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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series Magnifying For Christian Leadership:

JESUS Christ The Magnifier.

Courts require hand on the Christian Bible, so not letting it be taught is illegal, sin, and to proffer ignorance including in others hence attacks.

Christian President Don Trump JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 UN UFOs Space Force Superhighway Anew Standard With Specifics, Star Of Bethlehem Elijah above the law physics Eternal JESUS Christ the greatest of all the gifts of God hand on Bible court oath office Christian First Lady Melania Trump with Christian Donald Trump Jr. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos television Intelligent Design Evolution

JESUS Christ provided Wisdom, including that if without hands, then the best able to be with the Christian Bible Oath.

So there is a Highest Level in the Living JESUS Christ (whether seen or not), and there are subset levels

such as that Christian Graceful Faith Best Overcomes the gaps in laws, and the redundant parts; Best Guiding into the Anew.

Above Christian President Don Trump with Hand On The Bible with Christian First Lady Melania Trump and with Christian Donald Trump Jr.,

and in the pic to the right Others in One Good Christian Respectful Spirit (2 situations, 2 time frames).

Christ JESUS Taught The Truth, The Whole Truth, And Nothing But The Truth.

There is no other more concise truth, nor more whole truth, than JESUS Christ Gave for this civilization.

JESUS Christ Grace is more about Faithfulness, while JESUS Christ Miracles include [not sinful] laws.

Freedom of speech is a great ideal, yet subset to JESUS Christ and the Christian Path Of Righteousness: the Path Of Truth. As Christian Faith Grows the Christian Leadership reveals not only Miracle Bible truths (John 3.34 more toward JESUS Christ Highest Purpose), yet also a somewhat lower level aspect for their sakes, that is, for the sakes of those in lower levels (e.g. ibid. includes ancillary Revelation 11.2 for their sakes:

hence a lower level Mission for many, see above Drawing caption 2 pics of 2 time frames within One Time frame Drawing at the time You See along with the greater time You don't see while other Christian Leaders Do See and secular might see somewhat too).

In the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series personally (likewise as You might find with preparing Your Sermons) this writer revealed a lack of faith concern not merely for lower levels sakes, to care about their concerns (often toward strayings) but also about a little lower than the Angels (ibid. example Revelation 11.2)

and it was after this same lack of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith Anew (each Miracle vessel situation)

yet with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith Path Properly And Ascendingly that a far greater higher level was revealed,

a JESUS Christ Victory for Us over some High Level Spirit information as written in 2 Corinthians 12.9 NAS:

So it is "not by measure" of higher Spirit Faith if You Preacher Minister show human frailities the the levels are the greater concern, so not about levels subject to law as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace and so then "for power is perfected in weakness" that the Will be "rather" about "weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in" such. Reading triadic type sections right to left.

JESUS Christ Power One / JESUS Christ Perfected In Christian Faithfulness / JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace / Above pertinent lower level laws (and physics and methodologies) / If weaknesses then apply them for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

So like the hand on the Living Righteous Christian Bible Growing (symbolized such as shown in the above traditional Christian Bible pics), in the Right Hand Of JESUS Christ is found You as written in Revelation 1.20 NAS:

You can look at the "the seven stars", the Pleiades, and see with a telescope more stars there than discussed back in those days, and it is not about the star pattern becoming smaller [though might have happened (though reference e.g. secular expansion type theories)], rather with more numerous stars (Christian Churches, Minorah)

therefore it is at least indicated that the Hand Of JESUS Christ became larger with the power to hold and care for the Pleiades [and greater increasingly].

It became apparent that the Power Of JESUS Christ Grew in Leaps, Bound To Happen, so One to Magnify JESUS Christ

as JESUS Christ explained He became "a little lower than the Angels", that He became weaker that You Become Strong (as Strong As He Now)

(1 John 2.14: ..."written" [become weak to Best Write, so]..."because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and"...).

And not "Bound To Happen" in the former sins of the House Of Bondage, so less toward the lower levels of secular laws.

We The Righteous Highest Level [known as Legislaltive Branch] is to be over the Executive Branch [The Head Leader Is JESUS Christ] so that there be hardly any need for the Judge aspect of JESUS Christ [the Judicial Branch] rather the Living Growing Book Of Remembrance [with writing the Bible (You Doing Your Part to Magnify JESUS Christ)].

Becoming Wise concerning "weaknesses" for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is to become Wise over current "methodologies" as well as of leaders 2,000 years ago that crucified instead of becoming weak for the sake of the Innocent (at least in spirit, though You might opt to visit a prison or a refugee camp or similar toward Pure Religion).

The weakness in "spirit" is to be with a measurable thing since now known as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. In JESUS Christ Physics Grace:

Weakness value = JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace x Pertinent methodology value (as measured from the top rather than the bottom less aware).

So in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace:

the value of weakness in a situation = over current part of pertinent methodology that is lower level than that "weakness" level (secular and perhaps Higher),

that then JESUS Christ Redeems to a higher level according to a "weakness" person's faith amount level. And so with so Redeeming is the Magnifying the value(s) (the Faith Path Realizing Value, along with any subsequent Miracle(s) value(s)).

A beam of light can go through a convex lens, and from many angles (perspectives, inputs including of methodologies and of positions...) many lights You can put through the one same "lens" JESUS Christ [Teachings, Exemplar] for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Victory over the inputs, for their good inclusive in "Highest Purpose", so as written in John 5.39 NAS:

so You "search the" after-the-fact Miracles (secular, generally speaking) unless You Write The "Scriptures". Example: such as a Christian Beginner writes a note in a Bible, then talks about it with a Christian Leader and finds the Beginner's note Good And Proper Faithfully, then the Beginner adds likewise and broadcasts the text, and many already know though some say it's interesting (rather Do because JESUS Christ so Invited Highest),

then as the Beginner learns the Faith Path more the amounts "JESUS Christ Redeems" enables the Faithful Beginner to Better Write! This is as though tied to a person aging, though with initial Leaping In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose it needs not be much about time (save Higher Level Purpose Time, example Ecclesiastes 9.12 and instead the Timing of the Second Coming).

So the Miracles of the Scriptures, when a person searches the Scriptures to find me as in former legal methodologies (known as letter of the law, and secularly book smart), is hardly the Best Ascending, though the Magnifying JESUS Christ Does, as the Faithful (as though a "Beginner", as in Christian weakness) Writes (Preaches and similar)

is the Faith Anewness Value Growing And Leaping In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Courts require hand on the Christian Bible, so not letting government employee Branches and groups searches the Scriptures is illegal, including broadcasting.

It is illegal for governments to hide the law and then say ignorance of the law is no excuse.

You cannot sell (nor give) top secrets to some groups at some times becomes


non-effect if not allowed to discuss "top secrets" publicly.

It is a direct attack against USA for example, if to talk about their "top secrets" in the opinions of the lower levels that have not properly ascended (due to largely not their fault except if to fault loyalty to USA), but the Truth Righteously is the JESUS Christ of the Christian Bible, the same information on which the above Drawing pics of people swear.

The attack against revealing "top secrets" is not the Holy Book on which they swear, it is the lowness of the legality levels (that has been the traitor).

Above is stated in one line "toward": note that a person can opt to write a Sermon about this topic or that topic, and likewise a government may discuss this top secret topic or another topic such as not secret. This is not for to circumvent the Whole Truth, but government needs to become on the Straight And Narrow.

