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ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ:

UFOs coming to Earth.

JESUS Christ For One Highest Purpose is able to Teleport Himself and others and spirits and things such as through time, and such as from a distant star at the farthest reach of the Known Universe

(greater: see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders at

to some other opted place as demonstrated and shown in the pic of ancient art below though before looking please read this text for to see this Christian Faith Path perspective for Edifying In Highest Purpose.

It is according this Christian Faith Path that JESUS Christ is able to mentally Best serve to Translate, Transfigure, Transcend, Teleport, Transport and such with greater unseen (not perceived, unknown, unrealized / Faith talents) value(s).

It is because of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith that JESUS Christ is in Control of such, and when properly and Best then Total Authoritative Control In Highest Level.

So what is this Highest Level Authoritative Control Faith aspect as much as Given to Edify of such, currently, for this generation, as much as Faithfully Ascending Best?: it is like unto a cloud that moves of

[as if it's own accord (though already set in motion)]

turning on a giant fan to blow air Straight And Narrow to Best Reason move the cloud where opted, and other fan works to reshape the cloud into artwork and/or such as to spell: JESUS Christ USA; it is also as to make it thick to shade or rain or evaporate to make it shine or see the stars; it is also like to make the cloud a hammer or lightning bolt as a force to open windows to gently breeze inside or to remove buildings or the Wailing Wall.

The wind is unseen. The Spirit is unseen. The wind is a lower level [in secular terms inorganic], while the Holy Spirit is Highest Level and with other levels but for Edifying And Highest Purpose Functioning, and not sin.

So JESUS Christ has led You far along an Edifying Faith Path, and with You Doing that His Edifying Manifest

(a key in JESUS Christ is rather than if to seek money from Preaching [not illegal, not necessarily sin] then so to speak jumping through hoops or even encountering a Firmament level above as a barrier, so then is if to seek money then elsewhere in works outside the Church Matthew 6.24, rather as with Preaching Good Sermons Charitably And Performing Miracles For Highest Purpose then toward Best enabling 2 Chronicles 15.7 as much as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is the reason and not money nor other such as lower reasons for powers over others by transfiguring])

then farther won't seem as far in some former ways of measures.

JESUS Christ Giving is with JESUS Christ Best Ascending. The Higher Spirit is with Best Ascending therefore with JESUS Christ Best Ascending. In other words to Edify in JESUS Christ, Best Ascending is not merely a Christian (Faith) learning in secular physics nor secular schools

(secular is subset to Miracles)([so in a less ascended sense] as if Christian x secular readings = Wisdom [it does not, it is improperly attempting to ascend and so can be straying from the Path])(Christian x secular readings = Christian with knowledge).

The Christian Faith Path is that not of this planet UFOs are coming to Earth. Some UFOs are also with a long civilization history already at Earth, and according to JESUS Christ We [the UFOs] are entered into their victorious civilization processes [We Christians entered already in JESUS Christ into their labors (John 4.38)].

Now others from outer space are coming to see this Christian thing for themselves (whether to be Converted). It is important to be Christian, though it is important to properly interpret what is Best [not merely laws that flip coins of methodologies and leave gaps], such as to gain Best Victory over Acts 27.23 NAS:

Yet look what the Living Bible In The Spoken Word Of Ron Carpenter said on TV 7.7.2019AD talking about the Apostles, such as how Disciple Paul was in chains with others and when Paul was set free all the others chained together with Paul were also set free, but Brethern Ron Carpenter said He did not come for those, He came for JESUS Christ!

Even so, in the name JESUS Christ consider Highest Purpose Wisdom within the above verse. At first a person might have read the verse and thought to serve an Angel, if Good according to the fruits of the works as JESUS Christ had explained, though with reading the previous sentence as though to Convert the above verse to ..."night JESUS Christ the God"... though while more precise (in Highest Interpretation as much as applicable)

the verse was also written for Edifying reasons such as to reverence the "God" Value, yet also to be aware there are Angels that are Good in Highest or goodly

(other "angels" are of other talent concerns, not necessarily for a person in a situation at the moment though on a mission for another in their situation),

so there are multiple reasons for "angels" to be mentioned: a specific person in need, a mission, "of the God" Highest concern, and more aspects of Enlightenment and Faith

(note: often words are in larger font and capitalized indicating importance, yet of the Innocent Lamb JESUS Christ everything created was for One Highest Purpose Good so everything is for "larger font" and such, Save that not everything Edifies Most Effectually and not everything is Saved currently).

Below is a Miracle Event shown, though again please first examine this JESUS Christ Faith Path more thoroughly for comprehending not merely the greater Miracles than evidenced yet the greater Best implied: therefore to Give, therefore for Your Faith to be able to Give and so Doing and with Best Ascending as JESUS Christ would that We The Christians Do.

Christ JESUS Leaders are to Walk Faithfully, to Give the Walk [and the Walking] Of Faith. In other words, if they come from outer space to see JESUS Christ let them see You and not be able to distinguish JESUS Christ from You nor You from JESUS Christ (Matthew 10.24). Then You being so Faithful in fullness and whole and Pure, therefore can Best Lead. This also applies up to each level per se as a person ascends Faithfully.

So the JESUS Christ Drawing below is of Miracles for Guiding long into the future: Eternally. So Your Faith needs be such even of JESUS Christ Grace as much as You Faithfully Opt And Do

(not perfectly required by worldly laws as much as if sinful, though Matthew 22.38-40 applies)(other additional laws are curses [some current some to come] save if through e.g. JESUS Christ USA Faithfully, so for a specific nation not as much for others like unto the above "not necessarily for a person in a situation at the moment though on a mission for another", even though Charity for the others may apply and perhaps be interpreted as though the more important aspect: Charity is hardly, though Love is]).

In other words, if a nation is ascending in a situation talent, other nations can be ascending in other talents: Mutual Benefit is achievable in "JESUS Christ USA".

So the UFOs are coming to see You, Personally. Yes they are coming to see JESUS Christ, yet also to see the Christians and the things and such ideas.

Some come for the Converting idea,

and others [at various times (Matthew 16.27 per se)] aware of Matthew 17.12 come for to Guide and to Help We This Civilization per se [as much as toward former secular sense] such as to modify Our DNA for Us as much as They Are Christian Higher Level (lest problematic against themselves [though for instance We The Humans are with pesky insects but We do not blow up the planet to get rid of them]).

Heart > brain.

Faith, "Heart", and soul, these are more valuable than the brain and mind.

"Heart" is not missing if a pacemaker is implanted, though a clock is not the same as the Eucharist.

The History Channel the other day explained some creatures can regrow their brain.

Tree Of Life > Tree Of Knowledge.

There is something greater unseen that We The Angels already know about: there are many things: One Is Perfect.

For the Reason Of Faith, in the Spirit Father, JESUS Christ opted to be with liberty to visit with John The Baptist and become Baptized; in so Victory Accomplishing JESUS Christ forever changed Heaven and Earth including the Heaven Earth Relationship: One Location, on Planet Earth, with Earth in the midst of the Multiverse and the greater unfathomed. One to become known from Love and Life as JESUS Christ Earth.

Some less fortunate UFOs not of Earthly origin may not have been Blessed with the opportunity yet such as to be with as much as the "iota" tied to the parcel of JESUS Christ ACT With Addendum 1 at (see Lexicon at so John 21.17 applies to You.

Note that law requires that when hunting a person identify a creature prior to the potential option to shoot it, so if it seems to be Bigfoot or Grays or such that the person cannot identify properly or at least that the humaniod might be human in census sense, then don't shoot, rather say JESUS Christ and sing JESUS Christ before the fact (if afraid other distractive devices or deterrents are also better than shooting humanoids)

(even the Godfather in the video game said using a road rage example generally speaking explained to not be ill-prepared and needlessly foolishly anger others when you don't know their capabilities).

JESUS Christ Faith Is Prophetically Sound: when JESUS Christ Physics are Best for such, JESUS Christ is so Doing, and when JESUS Christ is so Doing, JESUS Christ Physics are Best for such. Behold!, how simple for You Ascending it Truly Is!

JESUS Christ is shown here with immediate Mental (ibid.) Teleportation Of Distant Objects.

JESUS Christ USA ICCDBB Sermons instantaneous Mental Teleportation Powers Manifesting Over Distant Objects handguns United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Investopedia USA why people have been stuck in ruts guns weapons pistols firearms wars Prophetic JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Ron Carpenter large TV monitor Sam and Cat Jennette McCurdy Sam Puckett Ariana Grande Cat Valentine Babysitting Rule number 4 All children must leave with the same number of body parts they showed up with Church Bulletin map art prehistoric monsters coming to Earth as future transformers Friends Football Phoebe Lisa Kudrow movie Office Space starring Peter Gibbons Ron Livingston higher guidance from Joanna Jennifer Aniston The Secret of My Success Michael J Fox as Brantley Foster and as Carlton Whitfield Scarface Tony Montana Al Pacino Big Tom Hanks Josh Baskin Robert Loggia MacMillan

JESUS Christ Baptism opens the Door to Heaven and the Spirit Seen As The Father

(John 14.9, John 6.46, & John 14.7),

then descending whether a machine or more likely a living vessel form of a dove

yet that "form" with Pure Spirit

[(Matthew 3.16) a lower than Human Firmament with Pure Spirit: but that did not make the "dove" human].

The aliens are coming, and other "aliens" or counted as if such, have been with this civilization throughout history.

If to be in JESUS Christ Prophesying (of future JESUS Christ Plan(s))(in the Living JESUS Christ that many have tried to dismiss after Roman census cross), or if to be in a Prophetic Miracle event

(known according to previous Christian Prophesying); then to be in a situation when awareness is is heightened in lower levels toward less ignorance; though in Best ability to ascend awareness increases to be Aware that this now (all this Good: as much as Good is realized)

and everything and every time is all, each and every moment is Prophetic.

The previous sentence does not remove the JESUS Christ Given Gift to be able to opt.

Communicator devices such as on scifi are lower than human level items (values apply) yet JESUS Christ has already Given You much translational talent already.

The Internet also translates (of values), yet consider for the moment there are video game devices, so You can post Your Christian Sermon on the Internet, yet You can also post it on a large TV monitor understanding some function differently than others (or projector screen), and at low cost sit in the back pew (or outside at night events) and show interactively Your illustrations at Mass.

So be aware the Internet computer monitor may be different from the TV monitor and even a large TV screen might crop.

Preparing such visually enhanced Sermons In JESUS Christ Faith would require initial longsuffering, though is recommended for Your "enhanced" Christian Leadership capabilities, and for others and for Your future Comfort as You would likely find it is far easier to provide many types of Christian Sermons once the initial setup has been established;

also for instance as for a fire You might click Your already prepared escape plan with map to exits and fire extinguishers.

Monitors aren't just for Sermons, yet also extra monitors such as near the entrance (perhaps even at a window facing out) might show the schedule a few weeks ahead, and chores that might be offered for Doing, and construction concerns and other concerns.

Programming Your Sermon from the back pew Helps ensure all people can see, though perhaps opt at times to have less giant font and less large pics if to motivate people to sit in the front pews.

Visitors only behold according to the faithfulness to so behold (hardly if turning the head to look away for other lower level options as distractions).

Concerning "aliens", symbolized above, consider how to put Your Faith into them (the Best Way JESUS Christ would want). Spiritually speaking, speaking to spirits, is a Way(s) (if Highest, when communicating directly with JESUS Christ)(also ways according to faiths), though many have not been a lot motivated. And even so if to communicate there are a couple of major ways humans go about it.

From learning to speak and dictionary then to Bible [often the case], though then from Bible to better forming the dictionary and learning process.

Notable of the "couple of major ways" are [Hebrew translated (largely)] English (accepted virtually worldwide), and [English] numbers [and physics].

There are other communicating Your Faith options, such as Highest Spiritually (secular spiritual works have been toward anti-communicating and anti-thinking toward selling themselves),

data transference, signaling, music, pics, illustrations, crafts, cooking, other of the arts and senses, sign language, and such as body language (such as how a vessel turns to avoid a pothole or to turn onto another street).

Concerning JESUS Christ communication types and English or numbers, the following two lines are presented.

2 > 1 > 0 > -1.

C = B = A = Z.

Note Alpha = Omega (Revelation 1.8).

Unfairness (is in JESUS Christ The Sword Luke 12.51 & 52) is like unto counting numbers such as listed above [communications].

Fairness (is in JESUS Christ The Righteous John 6.58) is like unto the alphabet with letters arranged in various orders to form words.

The Eucharist wine is toward the Holy Physics Spirit Flow and the greater than sign(s).

The Eucharist broken bread is toward the equal signs and so the alphabet.

Affiliated GodMath Testament details the Tetragrammaton, and the number 10 symbolizing people (numbers),

and the number 5 symbolizing a person (JESUS Christ: also 5 letters in the name JESUS).

