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ICCDBB Sermon:

Subatomic Christian

How to travel into subatomic place(s) smaller than Your body,

and the tiny spirit travel(s) of the heart(s) and mind(s).

JESUS The Christ The Creator One In The Eternal Way caused the genesis of the of alga into colonies developing into the plant, then the worm (Mark 9.44), and so on with the latter greater than the former states of the spirits of the tiny vessels. Generally: worm = alga x plant. The spirits allow the worm to also opt whether to be greater: worm > alga x plant. The worm for instance might write in the dust (John 8.6) and/or opt to grab stems to build a suitable Temple.

Behold, secular intelligence,

rather uplifting love of Christ One JESUS (Acts 17.7 KJ). Primordial soup, the primordial ooze as aglae is revealed to be the same as a giant brain. How to guide MAJESTIC 12 MAJIC-12 Ultra Delta international and interstellar UFO counterparts properly into New Christianity for their sakes and mutual advantage. How governments have lied to their own people including their own high officials, due to lack of interest in Christ JESUS. Visitors from other worlds, in humanoid shapes and in monster shapes large and small even subatomic, are arriving to see the Christ JESUS You Christian Leader(s). The importance of making friends with parents prior to making friends with their children: making friends with Christ JESUS, while the Second Command is like unto the First. Algae for brains, rather JESUS: Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Drawings For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provides to be aware of all knowledge (as much as able D&C 60.11) yet the lowest in One Heaven is greater than the most intelligent secular alga [vessel (or algae colony vessel)] per se (higher level [if any] Miracles may apply: opt(s)). This Firmament Fact is so a person does not have sin pain Eternally thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Heavenly Father.

Christ JESUS came forth of the magnified body of Holy Mother Mary With One Joseph. The heart of the above Drawing supplies the head with minute things needful to the head in this world, though hardly of the Spiritual New World New Beginning (see verses below). It is Wisdom In Christ JESUS that not one iota of the Holy Law be broken, so a key is, if to leap in proper Faith In Christ JESUS therefore is to Agree and Do all the steps appropriate inbetween. For instance in a house there might be windows, furniture, stairs, and so forth; though if to go up the stairs a person at the bottom of the stairs might step up a step and then the next, or a person might opt to leap perhaps up and over a step or two of the stairs if able with awareness of some risk(s); but if to start at that same location at the bottom of the stairs and then leap up onto furniture or up and out of a window not only other risks are involved but reasonably it might be fatal; even so the higher than that is a key that the person did not properly ascend even a step, much less a leap (see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS on straying and extra "Effort", top Drawing at

So here is a key, if the heart (including artificial) supplies things needful, then at least in the secular the brain is a weed relative to the Heart: to be gathered first and burned, relative to the Heart as Christ JESUS explained: Heaven and Earth Will pass away, but My Word(s) would not pass away (Matthew 24.35 NAS77), that is save the IQ be One with the Heart: intelligence is temporary unless grafted into and with the Heart to form Wisdom in the Word, as the Heart Does the Will with the Word Wisely even when a person is asleep.

This same key is that the heart serves similar to how Christ JESUS serves.

So to ascend properly of the Heart as the Christian Does, is with highest value in Christ JESUS Eternally.

So to ascend properly, including with the Head, is with higher value anew to the highest secular level (until the Baptism Firmamemt) for the sinner to be headed toward Christianity; yet rather for the Christian with new level ascending (above the "Firmament") is the Head Christ JESUS One (as if two hearts and two heads though the multitude of the greater Heavenly ready for the ascending person to agree in victories over level(s) including Firmament(s) in One).

So now with this key perspective toward joining [(One Heart Of Peace: Philippians 4.8) with Creator JESUS] rather than counting to separate as sinners have done (yet also with Christian awareness through Christ JESUS [Tree Of Life] and with also concerning distinguishing fruits of the Tree Of Knowledge) is that ancillary to this key is that secular knowledge can be turned on or off (examples: the Bible can be opened or closed, and a person can forget).

But there are higher levels as though exceptions yet for higher purpose in Christ JESUS. For instance some are born without certain talents until properly for the time and glory of God.

The above Drawing indicates that in an instance, if Christ JESUS is Willing, algae can become great and massive brains. Algae might then opt to build hearts and organs. Though algae doesn't build Christian Baptism, since it is a Firmament and given from Christ JESUS above: Christ JESUS above the Firmament and yet having served under in example to properly ascend for all. Anoint algae, and if fully repentant consider Baptism (see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS along with Your Christian Church criteria) though be wise to be aware that a lower than human Firmament exists, and also that a greater than human Firmament exists (known as Holy Spiritual though higher conditions apply such as Angels can be in high levels or other:

So a key is that spirits, ghosts, vessels, entities, anomalies, and such might think to be worthy to be Baptized though such is not necessarily applicable ( Their hearts of their vessels may know the next higher Firmament step though their hearts may be on other turned and fallen ways, and so they can forget what they knew was the next higher step. Whether an alga or a clump of living brain, it does not mean the Heart Of Christ JESUS concerning the proper Christian Baptism Firmament Of Elijah (Matthew 17.11&12), it does not even mean the alga nor clump is a person.