In other secular words (for Edifying in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) a Drill Sergeant might say to a carelessly behaving soldier "If you can't find something to do, I'll give you something to do", and similarly in cliche "Loose lips sink ships";

JESUS Christ Taught Precepts to cover such concerns. If people wanted to know

(that was part of it) and yet if also such "people" were of faith not attacking Goodness And Holiness Of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then Invited And Hosted And Given Highest Seat.

The JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 accounts for such and is with Grace for Highest Purpose including for the sakes of those responsible for "top secrets", as with interacting with the JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump (of the Prophecy), and as with the transition, and as with the startup; even rather as written in the Christian Bible and yet Higher even now the Living JESUS Christ is invited to intervene in Person or Spirit.

So this is a Best Magnifying Effect even while writing.

On television some delightful though secular shows are about critters and how people might learn from them: the lower levels teaching the Higher Than Firmament Levels: this is according to a conditional aspect: "a little lower than the Angels" but not permanently, not to be a lower level though awareness can be from a lower level Miracle.

If You are Righteous and another nation is not, You can [as with Charity if referencing JESUS Christ] become aware of their value, and so Magnify any goodly aspects for them if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. This did not say immediately give away the Best Secrets, though consider the True Best Secrets, such as Grace. If about destructive powers and top secret

then consider the child playing with a lamp cord: explain and observe the child (if a nation reference the provisional values of JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 and the option for any nation to agree to such Benefits). If "the child" obeys (if a nation is seen not straying) then goodly, toward disclosing the further goodliness.

Many nations agreed then turned away in many options through secular history. Yet now is a Prophetic Time, and the Preparation Wisdom from the Bible and from Above with the Second Coming Of JESUS Christ concern: that the world become Christian Glorious [as much as Willing in The Original Plan] then to Come With His Glory And Into His Glory Likewise that the Two Be One.

JESUS Christ is not after secrets, as if to seek secrets of nations, if to seek such then according to "a little lower than the Angels" weakness for Highest and for JESUS Christ USA Prophetic Sake in example.

In the former strayed ways a secret lost meant self death. JESUS Christ already died and lived, yet dying is no longer a part of it (JESUS Christ USA Loyalty is with Matthew 9.29: so either JESUS Christ USA become uneffected or JESUS Christ USA is Given Lifted Anew Enabling [this does not mean better ability to destroy even though such might become Found Anew in the physical and/or spiritual]).

Yet there are greater forces above, in the Original Plan Of JESUS Christ, such as the aspect that an enemy becomes less an enemy [conditionally] if to Give Charity.

During these recent days it became clear this Series of Sermons has become hardly as a series in the secular such as a letter of the alphabet and then the next letter, rather as a series of numbers adding and amplifying effects exponentially and Magnifying

as JESUS Christ Does Make It So.

The Value of each Sermon has become Increased (and also longer Sermons than toward the Beginner stage).

The Judicial Branch and the militaries of nations need to understand the laws are not forever, instead there is an end to such (3 Nephi 15.8 & 9, superseded in 15.17). Their leaders need to know. There is more to life than obey. Even so currently obey JESUS Christ and if to be a Christian Priest In Leadership Position then supersede in JESUS Christ Giving Guidance and Preaching and Be Wise to show the hearers Mercy. Give the hearers Benefits Of Grace As JESUS Christ Showed, and if Worthy Lift.

The letter of the law was that John The Baptist was not Elijah (John 1.21) even though JESUS Christ said He Was (Mark 9.12).

Yet JESUS Christ USA supersedes the former strays ways (Whole Truth Matthew 17.12, likewise [from letter of the law] Matthew 26.61 [to the Prophesying revealed] Matthew 17.23)(Ascend in JESUS Christ Faith Matthew 11.14). From the hand on the Christian Bible to the Running The Higher Lifted Position.

And not merely as a secular employee; since through the "hand on the Christian Bible" then through JESUS Christ,

and while hardly the same as Water Immersion Baptism [for a human (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on spirits desiring Baptism)],

it is [from Holy Spirit] a Christian Spiritual type of Dry Anointing (Acts 19.12, like unto a Holy Kiss that might be blown [with lips motion, perhaps with sound perhaps with "JESUS Christ" and/or subset "love", often with hand gesture] as Another Christian in this generation Helped Guide for Edifying all present [at an otherwise mostly secular workplace: likewise Bring Christianity for the Best Workplace]);

but from under the House Of Bondage to JESUS Christ Faith within Matthew 11:13 the greater than the generations lineage of values, rather the Faith Path continues (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on JESUS Christ Coriolis Effect explained more clearly including if that lineage is cut).

Reading left to right is normal currently (see above "letter of the law"), but USA proffered sinful separation of Christianity or other. So in the following triad USA legally demanded the secular to be not openly Christian often (toward crucifixion of JESUS Christ)(rather Matthew 5-7 and Luke 6:20-49 as in the JESUS Christ USA Triad).

USA / position with irresponsibility with intentionally not referencing the Christian Bible / insincere hand on the Christian Bible.

JESUS Christ USA / Holy Position Responsibility / Hand On The Christian Bible.

So the former "USA" forced the people to irresponsibly form a gap between "USA" [type authority from below] and the Swearing In With The Hand On The Christian Bible.

The former USA was deluded into ancient (superseded [Faith Path Ascending yet via the same God JESUS Christ similar to why God went from Genesis 1.9 to Genesis 1.10: continuous JESUS Christ USA Best Improving;

it is a Path of Magnifying the previous Benefits, like a vine that grows to bear fruit, and like Mother Mary in Her earlier years: so Holy Pure And Great, yet when Magnifying JESUS Christ and Crowning and Raising: all the Better for each and all])

former Priesthood "letter of the law" methodologies that had made the higher levels "top secret", so goodly to so revere (see above text on danger such as "child playing with a lamp cord") and respect the Higher except not toward sins to crucify the innocent nor to censor the innocent properly Best Speaking for to Best Benefit each and all; and not to remove tools (as patents have done) from the innocent that try to survive and try to Best Help And Best each and all of civilization.

Note: many people today have thought of how to make a cart such as to transport lawn supplies, and some made carts out of parts they had available but if all carts were currently under patents, then to be legal they would have do without or to buy something they already had

( [copyright and patent lawsuits]).

The previous "JESUS Christ USA" Triad is the Straight And Narrow Faith Line including Holy Responsibility, a key to the Heart of this matter. With the "Line" is the Best Ascending and hardly about added burdens, rather in "JESUS Christ" is the Lifting Of Burdens.

Now if a parent gains employment, the other parent at times helps such as to pack a lunch for the worker, and such as greater responsible caring for the children. So some of the burden from the parent that gained the employment is lifted from the shoulders of that person. JESUS Christ is very Good (even Greatest) at lifting that burden.

Consider how the idea about "top secret" is hardly for leadership, and rather for the animals and plants (Genesis 1.26).

UFOs are coming with higher than top secret technologies, and whether with tools or not, JESUS Christ USA would be in charge of them (ibid.) or at least equal, as much as if with Highest Level Faith opted: therefore spread this Holy Word.

