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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS:

JESUS Christ UN.

JESUS Christ Said for the United Nations, UN, in Matthew 22.37 NAS:

as the first and foremost duty for the UN (to be with Holy Grace In Highest Purpose Leading).

JESUS Christ Gave this Highest Truth for the UN to Give, as it "begins with the Creed of Israel ('Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord'), and so the truth is in its right position as the foundation of the duty", and this Highest Truth is something the "lawyer"s knew afterward from the source that explained unto their understanding(s): JESUS Christ (

JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 USA Christian President Don TrumpOakIsland White House Kremlin Chinese Imperial Palace Great Hall Of The People International Court Of Justice 150 cyclotrons TRIUMF transporting protons 520 mega electron volts Guinness World Records China spacecraft ground penetrating radar over USA Strategic Defense Initiative Missile Defense Agency Star Wars plasma 14,000 miles per hour mining operations pure glass new compounds chemicals materials in this Prophetic time UN makes creatures part human and part reptilian automatically movies Outbreak The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Humphrey Bogart as Dobbs met the poison gila monster Charlie Wilson's War money laundering deficit The Godfather In the Army Now The Hunt for Red October Buckaroo Spies Like Us

Christian President Don Trump at the UN.

The naysayers were superseded (eventually) by the above UN verse, the verse for all people, and the verse for this civilization and the greater. The naysayers taunted, and asked, and JESUS Christ told them.

"It is significant (1) that the answer comes from the same chapter (Deuteronomy 6:4-5) which supplied our Lord with two out of His three answers to the Tempter (see Notes on Matthew 4:4; Matthew 4:7); and (2) that He does but repeat the answer that had been given before by the 'certain lawyer'" (

JESUS Christ Gives Precepting for the Living including for the UN as indicated in the above Drawing, and what does this mean?: it means good things in a sense, in secular terms, but that's not exactly right, even more wrong than right though is partly right (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on "Faith" amount relative to "Maintenance" amount),

it means the Best!

Many people have been afraid that they might lose what they work hard to achieve and maintain. So many people want protection and not false promises. So many people have clung to old ways even when long obsolete (such as backslider workers that work too hard and in the wrong directions afraid of 2 Thessalonians 3.10 when they should fear the Lord JESUS: John 6.26).

People have also clung to false promises such as the pervasive ancient idea to have to fight even when without cause, reference secular fight or flight response, in multitudes of situations, so habitually, systematically, and routinely at the peace table people didn't want to lose their family and house: they were not going to flee so they automatically fought according to the obsolete.

People need be better than fire ants. People didn't want to lose their faith nor religion nor government nor jobs nor comforts, so they fought and many have bragged of scars to prove their faithless unfitness. The civilized best ascending and leading have often strayed far similarly into the lower level depths of insanity such as to say there is nothing else we can do except wage war

and similarly tax our poverty targets (2 Samuel 12.4)(hardly tear apart a boat bottom to patch a hole). Good leadership is appreciated, such as for lifting burdens off the oppressed victims of a given system. Good leadership solves. Good leadership is not the nuisance that causes the problems. If to cause a problem in a part of the system, then normally to harm and endanger the entire system.

Global faiths and ancient engravings, if carefully considered (reference Exodus 20.3 yet with greatest Good in [heart and] mind so see top of Sermon verse),

are valuable resources

not only for Converting people as many have fought to do, as instead for peace, and yes peace yet for Highest Good Purpose; as the various faiths and ancient UFO technologies and the new spiritual gifts provide information: they and we the people and we the resources globally and beyond are the value of 1 Corinthians 1 verse 5 so with verse 4, if verse 6 criteria is met.

UN Behold what the previous sentence has in store for you ["all knowledge" (](see the proof below "This is a Prophetic time")!

It is Wisdom in JESUS Christ that the lower level things that have been called evil, bad, and illegal, each and all [need Best Converted (to Good Highest Purpose such as here now)] are ways people did their best to describe; yet JESUS Christ is Victory over such, therefore offering greater than "fight or flight" response: Victory for UN!

For the sake of the people now in other words JESUS Christ reveals all to the Ascended, therefore the less known and the unknown have become the known, even so, from the Heart Of Love known in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

So the JESUS Christ [USA, likewise UN] ACT With Addendum 1 is not about getting rid of faiths as much as about doing the right aspects for pleasing all but not for sin nor such. For example some have been of a faith of persecutions, yet they had "faith" and that is a good start (not the "persecutions").

Evil and illegal are conditions, they are lower level topics conditional under the higher levels, they are about certain aspects of lower levels including traits, situations, interpretations, standardized agreed descriptions, and such. As such they are no more dangerous than if to slip on a bar of soap, or such as no more dangerous than an exploding Sun.

This means the UN can conquer such dangers (it's your job).

So JESUS Christ, though to Edify in secular per se is first to be clear about a word, the word "illegal", that the courts such as the International Court of Justice have claimed as fact, but many Officials have been taught to not include descriptions in reports or they would be thrown out of court (reference police at crime scenes in cliche asking for "just the facts", looking for nouns);

but the word "illegal" is an "adjective" according to various reknowned dictionaries while the "noun" aspect refers to "A person living in a country without official authorization". The word "factual" is an "adjective" though toward the legal sense with searching for nouns (for a secular example see such as "facts" at

Galatians 5.14, rather Matthew 22.40.

The UN has often been with peace amidst many faiths: thank you for the "peace" and kudos. Various faiths are with various goodly talents, resources, technologies, and circumstances; similar to how a hand can point one finger up, though each and all the fingers together are valuable. A dirty finger does not mean cut it off, though a diseased finger is rightly with conditions,

though if the disease is not undone it does not mean that "finger" broke the law though is similar: "Evil and illegal are conditions", they are manifestations similar to putting apples and oranges in a basket without distinguishing each type of fruit. If to remove the apples, there is still fruit in the basket, fruit of value. A disease and an illegal activity can become a treasure and a treasure if properly Best Converted In JESUS Christ [UN].

