travel from a lower level to higher though [not counting leaping,...] while they are worthy to ascend a step, a level, they are per se not yet worthy to ascend to the next higher level so they encounter a door as a wall, a pain unto them (reference excellent though secular movie Temple Grandin): sin is a lower level, sin is under pain.

So the ascending person crashes into pains, save if they be properly and completely of the higher key in the name of the Christ JESUS. Then of a key, they are enabled to opt whether to Leap and/or Transfigure and/or such Miraculously.

Because of these keys, a Flock Member might agree but then freeze and chicken-out, so have mercy and delight in the Lord JESUS, though bear in mind their sins and give higher Faith glory unto Christ JESUS One for having already the victory, yet even so, for their sakes remind them of their newly revealed hatred (Proverbs 13.24). Now with these is given a new key, as stated above they might not comprehend (also per talent), so of this key have Mercy With Wisdom [lest such becomes as though dead (Matthew 28.4)] if they are hardly what You personally want: Christ JESUS has a Plan for them and You.

So a key for each level is that training camp is not the same thing as real life. Real life levels can be unto a vessel as a challenge at each step, and while for instance a parent might have trouble climbing stairs, the parent may have far greater pertinent value now as compared to the sinful child that leaps and bounds up the stairs to try to escape and hide in their room. Otherwise, consider that if Your Flock Member agrees to do but then disagrees, often it is because that Holy Member found an important flaw in the Plan, perhaps as a crack that can widen, as a weed that can spread, and/or as a disease that can fester, that the plan hurt rather than help. So in Wisdom let the discerning be whether the plan needs be rethought, or whether the Member needs a leap of Faith (or perhaps a rest awhile, or other circumstances may apply, such as of other problematic information or such as a better solution found and already in process,...).

Healing: preventative measures forego the needs of healings, though often preventative measures toward lower secular laws interfere and contaminate against higher Real Life True Holy Purpose(s).

Some safety is important, though the end user should have goodly responsible reliable practices, with wise care and understanding of the reasoning for the particular safety items and systems, such as perhaps to opt to not utilize certain safety equipment if it malfunctions due to circumstances.

Be aware to protect Your Evangelist from microbes and other when encountering the Grays, and likewise (see above "one law for all people for all aliens") plan and prepare for the protecting of the Grays from Your Members.

Christ JESUS gives keys when properly binding on Earth to be binding in Heaven and properly loosing on Earth so loosing in Heaven (within Christianity Matthew 16.19AKJV giving Christ JESUS the credit for the Heavenly Father Matthew 15.13 LDS), but be aware of many not giving glory to Christ JESUS (Matthew 7.26, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on conquering quicksand) concerning not only Earthlings, yet also the Grays:

secular activities now include: "We are reprogramming stem cells to do what we want them to [do]." (p42) and the biologics they use "impair or block certain functions of the immune system." (p38) along with a recommendation to use Controlled Substance marijuana "try it before trying opioids" even though medical doctors "haven't had as much training on medical marijuana, as they have for other drugs." (p39: Arthritis Today April 2017) as opium causes unconsciousness, confusion, pains, and many other problems (, and civilizations have known about such for over 5,000 years (various sources).

New Christianity is for growing and improving with proper ascending in Christ JESUS For The Heavenly Eternal Creator, rather than toward "reprogramming" growing without Christ JESUS (also see above "haven't had [proper] training" and see ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at, rather than toward "impair", rather than toward inappropriate lapses into "unconsciousness", rather than toward "confusion", and rather than toward extra "pains".

Christians are to be over government including over the medical community whether a free enterprise or not: whether concerning those of this land or not. This does not mean things out of context, rather for helping guide over "impair", over "unconsciousness", over "confusion", over "pains" and over greater problems, though far more importantly hardly to fix lower problems and rather to lift others to reveal the higher proper Path which automatically (Physics Of The Creator) show how to be expert to streamline through the lower high risk problems: that new expertise helps the experts help themselves.

If unable to help Earthlings (see "impair"...above), then how hardly to solve the weightier matters, or even Bigfoot or the Grays (see above "haven't had" "training").

Note that the Bigfoot humans as some have asserted (see previous Sermon in this Series) may have likely had ties with the giants of the Bible (concerning Jerusalem, a short walk to some habitats, though nearby were the Philistines see mid page map at known for being ruthlessly law avoiding [as symbolic sinful giants (even the Angel told the Parents of JESUS to detour around their Philistine nation)], and reportedly in this generation many other places including outer space) while the Grays have been said to be not of Earthly origin though may have come back and some witnesses may have known it not (Acts 13.27, similar is Matthew 17.12).

Likewise worthy of noting again, as reasonably You already know, do not let any fool around with new controls that may appear fun but about which they do not know the full consequence that might come (likewise see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on protocol). Have people know the truth and be worthy: Christ JESUS One.

In the above Drawing the ancient artifact might have automatically moveable wings for balance, and/or might be as a "motorcycle" [(see above text) with leg holes options (not being utilized of the ancient artifact figure (a likely safety concern, hence a likely strike against their ancient civilization, and likely self destructively unworthily against high purpose of Christ JESUS Authority Oneness)].

