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ICCDBB Sermon:

New UFO Technologies:

Time Travel Parameters Of The Christian Bible.

JESUS The Christ lives a perfect Christian life. If to know and do the good greater values that people want [including subconsciously] then to start with Christ JESUS.

Then, how can a person be perfect?, Are Christians perfect?: these are answered below this Drawing.

Christ JESUS died and descended into hell. If to know what new UFO technologies to build, then to [typically, per se] know where the new vessel is expected to go. The Christian Bible fact is, Christ JESUS hardly descended to hell made of hands, such as a cave prepared of human hands nor that can have a door of human hands. Rather [if to map and measure] Christ JESUS went to the lowest low and the highest high of that which His Heavenly Father created (Ephesians 4.9&10) even though others could not travel there with Christ JESUS in that given, where the "Holy Spirit is" (see text toward bottom of this page).

The same Christian Bible, yet as though new (Ezra 9.8).

How did Jesus Christ know how? explained. How to get out of a tough situation to have a better life. The Heavenly Father created the Universe starting with the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS and things and Firmaments and levels of lifting others for their sakes in Christ JESUS unto better and better positions, and likewise for all the created and importantly for the greater unseen. The Firmament is as a crack in the sky, as if to separate the Heavens from the Earth though for higher purpose for You. This illustration pic of design plan shows the unraveling breaking open for Your sake(s) the fresh baked aroma of new soft delicious bread within the hard and crusty Firmament level with a ready refreshing sop of living blood Spirit Of Christ: JESUS. Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

...The Third Day "God saw that it was good" (Genesis 1.10). Likewise 1. Holy Spirit, 2. The Heavenly Father "God is [a] Spirit"...(, 3. Christ JESUS ("Christ" is Spirit, a position, a level; with JESUS Spirit with or without Pure Flesh): 1. Spirit, 2. Spirit, 3. Spirit +/- Flesh. In the above Drawing are levels and people are free to go up, down, left, or right, and such is also true of the Firmament as conditions apply though hardly concerning worldly traditions, rather of the above Worthiness. With personal efforts a person goes up, down, left, or right; but not necessarily up if there is a Firmament (see text below on parameters).

Christ JESUS gave people of the Apostle level details suitable for the Apostle level, Christ JESUS gave the balance of the general public info suitable for the general public. Christ JESUS gave the general public parables and symbols, as much as He wisely and perfectly understood their level of ability to allow entry into their hearts and souls (and greater wisdom also applies).

The Holy Crucifixion And Tomb definitely were real with many Miracles, though unto lower levels (even unto all prior to Final End Time) such were symbols of the greater more profound Holy Wisdom to come.

The Creator JESUS made the highest and the lowest, and all the parameters of the created, of this solar system and the next (far greater than the next Drawing indicates, yet it is a valuable level: tool for Christians). Similarly the parent explains the house related criteria and parameters telling the toddler "Don't touch", then later telling the child "Stay in the yard". To the toddler the world is the house, if to tell the toddler about things outside the house they hardly understand (generally, historically) and are perhaps distracted from the currently vital matters as they should concentrate on "Don't touch". Christ JESUS Will show many mansions, all the highs and lows, the scary things and the dull things: so that You know. Though those things are hardly shown yet, though the rate increases.

Christ JESUS invites people to repent, so if people use powers and a plowshare to decipher and cut through much, there is something in the Universe that can no longer be cut and they cannot go around Christ JESUS. They cannot fly up and come down from above with the Sun at their backs to hide them, they cannot tunnel through; and if they continue other ways they lose what they had, some slowly, some at a quick rate as lightning.

If to travel toward the maximum speed of light, the Firmament criteria continue, as long as there is time, half a time, and times, and Eternal. Time travel can overcome certain levels of times, in between pertinent Firmaments. Concerning parameters, a person can for instance put an animal in a rocket, but it is the person that did it, in pertinence the animal can do nothing of itself.

Though with Christians creating, and with people growing, and with the secular innovating in between Firmaments, now in this generation an increasing rate of change of Miracle proportions. The animals and lower creatures do not change as a snail continues at a rate, though the secular and more the higher Firmaments involve sweeping changes already in effect, even as in Holy Spirit prior to arriving at Your Christian Church (Ezra 1.5). The greatest changes are toward the Holy Permanent.

An animal might give birth then walk away and let the birthed evolve or rather adapt. A person might adapt or rather become Christian. A Christian might sit in the back rows or rather lead. A careless animal might be eaten, and so not adapt nor evolve. A careless person might want to be over others selfishly so others might not want to promote that selfish person. A Christian if counted as though toward carelessness might stray left or right as though to have made the self stuck in a rut (though the very nature of Christianity is with ascending)(John 7.24).

In Christ JESUS, if an apparently slow Christian ascends, then so much better rate of ascending is the Christian Leader.

Lead civilizations Eternally / Ascend / Rightly adapt / Evolve.

The Christian Leader includes these other added rates, not only Eternal Leadership Holy Velocity, yet also with Ascend rate, Rightly adapting rate, and also the slowest of rates: the Christian Leader for instance can even measure the rate that an animal is eaten, and with a precision that the eaten never comprehended.

Consider how a dandelion starts from inside the Earth, it slowly toils to go sprout and to dig into the Earth armed with soft tissues, then after hopes of Sun and rain with leaves and flowers it grows at a faster rate, and then suddenly the seeds fly at high speed in the wind and are seen no more.

Toward immeasurable / High speed / Moderate rate / Slow.

The same is true of a rocket. The same is true of time travel.

The same is true, though only for the Christian. An equation is true, though only for the Christian (Hebrews 10.1).

At high speed a dandelion seed can fly into a volcano, a quick lemming can jump off a cliff, a person can freely opt to jump into a fighter jet (when young neighborhood kids would play on some that had crashed onto the ground during training [near Pittsburgh International Airport]). Then technologies changed and they started saying "Now we have computers" toward minimizing mistakes, though it is only a technological level of change and the explosion of the mass of data to feed through the computer has not stopped increasing. Formulas are longer than ever before of these people. The jet relative to the other jets and satellites and debris, the jet relative to the new instruments added such as computers measuring vibrations at various wave fronts, and more.

Yet the Holy Firmament(s) solves in Pure Body JESUS The Risen Christ. A person can jump to a conclusion, though it does not mean to ascend through any Holy Firmament. Faith in Christ JESUS is hardly the same as other faiths. Employers, the military, and many others, push people to their limits and beyond, even including modifying sleep, and even including work days per week (the secular has continued thus far Matthew 24.6 yet rather in Christ JESUS Luke 22.37 already come to pass and also to be now and Eternally).

The secular steps on the gas pedal to go faster, the secular steps on people to go faster. As is written "Then Jesus told them plainly," (John 11.14): accordingly of precepts in pertinence if there have ever been True Prophets [(1 Corinthians 13.8 which lose secular meaning without Christ JESUS) higher precepts apply so (Romans 13:1 with Daniel 2.21, see next Drawing below)] and if to be aware of the future and so plan now, then to be aware the secular is dead and plan as such now. Let the faster rate be the more immediate expedient needful concern at hand: concerning time travel. To the secular it is the face of death. For the Christian it is an Evangelism opportunity for their sakes while able as their ends come quickly, as weeds before the harvest.

The Christian One can utilize the plowshare with leaping in joy for Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS is perfect, but sin is secular and not Heavenly and not perfect.

Sinners are under worldly law, fearing worldly law, slaves to worldly laws and their various interpretations thereby enslaving themselves to try to escape all laws as if to gain eternal luxury vacations with money, yachts, lower pleasures, and servants hand and foot. Sinners defend sin, so sinners suffer their own worsening evil decisions.

Christ JESUS is perfect, so the secular expects Christians to be perfect. If not perfect then sinners wrongly say Christians are liars.

So how is the Christian perfect?, how can the Christian claim as if they are One as Christ JESUS stated?: the above Drawing shows tools to the left as though toward to open the Firmament, that only Christ JESUS may opt to open, though the tools are true only symbolically, save on a higher level, such as if in the hands of One Christ JESUS of the Eternal Perfectly Anointing Blood. Such as Christianity, in part.

Christ JESUS can freely opt to lift people, and does so if as Christ JESUS freely opts that such is the Will Of The Heavenly Father: One Christian can lift people if proper, through Christian Baptism. Proper Perfect Christian Baptism is a thing sinners cannot do, it is a Thing Holy And True From Heaven Above.

So it is the [pertinent] Firmament (there are other Firmaments too). So the Christian can be One.

While a Christian can leap even very high (reference New Christianity) and be lifted to the highest level [(Luke 14.8-10) even unawares of a surprise as an event in Your Honor: the greater unseen: since One JESUS], oft times the Christian is viewed as a sinner and liar and oft times according to wrongful interpretations by sinners directly, and/or from sinful bias indirectly through the lower secular under the laws (eg. see below "illegal laws").

The following two triadic formulas show the distinguishing for higher edifying (shown from highest value to lowest value(s)):

The following triad is sufficient for now for the sinner, since the sinner doesn't see the "Greater Unseen":

Part A: One Highest Holy Greater Unseen God Christ JESUS / Part B: With Full Repentance Christian Baptism / Part C: sinner.

The following triad is for the Christian, hence with more seen than the sinner that opted to turn away, so Christian sees more detail with "Part A" expanded, magnified:

The Highest Level Of Christ JESUS with a pertinent Christian Ascended / Christian ascending / One Christian.

So for the Christian "Part A" becomes more clearly specified, to enable ascending, and then therefore to enable ascending higher; and the past conquered "Part B" becomes as a New Holy Vessel, the pertinent Christian's New Artery Holy Path For Christ JESUS One, as this Path Vessel is known (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on vertical). To such a pertinent Christian "Part B" is become as new as the pertinent Christian no longer has to prepare (full repentance) to be Baptized since that was already accomplished, to "Part B" becomes a new creation unto the pertinent Christian even though it seems as if the same to the lost sinner.

So here is a key, rather than hope for True Christian Baptism, Christianity may opt to ascend. In other words it is as if in secular terms: Evangelism opportunities on steroids, though actually ascending onto levels in Christ JESUS One.

In a dream this morning September 16, 2017AD there was a footprint(s) (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS traceability) with a personal meaning (ibid. within this matter specific details over "grid":) and a public meaning as grid is a military term for instance pertinent to maps, though as dreams often go toward lower distractions and chaos, even many people have nightmares, in this dream it meant the military included the perp(s) and this dream did not include government(s) otherwise. With this dream from the United States Of America vessel and since Christ JESUS is in the Executive Branch in President Donald Trump and in Vice President Mike Pence (and Christians may opt to ascend / grow in Christianity), though otherwise was the military "perp(s)" revealed (not necessarily any particular rank holder(s)): simply the "military" was entity included the "perp(s)" in the dream, similar unto a fingerprint of the "perp(s)" in the military (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the need to Evangelize all governments [including any "military"] and each and all people and Anoint all things). Similar to a fingerprint was a footprint in grid form which in this case tied itself to the military, causing chaos instead of properly protecting according to law.

Even if only "Part B" above applies to the Executive Branch and any others in the military innocent of these charges [(counted as if in the secular) though not charges, see below], then the termed as innocent per se remain innocent accordingly, though the "perp(s)" remain in need of Christian growth to become no longer "perp(s)". The whole of this is under Christian Leadership (which might be only as high as "Part B" accordingly, nonetheless), therefore: the "perp(s)" misinterpreted the higher and/or conducted illegal activities on their own in areas not covered by worldly laws (see below "football").

The meaning of this dream for higher purpose in Christ JESUS did not become known ("Part B") until the end of this dream ("Part A" or toward "Part A"): that this dream in the Higher Spiritual Principalities (specifically concerning levels) concerns the worm of Satan that snake (Revelation 12.9) specific to "perp(s)" victimization(s) (whether willingly or unawares: so rather to overcome via Christ JESUS) as caught when Satan tried to ascend some other ways, so when the devil(s) raised the head of itself in worthless efforts, the illegal and improperly sinful missions, then it bruised it's head under the feet (Romans 16.20).

Beyond the dream, each entity has value as designated of the Creator, though each is not to clone military servants in order to waste their lives for the cloner personal selfish sins. In other words, the sinner is not allowed to make slaves to waste slaves as if only tools for sins and then to be buried in graves. The only One allowed to clone is the Christian Evangelist worthy in such matters, and then only to clone Christ JESUS or as much as for Good (John 14.11). This precept applies to mind control, and to situations over cloning and mind control, and some respects in the often greater unseen. This is the only True Defense for the "perp(s)": as this True Defense is from Christ JESUS, making the "dream" aspect inconsequential per se (ibid.) with any further sin resulting in greater victimization(s) ( as sin results under legal consequences (confusion, "bruised", prison, associated consequences compounding sentences, fears,...), though within True Christianity is True Reason for greater hope with fulfilling in Christ JESUS (see "rates" below).

In the secular naturally tied to this is money, very often used by sinners in order to gain sinful pleasures, so is very often tied to temporary matters (see below "maintenance"): hence the key need for the Holy Spiritual Head Christ JESUS. While money is a tool, it is not the same as direct cloning, nor similar mind control, though it can be toward swaying others (though Luke 17.2 applies): these are with values, though sinners use people and tools as if sin was Good but sin is not Good.

An artery, or another vessel, as for properly traveling through the time space continuum needs certain high value, the Christian Standard Within Current Christianity With Christ JESUS As Head Guiding, that True Oneness In The Holy Spirit agree and so be and do, so if the Earth moves while traveling through time in new technologies the result is fear of the Lord JESUS rather than fears of lower sin temptations which might lead astray a vessel such as to arrive at a True Reality Destination inside a wall or in the person's Earth grave; when the original idea was to travel without incurring problems. Yet of the Higher Spiritual level is the overcoming even of the "wall" and "grave", even dead (asleep) people have conquered as much for Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Crucifixion and on Personal End Times). Furthermore concerning Personal End Time many arose from their graves after Christ JESUS was crucified, and as written in 1 Thessalonians 4.16 APE:

so this new key is that the sinners, the weeds, asleep in the beds and graves (not at Christian Church) arise first, though as of the graves is the vessel removal via the sting of death pains of sins that their spirits become freed to repent (from the sins/from the graves)(see the previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on "Mediator" at

So now this key within context is given: money nor other tools can result in the proper "New UFO Technologies" without Christ JESUS, and then only when the vessel and cargo (including people) are of the appropriate level.

So how then did the secular, such as NASA (including military), do so many great things that Churches did not do?, and how did the secular innovate new technologies and do other wonders?, and the answers comes in One Christ JESUS (Christians are in the secular world) and of precepts of Christ JESUS the answer also (under Christ JESUS) comes in many other forms as measurable in the secular, for instance normally an astronaut does not take their script money into outer space where there are no malls, and normally they do not take things that distract from mission. Others such as many mine workers do similarly. The secular is not merely sinners, it also includes many with many goodly efforts via given talents and interests. For instance a parent does great things with technologies new to the infant, though if the infant never saw nor heard aircraft, then the infant might be unaware of such technologies that exist in the world. Christ JESUS gave wondrous tools for all, such as the hammer, and such as many UFO technologies as yet unseen by many in the secular world.

JESUS The Christ showed the Holy Way, extending from Holy private Prayer to Preaching, and greater performing Good and great Holy Signs and Miracles in the regions. In the above Drawing is "B" the better place to be relative to "A", since "B" is the quickest route through the Firmament, the Key Christ JESUS Door. A person can ascend levels various ways, such as of their talents such as accomplishing chores for parents; though the Firmaments are as the middles of hourglasses (eye-of-needles). People often stray though Firmaments bring them back on course.

Whether if to claim secular training failure, software failure, equipment failure, situation or other failure after-the-fact it can be too late, especially at the higher rate tied to larger disasters (Luke 10.18). You have this for Your Flock beforehand.

Christ JESUS is in Highest Heaven On The Right Hand Of God The Father, Christ JESUS had gone down to the lowest low in Hell, though did not sin, hence not toward the subset known as risk: "risk" fits into the larger scope. The danger is in the straying. A stray sheep can prance to greener pastures while making the self lost and with wolves ("self imposed"). A stray can get fat [and make great financial wealth for friends] and in so doing cause to tempt others to stray.

But after a time the stray realizes their greener pasture is depleted (perhaps out of water, perhaps moved aside by other strays, perhaps ended by wolves). After a time, if they survive, they may awaken to find they are in position "A".

If You go to a farm today You might see sheep that do not know how to build a rocket, though their shepherd knows. Sheep can follow, yet seek to be the Holy Shepherd and best lead. If to be an honest hard working Jew at the Holy Temple but have not the Christ priority in JESUS then under a Firmament of Holy Law, and some Firmaments are in the secular sense, though some are in the higher sense, so not to confuse the two as the Higher is of Holy Grace above, and the law is above the vessel(s) only.