If the above are the "major" venues for communicating, then the others are subset save JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose Spirit:

so three are recognized, and fittingly with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Physics, Word, and Holy Spirit (yet if in the name JESUS Christ and according to the three faiths: Preacher, distance medium, and hearer, fittingly in Highest Good:

A. Father [Straight And Narrow Will] Physics (see Galatians verses below),

B. JESUS Christ Word (the Way John 14.6),

C. Holy Spirit Distance (Romans 8.26);

though to Convert sinners away from pains of their own opted stings, respectively A, B, and C are (C = 1, B = 2, and A = 3): 3, 2, and 1: after full repentance, then former sinners can be with 1. Spirit To Be Baptized, 2. JESUS Christ [One], 3. Father Heavenly [that sent the Highest Purpose Spirit].

What are other confused spirit (such as Mark 5.9 or Matthew 12.45), they are Called vessels Given spirits (in One Highest Purpose Spirit) but did not continue on course Best Ascending In The Name JESUS Christ (Word to backsliders). A vessel is with spirits to be alive, or lower level to be greater than dust generally; yet the spirits are lively and if not in a fittingly lively vessel then elsewhere.

For instance a spirit of a talent to do Good such as toward typing the Word rightly and at high speed, might be in a person that turned astray, so the spirit (according to JESUS Christ Precepting with Faith toward greatest Faith Anew) finds another vessel (see above Matthew 12.45) such as to help a driver but toward playing with buttons that distract and toward driving too fast (previous references).

JESUS Christ protects Christians Best Ascending (though see below "protects") including with Guiding astray spirits away. So there is a lower than Grace Firmament as written in Galatians 3.19 & 20 Berean Study:

The "seed" is JESUS Christ [with "Word"].

Adam and Eve, Abraham,...these were lower level preparation seeds.

JESUS Christ could have taught people one by one (and did) though opted rather to Edify large Masses (toward modern broadcasting [including into outer space, invitingly]). The next sentence is about illustrations and pics like unto how JESUS Christ said the Word pertinent for low, mid, and high levels.

Illustrations and pics are typically for large groups such as at business meetings. And while often about a specific thing such as a machine's output, the higher purpose illustrations often are far more comprehensive providing sufficient details per item as much as to opt to itemize, yet looking at the more far reaching greater values not merely over many enterprises, systems, and ancillary; yet the higher are with value to apply to other whether macro, mid, and/or micro

(see above text on "TV monitor" and "projector screen", and see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons For Christian Leaders on projecting Christian messages and images onto buildings, clouds, and the Moon).

JESUS Christ Gave His Word of Love yet with Knowledge for You to apply to the Walk Of Faith. For instance the above pic can represent God as it seem so to many Christians, and/or it can represent JESUS Christ with a UFO type vessel that became known as a dove above and the Father in Heaven above as a Spirit Vessel [since shown with Face] and so can represent a Person in outer space.

At the Prophetic Physics Agreed Timing [hence of JESUS Christ Awareness and invisible cloak Spirit Manifesting Dove Spaceship Awareness and Father Awareness] all three appeared for the event. They each are of One Faith, Heart, Soul, Mind, And Strength.

[While not required by worldly laws (sinfully formerly as if no law over faith matters was popular according to illegal Separation of Church and state: see First Commandment Law Matthew 22.37)]

yet of Grace a person must become Christian And Best Ascend. Lower than the human Firmament must be Anointed (even Anoint all). Now consider that counted as though JESUS Christ Guides the spirits away from inapropriate places (see above "protects") and it is true with the created so in the temporary lower level relative sense, though JESUS Christ Serving As The Highest Host Invites.

So You Christian Leader should invite spirits and sets of spirits (such as in administrations, systems, groups of peoples, and/or things) to be where appropriate, similar to sending an employee to operate where appropriate. Now with this be with the Christian Best Ascending Purpose to in the future be Wise over sending the Christian to the Christians and/or the Anointeds (Matthew 3.3 of Grace rather than 2 Corinthians 6.14). To make it so is hardly about a Christian working under another name, such as under the laws of a secular nation name. To make it so is hardly about a Christian Church working under a secular name.

To be proud is sin unless Proud Of JESUS Christ, or at least such as Proud Of JESUS Christ And Your Christian Church And Your Christian Members. But to be proud of a name sinners devised is not with JESUS Christ. Where is a person's faith?, for JESUS Christ or for other: logic applies, not grace unless JESUS Christ Grace be opted.

What is the amount of Faith?, the Highest Level knows, and the second is like unto the first: the higher level knows (Matthew 7.16 yet [see above "lively"] as with Converting then the amount increases). So You can see the fruits of spirits

(this may Help Guide new Christians over Spiritual concerns: such as awake in dreams to not be toward sinful displays, and then the Walk Of Highest Faith [preparing in Spirit for the coming Day])

and You can in Christian Spirit likewise (ibid.) Convert spirits and gain the amounts of faith of each. So this is not about dividing the spirits against each other, rather as the Host to properly seat the spirits.

So the sinner has to go the distance to be at Christian Church (to be with at least one Christian, hardly if not fully repentant, nor hardly a backslider),

while a Christian likewise is with JESUS Christ Mission Responsibility, and also to be with JESUS Christ Given Opportunity So With Best Ascending Walk Of Faith.

So the sinner has a job to do, and the Christian has two jobs to Do, save JESUS Christ Victory already as much as the Christian is so Faithful (Whole Amount, Faith Full, Full Of Faith).

So the sinner has to travel the distance, while the Christian too is in this created (typically, save be "awake in dreams"); yet the Christian In The Walk Of Faith travel the unlimited distance (e.g. here, there, and back). Note the "unlimited" distance needs in Grace Be Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ. In a secular court JESUS Christ was told [interpreted symbolically as]: prove it.

Not legal (see above "First Commandment"), not loyal, not faithful so not true faith so for not truth has been secular "prove it". To force "prove it" is anti-law in the previous sentence. Even so, proving things is of tremendous values in JESUS Christ.

If without JESUS Christ God, then how hardly to be wise enough to know (perhaps in a courtroom) what a test of faith is?, so then not able to be over a test-of-faith-law.

In the above list of numbers, zero ("0") is shown but not the infinity symbol. No sinful court has counted to infinity.

Infinity concerns the Eternal with "JESUS, knowing all" (, and JESUS Christ Is One therefore in the Highest Purpose Creator Plan prior to creating a created (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Big Pulse) the infinity and all the Way(s) to get there (to be there, and through, and Give) are already known with Victory, though since "One" therefore there is no void, no separation, no gap, no pitfall, and no "zero".

So while a secular court and a secular physicist can know about infinity, they can't get there, save through JESUS Christ. They can start from 1 (purely innocently Matthew 18.2) and can opt to ascend or idle ("zero") or sin [negative]. The Christian can go the Farthest distance, the sinner cannot as written in Ezekiel 22.7 NAS:

As above shown and explained the Prophetic JESUS Christ is already there and here in Christianity as much as Faithfulness, and some amounts of faiths have come and gone but in another sense, not necessarily for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so toward backsliding and secular.

The JESUS Christ Word (see above letters list) is with equal signs therefore for enabling toward and into Oneness, already accomplished in Highest.

The numbers list likewise One in Highest. Though these two for communicating are in a sense as night or day: for instance the current dictionary list of words can explain infinity [somewhat], but the listing of as many numbers as possible have not listed the number: infinity (in the sense of a number including a specific number of digits).

Note a multiverse exists, so with thanking JESUS Christ: for instance it is possible to imagine the created as a sphere or egg or cube or such and nothing else save Spirit and if Highest Spirit then Spirit within and throughout, therefore one of the interpretations might be that since complete, then therefore no further numbers apply so similar to the zero and/or infinity options depending on which perspective:

yet in seeking JESUS Christ is the seeking of the Whole And Perfect Truth Perfecting in the even more excellent Way Best Ascending.

A person might watch television and see a star on the opposite side of the known, generally speaking, and so in their heart, soul, and mind. Though if to move something with a hand then the person's spirit in that hand then into that object, moving it. A person moves spirits.

What is the strength (Luke 10.27) of a person's spirit to move spirits?, it is according to the amount of the vessel's faith JESUS Christ explained (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on how to Heal).

The secular works according to their spirit level, the lower the descending in levels the more the workloads.

Such a person can accomplish much, don't let that distract You Person Of JESUS Christ Grace.

A baseball player can throw the ball far. A non-baseball player often throws the ball not as far even if they try hard and work at it somewhat for awhile.

The Christian, JESUS Christ explained, can throw a mountain from it's mountain range all the way to the sea (Matthew 17.20).

A baseball player can throw a ball such as to first base toward calling the batter out.

The Christian is already there.

Prove it! They shout. Therefore yet because of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, so prepare Thyself so to Lead them (for them Matthew 7.7).

There is a related secular saying of USA Congress "Millions for defense, sir, but not one cent for tribute!" (,

note the previously linked site did not so much as mention the far more important Jefferson Separation Of Church And State;

and while Matthew 7.6 for lower levels it is important in JESUS Christ Grace to be less toward calling people animals, and rather Converting and Guiding.

Note that in the previously linked site after We The People of USA (note majority is not the same as fairness nor Righteousness) opted and elected the [Catholic] "John F. Kennedy administration (1961–1963)" USA fell from Grace in a big way as that site exhaustively details though merely delimited to internal toward highest governmental works. Far greater concerning most people of the other nations was the failures of secular schools toward disloyalty and faithlessness, failed manufacturing (reference rust bowls), healthcare, and very many employment related matters

(see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons [if still available] on quality of life)(reference many Christian sites showing Christian Faith shifts in nations)

(reference many secular sites comparing nations in various lower level ways)(secular: new healthcare findings: "It's really alarming!" "there are more side effects" Dr. Luu The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, "healthy people experience experience an increase in spontaneous pain," and "separate"..."hawk therapies of questionable value" Arthritis Today winter 2019 pages 26-38)(ibid. problem patterns are due to the secular course of the UN currently: reference Christian Sermons, and various other sources).

Note: beware the previously linked is secular, and is hardly linked for to accuse individuals nor groups other than stated of JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ is aware UFO humanoids (see above) might help (if with JESUS Christ, faith amounts) protect humans from outer space monsters, or might be the monsters. So what is the United Nations supposed to do about the situation?: first and foremost of importance is JESUS Christ UN, and then such as to consider that UFOs have crashed into Earth so therefore for instance form an excellent safety drone system for them

(also We The People don't want them crashing into us nor into our Jerusalem Temple(s) nor our historic landmarks: even though each and all belong to JESUS Christ)

and they, the drones (under human control) can practice: on space debris. This same "practice" can include up there strategically positioned safety stations, strategic protoplanets, and terraforming developments (each and all since first in the name JESUS Christ).

This Series of Sermons continues to clarify that JESUS Christ is key as no other.

JESUS Christ UN includes Highest Purpose Responsibility over and therefore Ageeing Over [or rather of JESUS Christ Grace as One] each and every aspect (see next sentence) including earthling colonies out there in outer space and such as on distant planets, therefore for JESUS Christ UN applies as written: "The Saints are sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise—" [so the JESUS Christ UN can Seal (as a Heavenly Authority [as much as Faithfully in JESUS Christ]) and] "They know God and Christ by revelation." (

"Heavenly Authority", "They know" inclusively applies, and the JESUS Christ UN Converting Victory over the Book Of "revelation".

Around 2AM or 3AM this morning July 12, 2019AD, in a dream there were some people, and while explaining and directing to Guide (as JESUS Christ would have) two people in particular were reluctant to proceed as directed, and a scattergram appeared, and the people were seen again, then another similar scattergram (time frame) appeared and then with animation showing a flow from the first scattergram to the second,

like unto a histogram effect, and the second scattergram appeared to be closer as a magnifying effect and the scattergram points each became more clear to be understood as five pointed stars: people, that is each point was generally as though one or more people (end of dream, Giving some vocal and some mental explaining to spirits, though not to shout from the roof tops at night toward illegal disturbance though such times and places can happen (Luke 12.1-3).

United Nations, the people are increasingly finding that people had already lived everywhere on this planet, and many of those cultures (civilizations so to speak) failed to endure, some evidently fighting themselves, others evidently exterminated from UFOs from the skies above (likewise reference the Great Flood,

note this writer has found sinner naysayer viewpoints as on TV unsound as snippets of the greater picture (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons For Christian Leaders on Ivory Towers, and on the Great Flood).

On TV recently a secular leader said "I'm so glad this became a battle": the secular context was about children fighting other children.

The Inquisition is not the same as JESUS Christ begging for a cup of water (John 4.7 & 10).

The true purpose of a hearing and a courtroom is not for battle (a lower level concern), rather in JESUS Christ to greater than solve, to mutual gain for Highest Purpose so including for the Officials and the parties and externally for the greater good.