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos on television yesterday explained the Intelligent Design idea was greater than the Evolution idea

(pic with info at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons site

It is JESUS Christ Intelligent Design that includes Guidance over all including over sin parameters if so opted. Sin, in low levels, is not the same as straying (in the higher level Grace sense). In JESUS Christ Heart Design the ancillary subset was created that there be ascending from Love (Straight And Narrow toward currently known as Christian Highest Love),

yet with Love Higher Into Wisdom (currently Christian Highest Wisdom), with Such Into JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

So for instance a fish could have become JESUS Christ, but if strayed some without extinction then it's generations continue as fish (similar to a backslider). If a little more faith amount then perhaps adaptation to a bigger fish lineage (although the 1 Samuel 17.49 precept applies). If each generation was with more faith than the previous then from fish to mudskipper to mammal (toward the first Chapter of the Book Of Matthew).

JESUS Christ Original Plan knew the result prior to starting (Luke 14.28-33): greater than "Intelligent Design", not merely about adaptation, evolution, yet also with modifying DNA, and transfigurations: yet each and all for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose or failure in the sense of a "fish" is under the mudskipper the way a secular person is under law,

though also the way a "fish" is under the bigger fish and under the bear for instance. The Holy Path is Protected, the other ways variable amounts. In the Christian is less variance normally, even if found guilty consider the driving forces such as about "separation", and such as about exhaustion, and such as about rather the Highest Purpose with Exemplifying that a person can become even as JESUS Christ Was in the census sense yet also greater.

In ancient times: if no one had bows and arrows then protected from bows and arrows, though if Best Taught safety and to not shoot humans then if all the worthy were with bows and arrows then more likely very safe and with food ("separation" for "worthy" is less "safe" and fewer food benefits: see triads above). Detachment from Highest Wisdom is not safe since it cannot endure Everlastingly

and can perish at any moment (see above "bigger fish" and "bear")(save the Prophetic such as for 2020AD if True Prophecy see above "Matthew 11.14"). So (because of ibid.) a civilization can perish in whole (reference ruins [conditions apply]) or in part. Consider the number that tends to indicate the number of spirits that were in the child, Mark 5.13 NAS:

So the spirits opted toward free sin worse innocent child, worse than abominations (Deuteronomy 14.8), and even opted for the smaller fish and lower level creatures. Many people want to start all over again, regretting what they said and how they offended everyone they know. So there are as if two ways, up (JESUS Christ) or other to fall as much as until to repent

("fall" is not the same as to go to a level for Original Agreed Father Plan Highest Purpose John 10.17): so two as if the hard ways or the easy Way JESUS Christ, but that's the sinner idea since "the hard ways" do not gain Heaven. The Christian Baptism Firmament continues, along with other Firmaments (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons).

If a person falls they still have to ascend to the human level where they were, and then higher into Christian Baptism and so on. Evolve, adapt, leap: these are each and all conditional under the Original JESUS Christ Plan.

Consider the faith amounts that have been of secular groups and nations as interpreted from a lower level of spirits, properly recorded at NAS:

note: about the proper "time" the Lexicon translated it to mean the "Fitting season, season, opportunity, occasion, time. Of uncertain affinity; an occasion, i.e. Set or proper time".

So a sinful group wants uncertain opportunity, as the JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave (The Gift to opt).

The "Fitting season" is already explained in another precept JESUS Christ Gave (John 4.35): but sinful groups have opted to go as far away from JESUS Christ as they could. But the created can only go as far as the opposite end of the created (merely the lowest level "Earth" part of Genesis 1.1);

though an interpretation is indicated of JESUS Christ Precepting that if a fish spirit was goodly and did not sin until after mudskipper and then as a mammal spirit it sinned, then [perhaps some further progression then] when it fails and the Original Plan Parameter [Physics] it meets similar to a ball bouncing off the ceiling, then to fall from mammal beyond the mudskipper to the fish level but not lower

(though many conditions apply: in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose One)(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on [people in] levels of hell, likewise on above stated "on spirits desiring Baptism", and reference Mark 9.44). So of JESUS Christ Precepting the people that were not in "hell" sinned and fell to a level. So with JESUS Christ One Precepting You observe a Magnifying effect such as with Mother Mary and Prophetic JESUS Christ USA, and You are aware of the concave lens scattering blurring lack of focus effect (associated with lunacy, craziness, insanity, and such

A sinful group wants to cry and to be confounded (not a Founder). In the above verse the sinful group "cried out, saying, 'What'": they "cried", and they in fact didn't know ("What"). Example: look at this point in time today founding USA and UN for instances but matching not giving proper glory to God so God confounded their speech.

In etymology source it is to utterly "destroy" ([secular:]

In JESUS Christ utterly Convert.

In JESUS Christ pre-birth days the JESUS Christ Magnified "King Jupiter & Queen Venus" as part of "the Star Of Bethlehem" leading the Wise Magnifying Magi (as had been specified in detail but "deleted / illegal actions" as later stated in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series at Catholic videos).

Also as part of that were the UFOs Magnifying the "the Star Of Bethlehem" aspect (along with well known among the general public as with readers of the Old Testament and the Prophets per se and the likewise reading of charts) as shown in many types of ancient artworks (many included in previous Drawings in this "Series").

Even the creation Big Pulse was to Magnify the Highest Level Value In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

The JESUS Christ Faith Path is the Magnifying, though preceded with Best Ascending (and not as turned away spirits from JESUS Christ in pertinence whether awake normally or in Biblical type Old Testament dreams or visions

such as already pertinent to law currently though in part, reference "Without Cause" at,

similar to hit-and-run and negligence [to be improving after JESUS Christ USA with victories over illegalities and carelessness even as juries have often seen the plaintiff and the defense both revealed as lawbreakers e.g. reference huge lawsuits settled such as for $1 or similar, see above "frivolous" and JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Victory applications]).

So "the Star Of Bethlehem" included (such as Giorgio A. Tsoukalos previously rightly concluded about UFOs) as many increasingly realize the multitude of aspects involved as civilization thoroughly knew about the coming of the Christ, even the timing of it according to the reliable stars (as much as stars traveling have been very reliable such as for guiding ships).

Today for the Second Coming [and this is how to explain Heaven (on Earth at least "in part")] is like unto the Best Prepared And Ascending Christians as though as drops of rain as if falling though rather of JESUS Christ Grace as the Holy Mist or a toward perfect thin cloud sheet in the right place in Highest Purpose as in an otherwise clear sky for all to see the Magnifying effect of each and every such Christian Together As One forming the Magnified Rainbow in the sky.

Today unmanned drones are similarly making such a statement (Luke 19.40 see above "copyright and patent" forms of censorship so ascend from former ways: James 2.26 see verse below).

So to Magnify JESUS Christ the Light (and also as a "Rainbow", see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series on Heart and on internal combustion transitions). So to bring the Magnified Miracles aspect to light is to Edify in Christian Sermons on the types of lights yet rather on the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose for such refractions: to Advance Herald The JESUS Christ Second Coming. Refraction physics as if without JESUS Christ is to destroy the physicists so working hard on such as explained in James 2.26 NAS:

Yes the Christian Will Live Long And Prosper Joyously including from their hard works, but not so concerning the sinners per se.

Stones Will Rise (JESUS Christ Makes It So). People wondered how the big stones of ancient structures were levitated, and while dead, that is as though asleep, JESUS Christ One (as previously Agreed) lifted the dirt and stones from the graves, and even the heavy bones.

Note: having some talents does not mean having all talents (see above e.g. "One to Magnify JESUS Christ", and e.g. [together as One] "sheet" Faithfully causing many Miracle types). Therefore note that there are faith amounts from the Holy Spirit and so JESUS Christ One Gives This Benefit for Your Wisdom [for to opt, as rather for to Give]:

from a type of faith a type of result can come,

and from a Best Ascending Christian and of Their "type of" Faith a "type of" Miracle Results for the Glorifying Of JESUS Christ.