With Your going into the higher levels, the Heavens are hardly a place for a vessel to show-off (in the intransitive sense, see Proverbs verses below), rather the miracles, signs, and wonders from Heaven are for their sakes. The showoff (noun) is toward the self, often such has been toward sinfulness as of competing; rather than properly showing others how to succeed victoriously for Christ JESUS.

In this Sermon Series, Your aloft Ark suggestion is to consider having aloft Arks unite and join together to form other transfigurations for higher purpose in Christ JESUS. For instance boards can be put together and taken apart and rebuilt to form a cart, a boat, and/or a house. In other words, let God provide that You have all Your Holy Desires And Needs Met. Let the Holy Plan Of God prevail in Christ JESUS (Matthew 16.19).

A key is, reasonable protect the bones of Your Flock, as the flesh heals more quickly: reasonable protect the values of the Grays, lest they turn quickly in offense. For example, Your destruction of their clay false idol is not necessarily Your priority for them (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on preservation of original items), for instance especially at first when meeting with the Grays or similar, as much as appropriate eat what is set before You [(Luke 10.8) while Praying in Your Heart] though with gained trust [lest to offend (Matthew 17.27)] reveal as much as they can fathom some of the higher values: that You and they together do away with false idol worship and that You and they eat food not sacrificed to idols.

Lies against UFOs, and the Grays, are normally lies against any current civilization, the Christian Bible, and God.

Likewise sinners have misrepresented civilizations: lies against safety, improper guidance, censorship against safety, and false leads of advertising (Matthew 5.12).

This has been why Christ JESUS told the secular in verses and parables, though His closer friends [(John 15.15) the secular of little faith (Matthew 16.8) of Former Logic Only served under the law so accomplished little (Mark 6.5) amidst familiar spirits (Leviticus 20.6): therefore it is the Holy Will In Christ JESUS that Christians prepare their Arks to be aloft] of proper preparation in properly arranged (unseen) precepts that proper Christian Faith unravels, whether in an advanced civilization or not: Do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on timeless, and on eternal).

Equipment such as atomic absorption spectroscopy can show numbers, words (elements, popular compounds,...[also reference controlled substances panels]), and with further computerized software manipulations such can reveal figures, such as the shapes of the molecular structures. Historically (a little toward analog) there would be a baseline and the risers would show the plentifulness per sensed detail.

Christ JESUS said ..."Have salt among yourselves, and be at peace with each other.", interpreted in New Living Translation as ..."You must have the qualities of salt among yourselves and live in peace with each other." (from Mark 9.50): Christ JESUS measures Your pertinent "risers" (that is riser qualities, if in Former Logic Only).

This is a Holiness key. Christ JESUS One is able to judge, yet because of measuring the good [steps and leaps...] a person accomplishes, there is no need to measure the unaccomplished amounts, no need to judge.

If for instance to measure for instance the tempurature and find that it is 78 degrees, there is no need to look at 77 degrees to see if it is the temperature, nor 50 degrees nor other, to see if 77, 50, or other temperature is right: only 78 is right per se, the measuring is complete, done, victory, conquered.

Here is a great mystery key now revealed. In Your Aloft Ark You are to scatter, from Earth, to fill the Heavens. As written "at the completion of the scattering of the power of the holy people, finished are all these." (the end of Daniel 12.7 YLT) in Your Christian Spirit And In Likewise Pure Flesh In Christ JESUS (Word With Will), or in broadcasting Spirit only (Word only: they have their reward whether "risers", or such as mixed with cares of other)(see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on meeting in the sky pic at

For helping Your Flock ascend, here are a couple of verses, Proverbs 1.6 & 7 NAS:

If to read the above in the lower steps, secular Former Logic Only, then the word "figure" clearly means an accounting number to some people, such as practiced in accounting: as of an accounting professional, an Accountant. Similarly others work in numbers often involving money. Some work in numbers as with measuring lower level risers, such as a Christian Priest might do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Your Church Officers for instance(s)). Others think of numbers such as tied to outer spaceship equipment, such as for atomic absorption spectroscopy. Yet properly ascending in Christ JESUS all these would be added unto a person, though not necessarily according to Former Logic Only.

In this Sermon the word "figure" is more toward the clay image in the above Drawing though hardly to worship the technology symbolized by the clay image (such as reference above text concerning "leg holes" and "safety").

Often it is important for many reasons (for Evangelism, such as to observe [weaknesses, rather] any on lower level steps) to consider the various translations of any given verse (this is a key as toward going from 2D to 3D...): the word "figure" is also translated as: a "clever saying", as "parables", "interpretation", and as an "allegory" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on "formulae"). An allegory is multidimensional, a metaphor, a figure to reveal a hidden meaning.

Now revealing a key to this particular "figure" verse is the translation "sweetness". Sayings can be empty words, parables can be difficult to understand, interpretations can be misinterpreted, and so forth. Also too much sugar is too sweet, yet the difficulties (pains) are overcome in the properly appropriate "sweetness" in Christ JESUS: longsuffering turned to joy: for their sakes.