UFOs are increasingly seen, because of earthlings going up there, though also because of handheld vids and pics. This increase and these signs are True Signs of the Second Coming Of JESUS Christ. Your JESUS Christ UN opportunity is such a great value for You in Your Lifetime Given from JESUS Christ Creator One Eternal Joy Above. Like unto the numbers ascending infinitely, this is Your Glory opportunity to Glorify God.

JESUS Christ would Give You the Comforter to know that JESUS Christ is aware a leader, whether a Christian Leader, or a group leader, or if in a coma leading the self; can be Faithful, though many types of limitations can apply, both internally, and depending on Best Ascending and level, externality effects may apply.

For a reasonably innocent example, a person may go to a wheelchair store and the salesperson may as required show a wheelchair for them to buy, so: reasonably innocent; though perhaps all the person needed were vitamins B, C, and D: this (similar to rather offering "vitamins" toward better solving and such as good for the economy in cliche and in cliche putting people back to work) is similar to the JESUS Christ Faith Path.

While less about things such as "vitamins" and works of the hands for secular reasons, Best Faith is as JESUS Christ proved with ascending, yet also Perfectly Taught. People have been naturally from various ideas, and JESUS Christ explained how to Best arrange, organize, manage, help, solve, encourage, provide for others and all, and so on.

So people have talents [of spirits] that have limitations and it is not necessarily due to sin (John 9.2), so whether a visitor, citizen, or a leader, there are limitations, so while planning for the Straight And Narrow allow elbow room (and greater [after the name JESUS Christ UN and with the Best Ascending]) but not for illegal sin. Open the Door Of Heaven for as big and wide and much as is Good, but not for sin (see above Matthew 7.6).

Consider JESUS Christ UN, because like unto the UFO handheld vid records being made increasingly, also free energy solutions are provided such as for off grid earthbound (homes) and aloft (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on JESUS Christ Transfiguration, Teleportation, drones, perpetual motion, new elements and new abilities, robots making robots, gmos, and on how to build a Manna Machine);

so United Nations former controls over Earth and earthlings is changing at an increasing rate like unto a fast car headed toward a vertical road (a wall, a Firmament that JESUS Christ Owns).

United Nations former controls over earthlings has included things such as loyalty, owning communications broadcasting, banking, and such as over the previous list, though consider if the utilities seek new types of controls, and the individuals likewise, then the former United Nations controls are disappearing from grasp and not even of the previous low level innocent example (about "vitamins"...).

In other words the Heart of the people (various groups of various talents: Puritan, Che, Agnostic, Athiest, Evangelical, Undecided, Ignorant, sin opters, and so forth)

are putting the UN out of business the same as if a backslider not showing up for work, and not necessarily for good, but doing it their own toward random ways: decide what is most important for the UN. Selfish UN is not the right answer. The United Nations is aware of it's record of helping single mothers, feeding people in poverty, relocating war torn nations, and so forth, and it is time to stay on track and yet do better (2 Corinthians 1.6 KJ & 1 Corinthians 6.12 KJ).

Proper ascending in JESUS Christ Name enables to be toward Best Faith to solve Before The Fact.

So these are not simply words, the results of New Christianity are clear in both Guiding, and also in the fruit: the after-the-fact things, the Miracles. Beyond mere words alone are Youtube and Google for instances showing vids and pics of how to build new better solution machines,

and the UN knows if Youtube and Google have it for the general public, certainly government has it more and in the less seen: in other words solutions hidden away similar to lost and/or forgotten treasures: useless (except when found though often deteriorated or such as otherwise lost value such as a floppy that no longer fits or as coins that failed to compound yield along the way).

The UN gave out solar ovens, thank you (great for many in the hotter climates, this writer made one in a temperate zone: it didn't work). Far better is in JESUS Christ over automating [within the JESUS Christ UN Source (lest various others)] with real and great benefit solutions.

JESUS Christ offers hands on solutions for You (Maintenance),

though JESUS Christ mainly offers far better (Best Faith).

For an overview intro, in secular terms to Enlighten, consider how especially several decades ago there was a pool of skilled people in certified welding and in many cases the welders would have 1/3rd of their welds rejected (such as due to unusual magnetic fluxes inside a factory or due to overhead welding, or out in the ice and mud); if to look at current programmed equipment, a push of a button makes lovely welds with hardly any time comparison: better (though many variables apply).

So like unto the welding by hand (often "rejected"), such is toward Maintenance (similar to picking up things off the floor), while JESUS Christ rather Gives for You to be with automation toward Best Faith "(though many variables apply)".

Some of the problems linger awhile, though many are already counted as Victories, overcome in JESUS Christ Automating For Highest Purpose.

Consider food for instance. Peas for instance grow and are alive (awake) and can be eaten, and if opted to not eat yet, the peas can dried and kept a long time (asleep), then put into water and after a day reawakened and eaten, though after two days some start to grow anew (each so starting: new personal beginnings). Meat is similar in the living cow, then the asleep cold meat in the grocery store, then with heat reawakened to eat, though not toward anew except in the eater (then if in a cattle grower: anew).

People are with civilization (a Firmament set), though the "cow" example is about symbiotic matters (two Firmament sets [see above lists: numbers and letters]).

JESUS Christ created sets that are with equals, and rather of Highest Grace sets that can be over other sets, though hardly to destroy if at all, similar to "a cattle grower" perpetuating a species. Killer bees had controlled values such as longevity talents, but improperly controlled: disastrous.

Your mind is controlled by Higher, Your DNA by Higher. All that You own: by Higher. Your hopes, options, plans, decisions: all controlled by others (

If a vessel rejects that which is Good And Best, then it was an option that other control that vessel.

JESUS Christ Is Best Automating Anew, controlling Faithfully As Promised, if opted. Otherwise "by hand" are lower level Maintenance works, or worse toward "cow", and consider that a "cow" is typically not considered a sinner, though a person might break the law and be a sinner. This is not about accusing nor calling people animals nor worse.

JESUS Christ Gives You the Faith option, and JESUS Christ Gives You the Maintenance option.

JESUS Christ Gave You the Tree Of Life, and JESUS Christ Gave You the Tree Of Knowledge.

If to distinguish and put in subset under Oneness three sets: A. Father, B. Son, and C. Spirit,

then wrong and sin, save if in the name of JESUS Christ Hebrews 2.7 NAS:

because from the start in JESUS Christ Original Plan He [One With Three Agreed And] Gave His Life ([death] sleep once for all Hebrews 2.9). When a person sleeps [or is awake], JESUS Christ is awake and watching over.

The Holy Automated Physics Of Eternal Good God are the parameters of the Straight And Narrow (above numbers list) Save as much in Best Agreeing with the alphabet list (the name "JESUS").

Consider that if to opt to take apart that which was put together Highest, then sin if not Given such a Mission to perform, and that Mission only can come from JESUS Christ [Anew Highest (the Final End Time with the New Beginning, or at least a New Personal Beginning: see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons with many pertinent illustration types with specifics [not seen elsewhere by this writer to date])].

JESUS Christ Highest Ascending experience (ibid.) has hardly been toward making JESUS Christ as if subset to anything, though be cautious as Highest Purpose applies, reference Disciple Judas and the results, Crucifixion, and Judas suicide. JESUS Christ Best Converting is better than "suicide", therefore be with JESUS Christ Wisdom that the secular ideas have been wrong about wars, killing, death, and "suicide" (Word to [in secular terms:] crazies, and to Russian Roulette players, and loose rock mountain climbers, drunks, arms dealers, and drug addicts and so forth as death is not the solution.

To separate from Holy Higher is not the solving, it is the problem to the so opted. Inside the tail end of giant rocket engines there were flimsy poorly welded (by today's standards relatively) gold and silver parts, and that was alright and goodly, typically, as toward the best they understood to do at the time. But hardly so today. Rather than about destructions and deaths and separations, consider what was written in 1 Timothy 2.5 and John 16.12 NAS:

JESUS Christ Gave the Tree Of Knowledge (a properly Ascending process only through JESUS Christ One Mediator), but the people disobeyed and took of it as an act of theft (see above JESUS Christ Physics Over The Straight And Narrow)[people also did so without asking (a lie, and all the other sins applied as much as one law broken)].

JESUS Christ Gave the Tree Of Knowledge that is in elemental form logic: logic as if alone (in elemental form [reference Unleavened Bread Of Eucharist]) is two, e.g. a light switch made to only offer on or off. More logic than that is raw data, not knowledge except even sinners have had hearts (if gone from bones: as the heart of any remaining balance of the system).

The created knowledge cannot exist alone, only the Creator.

The secular "elemental form" and ember of logic

(The Tree Of Knowledge grows because the Tree Of Life enables it according to JESUS Christ)

is with the John 3.20 over John 3.19 Berean Study:

So the amount of faith in sinners just above the bottom human Firmament level, the sinners have hardly been worms though their amount of spirit of truth and faith and light and charity is as the earthworm crawling behind the earthworms in filth, and even if the name of JESUS Christ Spirit Truth Faith Light And Charity come, then as the sound of rain on the dirt above the earthworm crawls up to be out of the water (reference Immersion Baptism and 1 John 5.8).

JESUS Christ Gives You Anew Level Spirit Awareness!

The Holy Spirit of the Word ("JESUS" the Christ), is that the Word is said as the Wind.

As though: Word = Wind.

Though JESUS Christ explained the Word without [Holy] Work(s) is asleep [toward dead: to Edify about these matters and rather "Highest"].

Yet JESUS Christ now Gives for You to be aware (as some Christians may be already), there is another (as though knowledge) logic of the Word.

The Word is as the Wind, Yes, yet the Word can also be Manifested.

JESUS Christ wrote in the Heart (and in the dust). Similar to how the above "peas" were with life obviously, then dead asleep so to speak in cliche, then "reawakened", the Word went from Manifested to asleep (toward "dust") then to Re-Manifested Anew (note You are hardly "Anew" by this, God is hardly "Anew" by this, though the main pertinence of the Anewing is for the peas until planted or eaten [or if other toward "dust" such as shelved and/or deteriorated]).

Sinfulness deteriorates. The JESUS Christ Good Living and the Rejuvinated Likewise Via JESUS Christ are hardly about deterioration nor obsolesence nor depletion.

This writer for instance sees Christians in dreams, whether alive in the flesh or asleep in the flesh though in the Spirit as though with Pure Flesh though often recognizable (concerning the Higher Level as much as applicable: typically when the Higher opts such Be seen, more than when the self opts).

So there is a Manifesting in the Pure Flesh, and in the apparent Pure Flesh that with Love though if also with logic then possibly as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Christians can make mistakes about "elbow room", so the Saved is not currently in this created world the same as Pure Flesh. Yet practice in the Word And Work [Joyous Servicing Function] of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is at least toward Pure Flesh. From dust to Life (right to left):

"JESUS" Father Spirit One Word With Work / Pure Flesh / "JESUS" Spirit Word.

"JESUS" One Word And Work / "JESUS" Doing / "JESUS" Saying.

"JESUS" One Word And Work / Manifested / Wind.

The Word Became Flesh!

JESUS Christ Gives the Converted logic (the Heart with logic), the JESUS Christ Logic to be in You With Wisdom:

JESUS Christ Wisdom / Faith With Miracles / The Good of logic option.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose / Faith And With Miracles Following / The Good Wind Force.

Memorization of every law and every book interpretation of every law and how such applies to each new event, each new discovery, and each new automated cyber attack, is as a counterpart (except with unawareness of higher) to as written in John 21.25 NAS:

It is futile to seek all knowledge of law and/or everything, if to be separate from JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Creator Plan Physics (Physics With Heart, and Highest Purpose and so Righteously Prioritizing) Gave And Gives to be Aware as with being with males and females and attracted to each other (a strong physical attraction, with emotional attraction [reference youngsters yearnings], with higher levels of love such as a mother's love for a child: there is an Ascending Process yet with Given Awareness.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Love / Deep Devotion / Raw manifestations of love as exemplified in tenderness and affection.

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Love / Greater Love / Love.

So there is a proper Ascending In Love Process With Awareness (Faithful Love with knowledge [not necessarily carnal knowledge, though related (in secular terms to Edify: Awareness of bad is not the same as sinfully breaking the law to commit "bad")]).

JESUS Christ Marriage / Love / Attraction.

There is an Attraction Force for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. This (ibid.) is how Nuns can Marry JESUS Christ.

This JESUS Christ Living Giving is how in Heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage (not the "Nuns", the "carnal"). The ibid. is as if to separate, though the ibid. is stated for Edifying, ans such "Nuns" are already "in Heaven" or at least likewise a very significant JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Loving Faith amount, so it is the Nuns Giving because of being with JESUS Christ.

In other words toward Edifying similar to saying Nuns [and such as Priests] Give not marriage in the sexual sense in the Nunnery. Though in this world a Priest can Wed a male and a female together for "JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Love" including for "carnal"

Carnal describes "relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities" (GOOG).