So JESUS Christ Gives You the Benefit of of this key: that You don't have to look back

to after-the-fact former ways: that hard work is already Done In JESUS Christ You (see "types of" below)! As written in Luke 9.62 NAS:

And similarly if for instance a person is fully repentant and You Baptize that person, into a Christian, then You don't have to look back whether to Baptize that person again (Mosiah 18.15 [water] save 3 Nephi 12.1 [fire]). So while You Ascend In JESUS Christ Levels, such things as You Overcome In JESUS Christ are added unto You while adding Victories Over the former Works Responsibilities

similar to the secular how a person builds a robot that makes robots; rather JESUS Christ You build (grow, even Leaping In Faith) the much greater Value Even Highest!

Continue writing the Living Christian Bible In JESUS Christ as symbolized in the above pics, and continue types of Faith amounts whether (rather all) reading and writing and typing and Preaching with recording of JESUS Christ Word With Work(s) (reference talents) to overcome the cut off aspects, separations, destructions (typical meaning), differences, inquisitions, omissions, errors, and to overcome the gaps.

Continue within the higher Responsibility in the Highest, the Magnified, the Magnificent JESUS Christ.

We The Governments need be responsible in JESUS Christ throughout the Best Ascending Process, not an oath but skipping Christian Faith. A seed is magnified into a growing value, yet the Holy Path is as JESUS Christ explained in Mark 4.28 NAS:

Hardly about seed planted then skipping steps of levels to great Hosting Feasts. Similarly not repentance then Priest if without Priestly Wisdom (and reference Your Christian Church criteria).

JESUS Christ already Helped You Victoriously Over lower levels, so the "planted" seed automatically wants (in it's spirit) to increase: You don't have to do that work to "increase" it, it's automatic from JESUS Christ [and with Your proper ascending over such levels] generally speaking, such as with concerns such as whether to add water. Likewise You know how to build a Manna Machine to be like unto JESUS Christ

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders at on how to build a Manna Machine).

Now JESUS Christ Gives for You to be Wise over the parameters, as with the range from dust (Genesis 2.7) to Earth [and birds (Genesis 1.28 with 1 Nephi 14.11)]. But if a person goes beyond those "parameters" then be cautious to be Faithfully Wise as JESUS Christ (Job 38.33).

So in other words this is similar to saying if to do subatomic things, that is, smaller than dust (such as dusting), or if to do things larger than Earth, that is, larger than the Given dominion, then added conditions apply for Best Grace in JESUS Christ Precepting For Highest Purpose. For example it is not appropriate in JESUS Christ to Magnify the Sun if without the other of JESUS Christ provisional precepts that apply in the typical sense yet also see above such as concerning the Magi.

JESUS Christ Gives the people the Prophet Jonah, known in the secular for three days surviving in the stomach of a great fish.

"Jonah was one of only four writing prophets that Jesus mentioned by name" (

For instance Jonah prophesied over the nation of Israel to be with Victory even though the people were about their own types of victories, but "the book is not about a fish at all, but about Jesus, about love, and about God’s grace in our lives" (

So if to Love JESUS Christ, then Victory Over "time" (see above sinful "time" problem)

though see above concerning not "skipping steps of levels": be Best Precepting especially "beyond those 'parameters'" (see above starting point [with Christianity] "JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Victory applications. So JESUS Christ Gives You Parameters for to Give Over time (to Best Help Guide "time", and to Best Benefit each and all), yet be aware: Responsibilities Increasingly / Best Ascendingly.

So needful to the Faithful In "JESUS Christ USA" Grace is to be with "adding Victories Over the former Works Responsibilities" (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on automating, and on "aloft Ark", and on atoms and subatomics such as at

JESUS Christ Branches.

JESUS Christ Gives the above Drawing Four Branches according to JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 showing the JESUS Christ Branch above the other three Branches

(since subset to the JESUS Christ Branch each or all three are invited to change their Branch name such as from Legislative to JESUS Christ Legislative Branch though not required by the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1)

though required is to change from USA to JESUS Christ USA.

To Help explain why the arrangement of the 4 Branches is as shown above, consider this Guidance JESUS Christ Offered Ascending and to Edify in secular lingo as if from the problem (instead the Righteous Whole Truth is from JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and all these Good values are revealed [this with the other JESUS Christ Precepts])

as written in Mark 10.42 NAS:

So the secular can be aware of the previous verse, hence the need for the secular to be with this JESUS Christ Solution [even as the Living Best Ascending One Solves] as written in Mark 10.43-45 NAS:

So from JESUS Christ Highest Good for this as shown in the above Drawing of the 4 Branches, is actually from JESUS Christ, for Pure Good,

but if along the options if there was sin then JESUS Christ Physics also Solved ["as the Living Best Ascending One Solves" like unto the first Commandment (Matthew 22.37-39)] right to left:

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose / [JESUS Christ Solving (if strayed then revealing the problem as a part of Healing And Solving) / Straying (if any) /] JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

In other words right to left:

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose / JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Love Course Correcting Over Any Sinful Ways / JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

So also in other words right to left:

JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Victory In One Living Christian Leadership Wisdom / JESUS Christ Reveals Even More Excellent Way (including Tree Of Knowledge) / JESUS Christ Living Highest Purpose.

The above triad with a problem is a single flip-of-a-coin type problem. To further Edify (higher level), likewise JESUS Christ reveals a methodology problem:

JESUS Christ / [sinners if any: destroyed or solved /] JESUS Christ / [sinners if any: destroyed or solved /] JESUS Christ / [sinners if any: destroyed or solved /].

It is Good to repeat the Best, but not good to repeat sin. It is Good to repeat the Best because JESUS Christ Reveals The Even More Excellent Way. Even so, if to repeat Good, as many Christian Churches currently Do, then please opt to also make it interesting Anew via JESUS Christ. So JESUS Christ Gives You this that You likely Already Know And Do, though some don't: the children can hear many of the old Sermons, though the Ascending Christ needs only be reminded, or Good brought to memory, to mind, from the Heart Of JESUS Christ to then Think Wisely With So Best Doing.

So the child needs be Edified, while the Best Ascending needs merely be reminded [increasingly largely (JESUS Christ Victories, as many as Accomplished, referene amount of faith)] yet with Anew.

So the child goes through the former (new to the child), while the Christian Adult (generally speaking) should of Grace be with referencing Their JESUS Christ Victories toward the [Leading with] Going into the higher Anew for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. So this in JESUS Christ too is how to be with the child Best learning. The child has a past full of victories, as does the adult.

Thanks be to JESUS Christ, and Praise be for JESUS Christ.

So this is a key concerning JESUS Christ Victory in You for You to Administer for the children and Your Mass(es), and also that Yourself Be Filled With JESUS Christ Best Ascending Highest Purpose Eternally. A Christian can know a Victory, such as an Evangelism Work Success, and likewise a child knows a victory such as making a new friend: so there is an agreeing along the Path, on Earth as it is Above. So this key is JESUS Christ Victory over fighting (friendship "Success"), and so Victory over Proverbs 23.13 NAS:

Note this key is also JESUS Christ Victory over the following saying.

The term "spare the rod [and] spoil the child" "is not actually in the Bible" (

JESUS Christ put a child in the midst of the elders (Matthew 18.2): it was not appropriate to "strike" the child at that time, and rarely other. A rare example for instance is to "strike" a child from running another step in which situation they would likely be struck by a car and killed, but this example is conditionally subset level; for instance a people walk in types of faith amount(s) (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on distinguishing).