JESUS Christ fulfilled the law, and people have understood how to do such, yet JESUS Christ also fulfilled the Prophets, many have not known much about how to be Prophesying, yet they can. A person for instance has talent to convert a disease into a fast healing type growth process, so similar to Miraculous Healings such as JESUS Christ Did, except if secular then merely according to predictions.

JESUS Christ Converted spirits, that resulted in Healings. Other people can too, and greater Golden Rule Matthew 7.12, example Luke 2.39, example 2 Chronicles 30.20.

JESUS Christ Faith yielded Miracles, both the Miracle Of Faith As One For The Christian In Highest Purpose Best Ascending (per human, similar to per group [such as the nations]),

and Miracles of faith amounts for witnesses (any that witness Miracles).

Things that can witness Miracles are any spirit and/or thing that can sense, including such as a stone, a mind, a heart, a soul, a plant, a person, or a Christian.

Christian Faith is the only part, if to be only Spiritual, or the main part if to also be with a body (vessel); but if the body does not obey the Christian Faith part then sin. Yet if the body obeys the Law Of God, then Spiritual With Holy Vessel. Note that a person that recently became Christian is Saved, though not necessarily with Leader Wisdom including Love and Knowledge experience.

A spirit can offer grace, but some spirits have offered for good and some offered according to their confusions: a spirit may opt to offer grace but according to whether that spirit is not confused or is confused. The same is true of a set of spirits, the leadership of which might be confused or not. If not confused then properly as though to Best Guide, but it does not mean such is able to "Best Guide".

There are types of faiths, and some manifested in this created and adapted and, and some did not manifest in Miracle form as a person or thing or nations, and so not manifested continued as spirits or One Highest Spirit In The Name JESUS Christ.

In recent decades there was a plane that crashed in the jungle, and in this generation there was found a tribe that didn't understand the faith and worshiped the plane: worship as though (higher conditions apply) the faith not the miracle as interpreted; the Highest of "conditions" is Father Spirit JESUS Christ including the counted as if subset Pure Vessel Miracle Of JESUS Christ.

The "subset" is included as [was, Will Be] census pertinent JESUS Christ for the sake of each and every person, spirit, and vessel. Many faiths of governments, religious groups, faith groups, corporations, regions, and so forth have had many goodly aspects such as to ascend but typically of human groups it has been to rise to the top to protect the self (including group initially)

such as about secular naysayer cliche "They can't tell us what to do" (though rather reference Quality Assurance suggestion box for instance to protect wisely in advance strategy). A "plane" crashed. A "plane" is a miracle. But a "plane" might crash and injure a person, perhaps you (a person). So don't worship the "plane".

A "faith" might "injure a person, perhaps you" so don't worship a faith, unless if to be with a "faith" that never would "injure" any whether spirit or vessel (a vessel is a spirit or a subset of a set of spirits therefore subset to the spirit(s) that so formed the vessel, save if "Pure" then "One Highest Spirit In The Name JESUS Christ").

JESUS Christ Empowers people if the people agree, and only for Best Good without exception. This is the invitation to Heaven, and to Help explain for Awareness and Doing are Given these verses from James 5.20 and rather [this describes JESUS Christ One Highest Purpose Eternal Heaven] 1 Peter 4.8 NAS:

So James 5.20 is not needed (save if to start a New Creation [Big Pulse]) if all thoroughly love "one another" (1 Peter 4.8).

Other than physical battles, people have often fought people with words and with body language insults, and other. Though be merciful so as not to misinterpret, and even if they are guilty offer Grace (see above two verses). There are government leaders that have fought with words and texts and other. The above two verses are similar to 2 Timothy 4.7 and 4.8 (see below), with 4.8 Victory In JESUS Christ over verse 4.7:

so this is "Victory" over the "fight" part of the "good fight".

This was written over 1,000 years ago, the census vessel author of these previous two verses is no longer held by census related matters (what the former census has called living people [even though for instance Jeremiah 8.1 has already applied for over 2,000 years])(ibid.: so there is no requirement to wait, Matthew 17.12). If to resist then to naysay. Many have feared lower level things, but as written in NAS:

and the Lexicon defines:

"the LORD

יְהוָ֧ה (Yah·weh)

Noun - proper - masculine singular

Strong's Hebrew 3068: LORD -- the proper name of the God of Israel"

This is a Prophetic time of Christian Faith (reference Christian President Don Trump and Jerusalem Israel recognized by the UN: Zechariah 12.9), including JESUS Christ USA.

If to wait and see the results of JESUS Christ USA, then to resist; but that's what the lower level followers have done. If to wait and see then to backslide and not be with Prophetic Faith Best Leadership Value for the self and for the people (and spirits and things). If to lack faith then to disagree and as if to fight Good, but Good From God protects Good, God is Good.

This is about Good rather than other, so rather than penance is the greater Good Of Charity. Agreeing with the above Spirit Of Love is the Spirit Of Charity, and that same Spirit Of Charity manifests in the flesh, as to insert Pure Vessel Love into souls (

Love is Spirit from Highest JESUS Christ. Charity is likewise though manifest within the created.

So there are spirit levels of the Heavens love but without signs manifested, but

the Creator Of Good And Righteousness also Creates Good therefore in this world Do Charity.

Spirits if without "manifested", does not mean they have been evil

even though not interpreted as if Charity, for instance a newborn might have been called ignorant and unwise, relative to an adult, though to the goodly parents a blessing, because the gift the newborn gave Charitably was from God and was the Purity From God (even if called asleep, even so prefer life in JESUS Christ). A "blessing" for instance since as written in John 16.21 NAS:

Note: if "asleep" then such as to help others such as in the Priesthood and such as in the medical community and such as in government to help them toward wisdom to overcome lower level concerns victoriously in JESUS Christ (though the Luke 16.25 level applies, and moreso the Luke 16:26 Firmament level applies); but to the backslider "asleep" also applies against the backslider similar to a car running needlessly while parked

or worse as a car idling on a highway so in other words Christians have died at the wheel: Ecclesiastes 9.11 NAS:

So rely not upon the casting of lots of predictions of logic as if without God, and do not worship lower level miracles after-the-fact.