The brain needs fed and protected, and the mind can hardly think about the self brain magnified (Matthew 6.27) to magnify self thinking talents while thinking about making body hair number 5,486 white or black while replacing it with a new hair (Matthew 5.36). The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS Does it and all these greater amounts of things for each vessel and each part of vessels and for the fleet and greater (Matthew 6.26). In the secular reasoning, if to think there is something beyond the Known Universe, then legally in Former Logic Alone the person is counted as if crazy (see below Levitic Law correction). Yet Christ JESUS has already come to all created places and even endured as much as any.

In the Sermon JESUS: Creating Manna From Heaven! ( covering how to build a Manna Machine, explained were some Prophetic aspects for the greater help for all, and similar for instance in the secular is the following: "using a 3D printer some very clever scientists have been able to make an 'electronic glove' that fits snugly around a"..."heart to keep it beating" ( "for ever" (ibid.) they claim though show no legal proof which Former Logic Only [Patent] Courts assert is not true (the "for ever" part). A part of concern is that while the secular law has the Bible it does not mean it believes the Bible even if of Court Oath so the Former Logic Only fails to be intelligent according to such flip of coin technology level so toward half logic (half heart time value: indicating a Firmament size [if with the other half] though from above)(1 Corinthians 10.13 so the New Christian Faith can measure for higher purposes only [if otherwise toward risk], similar if to opt to count how many go on a bus such as to Christian Church Camp that none be lost).

So while if to think of careful precise measures, many think of secular accountants, labs, NASA, specifications, and details; though rather precise measures are far more for the Christian.

So while some like to think of wild parties with crowns and Holy Feasts in Heaven, others like to think of careful precise measures. So You may opt to offer Sermons on guidance in any and toward covering all these things for the One Greater Good In The Holy Heart Of Christ JESUS, wisely helping hearers be aware "wild" is toward secular and that Miracles are hardly "wild" (save can be about creatures and algae and such lower) and are rather than "wild" are of proper Hosting, even as much as to agree to proper Holy Hosting Responsibly for each and all aspects. For example some have a Marriage tradition to break wine glasses, though hardly to cut guests, their friends [in Heaven no longer slaves nor servants ( so keys Heaven on Earth and on Universe]. Heaven is as the Heart of Joseph For Mary (One higher purpose).

The Heart of the New Christian In Christ JESUS is Forever, and brain(s) and intelligence(s) and strength(s) be added unto such Holy Vessel [of a level] Heart. The higher Heart lives for higher Oneness such as with a brain, the wife lives for higher as with the Family Head, the Eternal God Comforter lives for the higher Christ JESUS and all is added reliably, responsibly, properly, and for greater Good as written in 2 Corinthians 5.16 Berean Study:

Christ JESUS went a little lower than Angels temporarily for all (as the perfect example), yet let lesser valuation female as of Wife Mary (for perfecting) be magnified in valuation. Let each entity be hardly toward self nor lower (Hebrews 10.10 NLT) and rather the Heart Of Their Pertinent Vessel concern properly ascending. A key as for instance with Holy Marriage is that a lower valuation can be Married to a higher valuation if proper (of Firmament Matthew 19.6) and for the Heart Of Oneness. Secular examples (utilizing terse terms for succinct clarity): a smart person can marry a fool, and a fool can marry a fool [conditions apply (see Your Christian Church criteria)(reference the Christian Bible on fools and on foolishness, and on rather; also see & 2 Corinthians 6.14 NAS)(legal such as blood tests)] as such may be allowed; yet rather seek to ascend.

Now is a key (ibid. awareness, with family and friends' concerns) as the other than Former Logic Alone, as matters of the Heart are more toward each Heart of the man and wife even though unequal in terms of valuations toward the intellect standard. So for example if to marry for family money joint venture is hardly reason to marry save if with the Heart. If not with Heart then not Holy Heart Marriage In The Heart Of Christ JESUS. It is then simply a contract (applicable to a lower contract level and if for goodly purpose then that level in the Grace Heart Of Christ JESUS, bound in a lower level of the Heavenly Realm). Higher, similar to Marriage though not at the high parent level is the applicability to the children of a family including any adopted children (not pets, though in secular meaning it is OK to for instance say "Adopt a pet" if meaning and understood as below the Human Firmament).

The Holy Heart is higher in Christ JESUS, while the secular heart (Matthew 22.39) is known as a muscle with timing that delivers blood. In the secular the heart of the heart vessel is all about delivery of blood which is explained in the secular as "Whole blood contains red cells, white cells, and platelets suspended in plasma. Contains a special protein called hemoglobin, which carriers oxygen and causes these cells to be red; makes up 45% of blood; surface of which agglutinogens exist; the most abundant cells in our body." (secular site though also contains heat, pressure, coagulant properties, surface tension toward overcoming bleeding (see "Healing" in below Drawing), wettability, viscosity, flow rates, interactions, growth, other physics aspects and other higher than Human Firmament properties.