Under the worldly law (including safety and guidance), is under a worldly Firmament, yet a person is at liberty to be aware of such worldly law rather than ignorant (reasonably/Tree Of Knowledge), specialists exist such as Attorney Teams over technical types of laws and similarly Judicial proceedings over such special areas and with such the Legislative and Executive Teams (associated with the Second Commandment Matthew 22.39&40); and as written is the distinguishing for all people the Higher is of Holy Grace above not covered by the Second Commandment save in higher liberty for the people (including safety and guidance):

so worldly law is not the key to the First Commandment (Matthew 22.38): an upright citizen is not all it requires to be One In The First Commandment, for secular example a person might opt to apply for a job at NASA as the Flight Director, but even with overwhelming qualifications it hardly means they would land the job. Some Jews became what is today known as Christian, some did not qualify (John 14.9). Qualifying is hardly of the self, yet is also of the self to not be left undone.

Levels might be attained at Will, as much as appropriate within proper worthiness, much the way a child might take a younger child's hand hardly to cut a piece of body for the self, but rather to guide and protect the younger. Similarly some are able to properly be Flight Directors, some properly hold money for others giving interest, some overcome themselves enough to find the higher key (see above Drawing).

New UFO technologies can be found in lower levels but such hardly perfects (reference fine secular movie Best Defense in which a nearly free toy was utilized toward solving a major design flaw, rather Though if to solve the lower levels without motivation for solving the higher greater concerns, then hardly to move beyond worldly concerns, such as about laws found in the world.

Christ JESUS is of the higher Heavenly Father (Matthew 22.44) so if Christ JESUS would ask a person to sit on His Right Hand but (of sin) the person would not, then of the free gift to choose the person would not. If to ascend properly that the world agree for the benefit of all, then to agree with the Christ JESUS In All.

The above Drawing shows the ascending levels, including a Firmament symbolic of all Firmaments, vertically; and horizontally is shown "Missions, talents, interpretations, circumstances,..." (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Former Logic Only Timeline): such things are associated with time and effort; note that some are shown on paths toward history (such as Older Testaments of great value(s)) and some are toward doing for future plans (often for future family generations), yet straight up is the most time conservative (Time Conservation, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on minimizing maintenance, and on straight and narrow) and

minimize effort-after-the-fact though with voluntary effort (continuous) at the start for Christ JESUS

so be aware of it Beloved, it is where many people lead themselves astray to fail;

so "minimize effort-after-the-fact" with rather "voluntary effort" before-the-fact

has little to do with laziness, and is rather toward the opposite

(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS in general on legally voluntarily appropriately safely helping and guiding civilization(s) via Christian Leadership).

So new UFO technologies can be found in lower levels though rather is to find these added to the Christian "voluntary effort" "before-the-fact" as much as a Christian is motivated to ascend levels in Christ JESUS, and it certainly helps to not leave the other left undone, that is a Christian might also have interest and know how concerning secular fields (such as the secular field of flight: see above "Flight Director").

Manpower can power a bicycle, a submarine, and aircraft (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on fuel and on crew selection), yet rather machines working for Christians properly (ibid. on drones, and rather on the Word and on instantaneously with the Will [toward: with each and all pertinent parties with unselfish concerns]), rather than people working for machines which hardly respect the person.

New UFO technology is in the design, rather than the prototype. Even so let the children play with (test, reasonably, safely, under properly protective authority) prototypes (such as see "toy" above). Prototypes are toward risk, God is toward safety.

Yet give room for growing, whether the person is a child or an adult, alone or in a group.

Many properly growing is far better than few.

First Christ JESUS (for Good and useful and the best highest purpose), then knowledge of UFO technologies (Acts 13.10 rather 1 John 5.4 with Matthew 2.9).

Consider the goodness to utilize astrological charts to find the newborn Christ JESUS, but the many toward sin and destruction of good help if to utilize these same charts [and design(s) (Matthew 2.16 Weymouth). All knowledge is similar to a dictionary, but a dictionary doesn't make a "person" nor a "Flight Director" nor a "New UFO technology". To own a dictionary doesn't make a person worthy, nor to own a copy of the law.

A new UFO technology design does not make a person worthy of it's utilizing if that design is more advanced than the person. The design is not worthless, and can be greater value than all previous, though it is counted toward worthless when sin interferes, also and/or when worthiness to properly legally, safely, and responsibly operate for higher purpose.

So a key here is that generally a machine can be at rest, though if to put into operation it might harm if not properly managed. Yet if properly managed then a machine might be running toward the eternal (reference power plants on which reliability people rely). So another key is to design toward the Eternal In Christ JESUS (lest "Effort A" above). So discovering a new UFO technology, whether ancient or other, is less important than properly ascending in Christ JESUS for all for their best benefit.

Now this current generation may find UFO technologies in the sky above, though such toward the ancient could be expected to be found in the soil beneath (reference excellent though often mixed with secular television shows on Ancient Aliens (no affiliation);

yet truly, truly, such is found in the Bible, already prepared toward infinity.

Even so, as in the above Drawing people have expended time unwisely (reference toward the opposite: fuel saving device), and sinners cast out are not even shown on the above Drawing (reference: clunker [whether a pilot or an autopilot]); so even if to have the right (for the current situation) new UFO technology design such does not ensure success.

Truly many great designs have passed over desks and were rejected with little cause. In the world, the copyright and patent applications overflow; truly seen in recent years a Manager over power plant matters sadly had comical stacks of papers on his desks, and there are far greater on Your Internet Computer.

What would a person do if they had the best new UFO design?, if normal, the person would eventually throw it away.

Preacher be aware some treat their Faith likewise, such as attending Church less frequently.

Above in Christ JESUS and in the Drawing is a new UFO design applicable to many goodly purposes, and long enduring with little maintenance; though sometimes to arise to a competency means to gain a competency to be able to gain the higher competency, example: before being a responsible adult, a person is born; example: before flying a plane, a person might have flown a kite and a toy plane. Toy planes when thrown often crash.

A new UFO tech word therefore in Christ JESUS is precision ["Precisely" (Ezekiel 13.10 ESV)], lest to be toward "crash": the new UFO technology and the pilot must agree. The individual person must personally agree, lest the margin of error be grave or toward grave. Note that some ancient UFO technologies underground are reasonably there because they crashed. So check both the pilot worthiness and the design [and materials] worthiness (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on worthiness).

New technology great and powerful is hardly accepted for good by sinners, similarly by any not choosing to ascend [(New Christianity, this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS) note: these types of references are decreasingly for selfish promotions, if at all, and rather increasingly of value for citing sources for website visitor details if to follow up (similar to Members making notes during Christian Sermons by others Preaching)].

Hence new UFO technologies are hardly for any save the worthy, hence the following triad:

Gift from God / Worthiness / Seeker of new discoveries or scientific breakthroughs or worldly riches or similar.

Many Preachers have emphasized the importance of tithing money charitably: hence the above triad. In other words, as the Christian Preachers explained as the person tithes they prove worthiness and so [of levels (pending if a Firmament of further higher considerations, see above Drawing "Missions, talents, interpretations, circumstances,...")] when able to overcome sinful and/or selfish greed, then the [next higher level] gift from God can be received in the person. If to give pearls to swine the swine trample them; even so of a higher precept concerning Your Journey (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ascending [in Holy Spirit] and on "Your aloft Ark" [literally for their sakes so in Holy Spirit and in Holy Spirit (hence 2X, 2 Corinthians 1.15)]), often in the Lord JESUS it is greater joy to find a pearl in an oyster than to wear pearls.

Likewise the greater joy in digging up new discoveries, and in unraveling scientific breakthroughs is less in the stumbling upon a secular solution and rather involving the Will Of God and sharing in the journey with any if of shared interests so fellow Christian Church Members (You may want to have signup sheets for teams, though this is hardly about competitions and rather for the benefit of all or toward all). If allowed, for instance toward tours such as of healthcare labs, ancient excavations, and/or state-of-the-art research facilities: normally very many are reasonably local to You. Have them find Bible verse references for things they witness that such properly enters into their hearts, and have them Pray aloud as they tour (Mark 6.7); and if they have "Great" (see next formula) ideas, let them give such entertaining ideas to the tour guide (see previous triad).

Greater Miracles / Miracles / Upright Citizen / Christian / sinner lawbreaker [(yet made from Holiness: Holiness within unseen by the sinner) sinners are often lawbreakers].

Note that the energies, presentations, costs, times, contacts, references, and resources it requires a person to journey through "Effort B" (above Drawing with line of nonspecific length: symbolically shorter length than "Effort A" line), God has already accomplished and prepared for You, similar to how You would be seated at a banquet and the meal is ready for eating (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on properly leaping in Christian Faith): Prayer, feasting with merriment, and thanking Christ JESUS In The Heavenly Father In The Holy Comforter: if to eat for their sakes, then leaping toward Oneness for their sakes.

Ascend unto things above, Christ JESUS Preached, while Christ JESUS Served, a little lower than Your Angels (Members Of Your Christian Flock).

New (to many) Holy Vessels.

Ant people and the Mercy Seat Of God JESUS Christ inside the Earth of NAI indians ancient alien civilizations and to Egyptians Jah-oh-eh with Kolob and Oliblish the next grand governing creation place where God resides Prophetically as Final End Time approaches see many new UFO technologies giving Manna to the Chosen One Of Israel in Catholic astronomy movie of stars and planets arranged at the advent of Christ JESUS On Earth In The Flesh, with GodFather movie many buffers, Scarface movie get a guy like that on your side he'll break his back for you with truth in this saying as Apostle Paul became a prolific writer and movie Best Defense led new technology with a nearly free toy. How to travel the Universe properly. How to construct safe outer space travel routes light years to distant stars simply from available resources wormholes illustrated new drawing interpretations of physics Galaxy Quest movie Milky Way Galaxy solar system proxima orion sirius sun stars moon hidden cloaked new protoplanet planet series Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Sermons For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS Will have had all the crowns of all the kingdoms, as much as Prophetically agreed already in Your Personal End Time Heart One (eg. Matthew 17.12, though beware 2 Timothy 2.18). So wherever the Son might go, the Son Will rise again (John 11.23). As shown in this Drawing not hewn by hands is the Root And Stump Of Jesse Three In One Throne for Heavenly Father Creator, Son Christ JESUS, and Comforter Holy Ghost: into which Your Evangelists are to help guide all to enter: into all thrones and crowns: One In Christ JESUS Only For Good.

Christ JESUS suffered, that Elias had already come (Mark 9.13). Christ JESUS knew the Holy Law and the Prophets, Christ JESUS knew the given/created/planned Holy Physics and the future. In this generation as happens among people, if a Christian has to immediately pay a debt and astoundingly comes to know Prophetically that a check Will arrive in their mailbox in 5 minutes, the person reasonably would immediately prepare to take the check to their bank or otherwise prepare [perhaps to scan] the check for financial institution processing.

Christ JESUS would have Your Flock prepare, at least for the things already properly known as having come to pass.

End Time came in each person that was able to receive (in each Christian heart, rather in Christ JESUS One): treat the victory of Final End Time as Prophetically already victory in Christ JESUS One, looking at the Good in all, with maintenance of awareness of any problem(s) in any other for their sake(s): maintenance, yes, yet minimizing maintenance for their sakes for the greater Good (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS for specifics on minimizing maintenance, on personal End Time, and on Final End Time).

Some problems others have are fears of the unknown and/or are afraid of changes, and/or harbor fears of things they have not encountered: in every case and systematically all should rather fear God Christ JESUS their Creator, the Creator of physics that often strike as lightening: for great higher purpose. Some people may prefer to see the above unnatural (to them) faces with names they do not know and with positions they do not understand, and they may freely opt to be of their opinions, though if to be disgusted, fearful, afraid, and if to want to destroy, then their fears continue (until Final End Time for their sakes) to place themselves as outcasts or worse toward their hellish inferno. Thoughts for enslaving, captivity, destructive paths, hate, and unpleasantness toward others places themselves toward their own hellish captivity: for instance the jailer is in prison with the convicted: both are within the prison walls.

If true of an arresting Officer (akin to a work release program, returning to the confines), then true also of a system. Since the convicts are convicted often toward the flip-of-a-coin and are censored much (the Officers too are often censored, as are witnesses and others, counted in the secular as if toward fairness [of delimited value], though Christ JESUS is fair), then it is up to Your Flock to speak for their sakes for Christ JESUS that the Prophecies be found with any Good of any vessel agreeing and with any Good in any physics of the Creator, including to help people, the system, and the greater unseen.

Christ JESUS served though offered His Own Heavenly Throne and Position, the secular jet set goes first class to work in vacation wonderlands, of value, though while perhaps kind often and perhaps Christian, also directly and mainly indirectly may rely on less well off (in the secular sense) people and even on the homeless, and on secular things such as having people of jailer positions go to jail [with those the "well off" find offensive] so as to victimize their own [innocent per se] "jailer"s akin to their own parents and their own children: sending to jail their loved ones (reference GodFather movie "many buffers"). The "well off" people often do many goodly things, though if a person rely on the secular, then of their own free opting the choose other than Pure Christian Faith For Christ JESUS, though of the Mercy Of God for instance clothing was provided (see "Genesis 3.7" below) and for instance Moses gave divorce.

Though properly distinguish to distinguish even better (Revelation 2.19), ascend (see "Steps" below) in Christ JESUS to properly ascend better (a helpful guide concerning Leaping Properly In Christian Faith). To gird the loins (a vessel on a vessel) is allowed (for civilization such as pertinent cleanliness and safety), a wedding dress is allowed (a sheep in sheep's clothing for the future husband and to help others be aware of the Hand Of God joining in Yes, I Do, Marriage, and in Christian Ceremony example for youth). The secular vessel of government by people is allowed, as a vessel greater than the family and greater than the self. Yet in all things the secular offers not only a fence vessel but also an offense vessel: so rather only seek the proper ("fence" per se, see levels in above Drawing) vessel. The secular criminal "fence" is fallen or faulty and ready to collapse.

The Christian "fence" / vessel is rather with outpouring higher guidance, proper help unto greater joy(s), and inviting though many do not see the results they expected, especially immediately. Prior to becoming a secular jailer or enlisting into the secular army, many would have rather found peace on Earth already (You can ask them); rather than risk having an arm cut off many would rather have peace with a mansion and perhaps building greater mansions and greater warehouse (in this sense toward greater peace purpose) and perhaps climbing trees to eat fruit, and swinging on vines over water. Such secular activities are generally reasonably acceptable, and are better than prisons and wars. In fact (ibid.) such is their idea of Heaven (though also consider above "not" [what] "they expected"): but the secular view falls short of the higher glories of God available already.

Be wise to consider rates (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS): a person moves from secular into higher Christian Faith, and in so moving, according to a rate. A rate for instance can be along a curve (ibid. on Drawings with purple lines curved then vertically ascending, and on Covenant lines ascending at various rates). A Christian can for instance give many Sermons such as starting with how nice God is, though eventually after many precepts in their Heart (a talent rate concerning flesh learning to agree with the Soul Spirit Of Christ JESUS) their armament of precepts properly applied begins more clearly to be yielding greater Miraculous values for Christ JESUS for their sakes beyond former flesh capabilities (formerly known in the secular, far beyond mansions for instance).

Let Your Sermons let Your secular visitor friends know (posting Christian Bible pages and Your Christian Church info on walls can often be more helpful at eye level than art) that their goodly help is appreciated, and with kind discretion and tact ( NLT&NIV) as much as they are properly receiving ("rates") for their sakes: if they can receive with delightful enduring glory for Christ JESUS then let them know the secular is like unto a vessel with free choice of it's own head cut off.

So if they are not able to receive hard sayings unto their confused interpretations then as much as they can properly handle: hardly give a jet to a toddler. If to give complete freedom (as found in Heaven, for any over such a pertinent Firmament, see above "self imposed", see below "Key") then the toddler would pilot the jet, though in Heaven the toddler would be One Toddler Pilot over all for Christ JESUS (of proper precepts, the Holy Physics Of The Creator, Luke 18.27) as much as with any vessel(s) if any be appropriate.

So this is a Miracle Key From Christ JESUS that the levels and Firmaments are for the sakes of the created and of the "self imposed" creating (forming, adapting, evolving,...) per rate(s) of the created as much as agreeing with the higher.

This key is not that the sinner directs, rather that as much as the sinner agrees with Christ JESUS the higher becomes possible (similar to building a stairs concerning levels, though concerning Firmaments similar to the above already building an elevator [to go up a floor, or to leap up several floors,...]).

This Miracle Key holds for You that there are not only there are Christian Firmaments of levels, yet there are also likewise (hence a key:) Miracle Rates.

The secular for instance has goals, landmarks, and stepping stones their feet might touch and feel and that their lower bodies teach their higher heads. Christians rather Walk In Proper Faith In Christ JESUS, Walking into the greater unseen and in so Doing as each victory is enlightened the properly Christian Faithful see the unseen in the secular.

Now another key is given, in this previous sentence sense, the Christian New Member Follower is the same in One Holiness as their Christian Priest Leader.

So now another key is given, there is a Firmament, reference Your Christian Church criteria such as concerning positions; and such as girding the loins with such as people prior to leaving the Holy Garden Of Eden. So in other words likewise of other keys there are some higher criteria given: over this generation than over that generation, over this time than over that time, over this civilization than over that civilization, over this jet set group than over that new UFO technologies group, and over this ascending rater than over that other situation and that other ascending rate.