Look around, walls, computer, flesh, and such: if not seen as miracles then [repent and] in JESUS Christ Best Ascend. Magnify JESUS Christ Spirit Father One for others, yet to include therefore in part to enable the Magnifying of Your Faith Prophetically.

Therefore if to Guide them as a Leader is required to do, typically, such as by Oath, then it is Your Faithful [including Maintenance] Responsibility to Be Prophetic.

The military has for instance had a chain of command, relative to many other types of groups, such as a group that has been known as Congress (and that talent responsibility aspect does not make the "military" nor "Congress" good nor bad, per se [from JESUS Christ Faith to Edify over this matter for Highest Purpose]). If the military is busy Doing Christian Charity for instance

then according to Their Christian Charity Fruits then Good, per se (though be with Victory over Luke 17.18, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on citing [in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, such as a pertinent Christian Bible verse]). Charity without works is dead, and without citing other than as indicated by the self group is idle or dead.

Charity without giving JESUS Christ the Praise is similar to a bribe, or similar to JESUS Christ Charity. So if not to cite JESUS Christ then to leave it to interpretation, so Charity can be rejected or accepted for a wide variety of reasons.

If to wait and see how JESUS Christ USA will do, then not about faith and merely as an onlooker that does no aid nor even calls any other, so faithless watching whether to survive, fail, do great, or other.

Even so, God invites all, and if not accepted, then God invites [at least (so concerning Edifying)] to witness (Malachi 3.10).

Some faiths have been about goodly things (such as called "gods") and about some badly things (ibid. and/or e.g. destructive and/or e.g. evil). So the parts of the "faiths" considered "goodly" are the greater value aspects, and as much as Righteous and not misinterpreted, these are part of Christian Faith as written in NAS:

with "brethren" explained [sic] in Lexicon as

"brothers"..."Masculine Plural"..."A brother, member of the same religious community, especially a fellow-Christian. A brother near or remote."

And while that "Lexicon" explanation may not have made perfect sense to some (including about whether plural or singular), at least it did say the key part "Christian". Even so, females should also seek to be Christian Leaders (example Ruth 3.9)(see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on UN Leadership).

Now whether to opt to Lead or to "wait and see", concerns great values. To receive Charity has often been seen as splendid. Yet to be able to Give is to be with plenty Before The Fact [and then Charity means Prophetic control per se (see above about spirits, and above about citing)].

Note low level spirits come as naught thanks be to JESUS Christ Physics, though sometimes JESUS Christ Physics for Maintenance enables the lower levels of spirits to repeat [old Sermons] to be heard again (though rather see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on rather Magnify, and on UN Goodwill Ambassador Emma Watson For Women's Rights [for goodly spirited reasoning peaceable for higher purpose])

though other less civil spirits came last night before midnight very repetitiously

(as to illegally force, reference

(rather of JESUS Christ USA ACT With Addendum 1 and then as JESUS Christ Exemplar 1 Thessalonians 5.2 if for acceptance [even so minimal "Maintenance" for their sakes])

such as including making services available for pregnant women and the homeless

(so the rights of the innocent including with "rights" privileges, and reference such as 1 Maccabees 5.13,, Exodus 2.7, Numbers 11.12, Hebrews 7.10, Matthew 24.19, and Genesis 38.25)

but as typical amidst lower levels of spirits, even after agreeing, and even after another Spirit admonished the attacking spirits the attacks continued [so be aware of Your New Church Members and similar anxious to turn back to former habits]. So let all be with this JESUS Christ Physics key that each an all created that has been effected or affected by sin in the world,

has been with straying so needs be starting with JESUS Christ and continuing. Easier said than done as written at NAS:

so "this JESUS Christ Physics key" is as the site Lexicon explains: "[the] spirit πνεύματος (pneumatos) Noun - Genitive Neuter Singular Strong's Greek 4151: Wind, breath, spirit." (not plural, not spirits, not about "as to illegally force"). So this key applies for all, including Edifying, though solves more for the Best Ascending Christian leading in Love than for the warriors favoring their own destructions (Matthew 24.11 & Matthew 24.7: Word for UN to Do Strategically).

Also the UN should be with such Victory as written in Deuteronomy 28.1 NAS:

Though for a moment consider what would happen if the UN rejects Deuteronomy 28.1, or even momentarily for to "wait and see". Then it can be taken and Given to any nations or groups [already found so Doing In JESUS Christ] producing the fruits thereof (Matthew 21.43), already Leading in the name of JESUS Christ.

UN favors and makes creatures partial human and partial reptilian.

Rather let the UN first favor JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom.

Yesterday August 15, 2019AD a great but secular TV show UFO Hunters (note: rather than lower hunting connotations, be Seekers as JESUS Christ Did, and not hunt as if to shoot UFOs from the sky)

mentioned some company names such as Ingersoll Rand, so bias may apply as the writer of this JESUS Christ Sermon has worked for that company as contracted, with the opinion that it is one of the best of the secular experiences ("contracted" includes such as JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate JESUS Christ A Check Exact Company).

Likewise Bechtel as mentioned on the TV show has been reported as one of the best, such as by a person that had contracted for Bechtel circa 1980s saying seek to work with them as it was the second best company for employees.

Now these things were involving highly confidential and classified matters that are not disclosed here not to hide the truth, but simply for the reason the that large corporations handle many things not necessarily relevant in the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose specific to this particular Sermon

save about certain top quality matters over this civilization. Such "quality" leadership is with faith, loyalty, reliability (for instance able to say who said something and why and be within responsible agreement wholly). Such "'quality' leadership" included many Christians not afraid of speaking of Their Christian Faith.

So there has been a True Christian Faith, though if the UN government has not been "True" then it has been false. The effects of the false the UN has been doing (Matthew 13.28) has not been due to UN ignorance about JESUS Christ [fact: JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago]. Since not "ignorance" then intention toward conspired guilt against Christianity (ibid.)(Matthew 6.24: not able to serve any level Best if not for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose).