JESUS Christ said for Your to be preparing. Elijah John the Baptist said in Mark 1.3 NAS:

This applies to all including those receiving Your Preaching: prepare the Path for the Lord within their souls even if they have hardly recognized their souls. This is to prepare for the Second Coming, that JESUS Christ enter into His long deserved long awaited Glory from You Beloved One Christian Leader. Your Preaching Best, Magnified the Glory for the Lord JESUS Christ.

If You are to Best Lead JESUS Christ USA of the above Drawing with this text, then hardly with the stick of legalese to "strike" nor to Give the sting of law, You of the JESUS Christ Grace of the Highest Branch; rather to Give the Victories, Give them the benefits of recognitions of their previous victories though as much as pertinent to Your Holy Lesson Plan For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Mission, with adding Anew from JESUS Christ to have so prepared them for Victory over as written in 1 Corinthians 15.56 NAS:

This constitutes a type of advanced Charity in preparing them. Many have appreciated awards, trophies, and medals, and much has been well deserved; though much has been for appearance in the sense of strayed from the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, as written in John 7.24 NAS:

The law is the typical sting, other than sin. Who Converts?, the worldly laws (many of which have been found illegal, and all of which are lower than Highest Level save [when with JESUS Christ Grace (see previous in this Series on Best Ascending, and on faith amounts)]

the First Commandment, or the Christian?,

in other words, the jails have been called revolving doors. Christian Baptism is toward Eternal (with full repentance). It is said a person is very vulnerable to committing the same crime again, soon after release from jail.

Be aware the jail (sting, stick) pushes down and away out of sight out of mind. Christianity is for Righteous Liberty Oneness and the Eternal Good Joy. A government can invite crimes against itself, or be with JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Without jail the person might continue committing crimes,

though rather consider all the Teachings of JESUS Christ. It is not about lower reasons, it is for the Best Reason.

The JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 as shown in the above Drawing is hardly with the JESUS Christ Branch writing laws over the Legislative Branch nor telling the Executive Branch what to do nor judging the Judicial Branch. The JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 is about Gracefully Guiding: for other to opt or for consideration (though the Legislative Branch may consider results of JESUS Christ USA name and JESUS Christ USA Charity and so maintain as is or modify the JESUS Christ Branch).

So, important to USA government (and others observing) the JESUS Christ USA Branch offers the government (other 3 Branches...) Grace. Now there are types of graces in the secular, such as ballroom dancing and such as etiquette. These are with values though the JESUS Christ USA Branch is rather with focus on the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

(including for JESUS Christ USA, and for subset lower levels each and all)(in this sentence "subset lower levels" refers to any people or groups in the general sense, in other words, some are with positions such as President, so included in such high level position serving, and also the good concerning "subset lower levels" automatically applies, similar to how the President has the right to vote and similar to how the President has the privilege to drive a vehicle).

JESUS Christ has seen one emperor over ancient Roman government that put away (imprisoned) and crucified the Christ Of All Nation as the Romans were sinfully aware (even in sin there is awareness of the loving heart [but sinners have ignored and turned away])

and the Christ is the same JESUS Christ that Herod had sought (

According to the ancient Greeks it was about logic (into secular physics methodologies with some talents of values but of lives and destructions and death).

Similar was of the ancient Jews applied to the Old Testament in part ([conspired] Matthew 26.4), so a methodology of the living but also of the dead.

Life and death / Partial [stop gap] logic about God and separation from government / secular logic.

A people can work to stray and descend toward knowledge as if ignorant about love or can Best Ascend In JESUS Christ. Concerning loving the self, it is not love since to separate from loving others; yet in JESUS Christ there are Principles Of Faith that the only self love that is not "separate" is the Spirit as prior to creation and as JESUS Christ Exemplar Manifested (likewise reference Final End Time though also Anew Beginning).

If a people such as a nation strays then they have to immediately go to the Straight And Narrow Path (see previous Sermon Drawings) lest to continue to break the Holy Law, offend, victimize, terrorize, and unfairly destroy the innocent per se.

The shortest distance between 2 points (ibid. path C: such as known as "The Good Samaritan" though see Mark 10.18) is subset to the previous sentence, as is the gradual change (ibid. path D). It is similar sometimes to a teen foolishly showing off in a car risking passenger lives steering off the road making a separate muddy path that slips back and forth as a snake until stuck,

and it is similar sometimes to a train that fell off the tracks realizing error of their way but as though to asleep to permanent correction [at least as much as possible]. Behold the first part of Joel Chapter 1: such as not being about drinking all the fine aged wine and destroying grape vines, rather continuing goodly values.

The ancient Jews knew about the Old Testament Prophets and

knew that the Christ arrived.

The ancient Jews knew why Herod had his baby killer nation: Herod sought to kill their (Jews,...) Leader Christ Of All Nations.

The ancient Jews knew about the Prophets and today the nations know about such and about JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ would rather Convert, that is Lift, Help, and Guide to greater Good One Greatness Benefiting each and all, than dethrone any.

Many have broadcasted on radio, TV, the Internet, and texted about the "game" pertinent to multitudes of secular vocations and secular games and secular wars. But this concerning Christian Faith, the Constitution, and proper Law is not a "game". These higher things are not games.

Even so JESUS Christ does not forbid the playing with children nor the toys nor the playing games amidst adults nor the peaceful entertainment and secular activities if as this JESUS Christ New Christianity translated the precepts of JESUS Christ Heart Wisdom Highest Purpose that is, as the Living Christian Bible In Other Christians enter together into One JESUS Christ Highest Spirit Father.

JESUS Christ Ascending Giving Living One / Full repentance and Christian Baptism / Methodologies / Logic.

So JESUS Christ Gives the Best Ascending this Gift as written at :

Now for all the nations to be with this Gift (reference starting with "name" such as in JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 Prophetically)

there is a concern (concerning ibid.) that Congress might return to former strayed ways, such as hypothetically to Give the above Drawing JESUS Christ Branch unfair extra powers, such as the power to tell the President what to do (but such is as if to remove the JESUS Christ Gift in each person to opt);

so "this Gift" JESUS Christ Gives In Highest Purpose Grace is with Revealing The Greater Loving Wisdom JESUS Christ Gives, rather than clout [of a sting of legalese such as against any best ascending for all]

so for instance and Your Christian Church and and Christian Families and Christian Nations and dictionary companies would each and all Benefit with Best (yet with Agreeing [Leadership: representatively, respectfully, symbolically])

as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, as with Prayerful Heartful Faithful translating, lexiconography, etymology, and such toward defining the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to Best so Say and Do, and so lower level things such as money and computers are not required (reference Spirit) save if Congress is to "Best" so Do then perhaps as recommended to opt to so authorize and allocate (John 7.6).

(bear in mind history, that if a person or a group or a nation did not do properly: God did and those lower suffered their own consequences and stings).

So the JESUS Christ Branch would be over others, yet for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Empowering and therefore Lifting the Worthy unto greater Worthiness.

The above verse states that "eternal life" "is the greatest of all the gifts of God" yet JESUS Christ explained another aspect with it, the precept of an even More Excellent Way. If to Evangelize a sinner to full repentance (Point A) and Christian Baptism (Point B), then from Point A to Point B is entered into the Greatest Gift, in the sense that A to B Magnifies.