The Holy Eternal One Spirit Christ JESUS Comforter [And Ascender In You (future sense per se)] known as the Creator, from Spirit formed the Plan In Word instantly [(if only in Christ JESUS if only His Pure Body with Holy Spirit) otherwise a rate applies (such Plan included talents)] thereof rates apply according to the Plan that instantly went into action with some parts faster than others. So in brief Spirit did not remain Spirit Only, rather a "beginning" (Genesis 1.1) of the rates of Victories For One You In Christ JESUS For The Heavenly Spiritual Comforter.

So this newness in Creating success rates for Christ JESUS One, agrees with this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS: not only Holy Spirit (Yes, essential), yet also with Pure created ascending above sins, above various jobs (see below text "heart of their job"), ascending for others, and ascending for One Holy Purpose Christ JESUS.

So with Holy Spirit Comforting is the flesh as much as so properly Doing: the preference that the whole of the created is Doing the Will of the Creator (as You know, Beloved, yet with this in context).

So with Pure vessel such as Your Christian Flock, or such a crown for Christ JESUS, or such as All Created One Christian, then with having fulfilled that rate of that Holy Plan.

But if a person is beheaded (sin by self or sin by other created entity(ies))(secular interpretation Act-Of-God is hardly counted in this sentence, in order to clarify the point of this context), then the Plan is as if not fulfilled to the maximum (save Your Church may have special predestination, predetermination, and/or similar concerns not in this sentence) save in Christ JESUS.

The "point of this context" is, as shown in the above Drawing lower right Elias is looking up as in agreeing with Christ JESUS, and Elias John hardly wanted to act so boldly, hardly wanting to ascend over Christ JESUS: John The Baptist was later beheaded.

John The Baptist had about a pure of a body as a person can be. Though He looked up, when Christ JESUS was down (not shown under water).

So: Yes, directly thank the Comforter In The Heavenly Holy Spirit though if to Do so as Christ JESUS Did as an example for all to so Do,

then be sure to thank Christ JESUS at the same time (which John The Baptist may or may not have done).

So this interpretation is just in case: presented of Faith In Christ JESUS, for Your sake and that of Your Flock (reference leap of Faith).

Now also the other context concerning an Act-Of-God and "criteria", You are over Your Christian Church "criteria", humbly, diligently, meekly, boldly, lovingly, peacefully, and so on for their sakes, likewise if to perform a Faithful Miracle such as an "Act-Of-God" to change the weather, the star patterns, time, minds, a hair, and/or other, then also for their sakes including clearly for Christ JESUS In One Holy Heavenly Comforter.

Now if You perform a Miracle or an "Act-Of-God" or a Firmament (open or close a door), then of value is agreeing with Heaven above properly in Christ JESUS beforehand, during, and after, with this key: "after" to the extent that the self is hardly toward bragging rights, and the higher the level the more that of Your Faithful love You should know better, understanding and learning the Path that Christ JESUS immediately glorifies (glorifying the Heavenly Father and glorifying You and glorifying any pertinent).

John was beheaded and similarly Christ JESUS had a wreath of thorns crown. Now of this perspective consider that a crown of a king or queen is typically with gems on gold or silver, in other words the typical crown in the world is a brilliant eye catcher and a symbol of rank so that all know who to serve. So in an artist view the crown of Christ JESUS would be black since Christ JESUS is the shining "brilliant eye catcher" light. And so too therefore if to symbolize Christ JESUS should Your crown be black if to be as Christ JESUS (John 8.12) with the option that You are free to consider other for higher purpose to attract to Your Christian Church sinners that might convert according to signs such as normal to many to want a better life for themselves and if they see You with valuable things they might find it cause to visit [Your opportunity with them (John 12.37)]. Similarly some Churches have bloody beheaded symbolism, and while such things are abominable, the public varies and at times and in situations and whether with or without such "abominable" images, some from the public may or may not visit.

Yet of these things this Series is toward ascending, so for higher purpose per se, if to have "abominable" things, then toward minimal, also with clear higher purpose.

Small hearts within individuals and small groups,

rather the Whole Heart Of Christ One JESUS. Primordial soup, the primordial ooze as aglae is revealed to be the same as a giant brain. How to guide MAJESTIC 12 MAJIC-12 international and interstellar UFO counterparts properly into New Christianity for their sakes and mutual advantage. How governments have lied to their own people including their own high officials, due to lack of interest in Christ JESUS. Visitors from other worlds, in humanoid shapes and in monster shapes large and small even subatomic, are arriving to see and support the Christ JESUS You Christian Leader(s) as a proper flow of life giving intelligence blood. The importance of making friends with parents prior to making friends with their children: making friends with Christ JESUS, while the Second Command is like unto the First. Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Drawings For JESUS Christ

Christ JESUS provides to be aware of all knowledge (as much as able D&C 60.11) yet the lowest in One Heaven is greater than the most intelligent secular alga [vessel (or algae colony vessel)] per se (higher level [if any] Miracles may apply: opt(s)). This Firmament Fact is so a person does not have sin pain Eternally thanks be to the Holy Spirit Of Christ JESUS In God The Heavenly Father.