So the UN needs to Convert itself, Luke 16.9, lest taken and given to another faith (Matthew 21.43), note: "taken" is as the secular quote


for the UN House Of Bondage. Note the ancient Egyptian way with the House Of Bondage did not only slavery, but also many nice secular things like unto the UN with food for people and such;

but their "Egyptian way" lost, they opted for the lower secular levels of various faiths so the miracles came as they had faiths: plagues and many drowned of the parted sea. Yet for the Christian Best Ascending Leader One (Matthew 16.18) Behold This Truth (Matthew 16.16): Victory In JESUS Christ Forever! The lower secular levels of confused faiths yield miracles too though some goodly but some as plagues and such.

So You now have this new key from JESUS Christ (Matthew 16.19), that not only Christians perform Miracles, though be aware secular results have hardly been called miracles;

the two are not the same (3 Nephi 15.23) though in the Best Converting Christian (3 Nephi 15.22) the two are the One Same Physics Of JESUS Christ (3 Nephi 15.24): be Empowered, yet continue for Good.

So there are lower levels of the Holy Spirit, below the lowest of the human level Firmament, as if to say the holy spirit is less valuable there but it is the same Eternal Highest Creator: so this Holy Spirit key from JESUS Christ, the Holy Spirit Miracle Physics For Good One Highest Purpose applies vertically similar to how the heart might be slow or of a quickening pace yet within a vessel: in the same vessel whether slow or fast paced.

Defining the Holy Spirit: if to Best Define the Holy Spirit then be JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Level One, so [Pure In Vessel and] Pure In Spirit if to so truly and precisely define the Holy Spirit (Luke 13.18).

So if to discuss the whole of creation (pertinent in this Sermon about the UN), then hardly the same if to speak about such as a nation, or such as a corporation; save if the highest leadership of such is in the Name And Best Way Doing as is JESUS Christ Holy Father Creator ([UN not Faith but UN faiths], [hence UN not for all but having been for secret plans against various groups]).

In JESUS Christ To Edify in other secular words, the parents have the child's back, the nation has the parents back, the UN has the nation's back, the various faiths have the UN's back so "various" amounts. The UN therefore relies in secular cliche on an "I don't know" amount. Your life should not be according to "I don't know" nor according to guesses and then more guesses if still alive.

As often explained in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series the monsters are coming and here now the Truth is being unraveled about such already [no need to wait in line (reference whether there be time to repent of some things yet to come and some opportunities already missed Zephaniah 2.2)](secular cliche about waiting to recant on the deathbed is no good solving)(also see bottom of Sermon "Coming soon").

Anew monsters are on this planet today, and so many have been with vast intelligence and destructive tendencies (see above in pertinence: UN "various faiths").

The new monsters make the giants of the dinosaur age seem as if a child's toys. The monsters come in all sizes from very small to enormous (see such as previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as on the movie Outbreak at, and such as on "Behemoth and Leviathan" at, and such as on "sinful Philistine giants" at

The Goodness of the Christian Church has been Faithful, though with some Maintenance such as Church Nursery and Church Schooling. The Sermons and the Church Teachers have largely Arisen from properly citing verses to then moving Faithfully Anew in the Heart(s) of the Hearers (Masses, Classrooms, Broadcasting,...) and the need continues through Maintenance reminding students of verses.

A secular need for course correction is admitted or at least indicated as at secular site lest if to wrongly favor broken promises about paychecks as has been the former pattern all too often.

Important in the need to [be with JESUS Christ UN, and JESUS Christ Spirit, and] cite the source JESUS Christ in verses, yet exceedingly greater is Christian Faith like unto how dim a mind control paycheck is as a subset of flesh addictions Revelation 13.18, if to compare to the goodly part of the various works. In the name JESUS Christ find the goodly parts of the works for instances

in monsters and in pets and in other creatures, that is, in other words God The Father Gave You dominion over all the creature, even with Power to name them. You control creatures, such as running over a critter that crosses wrongly in front of the car, so a mind control form at one end of the range. At the other end of the range You mind control in Grace such as to feed a behaving creature a snack.

In the midst of that range is the whip, yet if sane You prefer to Give Grace, such as to neck rein a horse. So You are with 3 mind control points thus far, so You are able to calibrate these mind control spirits (in You with dominion, and in the creatures; the Christian even learns to mind control the self so hardly about suicide yet not undoing leaping properly in Faith when appropriate).

So You calibrated from Faith into practice, not necessarily written by You into law, more likely in You In JESUS Christ Faith Grace. If You offer a critter freedom the critter might run amok in the neighbor's yard, yet some critters can be given less liberty and others more Grace, so a range such as tied into DNA modifying, and similar to maintain in a cage, and similar toward grace to keep fenced in, and more toward grace dominion over free range as long as they don't interfere with people (so a great liberty).

JESUS Christ Offers greater liberty. JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Oneness is able to offer Best Grace Dominion. So in this Sermon, as if not previously, You may have Faithfully gone from fear of monsters to Anew JESUS Christ Standard over monsters (though the Father already explained dominion in the Book Of Genesis: Maintenance). To some this is connecting all the points of all the stories, and when Best in JESUS Christ this is Precepting For Highest Purpose.

Dominion over creatures, machines, plans, systems, authorities,...these are not merely about mind control yet also Spirit Control. There is a changing, a path from cage to leash to fenced in area, it is a secular faith path subset to the Christian Faith Path. The secular faith path for the human can become the Christian Faith Path: Good though understand rather the un-straying and the unchanging in the largest font below "(Hebrews 13.8)".