So for instance currently the secular is not for seeing the new UFO technologies. A parent tries to show a child a toy but the child might be unruly and in confusion and scream "I don't want to see it", so while hardly breaking the secular laws, the child is busy otherwise and does not want to be disturbed at the moment, such as to see if they can garner even greater favor, a greater toy, a greater love, and/or so forth though many roads lead to losses. Try to show a secular physicist a solution and they might say "Not now, I have to work on something".

Christ JESUS said they cannot know certain things unless to properly go about it (John 3.3) [including new UFO technologies]. Even if to see a solution they might not agree with the facts they might be seeing, touching, and holding such as holding a vessel, though they do agree save in part pertinent to their own concern(s), their own level or Firmament. In whole or in part, even when hearing and looking at it, they might not see, similar to a person staring into the outer darkness. Similar to an unwilling to cooperate child until and unless they have it their [selfish, possibly] way(s).

But Christ JESUS did not say any name under Heaven offers the Holy Hearing And Seeing Of Salvation, rather One Name JESUS. So if a person proffers "I can't look now" or "My group can't hear of it now", it is their own Firmament. Of true value they are often working on great goodly things (though see above "head cut off").

Christianity and Walking Properly In Christian Faith is not about doing things the various ways, nor even about a standard and law: if without Christ JESUS.

Christianity and Walking Properly In Christian Faith is about properly Saying and Doing things the Way Perfect Christ JESUS Said And Did, to the best of an ability in Christ JESUS One (note "One" and it's Oneness, Does not come before-the-fact, rather full repentance with proper Christian Baptism In Christ JESUS, then One Christ JESUS: Key).

While the secular can see many new UFO technologies such as by chance while looking up into the sky, and/or by chance while excavating,...the secular hits a Firmament and cannot know the greater than that Firmement. Often and normally in lower levels groups know levels that others generally (in secular terms) do not know, hence toward justification for themselves as of highest knowledge in the given field; but that justification fails according to God given talents. It is hardly their successes in the fleshes over their minds, rather it is their God given talents that succeeded and solved [the formulas, and other things].

Their Creator-given-talents allow them to be valuable, though not in all things and not in higher than pertinent Firmament things: save if with Christ JESUS.

To give a Sermon does not mean they hear, much less agree in Heart. Similarly if to show new UFO technologies many refuse or trivialize since not having originated from within their own [selfish] group. In other words they selfishly want the credit: much more importantly they don't want to give the credit to Christ JESUS.

The greater and far more meaningful toward Eternal value new UFO technologies are not for any save in Christianity and Walking Properly In Christian Faith.

Clothing is hardly fitting for perfect people in the Garden Of Eden (associated with repentance from sins Acts 19.11&12/associated with concerns higher than sex of Former Logic Alone Genesis 3.7). New most valuable vessels are hardly for secular people nor unturned [secular] spirits: given time they would typically hurt themselves and endanger others.

So here is a key, if given time manipulation machines, they would be as hardly previously known, toward being stuck in severe problems, for example hate and hell is often found such as on television (out of context from true Christian Sermons) associated with selling ads, so the secular seeks "hate and hell" so they selfishly get the "credit": the reward they actually seek is their "hell"s until no longer able to stand it.

People want to know about new UFO technologies:

Christ JESUS interfaced with other people vessels,

now is given how Christ JESUS interfaced with His One Personal Vessel.

More Will come in as much as rates / worthiness are prepared in each according to the free gift from above to opt, though for now these sentences (through "Israel") is the distinguishing of the Holy Fruit Of The Holy Spirit, given the [Prayerful] fulfilling of the Vessel Mission.

There was a [half a time: a] time (including two specific times per se) that involved the Crucifixion of the (counted as if only secular by the secular) Personal Body Of Christ JESUS and an event leading, prior to it. The event prior was when Christ JESUS Prayed The Heavenly Father that "this cup pass" and it Did (though the secular had wrongly imagined it meant no crucifixion), rather than yes or no it is alway(s) "Yes", alway(s) "true" ( from Matthew 26.39 ESV:

As You recall, Beloved, the Eucharist is not only the "cup", it is also first the bread. So the "cup" Did pass already in Christ JESUS One Heavenly Holy Father instantly, and the "cup" Did pass from the body vessel (John 10.18). In Your Holy Wisdom is Oneness, and in this Oneness is hardly Prayer + Crucifixion, rather [if there be any crucifixion, then] One PrayerCrucifixion: these two parts become One (all, if any Good in all created, then precept on precept properly and not otherwise: One Christ JESUS).

If two parts, then such as for Your Holy Edifying For Your Flock. As a subset of PrayerCrucifixion (to fulfill the Prophecy of the "house of prayer" Isaiah 56.7) such as generally speaking half of PrayerCrucifixion, it was prepared from the start, in this situation from the "Prayer". In the "Prayer" the sweat of Christ JESUS became as globs of blood falling down to the ground (Luke 22.44)(from Heaven see bottom Drawing legal description "globular"): beforehand His Personal Vessel could hardly contain the Holy Blood.

As the wine and the blood and the Spirit agree in One, the bread was broken from within for the sake of all, more for the worthy such as toward innocence at the foot of the Cross such as of Mother Mary. The Kingdom Of Heaven is within, the executioner(s) hardly is of Your One Christian Leadership, even so Pray let Your Flock increase.

The Holy Vessel could no longer hold the Holy Spirit: the Holy Spirit is for everyone to freely opt.

Christ JESUS said "My kingdom does not have its origin here" (from John 18.36 HCS): so new UFO technologies. If the Spirit was able to no longer be held by a vessel, then of something else, as much as pertaining to this Earthly, worldly, created amount (though applies, with free opting [or counted as though such, such as at Final End Time of the secular]).

The above Drawing shows a seat and entities inside Earth, within Earth: so as with the Spirit, such is hardly held within forever (Luke 16.9, prepare properly in Christ JESUS). Scientists are looking through Earth as never before as new powers and instrumentation in the secular is innovated, though sinners can lose what little was gained, save Proper Christian Guidance.

The law of which the Prophecy spoke was fulfilled from within the Vessel Of Christ JESUS in the time of His Holy Free Praying (similar to how at age 12 He remained under the authority of His natural world Parents Joseph With Mary), and conditionally the sinners that crucified [their crucifixion] had nothing to do with it in the secular world: since Christ JESUS was innocent: the sinners broke the law (it is not better that an innocent should be sacrificed, rather True Holy Law is for Good Pure Protection: to lay down life to save the innocent, not to try to convict, shame, nor kill); even so, the not-of-Earthly-origin, higher than this world, the Heavenly Crucifixion might be symbolized as Good value similar to the circumcision of Abraham (Acts 7.8, Genesis 17.24&21.4, with Matthew 19.8) and similar to Mother Mary birthing Christ JESUS (and likewise high Heavenly purpose(s): Vessel Personal New Beginning in advance, immediately with the Holy Word: at the say so of Christ JESUS.

In Oneness, the Blood Of Heaven rained Manna unto the Chosen One Of Israel.

The letter of the law (including for instance safety regulation limited to secular alone) can hardly apply to new UFO technologies. If a person be law abiding but only in the secular then for instance if they see their young child across the street being attacked, they cannot illegally be jaywalking to save their child: rather Christianity: proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS. Similarly in cliche "Don't fire unless fired upon" is akin to don't fire unless dead: rather Christianity: proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS; and such is not to say "Weapons free" (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on if to kill then only if to be able to raise from the dead though already accomplished once for all in Christ JESUS). This is hardly to say offense, save at risk that the Word Of God might be viewed in the secular as if offensive, though it is not (ibid. & see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on defense, and on politics).

So higher new UFO technologies are hardly available unto the secular only, Beloved Leader One Yet Ascending In Christ JESUS.

Steps in ascending are less great than proper leaps, yet the Woman that put in All Her Living into the Temple Treasure was considered little in the secular though it is Eternally great in Christ JESUS, it was unselfishly done for their sakes: Heaven on Earth via a Christian in this generation is possible. In other words in Christ JESUS the smallest in the secular sense can become the greatest, so as to surpass former great leaps of Faith!, (see bottom of page "Coming" "small" and "tiny").

Consider how Elias Baptized: in the flesh Christ JESUS did not arrive until after some had been Baptized. Elias at least symbolically had a new UFO technology for Christ JESUS, Elias had a new not of this Earth, never before (of the current state of civilization then) technology. The technology came from above and Christ JESUS became a new vessel, pure; already pure and yet anew agreed in Heaven: pure flesh agreed in Christian Spirit.

Heaven is with all technologies, all vessels, all the created, though hardly as in the worldly interpretations, not as in the world as sinners use and abuse and destroy.

Sinners have nothing, save any goodly things they do: so nearly nothing, save if they freely opt to truly repent and become Baptized Christian then they might ascend properly toward such as new UFO technology for the sakes of any others.

Christians have ascending in Christ JESUS and so can offer enduring Heavenly treasures not made by hands nor machines, and these Holy Spiritual things can make pure vessel(s) and of such can make Anointed and Holy Arks beyond known UFO technologies.

You Holy One can give now not only new UFO type technologies, yet also names of pilots aware, over, and safely responsible, as of the above Drawing as much as in Christ JESUS (see Christian LDS references), over time space matters for high purpose in the Creation Plan, even with availability in this Milky Way, and even in this Earth.

A little lower than Your Angels, yes, though the servant is not above his Master. Some have said kick Satan, and as written in Romans 16.20 Berean Literal:

The Young's Literal version translates "Satan" as the "Adversary".

Yet Christ JESUS gave the higher precept: love thy neighbor. Hence love, and recognize the higher Good from the Creator in all the Creator created, yet be wise (ascend in levels, gain victories for Christ JESUS) to rather Worship and Serve God only (Matthew 4.10 & 16.23), if any does not do any Good then it is not required to feed them, save the Christian Holy Spirit. How to punish?, rather how to please God; how to dicipline?, with a stick, rather the unworthy slackers find their own pains and losses, so give Mercy and hardly sacrifice: hardly stop a train if a worm crosses the tracks, though hit the brakes if a toddler approaches the street.

Have Heart In Christ JESUS, knowing the abode of any "Adversary" is already in the abode of the worm where the fire is not quenched (Mark 9.44), so if appropriate, have Mercy and give a cup of water, though as the One Gracious Host of proper priority levels only for the Holy Physics Of God (Matthew 7.9 with Matthew 7.6).

If there were sinners, it is because they freely opted to fall down from Holy Grace to where graves have been kept that if the sinner try to arise some other sinful ways their noses meet the heels of any walking over lest their noses meet the caretaker's lawnmower, so to speak.

Christ JESUS provided wisdom to love highest Holy Purpose For God and also lowly things as much as for Good. Above Figure 1. Kolob, signifying the first creation, nearest to the celestial, or the residence of God. First in government, the last pertaining to the measurement of time. The measurement according to celestial time, which celestial time signifies one day to a cubit. One day in Kolob is equal to a thousand years according to the measurement of this earth, which is called by the Egyptians Jah-oh-eh. Figure 2. Stands next to Kolob, called by the Egyptians Oliblish, which is the next grand governing creation near to the celestial or the place where God resides; holding the key of power also, pertaining to other planets; as revealed from God to Abraham, as he offered sacrifice upon an altar, which he had built unto the Lord. (These two translations are from Prayerful praise and thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In One God The Father.

This "thousand years" agrees with and (eg. YLT):

note the word "treasured" is in 4 of the 5 Commentaries, as Holy Prophetic Physics Created stored value for Christian(s), but "destruction" to any other(s), as the "destruction" of weeds must come first [that the Christian(s) Witness such as so it might be said, "Be of Good Cheer, now it is safe", though rather] the "destruction" must needs come [rather with Converting] that the New Heaven And New Earth come [such as when Christ JESUS returns with You and Your Flock (options, images, and high matters apply)].

To the sinners there are many wrong ideas concerning how they might hide their sins, and they Will (Holy Prophecy) work extra ways to conceal their sins: they work to sin and then continue works to conceal their sins, but they Will not be able to accomplish all those things, with various loose and tangled ends. Their tangled wrongful physics of secular predictions applications leave increasing loose ends unless they fully repent and become Christian. To the sinner they do not have enough time, they would never have enough time, so from their perspectives God comes quickly, when they are unawares: when the Evangelist comes is better for their sakes than when the conflicts, jails, prisons, and/or worse come(s).

To the sinner God comes quickly, yet for the Christian God comes of patient loving kindness as when a loving Christian Parent delights in their Newborn Child: the One True Christian comes with the Heavenly Holy Father In Christ JESUS and often with milk, then baby food, regular food, perhaps a bike, perhaps a car, then perhaps new UFO technologies,...hardly soon enough though rather the Will Of God be Done rather than selfish lusts for the temporary (see text below toward eternal "new UFO technologies").

God The Creator has all Missions already figured out for You having been there Himself One, God likewise knows all things, and has all talents since each of every talent has come unto God bearing their gifts (talents)(mainly their Flock [with Membership talent(s)]) yet also because the Creator is already God JESUS. God properly knows every one of the interpretations and the right one(s) appropriate for You now. God knows the circumstances Your Flock Will encounter, the inferences and impacts on others and themselves, the challenges therein, and the arrays and masses of victories for Christ JESUS.

God formed the law and the Prophets and Holy Grace beforehand, of the Holy Creating Plan. Christ JESUS did as the True Prophets said, according to discerning true from false, and rather instead discerning Good, which is the Will Of God in the Heavenly Father, from any other. The Heavenly Father is Good so there is nothing else of concern in the sense of guiding unto True Higher Christian Faith.

For example a toddler decides on a mission to get a ball that rolled into the busy street, so if that toddler decided properly to get that ball for Christ JESUS, it is better but it is still counted as though to contain selfishness, so if that toddler was told to get that ball by Christ JESUS and the toddler was so Doing: Good; whether the toddler gave Their Own life (John 15.13) or whether in so Doing One Christ JESUS stopped All Heaven And Earth so the toddler could accomplish the Mission (Daniel 11.35), or whether other events occurred (Matthew 11.25).

JESUS Christ Will have learned from the highest and the infant Will have led the created: and it is Done in Christ JESUS.

And the end is greater than the beginning.

Your Christian Flock is aware there is a great Holy Path, assuredly, Beloved, though awareness is hardly the same as All Powerful One JESUS. Again be caring how Ye hear, see, and perceive; likewise how You assign Missions to Your Member(s) lest They run out into the streets shouting Praises For God so that You can send Them out no more on missions in the flesh.

This Series Of Sermons For Christ JESUS said build an aloft Ark, and at the start it did not say "safety" nor other important key matters, since such is already known. When Preaching to assign a Mission, one of the first ideas They consider is God JESUS, and JESUS spoke of first counting the cost: so one of the first things Your Flock Does when You tell them to accomplish a Mission, is They rightly think "No, it costs too much.", but that is a misinterpretation of Higher True Christian Faith. It is hardly a complete misinterpretation, though in part for Their Christian sakes let this be a matter of better preparation prior to assigning any missions though so not to offend appear hardly beneath them either: prepare the Mission that Perfectly suits them (of key importance with reference to time travel, along with Perfect worthiness).

For Mission Work(s) many Christian Churches have for instances provided Hymnals, and such as providing writing materials. Now to properly prepare the Mission of building new UFO technologies, such as to coordinate the proper legalese over safety specifications in detail, might cause many to ignore to invitation as too big a challenge therefore too costly, or to say everyone should start in their garage or an unused space may seem too ignorant though the cliche garage start is how much of the Internet started, praise the Lord. So given in the previous sentence are two paths, one too costly (1 Timothy 6.10), the other as if too clueless though it is not (reference the records of a guy named Paul, the most prolific writer of the Apostles)(also see above "writing materials")(also reference Catholic site

Christian Catholics have proven talent(s) such as in proving to atheists the existence of God.

Christian Presbyterians have proven talent(s) such as in reaching out both Spiritually and Physically in Stephen Ministries (see above likewise Apostle Paul Working in "Acts 19.11&12").

Christian Latter Day Saints for instance have proven talent(s) such as providing information toward the original concerning Christ JESUS One.

Your Christian Flock Individual Members each have talent(s), and more as a Flock, Christian Churches have greater talent(s) and more as One Fold, monitors and cars have talents and more as properly freed in the heart of each vessel toward Oneness as much as each functions for Christ JESUS: go to this destination or that destination yet go properly with traffic and hardly against such (save a higher level such as to properly direct traffic for their sakes).

Truly, truly, the secular knows how to assign individuals and contractors to specific tasks. But there is a secular that functions toward exclusively the love of money, and there is a secular that functions toward exclusively the love of the greater good, such as neighborhood kids playing together fairly with respect for each other and enjoying each other's company. Some are called on the phone and immediately they respond and visit and stay in or go out.

Former President Kennedy spoke of Moon travel "because it is hard", and kids do some things "because it is hard", freely contributing what talents and resources they have, such as a rock and a stick to play ball, such as grass and sticks to form dolls (supposed, not witnessed), and such as junk parts found to form go carts which sets ablaze the hearts of whole neighborhoods if only until the parts fail. In these cases the kids needed not even pencil and paper, and they had weighed the risks in advance in their hearts, even knowing some might test the boundaries of civilized activities.