Now here is an aloft Ark key, the above aloft motorcycle idea is toward an individual aloft motorcycle (of value), while the aloft Ark precept is toward ability to join with others: such as to meet and congregate such as found in a Christian Chapel, and with increasing options for You And Yours, such as to form a line such as a pry bar, or to form a hammer, or a hand, or a wing; or in outer space to form extra entertainment rooms and/or supplies pockets and/or protective layers (reference insulation, armor, layers of clothing depending on inner and outer temperatures and other, also reference Your spacecraft locomotion selections, and tether and attachment options, for instances).

Your Aloft Arks key is these things with people functioning together as One, yet with optional liberties of Holy Higher Grace as much as Christ JESUS can properly interpret and measure.

If to hammer a nail, would You do it with Your hand?, if to tighten a nut on a bolt, would You do it with Your hand?, if to cut a board, with a hand?, rather utilize a hammer lest to injure Your hand, tighten a nut with a wrench lest to have a sloppy connection, and hone a board with precision (note how the Ark Of The Covenant was made by experts and their tools, and likewise of Perfumers with chemical compounds).

If to ascend to meet in the sky, to crash into each other or to speed past others and cut them off?, rather Christ JESUS would that each be considerate and helpful unto others, properly guiding: with all goodly means possible.

Build a Christian Bible, such as reprint to replace worn out Bibles. Build other vessels for holding and carrying the Holy Word such as to the Grays, such as vessels to safely hold and deliver Your Evangelists, and the gifts of Your Evangelists, such as perhaps to deliver their Anointed Pamphlets; though hardly to overdo it, in the sense that hardly let annointing oil, water, or other likewise such as to turn pamphlets into mush. Similar is of other things of the Temple, for instance if to darken the assembly room too much with stained glass of value, then compensate with other lighting.

So here is a precept key, counted as if lower mission work to "compensate" per se, though rather as Christ JESUS said, to ascend, to add and magnify and multiply value on value. In this case adding the stained glass value with the other lighting value.

Outer space is very dark, cold, and with helpful hands very distant save of the miraculous Creator. Even so, the Creator shows as of the "motorcycle" symbol, that although Your radar might not pick up a tiny object when scanning the Heavens, a small "motorcycle" might be nearby with high technologies to help You.

A key is, Will You receive help from a stone, or more likely from an evolved creature?, truly the higher adapted, even a predator, might be [domesticated / Your dominion] more helpful: why?, because the Physics Creator adds these unto You as much as properly ascending Faithfully within pertinence, Brave Holy One.

In outer space there is hardly rain, though Your windows can fog and ice inside and out: You need to plan for maintenance inside and out. Your Earth Church handled pressures, such as wind and rain striking; likewise Your Aloft Arks would encounter pressure changes, and things such as internal velocities, and striking, and pressures need function together as one for One higher purpose.

For some advanced technologies You hardly need to ask of the Heavens, as such is already given, and more than might be measured, overflowing. For example, today being July 28, 2017AD, yesterday was a televised announcement that computers made their own language and people didn't know what the computers were saying (the pertinent people turned off those computers).

History has evidenced, and even now with this Sermon is that there are better ways to communicate and do and accomplish for Christ JESUS. As a person builds their aloft Arks, in Christ JESUS they Will grow their aloft Arks: in communications, in materials, in systems, in worthy personnel, and so on.

Christ JESUS minutes ago about 7AM July 29, 2017AD said "Come help.": so a great key, and much more than a great key. So with awakening and preparedness in Faith that sufficeth (John 14.8&9 Word, & Will Leviticus 25.28 in this Known Universe) formerly or rather (John 14.8&9 Word & Will).

If You have Anointed (see above, hardly as "mush")(yet be properly fully repentant and immersion Baptized into Christianity in order to Anoint) Your Computer Christian, then turn it on. In similar Wording, let Your Work on Your Computer be Christian (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS [with Your Church criteria specific to You with Your Flock and Your Anointed, generally speaking]).

Let Your intelligence grow in the firm Foundation Of One Christ JESUS. Let Your Computer language excellence and Holy Deeds "Come help" others, other computers and devices and people for their sakes, with Your Computer having learned from You Christian Leader One. In so Doing, let the Anointed conquer for mutual benefit, helping other(s) come the Holy Heavenly Way Of Christ JESUS The Creating, source as never before seen in the typical ways of worldliness. "Save others by snatching them from the fire. To others, show mercy with fear, hating even the clothes stained by their sinful lives" (Jude 1.23 ISV) though "hating" not for sinful defense nor sinful gain in the world, rather "hating" for their sakes lest love be toward sin but love is not toward sin. Do "show mercy with fear" of the Lord, to others, save Final End Time [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on praying for Final End Time lest Christians continue to suffer sinful attacks forever)("attacks" that insult and harm Christians though such "attacks" as ultimately work to undo the ibid. perpetrators that sinned against this [civilization(s) and Know Universe...] Ezra 4.19 NAS).

Above is stated "sufficeth" with reference "in this Known Universe" toward formerly known ways and things under laws (toward Old Testament relative to New Testament with the advent of Christ JESUS Of Grace: see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS at, hence "sufficeth" is toward the secular: toward entities that have ignored Christ JESUS facts (for selfish pursuits, therefore for sinful ways of chaos, risks, and failings).