Search (such as in GOOG) "found nanobots in". The very tiny nanobots are being found inside the brains of people and throughout their bodies (see many previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on mind control, on clones, on DNA modifying, on spirits, on Bible foods, and such as on chimera at along with how to graft electron bunches into microwaves

as ancient Egyptians used in stargate technologies as at including at that site within context very valuable though secular link "click for Great Pyramid energies / water pump animation")

not only to branch out yet also grafting when in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose as written in Romans 11.17 NAS:

JESUS Christ Gives the Way, the Vertical Heart Path yet with Wisely Precepting, and now reveals for You Christian Leader this Gift for You to Benefit others via Your Giving this JESUS Christ Original Plan awareness [a] key aspect for Best Ascending awareness:

if to ascend Best but have strayed, then immediately repent to be back on track (so to go the repentance horizontal line to the vertical line then upward along the Faith line),

though another option is available if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and understand there are key conditions that apply, and this other option is as a vulnerable new bud as though to branch [counted as if away from the main though the same JESUS Christ]

so beware a wrongful branch is cut away or many other such concerns;

yet if to opt and grow [similar to another property lot and a new Christian Church (branch)]

there is the main JESUS Christ Branch and the JESUS Christ Anew Bud if You opt as for Budding and Branching out [conditionally], and this is a key to what it means for the One Righteous Highest Purpose Holy Spirit to be with continuing outward to form talents.

This is like unto going from an arm to fingers, like a stem to leaves and/or flower petals, and this is key to forming the New Beginning from the Eternal Spirit to also be with the created.

"Magnetic Pole gone" is in the next sentence noted site, so consider what might make that happen, and Yes from Father JESUS Christ Spirit and with further Faithful Precepting so move such a "Pole" then a JESUS Christ Given "stargate" portal or a similar JESUS Christ Given technology such as nearly the same though instead of travel through outer space, to travel such as through time and/or size.

See Earth's time keeper Kolob at including the giant trained centepede Leviathan [with reference to Levi] with many Holy People as though to count another Chosen Flock with the Tree Of Life symbol with branches so also as though to count in other levels whether lower or higher (so including spirit sets and as often pertinent to spirit "bunches" as discussed above).

Hollow Earth and such as the Throne Of JESUS Christ (as at

are now being revealed as to how such things came to be and are and can be of You Christian Leader Doing. As the above TV show also explained there are advanced tunneling technologies (but in the next scene they seemed to miss the point in part as if not about tunneling through loose gravel for instance.

So for the JESUS Christ Christian Leader now it is explained more fully. A stream of water from the faucet has pressure and a linear direction. In factories for instance water cuts through thick steel, and fire similarly cuts through thick steel.

Tunnels in this generation, such as under the English Channel, invested in the obsolete tech similar to how roads are made by having scraped away a handful at a time at a fast rate of work but at slow progress through the materials that were to be cut away. The more advanced technology of [fiery] plasma pokes through the soils and rock with high pressure that expands the soils to form an obsidian

and/or "glass" (TV show) tube

[so if to go through "rock" then stresses toward destructive earthquakes (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series related to fracking, salt dome giant pits, oil and gas removal results, and such as at on Aceh)]. So the underground transport systems can be through otherwise sand as easily as through gravel or rock

other than needs at time likely to remove excess materials such as for public safety so as to not cause earthquakes which might also destroy the tunnels. Similarly there are interferences such as horizontal pipelines deep underground, and such as often deeper vertical drilling with bottom offshoots operations.

The TV show mentioned that the tunnels had trains that went over 10,000 miles per hour.

The more holes drilled the more valuable such as in terms of safety (such as types of controls over earthquakes) and such as since associated with ores then also in terms of mining operations to some companies and nations, generally speaking (reference UN concerns for instance)

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on complex mapping [so moving more from 2D to 3D], and a pic of plasma in the sky as tunneling into outer space in [above stated JESUS Christ "stargate"] portal time space travel effect [so from "3D" to 4D]).

Long ago [see above "JESUS Christ ICCDBB Affiliate" (so bias may apply) experienced in such] had a spiral physics value for aircraft carriers plan, and similarly

the "largest" cyclotron "is the 18 m diameter" TRIUMF transporting protons "45 km as they spiral outwards" to "520 mega electron volts" (Guinness World Records).

USA has "150" cyclotrons (

That makes a lot of square miles underground, along with such things a food tunnels, such as for growing mushrooms, and such as for carbon sequestration, and poison and other waste disposal and such as city size for Bathstone under the City Of Bath, and such as for food deep under Lake Erie as shown at

With water pipes, wires, power plants, cities, civic, and military operations, and so on at many levels underground along with underground seas and rivers and natural caves, this is definitely not merely about the surface of the planet, the UN has a lot to consider in prioritizing for this civilization (already Victory In JESUS Christ: Accomplished!: yet for this UN generation prayerfully and starting with JESUS Christ UN then proper precept on proper precept).

There are Holy places not only above. Mount Zion is Holy. JESUS Christ is not merely about the surface, not merely about initial greetings nor appearances nor the temporary (though able to be with such yet unstained).

Children in secular schools have been taught things about reading skills, math skills, and so forth. Some things are easy to visualize, and others are hard. Pertinent for JESUS Christ Way Edifying is that Physical Education teachers have explained about bodybuilding that pertinent to types of sport events there are individual athletes that like the gold medals for instance so to speak

and so marry the similarly interested known in the secular as natural selection and magazines have done people of the future such as perhaps a person with long cheetah legs (at least illustratively). The former ways of the UN have often been goodly, but far from JESUS Christ leadership at least publicly, see for instance previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon

including on China spacecraft ground penetrating radar over USA at given the above understanding that "glass" can shatter.

And so of honed skills and similarly of "selection" of talents the generations change including in the secular including increasing selfishness for "the gold"; therefore as JESUS Christ Explained as written in Matthew 11.17 NAS:

Skills do not make Holiness. Knowing the future does not make Holiness. A moment of love is not the same as Eternal Father. Medical transplants are not necessarily the even more excellent Way. DNA modifying is not the Holy Ghost In Highest Purpose. The UN hosting food for the hungry is not the same as JESUS Christ. Yet in JESUS Christ UN these are all functioning perfectingly together precept on precept.