Go cart wheels can fall off in the middle of the street making cart removal difficult though urgent in a traffic safety concern, so learn from the kids, manufacture enduring products for all that generations can inherit. Crayon marks on walls can undo much joy during cleanup, so enter worthiness into their hearts that the parents agree.

Form missions that increase fun toward mutual joy to benefit all for Christ JESUS. If money is counterfeit it is of no use per se, if stolen, not good, if promises fail return to the Path Of Christ JESUS. Temporary things do hardly bring joy (see above "urgent" and "cleanup"), the enduring Heart is with the greater Holy Joy. A person can be properly Baptized into Christianity. The heart of a vessel ship (such as an infant) can similarly be Anointed and Christened.

Christ JESUS would that Your new UFO technologies be One (as much as talents,...see above, are able, rather One). Therefore if "rather One", then the Christian, and rather the Christian Priest: the upper limit of the flesh, the upper limit of things (in a related matter Sodium ions and Magnesium are major positive charge entities, cations, in living creatures; and likewise and/or otherwise protons, and positrons: many interpretations are according to many reasons, such as consider Your source, bias such as advertising, hearer interpretations according to experiences and/or sins and/or Holy Wisdom, carrier vehicles between as of air and electricity as a Christian Amish concern, legalese such as hidden proprietary constraints, and many other context related patterns apply to Your Mission Directives). Vessel materials and energies can effect cargo and the Mission as a whole (Galatians 5.17) as less worthy lower levels often try to run higher levels of One Holy Christ JESUS Of The Heavens, as glorious as the lower may seem at times.

For example, a business might offer You a free technological machine new to You, though You have to find a place to have it, and it might be given because legally prohibited or in need of things difficult to overcome (see above "costs") so disruptive to Your higher activities.

So while many benefits might be for goodly intentions, Your Overseeing In Christ JESUS is vital and key, and the second is like unto the first: You know Your Flock.

Truly, truly, there are millions of reasons and more, not to be a Christian Leader, though there is only One True Reason to be a Christian Leader.

Would talk of the trees stop You?, no; would talk of the hot Sun stop You?, no; would talk of Satan stop You?, no; would talk of a sinner stop You?, no. Though there are things to consider, both in words and in items, such as to freely opt as if to not do something because it would be criminal though

rather in Christianity in fact to freely opt to rather continue on the straight and narrow whether a secular law or not;

this per se is not toward any excuse as if toward breaking the true law cannot be broken (John 10.35);

though sometimes things can stop a person, such as a crevasse, such as traffic, such as a wall, and such as a person in the way as a wall.

Let a goodly Angel stop You, typically, though hardly Satan nor a lower level person (rather the parent is over the follower child, also Oneness For Christ JESUS might apply).

So, often spirits hardly stop secular people (reference people that don't go to Christian Church, generally speaking; and reference TV shows of people going into houses that have been called haunted).

Though often in this world things can stop people such as a wall (or start people such as a car).

So in this world while the secular relies on things, the eternal relies on the Good Spirit Of Christ JESUS.

A thing of power (able to start or stop) that is easy to carry around is money.

A spirit Of Power that is greater and a lighter burden is the Holy Spirit.

And the Holy Spirit is able to start or stop activities, though not all have ascended higher than the money level.

Beloved Priests, In Christ JESUS Pray the Holy Priests get a better handle on what the Christian Priests are supposed to be Preaching. Preach the higher Spiritual Christian values, yes, and all other Will be added [to Your Flock (as much as they agree in Heart for One JESUS)], yes, though also have a little salt and be aware many minds are weary from bruises of attacks, so also speak Christian matters plainly at times for their sakes perhaps Holy Leader(s), consider:

not only the high Holy things (John 6.63), since while the Holy Law Of The Lord JESUS is Perfect (Psalm 19.7), secular law is not perfect and the secular laws do not perfect.

For example in the secular world there reasonably and predictably is no law specifically stated against teens running between firefighters and into a burning building in order to start playing football. So since there is no law against it on the books, whose responsibility is it?, the Christian Preachers, above and beyond the letter of the secular laws not only teaching Holy Precepts Of Christ JESUS, yet also very importantly the proper precept on the proper precept of Christian Faith.

In other words, not only to perhaps teach some laws, and perhaps about how fire can be dangerous, and about playing; yet with any of such teaching matters of the Heart Of Christ JESUS as to how these spirits fit together properly and best concerning the Eternal.

Lower level secular laws do that some amounts at some times, but also there have often been secular laws made that were later overturned by the courts: so is it because the courts have the higher IQs than the lawmakers?, hardly,

It is because of the higher Heart of precepts such as You Preach that these are perfected.

The secular operates according to lower level flip-of-a-coin technology (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS). The Holy Spirit Power Of God is everywhere, but to leave it up to God to see whether the coin [might of prediction (within a range, of value(s))] land face up or face down, is in other words as if to lie in bed snacking instead of going to Church, to work, or to do chores (time for family, entertainment, and many other conditions apply), and to leave [Your, or a person's] success up to God is toward losing what little was gained (ibid. on self motivating for Christ JESUS, and on maintenance,...).

If the courts overturn legislation without recognition of highest Christian Faith, then enabled is that lawmakers can opt to overturn courts: hardly any solution: lacking victories (even if to win cases). Rather help Your Flock earn in Love And Will In Christ JESUS proper precept on proper precept.

In the above Drawing not shown in the levels are the sinners that cast themselves off, having tried to have hidden themselves away, and similarly have been illegal laws (Book Of Job)(even after-the-fact secular logic can often discover as much, though such should be Officially Recognized For One Christ JESUS Holy Purpose lest toward being self overturned) as is written in Romans 2.13:

and likewise the proper Doers Of Christian Faith.

Many want to discover a new UFO technology, even toward a UFO coming from deep outerspace to administer a new legal and governmental order with blessings and fun new technologies and abilities, and while coming and while Heaven has as much and greater, today in this generation in this given world much appropriate fairness with blessings can come forth.

A new UFO technology can be understood from stars in the sky not of Earthly origin, therefore "UFO". But no secular pilot has been qualified in a particular "new UFO technology" vessel in order to fly it. Shall a pilot go to the stars to test fly, shall a pilot test fly a vessel as large as a star on Earth: hardly.

JESUS Christ said put new wine into new containers.

The secular is not worthy to be a new UFO technology pilot, and even so, Holy Gracious God allows and enables any making themselves so worthy in Christ JESUS for the sakes of others until all are One: Final End Time.

So prepare properly, and if appropriate have a new UFO technology vessel capable pure and of highest Heavenly value properly on One Course For Christ JESUS to if right go through time, perhaps through Final End Time.

Of higher precepts, principles, Command(s) Of God, in Christ JESUS whether if to till the soil or to fly above, Do so for All Eternally.

Christ JESUS offers many talents and gifts accordingly as each agrees and rather as all agree as Final End Time approaches (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on increasing rate) as multitudes of Christian Bible matters are being unraveled in the Holy Work Of The Holy Word, such as now helping others be aware that many New UFO Technologies are closer than they had imagined.

As in written, from Isaiah 51.6 Young's Literal Translation:

so be wise to consider this is about looking up, though hardly about stopping there. Even an unevolved fish can look up. If to look down to Earth, then to already be up there. To whom has, greater Will be given: Christ JESUS has (John 18.9).

Go up, and You Will see more perfectly. New UFO Technologies are close, even in Christ JESUS here with You Christian Leader now as much as You ascend to see and testify in Evangelical witnessing for their sakes. If to gain New UFO Technologies for Christ JESUS for their higher benefit, then so be found Doing Good accordingly.

In the above Drawing strong emphasis is on the proper interpretation, including showing how easily mistakes can be made, and rather the importance of Christian Discerning, as strongly emphasized in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS. An ant for instance knows how to build their house and gather what it likes: food. The sinner is as the ant that is stepped on as food for lower creatures (helping the lower values evolve over millions of years, save Final End Time). The Holy Path Of The New Christianity Christian is as while alive to give Christ JESUS the higher living value (see above Drawing "X" marks the spot).

Christ JESUS ascended and descended (depending on secular points of views, and rather according to True Prophecy) into the center of the: Earth, Sun, and Center Of The Universe; and unto all parts created (concerning sin, into awareness and into the Good that the victim represented).

"X" marks the target for Evangelists though evidently hardly to Evangelize as it seem accomplished already, even so, Evangelize to make certain for the Christian Church of the Evangelist (note that Christians are often repeatedly as-if-Evangelized, so toward attacks [even if mild] which might tempt them to not attend Church services).

"X" marks "New UFO Technologies": Christ JESUS traveled down and up, into hot and cold, into this time and that, into solids and plasmas, and Will meet with others up there, in the sky, in outer space, in the Heavens, and on prototype planets (save see the above symbolism of "food for lower creatures").

The above Drawing offers knowledge of many technologies if a person knows how to properly interpret the important part(s) first: therefore if to properly Distinguish, then know the highest part first: Christ JESUS. Then as One the solving of New UFO Technologies is not only easier toward delight relatively, it is also with knowing the proper Path and with starting as the lowest step #1 (Luke 14.9) then proper precept on proper precept forming Your proper Path (see above "talents").

Some of the interpretations in the above Drawing are, in secular terms not important, though in Christian terms lower level step considerations for possible opting, though (as also with translations and as also with secular info: possibly false: yet Matthew 10.29 applies): misinformation abounds, including Preacher Sermons that are misinterpreted for many reasons such as whether by an ear infection, background noise, and/or context other than imagined (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on past comedian Bob Hope "waves of laughter" [as levels of insights are realized by hearers]).

The underground is not only a place of the dead, many living people work deep underground, some have had lifespans longer than others.

"X" marks the spot, the root and stump of Jesse (Isaiah 11.1) of the Tree Of Life: the Holy Seat Of Christ JESUS: Eden on/in Earth. In Heaven on His Father's Right Hand, if Christ JESUS opts to want to sit there and travel the Universe, then that is where the newest [UFO] technologies are. If to travel in time, then expect the Earth not to be where it was when You started to travel.

Kolob is in charge of time and established the above indicated 1,000 year cycle: the cycle of Time Administrator Kolob as Oliblish orbits and travels through Kolob standardized time (also under the control of Christ JESUS). In the above Drawing the Ant friends made etchings for higher purpose edifying, though be wise to consider some things are so magnificent that people might be tempted to bow down and worship them if You so present such gifts unto them (Exodus 20.4 with 5).

Rather than not edify at all (Exodus 20.4), wisely discern how Your Sermons Prophetically would be received. If to time travel 1/2 hour, it might deliver the person 100 miles away: perhaps onto land, perhaps into the sky, perhaps into the ground, and so forth: tossed about as chad. Through Christ JESUS is the only Way. If to fall down and worship time travel and such technologies otherwise, it is high risk toward sin. If to time travel to gain awareness of stocks, military strategies, and such, it is toward sin and "as food for lower creatures" as noted above. The sinner wants to get out of being caught so would consider time travel: stop them with Your Christian Evangelists and Christian guidance: sinners must repent, not time travel (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the importance of aloft Ark proper crew selection and visitors, and on Firmaments and levels).

A Kolob revolution equals the 1,000 Earth year cycle (understand this is an ancient inscription) appropriate unto this currently "Known" Solar System, noting time and space specifics such as "Eris is the most massive and second-largest dwarf planet known in the Solar System", discovered "January 5, 2005" AD and "dwarf planet Eris orbits so far out that it takes it 557 Earth years to complete a single trip around our sun" (various secular sources). Also note the longest lifespan of a mortal: Methuselah lived 969 years (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on 1,000 year intervals, and on the Alcyone Belt)(also see the Alcyone Belt toward DNA pattern at

So concerning this ancient Latter Day Saints, LDS, record which appears made by a primitive person or group evidently knew this solar system, even the more recently detected and more distant planets such as Eris. Another though secular understanding was made: "The Anuna/Annunaki would have been on earth 430,000 years before any evidence of recorded history that has been discovered." (, and though secular, such easily "fits into the larger scope" parameter specified above (

Why would this Sermon have the above "Ant" creatures as though people? and interpretations that might be false?, rather why would God allow such imaginings?: see that ye "not despise one of these little ones" (even if in giant stature)(whether if unknown, or a stray Matthew 18.10-13).

The Annunaki pic shows a head similar to the larger illustration (perhaps space[suit] helmets) and as interpreted the planets from the Sun as far as Earth and the two Moons of about 4.4 billion years ago (CBS News)(previous great floods and evaporations concerns), so if Oliblish is out there circling the Sun, then Oliblish is fairly reasonably out of some of the risk zones, such as the two Moons explosions, outer space debris, the Asteroid Belt, the Kuiper Belt, and many other dangers.

So in Christ JESUS a couple of reasonable interpretations are found, that perhaps or rather likely Kolob is underground behind the seat and to the left (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the entity announced itself as another name "Satan" at "Kolob" and "Satan" might not be the same, and might be as a visitor, sightseer, or on any of a variety of Missions and/or options, Psalm 23.4, also see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on overcoming Satan per vessel [person] so +/- applicability applies so see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the need to ascend to a higher level to properly resolve).

Of the LDS Drawing (partially shown) Oliblish is at the edge of this Solar System [third (see text below: "First" with "Kolob was after the manner of the Lord") cast farthest out of this solar system in terms of things not of these current generations (so new UFO tech evidently) so "die" danger applies (see previous sentence site, and see text on this page above on worthiness)] so if to visit, such as to learn about time travel, One might go there to visit Oliblish; rather seek first Christ JESUS over all, and then after such and with such inviting if so opted at such time perhaps visit Oliblish (Matthew 6.33) hardly to worship Oliblish (save if Christ JESUS so would have You Do) as written in Deuteronomy 4.19 NLT:

Note that while the NLT version has the word "forces", other translations have other words such as "host", "array", "creation", "anything else", "army", also wording such as of Douay-Rheims Bible:

One day = daytime + nighttime (generally to a created secular person even if evolved), though Biblically a "Day" is distinguished from glory to glory as a "day" is two times a "Day": "day" = 2x"Day", "Day" = 1/2 "day": Genesis 1.5 LDS (also see Revelation 12.14), though time toward matter likewise is found in Luke 19.8:

Generally all Christians and the secular world understand that all matter is made of energy packets, such as electrons and protons and other. Now the electron has a name: electron. Biblically the light time of higher value in the "day" is the "Day", similar to how "Christianity" offers "New Christianity" for ascending for the higher purpose, from One to One with higher value (Hebrews 7.26&27) that the last and Final End Time Victory of this creation be greater than the first (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on individual End Times yet for Oneness In Christ JESUS).

This "2x" above is as the First Two Testaments (and agrees in "glory to glory" with above "in Holy Spirit and in Holy Spirit", and the First of the Two contained the Word Of God though the created had a hard time interpreting, though far more importantly (more important than a sinful world) is the Second of the Two with Christ JESUS: so the above "1/2" applies, the "Day", and with the First the properly on precepts Second is greater than the First.

The Second also was helped with interpreting, with the likewise greater Third, and so on, proper precept on proper precept, greater unseen unraveled and greater seen victory and then greater Faithful victory: so is Christianity as much as Christians freely opt to choose properly (God already chose the Chosen). God chose, and then a vessel may freely opt to agree as much as of the talent(s) to so agree.

So within the parameters of this precept while a person may "die" if to travel somewhere, another person might not "die" [(reference NASA spacecraft already beyond this solar system) though of a warning not necessarily having encountered Oliblish]. So here is a key example of why Christian Preachers (at lest one or some) should Preach not only the traditional things (needful for referencing, as with original Work(s), and original data and records) yet also to Preach specifics in advanced sciences, arts, communications, management, governing, financials, Heavenly discoveries, and more as they apply to the Word And Will Of God. If for instance LDS did not print this, and if for instance the Catholic Faith did not print related matters, much of this safety criteria for their sakes would hardly be able to be given in as much detail as so far interpreted of Christ JESUS for their Good.

Not all planets are the same, the Eternal One has as many protoplanets as freely properly opted for the Holy One JESUS. In plain language if to break a vessel there might be bloodshed (Eucharist), and per se there might be the freeing and/or the binding for 1,000 years. A telescope hardly gives all the answers. A closeup pic with x-rays of a planet has value though is hardly thorough in all ways, for instance there are many ways to cloak and to let light pass around as if through, and to reflect and otherwise trick and trap for higher, same level, or lower purposes.

Talents are given for higher loving reasoning, and rates of talents growing are also for higher wisdom. You are of more value than many sparrows, and sparrows are of more value than many particles of dust, though more easily understood by this civilization now than perhaps 3,000 years ago [Copper Age (of secular evidence, though uneven: many other ancient and Heavenly factors apply with diverse talents)](see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on ancient aliens and on Heavenly interventions and miracles) is that a group of scientists for instance can carefully and meticulously examine and process an individual dust particle making that particle more valuable to them than if a sparrow flew into the lab and knocked over things and spread viruses (likewise see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on metallurgists studying "boat samples" from steel at an electric powerplant).