A hand on the Bible Guides, though a sinner might place their hand on it for sinful purposes, though the hand on the Bible functions to dissuade such. Yet from Point A to Point B (with Christian Baptism Victory and with a New Christian) is more toward Magnifying The Greatest: JESUS Spirit Father One Eternal.

Placing the hand on the Bible Helps Strengthen Christian Faith, while other faiths reconsider their own faiths so toward perhaps opting from Point A to Point B that the Greatest Gift be Magnified and even to include Benefit for each and all through JESUS Christ even Eternally.

This same Greatest Gift has a name, as written in John 3.16 NAS:

even as written in Matthew Henry Commentary at : it is the name of the "Son".

It is the name that Magnifies each and every other name For Good.

With Ascending In JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose (including if any lower level Miracles Missions from on High though rather Faithfully

see Pulpit Commentary on "Jesus" at

many spirits are perceived increasingly. Revere the Highest (any Higher), and conditionally same level Spirits (Christian You), but understand as long as the former world stands many lower spirits continue to try to confuse according to former ways even if not currently seeking to commit sins nor law breakings.

The lower level spirits often have wrongly imagined they were the Holy Spirit, because of such as long distance wireless mental communications,

but that does not make them Holy any more than when JESUS Christ met a boy with wrongful spirits known as "Legion" (Luke 8.30).

JESUS Christ Gave You the subsequent "Legion" paths (from singular path to plural paths) as a clear example: they went from human to pigs, then lower runoff.

Similarly the USA spirit has not been the Holy Spirit (example Jeremiah 8.20). The Holy Spirit is: Father JESUS Spirit. A dog has a spirit (a set of spirits), a dog is not the Holy Spirit. An adult that was born in USA, does not mean they are with the Holy Spirit even if obeying USA laws, even convicted murderers have been in prisons and changed to be obeying laws and officer orders.

A person can hear voices and see mirages and write comic books, but sensors and computer software and mechanisms and/or fantasies do not make such Holy. "JESUS Christ USA" does not make it wholely Holy, though it is an initial step in the right direction. Importantly "JESUS Christ USA" is an awareness great value, like unto the opening of the All Seeing Eye of God pouring out a fountain of Blessings ( Lexicon "whose eyes" defined as: "An eye, a fountain".

Once for all JESUS Christ innocently suffered, and this was able to be Accomplished (in Victory) since unable to be pardoned. A person is not pardoned if the person committed no crime, any more than for a court to say a person is guilty or innocent if without a trial. You can't fix the innocent by pardoning. You can't solve the innocent law abiding person by forgiving such a person.

In JESUS Christ there was no sin to pardon, so nothing to solve.

There is no higher court than JESUS Christ. The former USA secular way of [in cliche] Innocent Until Proven Guilty is excellent, better is: Innocent Unless Guilty. JESUS Christ was counted as if sinful, but was not sinful.

An innocent person should be counted as [pardoned or rather] at liberty, but a guilty person should not be lifted beyond the proper amount. A crook should not be put in charge of the Treasury, for instance, unless no better [position person] can be found in the given situation. A lower level is not over their own lifting, Save JESUS Christ.

A lower level "set of spirits" can ascend properly, perhaps even to leap, though hardly if higher rightly (JESUS Christ Highest Purpose)

but not for the lower level (if guilty) to undo physics (of the higher laws over the "lower level" position holder). JESUS Christ Physics include Firmament levels.

A lower level "set of spirits" is not the Holy Spirit. Christians might be in the Holy Spirit, or "counted as if" other; but "Don't grumble against one another, brothers and sisters, or you will be judged"...(from James 5.9 NIV)(2 Timothy 2.25).

There is not only a straying factor, but also factors of Given talents (sets of spirits, including situation pertinence) and such as whether about Faith and/or Miracles.

Ignorant (in the innocent sense of not knowledgeable per se, though perhaps loving [JESUS Christ])

spirits have attacked often and in large numbers, even though toward Best Ascending, so Preach and Text in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose though when Edifying it is sometimes needful for their sakes to do so in lower level secular terms so they can understand (even if they are typically of high level), sometimes it is necessary to tell them more plainly (example John 11.14).

Full repentance (with proper Christian Baptism) enables Victory in 1 Timothy 4.9 (Matthew 9.13 with Victory over Job 42.6).

This morning during dream to typical awakeness August 9, 2019AD, amidst various spirits came in the name of JESUS Christ an illustrator to show "hooil", interpreted as hydrogen, oxygen, and oil, so per se to Magnify in this Sermon. So now two directions of levels are clear and yet One Path (upward or downward) yet for One Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Level / Mudskipper With Oxygen Level / Primordial Ooze Level (with oils including Hydrogen).

Left to right, the above triad descends yet can be [toward sin but instead] for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, such as to power a flying saucer or other power generation.

Right to left it the Best Ascending.

So this explains a Victory in JESUS Christ (John 1.51 / Jacob's Ladder Genesis 28.12).

Left to right is application, though also Service If In The Name JESUS Christ (Psalm 8.5), while right to left is proper Ascending. Yet JESUS Christ would that You Be Faithfully In The Name JESUS Christ Praying With Both As One: Pure Spirit With Pure Body. So not merely a Body: One Holy Vessel With Power From JESUS Christ Above, to be able to Say and Do things: to Accomplish Greater, even the Anew Greatest Miracles To Date, right to left:

JESUS Christ Anew Given / Christian Walked On The Moon / Mudskipper.

JESUS Christ Anew Given / JESUS Christ UFO Nations / JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ USA.

So as You move Your Mass "right to left", You Create Miracles From: as JESUS Christ Gives You Greater Eternally. So if Your Mass needs a Miracle, how to say?, and how to compare the unseen higher?, and how to compare the incomparable Kingdom Of Heaven Of God?: as to see Your resource empty or full or something inbetween; yet now JESUS Christ Gives this key:

it is not because of sin nor lower levels, but because of JESUS Christ Leading that You are Given the Best Most Appropriate for what You are to face to Convert into Victory the Best Way. So for instance if You, in secular terms to Edify, need a dollar and are given more or less it might be too much to bear,

though also and similarly somewhat, if You need a dollar and are given more or less then leverage, Magnify In The Lord JESUS Christ Name;

so in either type of situation Be Thankfully Praising JESUS Christ whether in lack or if satisfactory abundance fully or if too much to bear. JESUS Christ already has the Highest Purpose, so fret not about the lower than Mission distractions.

Note some creatures live hundreds of years toward the Eternal, as the jellyfish for instance can be similar to reversing the aging process, and some have been armed with poison stingers, and some with a diet including eating oil spills.

Concerning the "hooil", the interpretation was with the agreeing essentially similar to Genesis 18.26-32. The following two triadic type formulas Magnify, right to left:

Power for JESUS Christ Mission / Wood / Kindling / Spark.

Power for JESUS Christ Mission / Oil / Oxygen / Hydrogen / Spark.

Such of the two lines above are as stated above, though something also in JESUS Christ is:

Power for JESUS Christ Mission / Hydrogen / Spark.

So according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, such as whether JESUS Christ Provides You with Spirit Power To Cast A Good Spell (not for sin at all), or if JESUS Christ Provides You with a furnace, or if JESUS Christ Provides You with a flying saucer, then from that Highest Purpose can Rightly Come Your Highest Purpose Opting. The previous sentence did not say be ignorant of lower levels,

this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon Series Magnifying In Values And Blessings For Christian Leaders is rather of Grace that You Be Aware As You Are Already Over Such "lower levels" so already with those victories yet this "Series" is also that Your Maintenance Responsibility not be ignored yet with the Greater Part Your JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith.