If to be with a better planet, be with the JESUS Christ [UN] ACT With Addendum 1.

JESUS Christ Spirit / JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ USA.

Let the watchers, and the bystanders, and the backsliders, and the masses, immediately leap in JESUS Christ from former ways to JESUS Christ Spirit One.

JESUS Christ Spirit / JESUS Christ UN / JESUS Christ USA / Former secular ways.

Let the previous line become:

JESUS Christ Spirit / Former.

The Christian Churches have been Doing a great job in Administering With Giving the JESUS Christ Eucharist

and the above precepting ascending explains why, as does the text of this JESUS Christ Sermon Section. The Christian Leadership explaining and Giving the Eucharist is like unto the Christian Home with Praying Thanks In The Father JESUS Spirit One: so to include Thanking from and so through Their Christian Church Branch for Good And Faithful JESUS Christ The Son, Their Son.

This should make more sense in the text below, though now consider (yet likewise stemming from the Eucharist / Evangelism) the Giving Prayerful Loving Father JESUS Spirit Praise Thankfully in all things ( [with the word "at" rather JESUS Christ can lift in You to the word "on"]

Note many (spirits,...) may have not yet felt the impact of this in the literal sense since Luke Chapter 21 is with verses 34, 35, and 36 (these 3 are shown below), though these verses are not (in the "literal" sense) in Matthew, Mark, nor Luke.

If to Pray JESUS Christ as stated, then toward former solving ways (from stop gap separations, and from fixing, and self hands Luke 10.41)

and rather toward the Preparing (and greater as with goodly habits, and such as Hosting, and Administering, and Evangelizing,...),

yet key per se, for this Ascending Section in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, consider this fixing and Preparing; like unto these two Edifying aspects:

fixing has been as to patch an old boat hole, and as to patch an old tire;

while Preparing In The Name JESUS Christ is as to grow Anew Branch Boat, and as to grow Anew Branch rubber resin for to make a new tire.

So this "Preparing" per se is a largely unseen unrealized Faith for some soon and many long into the future eventual Miracles

greater than the former stop gap fixes per se (and this does not make the "fixes" bad nor evil, rather such are with temporary values in this created).

JESUS Christ is hardly merely the "literal" "stop gap" sense, as if a boat vessel, nor as if a physics formula vessel.

JESUS Christ obeyed the Father Spirit. That is already fulfilled in the "literal" sense and not to separate for stop gaps as in example of each and all the translations at e.g. NAS:

save as explained in the Lexicon: "they had carried out ἐτέλεσαν (etelesan) Verb - Aorist Indicative Active - 3rd Person Plural Strong's Greek 5055: (a) I end, finish, (b) I fulfill, accomplish, (c) I pay. From telos; to end, i.e. Complete, execute, conclude, discharge.",

so JESUS Christ is actually key within the Heart of "they": as stated "I" (One)..."fulfill, accomplish".

The Father is not greater than JESUS Christ,

the Spirit is not greater than this same "JESUS".

The Maintenance Responsibility "literal" interpretation of the Bible is not greater than the One Creator In The Name JESUS,

at Highest Level Best it can be Equal. JESUS Christ is key to this world, and over this world. JESUS Christ is key to the Holy Spirit Highest Eternal Perfect Joy World

(a world where fighting is not preferred and not committed John 18.36 with Matthew 6.10).

These Christian Churches leading today, as with Evangelism and Baptism and Eucharist,

are not only the Word, These are also These Leaders Doing The Accomplishing Already

(and likewise at least in progress but not in the former sense so: Victory / Victory / Victory)

Preparing In The Name JESUS Christ as written in 1 Corinthians 15.57 NAS:

Importantly as evidently needed in this world at this time is to Edify that the previous verse did not say "victory through the Spirit" and did not say "victory through the Father", but did say "victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Updated: formerly a copy and paste error so this sentence was corrected 3 May 2022AD).

The previous verse did not say "victory through USA" nor "through the UN".

In the name JESUS Christ, is required if to lead. Otherwise (relative to the head and heart is to be the tail zone and cast out and left behind. You in the sense of a census person, if left behind (example Luke 2.43), does it mean you are worthless?, no. You are not worthless nor evil. If called such then let it have been for Edifying You and Best Lifting You in the Christian Soul (so be Baptized if not already).

So JESUS Christ Gives already this key in Your JESUS Christ Heart (ibid. applies [and with Anointing of Miracles]): lower levels are also to be lifted, and here's how:

JESUS Christ Gives the Physics Of God and the Final End Time of this created version is that the lowest to be Saved Will Be Saved First

(1 Thessalonians 4.16 [ie. the Living Christians Highest Level in order to be One [but even so, for Edifying is the following in this sentence])

and so then the lower level physics would automatically become obsolete. In the secular "literal" sense if without the previous sentence revelation, is therefore that the physics ladder will no longer be available to the sinners.

Moving on in JESUS Christ, Praying Praise With Thanks Giving to and for JESUS Christ is likewise each Christian Leader Prayerfully Praising And Thanking JESUS Christ (and such as with Anointing when Anointing is appropriate).

Note if You are not anxious to have a boarding house, and don't want people to live in Your Church Building then send them to Evangelize and to start Their own Christian Church Branches [as part of Yours (typically)](Genesis 4.14 & 15).

In this world You are Given Miracles, such as hate crimes, and poisons, and delicious foods, and sins (examples Revelation 10.10, and Isaiah 6.6 & 7): as some Miracles are for awareness only, and some Miracles are for You Doing In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose. Yet a range [such as of levels] applies, and a range of rates applies: yet these are of One Highest Level JESUS Christ Source.

So if to be addicted then the flesh dies instantly or gradually. So be Pure. So while the "literal" hardly applies to Faith since after-the-fact, the Purity is of Highest Faith In Pure JESUS Christ Exemplar, the same as came to Convert the sinners, for to lift many into Heaven Eternal Joy and yet importantly to lift into Preferring Faith Responsibility Forever.