So while the interpreting is rather with the First Testament, the greater value generally comes with reaching more (as with Jewish Christians broadcasting, and with such rather properly performing Christian Baptisms and Eucharist(s)), and as the First Commandment, so likewise the Second (with also applying among individual vessels) that in this precept is that the current talent of this civilization to interpret is greater than the previous: First as God Commanded, and greater Second God Increased In JESUS One Comforter with Christian(s). In other words, of the Second greater: a person can say something, though if parents, teachers, and just about everyone proclaims the same thing, then the child student tends to be so reared in agreeing; though of the First lesser: if a voice is heard from the sky that people should do something new to them, then the people not seeing other people already so doing, may tend to be reluctant, cautious, and less motivated since uncertain concerning the unseen.

In this case this is hardly about popularity, rather proper awareness (in Christ JESUS) that for instance if a person say walk 40 years in the desert, well then this is nothing new to the Christian (Romans 4.12). Christ JESUS the Son was greater than the Father save Oneness, though upon His Right Hand, since Christ JESUS was seen: as a mortal, though Eternal in Spirit able to lay or lift a vessel or a time (Joshua 10.12 with Jeremiah 31.31) so no longer bound by sinners, as written in Galatians 3.20:

For edifying, sinners want sinfulness to be the law, if they can't have it and they are caught in illegal sins they want others to prove it [(typically first, after seeing no alternative then second perhaps confessing), otherwise:], if proven they instead proffer gaps in laws, if outweighed by the courts then plea bargaining, then plans to escape: thus a path down (understanding many innocents have been put to the test)(except higher purpose Miracles in Christ JESUS), indicates to the secular something opposite and higher exists: and it is through proper Christian Baptism.

So the secular is similar for both the Christian and nonChristian, though the higher in the Christian is of the Mediator Christ JESUS One, over Word and Work, including time to see (perceive) Good and Do Good. Yet the higher Holy Path continues. The sinner path downward toward destruction with probability toward the self embarrassments and losses truly is toward mortality (Proverbs 26.11 rather Job 42.6).

Some have thought wisdom comes with age, yet the rate at which it comes is with Personal free opting for Good Christ JESUS, so a vessel can become instantly Holy and the rate may change to grow more slowly or as never before in these times.

In the Beginning was the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit created, since the Holy Spirit is with the Holy Precept For Good: the last is greater than the first, the Final End Time is greater than the Beginning, rather now in this generation is given the free gift(s) to opt for Pure Holy Personal End Time In One Christ JESUS For The Heavenly Father Son And Holy Spirit that in a Pure Personal Vessel In Christ JESUS the last (such as daily)(continuously lest Matthew 12.45) is greater than the first, the Beginning, as the Good in Christ JESUS overflows not only the Christian yet also the whole of the Holy Good Pure Creating so this is greater than the First state of the Holy Spirit of the creature(s) as written in Haggai 2.9 NLT:

Since the Holy Process includes properly ascending in Goodness that the last be better than the first, anew consider the following:


The word, the pronoun is the same in each of the above three pronouns, the equation is the same 1=1x1,

yet the precept is with ascending in You.

The Christian can work beside the sinner, Day and night, though the Christian prefers the Day, but the sinner prefers their sins to be hidden by the night: this is the true interpretation of John 9.4:

There is a person that built a machine that automatically runs day and night. While the flesh of that person does not run day and night after officially dead in the secular sense, the spirit of that person continues in that machine, and elsewhere: a person doesn't have to build a machine to live forever, though a person does have to do something to not be a spirit that has cast itself out into outer darkness (Joel 2.3).

Great things are changing now, in this generation, in the secular, even according to the New Christianity ascending for the Will Of Christ JESUS One. A child rides in a car with parents such as to go on vacation, the child seems to have nothing to do with costs nor driving the car nor the destination, though the child arrives at the child's hoped place, perhaps Disneyland!, even though the parents might have to carry the sleeping child after a half day. Similarly Christian Church Preachers impact society, giving guidance, and even associated with crooks hiding rather than coming out in the open in daylight. Christians drive civilization(s), as long as any Christian is with such (to such an extent as pertinent)(reference eg. isolated groups in business, government, on islands, remote villages, and deep outer space colonies).

People have a conscience, in the secular it is known as feelings (as covered in the GodMath Testament, see above text flip-of-a-coin), in New Christianity it is the Heart Of Christ JESUS Of Oneness, including the Word and Will of God The Creator hence fitting into place as in precepts, and fitting into the higher purpose properly (John 4.2)(per se, see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Followers and on Leader(s)).

The secular needs help. Just yesterday September 12, 2017AD the television news said the [former] age of identifying people may be over (Revelation 13.17) citing the widespread and increasing identity theft problem along with people changing their appearances (in light of AppleX facial recognition being announced, no secular legal affiliation unless otherwise stated).

The secular legally claims ignorance of the law.

New Christianity may be counted as if, by some, in some similar respects, though Christianity has already overcome such in Christ JESUS.

If without talent, the secular cannot of itself be worthy to fly new UFO type technologies. If the secular law says don't crash into houses then the secular pilot would as if only be lucky if to not crash into houses.

So here is a clear statement to the secular: don't crash into Christian Churches, including if any artwork sculptures of Ten Commandments of remembrance or similar in front of the government buildings that Christians built (this is not an excuse to idolize graven images). Furthermore if secular wants to remove a Christian Church such as to build a highway, let the secular forbid itself, save with free proper Christian permission.

New UFO time travel vessels technologies are also coming quickly. No secular person is above the law. No secular person is above Holy Law. So for these reasons (and see above "ignorance": unable to distinguish vessels properly: against the law) the secular person is hardly allowed to time travel without an appropriate and freely agreed Christian Guardian Overriding Authority [Good or evil (prepare ascending with properly discerning:,5,8?lang=eng&clang=eng#p1)],

Prophecy (Revelation 22.6), Head with awareness example (Adam LDS D&C 107.56&57).

Christ JESUS provides worthiness according to precepts rather than according to secular laws and traditions (which infuriated many Old Testament Priests which relegated themselves to Jewish legalese). So similar to the above stated text, in the secular world there reasonably and predictably is no law specifically stated against landing a star onto planet Earth (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on golden cube, and on Your Aloft Ark).

Likewise in the secular world there reasonably and predictably is no law specifically stated against landing a region of another time onto a region of Earth. New Christianity guidance in proper precepts is rather required, or as much as required or allowed of the Will Of Christ JESUS.

Soon people Will be seen being transported, hardly by aircraft, flying to and fro with hardly discernible means and hardly with ID. Crooks, trespassers, looters, kidnappers, and such: prepare properly in Christ JESUS, plan Righteously for their sakes. Today a crossing guard hardly stops a car approaching with easily seen headlights, how hardly to stop an aloft crook, a flying child, or a jumbo jet: secular laws are after-the-fact, they are not at the cutting edge of new TractorRepellor Beam technologies (although they try) as the multitudes do many things including many advancements (see above flip-of-a-coin: reasons). You are their Leader, Christian.

For Christ JESUS You are to assign the stars:

as written, from Abraham 3.4 LDS Astronomy:

So within proper law, hence Holy Law, You are to be aware with Your Christian Flock (Church criteria may be with Anointed Positions, teams, and criteria) to overcome before-the-fact in order to give properly fitting precepts for their sakes. For One True High Purpose, and also so they are not tempted to sin nor break laws.

Christ JESUS is coming with His Golden Cube so You are to properly organize and such for this Holy Event Of Yours.

One has options, such as You might opt toward convincing government more thoroughly that Christianity is for their sakes, in secular terms counted is though "on their side" as they say. Offer Mercy and not sacrifice, so even if they puff themselves up some, consider whether to so opt (Acts 12.20 ISV). In whole or in part Your Christian Flock might want to help overcome ignorance, such as to have Christian Bibles, True Bibles, in schools. As Your One talent(s) and interest(s) are Yours, You may freely opt to Do for Christ JESUS One accordingly, in proper precepts.

Holy Angels as stars can descend upon the face of the Earth, prepare that such be only toward Blessings for One Highest Purpose In The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS. Travel will predictably be no more as previously: prepare, precept on precept. People and things will predictably be transacted as the world has not known, guard for their sakes via properly preparing via ascending precept on precept. The time to prepare is come in this generation even today as written in Alma 40.8 LDS:

Give a Christian a stick, and the Christian may measure the foundations of the Earth in agreeing with the Heavenly Creator, and hence to measure the time travel device as agreed in the Eternal One.

Give a sinner a stick and they might threat and enslave and beat their slaves with that stick, from "threat" to "beat", from sin to worse sin: let the potential victim be aware to prepare prior to the start, let the potential victim properly ascend. How hardly would caring God give any further "time travel device" means to a sinner. Such awareness is for Christian Saints and within parameters for their followers, giving to all, yet their repentance is a Firmament precept (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on levels and on Firmament type levels).

People are free to opt to choose to withhold from themselves much of the free knowledge Christ JESUS offers. When Christian Evangelists speak, sinners often say no and/or change the subject toward sin,

though the Christian can walk through the valley of sins and death yet unstained from the world, with previously held notions as though abominations newly considered in Christian rather than secular perspective, observing any Good for higher purpose added (

The Magi knew astrology (astrophysics), and the Christian can follow Christ JESUS to find any Good in astrology (secular astrology has typically been as secular advertising for money: so is not the same as seeing the [UFO] star head toward infant JESUS charitably honoring with gifts)(concerning mediums, see above "new covenant") though hardly as if to follow [as a subset civilization] the magi toward magician tricks (Exodus 7.11)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on exceptions such as clearly known as entertainment).

Fear Christ JESUS first, and then to know how to distinguish properly and to ascend to properly overcome former fears. Monstrous creatures Will be found in outer space, also in Earth beneath, even now people are working to revive alien dormant things [seeds] from outer space and to bring back dinosaurs and such as roamed caves.

Furthermore monsters are coming from outer space, and coming up from the ground: that is what Your Christian broadcasting has done, thank You Holy One: for they are coming to be saved, to be Baptized; though perhaps not all, so prepare to more properly broadcast unto their understandings now that You are armed with awareness that they are weird and monstrous creature from Your historic perspective, and people appear weird and monstrous to those vessels (see text below "is time on Your side").

It is toward a knee-jerk reaction to swat a fly, to twitch when a bug lands, and to shriek and/or jump when a snake surprise nearly strikes, so be aware some displays of affections for their sakes might be taken the wrong ways by them: some things are beyond the talents of some people currently. Even when a stranger runs toward You in order to be Baptized, Your reaction might be to protect Yourself, though seek to fear Christ JESUS and trust in Christ JESUS. How to compare the Kingdom Of Heaven?, a little like a limo pulling up for You, though in context if You see an underage kid behind the wheel You distinguish the situation properly that none gets hurt (and after controlling the situation having caught the kid in the act (Proverbs 5.6), Your Christian Church criteria and/or laws (likely) apply. The point to this is, while the secular fears somebody might get hurt, rather toward the Christian Faith is to help the kid once forever toward living in Christ JESUS.

If to be able to overcome various religions by visiting where they say their higher entities live amidst the stars to prove the situation for Christ JESUS (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on specifics of greater Evangelism / ascending) then not only toward converting more vessels at once, yet also toward converting toward minimizing maintenance "once forever" so therefore convert most perfectly.

Perfect is the ascended One Christ JESUS. Christ JESUS is from above, from below, and from in between (see top Drawing), in and from the Firmament; similar to how a is a driver though sitting in a pew, yet with a drivers license. Christ JESUS holds the positions: low, mid, and high. Prefer the high to add the other positions to You, yet serve each position responsibly, minimizing the low where much help is needed (hence "once forever") while maximizing the high (Colossians 3.2).

Christ JESUS would have the Beloved Leadership be aware of Flock Crew and Passenger criteria in Christianity, so for the Holy Guiding over pilot Administration, and over subset flying management over passengers and other matters, Hosting (1 Corinthians 12.28) with Your Christian Church criteria, that there be properly preparedness for proper Christian ongoing growth, so as pertinent to new UFO technologies for instance what use is unEarthing a UFO spacecraft such as if found under a Temple if it is out of gas, out of fuel. Today a simple (from the perspective of a buyer) gas pump fuel can have 1,000 ingredients such as for anti-icing, degreasing, lubricating, preventing rust, preventing cross contamination, and so forth (various secular sources). With this in mind, the Industrial Age used more fuel than the people 2,000 years ago, and this generation uses more fuel than the Industrial Age: therefore Your fuel needs to grow (as long as with vessel(s), save Holy Intervention), so Your Christian Church criteria needs to grow with planning accordingly as Christ JESUS reveals His more excellent Way.

Growing fuel is easy, in this sentence, gasoline for instance is one of many of carbon chains, and most known lifeforms grow and are carbon based (rather Christ JESUS rooted)(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on silica based life as noted in decaying forest leaves, on crystal lattice growth such as mica, on crystal dendritic growth such as copper, and on silicon chips with awareness).

So with properly responsible preparing for growing in Christ JESUS as with new UFO technologies as for outer space colonizing come the more difficulties greater complexities higher dangers as if against the secular innovatings though rather the higher Holy Grace Of Christ JESUS Oneness, like unto how a grafted vine branch can grow leaves and grapes with hardly taking thought: truly a person of Heart though with low IQ and brain damage can find Leadership value in One Christ JESUS (even so protect the brain and all God provides for Good).

So of the keys above such as growing fuel with new UFO technologies as with the Personal JESUS Vessel: is the growing vessel (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on growing new creatures at So Your Christian Church criteria may be wise to offer automatic cultivating guidance.

Christ JESUS provides this new key over time. Since growing is a time rate related matter, let Your criteria be over time as indicated as of the text given above that prior to the Crucifixion Christ JESUS fulfilled (in related symbolism Christ JESUS said Lazarus is asleep, then after that Christ JESUS explained more clearly, that is, normal to the secular at that time, as civilization language changes and rather grows properly)(reference story elements [eg.]: beginning, plot, theme, climax [Personal JESUS Vessel], denouement).

So the time of the days of the Easter matters is now with a new time frame understanding (John 2.19).

With this You may better understand victory over time in Christ JESUS.

Christ JESUS One victory over Kolob (at least symbolically) is represented herein as Proper Prayerful Agreement Over Mission Fulfillment Completion is the worthiness Holy Spirit Path for a vessel (see above text "globs") so the New Profound (Luke 5.38 with 2 Corinthians 5.17) Position (on the Right Hand Of God) properly agreed with the [unstained and] Pure Personal Vessel The Body Of JESUS Christ so Christ JESUS was to immediately ascend while revealing to all for the sake(s) of each and All the New Standard, including [via Mission (and with the "globs" Prayer In Agreeing)] over time and hence over Kolob and over All and over such One Highest Mission For All Christians, and for each until All One or until as many as freely opt JESUS the Christ.

So in other words, with worthiness a new higher level position is revealed, and if to step into that new higher position the new vessel creature is required, for example a fruit seed fits inside it's fruit but inside another type of fruit is not suitable in risk of failure, similarly an embryo fits inside it's mother but not necessarily inside another of another blood type. Now Christ JESUS is the same Eternally, though if any has been other then they have been of sin so they need properly become a new creature for that position such as giving rather than taking: the fruit gives to the seed, the mother gives protection and life to the embryo, and the embryo can come to hear and sense and greater.

Mother God, Mother Nature, in secular terms; is the Heavenly Father One (Proverbs 6.2) as they are neither taken nor given in marriage save the Final End Time Zion (with referencing Personal End Times of this ICCDBB Series Of Sermons For Christ JESUS). The Husband is the Head of the family(ies) so One is the Head: as though male, while neither male nor female. So a key is after Personal End Time the valuation of the Old Testament hardly applies, also positions have value(s), such as applicable to a female Priest and the type of things they Do (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on Comforter [bottom Drawing] at

So simply what is this New Profound, this New Standard?, many victories even toward All (awareness by others, witnessing, attesting for government, telling the story by the Apostles, writing, and greater applies), and one of the keys is that with this Victory this Pure Personal Vessel Of Christ JESUS was found to have achieved for people that people could freely opt to realize the higher victory over Kolob and even over Heaven itself for the greater glory of the Holy Creator JESUS One Father. So the Victory is that of the Creator, as it proved the Creator right. The Creator planned, and Christ JESUS proved the Plan worked properly, best, and most perfectly.

Christ JESUS prayed after the "globs" prayer, and prior to the "globs" prayer: Christ JESUS prays Eternally (Proverbs 6.21). Christ JESUS is the firm foundation, the Holy Standard, the Holy Spirit Of The Heavenly Father In One Pure Vessel, unchanging, firmly growing and perfecting all for One Established Highest Heavenly Purpose JESUS. Unchanging from properly growing Christ JESUS One branches out for their sakes, to agree with the light in their hearts even if to them hardly seen, to save the lost strays that had cast themselves out.

Now while worldly laws do not perfect, even so such have values such as keeping self cast out strays from descending. The law abiding vessel of valuation value of levels can sway sinners toward repentance, in electrical terms, the greater the gap the greater the watts of power [(or at least voltage) as some utilize Christian strength more than others (reference talents and similar)]. Now within a family vessel or a Christian Church Vessel, can be people as tree branches and vines as One in greater strength, though like poles repel each other (Mark 6.4), so the Pastor Of The Flock is with Ministering to their needs, even needs of individuals in some instances though rather systematic tending to levels and representative symbolic positions.