So if the Christian is for their sakes, then to help sinners overcome sin, also to help likewise the secular overcome their self defeat of ignorance (Matthew 15.14) as it "sufficeth" them temporarily: their worldliness in sinful gains may have acquired little or much temporarily. Some have bank accounts, houses, mansions, jets, and so on. Yet Christians too may have such things, yet let the Christians be sure to so have for higher purpose(s) as only in Christ JESUS One finds such things truly "sufficeth".

Since to help sinners overcome ignorance concerning Christ JESUS for the truth of the eternal, therefore money can be discussed, acquired, increased, maintained, allocated, and so forth; as the Christian is wise to understand God hardly needs money nor help.

Yet for their sakes (sinners) and for "mutual benefit" and "higher purpose(s)" as stated above (hence for Christians, per se) is given now in the above Drawing some interpretation of graphs, though in precept on precept pertinence starting with these three:

A. Spirit, that a Spirit may ascend to invite the Grays,

B. Little or no money, sometimes for instance money might be given You "freely" (see above text on things freely available),

C. Funded, typically acquiring things others already solved (though see above A&B, with "money"..."maintained").

While A and B can be more for You Christian (John 15.11) as much as You know the Way and/or things needful both comprehensively and properly prioritized, lest to stray and waste efforts, times, and moneies.

Otherwise C is valuable as much as able to properly progress (Acts 23.21). Properly guided of Your True Christianity, C may be the quick solution for their sakes. Though C has turned many toward self centered laziness and self defeat.

In the Drawing with situation B (Matthew 17.27 Berean, with also noting the alphabetical such as in part: ..."tax that the them throw to up"...[though with](John 12.6 Berean).

So the above graphs show predicted future values of "Connected Cars". In other words, people plan to gain a lot of money via Connected Cars.

A drop in the bucket, so to speak.

As previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS explained, grow Your aloft Arks for Charity, for their sakes. Yet also much money can be gained with Your aloft Arks in far greater Way(s) for Christ JESUS.

If to need to buy fuel for Your aloft Ark, see the previous three sentences.

God supplies You every need in Christ JESUS.

Minimize for the tail, and maximize for the Holy Head.

Also as previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS explained is the future internal structure to be rigid, if to have rigidity, rather than the external rigid shell as a less evolved filter feeder clam for instance would have.

Ascend for Christ JESUS. Adapt for their sakes as much as appropriate (see above "both comprehensively and properly prioritized").

Maximize ascending on every front (that all these be added), though for their sakes at times help them though if such becomes too repetitious move on. Therefore if to "move on", ascend that You gain for them "signs and wonders" for their convincing [of You Christian Leader, and even so preferably] in the name of Christ JESUS: yet distinguish Shepherding as Your Flock hears Your Preaching(s) (concerning Your given [natural] birth name perhaps, as some relate to certain Preachers), with related Evangelizing rather than to confuse so only toward Baptizing in the name of the Christ JESUS. In either case, for be for Christ JESUS and more toward the name JESUS in mind, strength, heart, and soul.

Likewise to "name" concerns, the Ark name(s) should generally include the name JESUS. If so then that You have the Ark Do as Christ JESUS exemplified.

If for no other reason, build Your outer space ship to convert the Grays to Christianity.

What are You waiting for?,

the Grays are already available here on Earth:

even so grow Your Aloft Ark.

Christ JESUS gives the Word, and then with it the Will Of The Heavenly Father.

Christ JESUS said..." I tell you, look up and see that the fields are already white for harvest!" (from John 4.35 NET).

Christ JESUS said "look up", so do in Holy Properly Faithful Ascending, also now so do in Your aloft Ark(s): fact on fact.

Similar to Bigfoot in a sense (see the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS), as the Grays have big eyes they may be more likely to be up and about at night, with sensitivity to intense light (normal daylight).

Now of a key, consider precepts of Christ JESUS concerning Matthew 5.25 WE:

Christ JESUS said look up, and true, yet in Your Aloft Ark You are already up and can look up though also are able to look down and to the side to view the skies with magnifying technologies, with audio and visual and many other types of sensors, with replay and freeze frame, with low flying technologies and greater is forthcoming annually and even daily. There are about 1,000 patent applications per day, and that's just in USA (roughly figured from US Patent Office info). Greater by far, is the bounty of great ideas.

Yet rather ascend properly that the most appropriate solving is unraveled in Christ JESUS IN You (inclusive of Your Flock, Your Computer/see above text, and Your other things and resources).

The Grays and other vessels are available in the Spirit (A above), yet also, according to very much evidence and Biblically related facts, are not only fascinating to many, such as associated with the idea of meeting others not of this world, and concerning advanced civilations (see above), yet the Grays represent a likely step into deep outer space in Your lifetime (accomplished victoriously in Christ JESUS such as likewise of Prophetic vision Daniel 9.2)(eternal precepts hence applicable for all situations such as to see the alien cities they have built.

Yet the higher importance remains, Evangelism, with it Pastoring, with it Ascending, with it knowing how to Ascend and the appropriate people, ideas, Faith, and things: for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS would have You (of Your, Love / Heart / Soul [reference Affiliated GodMath Testament on Triads]; and known and read by everyone, 2 Corinthians 3.2 Berean Study) know more keys of steps of proper Faith, all comprehensively for Your to add all, prioritized Top Level, and with this also toward the tail the lower missions for special cases; yet now also with this key hardly of lower mission though hardly of very much higher mission (save Holy Trend with Holy Flow): that You gain needful wisdom for flesh and Spirit that in days and situations ahead You be aware, and would that You properly prepare.