If any opted other than JESUS Christ then that option was for sinful addiction as written in Luke 21.34-36 NAS:

So if to have anything(s) in this world, if to own or otherwise possess any talent or trade system or Temple or Miracle, or addiction

then have it Prayerfully in JESUS Christ, that Your Spirit be proper, that Your Spirit Agree with the Father Proud of the Good And Faithful Son JESUS Christ.

Therefore to be with JESUS Christ Victory over what people would be Proud to Be

and over what they would be Proud to have. Now in the lower level sense if to fix an addict, then such as to take away something, such as to take away a drug addicts needle, or such as to tax more heavily such needles. But such ideas are secular, including of secular plans.

Yet if to rather in JESUS Christ Faith Overcome the yearning, then to overcome the addiction.

If without a drug needle, the addict then tries such as to find pills, or such as to smoke fingernail clippings. In other words such created (including secular plans) have been treating symptoms including secular long range planning with many flip-of-coin logic predictions.

Go to the source means go to JESUS Christ.

If the UN is to represent all nations and all people,

then it must start with JESUS Christ UN.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." (Hebrews 13.8).

Remember Your Christian Leaders who taught You the Word of God and so Heartfully Think on all the Good that has come from their lives, and so Lead as Their examples in Their Christian Faith (Hebrews 13.7 [& 9 without distraction])(over that Work)

growing Faith, and not leaving undone building within Responsible Christian Maintenance (minimizing) toward automating lower things and systems, that Your Ascending for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith Best Increases Magnifying the One Good Work Function (Victory already).

If the UN is to properly lead, then JESUS Christ UN is to Best represent concerns, ideas, hopes, and any and all goodly aspects with priority yet therefore comprehensively (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon on the PCS Standard at

Therefore the JESUS Christ UN is to represent the people whether in prison or not, whether employees or bosses, whether in debt or wealthy, whether guilty or innocent, whether wrong or right, whether attacking or defending, whether weak or strong, whether with resources or not.

For instance consider "whether attacking" and the great old but secular movie though with redeeming social value The Treasure of the Sierra Madre when Humphrey Bogart as character Dobbs was as greedy as a killer for gold (even though his own gold) and he started to reach for it though unseen to him was an Act Of God as he almost lost faith and met the poison of the gila monster that had crawled there.

JESUS Christ UN is to Best represent all, so as to Best function together. If a nation or a group is with a name, then of "Christian Maintenance" value as stated above, and as talent value (such as a people of a region with ore resources);

yet the Highest Priority Value is JESUS Christ Faith. Note some say Yeshua, some say Jehovah, yet the world currently mainly speaks English, so be not distracted as stated above; and later if better comes then be with better: key is this starting point, this starting step (this can be a leap of faith to many other former ideas about what faiths are, see the specifications in this Series on such),

this needful for UN leadership is to be starting with JESUS Christ UN. The UN was started by USA, yet at least nationally this (UN) is about far greater than USA, therefore all Earth (whether a member nation or not) and all the Multiverse as much as pertinent (increasingly)(see above text on waves penetrating and impacting Earth from above and beyond).

So not just for USA and hardly about International Court disputes (such as in former cliche over water rights), JESUS Christ UN needs be about far more important concerns; frankly even a child understands this as written in Luke 2.49 NKJ:

The wonderful movie Charlie Wilson's War is with so much value, it's like The Godfather, but to be about laundering money is not leadership (see above JESUS Christ Drawing and text). It used to be that school children ennobled the bullies, though now evidence increases that the teachers increasingly do so, passing them along through the grade levels rather than deal with them again.

If passed along with with the secular money laundering virtue of Charlie Wilson's War (!?) then how hardly the UN would be at the peace conference rationally and legally: even so the left behind are with hearts too. Note that "money laundering" scheme as alleged of this generation did not solve (example crime has continued)(example concerning setting the Best example)(example see above "deficit").

Charlie Wilson's War was not the same as Christianity Ascending properly to Best solve in JESUS Christ for the living, instead many died [as per SAMs](note this point is not about whether the character CIA Station Chief Harold Holt was right or not, nor about laying blame nor casting aspersions concerning any person, group, nor nation)

and much equipment was lost such as could have been converted to benefit all such as flying vehicles for rescue missions, and such as converting tanks into bulldozers for plowing roads as was said they needed, and for matters of power generation and farming, and personnel with equipment could have guided the unaware in water purification applications as in the great though secular movie In the Army Now.

JESUS Christ Gives for You to Benefit with the fact than Best Ascending is with the JESUS Christ Physics (greater than predictive tendency) to hardly be with worldly strifes save concerns to Lift others out of their strifes,

therefore JESUS Christ UN would be with the key toward Victory over the costs of wars, lawsuits, and the International Court Of Justice whose great peacekeeping talents are of far greater values if applied Anew in JESUS Christ UN.

Their quick thinking skills, not merely to shout "Objection your Honor" yet the wiseness of the reasoning for Guiding even the "Honor" (unto the "Honor"'s own understanding likewise as much as though opting to agree).

In the wonderfully entertaining though secular movie The Hunt for Red October the goodly need was for some sort of "buckaroo",

literally "some sort of cowboy" (

though see above text on "the 'literal' hardly applies". In the name JESUS Christ Faithfully Precepting like unto translating and interpreting, yet rather "Faithfully Precepting" and in the name JESUS Christ is out of the former House Of Bondage and the sting of death, is rather the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Grace and how to compare the Kingdom Of Highest Faith to

worldly "literal" Miracles for Responsible Maintenance?, it is as to be aware of the regulations yet if a plane has sudden mechanical failures then to fly by the seat of the pants in cliche for best safety even a future event relative to the flying regulations is not yet covered by such regulations.

So JESUS Christ Gives for JESUS Christ UN this key, the Word (including "regulations", records, the Bible, the Torah, the Quran,...) is history relative to the Doing if to be Doing the Word (save the True And Prophetic). This key therefore applies when considering JESUS Christ Oneness as pertaining to time travel.