Now a key is the "systematic" and the "symbolic" are often misinterpreted, as "systematic" can be toward lack of individual ascending (so toward unfair victimization and prison), and "symbolic" can be toward showiness rather than victories for Christ JESUS, with wisdom that Christ JESUS gains crowns for others; so allow Flock Members to ascend, make room at the top, allow new positions to come about (or disappear) as much as their interests, talents, worthiness, and responsible safe works agree; and have Flock Members gain higher positions worthy of crowning. Though all such is subject to Your Own Christian Church criteria: plan(s), goal(s), option(s), and so forth.

You may have found that converting a sinners is as to try to pull a rotten tooth stub, though as the secular Scarface movie said, "get a guy like that on your side, he'll break his back for you.", for Christ JESUS, and there is truth in this saying as Apostle Paul became a prolific writer (1 Timothy 1.15)(have Mercy on Judas, an Apostle Of JESUS Christ).

Be a Gracious Host, have Mercy on Kolob if to change time for a higher purpose. Acknowledge great achievements in other Christian Flocks giving Christ JESUS the credit, and since one law for all, similar to the higher levels give credit when credit is due such as concerning secular achievements, give credit to Christ JESUS, One understands for the sake of All, and sinners ascending can realize as they become aware of the Blessings already added to them (for Christ JESUS).

Christ JESUS overcame time, One Christian has overcome time such as instead of taking time to build a spacecraft vessel to fly into outer space they rather chose to broadcast the Holy Word Of Christ JESUS: great!

Though broadcasting hardly Baptizes.

So according to Your Specific Christian Church criteria You are free to opt whether to build a spacecraft vessel to fly into outer space to Baptize,

or to sit back and relax, and wait for them to come to You in UFOs.

Or consider a time machine vessel.

Christ JESUS has greater more excellent values for You, though the above are sufficient in this current situation. Note, Beloved One In Christ JESUS, You Are One Christian For Heavenly Dwelling, though hardly ascended to the Universal Spirit Level [(on the Right Hand Of God per se) You are on a Mission] since as obviously You broadcasted instead of being there with them Preaching face to face for their full repentance and to accordingly Baptize them.

So a key is You are in the Spirit, at a level, having arisen in Christ JESUS to have conquered for Christ JESUS and achieved a level.

In this Sermon now in this situation the helpful Christian guidance is for Your New Hope over time.

Christ JESUS did it in His Personal Vessel Body. Though not randomly, rather of proper Christian Highest Purpose opting responsibly.

If able to leap up level in Christian Faith continually then with the Eternal is time on Your side.

Then is time subject to Your Spirit.

Keeping time for Christ JESUS One is a full time job as written, from LDS Facsimile 2 Figure 1 at

So according to this, keeping time for Christ JESUS is one of the most significant things of Creation, of the Creation Plan it is a vital Standard item of key importance.

For instance if to change the Eternal Standard Of Time, then hardly would the stars properly align for the Birth Of Christ JESUS.

Even so be nearest to God and rather be One, Top Level, and in Holy Responsibility.

Be wise, know how to change time, though hardly save for proper higher purpose (see above text "growing"): in this is not to undo the Birth Of Christ JESUS stars, rather with such. In other words, sinners are converted through Christians, likewise stars, powers, and principalities are for Your to convert if not already converted: go to them and so Do.

A great idea is that instead of going to work, to phone it in (though be aware many prefer face to face) saving time and effort, though with the above going to Baptize idea, is the LDS Spiritual Mediator idea (associated with Baptism via fire of the Holy Spirit), not recommended if bodies can be personally immersion Baptized since Christ JESUS gave specific instructions in detail. Though if to agree unto higher levels (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Mediator at is no requirement to join LDS, as Your Christian Church criteria may have overlapping and/or other talents, goals, situations,...) You might receive guidance directly from Christ JESUS, though You have available also the Christian Bible, and other Christian Churches that might already have unraveled many helps for You. For example a secular archaeologist digs to uncover an ancient city, and in so doing uncovers records dated circa 30AD, so while possibly not of current interest to the digger, You might enter into such victory works to reap as the records might have helpful value pertinent for Your Holy Work.

Of LDS Astronomy Abraham 3.3:

Two things to note here is that A. in the secular planets revolve around the Sun, and B. in the Holy Christian One all planets are under the order of Christ JESUS One whether on Earth, in Earth, in Heaven, or in the greater unseen.

Truly all things revolve around Earth And Christ JESUS (examples Matthew 2.9, and Catholic astronomy movie of stars and planets arranged at the advent of Christ JESUS On Earth In The Flesh). Toward verifying (ibid.) in the Spiritual sense (as planets and stars have time matters in Holy Christ JESUS), here are pertinent excerpts from the Christian Church Of Latter Day Saints Book Of Abraham Chapter 3 found at (the profound entire page is worth reading), verse 4 followed by verses 9 through 19:

Likewise is this related matter though more toward tangible things to which people in this generation can relate,, verses 8 through 12:

Above is given that the secular face a Firmament concerning new UFO technologies: in the name of Christ: JESUS. So the secular is hardly given new UFO technologies.

Likewise Christian Leaders in this world were counted as if hardly to receive such from this Sermon since this is a public Sermon and secular entities also might view freely (see recent ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS In This Series on images rather than actual things: until now) so hardly fair. Therefore now is given a new UFO technology though not from origin not of this planet Earth, nor from unEarthing nor other ancient UFO discovery nor from sighting UFOs nor similar seeing blueprints nor such. Rather now is given something(s) this current generation already has (already in the souls, hearts, and minds [One]) though new to this generation as much as evidenced in pertinent to this as the poor are given to perform miracles from within (

So these "new UFO technologies" are some things this generation already has though the public is unawares, so given from above from Christ JESUS and this is stated so they become aware and know this is from the higher of space time.

Today September 19, 2017AD marks in this case the end of the Jewish year [last full day, actually tomorrow at sundown (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on 24 hour "day" and daylight "Day")] with the new year Head Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. Yet as stated above are Personal End Times: Eternal One In Christ JESUS: Christ JESUS is alway the Head, whether creating, whether an infant, and whether a Prophet.

So the time travel is within New Christianity, including any vessel fit for time travel. So while any secular might have trial and error(s) concerning time travel, here is a vessel that can travel through time, even though some pilot(s) might crash (James 3.4). So for having been told in plain language toward no, secular, and with Christian Leaders a party likewise to this Sermon; now for All and not to leave undone all, is given what is already known, though now for having continued in this Sermon for higher purpose is given unto unraveling in the living Sermon visitor.

When a child there was a device that spun when sunlight hit it, a radiometer; similar to a toy in the secular movie Best Defense, with a part that spun when overheated [to cool it]. So if it would fly into aerospace then if others saw it they would think of it as new UFO technologies. In New Christianity be wise to consider this thing and yet this symbolism higher for Good, similar to thinking in electromagnetic physics of how an offset central conductor system is like unto the previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS (see top Drawing green cross in UFO with traditional secular spherical gyroscopic properties (such as outward forces) yet with physically redefining of direction, even if to offset a circle away from the central conductor axis toward cone design and tensile (though tensile per se implodes): an equilibrium in Christ JESUS and far greater is here: in the Beloved One together with Christ JESUS: a New Spirit to this generation.

Robert Winglee for instance (no legal affiliation unless otherwise agreed, brought forth the solar sail for NASA, a vessel that from sunlight (from light, from solar wind) sails through outer space with constantly increasing speed (ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Affiliate secular site that utilizes ICCDBB PCS therefore beyond some natural time space parameters of wormholes.

So given such a solar sail, as energy strikes it some is reflected and some is absorbed, therefore two (simplified: there are many activities) ancillary level things happen, reflected energies can push the sail, and absorbed energies can be converted into electricity for instance. Yet there is similar physics conversion according to redesign configuring, thanks be to Innovation Creator Christ JESUS. As stated above the public already knows of the radiometer which can be applied to a household fan, a computer fan, a windmill, and to other technologies. In a simple design version solar fans such as to overcome gyroscopic effects (such as some with reverse spin) can be attached with or in place of the solar sail, and some energy tapped such as for steering, communications, light, and heat.

So the fans would continually increase in speed so to marginally tap / generator, perhaps a maglev system might be utilized. The increasing fan (over 360 moment of force directions) speed toward the maximum speed of light with the whole vessel toward the speed of light (reference heat as of fusion, and ITER), together are a vector set sum relative to time (ibid. at is not covered here). Faith to continue with this Sermon For Christ JESUS now unraveled this gift from above, yet the Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within, so also from this site visitor to this same site visitor: yet for Christ JESUS the reliable source.

JESUS the Creator of the Physics Of God of precepts now, as "unraveled", these new UFO technologies can be applied to far greater in Christ JESUS Physics. For example a traditional fuel rocket might blast off with the Winglee sail onboard, so with partial fuel used though without dropping the first depleted stage...valuable for vessel crew as an extra large room, or for other material and/or other fuel as with electrons freed, the rocket could then switch to the Doctor Winglee sail increasing speed, so with the fixed in place sail on one side and the fan blades [propeller] sail(s) on the opposite side of a sun-like energy source, the spacecraft could likely overcome a traditional rocket fuel tank with nozzle problem of backflow though the angle of the blades is similar with impeller (energy shifting applicable to Drawing item "A")(reference energy level to energy volume ratio)(reference Christian Galileo Galilei flying machine per se). Many far more and many far less complex solutions also come from this unraveling from Christ JESUS within the welcome site visitor(s).

Monsters are coming from outer space, and You Beloved One In Christ JESUS are invited to guide to make it so, though proper precept on proper precept in Christ JESUS; in this case synthetic monsters from human hands for Christ JESUS, therefore toward the image of Christ JESUS for the greater worship not of the image yet for worshiping Christ JESUS; in other words, tremendously dangerous things are being made large and small for goodly purposes though with much under interpretations and talents and even secular trial and errors, so it is far better that such things be made away from people for their sakes (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on Bigfoot at So similar to the plan on Earth (rather a more perfect plan in Christ JESUS) of zoning, You may opt to guide the zoning of outer space (also reference some details at revealing the importance of routes and traffic flow) not only for humans yet also for machines, cargo, other lifeforms unseen as of yet of this generation, and while to specify also with Grace to allow modifying (such as perhaps careful considerations per generation, examples John 7.19 & Matthew 19.8: hence appropriate precepts for Christ JESUS).

So the new UFO technology vessel is virtually useless, unless able to fit and appropriately for the zone for Christ JESUS: proper standardizing of vessels innovated (ibid.).

Greater things are known, the secular knows censorship while the timeless Christian knows Christ JESUS With The Hand Of Christ JESUS in all things, over the high and over the low (1 Peter 3.22) lest the low perish (see above "freely opt"), servant to all according to the Holy Grace of being able to be 100% servant to the Heavenly Father (the Perfect Servant): the currently most Blessed newest technology Will Perfectly Feed the next new proper technology (Eucharist). The next newest Will be the currently most Blessed, and as much as of New Christianity ultimately then the best, fastest, most helpful, and so on, as much as needfully pertinent; for instance if there is a slow reader, then the fastest for that reader if speed is important in that situation.

At the start of a major Christian Church division from the Orthodox Catholics were the Christian Crusades of the strict Catholics which became more Christian after the time of those Crusades: see above Christian "Second is greater than the First" with "Holy Path continues" yet this "greater" "Holy Path" applies to all as much as of talent and properly willing (counted in Former Logic Only as Will/talent(s)).

Christ JESUS for 1,000 years bound Satan [hence thus far to secular date toward eternal (Matthew 4.10 & Revelation 20.2)(similarly with Matthew 16.23: see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on individual End Times In Christ JESUS)]. After those 1,000 years the same Satan was loosed at the start of the Christian Crusades with awareness over logic, knowledge, sinfulness and death though with the First: Christ JESUS, as written in Revelation 20.6 Aramaic:

And that ended in the Earth year 2,000AD.

Now is given to be added this great gift value for Christian Evangelists:

if to go to a planet at a star where there is reportedly a godlike civilization over a nonChristian faith, then of the previous Sermon in this Series to convert that godlike vessel(s) in order to convert the entire faith followers to the Christian Faith;

yet now with this timeframe in this generation after 2,000AD, with this great change after 2,000AD,

if there be any Good: offer Grace In Christ JESUS with Mercy, Peace, and Hope: and seek to convert Satan to Christianity

therefore to convert all godlike entities at once for All Good, hence likewise to convert all faiths to Christianity All at once

and if Christ JESUS forbids then stop, and if Satan denies, properly ascend to properly solve in Christ JESUS.

So no longer be constrained for former secular patterns, rather be over all powers and principalities (Ephesians 3.10) save in One Christ JESUS.

Show Satan (Revelation 12.9, Matthew 25.29) the value of not lying, the value of being reliable, the value of not being about "die" (see recent ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS), the value of properly ascending for others, the value of turning from sins and longsufferings into joy and delight in the Lord JESUS The Christ.

Be careful how Ye hear. Preacher be caring how wisely Ye Preach (see "stick" discussion above).

A. Abominations are given [(Luke 16.15)toward secular repentance.

B. Abominations are given for Christians to conquer (Luke 16.16).

Christian Leader, You might consider where Flocks fit in (A or B above), and where Your Flock Members fit.

Many are afraid of abominations, many are afraid of change, many are afraid of lack of change: rather fear Christ JESUS (Luke 16.17 per se).

In this Sermon in the Will Of You is given abominations. New UFO technologies are given to the secular, if any is left, and if they use these technologies for time space travel to beat other people financially and otherwise, they Prophetically in You Will find abominations: a Firmament they cannot conquer of their waywardness. Christians Will Of You is given abominations, for their proper Victory on proper Victory...for Christ JESUS.

You may opt to spend time Evangelizing sinners (though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on minimize maintenance) or rather opt to spend more time on Your Flock to be sure they fit into Part B every time, or rather opt to spend more Holy Work With Your Top Staff Position Holders In Your Christian Church (Part B).

Luke 16:16 is shown in the Drawing below to the left, the press of people for Christ JESUS. Yet in context according to Holy Law, and even according to abominations as much as applicable, from One God.

On vacations some people travel to parks such as to see alligators, and to zoos such as to see beasts large and small. People Will travel through deep space and through time.

Now here are two great keys, with the second greater than the first, with the first that as the secular follow You beyond former time measures toward their Final End Time (sans Evangelism),

You Will be with the Holy Victory In Christ JESUS One Father celebrating Your One New Heaven And With A New Earth truly: Eden.

The secular intelligence Will come against Christians if the secular so opts to help (conditions apply concerning what parties might be "help"ed of the following three: 1. whether as if to help sin only which is not true help and is not even the same as helping the secular, or 2. to help the secular, or 3. to help for Christ JESUS). So if to minimize maintenance give/make them worthy in Christian Faith now already (John 4.35): in secular sinful terms it means nothing to You to save them from prison nor to save their souls, though in One the true need is great as the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few (Matthew 9.37 LDS).

Few are Chosen, such as You, to Do the labor (Beloved, though Christ JESUS Creator Did the labor already and You enter in, though with ascending You share more of the precepts).

So this is a key. Do not kill (Christ JESUS, nor a Flock Member, a body member, a child, a sinner, nor other) in order to save a civilization (John 11.50/Leviticus 24.16), though conditions / precepts apply, if Christ JESUS Commands You otherwise, if a higher precept applies such as shaking off a snake into a fire toward Holy Healing (WNT), and similar. So this key is not about many sinners that kill, this key is not about many snakes that kill, rather:

this key is Few Are Chosen to evidence the might of Christ JESUS within the Few, over all other multitudes seen and unseen.

It was not that lower wrong sinful reason, rather a high principle (so let no Member sin Matthew 5.29).

Bless Your Christian Members in all their Way(s) lest they lose body parts and worse, bless all the Creator created, and greater!, What thank have ye?, save Heaven (Luke 6.32)., Bless all though concerning sin Bless the conversion of sin, that is,

sins are types of inappropriate vessels, abominations (though look at the text above): so Do no sin, cause no sin, but if sin is done to You or if sin is done anywhere at all, then it is [already fully repentant and fully converted in You One Christian Leader] a tool(s). To sinners it is loss. To You accordingly (innocent) it is gain for Christ JESUS.

It is hardly apparent or many would have seen already. It is as a walnut with an inedible hard shell, but break the bread flesh of the outer vessel shell and within is luxurious fruit well preserved by the outer counted as if dross though with hardness suitable such as for holding liquids similar to a coconut, and for playing marbles, and for other purposes, so it is another form of fruit, not necessarily for eating (perhaps pulverized, reference spices, fragrances,...).

Their loss is Your gain, in Christ JESUS (2 Corinthians 4.15). Their gain is Your gain.

Converted sins are Your tools. All is for Good in One You (2 Corinthians 1.6 Webster & KJ), though not all is effectual during this worldly time until Personal End Time [measurable amounts (see above "levels" and "rates")] and rather Final End Time New Beginning (Eden).

So this is a limited key, an ancillary key, yet a Christian key over the secular Firmament. Now if they come against You they come for You (John 18.6: toward once for all): Holy Beloved Christian they hardly have anywhere else to turn (see "Few" above) to You are a rare find, a diamond in the rough, delight in the midst of misery: O how they admire You. Do You want murderers and careless people to invade: well, they are coming to You, and unawares in them they come to glorify You: send them to Christ JESUS, let Christ JESUS guide You if toward any other solving (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on higher levels guiding lower levels, and on top level Oneness) as even a puppy can be led to it's slightly higher level mother for suckling.