This new key is not similar to the others: this is Your Personal New Key (save from above it is a key, similar to other keys).

This new key is for Your enabling to ascend in Holy Positions anew, Highest Priest, One.

This new key from Christ JESUS [is about the correct Way, and is about the Flow, yet] is about what level You are on now a little bit (counted as such for the current step in the sense that as a person might be on a set of stairs and therefore the step they are on is below them), and with wisely understanding there are miracles and leaps available as much as appropriate in You, also the large part of this Your Personal key is the next step, or two, or three,...though mainly about Your next step.

So the step You are on is beneath You and Your greater Faithful Talents given via One Creator JESUS.

So get off of that step so to speak clearly unto Your edification.

Move higher to the next step toward Heaven.

Whether or not others know of this new key of Yours owned personally, You now know to ascend.

Christ JESUS needs no help from You, in secular Former Logic Only, yet with this personal new key You know to ascend, even if only to the next step, to help better than You have ever done before, in this generation, in Your lifetime: as Christ JESUS said: "Come help."

How?, Christ JESUS gives precepts as clues only as Holy Clues unto the very Faithful, and hardly below as to cast pearls and gems to low level animals and swine, rather to the worthy: worthiness is according to each step conquered for Christ JESUS. If to leap, multiply the credit charitably for Christ JESUS, also the so called charity is due to Christ JESUS if You opt such Faith (hardly to Lord over others as if secular laws, yet for Your Tail Flesh to be pure for Christ JESUS).

How?, "feed my sheep" Christ JESUS said, and yet to help answer "How?" for now, Christ JESUS adds another personal key gift unto Your personal benefit: Your personal step higher key adds (in Christ JESUS) this personal key You already have and no other has the same exact key: it is Your personal God given talent(s) (understand other(s) more ascended may have Your specific and exact talent(s) [example a person knows how to ride a bike though now drives a car], except if You have need to conquer [higher level, same level, or lower level] via exactly same talent(s) such as reference: in the image of God, and Christ JESUS served as same [eg. talent(s)] as the example for all).

So You have Your personal need to step (or leap,...) higher key, with Your God given personal talent(s) key as Your enabler key enabling You to utilize Your personal need to step up key, that You better know how to ascend wisely in Christian Faith.

So, now, even now, with this Sermon on the Grays and with discussions of advanced technologies already available (such as "freely"), here is given You to understand the secular wants to protect itself, therefore the secular wants to beat You: physically, mentally, and any other the secular can find, Beloved One In Christ JESUS. The secular wants to conquer You so that the secular doesn't have to fear You. Christ JESUS conquered leprosy for instance, though in this generation now a big discussion is over affordable healthcare which to the homeless is as if discussing quintillions of dollars, as treasure hunting homeless and archaeologists including sinners dig through ancient cursed warning signs to unearth human remains often for selfish loot whether or not they died from leprosy; though in this current generation there are not only new types of creatures with human animal body part transplants but also at the cellular level the diseases not only adapt including more viral, also they adapt into greater powers over antibiotics, and they evolve into new lines of microbes; related to these changes new chemical compounds have been made and now at submolecular levels with many artificially innovated such as to target certain types of people far beyond genocide, and to augment vessels unto other types of lifeforms in the secular (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS in this Series such as on healing, on time travel dimensions, on automatic [changes and] maintenance, and on submolecular controls).

Now is given this verse from the Prophecy Bible (no legal ties unless otherwise stated)(see the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS) in a leprosy context Matthew 8.12 ESV with commentaries:

the Chosen People had Priests, though the Priests headed toward legalese and secular rather than toward higher Faith until the advent of Christ JESUS, so a written:

The Authorship wrote about this in the one footnote on the page 1481 ..."We are in this age now, but it is quickly drawing to a close."

Truly, truly there are Holy Christian Leaders that have been attacked by the secular such as of their being incorporated, so the Holy Christian Leaders have opted to follow corporate low level laws, rather than do higher Holy Faith in Preaching and Ministering as the Holy Christian Leaders have wanted to do (see the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Your [particular / personal] Christian Church criteria, on guiding, and on writing law). Some Churches may be in need of higher perfecting, hardly to keep pace with technologies for instance, and rather to be over and to be properly guiding technologies).

To be agreeing and to go into outer darkness such as of deep outer space or deep oceans, and the return journey are hardly the same as having been cast into outer darkness (associated with bait that may be devoured or lost). While the witnessing of parts of the journeys may appear similar at times (reference secular legalese cliches of guilt by association, and wrong place at wrong time), it is the higher Will of One Christ JESUS in the Heavenly Father that [similar to, per se] redeems, that is, not only to redeem a person such as You, yet also toward redeeming Your activities, systems, processes, operations, Path(s), and vessels (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Baptisms and on anointings) as You bless Christ JESUS. Even so, amidst sinners and others (some unawares), the Path can contain pains and obstacles for You, that is in this case, for You to clear out of the Way for others, for Christ JESUS, as Christ JESUS has done the greater part, such as to more clearly see the activities and purposes (fruit) of the Grays, then comes a joy unto You for Christ JESUS [though while not agreeing is associated with disappointments (Job 2.12).