Note the Strategic Defense Initiative Missile Defense Agency "Star Wars", 1983, was considered by some as though obsolete from the planning stage, so consider that we have the technology

We are the technology ( and see translations, Lexicon, and Commentaries about "evil spirit"[s]),

and because of secular UN instead of JESUS Christ UN we have been the lost and confused (JESUS Christ finds and straightens),

also reference the funny secular movie Spies Like Us offering a tiny glimpse of the advanced technologies already existing in this civilization as long has been while humans continue to slave, work exhaustively, work at great risks to themselves and other such as about things falling from skyscrapers, while with poverty, and crime such as horrendous money laundering: such no longer needs be so UN.

In JESUS Christ We are the Buckaroo!

We are the Kremlin,

We are the White House,

We are the Chinese Imperial Palace and the Great Hall Of The People,

together if with proper Best Leadership.

[Eventually (proper precept on proper precept)] let them spy on us, we've nothing to hide except if to hide poisons and such from them, including for their own safety (see above gila monster example), so make them aware of JESUS Christ UN that We Be with their friendship and not fear them [attacking Us].

In THE BOOK OF MORMON Another Testament of Jesus Christ page 458 "5a" the name of the UN must be in the name JESUS Christ, yet JESUS Christ made a whip (see above mind control including the secular ascending faith path examples) as written in John 2.15 & 16 NAS:

So in JESUS Christ first the key, Prayerfully In The Name JESUS Christ, so from the Christian JESUS Christ, then the [current, this generation] Christian opting these months that the UN being named Anew for Best Highest Purpose: JESUS Christ UN, then the scourging rather the Best Ascending. If with the name JESUS Christ UN it does not state immunity from trials and tribulations,

though is key similar to first the car key, then to learn to drive the car and qualify We The People as via Charity, that is, Charity in all it's more perfect forms, even that the increase begins or is all the more (like unto handshakes, contracts, and licensing for the safe greatest Good for all Best Oneness). So this is key to the Best Ascending process (reading right to left):

Heart Control (what You really Love) / Spirit Control / Mind Control.

Lust for the lower levels is not mind control, it has been opted: to be mind controlled.

JESUS Christ ACT With Addendum 1 is recognition of [higher and rather] Highest Grace, and with Anew Branch hardly about former ways of worldly laws as much as already realized as fulfilled, reasonably unto this generation (and better is coming with enabling) even as the previous Sermon showed the Drawing with the JESUS Christ Branch illustrated as above the [former worldly branches of the] law.

So in this is the start toward UN Victory over: "My Father's house a place of business." It is Wisdom In JESUS Christ to lovingly understand that when the nations [when the UN] Give(s) Charity, if through the JESUS Christ Branch (and/or if through the Christian Churches) it is not Charity to the JESUS Christ Branch (and/or the Christian Churches) since such continue the flow of Charity to end recipients

like unto wires functioning between one point and another (save as the Father Decreed [for the Churches, of the Levites] in the first part of Numbers Chapter 35). Now in the future, for awareness ahead of time, the Living Bible is as indicated at concerning this Chapter: "Forty-Eight Cities for the Levites". Now since written some time ago,

it brings to mind for instance how USA had 48 stars on the flag. So in this JESUS Christ UN respect as to be with a star for each nation (even a multitude) yet as one star. So the One Administering Christian Faith, yet not leaving the other left undone, the Served, the Holy Multitudes Of Stars.

It is Wisdom in JESUS Christ that there are some goodly things the UN can and would opt to do now (or opt other), and some things that the UN proffers as though beyond the UN's abilities to accomplish (Luke 14.28). So JESUS Christ would that the UN be aware likewise there have been some goodly things the UN may have supposed as better, higher, and more valuable, that what the UN is doing now.

So for instance the the Affiliated Bible Testament of Holy GodMath of Jesus Christ of 2005AD in the USA Library Of Congress and immediately sent Faithfully to the USA President and sent to some other nations, started with copyright matters that resulted in losses: the effort to loyally comply with the law of mammon caused the losses (Luke 16.13,

even so the Faithful Christian Loyalty continued Luke 13.24 in greater Victory now having fulfilled legal laws and the legal privilege options per se).

The UN is aware there is a more excellent way, else the UN would be doing the same such as the UN did in 1990, and as in 1980, and as in 1970, and so forth. The UN is aware there is a better way than current ideas the UN has, because next year the UN will do what it thinks is better than it did this year.

So as with the "copyright matters that resulted in losses" such as in terms of much time and government workers processing, success came per se with the JESUS Christ Faith Victory over the advice to copyright such as stated here now in these sentences. The Good Fruit was already complete per se (Matthew 13.8), the secular law in flip-of-coin aspect provided problems and other.

In other words law yielded some goodly parts though some weeds and such (Matthew 13.4-7). It is what law does. Christian Faith provided the "Good Fruit" and law provided: stuff. You UN are with awareness of better that is not being done by the UN currently. You UN understand "stuff" comes from secular. You UN understand good comes to secular if the secular is lucky (Ecclesiastes 9:11).

ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS Christ August 22, 2019AD.

(Updated: former copy and paste error was corrected 3 May 2022AD).

Coming soon:

planned for the next JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon:

strange human animal creatures of the ancient pyramids.

ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS: click for Series Main Site.

Tags: JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addendum 1 USA Christian President Don TrumpOakIsland White House Kremlin Chinese Imperial Palace Great Hall Of The People International Court Of Justice 150 cyclotrons TRIUMF transporting protons 520 mega electron volts Guinness World Records China spacecraft ground penetrating radar over USA Strategic Defense Initiative Missile Defense Agency Star Wars plasma 14,000 miles per hour mining operations pure glass new compounds chemicals materials in this Prophetic time UN makes creatures part human and part reptilian automatically movies Outbreak The Treasure of the Sierra Madre Humphrey Bogart as Dobbs met the poison gila monster Charlie Wilson's War money laundering deficit The Godfather In the Army Now The Hunt for Red October Buckaroo Spies Like Us


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