Get blood to the brain (so to speak in secular terms). If the individual or small group of individuals has a lack of One JESUS Heart, then similar to a lack of blood to the brain, a part or all of the brain might be dead in a matter of seconds. A small rudder can guide the whole ship: in Christ JESUS this means a minute thing can change and grow a great thing.

But how small can change how big?, the MET (see Mach Effect Thruster pic in "Wormhole Within" Drawing at ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS site for instance of Mach's Principle (or "conjecture" Wiki) is that mass of a body is determined by the Universe of all other forces [pushing against it or pulling, rather any if other (created) counted as such], so the MET PZT quantum mechanics pushes energy so as to deform the Known Universe such as to suck in a portion and to expand an opposite side.

Though if to grow an egg shell inside a hen, or if to grow a bubble as with adding air to the bubble, then to expand the Universe (reference Expansion, which has been said in the secular to be the fastest, faster than the speed of light: see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS with Drawings).

Christ JESUS offers the Word, that then You accomplish the Will Of The Heavenly Father. With ascending, the Word now is small (associated with less effort, such as less effort to blow a dry leaf than to blow down a tree), so if to grow in Christ JESUS then to expand the Universe: Beloved Creator. To wisely know this is to expand the Known Universe for Christ JESUS One: for Your Christian Flock: in secular example: Won't someone please think of mansions for These Your Children?: Yes.

Four things are small on the earth, But they are exceedingly wise: The ants are not a strong people, But they prepare their food in the summer; The shephanim are not mighty people, Yet they make their houses in the rocks; The locusts have no king, Yet all of them go out in ranks; The lizard you may grasp with the hands, Yet it is in kings' palaces (Proverbs 30.24-28 NAS)

Prepare, on rock, all assemble with shouting together going into Kings' Palaces (ibid. with Aramaic & Young's); yet with proper Inviting For All One Heart JESUS.

Be the Eucharist Blood, deliver new food to their hearts the All Be One Heart. When You give Communion: be their Blood.

God The Creator One In Christ JESUS would that Moses write the Ten Commandments as symbolized in the above Drawing, and it is Good as recorded of Witness Moses in Exodus 34.28 YLT with this translation utilizing the verb "writeth" being in definition the "indicative form", so it is an indicator for the people clearly for their future [Doeth (Doing)], and of God so Truly Prophetic.

Truly God Is Good, though the Drawing shows the word "Goodly" pertinent to the unascended people, Chosen, Yes, though in the world not only learning concerning the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, in the secular Former Logic Only sense (counted as if in the secular) though far greater with outpouring of Joyous Blessings for their sakes meaning precept on precept properly lest they be overwhelmed as for example as the guards at the Tomb Of JESUS Christ which became as dead (Matthew 28.4 ISV, reference the secular movie Awakenings) concerning the heart of their job since not in New Christianity, or perhaps also at least in Christianity: New Christianity or Christianity according to sufficient Faith and/or a Firmament and/or a Miracle from above (Matthew 28.5).

So a key is indicated here, as at least in this case both the Firmament (if any) and the Miracle (if any) seem to agree as the same Oneness unto recipients. So this symbolizes a Holy Fruit Discerning value. Now concerning this key (previous sentence) is the Holy Distinguishing of the two above words "levels" and "Faith": these two clearly have very different secular definitions from each other, yet since "Firmament" and "Miracle" can peacefully agree in coexisting until Final End Time, so too can "levels" and "Faith". So these are rather stated as Levels Of Faith, and more specifically Levels Of Christian Faith, and even more precisely as Levels Of New Christianity Faith.

Of proper precepts in Christ JESUS therefore these "levels" move and grow, like unto how Covenanting is accomplished and Conquered For Christ JESUS anew, for instance how some enter into Holy Covenant Wedlock to start a family (and far higher purpose), and some enter into contract covenants (and far higher purpose such as a covenant to build a Christian Church). So it Will grow if with properly growing precepts [or if otherwise (reference above as an example movie)](reference Christian Faith In Christ JESUS, and ancillary Old Testament Bible foods per se).

You Christian Leader are wise to consider that Your Holy Work be accomplished that Heaven be on Earth, that Good In Christ JESUS be bound Heaven, in other words that You create Heaven, a region of Heaven new in You and on Earth.