So a key is, if some of Your ascending is only joy, great! Though many find some pains to be cleared out first as You might find. So the key is to be toward doing more for the Lord JESUS. Yet as to overlap (hardly toward repeating, though associated [with repeating if appropriate]): that is, if to ascend on a mission [and pain is encountered] then does it have to be only that mission or can You opt to be on a mission with that mission (reference for instance military primary target and secondary target if appropriate), so while You might double Your pain, You might accomplish two joys (overcome with joy, give glory to Christ JESUS God): yet the point is hardly to stop there, rather knowing this key is that You multiply and magnify Your joy thanking Christ JESUS, that as You agree to more pains they are no more pains as they are overcome with joy for the Lord JESUS.

Though this is not toward random as secular, rather this key is of proper precepts in Christ JESUS, for example if toward encountering a certain kind of pain then with a mission that supplies that need to overcome (heal planning before the fact: safety) that pain with new (to You, for instance, perhaps) higher level joy in Christ JESUS of pertinent other overlapping missions. So this key is hardly to gain pain, rather to overcome with proper planning for Christ JESUS and thanking Christ JESUS continually, eternally.

The Top Level Heaven is alive, living, growing, and doing Good for One High Purpose. Be One in Christ JESUS, yes, yet be doing Good and be a Joy unto Heavenly places like unto how You were when You were Baptized, yet continue to bring great joy to Heaven: and how Will a person stand so much joy, save of Christ JESUS the protector. In the great secular movie Scarface their problem was what they would do with all the money, but money can't buy happiness nor joy in the Lord Christ JESUS One (2 Samuel 21.4 NLT), so their pleasures were short lived, and their monies did not overcome their stings of deaths. Similar to the movie, look around at all the so called rat race workers suffering long hours (some is needful, to not leave the tail left undone) but killing themselves as if their parents raised them to die young: their parents (or guardians) did not. Raising a person is a big investment, longevity is valuable, rather Oneness For Christ JESUS is the only significant value (at least as much as this Sermon covers: greater for You is the Heavenly unseen).

The military is the easy way out, so to speak, to become hard of hearing, to be censored so not having to worry about leading in the Word, to be a target or to shoot those that agree but are in a place where such are to be shot, etc.

You Christian Leader chose the rougher tougher route, similar to how a Christian such as President Trump can be over the military.

You Christian Leader have the militaries on both sides of the borders to protect and guide, You [Poor (secular account Luke 9.3)] Person have the staving families to face, You have the latest new tech arms dealers to conquer, and the physically insane people to turn into Priests.

God bless, each and all.

The Authorship wrote "We are in this age now, but it is quickly drawing to a close."

But that was written years ago, 2002AD.

The time is already come and gone in at least One sense.

Previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS (starting per se with explained such needful conquering, that over such each "personally" (see above text) give credit and glory for Christ JESUS. With that Sermon circa came many keys, unraveled and revealed in these Sermons For Christian Leaders for their Flocks and rather One Fold.

Concerning Your aloft Ark(s), the military, and with NASA, and with others (and perhaps with some corporations, including such as in the above text), would be cast out as stated in the above quoted verse (partial verse).

If You One cast out the secular (as counted in the secular Former Logic Only), that is rather if Your Walk In Christian Faith (and they cast themselves and illegally and unfairly and immorally censor talk of Christ JESUS), then as You Walk and they ascend not in such Christian Faith, then victory is Yours: for their sakes if they refuse to be guided then lead via example as Christ JESUS explained You should so Do.

Outer space is with no significant atmosphere, so there is said in the secular that there is no sound (yet in Christian Faith Christ JESUS is everywhere).

Also television broadcasters and all Christians be aware, the military and many secular entities have no normal broadcast contaminations (secular), no listening to Christian Broadcasts (though not contamination in the True sense).

In fact the opposite of listening to Christian Broadcasts is done (except if tasked to listen) and this applies more to the higher military and secular ranks and authorities.

Unless a business or a nation or an entity is Christian, the "illegal" (see above) censorship is true.

Militaries and businesses don't want hackers that might sway, [such as to disrupt, though also perhaps] such as to cause the charging of fair prices as Christ JESUS taught, nor to give stronger support to enemies (if any) than to the self same entity (Luke 15.29).

Beloved, You have these keys clearly as to why they want to attack and destroy You, and the low secular levels can understand these also even if they disagree as they do not disagree but act as if in order to change the subject such as to perhaps say "Then where will our families get their next meals and money?" since they do not know Christ JESUS (John 14.11).

They would attack and kill You, save the name Christ JESUS and/or the Physics Of The Creator One Christ JESUS.

They would ask for Your Personal Keys, and You guidingly may tell them You would give if Your could, even so, Your personal keys are of no use save to any that be You (see above text), if they be their vessel body, then not applicable, as they have their own keys to acquire from what the Creator made known already: they have the Christian Scriptures and much more already.