JESUS Christ Baptism Yielded Good Fruit: Faithful Love Manifested in the Miracle form of a turtle dove (Saint Luke 2.24)

meaning the owner of "specified": so the Owner of what, which, how, when, where, and why the law is Specified ( Lexicon & "Arabic").

This agrees with "A bird belonging to the pigeon family. Because of it's gentleness and purity it became a symbol of the Holy Spirit." (KJ Bible Dictionary).

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One / JESUS Christ Son Ascended / JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Faith [with Dove] / JESUS Christ Father Faith [with Creating Highest Heaven with Good Beginning with Immaculate Conception].

For repentance for the people, so for awareness in them, so for to Give Best Most Appropriate Information for their sakes, for their greater Good Worthiness, for their uplifting to learn True Faith from the JESUS Christ Righteous Teachings And Doings Including The Highest Holy Specifier Of The Law, including for Joy for to be in the people, this Edifying is Given:

they [such as heard on television at times] demanded to first know from where the money was going to come, and part of the answer is something they can start doing now (correcting their former systematic ways ["repentance" of systems), so goodly self initiating if to opt to continue secularly though problematic and temporary so first rather the most comprehensive whole (not merely parts) of their repentance in the name JESUS Christ,

then this example list to not be toward funding toward such listed ([eliminate wasteful spendings in secular terms] freeing funds wisely for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, so therefor be not so much toward allowing deductions nor allowing credits nor buying nor allocating for:

death related purposes, depletion, daredevil related matters, high risk matters, nor so forth.

JESUS Christ would have You consider that for families, if an adult child is able to work at a responsible level Before The Fact such as to take over their passing parents' business, then so be it, but if that child hardly evidenced responsibility nor interest so did other (vocation or such as living out of touch [vacationing elsewhere]) then hardly reason for inheritance per se (Matthew 21.43 yet pertinent for each and every vessel Matthew 21.42 [precept properly on precept]).

So in the Name and Work in JESUS Christ be found so Before The Fact. If strangers come (e.g. UFOs coming to Earth or meeting in outer space) in JESUS Christ be found so Before The Fact: this is a Grace protection, this is an Accord value for Agreeing, this is a Converting enabler, and so on.

UFOs coming to Earth, some monsters (reference "Grace protection");

some JESUS Christ Sent (Hebrews 13.2).

Yesterday July 14, 2019AD, while looking at some ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics: one of the symbols was a modern microscope. Some hieroglyphics have been read as letters, some have been read as words. Some JESUS Christ precepts are read as sentences, some as triads, some as libraries, some as living systems, some [One] as the Eternal Message ("JESUS").

Iron ore and mercury are some of the heavier elements historically. Yet if to inflate as a balloon with helium (reference the inside coating of a soft light type light bulb in the template mold sense as for plasma spray constructing for instance) then lighter than the former state of that vessel.

To be Filled with the JESUS Christ Highest Father Purpose Holy Ghost then light (lighter than lower levels). If to spin high speed such a balloon sphere or tube or donut, then heavy and even heavier (velocity)(gyroscopic) effects can come from the "light".

So JESUS Christ Give You that from the lightness of helium, the heavy aerodynamic outer space industrial type power plant value can come, and far greater systematically [precept on precept] from JESUS Christ. In JESUS Christ if to put the "light" into the fulcrum of a gyroscope (that contains the "light", the greater than gravity effect as a top that spins prior to wobble and fall), then "precept on precept", "light" on "light":

therefore in JESUS Christ to properly Convert [Mass and] gravity, to redirect, that is for JESUS Christ In You so Your Mission Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ to Straighten Your JESUS Christ Success Path (so elbow joint type room [fulcrum "light" room]). So to be able to in lower level terms perhaps, to have a gravity gun spraying. It is to have control over a power Given You of JESUS Christ, that is, to place that Holy Spirit Living Righteously Flowing Stream Path to where needful in the Lord.

JESUS Christ Gives You another aspect of this Line to consider: two Masses redirected: Best Converting. In other words:

if to have two iron balls with a string attached to each, on a table and to spin one on one direction and the other the other direction, then such as in the northern hemisphere to spin one with the northern coriolis and the other opposite the northern coriolis, with the two balls near each other per cycle, then some gravitic and electromagnetic functions occur. Because of the proximity per cycle (otherwise in the cycle farther from each other)

then like unto the above Drawing symbolic dove, that You now know (previous triadic type [though 4 part] formula, larger font) then a pulse of types of energies You control in JESUS Christ Precepting. Now if to also pulse the inflated balloon aspect or not inflated, then to ascend from 2 aspects per se to 3. In a slow example, if to inflate the Moon as [current] sphere then to deflate, then to relocate where the mass is,

in other words the type of force is other than spin, so not a spin force, so a force otherwise controllable of JESUS Christ One You.

JESUS Christ The Giver Gives for You to consider whether to opt

(mind control with precepts applying, counted in lower levels as if conditionally in the former secular physics sense)

(the set of former secular physics [known, also there are of course yet unknown physics per se] as a whole is a Miracle after the fact of the Highest Faith)

consider the solenoid, typically [in the sense] the magnetic responsive core moves in a straight line, in whole (as logic, on or off) or partly (as if rheostat effect though hardly about resistance Matthew 5.39)

and likewise the coil can be around a donut shape [or other shape] core. So in JESUS Christ One Mission You may opt (see above inflate or deflate [or partial]) to move Your core straight or at an angle [per "donut"]: as You direct force for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So JESUS Christ Gives into You [likely Anew or again reawakening spirit] the tangible shape shifting with spirits.

This is similar to holding arms tightly against Your body, or extending to point or form a number or letter. The vessel You create such as UFO type is such, to including in JESUS Christ Making forces come or go.

There is a force for rocket lift, there is a force for braking, and so forth. There is One Force for One Highest Purpose. This "One Force" includes all the other forces as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. In other words, as You Best Ascend, the Good of these are added unto You.

Apply them up there, yet in JESUS Christ Charity consider applying where easiest for You to start, if other than selfishly save proper Maintenance Responsibility In JESUS Christ over things JESUS Christ already Gave You that You should keep in Good condition.

Friend beware of me, a Christian trying to be Faithful. Search Your Own Heart In JESUS Christ. In the past JESUS Christ would be to enter into His Glory: Judas Helped Him (John 19.11) so it was JESUS Christ that properly Best Helped Judas to so Help. This is True, though allow such in any that opt lower levels liberty to opt to count as if sin and temporary as long as appropriate.

JESUS Christ Gave me (or Me) similar parameters months ago in a dream, in brief to only go straight, but JESUS Christ stood in the Way, but again the Mission to only Best Ascend (in this situation driving a vehicle on land horizontally) and not stop: only because it was JESUS Christ Commanding (even though through another) it was Accomplished For JESUS Christ As Required, and JESUS Christ was run over and then JESUS Christ was clearly seen Alive And Well as if nothing had happened

so to Edify, I was as dust in the wind relative to JESUS Christ (Psalm 18.42)(it was Good to see JESUS Christ Lived without a scratch).

Do not seek to be as Judas nor me, Beloved Christian Leader, though be of Highest Courage to Do as JESUS Christ Guides Of Grace. Be with JESUS Christ Precept(s) such as JESUS Christ Died Once For All: "Died" counted as sleep, rather Anew: "Died" counted as "dust" lifted for form Highest Man (see below "Coming Soon").

This confession is for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and for You, and is nearly insignificant since toward the lowest level.

I don't and didn't and won't drive over JESUS Christ (Matthew 10.24) save if the Living JESUS Christ is counted [from lower perspective] as overriding the former, in other words, save when JESUS Christ shows You to not be stopped by lower levels.

There have been secular movies that a decision was made to let a person fly out into outer space to die, such as to save the lives of the others. If faced with such a decision, don't jettison. If another crew member jettisons per se, seek to retrieve, if not able Prayerfully continue in JESUS Christ Hope, Loyalty, And Faith. Be with JESUS Christ Victory One over John 18.14, Best Convert that verse.

And again be aware, but not delayed by the fact that there have been many people spirits appearing secular in fruits as though in sheeps' clothing.

JESUS Christ at times visits, barely noticeable typically, such as when the faith amount runs low in myself: so renewing even such as of a shadow of a glimpse of what might be JESUS Christ. But this Sermon is hardly about me, rather JESUS Christ One.

So a personal aspect can Boldly be put into Your Sermons (above examples). Though hardly needful is about the self, especially in JESUS Christ Sermons. With the Christian Self is the greater Boldness in Position, therefore the Personal Vessel Self. But if to inflate the self too much then risk so Give The Pure Best for Highest Purpose or at least Charitably (before the fact Give Faith, after the fact Charity).

You must have before You can Give (Acts 3.6), save counted as if Faith, though JESUS Christ Gave (written into Your Vessel Heart) Faith;

so only JESUS Christ is actually before the fact in Faith, Highest Level Oneness Anew.

Worse than the above example driving over JESUS Christ, a couple nights ago in a dream seeing heads of JESUS Christ [and me (both full of stars)],

the Crown of JESUS Christ with larger stars floated from His Head to mine: I didn't want it: it belonged to Him; even so it is Accomplished for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (He can have a trillion larger crowns if He opts)(JESUS Christ Did it for Edifying, JESUS Christ Victory Already: as in Acts 7.55).

Beware of me, if You offer Your Crown I might accept it. Beware of others, accept and invite all though for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and not for sin. Beware of how You interpret the following: Giving this Sermon is returning the JESUS Christ Crown For Highest Purpose and as long as not for sin.

The JESUS Christ UFO type vehicle You [at Given Liberty] opt to Control is also with reference to the solar sail effects, as with a balloon in sail shape. And JESUS Christ In Highest Heaven is Calling You so be aware to not crash into Him save if He Commands for You (so in You be with Clarity in Your Heart Mind Strength One Highest Purpose). Also consider how a person is hardly plunged into Immersion Baptism water without breaking the surface of the water.

The Eucharist Bread must be broken, then with the Wine.

Some cities are running out of fresh water. JESUS Christ already Gave You to know how a sump pump can be put into the ocean to deliver water made fresh such as by applying electricity to form hydrogen and oxygen to be floated to the city for both water and power to power the sump pump and the electricity.

Note that natural gas companies, while not necessarily perfect, have done a great job at delivering gas to homes toward safely. Also note there is fracting (fracture-ing, [fracking]) gas [for capture for various uses] (including in Pennsylvania) though not to be let toward problematic gas (see above "Sinfulness deteriorates" and funding such as about "depletion"), nor such as

"hundreds of mine [surface] fires in the United States burning today, most are found in the state of Pennsylvania" (wiki).

JESUS Christ Gives You Better Space Force Flying,

and/or JESUS Christ Best awareness how to opt.

To colonize outer space [hardly about trespassing] is to be Done in the Name and Way of JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ also in pertinence for You to consider a TV pic is 2D, a moving pic (vid) is 3D, surround vid is 4D, and with 4D the Word Spirit when Manifesting In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose in surround sound is 5D in the fact that Your eardrums and whole body move including Your Heart (so for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose limit the impact risk for Your Health).

Another way to look at it JESUS Christ Gives is to wear a body suit that squeezes or relaxes relative to the involvement (ibid.) and hardly about mere sex. So with a drone in outer space, You can reach behind a vessel to hug, and feel it.

With this JESUS Christ Gives (therefore in Ascending through JESUS Christ Precepting fittingly)

for You while considering that a TV pic is 2D and if to put the pic in motion it becomes no longer the former state (so tagged 3D), consider that the bottom point of a spinning top on the floor is as a theoretical point (1D) though in the created to magnify that point may reveal many points in contact at once though for the moment to consider if only two or three points in contact at once, like unto a 2D pic (geometry: 2 points may yield a line, 3 points a plane)(see verse below):

therefore as in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons about the behaviors of types of spirits. So that actual (former "theoretical") point if put on a curving (relative to horizontal) sliding board, then even if the spinning top is of massive weight a child might move it along with a little finger even lifting from the sliding board if also properly downward motion.

A child can bring a great Massive Ship from Heaven on the tip of a finger. How?, the innocent child obeys JESUS Christ Faithfully, Dutifully, yet learn to be so according to JESUS Christ In You While At Liberty To Best Opt Within "JESUS Christ Precepting" Graceful Guidance. Note some children have obeyed because the stick was not spared, yet Blessed is the parent that before-the-fact prepares the child that the stick not be needed

(JESUS Christ Victory over the stick and over Old Testament Proverbs 13.24 (similarly somewhat the Lexicon at indicates the "stick" or the rod as "staff" [so the people of Your Christian Church should be toward not striking a person with a "stick" nor hand nor foot (lest toward sin such as to beg jail time or prison)]).