So You create Heaven, a place of Heaven such as Anoint to provide all with the benefit of Hallowed Ground, You create a properly Baptized Vessel, You Anoint a Temple, and/or You create Heavenly forms with their spirits within as part of the One Holy Spirit, so that the spirits become of You Spirit. So each "Spirit" realm is the Holy Heart Purpose of that Vessel regionally (ie. the way a property is a vessel for a fence, a house, and so on), of that Vessel of that Christian, of that Vessel in Temple form, and so on.

And Christ JESUS binds these in Heaven likewise so a key is that when You go to Heaven You are not confused and rather aware of Your surroundings (hardly as worldly dreams with monsters [save ascending, Creator One In Christ JESUS]) and able to Do meaningfully instantly; and with it another key that Christ JESUS already died so You can be counted [from a viewpoint] as though to skip death if You make sufficient Heaven for them on Earth (Luke 16.9, yet with Matthew 10.10 & Matthew 19.24). Note that if You give away mansions and they (remember sinners are akin to craziness) are refused (Isaiah 5.9 NLT) then Your House is stuck with many mansions (John 14.2) and such Will be Heavenly Mansions / You Anointed.

You travel, even if in a coma the Earth revolves and more. Mary magnified, and Her stomach grew large. A transformer toy changes shape and the vessel has attachable and detachable parts, and jets can go fast and plasma can go with them. So a key is that You know Spirits of the One Holy Spirit can move as Ghosts through solid objects such as coming from the Earth vessels through the air vessel; likewise Your Holy Vessels move and Flow (lest to crash, generally speaking): so both the Holy Spirit acts and moves, and likewise Your Vessels Flow. You Create Flowing Living Matter, with the Living Holy Spirit within.

Christ JESUS would have You aware that Your Anointing now is as though to cause Christ JESUS to be "stuck with many mansions", rather Blessed "with many mansions" in the Heavens therefore such "mansions" above are hardly built with hands and rather grown of the Holy Spirit as the Holy Blessed Fruits of Your Anointings.

So a key is the Anointed Crowns You conquer (including whether to inherit, manufacture crowns, fashion crowns out of reeds or akin to fancy hats, and/or otherwise encounter and Anoint for Christ JESUS), these Crowns are already in Heaven and given unto the Holy Father: outpouring for all: so You Bless all with crowns, and if Holy then sinners can hardly bear the fleeting burden of wearing.

Often the sinner spends money and activities and people and gifts from above faster than they can make and/or abide with such; for instance a sinner robs a valuable painting and not being an art lover (this concerns a pertinent level of love toward minimal maintenance if needful under great love for Christ JESUS Matthew 15.32), lacking love, so the sinner instead of appreciating the object often instead toward idol worship though immediately tries to sell the artwork and often for a very low amount toward furthering the sinner's worthlessness while increasing the sinner's future prison time per se.

So while the sinner forms their losses, You Creator create Eternal Heavenly Blessings instantaneously!

So how big is a Spirit?, or in other words, how big is the toy You Anoint?, and where is it?, under foot?, in bed?: so You form things in Heaven and Earth of many sizes, places, energies, and pulse rates.

The above Drawing indicates that You should be as small as a blood cell, so this is a key of Your Spirits Of Your Talents, that are parts, and that are in One Agreement In Christ JESUS with the Holy Spirit as Christ JESUS is. And the Holy Spirit is greater in size than the Original Created including the Plan: and Eternal. Such is with internal Flowing, and the Chosen Vessels Flow and have Holy Flowing within.

Christ JESUS put a child in the midst of people and said..."unless you are converted and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (from Matthew 18.3 HCS) and likewise an adult can hardly be in their mother's womb a second time to be born (John 3.4) so a person needs be born properly of Anointed Water and Holy Spirit (John 3.5).

And You are to remain as the ancient people, though now in this generation as much as of Holy Unraveling Of Your Blessed Anointed Christian Bible And Of The Living Christ JESUS greater than the former state is given You: that You might opt accordingly: such as to be small or large, this or that, though as long in Christ JESUS, and for higher purpose (in Christ JESUS hence "higher purpose" is Christ JESUS: the instantaneous Will Doing for the Heavenly Father In The Eternal Holy Spirit).

Would You instead that the secular sinners guide You?, Heaven forbid. So rather if they gene manipulate, and mind [spirit] control, and such; rather become greater over such whether big or small, simple or complex (see above "Holy Spirit is greater" and "higher purpose" is Christ JESUS). So a key is Christ JESUS can Do all Good things, so You Christian can too, and if they (secular) can do it (stuff) You can too only better (Christ JESUS Holy Spirit Father Creator is in them, including in sinners that hardly know it, so this is not to say better than any other person; rather concerning "stuff" Done via You for Good for All).

Some sinful cannibals were known for having shrunken skulls with boiling water, rather Christ JESUS has You of water and fire of the Holy Spirit already prepared. Some sinners puff themselves as if up, rather Christ JESUS already prepared Your Good Work all the Way up in Heaven. Christ JESUS is Working with You accomplishing in You, and yet Christ JESUS is also over the extremes of the Universe.