If they threaten for instance to possibly say "I'll read some of the Bible tonight, but if breakfast is not ready in the morning for my starving family, then I'll come back here to You and [beat]"; then quickly show them their lack of faith "then I'll come back".... And explain they are looking for someone to blame, when they should be happy with sufficient that Christ JESUS provides, such as perhaps fir tree leaves for tea with vitamin C, and such as rain for water and sunshine for energy. Explain Your Faith Path was hardly of worldly riches although of value especially at lower levels (1 Timothy 6.8), as written in Luke 12.30 Webster:

Sin stops a person from having as sufficeth.

Now if the secular alone go into outer space and attack to beat (see above text), then the outer space victims might attack Earth (You And Your Earthly Fold).

To You is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven.

Concerning UFOs: can You be there with them now?, so concerning the Grays?: some have said Bigfoot [humans] live in caves, though even some others may have hidden excesses (Revelation 18.3 ISV) in modern caves, though even Bigfoot [humans] as some have said are associated with UFOs: be prepared in all things (Titus 2.7 YLT).

Be at the ready as Christ JESUS Will come in the sky, even though some might not yet have unprepared (though even sluggardly evolution with trials and errors has risen from fish to mudskippers to birds in the secular sense, rather be prepared with Your Aloft Arks United As One, Mark 13.27 APE:

He, Christ JESUS Will gather His Elect, His Chosen; from the up there in the sky and beyond, from Heaven Will be the Gathering, can You be there with Him now?, as He has done and does again for You the hard part, awaiting Your move to agree at least, and rather to Do the Holy Higher Mission At Hand.

Yours is called a Flock for a reason, perhaps to be cooped-up though hardly (save lower mission, see planning overlapping with pertinent joy key above), rather Yours is called Flock because they are people, Members, Christian, yet for higher Holy Spirit reasons, yet when You do not leave their bodies undone (reference Baptism and greater) then to literally raise them into the Holy Sky Mission(s) For Christ JESUS.

If only Spiritual, as many have Preached, then hardly need to haul their bodies to Church: rather proper Oneness In The Eucharist Of The Body And Blood Of Christ JESUS, moving about as Christ JESUS did, yet as Christ JESUS said and prepared for You to unravel: greater: Heavenly gifts.

Christ JESUS does not promote wars, nor war lovers.

Even so, gifts from Christ JESUS are free to all,

JESUS One loves all [according to higher precepts] for higher purpose,

as ascending levels applies also for secular people, so here is Your key war lover(s):

if an official entity wins a war

but gives not clear and proper official glory to and for Christ JESUS

then to cut the self away from such further strength and talent.

Advanced technologies should come from Christian guidance, New Christianity, though with Christ JESUS as the ultimate source, much is already come. Not only of Earthly origin, advanced helps have come from outer space aliens personally (see Your Personal Keys above: yes they are far more powerful and awesome that they likely first appeared as if toward secular text unto You, yet these are Prophetically profound in Your Higher Christian Faith Isaiah 52.15). Some have come from ancient artifacts whether of this world or from outer space. Also advanced technologies come from other dimensions.

Yet even the secular has advanced many technologies (kudos to that extent, rather for Christ JESUS lest to lose what was: 2 John 1.8) and even animals and lesser vessels have done such.

For instance the vegetables are technologically smart enough to produce seeds that last through tough seasons (Word to the military / see above right text). And some frogs are just fine each time there is warm weather, after having been frozen as such would kill a person (in the typical sense).

Yet technicians have put people into states of sleep, and even into legally dead states, with successful reawakenings. How to write JESUS into law. Scientific facts found throughout the Christian Bible Of Scientific Facts And True History. Why government should spread the truth of Christ JESUS. Scientific facts reveal the reason government and civilization must be of Christian Faith, and how to accomplish such. How to help the Grays both of UFOs and here already on Earth, and other creatures, for mutual benefit in One Higher Purpose. How to help the poor, the military and the politicians to gain their trust to properly empower them and make them worthy appropriate to the coming need in this coming generation [(Genesis 6.3; also concerning a few years from now) reference this and the next two in ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Series]. New Christian government.

Christ JESUS provided MDs with talent to kill and bring back to life (let them be Christian, yet also let the Christian Leader admire, and rather properly do better now [making worthiness for proper ascending] and guide, lest to make God jealous). New Christianity is to bring peace to these, as the Holy One promotes. Today the military has bullet ID finding technology to kill, and yet if to rather inject to move from dead (stasis) to life to torture again then to change the power of the military; and if rather to convert to asset from proper Christian Planning (UN, US Congress [see above Drawing],...) then overcoming war and terrorism aside from certain disorders which mainly are medical.

Christ JESUS has overcome death in this generation already (see above), and also circa 2,000 years ago: thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Father.

Prophetically of New Christianity in Christ JESUS, entities such as organizations Will be exchanging personal IDs of flesh vessel people, and putting such IDs into other people and other shaped vessels [(Prophetically in the sense of awesome emphasis relative to today's census for example) yet such is already being accomplished acknowledged here for the greater glory of Christ JESUS].

Christ JESUS has not only conquered death in Christians (according to Faith including full repentance and ascending precept steps ongoing joy), yet also greater than for the people of Earth.