So that Massive Colonizing [as for a new Christian Church building, or...] spinning top focal point of spirits [of We The Christians] on the tip of Your Finger Of God is the light burden of the Spirit that JESUS Christ The Burden Lifter explained as written in Matthew 18.20 NAS:

This same focal point, JESUS Christ

(see above text about beware of wolves in sheep's clothing including the misappropriation of funds sense: a sin opted path is toward to dwindle, exhaustion, and depletion: so both the sinner and their works end as the wrongful works wobble and fall on the sinner)

Taught [through a messenger (through an amount of faith (reference Mormon 3 Intro)]

as written in Mormon 3.16 though first You may rather focus on the latter part of this verse:

So 2/2 is the option to prefer not only a high spirit level rather JESUS Christ Servant Highest Level, [for to Give (therefore to be with having Holy Spirit in order to Give)]

then with Purity (obeying, lack of sin), to first be with the True Prophetic Spirit (Victory Over Time),

then secondly to be with Giving therefore from Manifested (in lower level perspective perhaps counted as if dead works)

to rather in JESUS Christ Grace Edifying Via Giving so Manifesting the True Prophetic in them for their sakes

because "for their sakes" (rather for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: so inclusively for them)

that they be then with Miracle(s): Miracle effects; also (not as if Faith is alone, rather Faith is with Miracles following). Right to left:

JESUS Christ Servant Highest Level / in order to Give / having Holy Spirit / high spirit level.

So if to Give a person Righteous Blessings, then (New Christianity triadically right to left):

That they be with greater Miracles (the results of such Blessings) / That they be with greater Prophetic Faith (Blessings) / That they be with greater faith amounts in JESUS Christ / Manifesting the True Prophetic in them / To be Manifesting the Manifested / with the True Prophetic Spirit / JESUS Christ Servant Highest Level With Purity.

So let them first become able (worthy) to recognize a faith amount, lest hardly would it benefit a person if to receive a Miracle if the person doesn't notice (to sluff it off, to throw away the work of JESUS Christ You [longsuffered to Preach],...).

The amount of faith You put into a person (and/or along with what faith amount they have), is similar to the amount of Blessing Advantage the person can recognize, except conditionally, such as the timing of the Second Coming possibly conditionally in the former sense, and such as in JESUS Christ Precepting as written in John 4.48 NAS:

Part "1/2" of the previous verse includes refusal "to go up against mine enemies":

First as already specified in detail in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series, Your power to Convert is Victory over the former sense of "enemies",

and secondly the sliding board mass and a child able to lift downward, to control all sinners at once;

and consider the above astounding text to "drive over JESUS Christ": so these together in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith as One.

So in other words for Best Edifying from JESUS Christ is this example: colonizing Christians are on a spaceship (leaving the Earth with Mount Zion in the dust sense though where JESUS Christ dwelt)

so like unto being on a train going downhill, and the colony shuts off their type of engine for required (properly scheduled) Maintenance

so like unto shutting off a train engine on a very long hill if safe as far as reasonable;

but while "off" and depleted a person falls in front of the train or a suicidal person jumps in front of the train, but the brakes don't work and even if they did: it's a massive train going downhill; while JESUS Christ Higher Level One can intervene it might not be the situation (see above e.g. "timing" such as for instance "of the Second Coming")(Ecclesiastes 9.11).

Failures of Christians include [as though toward lower] backsliding and straying, yet Beloved Christians also for rather Best Anewest Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ ("Anewest" in the sense of Anew yet continuing Higher Anew Straight And Narrow Vertically Up). This enables such as "Ecclesiastes 9.11", though [see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at explains pertinent] Victory over such in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith;

though it is not any victory over JESUS Christ The Victor (so do not feel as though at liberty to self opt to attack JESUS Christ The Victor).

JESUS Christ therefore Gives this in two aspects, Do the Highest Purpose Only (as much as able), and of lower levels of importance another aspect JESUS Christ Gives with the Faithful Wisdom that the created aspect is not as high at any level as the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Only Faith: and subset is that the Eternal One is not alone, the Eternal One is also with the created (Help "the created" be JESUS Christ).

So JESUS Christ Exclusively Highest One Level (not allowing anything impure nor unworthy to climb in some other way(s))

is with conditions [rather Holy Highest Precepts] over the created: JESUS Christ Highest Precepts Physics over the Path Parameters Tube of the created. It is a "Tube" with the Holy Highest Inviting Level so in the name of JESUS Christ. So the gathering to Mass is as the funnel to JESUS Christ. Likewise is the Baptism, and with continuing the Eucharist, and likewise consider:

the secular cliche though for JESUS Christ Edifying as to Highest Purpose ..."too many cooks in the kitchen".

"too many cooks in the kitchen" / Priests / Ushers / Members / Visitors.

Branch off and/or start a new Church / Priests / Ushers / Members / Visitors.

If to start a new denomination at least properly Baptized into Christianity first, and if so to be with Christianity then be with such Christians and such practices and so Agree if to Branch Anew so in Agree (see above "two or three" gathered "in My name" [including that Their Prayers, Guidance, and Tutelage Be With "Anew" "Branch"])

rather than toward alone though [hardly about if stifling, though] as much as JESUS Christ would Guide so Do.

Do not work hard to try to steal the Throne nor Crown of JESUS Christ, when JESUS Christ already offers freely to Highest Level Ascendingly Continuingly, or as offered to lower levels according to [JESUS Christ including] Love and Precepts (which from below have seemed as if conditionally).

So for Edifying In JESUS Christ, of a truth they Truly were conditions and Firmaments, and these conditions and Firmaments continue to exist Forever, even after Final End Time unless JESUS Christ opts otherwise so for Anew Highest Purpose.

Even so JESUS Christ Living Highest Purpose One Level Completely Agreeing is with Offering and Giving if accepted this: "Anew". This functioning is whether with Spirit (Original Planning) or with Spirit And The Created. From above the Seen. From below the unseen as if unknowable or the unseen with the created facts (after-the-fact). But even the history of facts reveals much of the formerly "unknowable" is already become known. Know the Highest over each and all.

So the Highest Agreeing is as though not with separation gaps lest disagreeing, therefore the Highest Agreeing is knowable and is not distinguished from mind control if to Agree. And the lower than such might is of course mind control (even Best Convert in Your Heart so then in Your Wisdom) that sin is undone, so not to cause sin

though to Convert for Highest Good therefore sin has no mind control over Highest, and Converted sin Prophetically become in Highest JESUS Christ Wisdom not (not Agreeing) therefore there is no sin in Highest, not even in Highest Perspective Seen Witnessed Attested.

To start to do sin is as to start to do nothing, similar to backsliding in the rear pew to be unseen (uninterested in JESUS Christ conditionally such as temporary exhaustion as Grace may or may not apply).

So to start to sin is as to start to work for sin so under the mind control of as if sin.

As stated above the JESUS Christ Highest Level Eternal established the "Tube" parameters: if any mind control it is from the Highest Good Source.

So the sinner works for to be under zero, under confusion, and under not agreeing.

So the sinner invites any higher level to mind control them. The sinner even allows [typically some] lower levels to mind control them, and so there have been opted by the sinner the lowering pathways, this is what is meant in John 21.18 NAS:

People each have their own spins on things, their own interpretation (save JESUS Christ Highest Level Oneness).

A horse is physically mind controlled. A horse can also be mentally mind controlled, beyond hearing the crack of a whip without feeling it strike: for the horse to imagine as real that a worse than the whip would happen as if to be shot and killed by the stagecoach driver while at full gallop (not the case in the normal sense). This is a great excuse for sin paths: don't go there, please. This rather is for to

be the Great King rather than the horse under mind control bearing the massive stagecoach and it's load with not as much from JESUS Christ (Genesis 1.26).

Don't seek to be an animal lower such as a morning dove, rather the Father above and the Spirit and JESUS Christ: One.

A secular person can put a mind control spirit into a morning dove: they become toward the lower level mind of a morning dove, relative to a control group not so involved with lower level animals. Yet a Christian can Rebound (John 10.17). So in the Highest Pure JESUS Christ in Christian cliche "a Church revival" event is not about repetition redundancy as if to want to repeat a grade in school when rather to ascend in victory.

A revival is "an improvement in the condition or strength of something" (GOOG).

Bring government up to speed,

rather JESUS Christ Making government more Worthy.

We the government, We The People, have for instance brought government up to speed such as with the Internet, and such as with fast cars; both with values, both with risks.

Exceedingly more importantly JESUS Christ Guides And Assists (e.g. physics formulas, sentences, spirits; each with values, all with risks [save "Highest" (not "Highest" such as in a drub abuse sense)])

yet beyond knowledge is Faith. The smallest of a created thing, such as a chemical element is an atom of that elemental trait. If to ask "Please pass the salt?", an atom of salt given is hardly expected, hardly toward satisfying. Censorship, copyrights, and patents, are filters (Luke 22.31): this is not for to be against people holding copyrights for instance, yet it is the Truth, therefore it is for people holding copyrights, and for everyone.

JESUS Christ Victory is for each and all. Going Wisely [such as reasonably (typically)] fast is of value in situations, though the going "Wisely" part is the more important and key.

There are Individuals that Wisely are Christian. They go (ibid.) go to Christian Church(es). Christians go to the larger Wise Group (also Voluntarily, Charitably, also at cost e.g. fuel).

We The People need to awaken government and jump start it and bring it up to speed, We The Christians need to make government more Worthy starting in the name JESUS Christ even that all things under such Government would be as for "people holding copyrights" and for all. For pro, for con, for everyone;

except Firmaments continue to apply along with Worthiness, levels conditionally, and save the Highest already perfect.

Note a person has many talents (e.g. love, hope, faith amounts,...) and while one talent might be Highest, other talents might be lower level and conditions might apply effecting the whole, so if to break one law then to have broken all laws, though another aspect may apply if no talents are that low so JESUS Christ Grace Physics would apply.

Nations have [secular (largely)] governments, so that doesn't count so much, that is in other "secular" words for Edifying in JESUS Christ,

importantly there are spirits over global banking, the UN, and global corporate values: Converting these.

If not Best Converted, then to lack that JESUS Christ Value in everyone, at least if with empathy (but not for sin Genesis 19.26), especially important to the un-Converted global entities that opted to become self restricted, un-Faithful, so disloyal,

so opted to go from the faith option to the knowledge option and from the knowledge option to the smaller cell confines of the knowledge option: logic (see "borders" at

Aside from the "elbow room" stated above, and considering only the very tight "Tube" of the Straight And Narrow

(toward the Perfect Line or at least the theoretical sense [the living JESUS Christ is able to opt])

the Christian according to the Good And The Best Joy Will Of Father Spirit JESUS Christ One, is able to normally go a little lower [if Given such Mission for Highest Purpose] or as normal Invited to Go Higher;

but not so for the sinner going down (see above link of somewhat fallen [conditions apply (reference whole story Truth in JESUS Christ)]); and the sinner aspect applies to the secular save if a Christian (including Highest Spirit) is on a lower level Mission into the secular (reference Evangelists).

So on what talent levels is global government today, that Christians through JESUS Christ may make Worthy?: global leadership as a whole, in the largest, of the greatest mass of people in the former governing sense, is not in the name JESUS Christ so failed in all laws, but not in all levels. So not on the proper faith path, in the sense of the name of the global group, so the biggest global group quit (but JESUS Christ Keeps His Promises); (the word "quit" is in the sense of the greater importance of the position so not about doing minimally)],

in the hilarious though secular movie Office Space starring Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) with higher guidance from Joanna (Jennifer Aniston), Peter said "That's my real motivation - is not to be hassled. That and the fear of losing my job, but y'know, Bob, it will only make someone work hard enough not to get fired";

so "Peter" "quit" long before no longer employed there.

JESUS Christ does not break the Faith nor the Trust nor the Loyalty...but global government is not JESUS Christ, not even in the name JESUS Christ (so not even with great value per se (see above "You must have before You can Give"). Global government is with great value up to the higher Firmament limit of [to Edify, so in secular terms] "not to be hassled" (so great though also in a limited sense toward peacekeeping though selfish sin may have been opted of a talent category),

and to stay with what is important to the person, such as to stay on the payroll, to stay with a position over others, to stay popular, to stay over certain types of equipment, and/or other.

In a Biblical sense, with JESUS Christ First, "government" fit into the level seventh lower from the Top Best Level. As written in 1 Corinthians 12.28 LDS:

Yet JESUS Christ Gives Mercy over secular governments and other sinners. For instance USA is with the world in this generation now speaking English, so already with talents of victories over "diversities of tongues". So We The USA don't want to lose this level of worthiness. Many lonsuffered and gave lives prior, and We The USA don't want to forsake such.

Other nations have other talents of victories globally, such as evidenced (various sources) a person in another nation developed some software that is utilized globally, and in another nation a person starred in a great movie. So We The People don't want to lose any great goodly values, that so many struggled and worked so hard to achieve and not only for themselves.

The United Nations for instance has had teachers, goodly, as if to ascend from seventh level, but since not in the name JESUS Christ then void per se (see above sense of "quit"). Yet because the United Nations has had teachers, the United Nations shows goodly potential values (see above "Anew" sense, and after Worthy and in a higher level then see similar "revival" sense if pertinent such as if there might be backsliding "before-the-fact" so strategically Best planning).