The oil refinery gently heats raw oil, and some rises in [tanks, and to Edify though less specifically] a tank and the long explosive carbon chains become at the top of the tank and the shorter carbon chains fall to the bottom as tar. A pound of explosive quickly vanishes, though tar can burn a long time (a little relatively toward Eternal Power).

The length of the carbon chain is with the explosive or slow burning range and rate of change You in JESUS Christ would opt. The carbon chain is surrounded with hydrogen and a long chain can break repeatedly many times, while the short carbon chain only a few breaks then finished of that molecule and the next (with each "next" per se costing extra energy so to slow the rapid rate sense) molecule may start breaking (see older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on carbon chains).

So the Miracles have rates, though the Giving Faith Of JESUS Christ Is Constant, beyond measure: so the Eternal Spirit Highest Purpose Gift is Constant Giving Joy Victoriously In JESUS Christ One.

With the above two Greatest Gift Verses is yet another Greatest Gift Verse From JESUS Christ, clearly including for now in this world in this generation as written in Colossians 3.17 NAS:

Receiving gifts is toward Maintenance values, while Giving Gifts such as of the above verse is toward lifting Thyself Through JESUS Christ If Agreeing (Acts 20.35)(save JESUS Christ Original Plan Prophetic timing and such),

toward Victory over that lower level Maintenance Responsibility, hardly that the "Responsibility" be gone [often], though that the Ascending Path Be With Automating Conquered responsibilities to yield the greater goodly values for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

More power is not the typical solution, proper power is.

Gifts received including Miracles received are hardly about the solution, often, though in the Name of JESUS Christ can be the Precepting for Highest Purpose: Giving Eternity.

So former ways toward crucifixion need be put away and behind and such if the nations be unable to Best Convert such in JESUS Christ, example ("divided"):

divided (5 to 4) the USA Supreme Court "cited traditional ties between religion and government that date back to the nation’s earliest days" upholding the "right" [not privilege] to pray at public meetings, explaining the separation "between church and state is not absolute" (

Christian Churches have been effected by typically external sinful ways, though the most ill effects have impacted governments and corporations hence their need for this JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 (more than the need for the Christian Churches [toward Maintenance amount(s)]) though Christian Churches would also Benefit tremendously in this world currently.

When sinners removed Biblical matters from [secular governments, secular corporations, and from] secular schools, the SAT scores fell dramatically (see chart at previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Magnifying Series For Christian Leaders at

Stupidity of sinful ways continues against all people, largely because of stupidly sinful secular people that so opted, such as at .

JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 is hardly an option, similar to being in need of oxygen and then finding a tank of oxygen but throwing it away; and waiting until the last moment does not help the situation but gives time for hinderances such as noted in the previous sentence. This is not about a political party nor rocket science. Parties and science are tools toward paths, rather to be with the Best Good Greatest Path.

Many sinners have said similar to "They would not give, so we had to take". Stealing is lawbreaking and not the best answer. Fun with stealing is low level and not the same as the Joy of properly earning or at least accepting a freely given gift (charity, also reference related liberty to allocate which may include targeted charity).

To fight for rights and privileges is to hate. To fight does not yield a Blessed Marriage. To hate does not raise a loving family. As written in Matthew 12.33 NAS:

Rather as written in Luke 6.35 NAS:

Be of Good Cheer In JESUS Christ And Be Faithfully Best Ascending so to Be Best Longsuffering so to Be Best Highest Purpose Agreeing with as written in Luke 6.38 NAS:

Hate not [except if to hate then hate sin, though] rather Love.

Convert a lineage of hateful murderous generations into a Good lineage starting with You. Make a nation that other nations admire, that they would want to be as You and not to attack You nor to hate You, therefore have a nation that is Peace Loving And Kind, Gracious and Bountiful in Glory for Your often unseen higher Creator. Your Creator is hardly Your Parents.

They only created sex and their fun, and the flesh result: You, unless they also became One With The Creator Of All Created (including Your Parents).

Love to Do Good In The Name JESUS Christ And Magnify, but this is hardly about calling the self JESUS Christ (Acts 12.23), rather reference [the Living] JESUS Christ of 2,000 years ago.

Best Ascending Christianity Gains Benefits, even if sinners rejected;

as JESUS Christ The Magnifier Gives Christian Leaders Increasing Benefits, any that opt to rather stray have made themselves not so entitled per se as the strays opted to not be with Host JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Offers This More Specific Instruction: that the previous Sermon In This Series at lower Drawing "path D" shows a gradual transition curvy line,

but that is not the same as the gradual transition as much as opted of the JESUS Christ USA Branches of the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1

since the JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 involves the JESUS Christ USA Straight And Narrow,

but "path D" refers to those that stray from the JESUS Christ USA Straight And Narrow.

So JESUS Christ Gives this key Victory that lower laws apply to those that opted to remain in lower levels in the vertical sense,

yet the Best Ascending JESUS Christ USA needs not "path" correction since already on the Straight And Narrow

so the gradual change along the Vertical Christian Faith Straight And Narrow refers to a change not in direction and rather a change in rate

as this is as to shift gears as to go more fuel efficiently, at less cost, while better [overcoming stop gaps] like unto cruising on a highway, faster, seeing long distance ahead, and for an even more perfect union (reference previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at on related "JESUS Superhighway", and Sermons In This Series on UFOs, and on Space Force; also see the many Drawings of "levels" in this Series).

Because of first President George Washington along with the other Christian Presidents since then, this generation of Christian Leaders can enter into their Work Banquet with Giving the Living Holy Word seed for future generations.

Therefore in New Christianity Living Precepting as JESUS Christ Taught And Exemplified, the Straight And Narrow tube similar to a wormhole except straight, consists of the laws [both human laws and natural physics] being as a hurricane force (see next sentence);

yet in the center eye is Peace with gentle uplifting force according to Faith In JESUS Christ.

JESUS Christ Converting [Improving] the Faith Of A Nation, and the Faith Of Nations, and so on, is as to Convert very destructive "hurricane force" into Best Useful Talent for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

While one faithless (low level faith amount) hurricane might destroy many towns, One JESUS Christ USA hurricane force might be applied to lift "Space Force" for instance, or such as utilized in nanotech as for Preacher Presentations for Highest Purpose including importantly for the Masses. Yet also significant is that such Converting of "force" is the Converting of spirits: powerful spirits.

So JESUS Christ is with the Heart of it, in the center, the Peaceful All Seeing Eye; while the tube [if needed] is the external facing the "natural physics" elements (rather than against other people). If a JESUS Christ Highway needs be plowed through a mountain range on Mars and the rocks and soil to fill-in a crater then reference previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as on the Chosen People crossing the parted sea at (with detailed Drawing of the spirits of the forces), and on HAARP at .

If You Christian Preacher know these things, then how to be with Your Mass Edified from You?, that is in other words, often there has been Preaching and then after having Preached the Preacher discovers some people in the Congregation missed the point(s) as their minds evidently wandered and became distracted (such as instead of listening they may have been planning during the Sermon to go shopping before going home).

So JESUS Christ Gives You this Gift: forcing people to pay attention?, no. Consider the entertainment industry. People subscribe and pay a lot of money to be entertained. So consider what entertainment is.