See above the "mass of a body is determined by the Universe of all other forces" (Mach Effect as much as applicable if to speak in the secular sense) so if a sinner does something then in the secular You of similar effort Do much more, in one sense zero is greater than evil, the negative, and Doing Good is greater than zero, so in this sense You are two steps higher: greater power, greater number of victories (according to Faithfulness)(also see above amount they agree "Creator is in them": toward repentance and Christianity).

Now a key given is since Christ JESUS accounts the Good being accomplished, then the sinner has not the Mach Effect as much as the Christian has. Also the sinner has not the replicating in Heaven as the Christian has. In other words, the sinner might build a Manna Machine and assume credit, yet the Chosen People grew. The Chosen are entered into any goodly works and exactingly, reaping excellently. There are more explanations, though to continue on size reduction for higher purpose:

Christ JESUS provided the Christian Bible, yet Christ JESUS provides His living help.

Christ JESUS provides the symbol of a small innocent child, and the symbol of small innocence concerning reentry into the Mother's Womb for greater Rebirth into Christianity, yet there are actual small [maintenance (descriptively per se)] missions and greater larger more comprehensive priority Mission(s). One of Your Flock Members You might send on a smaller lower level Mission such as to clean the Temple. In the secular they might send a small robotic machine that cleans the floor.

Your Holy Spirit might Do with the small machine, so that Your Spirit is in the machine in part, though with an Anointed Machine, then All: the Machine is Whole (unless left for sin to be invited to interfere)(therefore reference ascend unto higher levels). A key is, if to Anoint or Baptize, then with touch which can transmit Your Pure Body Vessel DNA! Thanks be to Christ JESUS!

You can transmit Holy Spirit with a Word, and DNA can be carried with such. So here is another key concerning longsuffering, work, and joy: You can dig in the ground and plant and/or You can say the Word. Hence rates apply.

So a Flock Member can wait until You feed them, or rather they can work to be able to eat (2 Thessalonians 3.10): as written in James 2.26 ERV:

So here is a key, You want to ascend as Christ JESUS, into Heaven, therefore to be Working unto the Higher; though the same is in Your Flock Member, to ascend to higher levels rather than to go to work down in the lower Missions, potentially perhaps in the midst of sinners (see above "crazy" and "craziness") which they left to be with You: have them work lower levels yet for higher purpose Faithfully learning the helping of Them for others sakes while with timely opportunity, and of this Grace Key is important Mercy from You on Your Member. The Host might even visit a place of Their work (or perhaps when applying), perhaps with small gifts for all such as a low value bowl of candy, and show support (agreement in advance, or perhaps forbidden so other related means may apply). To that end Their helps for You might be listed appropriate to given workplace jargon as much as appropriate respectfully, rather (with Christ JESUS in mind though considering this is a specific lower Mission involving specific parties unless otherwise agreed) than Your typical [Christian Church signage and Sermons] Way In Christ JESUS if other than Doing such help normally.

So another key help is given, as a tool for You for Christ JESUS: a Flock Member may need Your help and guidance, even though if of similar intellect as You have; but an automatic vacuum cleaner (see above text) has not that similar intellect such as to grow the Way Christ JESUS grew: a different type of vessel, also things are Anointed though Christians are with higher Anointing: Baptism; so this key involves Faithfulness according to Spirit amount per Anointed Vessel, and unturned spirit amount per not Anointed vessel.

Part of the Holy Spirit is in You, the Whole Part, because You are in Christ JESUS, Christian. Part of the Holy Spirit is in a thing You Anointed, so it has Spirit as part of the Holy Spirit, though is not above the proper Christian Baptism Firmament (therefore there is a Highest Heaven, and there are levels of the Heavens)(see above "bound in a lower level of the Heavenly Realm").

So since there are parts of the Holy Spirit (for example a person can draw a circle on a paper as to identify a part of the spirit(s) of the paper as within the area of the circle)

therefore have Faith(s) or faiths accordingly (yet in Your Heart Full Faith In One Christ JESUS).

Since "Faithfulness" counted as though according Anointed Vessel,

now given unto You Christian Leader is a key over all strayed faiths.

A Christian Anointed Vessel is Holy unto the Christian(s). Vessels unto others are not: Anointed by Christian to them since they freely opt to not properly respect and honor highest Christianity. Therefore their world is under the Christian Firmament, and their perspective and world consists of not proper "Faithfulness" but instead of vessels: census bodies and other things. Even if to claim other than Christian faiths it is to claim the temporary, and to claim higher risk and danger, even toward spreading dangers [and to edify in secularly speaking for their understandings and for all:] they freely chose to spread sinful risks and dangers (also including relative to Christians).

So other faiths, whether of a person, a group, or even an entity (even entities with hardly any known IQ in the worldly views) are not One Holy Faith, but instead are known as talents.

Secular faiths = talents.