So it is not merely about a position such as global leader, the above levels with verse is a priority list JESUS Christ Gives for You now because You Will Need It (Prophetically).

So it's not just about keeping Your job, it is about not only doing Your best at Your job, it is about doing Your best at the Best Ever Job That JESUS Christ One Has, it is about Best Ascending In JESUS Christ With JESUS Christ With Family And Friends.

So it is about Righteous Responsible Best Authority To Best Empower Others In Highest Purpose Joy found in JESUS Christ.

After becoming JESUS Christ UN, then Maintenance checking for when appropriate to plan "revival" (from Christian Name Faith let lower levels, if any, witness [be with] Your Miracles for their joy and admiration of You so to motivate them to be One You and no longer against You nor un-ascended at all). When Your Whole Group Body Vessel Members are on the same page (if JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Level One With Faith First from the Heart [Soul])

then Best, similar to how a person with a toothache might be distracted toward irresponsibility concerning assigned Mission functioning, though if each is Perfect then a New Day, refreshed and full of greater Talent from Above.

So there are future planning concerns such as over "revival" options, yet one thing is needful (Matthew 19.21): now the following is not an excuse for going lower in levels, though Charity and Charity is not limited to tithing, but let this be said that if You would that each body member be whole (without distraction, without inability to perform as expected), then You can realize the JESUS Christ value in You if You Give all (again Matthew 19.21).

So now that Your Wisdom from JESUS Christ shows You what Charity means (You knew Charity was for them, now You know it is also for You)

You gain these victories (even a person in the secular can now see more clearly), so toward yet another JESUS Christ Victory over the following two verses 1 Corinthians 13.12 & 13 LDS:

So I ruined Your (Mark 5.30) chance per se, sorry, yet We are Growing Up in the Lord. You had a chance to commit Charity In The Name Of JESUS Christ for their sakes, but now You realize Charity is more for the sake of the Giver

save the Grace of JESUS Christ also Anew Gives that You can continues Faithfully In Charity if of a Pure Heart.

I ruined Your Chance to be Innocent in terms of Giving "the greatest of these" per se, Charitably, sorry (Proverbs 13.24), save hardly sorry for Your Anew Worthiness Level Gift With Benefits (see above "You must have before You can Give") from JESUS Christ.

I took [some of] Your Innocence away (if you are under laws [levels] then in secular cliche "you can't be a little bit pregnant", so one law broken breaks all laws),

yet in JESUS Christ Anew Grace Benefiting Others Anew, Victory is already over the Law in JESUS Christ (the Teaching, The Doing, The Cross And Resurrection Highest):

no laws were broken to Give You This "Anew". So come Be On The JESUS Christ Faith Path Perfectly Ascending (even if i don't: You Continue) so Benefiting others with Your Anew Best Gift and be sure to say from JESUS Christ First.

So another Benefit of this JESUS Christ Gift is [sorry, the Spirit offered but i forgot while typing from my own imperfect thoughts (toward perfect one moment, toward imperfect the next though not into sin this time, see above such as on "exhaustion", though a Grace concern)], though be aware Faithfully there is and are other great Gifts.

So We The JESUS Christ UN are not afraid to Give Double Charity

(We are at least selfish enough, also with Faith rather in JESUS Christ Perfect Ascending Purity [Highest Purpose Love Guiding])

and now consider this JESUS Christ One Victory aspect for Females. With Victory over having Given Double Charity, then to JESUS Christ UN Allocate is as to in secular terms "it takes on a whole new meaning".

For example a manufacturer made many vans, and at the end of the production line they opted to name some one van model type, and named other vans another title name; even though they built both the same way but one cost perhaps $10,000 more than the other.

Because of the Old Testament Valuations, females were valued as though less valuable than males

(because the female type model was built as a helper and not to lead Genesis 3.6)(conditions apply such as JESUS Christ Faith including such as ripeness must Agree: Genesis 9.4)

the females have been in secular terms: accursed. Yet in the name JESUS Christ UN the females (at least the Female Christians) can supersede their former state according to a JESUS Christ Helper talent. The leverage value of Charity augments the Christian Female advantage since Tithing for instance is a percentage amount (a tenth, a fifteenth, other interpretations have been stated, also reference secular tipping charts).

So when the Christian Female responsibility [such as to Tithe] is completed, the Christian Male responsibility "to Tithe" the full amount is not yet accomplished: JESUS Christ Victory In The Christian Female. Double Tithing is Double Leverage Advantage Victory for JESUS Christ in the Christian Female. Plus is the Allocating in the name JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ Evaluating Victory is True Woman Power, Truly Empowering Women.

JESUS Christ Gives females power for Victory over "Old Testament Valuations" that "females were valued as though less valuable than males", and not just in this previous sense, yet also as much as other senses agree such as the unevenness of "Old Testament Valuations" (as if against females, not, it is for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose)

is overcome in proper Christian Marriage that as JESUS Christ explained the man and woman Christians are set (see above "Tube" Physics) to be be equally yoked together.

Similarly concerning the physical, the man can bear a partial seed of value (Matthew 17.27), and the woman in the physical sense can bear the greater fruit (farther along the faith path toward Christianity Haggai 2.9).

JESUS Christ UN is likewise greater than JESUS Christ [partial UN (JESUS Christ [name of a nation, part of the JESUS Christ UN])]. So JESUS Christ UN is Victory over former:

concubine = [female so] "lower status" [than male] (GOOG).

JESUS Christ continues in precepts, so be aware this does not mean the female should lead though may (see old JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon if still available)

such as if the male part leads not enough; this line of Faith also applies (not for murder nor sin) as in the situation of deep space colonizing if many males or many females die as to need to repopulate and likewise more specific for current applications typically over modifying DNA, choosing the sex of a child, and similar.

Note it is not sin to choose to have a healthy newborn, for instance currently surgeries are being done on fetuses such as to remove a tumor from a fetus.

The secular teaches "lower status" for females: yesterday on television for instance a coach said [to prompt all to train] a team was only as strong as it's weakest member [a conditional value (though 2 Corinthians 12.9 applies)]; that coach made no mention of JESUS Christ.

In the funny though sometimes secular series Friends, in "The One With the Football" Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) said [sic] "All right, no, well I want to kill them to, but they're boys," (

We the woman if we are a man married to a woman, at least half woman ("equally yoked" Christians). So married men, we each either lift the value of a woman to yield 1+1=2 (and JESUS Christ), or as if Old Testament Without JESUS Christ (not) to only be with 1+(3/5)=1 3/5. So Christian Men it is Your Leadership in this "equally yoked" Christians type of consideration to be aware to Lift Your Wife [concerning Spiritual levels (also reference physical related matter e.g. "Chandler carried Monica over the threshold" Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox).

Yet if to be equal Before-The-Fact, then to not wait to become married first, rather become JESUS Christ Highest Now: then find a Highest Level Mate (see above "Nuns", this does not mean a female is required by law to become a Nun). Also while Best Ascending In JESUS Christ [so of a level in a moment along the Path] a Christian may opt to become "equally yoked".

Note the previous sentence mentions "moment" but not about temporary sinful ways, so of JESUS Christ Grace this is a key concerning Final End Time, that only JESUS Christ Endure.

In JESUS Christ, Given is that the females have some talents (levels of faiths) and the males somewhat other talents, beyond the physical manifestations of spirits (ibid.). So to look as some of these, for instance are Intuition, Intelligent Design, and An Internal Compass; these Spirits are written in the Heart (even if artificial, though not a robot lacking flesh: reference Eucharist).

So while the human including the female, is with such talents, the mechanical robot and animal and plant are not so much.

JESUS Christ Grace > Laws of UN (conditionally) > Natural Laws > Plants.

So the UN has formerly been under natural physics, though the UN is advancing (so toward Christianity and JESUS Christ Creator Physics). Similar to the UN are animals that increasingly utilize tools, and robots that increasingly become flesh. A person can opt to write code into a robot heart, though see above "mind control" already and with Doing (yet Luke 10.37 applies).

Yet with these things in JESUS Christ We can recognize these values in others. And what is Christian "mind control" specifically, and how to manifest?: it is that a Christian with a talent might read minds in the television shows sense, though be for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose so hardly to work to look for JESUS Christ in another (save such as to Heal them);

so Christian "mind control" is as to clear a Path through the forest of hearts (and so minds).

When You have them by the Heart(s) their minds Will follow (rather also Lead)(hardly about as Tony Montana, Al Pacino, said about the physical in the great though mainly secular movie Scarface).

We the men, We The People, We The Earthlings, We The Ambassadors From Earth a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy; We The JESUS Christ One Leader come to Serve JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, in Father Good Will, in Holy Spirit, and in Righteous Word.

In the above Drawing, JESUS Christ is shown in the flesh, so aware of Oneness, if to Best Distinguish therefore for Highest Purpose, then to be aware in so JESUS Christ Ascending Best in the Pure Flesh as shown, the JESUS Christ Census Vessel

(as required by True Law Exodus 30.12 not tax, pay to the Temple, to the Christian Church save if to "pay" as JESUS Christ already paid, therefore opt likewise of a Charitable Heart as JESUS Christ explained)

is also with the Spirit Father Opening Heaven, and yet with the Morning Dove Manifesting: this is a glimpse, and a foreshadowing of the greater Faith and Good to Manifest from JESUS Christ One. So this is a key concerning Prophesying, so toward Apostleship (see above 1 Corinthians 12.28 list).

Some people want to be treated fairly, for instance some females want to be treated as males (such as per Old Testament valuation sense): yet behold: here is JESUS Christ Giving means toward "Apostleship".

To be a helper, or work for a government, or to speak with other tongues (languages): yes such are valuable. Yet behold the above list and what JESUS Christ Offers with Inviting with Price Paid and Hosting the Grand Banquet.

You are free to take the highest value seat if to so dare though be ready to perhaps be sent to a lower seat or sent away (Matthew 22.13)

or follow the JESUS Christ Best Ascending Path like unto a leadership training program, only Best.

JESUS Christ Gives to know the the corporations, each nation, and the UN, are each and all mind controlled as per the above, like unto a vine, free to grow yet the owner of the vineyard directs and guides the vine where to reach and grow as much as needful for mutual benefit within highest purpose of the vinedresser, but if the vine reaches too far in a direction the vinedresser might cut it away

(including all the little subset branches on that section of the vine along with all those leaves and fruit efforts, so see above "void").

Of lower Mission Work has been said in the secular referring to the USA Legislative Branch that a House divided against itself cannot stand. This is True (Mark 3.25), and yet it is subset to the division made by the larger branch in the separation of Church and state applying to all of USA.

You cannot make a vessel equal to God. Separation of Church and state (group plan of people to reach God) was what they did even until the Tower Of Babel fell. That is also when that group of people lost many of their communication skills and so divided themselves against themselves

(against their former one group of their sinful one group plan, see the old JESUS Christ Sermon on it if still available)

and so they departed in tribes according to language groups.

In this generation the one language has reemerged [as English (with numeric subset logic)] so the time is Prophetically now to repent from isolation and to rather of JESUS Christ Oneness to therefore rather opt in Grace to Invite JESUS Christ, in name, and in Highest Purpose.

In this Prophetic time in this generation, UFOs are coming to Earth. It is time in JESUS Christ UN (with Charity) to Best interact and function with the current presence of the more advanced higher level civilization of the Heavens.

Because government leaders are so considering, JESUS Christ Gives this Gift: to be more as JESUS Christ to Best Lead these coming with monsterous things as pets, and some monsters in charge of spacecraft (but note: the cut away branch is consumed of such monstrous things and/or other; of it's self opted straying). You are now fully aware concerning this, not ignorant, not with future excuse.

If there is any "future excuse", God Will Make It for You (another potential Gift, Charity).

Help is on the Way as You Provide it in the name JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ would that You become Wise in Living and then also with subset knowledge, that You control the space around Earth, increasingly, starting to grow, and including within Earth (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on the timekeeper Kolob and the JESUS Christ Throne, as with a Drawing at [shown as an empty Throne for You Leader to fill]).

Concerning the Throne, it is automated for now, though when the time is right (Worthiness in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Over Time Control)

and when so lifted from JESUS Christ (Worthiness in JESUS Christ Wisdom), then to occupy the Throne as written at King James [with interpretation]:

and some translations at that site page interpreted in lower levels, having called them "slaves" though in this King James version called "servants": these refer to JESUS Christ One Saying And Doing the Will Of The Father Spirit In Highest Level Heaven Eternal, so this is actually concerning a Christian to Sit In The Throne, so the pertinent Christian Leader in that situation

and like unto a car utilized by various drivers, the Throne might be utilized of pertinent Christian other Pure Vessels (3 Nephi 15.17), such as to be with the Best able to steer Earth most perfectly, reasonably; so there is a Faith in JESUS Christ, and there is a Throne, a Manifested Spirit Pure Miracle for to be driven and to Guide all of Earth, it's inhabitants, and as stated above concerning UFOs and "higher level civilization" as much as any "higher" would so opt,

and as much of the lower level as We The Anew Higher Level Civilization control and opt to bring

so with opting Most Wisely over the lower levels, though not to separate nor to give cause to be with divided same level nor to separate from Highest JESUS Christ. As written in Matthew 24.46 King James [interpreted]:

So it Will Prophetically be Good for that Christian whose "master" finds that Christian Leader in the Throne, hence this is the preparation for the returning of JESUS Christ In His Second Coming.