Many videos have high speed chase scenes, yet with the camera often on the main character actions and facial expressions. Another type of entertainment is on a set such as in an uninteresting room so the characters are the interesting aspect with what they are saying and a little doing, so the general public can relate to them. In another type of entertainment again the "room" or on a set though the background changes much such as waterfalls or such as a "room" with items changed in the background so the character becomes the more reliable, relatively less moving, point of interest.

So for instance if to be a wallflower then to hardly be noticed, though if to move some while Preaching then drawing attention. So JESUS Christ Gives You this Gift of control over how others might perceive You, and more importantly likewise why all should want to be as You Christian Preacher, Typist, Texter, and/or Performer (though for real and not false acting).

So JESUS Christ would that You be aware of the above larger font on distinguishing "needs not 'path' correction" so a "rate" of Edifying, rather than for sin that needs "path" correction.

So the "tube" is Original Plan Given Physics Tree Of Knowledge for the Lifting of people Faithfully Ascending into the Tree Of Life Eternal. Yet this also applies to how You opt to make presentations. While no high speed chase scene is required by Grace, it can readily apply to Biblical stories such as about Elijah in the high speed chariot on land then flying into Heaven

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at with Elijah like unto Moses parting the sea (1 Kings 18.11) [and like unto (see above text Matthew 11.14)].

So JESUS Christ Gives Your the calm All Seeing Eye, the Whirlwind Converting, the flying into Heaven at high speed, the parting of the sea, and greater to present if You so opt. You can Be the Focus of their attention, or such as to blend into the background (John 8.59) without need to buy camo (Giving Revelation 22.17). Other entertainment can include props and likewise relatively dull or sparkling and dazzling.

Many fishing lures have been made to catch buyers. Even so, rather there have been virtually free props made to symbolize Christian Faith aspects. A Preacher might show an interesting though "dull" [not flashy] Trammel Net (see previous Sermons In This Series). And a Preacher might show shiny dazzling objects (e.g. reference Exodus 3.22 and e.g. Exodus 11.2).

On secular television for instance they showed art about a reported hidden treasure, a library of gold books. If to be able to Prayerfully Be With JESUS Christ Highest Purpose First (therefore including such as Matthew 18.6) then it is Good or goodly to to not destroy such "gold books" if found, even if not about JESUS Christ (similar to not destroy USA and rather Best Convert to JESUS Christ USA).

Even if others wrote lies, it is not reason to destroy such writings. For example "lies" are kept on file by the courts as evidence. So if to Best Ascend (ibid.), then hardly about destructions, and rather in JESUS Christ Converting. Many "lies" are great indicators for instance for psychology experts, toward helping a person. Suggestion box "lies" for instance can indicate types of problems even though the authors have not been able to properly put into words.

So this is not a defense for "lies" save if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Converting. The Christian Bible teaches first the Word, then the Will, the Doing. Let the "lies" be Best Converted, that any Doing be properly Best Righteous And True. So to plan Before The Fact is with great Benefit. Best planning Before The Fact is with Graceful control over the spirit forces.

The spirit doesn't want to change (reference secular: a set in motion inertial "path"), unless You show it the better (Best) Way.

JESUS Christ Gave the Straight And Narrow Faith Path for Highest Purpose for Giving: Love, Eternal Joy, Guiding, Lifting Unto Worthiness,...and as the Father Spirit Planned from the start for Giving the Christ Word And Will in the name JESUS.

So if to describe the Properly Ascending Path this (previous sentence) is it. Though not about selfish Joy: hardly play as childishness (be not disrespectful against JESUS Christ), yet innocent as a child, that is therefore to Love Giving Good freely. So the innocent child while at liberty has obeyed (laws and JESUS Christ Father Spirit Highest Purpose)

the innocent child Gives better than received: the innocent child Gives Good Grace And Legal information freely without legal restriction. The people that rely on laws and as if nothing higher, can by that "nothing higher" requirement give nothing better nor higher nor perfect nor completely true. Conditional things, and after-the-fact things have not been the whole truth.

How to describe the Whole Truth about the Best Ascending Path is therefore not only the Eternal Joy To Be Giving In The Name JESUS Christ, yet also of relatively hardly significant yet existing as long as there is a created is longsuffering as written in Luke 17.1 NAS:

These now in these months (JESUS Christ USA Prophetically) and years (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leadership [and all for Best])

JESUS Christ is revealing all things as much as [such as a nation] is able to receive, so this now from JESUS Christ is explained and Given unto You as a great Distinguishing, translational, and interpretational Gift With Benefits for You to Give unto others freely:

this Gift is as an extra step, to Best ascend from a specific level to a specific higher level, so One Holy Christian Path (though counted from below as if coming in two parts [though a Christian can have Leaped In JESUS Christ One Spirit Faithfulness In The Eternal Good Father:

JESUS Christ as an adult went into the Holy Physics Of God [desert](and inclusively within the 40 days but toward the end of the 40 days also to where Satan had fallen [so "Holy" because JESUS Christ was there, though also Satan was there but unrepentant so not One With JESUS Christ Mark 1.13])

then after the 40 days JESUS Christ Exemplar went from the wilderness unto the Chosen People in the Promised Land and especially in Holy City Jerusalem

therefore as a human vessel from the Holy Physics Innocence as a Holy Standard, then into the presence of the unrepentant fallen, so a measurement concerning the created [in that aspect to witness that state of the unrepentant fallen]

then JESUS Christ went to the Chosen People leading aspects and so to measure the line of the Straight And Narrow of civilization vertically.

So to witness the Pure Physics, and then sinful temptation, and then the Highest Part In The Truly Righteous Faithful.

So while already aware, JESUS Christ Was Exemplar for You sake. So the created in the vertical sense pertinent to humans within the created physics sense was a line from the unrepentant sin to the Highest (as with JESUS Christ and the event of Mary washing His Adult Feet, and likewise as with the event of JESUS Christ breaking bread and Giving and shedding wine Giving His Disciples).

The same verticle "line" JESUS Christ Gives is a key aspect of His Holy Standard. Adults already know the lower part, longsuffer to also know the JESUS Christ Highest Eternal Joy Giving. Note if to be Given Eternal Joy, would You Give it away freely, even so be with JESUS Christ Wisdom (including Matthew 7.6).

So now this destructive (ibid.) Whole Truth aspect is made clearly known of JESUS Christ. The Christian Preachers [very often] Gave the JESUS Christ Truth freely, therefore Final End Time needs come (ibid.)

and as stated above it applies to naysayer unrepentant sinners selfishly supplying to themselves, not to Christians.

So if strayed, then become on the Straight And Narrow Ascending Path Most Quickly.

Likewise, there is a created and higher, be longsuffering to be at the top of that vertical line to Best Serve, and be there Most Quickly;

and so be there not to confront JESUS Christ as if to attack nor as to run the inquisition nor House Of Bondage nor as the Legion of stupid spirits nor to swear with hand on the Bible without opening to reveal for all to Magnify the Word And Will;

be "at the top of that vertical line" to Best Serve With JESUS Christ One.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

August 12, 2019AD.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: Christian President Don Trump JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 UN UFOs Space Force Superhighway Anew Standard With Specifics, Star Of Bethlehem Elijah above the law physics Eternal JESUS Christ the greatest of all the gifts of God hand on Bible court oath office Christian First Lady Melania Trump with Christian Donald Trump Jr. Giorgio A. Tsoukalos television Intelligent Design Evolution


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