Christian Faith = Holy One, and as much as given time in the created then with Holy aspects such as higher worthiness levels and proper agreeing unto Covenanting with Christ JESUS In The Holy Spirit With The Heavenly Father offering the One True Faith, Christianity.

A key is that if You Christian Leader, Baptized and Anointed, then You were Baptizing and Anointing in the name of JESUS The Creator One, therefore the Great Eternal All over all created, therefore You touch All: to all Christians this Universe is Pure And Holy of and within Christianity.

For example, if a person go outside and touch an egg, in this case the person says I touched an egg, they do not say I only touched the egg shell, they did not break open the egg and touch every part, every cell, and each molecule. So beware to not be stained by the world, do not be tempted by sin to jump to sinful temptations. Yet if a Christian leap and fail, You may freely opt to offer Christian Edification, Guidance, and Mercy, that they step to learn the Christian Path.

You can walk through the valley of the shadow of death because of enduring Christian Faith, You can leap through it with Heavenly Joy, though hardly to selfishly show off, hardly to make fun of any feeling distressed. You can leap or step yet this is not the same as false belief.

Within the Will Of Christ JESUS You might eat what is set in front of You even if another claims if to eat then for [false belief(s)] though endeavor to not lead others astray by Your actions. You may likewise say the wrong things at times, fear not if they accuse You, as long as You Work To Do The Will Of Christ JESUS. If You make a mistake, similarly You can say so Holy Christian. Truly, truly, a multitude of non-Christian sinners could not lift them above the Christian Firmament the Holy Way You might freely opt within slavery to Christ JESUS.

Rightly in Christianity distinguish the true fruit the love of God, and not leave undone tithing "mint and rue and all manner of herbs" [that is, also discern the fruits of non-Christians, with giving for their sakes (hence sinners indirectly give You Mediator aware God is in their hearts) and for all (Luke 11.42)]. Properly ascend in New Christianity that You [(depending on higher givens of God) leaping, or Mark 13.11 or eventually] conquer controversial issues increasingly. In other words Your New Flock Member can look at the words of Christ JESUS in the Christian Bible, and so Do, and learn the Path accordingly, and then ascend such as in Your Christian Church positions, and then likewise become talented (Faithful) in overcoming for Christ JESUS in others, and likewise overcoming the multitudes of turned spirits such as found in dreams in sheep's clothing, and then Do greater Christian Leadership: though this is hardly about doing the minimum: Christian Leadership concerns maximum(s): time, helping for their sakes, ascending in Your positions, and so on (reference Your Christian Church criteria and the True Living Growing Holy Word Of God).

So the secular is of diverse talents, while the Christian is of One Faith.

The One True Faith Of Christians includes the properly Baptized and the properly Anointed. You don't have to stand outside the created Universe and touch it in order to Anoint it, You can touch it now, today. Make things Holy, make them Holy for the Lord, this is what You wanted, right?, Peace. Yet proper Holy Peace as any other agreements are false and temporary. The same is true of love, compassion, helpfulness, guidance, and all Goodness for all for their sakes as the Holy Spirit in You agreeing in the Holy Spirit in them become All One Christian Faith.

In a dream this morning October 7, 2017AD, a question came by a person (toward legal party evidently, see above "coin technology") as best as remembered and as best as interpreted (if interpreted): "Where do you have your stained things?";

though immediately an evidently Wiser Holiness answered clearly and authoritatively yet Blessedly "You have One." or "You have one."

JESUS The Christ with the Holy Guiding Grace, yet also with the Holy Comforting Defense of Holy Heavenly Helpful Mercy able to immediately Heal according to Hearer (Sensing Person) Faith or faith(s). The Wiser Holiness answered every reasonable perspective, whether the question was an attack as evidenced or other as the Wiser Holiness answered with loving caring forthright higher Wisdom far exceeding the question.

Priest, year after year can go past with Christians normal to You Flock, then One Christian might delight You with far exceeding Christian Wisdom Conquering with You: praise Christ JESUS.

On the other hand a New Member might come to You with many interests in many details, God Bless, and so the New Member might seem pesky rather than of unselfish Holy Spirit, so You might opt to suggest they pray Christ JESUS on such prior to becoming toward the inquisition, and to rather consider ongoing help per level for awhile responsibly perhaps with goals (for a time, for an event, for a purpose until relieved,...) and with such praying and Doing responsibly they help others rather than interfere against Your One Christian Higher Leadership Service toward not interfering and rather toward helping others; even so, consider the "great intelligence" (see text below) rather than to drive away a potential great helper, as for instance a great Quality Assurance Manager might be anxious to receive interferences and complaints: for the higher purpose to solve systematic problems.

Christ JESUS overturned the tables of the money changers, the tables of the secular, even including Temple Followers (rather guide in New Christianity). The secular often sides with the sinners unawares, so the secular often condemns itself to censorship, stop gap efforts, and wasteful patterns. Rather enter into the straight and narrow with Doing the Will Of Christ JESUS yielding Christians and then Christian Leaders and then as the blind in spiritual blindness see the unseen reality of the substance of higher Faith.