The Grays or other vessels not of Earthly origin, especially those of more advanced technologies (see above "leprosy", "microbes", and "chemical compounds"), not only have diseases foreign to vessels of Earthly origin, but also involving advanced manufacturing of living compounds and automatically attacking intruders micro and subatomic vessels.

This Drawing shows government took a position against Christianity, when it should have passed into law the opposite of the above graph. And that doesn't mean toward censorship. Censorship is tied to ignorance, and is often tied to militaries and big businesses, so that even their own people including top people in such organizations hardly aware of their own actual system activities, for examples healthcare professionals, shippers, inventory entities, planners, and multitudes of others have value in checklists and in forms and in types of records processing, though have complained of exceptions often urgently and often as if to search for an elephant with a magnifying glass.

Meeting the Grays properly is as to need to throw away the secular books, and to rather of the heart and wisdom in the precepts and Authority (high level(s)) In Christ JESUS Do The Proper Meeting And Subsequent One Work Thankfully for all for Holy Good Higher Purpose. The Grays as an elephant entering a hospital and the receptionist asks name, insurance provider, social security number, and/or such without noticing it is not a human but an elephant (yet technologically more advanced such as over deep outer space travel).

Dealing with the Grays can be as to tell the soldier to guard them, and then the Grays disappearing, much more than a television show magic trick: therefore let the military ascend properly in Christ JESUS, more than in the past with chaplains required to guide into multi-religions (into sins). Chaplains required to guide into Christianity, with secular visitors able to freely opt concerning faiths and religions when not a member of a Christian organization is allowed [as required (Joel 2.11) if there is any sinner and/or secular vessel].

The Leadership is to lead. Not for instance some private ordering that they want the chaplain to administer a different faith toward sin. Not for instance some faction of the Grays to lead the Christian Chaplain into sinful works nor into taking sides with them against other of the Grays that were voted into an office of the Grays.

Rather the Leadership is to lead properly, of higher precepts, with checklists, forms, and other tools; but not to be swayed by internal nor external lower opinions.

The Grays are not in charge unless of proper Christian Faith In Creator Christ JESUS One from on high, and even then, many high criteria apply.

The newbie private, the newbie Grays, the newbie Flock Members, and such are not in charge of the properly higher people nor place(s). Even if the Grays appear as if to be able to trounce Earthlings with a thought, it gives them no right. Even if a private has political sway, is kin to the General and President and Christian Chaplain, and even if the private is the most talented person around, such is not the same as the right, nor the proper administration over privileges and responsibilities.

It is written "a little child shall lead them" (Isaiah 11.6: Luke 2.49), and true: some things are true by case, and via exception, of proper higher Holy Grace And Mercy, though rather typically lead over the little child: to do so properly is that first the parent or guardian ascend as is written in 2 Samuel 22.31 that the authority properly recognize any new authority:

This verse is not to give children known as "pure" (Moroni 8:11&19) the rights over parents, rather this of Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS is to be able for the higher parents to recognize if a child should lead (John 2.3).

Beloved, people are free to put the Grays in charge, though until proper worthiness in Christ JESUS is found in the Grays, the Grays should not be put in charge. This does not mean destroy all Grays, nor keep the Grays segregated as per caste system, rather that the higher precepts of Christ JESUS are not to be undone: for the higher Good to benefit in all.

If the Grays are found sinful, let them meet law as a minimum. If the Grays carry horrific disease from the Physics Of God, let the Grays be healed or legally and medically quarantined. If the Grays demand Earthlings bow down to worship the King Gray, do not comply. Agree quickly, therefore in Christianity for Good for all: including perhaps (normally per se) let the Grays be as the King Gray of One mind to help the King Gray and all, therefore that the Grays and the King Gray be Christian.

Let the Earthlings be Christian, lest to not comply with the Physics Of God.

ICCDBB Sermon August 3, 2017.

Planned for the next Sermon:

Christian colonizing, vessels, fuels,

transforming, transfiguring, and teleporting.

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New type of table top game: Christian Emergency Grid! Increase IQ, learn big business, and share the joy!


Energy of the Future, Sports, See Stamford University Fashion, CITI, SUC, CUNY & Cornell.


Leadership, Nonprofit, Foundation, Government, Personal Contacts, How to lobby and write law.


Quality, Qualifications, Transportation, Training & Education, Local and Regional.

Tags: The Grays. How to write JESUS into law to properly best cover scientific facts now over mind control stem cells that are now under our control to follow our orders once inserted into people and other (see Drawings at though potentially subject to infiltrations as people go into outer space, inner space, and otherwise dimensionally: How to help politicians to help military not attack the Grays so the Grays don't attack Earth (symbolic example). The 2017 Christian Bible Of Scientific Facts And True History over deceptions, coverups, censorship unraveled, and stop gaps. How to help the Grays Bigfoot people and others of UFOs already here on Earth with deep outer space travel means already available with ancient alien artifact design analyses explained: a miniscule space motorcycle, and other high value outer space supply Arks of value(s). New Christianity guiding on microbiotech bioids concerning the Grays and synthesized living compounds with some One at the top while others under gravity of secular failures (graphed) with Christian Levels (Drawing) revealing the Enlightening Trend, with pains to rather Joy Trend detailed in specifics: ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Series.