Christ JESUS said "Feed my sheep", and this precept meant green pastures for sheep and also had other higher meanings, it is the Way Of Holy Precepts to have higher meaning(s) toward the Highest In The Eternal. Likewise in the following verse and rather for edifying in the sense of precepts consider in context of this Sermon the words "end", "whirlwind", and "over", in Daniel 11.40 LDS:

In this precept notice the types of vessels of the "chariots" (to transport people), "horsemen" (ibid. smaller vessels, greater maneuverability...), and "many ships". Many new UFO technologies are coming, and vessels form patterns in the sky and in outer space (example: Southern Cross).

A key is, time space travel Will mean time no longer applies. Space Will no longer apply. Yet JESUS Will continue to apply.

In the Drawing below left, if to plow through a field of deep space or through a Firmament to find Christ JESUS (with time space travel, then former directions and ETAs no longer apply as previously) and to break from the inside to the outside of the shell into the Eternal Greater One Holy Spirit, then as a plow, a knife, a sword or similar leaves two parts, then as the Jaws Harp is One so too to agree with the two that the top and bottom levels, and likewise in the new the inside and outside and the former and the new each and all agree in One All Christ JESUS [for the Christian only, including the Christian Spirit].

While most vibrations are unseen so far, some are seen such as a reed shake by the wind [(Matthew 11.7, and You can see that too) or resonant energies can be sensed (see flute in Drawing below)], yet unseen does not mean unaware, and with Faithful awareness the unseen can be Purified In You, for higher purpose, such as perhaps to return a lost puppy to it's mother. Guide Your Flock Member unto coming to Your Christian Church to ascend.

Likewise guide Your Christian Church unto broadcasting with the power of the blackhole, and greater. Below is shown a side view of a blackhole, to the right enlarged and below enlarged with an electromagnetic funnel around the main energy stream, as the stream meanders as a river: just as parts of rivers (pertinent bends: pertinent directions: pertinent focusing magnifying powers) can be made to resonate, so too parts of blackholes can be modified as plasma of Your New Vessel.

To the upper right of the Drawing below is a mind with a messaging (delay) center though delays, impedence, volts, watts, and similar are tied to resistance, but resist not the Lord, and likewise resist not other (Matthew 5.39) and rather as stated about the "walnut" convert for Good Higher Heavenly Purpose. Keep the original messages of the Lord JESUS, and so Do. Yet as the mother of the puppy did (see above text) perhaps other Christians (in person and/or in Spirit) Will come to You though often they Will come with lower level distractions (that You may opt to open for higher purpose) and Christ JESUS explained He must rather be about the business of His Heavenly Father.

So a key is, even Leaders are not above the Master, and if One then even the Master suffers it to be so. So while the Master is highest or One (equal), the Master is hardly highest if equal: so needs be the sinful worldly measures end. The Holy Flow along the higher Path is also a Path made of One Master, the same Highest One, and yet with a part of Path here and a part of the same Path there. So too are vessels of the Flow save the Holy Key JESUS.

Truly, truly, to alway have Perfect Holy Interpretation is excellent, even Heavenly; except it hardly is of the person becoming of True Faith In Christ JESUS in the sense of wisely properly stepping and properly leaping in True Faithfulness In Christ JESUS, the Christian Faith. Instead it is toward being enslaved to law so that if a person came across anything new, and the person not having the wise understanding of the love of the precepts of Christ JESUS, but only having the letter of the law(s) then under the laws as the Priests were that wrongly read Psalm 101.6 and wrongly interpreted the better greater new More Perfect Good that came into their lives, and they had made themselves lost so reacted wrongly and paid to betray the "more excellent way" even "the best way of all" ( of the "perfect heart" and "perfect way" (Psalm 101.2&6) of the best properly stepping and leaping in Holy Heavenly Joy Flow. They betrayed the Holy "perfect way" which caused that they betrayed their own "heart"s.

They caused their Holy Flock(s) to fail the ways a slip of a grip causes problems and even has cost lives (of vessels) which caused greater problems. Though many problems are conditional as much as a person puts their faith in a secular person or lower level entity instead of the Holy Creator (Christ JESUS God).

Rather learn True Christian Faith with learning to overcome the low risk low level problem as if an obedient child in the midst of adults (so hardly toward "slip" with great problems), and then something the laws do not do (laws can build), is of True Christian Faith the Holy Spiritual Growing.

Mother Mary built nutrients into a larger stomach and embryo, yet of Proper Faith Grew In Properly Opening Her Holy Soul to be Magnifying The Lord.

Your Flock Members may wonder (counted as if toward question) at John 4.2 (Berean Study) which explains Christ JESUS did not Baptize: Yours is given to rejoice and make merry, for if Your Flock Members wonder at such it is because They are changed for Good (not because they question everything they read nor something You Preach): They fulfilled and now are toward the Walk Of Christian Faith, though in need of Your Holy Help per se to guide Them through their anti-Evangelism monster.

A child can't sleep because they say there is a "monster" under their bed, and the older child, parent, or guardian looks (in case there is an insect or a rodent... under there) and says "see, there's nothing under there". The letter of the law is there is no air under the bed, not even a blackhole, it is an implosion void of no return: the letter of the law is insane without Christ JESUS. It is worse than an innocent child King that none question about anything: trial and error government of losses and sufferings and worse.

A king without proper Christian Faith and not even secular cause and effect training, and perhaps retarded and devious, but only with being the secular physical heir of the previous king, is similar to putting an underworld creature in charge. Therefore Evangelize. Rather Christ JESUS shows an even more excellent Way.

Yes, Evangelism. Though Christian Leader Do as Christ JESUS and Do greater things, and assign Evangelism to Your Flock toward Your New Members though with training in Your Christian Church criteria (a step toward leaping into Evangelism and greater positions for You).

Some Christian Leaders properly: Preached, gave help as Ministers, Comforted, Evangelized, Baptized, Sang Christian Hymns, and/or Did other Blessed Christian Thing(s): Who did these things, the newly repentant under the water being Baptized, or the Christian Leaders that spent time and effort in personally and positionally accomplishing such greatness?: it was not the newcomer, it was the Christian Leader properly Doing that accomplished and the Newcomer is entered into These Victories for Christ JESUS. Evangelism is of value for Baptism, Baptism is of value for greater Evangelism.

So here is a key (see top Drawing) Firmament of the Holy Faith Flow Artery Vessel With Path ("Artery" hardly because it is oxygenated [of value to certain vessels], rather because some feed goodness and others lose per waste veins [conditionally of minimal maintenance value(s)]).

Rather than Evangelize, Preach (as the Highest Priest) which includes Evangelizing visitors. Yet of this Christian Flow Of Faith Ascending For Christ JESUS, enjoy rather the higher gifts unrealized in the lower levels of laws. Proper Faith Ascending reveals much higher things in situations (sometime as fast as a talent can leap, speak, type, or look: example Zechariah 6.6, Where did the "red" horses go? (Zechariah 6.2/6.1): the answer is, the Book Of Zechariah The Prophet is of greater than Preaching of laws and without transgressing laws by omission the Holy Flow For God continued higher of being more Faithfully ascending properly Prophetically of much higher value than the position of the New Member and the Evangelist and the Preacher (if toward redundance [of value(s) mainly for New Members] only).

Christ JESUS knew Baptism, though rather was of the higher Faith and even only the Will Of The Heavenly Father (which also provided the Vessel Of JESUS with maintenance including bread, fish, wine, bathroom matters, sex matters if applicable, Ark Of Covenant history anew, rainbow appreciation, and far greater [and these are only at the low part of the Top Level]).

Christ JESUS died for You Holy One though sinners under a Firmament don't understand. Your Wisdom therefore is with Your Christian Church criteria (growing with cultivating to bear fruit may apply) that Your training of Your Evangelists may be toward hardly mentioning the Holy Crucifixion pain and death caused by sinners (likewise consider visitors to Your Christian Church, that hardly might Preaching Services be opted as similar to funerals), rather You are free to opt that Your Evangelists and Prophesying (if new to Prophesying You can start with quoting Prophecies of Christ JESUS) and so Doing turning their sin pains into One Holy Joy binding on Earth as in Heaven (see above "theme, climax, denouement"...)(see above "properly ascending") via their full repentance and proper Christian Baptism in Christ JESUS With Proper Ascending In Your Christian Church. Note these Christian triads may be as if with lost meanings in wrongful secular interpretations, rather of properly applied precepts (see top Drawing of proper interpretations though each and all according to higher Heavenly purpose) of Heaven so for the Christian.

Ascending / Baptism / Full repentance / Sinners / Innocent / Creator.

Creator = [Sinners, hence this is an unfulfilled equation] x Innocent [fulfilled equation (James 5.20)].

Christian guiding for their sake(s) / Prophetic Doing (timeless precepts) / Prophetic Preaching (Word).

Word = Guiding (Doing) x Prophesying (Doing).

One: Word with power and action (Doing).

Now this might be a hard saying for some Christian Leaders and others: while one of the greatest things that ever happened in the secular, the Crucifixion of JESUS Christ was hardly the greatest situation Christ JESUS was in during His mortal life (yes there is no greater than to give one's own life, but if for the right higher Heavenly Purpose In Christ JESUS, otherwise toward sin for example Habakkuk 2.10, & for example a parent might sinfully keep money away from a family for a selfish recreational drug that results in death): rather greater is Your living in proper growing ascending in and for Christ: JESUS One!

You hereof (if not previously: proper Christian Baptism though ascend properly for proper awareness and greater) are now given the power over the Crucifixion (including to not crucify any [save proper higher purpose such as to Holy Sit And Feast And/Or Host]), Cross Reference 1 Corinthians 1.17 & 18:

Christ JESUS saves and guides Your Flock according to the higher precept(s): death is not the Way Of Life, though the Living may Feast on the perishing and the perished such as is appropriate as detailed in the Old Testament, toward minimum reasonable, though rather Feasting on the Word Of God even including rather maximum Doing so and in so Doing is the greater unseen Faith unraveled.

This Sermon therefore is with more greatly recognizing the Holy Power And Ability within the Christian Vessel, though with this key explaining All Christ JESUS With All Christian(s) With All Holy Spirit Agreeing And Doing As One is Your Christian Vessel, hardly Your secular body vessel of secular census alone. Yet with this is a guiding key that many spirits of goodly intentions and of other intentions are also present as You ascend (or if You go any other direction(s)).

Christ JESUS for higher Holy Purpose, died in secular crucifixion, though greater than His having given His Life for His Friends and for all, is that Christ JESUS gave His Life continually throughout His Life such as going into an angry mob, walking into an angry storm of Holy Spirit [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on the Holy Spirit Physics Of The Creator) walking (yet calmly toward joy) on troubled waters], and Christ JESUS taught in the Holy City but obeyed Earthly Parents and went home with them. Yes Christ JESUS left the Business Of The Heavenly Father to go to a house built with hands. Yet the "hands" part was temporary, and the greater than the dead and the crucifixion is the Heavenly Eternal: the greater than Your being crucified, if any per se since already done once for all, is Your Living Eternally. This is what Your Evangelists should be teaching rather than the crucifixion.

This thing called Eternally Living, is unraveled for many now more than ever before, since built on and growing in Christ JESUS The Eternal Lord, as in 2 Corinthians 3.11 Berean Literal:

What is the Eternal?, consider how generally speaking a person might make a million (or some other number) choices in a day, and they are from a gift from the Creator that a person might opt, and so of a person of within a million times on any given day and moment they might select choice number 99 and opt other than predicted in the secular: therefore to the secular (and similar of false prophecies) the eternal as a circle (reference secular false cliche "What goes around comes around" [concerning works of the hands Proverbs 26.27: hence false save for higher Christian Eternal Purpose: see above "once for all" so not for repeat of evil]; rather the Eternal is that every option (including the "99"th as in this example) Will be made to happen: new results Will abound and eventually all options Will be completed (hence reason for a New Heaven And A New Earth)(yet to top level Christian delight) and repeated until if Christ JESUS opt anew and until then if such come, the eventuality of this is that the Christian Witness the proof that the Creator JESUS Holy Father Heavenly One knew what Creator JESUS Holy Father Heavenly One was Doing (He knew what He was Doing, He accomplished something greatest, He completed His Holy Mission Most Perfectingly: Perfect JESUS).

So what is or are Eternal new UFO technologies?: Holy Spirit Heavenly One including on Earth such as Your Spirit with Purified Body In Christ JESUS One (hardly meant as sexual: in Heaven not given in Marriage, not all the multitudes of worldly and Earth pertinent conditions are covered within this Sermon).

So a person is to fly. A Christian is to fly in the Spirit.

Why then the created?, a person going through the created of the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil can be Wise (Christian In Christ JESUS) to overcome victoriously the created (and higher Heavenly Realms, levels) Knowledge for many goodly purposes, such as to appreciate what sinners face, such as for proper Evangelizing, for proper Christian Baptizing, for proper Preaching to keep the Flock safely Shepherded, for ascending,....

To Know from Christ above (tied to Know Christian Faith, hence to Know New Christian Faith) is toward knowing the greater unseen: not the stagnant asleep new UFO technologies, rather the growing, properly new on properly new.

To know the Spiritual Flying Way, to know such technologies, is to be above so to speak over the hand made technologies and before-the-fact: often the image of things to come rather than to build big barns for instance only to then see they might be torn down to build bigger.

The Artery Flow is for Holiness, and if there be any along the Way, such as at Orion or Sirius or other, then already prepared in advance according to High Purpose though toward maintenance for their sakes new UFO technologies appropriate to their interests such as to give them gifts they would Prophetically appreciate for the greater glory for Christ JESUS For One Holy Spirit In The Heavenly Father (hardly for the self even though "One" is mentioned, and hardly to any significant amount as much as applicable, as with proper ascending the Higher Spirit is hardly toward the created by hands).

In the Drawing below to the right the Milky Way Galaxy is shown as in the neighborhood of 100,000 light-years diameter. This contains blackholes and other warps and things associated with nonlinear time. If to drive a car or if to pilot a plane, the shortest distance between two points is a straight line though with many curves out there the point is moot. At times the higher more effectual need is toward time, in situations toward situations, yet in any case toward rather the Will Of Christ JESUS in charge. So if to travel through the Milky Way Galaxy such as to search for blackhole tools, then to encounter many other created situations along the Way, yet being Wise to understand in the Heavenly Spirit too there are principalities: flows, currents, eddys, tides, waves, energies, power sources, yet of all Created One Best Way.

Christ JESUS decided to travel through time and space Doing so in the Will Of The Heavenly Father and Doing so Prophetically into the Spirit (perhaps a tractor beam delivering JESUS into His Spacecraft, perhaps His Personal Spirit within delivering Himself into the sky)(3 Nephi 18.35).

The Holy Heavenly Precepts are Eternal, they applied then, and they apply now.

Symbolically is given this secular key yet for higher Christian Spiritual Love: in so called as if inorganic chemistry Hydrogen can be bonded to Oxygen [rather ("life-giving water" Jeremiah 17.13 GWT)], and with organic chemistry for instance toward trying to help though secular "collagen" is "an ideal gene delivery system" (Material Matters 2017 V12#2 p72, no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated): so under a given precept these two example secular things apply; exception is according to any pertinent higher precept. The exception is not toward the lower levels. Now consider how for instance radioactivity changes from within, though it may or may not be applicable: it is not applicable if each and every precept is higher. Otherwise the radioactivity is higher if higher than all other parts, otherwise conditionally. In another related example everything should not be "collagen" even though the secular called it "ideal", rather Christ JESUS is ideal.

Likewise "Jeremiah 17.13 GWT" said "life-giving water" yet higher is Christ JESUS gives life.

This Higher Holy Spirit In You whether in Heaven or on Earth in the world of sinners, is with these precepts from Christ JESUS now, today, this moment, a gift from Host JESUS Creator, to be utilized at Your leisure [(see text above on God being "patient" with You for Your sake) perhaps You opt eg. recuperation maintenance time], yet rather at the Will Of God.

From the Christian Body Flying In Only The Holy Spirit similar to a transporter beam, whether the Body is visible or not, whether tangible or image; comes the lower level application availabilities. For instance if a person knows how to build a rocket, they probably already know how to build a hot air balloon.

Know the ascending in the Holy Spirit and You can have Your new UFO technologies of other Galaxies where as much as You know You may have never traveled (save per se toward Eternal principles).

Now this is pertinent, above text mentions for instance "South Carolina" (1788AD until now) and the above precepts discussion explains pertinence now, this generation (also in the past such as popularized during the Civil War, though precepts need be applied properly, Comprehensively and yet also Prioritized for Christ JESUS For The Will Of The Heavenly Holy Father, reference previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on PCS).