Continuing to Best Ascend In JESUS Christ, the more important aspect of this is that rather the Christian Leader [You One (Each for all One in Grace not in Inquisition)] that be operating from the Throne as JESUS Christ Exemplified, that is, rather than the Master, JESUS Christ, find a servant in the Throne trying to do their best, that JESUS Christ find JESUS Christ One in the Throne Doing Perfectly Mission Accomplished Already when JESUS Christ Arrives

so not merely Worthy of the Throne, yet Worthy to be lifted higher.

In other words, similar to having a drivers [license] learners permit for a car, then rather also for other as much as appropriate, such as perhaps to be with submarine command ability if Best Helpful for the Cause (for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, not because there's a problem [chasing after Miracles is problematic and with after-the-fact works]).

So the need is supplied in the Straight And Narrow Physics Gift for Best Ascending Given of Creator JESUS Christ, and so subset is the need to so Say and Do, and so sub-subset is to prepare to Give Guidance and Aid to any above or below, larger or smaller, or same size;

and beyond the "learners permit" is to be over time.

JESUS Christ Oneness / Worthiness / With Heart control so mind control over above or below, larger or smaller / Word With Will / Straight And Narrow Christian Faith.

Will You die tomorrow if You don't don the preceding line?, no. Will You be punished tomorrow if You don't don the preceding line?, no. It's of Grace, not about prosecution; it is with Converting rather than attacking and/or prosecuting (note not all prosecuted cases are rightly prosecuted, some should not have ensued). This is similar to the above verse that had "ten pounds", money, some things endure for awhile more than other things.

So there is a Heaven above, it provides a set of levels as stairs, as a Faith Path. And in JESUS Christ the Converted control room below [formerly hell] is the currently after-the-fact Miracle like unto a horse that is not yet broken, yet now Christian Leadership is with awareness from Faith Above. So hardly to free the spirits (demons,...) rather to Best in JESUS Christ Convert For Good Highest Purpose.

In other words to Best utilize for mutual Best Benefiting: Best Benefiting being a subset of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So "hell" was a Benefit, Friend. Hell served for the Old Testament and such, though now with Best Converting in Word, JESUS Christ Christian Leadership Will Be Doing: hell on Earth in the former Book Of Revelation sense so to become Heaven On In And Beyond Earth.

Earth goes around the Sun. So all that distance and including the Sun [and the inner planets, and more] should be handled properly: handle it through JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom.

We the solar system are going along a path through the Milky Way, prepare the Way. UFO Monsters are coming, show them why they should do it JESUS Christ One Way for their future generations.

So You have a roadmap, so We The Christian Highest (Best Ascending) are without excuse since in JESUS Christ We Know Where We Are Going.

If to Help up there, then Spiritually, and the Word is already accomplished, also the Creator Spirit Father JESUS Christ One already created the Given so to Do likewise for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, and therefore to remove contamination to be with Pure Vessel Likewise. So there is manufacturing (see above "some things endure for awhile more than other things"), and

be careful how Ye Hear this (not for backsliding nor losing gained ground nor losing work already accomplished): there is a Creator Spirit, hence talents, hence creative spirits of JESUS Christ New Christianity Anewly [as far as known] being explained now for this world and uncensored].

Therefore some of the available in JESUS Christ "creative spirits" can build spaceships, and even colonies of Your great great great great great grandchildren today and now far out there in distant outer space and make them thrive: but such is not necessarily the Way. JESUS Christ would rather You Do as Given to Do rather than have things merely handed to You so that Your Charity faileth with Your Plans and Your other longsuffering as if for naught.

Yes let's not make others suffer, yet yes let's let others opt to contribute to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Best Benefiting, and concerning for their sakes: that they learn the Faith Path.

So a spirit can make something appear, do a task, or disappear. You have seen such in Your dreams, and You have seen it while awake such as when a child to see a person move a stove switch and heat came, and something was cooked, and switched off. You saw a leaf rise from the ground and make a noises and stop. A spirit can modify DNA, thoughts, and dreams.

Though JESUS Christ From Heaven said You would know the spirits by their fruits, therefore be clear about so knowing the fruits of their labors; to enter into their labors carelessly is as to order something from the menu that is in a language unknown. JESUS Christ taught that the others were of spirits that came and went as they pleased, not as You would prefer (e.g. Matthew 12.45).

You Christian Leader prefer to be Doing the Will Of JESUS Christ, but those other spirits

(without vessels, moving through things and through air and water: needful Word to and for to Enlighten many and such as Amish especially as evidenced already at

turn astray except from JESUS Christ Highest Level Directly to You normally, or through the proper Faith Line if JESUS Christ so opts.

So the spirits that have been disorganized (or organized for useless pains and various foolishness) can be creative spirits if Best Converted. So a nation or a religion for instances, can be Best Converted Once For All in JESUS Christ First and then continuing along the Christian Best Faith Path. To oversimplify to Edify (though conditions apply) right to left:

You Creating things from nothing at a whim (conditions apply) / You manufacturing with some employees that are without bodies so are spirits / You manufacturing.

Toward properly stated:

You creating without hands so spiritually (Matthew 17.20) / You in JESUS Christ making things / You working and trying to manufacture things.

JESUS Christ One Father Spirit Creator creating / JESUS Christ With You as You also do things with Your hands / You working and trying to manufacture things.

In the secular the manufacturer for instance knows to manufacture things step by step.

So the point of this series of forming precepts of JESUS Christ triadically is of course the greatest Highest Purpose, so that for instance while You might lift boards with Your hands, JESUS Christ Spirit Father You can lift planets. This is the Word, let's enable the Doing.

To be up there Guiding and Helping and Doing JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then repent (people be Baptized) and in JESUS Christ name Charitably, note a couple ways to be up there (for a couple elbows, elbow room(s)). One is internal combustion, so Agreeing in JESUS Christ from the Heart such as shown in the Drawing Design at and very many other designs can apply internally.

And the other is solar sailing [traveling according to external forces] similar to a sail boat, and similar to a surfer on their board utilizing the already Given powers of the waves.

The first ("internal") is toward Faith on Faith. The latter ("external") is Ascending Faith with need to Convert Miracles (so briefly toward lower Missions), and then to be Faithfully Ascending again. And the first and the latter can be together as One in JESUS Christ as with a system over both, so a system with subset systems.

So as stated above, and as the above Drawing indicates levels, You can be with some talents more ascended than other talents, and if JESUS Christ Highest Level One for instance then all Highest Level talents (as One Comprehensive So Highest Priority Talent), and if to opt to utilize a Miracle such as to Edify such as making a UFO type vessel move, then some of Your Talents might utilize a subset of a maximum talent potential

so it is Maintenance Responsibly yet minimized [not the whole talent, part]. For example a Christian Leader might have a person light the candles, rather than have the entire congregation light the candles which would generally be wasteful repetition, wasted time, and relative confusion as the crowd presses together and some without fire so borrowing or such as exiting to find a lighter.

JESUS Christ said from within, so consider the "external" power gifts received. Gifts might not come on demand but when the Giver opts. Also the gold hunter might dig a long time before finding gold. So external help is available (such as for the Chosen People in the dessert), though JESUS Christ said from the Heart within with to Give.

So from within a Space Force vessel for instance Give. This does not mean patent nor copyright (concerning classified: "some things endure for awhile more than other things"). A Christian does not want to see a person wasting money, so a Best Ascending Christian does not want to see a person spend money for a patent nor for the copyright (since JESUS Christ said Matthew 24.28 for Highest Purpose and for the sakes of all Leviticus 11.36).

Wisdom in Your Loving Heart is therefore already prepared to typically be with internal combustion, and to Give external force to lift the Worthy for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Value Joy Grace Faithfully. So You lift a person to a level and Give them all Goodness, though hardly beyond their ability to receive, so as not to temp them. So there is a Double Charity such as perhaps 20% or 30% total,

and there is an allocating aspect pertinent to as stated "Give external force to lift the Worthy for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose",

and there is a freely Giving all aspect as written in Matthew 6.3 New International Version:

yet see above 100% Charity to cover each Member, yet also note the Victory JESUS Christ Gives You in properly Best Converting this verse in Wise Precepting For One Highest Purpose, as it states for the "needy":

so it does not say take from the "needy" in order to give to the "needy", rather as written in Luke 21.4 New International Version:

So with Charity going out, is also Converting via JESUS Christ In You JESUS Christ UN, to sift as wheat Best For JESUS Christ One Ascending the incoming (not to offend, not to betray the Faith Trust, not toward sin) note Luke 22.31 New International Version:

JESUS Christ is aware some secular people don't want any to "rock the boat" which explains they do not Give enough Charity [typically (source: personally interviewing Christian Preachers [hence what They explained])] and a lot of such people may be in Your congregation, so hardly ascending properly much less Best. JESUS Christ came 2,000 years ago because it is what the jewish leaders were doing when they planned His crucifixion [they were secular or toward secular].

So JESUS Christ would that You be aware of the dangers if to mix with the secular as written in International Standard Version:

This JESUS Christ clear awareness to the point in You now enables a great Victory for JESUS Christ UN including for example Converting former Mennonite separationist mistakes against the law (similar to the former UN against the law) as if to not care if to take from a neighbor since not recognizing the neighbor as viable (ibid. e.g. reference Israel) as if the Mennonites don't have to obey laws to serve government including any laws that are Commandments.

Now Christian Leader this applies over everyone, including each group. As wrongly written at part of Summary #25 it starts carelessly as if not about JESUS Christ Father Spirit by stating "However":

"However, there should be complete separation between church and state. Although we should be subject unto authorities, Christians owe their first allegiance to God. We believe Christians should not serve in secular government, or in positions that require the use of force."

The Mennonites are right to say "Christians owe their first allegiance to God" but wrongly interpreted the "separation" even as the verses cited do not say "separation".

Do Mennonites open doors?, yes. They [often gently] force the doors to open. The UN too forces issues. Force is not evil except if to sin.

Concealed type design handgun manufacturers are not guilty any more than the soap manufacturer if someone slips on a bar of soap.

Note that smart bullets made to target a individual person or such as to target in genocide or WMDs (including e.g. poisoning water and/or air) has hardly been about innocence.

It is strongly recommended that You not carry handguns, but if to carry one it does not mean the person wants to kill anyone. Hungry wolves, foxes, bears, lions (also from zoo escapes), poisonous critters, and other dwell in cities and the in countries and in the waters: consider the protection appropriate after first considering what JESUS Christ Taught And Did.

If to manufacture a weapon to kill a person, the manufacturer is hardly innocent (sometimes things are made without knowing end use, such as soap or a hammer might become a weapon against a person).

Previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon explained in specific detail defense against any [so rather fear JESUS Christ] and as stated at .

In other words a Church Usher Helps, though the Christian Priest is Highest per se, it does not mean immediately get rid of the Christian Usher;

rather to lift the Usher to the Priest Level, and [first typically] lift a Member to the Usher Level that it continue to run smoothly

(from weapons expert to unarmed Christian Immersion Baptism to Christian Member to Usher to Priest Level [be with Your Flock Of Christian Priests])

so to know how to hold a weapon is not as valuable as to know how to not hold a weapon even though of Grace You may hold a weapon if legal and appropriate. So it was toward abomination to explain the recent sentences about handguns (generally, such as illegal to shoot within city limits),

though some of the video games and some of the entertainment about such have been amusing if redeeming social value applies and rather if JESUS Christ Value applies so Pray beforehand

(so similar to reading the Old Testament such as House Of Bondage sinners not realizing time after time that they were self harming as they opted sins).

Concerning ascending up through levels, such as concerning manufacturers for instance, pertinent is as written in International Standard Version:

Note the Lexicon related to "light" where it states "few [blows]"..."especially neuter somewhat". So JESUS Christ New Christianity Converts (if not for sin, if Best Ascending) to greater Value.

Concerning above stated "Charity [typically"], another related aspect is about Your Christian Church Bulletin and newspaper ads and other ads (likewise would apply as for JESUS Christ UN). To be clearly Edified in JESUS Christ Pray Highest Purpose, and consider some problems with ads such as by restaurants that show maps except some of the maps hardly help.