Christ JESUS gave this key, Christ JESUS gives this key for You, from the Heart Of One You unto Your Christian Flock, that Christ JESUS Did the Will Of His Heavenly Father, in other words Christ JESUS started from the highest level He could (so Your New Christian Church Member can leap and ascend to highest instantly, such as to kindly takeover if You Priest pass out such as (at the right place at the right time with awareness of appropriate things to Say and Do for the glory of Christ JESUS) perhaps to help with medical and properly conclude the Sermon Service, so the key is to start at the top level as much as able, and then comes proper interpreting (as You taught/as Christ JESUS taught/as the Holy Spirit taught/as the Heavenly Father taught).

Doing / Word / Distinguishing / Fruits.

Fruits = Word x Distinguishing.

True distinguishing proof = Successful completion of a Mission victoriously x The True Word Of Prophetic Promise You gave from higher before or during the start.

When You Preach, Your Preaching may yield 30, 60, or 100 times what was sown [(Matthew 13.23) generally, rather "exacting" 100 fold (] so from Christ JESUS Your Sermon might include such keys as noted above and so a Member Of Your Flock might stand up in the pew and exclaim "Eureka, collagen!", and another might go to work and tell their people "We have to corner the market on the upcoming clothing fad for outer space Christian colonization.", and another might be a CEO and tell employees to redo the company to fit Your Sermon for Christ JESUS. Now for instance in the case of the "CEO", they for instance might hope You are clear and within legal terminology in Your Sermon.

Hearers Will interpret Your Sermons, so giving them the highest most trusted reliable safest most effectual source Christ JESUS is alway important so to therefore give in and from One. So a key is that in the name of Christ JESUS One glorify Christ JESUS [One] (such as vocalize Christ JESUS and in the Heart Pray One toward unselfishness for the sake of hearers unless they show the fruit [Your Christian Church criteria might apply] of the higher Wisdom) with Your discerning in freely opting as Christ JESUS recommended, so with such also glorify the Holy Heavenly Father: this is not to bypass Glory For Christ JESUS, rather to Flow with Agreeing with Christ JESUS for Glorifying The Holy Heavenly Father.

So a Firmament key is a self gift JESUS for the Holy Heavenly Father, similar to the proper Christian Baptism.

Give Christ JESUS the Glory, and let Christ JESUS Do the Work of Glorifying the Holy Heavenly Father, or rather be with Christ JESUS in so Doing One Heavenly Work [(John 4.38): JESUS Did this in His Disciples, in an example (less specific per se) JESUS told a similar story (Luke 19.22 WEB)].

Christ JESUS, starting with the higher Will Of The Heavenly Father finds these ancillary lower level things added, with the key of being able from above to be with the lower added though from below the Firmament can represent such as counted from below as if a barrier, though from the Firmament level and above is the open Door Christ JESUS that no lower closes (Revelation 3.8), though if a person from below freely opted to walk into a wall such as of not properly heeding the Call or such as having opted to play a joke or if the person allowed other distraction(s) and such as tripped on their own feet, instead of properly going in through the Door, then all their leaping onto buses and all their steps working to get to the Holy Feast resulted in no Feast and if too late the Door might then be shut (Ezekiel 44.2).

Zechariah 6 has precepts that for instance applied in the past and precepts that apply today in this generation (see above text on "South Carolina")(the Old Testament is not just for Jews, the New Testament is not just for Christians,...). The Holy Bible is for helping today and even Eternally, though of the Eternal is increasingly less toward former ways and more toward the Properly Living Giving Heart In JESUS. The start was the Holy Spirit Plan, and the greater is the Holy Timeless Christ JESUS In Spirit And In One Flesh (Romans 11.18-23).

Zechariah 6.1 concerns Christ JESUS (see above text "starting with the higher") so specifically there are many precept applications available from this verse, and starting with applicability for the Glorifying of Christ JESUS [for One Heavenly Father]: starting in this case with numbers, One became "four chariots", and One became "two mountains of brass" (such as for instance of recent generations North and South) such as for instance in this generation US and Russia coming together as One such as over Syria, and such as for instance US and China coming together and even the world on North Korea, and yet of the "30, 60, or 100" stated above are rather higher yields of ascending properly, even in this Sermon is a gift from above concerning Firmament Victory In Christ JESUS Holy Father One!

Flying high in Firmaments is the greater True New UFO Technology(ies).

Even so, leaves, pages of the Bible in the historic sense, and not leaving the other undone, for the secular to also observe the Testaments are with Healing the gap between the mountains.

Since Zechariah 6 is noted here (for example) of being so important, it warrants for the secular sake deeper examination (pending the above), as talents function with pertinent tools of hearers (see above "Eureka"...).

Zechariah 6.2 for instance in pertinence said "red": the Blood Of Christ JESUS One, but the other verses repeat the pertinent colors except "red". Since Christ JESUS is key, then is the better distinguishing over the ancillary input such as from other like stories which Do contain "red" from the start and through the greater, yet also Christ JESUS helps with the better distinguishing over the secular level input even if fruits among thorns and disguises, though similar distinguishing caution applies to anything lower than Highest Level Christ JESUS Heavenly Father Holy Spirit Creator (see above as much as with Heart).

The horses of the chariots are red, black, or red with black: and all other horse colors result from these three ["Bay" (secular site , no legal affiliation per se unless otherwise stated)] and so the secular in this case obviously agrees with Father Son And Holy Spirit. What if the number didn't fit?, proper interpretation comes from above, from One Christ JESUS, so interpret properly, in other words make the lower interpretation fit properly (or find another precept: perhaps even lower)(pending higher).

Examples: as has been stated about personnel of a non-Christian military vessel (i.e. a military itself as a whole vessel) "You get out of it what you put into it" yet rather a Christian vessel giving into it though hardly about "non-Christian" ROI and rather Christian ROI as Christ JESUS taught and did (see "exacting" 100 times above, with John 15:11), as similar example is cleaning equipment vessels (whether new UFO technologies or food cooking pots...) can be taxing though of value though the higher value is rather higher than the cleaning after-the-fact as with such preparation is the pure cleanliness with readiness for the next meal (or flight...) as the person is more valuable than the meal, likewise Christ JESUS is the source of value; in another example if a person skips grades and leaps from 4th grade to 7th grade, they might find they don't understand and don't fit the program and have to go back to 6th grade or 5th grade); also of pertinence there are fields of interests often tied to specific talents.

So similar to the life of Apostle Paul, if a military, a cleaner, a cook, a flight, or a child goes in the wrong direction or ignores the signs or such, they might have double work to backtrack to their last known point such as Youth Sunday School (Matthew 18.2). Truly, truly, Christ JESUS made it gentle for all, Christian Baptism is to be with full repentance lest the person to be Baptized be embarrassed, even so let the sinner risk a little embarrassment once for all higher purpose: precept on precept embarrassment is better than sting of death. Also Christ JESUS was an adult when Baptized, so to substitute the word "child" for "innocent person" for their sake may help them and Your Evangelist, though keep the original though hardly to threaten others (higher levels may apply).

The "red" Blood Of Christ JESUS continues throughout Zechariah 6 even though otherwise understood and in this case called "Bay". The One vessel of the valley (described as "between the mountains") as as the Artery for the Holy Event, of precepts pertinent to neighbors, nations, electrical "Left Hand Rule", Coriolis Effect, properly ascending, and so on.

Blood "of a non-Christian military vessel" can be the blood of their own position holders and given to the enemy (if any):

in other words if to spill the blood of one's own soldiers it is to illegally give aid and comfort to the enemy.

similarly if to be too taxing (eg. taxes without Christian representation, and/or making a soldier overburdened,...) it is as to conduct secular sales during the Sermon, and for a person that breathes and perhaps drinks water and does other worldly things it can be as though a challenge [rather see above "child"] yet the levels and precepts of Christ JESUS are key given as guiding helps: toward victory(ies) over challenge(s) and that the word "enemy" no longer have meaning.

To clarify for many, Christ JESUS did not surrender to sinners throughout His Holy life, save once for all. Christ JESUS is hardly toward that any soldier nor nation surrender to do help sin, rather God removed the Chosen People out of bondage to support sin (also in so doing helped Egypt advance toward Christianity). History shows many misinterpreted (rather properly ascend) and so people helped the lower (allowed, example: Christ JESUS circa age 12) when the people could have helped higher levels to yield greater and Faithful Blessings spending for instance a somewhat similar amount of effort(s) on either Mission direction.

To not surrender, and to rather be Christian is not sufficient (see "Follower" below) as rather to be both Christian And Doing The Will Of Christ JESUS (Mosiah 2.20&22) And Key In This Holy Flow Is To Also Ascend.

If a visitor be asleep during Your Sermon or to hear but then do sin instead is sinful, similarly if a Member not follow Commands as a minimum and not lead Righteously as You Advise, then as a toddler that breaks things, makes crayon marks on walls, and similar. For instance a Christian loves (fulfilling a Command) but then in a crowd allows secular friends to abuse (verbally and/or other) a dog they believe is innocent as if because they love their friends, then it is hardly love, even though the dog is below the human Firmament [even though the dog might otherwise be killed or worse conditions (GodMath Testament)]. Love Your Neighbor does not say love their dog, nor a strange dog entering the neighborhood.

Yet a key is the higher precepts of ascending properly solve for the Christian Leadership.

The letter of the law is toward some chariots and horses. Yet the precepts with the law, that is also, with awareness of limits of laws, and intents, are also with Holy Grace properly applied legally from above as to properly fit the chemicals together so as not to poison (rather Will) nor mislable (Word) / Higher Purpose.

There are mountains of fields and stars in outer space, and a person in a space suit might leave a rocket and go (such as due to a broken umbilical cord). Rather if to go, then a little higher level is to bring a printing press for documenting for their sakes, and a little higher level is to rather bring a computer with telecommunications and automatic sensing, and of all these rather to start to plan from the top and be with the right best plan from Christ JESUS (rather than seeking elsewhere for "new UFO technologies") and then to better know from the top how to plan rather than stop gap efforts after it might be too late.

The Precepts Of Christ JESUS apply to all these things Your Flock considers, though as with Zechariah 6 some interpreting for Your Flock can help guide them. How does Zechariah 6 help a single mother raise their child?: look both ways before crossing the valley. Whether a fundamental survival Sermon or a lofty Sermon, the precepts of Christ JESUS apply. Give according to their ability (Matthew 25.15) One Christian God. This is hardly a Command, rather You may opt to ascend (Revelation 8.4).

Discern the fruits of powers and ways: some powers tread down, some laterally distract, and One properly lifts.

Packets of energies are above, below, and inbetween.

How to grow communications systems Biblically for the greater glory of JESUS Christ and in One therefore for the greater glory of the Heavenly Father Holy Spirit Christ JESUS. How did Jesus Christ know how? explained. How to get out of a tough situation to have a better life. The Heavenly Father created the Universe starting with the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS and things and Firmaments and levels of lifting others for their sakes in Christ JESUS unto better and better positions, and likewise for all the created and importantly for the greater unseen. The Firmament is as a crack in the sky, as if to separate the Heavens from the Earth though for higher purpose for You. This illustration pic of design plan shows the unraveling breaking open for Your sake(s) the fresh baked aroma of new soft delicious bread within the hard and crusty Firmament level with a ready refreshing sop of living blood Spirit Of Christ: JESUS. Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS can do things, with a reed or without a reed. From the empty tomb Christ JESUS grew a new type of communications network, with new higher information handling technologies foreign to the previous generations, including higher speeds not sensed nor much considered by the previous, as the greater becomes within Your Flock over Flock over Flock for All In One Christ JESUS. Living data storage is on the move. So if the reference points are on the move and growing (reference expansion) with pressed down and shaken together, let the greater Good be in the Greater Above. Prayerful praise and thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In One God The Father.

Christ JESUS offers gifts from God. Christ JESUS has and is with the Holy Spirit, and also offers the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 4.8 & Luke 11.13). As illustrated above, in the secular as much as "Known", is a range of things, toward free floating spheres (asleep, matter [tightly formed energy bundles]) at one end of the range, through [Christ JESUS] plasma unto the comprehensive greater [as though unseen] darkness (Matthew 8.12) of the [as if] less energetic region (though the Holy Spirit is there too, though unseen by many). Such "many" comprise the defining authority of people, though popularity might hide some plain truth which is otherwise meant from the beginning for all to see (so hiding and concealing can be against the self, so a vessel [such as a person] might be against the self and so might treat others similarly).

Christ JESUS offers gifts to people vessels, from the greater (see above "unseen") Holy Spirit of Heaven though Heaven is also all around, omnipresent, above, below, and inbetween (Psalm 8.5).

The Holy Spirit Of The Universe Of The Created (and greater, with the Creator) has been as if a present under a Christmas Tree, yet the Holy Spirit is already here, there, and everywhere; and when Christ JESUS gives a portion of it, it is the revealing of the Holy Spirit already present, and with Holy Power

though counted as if some amount of powers (yet reference talents given for their sakes Genesis 3.22), example: lest a person shoot the self in the foot, or worse.

Though from the beginning the Power is available through Christ JESUS, and if there was no sin then from the Heavenly Father [In Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit].

So with the ascending in levels properly, and the talents, and the secular regions shown above and of the chambers of the hearts tend to agree in like amounts (reference secular chemistry moles of Avogadro's Number roughly 6.02x1023)(reference unseen Dark Matter per se); though rather the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit agree, hardly in parts, rather All One.

So the Christian is to be with All The Everlasting Holy Spirit And All It's Kindness And Powers Properly.

The above Drawing shows energies located relative to blackhole plasma fields, and various energies in the "Known Universe". So while over all energies in the perfect person, Christ JESUS, there are [as if (save pure Christian Highest Oneness)] external effects such as to effect and/or affect the person or other vessel (including regions interacting with each other).

Oneness is toward Heaven, though other "external" spirits are as to being toward other than Christ JESUS as much as the maximum limit of the Created is as to other than the Creator: ratio: Sinner is to Christ JESUS as the Created is to Creator:

Sinner : Christ JESUS :: Created : Creator.

The minimal limit of the scale range is interpreted as Oneness, the Christian.

Though the Christian is free to opt to interpret for the self that since Christ JESUS would that all be properly ascending, then the symbolic image as if an asymptote; Christian Follower : Christian Church Leader (3 Ne. 18.5) :: Person about to sit at a banquet : People already properly seated at the banquet.

So in this sense (to see the good if any in any and all created) the sinner is as the lost person in a crowd of the greater not lost people, and the Christian Follower is as the invited with free option (if the person is Righteous: such as loving, such as kind, and/or such as aware of precepts and rather all the precepts properly in Christ JESUS; though if not aware of all the precepts then possibly toward or possibly remaining as the Follower Luke 14.9).

In this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS are words such as "talents" which some have in some fields more than others in those fields, and "rates" as some likewise Flow more smoothly than others per se, also the "root"(s) of words in some precepts are more pertinent than in other precepts, and Missions, and higher levels if any, as with rather the above key: with "ascending properly solve" as over the "root" of the word "Follower" which includes the word "lower" pertinent to the word "level". In the secular the military higher rank is the leader per se, similarly in New Christianity Christ JESUS is the Leader, and likewise Your Christian Church Position Holders are Leaders rather than "Follower"s, and rather than "lower" "level" position personnel. While this is less about positions (toward vessels toward lower minimal maintenance), it is concerning wisely positions according to ranks and levels within parameters (Host seating arrangements), yet this rather concerns the Top Level Flow in Properly Leading Christian Faith in and of the Holy Spirit Comprehensive Talent of Christ JESUS.

If not already known, now with this Sermon You came to know how You can fit in the given Known Universe in terms ranging from caves to deep outer space: in Christ JESUS.


Coming in the next Sermon

How to travel into the small place(s) smaller than Your body,

and the tiny spirit travel(s) of the heart(s) and mind(s).

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS September 26, 2017AD.

ICCDBB: Internet Church for JESUS Christ: new space flight and science leadership via Bible precepts.

Tags: Ant people and the Mercy Seat Of God JESUS Christ inside the Earth of NAI indians ancient alien civilizations and to Egyptians Jah-oh-eh with Kolob and Oliblish the next grand governing creation place where God resides Prophetically as Final End Time approaches "see many new UFO technologies" giving Manna to the Chosen One Of Israel in Catholic astronomy movie of stars and planets arranged at the advent of Christ JESUS On Earth In The Flesh, with GodFather movie "many buffers", Scarface movie "get a guy like that on your side he'll break his back for you" with truth in this saying as Apostle Paul became a prolific writer and movie Best Defense led new technology with a nearly free toy. How to travel the Universe properly. How to construct safe outer space travel routes light years to distant stars simply from available resources wormholes illustrated new drawing interpretations of physics Galaxy Quest movie Milky Way Galaxy solar system proxima orion sirius sun stars moon hidden cloaked new protoplanet planet series How did Jesus Christ know how? explained. How to overcome Firmaments. How to get out of a tough situation to have a better life. The Heavenly Father created the Universe starting with the Holy Spirit In Christ JESUS and things and Firmaments and levels of lifting others for their sakes in Christ JESUS unto better and better positions, and likewise for all the created and importantly for the greater unseen. The Firmament is as a crack in the sky, as if to separate the Heavens from the Earth though for higher purpose for You. This illustration pic of design plan shows the unraveling breaking open for Your sake(s) the fresh baked aroma of new soft delicious bread within the hard and crusty Firmament level with a ready refreshing sop of living blood Spirit Of Christ: JESUS. Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church For JESUS Christ.