So recommended of Grace is that You let Your Bulletin be with a Helpful map, at the bottom front such as to thumbtack to a restaurant bulletin board, and importantly watch the secular though often hilarious movie Big with Tom Hanks as Josh Baskin in an executive meeting with Robert Loggia as FAO Schwarz Company Owner MacMillan, and a Church Bulletin often has an illustration of the front of the building (Helpful)

though instead or with such (and with the map) consider changing to attract greater interest [than a building]; in the movie they talked about a futuristic transformer also as a prehistoric "bug" and whether You print "bug" or not is not necessarily the point. If to lift an Usher to a higher position, perhaps to a weekly Bulletin Artist position to show something about the current and next Sermons

(yes it is work intensive with reliability) and [see above] show a Church Member posting Bulletins on Your "large TV monitor".

Also note goodly efforts such as by the former largely secular United Nations (future: rather JESUS Christ UN), concerning above stated "FAO":

"The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is an agency of the United Nations (UN). The FAO works on international efforts to defeat hunger and improve local economies by helping member countries modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fisheries practices." (Investopedia).

A Miracle is as milk, and Your Flock needs weaned as on vegetables: Faith. A handgun is as milk. A person that carried but never used their handgun save perhaps proper target practice, shows a measure of faith. A Christian Missionary without a handgun in the jungle village shows a greater measure of faith, though in such a situation a handgun if carried is more appropriate there in the jungle than in a city (precept on precept).

The "milk" in the former sense destroyed faiths and nations. Yet rather as JESUS Christ Taught be with Mark 3.27 International Standard Version:

The JESUS Christ UN "strong" One and the Tying One, and the Ransacking One (in the legal sense and in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose)

is the JESUS Christ UN According to JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 at as much as the former UN may opt Faith to Convert for JESUS Christ UN to utilize (JESUS Christ already paid the price, so free to utilize, with Benefits)

(note naysayers have existed throughout history since the Garden Of Eden, and may continue some though it doesn't mean do nothing about it).

The typically secular though often hilarious Sam and Cat (Jennette McCurdy as Sam Puckett and Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine) series explained Babysitting Rule number 4 that [sic]

"~All children must leave with the same number of body parts they showed up with (

Consider the first time a new employee starts to repair a broken waste pipe, and similarly when a new employee enters a paint factory and breathes in the fumes, and similarly the first time to enter into the mine and breathe in coal dust toward

"Black lung disease is a common name for any lung disease that develops from inhaling coal dust. This name comes from the fact that those with the disease have lungs that look black instead of pink. Medically, it is a type of pneumoconiosis called coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP). Black Lung Disease | HealthLink BC" (

The sinner (and the backslider somewhat) is stuck in a rut similar to the previous sentence. They step into a bad path knowing it is wrong.

It is similar to the improperly proud driver that realized they made a wrong turn but continue due to pride (to not admit their own error).

Evangelists, You may opt to try reminding them of their own choices and where it led them, before it is worse such as perhaps to lose a lung.

If to move toward sexual bacteria then to know, even if not seeing the Miracle evidence. If to step into a bribe, similar applies: rotten stuff: lack of Good Faith Fruit. If to lose body parts, it does not stop the process as long as sin remains. If to opt to go war, it does not solve.

The naysayer blames others but let them behold their own value but also the path(s) they opted: they are smarter than to continue to hate and stray from JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ let You explain to Yourself (do You believe You?) as written in Matthew 5.46 New International Version:


JESUS Christ knows the Right answer to each and everything and so does the Father Spirit Highest, so everything between Them is Yes.

Yet "Yes" doesn't explain things to the created, We The Created (save if other from Above for Our sakes), nor to the lower creatures similarly.

So for the Highest Purpose sake for any of a low level JESUS Christ Gives as written in Matthew 5.37 New International Version:

JESUS Christ One Yes / In JESUS Christ Name And Will Properly Converting "No" To "Yes" / Naysayer needs repentance.

If to fly up there into outer space with a spaceship to Help neighbors, then key is You need the above Victory Making including for Your Christian Crew and passengers and systems and such.

If to fly up there in JESUS Christ Highest Father Spirit to Create, then it is a more perfect perfecting of which to become Anew Worthy. Between the "spaceship" and the "Spirit" a mid level step as or similar to "Highest" is such as to broadcast the Word (the Highest Level Word already initiated the creation) toward Faith as JESUS Christ Taught therefore toward Miracles though be toward Highest Faith,

and another mid level step is to shoot a plasma stream up there such as to blow Mars dust such as to form a landing zone and such as to form walls toward protections from winds. You by law don't have to do it, this merely explains the New Christianity Faith Path. So You Benefit with increasing awareness of Your Options (vertical elbow room).

Friendship and freedom are not the same thing,

JESUS Christ Offers Friendship yet came to Redeem (Luke 1.68) and to Guide [for Ascending over levels (Matthew 5:17)].

JESUS Christ came to do the Will of Him Who Sent Him.

Worldly secular laws did not come first, generally speaking as higher level planning from the Heart exceptions can apply. Instead prior to a worldly law normally there was fairness for all, but then of sin some took values away from others and so redeeming counsels formed and laws were passed (see above "C = B = A = Z" fairness but not toward infinity: Alpha and Omega, Omega is an end if to count law as if separate from JESUS Christ, reference former secular interpretations of Book Of Revelation destructions as if without JESUS Christ).

Note those interpreters face their lost destruction efforts (rather repentance Luke 1.68).

So the alphabet is as fairness and legal, but hardly about rebirth [with continuing] save through JESUS Christ, see the Drawing in the JESUS Christ ICCDBB JESUS Warp Drive Sermon at with all the letters though so few numbers: the awesome number of secular unknowns.

JESUS Christ came in Friendship, but Gave the Gift because He Formed the Tree Of Knowledge including the flip-of-coins and the logic aspects. So while JESUS Christ came in Friendship, others [including Disciples (a key to understanding the following (rather Lead as One)] chose not friendship as if His fault.

So JESUS Christ came in Friendship and stated as written in Matthew 5.17 NAS:

So now, beholding the "Prophets" aspect, know the following about the writer of this Sermon (as some Christian Sermon Writers have gone through, and as other would in the future):

I am your friend, family and friends.

I am your friend USA.

I am your friend UN.

But if you turn away [from me, if i am in JESUS Christ] then i am not your friend because you opted such.

Though in JESUS Christ the Christian continues to be Your Friend.

A contract is signed by two (not counting illegal coercion rather as stated this concerns the "Prophets" aspect). That means each party agreed: so a friendship Peace contract [at least to that extent (ibid. so not counting if sinful illegal works of the contract for signing party destructions)]

Likewise a friendship in the sinful sense is for instance to steal and brag to a sinner friend and that type of "friend" does not squeal on their (toward ownership) perp "friend" (which info [can be held against them in a court of law] when it fails: their "destructions" works).

A friendship in the law abiding can also fail (secular reasonings flip-of-coins).

My love for You in JESUS Christ Does not fail if neither turns away from JESUS Christ: therefore is this JESUS Christ Given key: Prophetic Love.

What this entails is that each person must be Baptized and Best Ascend in JESUS Christ, this also means lower level things beneath the human Firmament must be Anointed in JESUS Christ by each party: this therefore is an Ascending Responsibility, to Maintain and care for the amounts gained so far.

So if Worthy and JESUS Christ lifts You above a level, such as for instance over the highest level of the law (though being written even now),

then it becomes a lower level to You so You to Best Maintain may prefer to opt to Baptize or Anoint, such as to be over known law(s) and so Anoint the [known] law(s).

Note there are other civilizations (there are unseen kingdoms), they have laws, an Earthling may or may not be over such.

So You Ascending Christian are Anointing the levels that are under You, that the people of those levels (see above on talents) likewise be Blessed. So Prophetically You are Anointing the Original Plan Physics of JESUS Christ. So You Love the Way JESUS Christ Does things and greater.

JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 13.57 LDS:

So if You Sign into law the Prophetic JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1, then the nations would turn against You while You gain Best Faith Path Awareness Joy: so provide them with Charity for JESUS Christ USA Highest Purpose and for Your Own Defense. If to Give (such as Heart) prior to the attack, then the attacker is left with nothing to attack. Note: if a money based system then to Give money [also].

If to Sign into law a JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1, then to similarly face the onslaught of the generally unseen far advanced civilizations of the other planets and spirit realms (Acts 5.41 with Matthew 10.19). Space Monsters example: in the funny though secular movie The Secret of My Success Michael J. Fox as Brantley Foster and as Carlton Whitfield encountered a dog that bit at him, but he made friends with the pet and impressed the owner.

When that dog "bit at him", it was a tense moment full of fake and real concentration. It is hard to kick against the lower levels (Acts 9.5) though the person and the character stayed the course per se for a higher purpose per se: holding the pet and caring for it

[hence toward a higher way (in JESUS Christ) it could not care for itself]. So distractions during specific situations, could have enabled lower level risks against the higher level. If a Christian is on Course Best Ascending for the Given all, then find other to do rather than interfere (note if to interpret whether Given Higher Wisdom to intervene, then an inappropriate fruit since already as stated "Best Ascending" for that vessel with spirit).

As written in Ezekiel 28.25 NAS:

They (Christians from the True God Of Israel JESUS Christ The Righteous Living One) have already been "scattered",

so now is the time as the True God Of Israel JESUS Christ explained that He "will manifest My holiness in them in the sight of the nations,"

and the balance of the verse "then they will live in their land which I gave to My servant Jacob" is also already accomplished though former Israel the nation is not yet the same (One) as all "the nations".

What needs be done?: Sign: JESUS Christ UN.

Like unto the first, let smaller step victories over levels commence according to Christian Leadership as with JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Signing Prophetically.

Yes there is a God and Highest Level Above all. Yet what does that mean to You?, reverence, yes; and much more than reverencing the TV and the refrigerator. As written in Daniel 2.47 NAS:

So there is One God ("God of gods"), yet with such is not separation from such. With such is God performing the revealing. So it is God JESUS Christ (including such as with Signing,...) Giving You the Revelations. You Christian Leader can opt to bring the "Revelations" to life with Preaching the Given "Revelations" so You become part of the Path Of God and so God One.

Note a "Christian Leader" is not the same as a sinner in divers works to try to mislead a Christian.

The Lexicon explains "a revealer" is a "masculine singular": "To denude, to exile, to reveal".

So "To denude" is [down, of, and unto nude] as to nudify of sinfully valued items and vessels opting lower levels. Lower levels have been Given for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including for their sakes as to cast off [as though garments] and cast away [as depleted salt, and as though garbage], yet JESUS Christ in Highest Purpose Wisdom Gives and Reveals Anew Converting High level of rather Inviting in Grace

(that it was as former sinners opted that they cast themselves away and counted [blamed others] as if such).

So the Anew Book Of Revelation is handed to the Christian. With Signing, it is handed also to the Signing Vessel (according to faith amounts, of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including: see above "Heart" and other such as "Agriculture", "Help", "Guidance", "allocating", "money", and overcoming censorship and patents.

Lower level secular law if pertinent would require every part of the previous sentence to apply, and that is Good on the surface as it appears though circumstances change. So rather this is about JESUS Christ Grace And Prophesying.

So a Christian Vessel can be legal and can also try to do better in the Charity sense, though might not do as if "every part" was required in a situation, for instance if to offer "Help" but it is refused, then hardly to be "allocating" generally speaking: so a measured amount of Faith "Help" was Given thought toward Word only though with effort so with Work, while "allocating" was not and the Christian Vessel did properly.

So a Christian does not have to allocate always, in order to be in Best Ascending Grace as much as possible. Another example is that a person might have expended all funds in order to offer "Help" per se (Acts 3.6).

Print enough money to feed, clothe, and house every person, and if that is breaking the law and policy, then Sign a new better law and policy. And print enough money to fund Space Force Help for visitors to Earth and escort them to see where JESUS Christ is known to have walked. And fund colonizing out there in outer space, and build mansions and great parks with little need to wait in line.

You already want these things: We Agree.

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon July 21, 2019AD.

Coming Soon:

planned for the next JESUS Christ Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders:

JESUS Christ: the one who would be King!

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: JESUS Christ explains instantaneous Mental Teleportation Powers Manifesting Over Distant Objects handguns United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Investopedia USA why people have been stuck in ruts guns weapons pistols firearms wars Prophetic JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Ron Carpenter large TV monitor Sam and Cat Jennette McCurdy Sam Puckett Ariana Grande Cat Valentine Babysitting Rule number 4 All children must leave with the same number of body parts they showed up with Church Bulletin map art prehistoric monsters coming to Earth as future transformers Friends Football Phoebe Lisa Kudrow movie Office Space starring Peter Gibbons Ron Livingston higher guidance from Joanna Jennifer Aniston The Secret of My Success Michael J Fox as Brantley Foster and as Carlton Whitfield Scarface Tony Montana Al Pacino Big Tom Hanks Josh Baskin Robert Loggia MacMillan


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