And in this generation moreso than the people 2,000 years ago it is simple to understand what this means, as for instances, the standing wave, unseen hot steam, unseen blackholes, and other subatomic things are known as real though hardly known in the public back then: a tiny blackhole might devour Earth: they made movies about it. Though more likely and rather Prophetically the thief that comes in the night lives in fear of being caught therefore knows there is greater power: people know in their smaller inner being(s): even every part of their being(s) (Ezekiel 12.18) not only as a rocket quakes yet the higher purpose. If to be nervous, be nervous for the Lord JESUS.

The MET piezoelectric transduces in quantum mechanics pulses to produce energy on the small subatomic level as a Christian Church bell vibrating after-the-fact, and as the Sermon is alive in people after the Sermon. Yet the people (often hardly seen immediately [of rates of the people and their activities]) broadcast. The ancient Egyptians vibrated dead bodies (reference rather higher purpose than to scare or trick in ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS at to scare or trick as in Halloween is secular though to properly leverage small power for Christianity is Good.

To come out of the tomb is to turn over any tables that were formed and turned against the Christian Church, and to come out of the tomb with energy pulses and plasma similarly needs be conquered properly for their sakes. The secular acts as if it has no concept (so no excuse for the agnostic), and the sinner has no concept so much as to fight against conceptual designs to prefer not so much as to evolve (if anything [even if good and great] comes from outside their group that they did not take or acquire of their self plan for their self glory, they often don't want it: they are too busy toward their obsolete technologies [stated for their sakes]). To come out of the tomb is for the Christian Leader to not only recite Scriptures they heard before, yet also in context up to date, such as including tiny outer space (Heaven [Heaven can also be in the Heart and in the Anointed]) alien technologies not of this planet as known before this generation was born and this generation largely ignores such progress for their own employees and groups (Proverbs 4.16), and Flock as much as Followers instead of New Christianity For Christ JESUS ( for their sakes and yet for All.

Christ JESUS properly cares for You and for everyone, and for all things properly since they were created for One Highest Purpose.

As reported on television on the Ancient Aliens series of generally secular shows the "MAJIC 12" (MAJESTIC 12, but John 16.2-4) group was as far as known the highest United States security level but a spokesperson with awareness of the group stated "I don't care what the truth is, I just want to know the truth": so the spokesperson prevented the self from knowing the truth.

Christ JESUS Does Care, and Christ JESUS is the Truth.

Ascending levels and Firmaments properly is hardly about the selfish nor the uncaring lawbreakers, rather for the Holy Worthy In Christ JESUS.

The Highest Is Christ: JESUS. Primordial soup, the primordial ooze as aglae is revealed to be the same as a giant brain. How to guide MAJESTIC 12 MAJIC-12 Ultra Delta international and interstellar UFO counterparts properly into New Christianity for their sakes and mutual advantage. How governments have lied to their own people including their own high officials, due to lack of interest in Christ JESUS. Visitors from other worlds, in humanoid shapes and in monster shapes large and small even subatomic, are arriving to see the Christ JESUS You Christian Leader(s). The importance of making friends with parents prior to making friends with their children: making friends with Christ JESUS, while the Second Command is like unto the First. Often leaders lead and others follow, rather all be One: Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Drawings For JESUS Christ

The battles are against their own people, in the world of sinners. They pretend they Do the Lord's work. But these children can have freely and without harm nor risk: but they believed it not. Many they hurt can show them UFO technologies now (Prophet Ezekiel), though hardly if sinners turn them away.

Christ JESUS is for raising people up out of their self made miseries that have systematically caused on many fronts their own leaders and fellow support staff to be kept ignorant, hurt, and killed; only to then find themselves the target. Sinners searched for control of money and UFO technologies for selfish sinful pleasures, and the secular agreed according to ignorance and so perpetuated their crimes, and not only at the cost of control and lives, also the secular said military secrets are the most fleeting as of the secular the relatively innocent are also abused.

Though not allowed to read the above info (as MAJESTIC illegally stated, reference for instance Acts 16.20&21) multitudes already have and largely those they call their enemies. So here is a key, Beloved, they make up illegal and sinful things in order to make enemies, according to their own ignorance even though they themselves each are very intelligent, and together more intelligent.

In other words, knowing many facts does not make a person wise.

Similarly making things by secular predictions does not make the best path, as it can make great confusion: redo (hardly to be confused with updating).

If an expert at trivia, construction, secular planning, or other talent, it does not mean expertise in the Wisdom Of Christ JESUS.

For example, if to make the fastest war chariot, hardly a person would want to buy, save for entertainment, and similar curiosity, though perhaps higher such as why it can be so fast, though the point is the chariot is obsolete (even so, it would be a great gift for Christ JESUS if Christ JESUS would want it, such as perhaps to give to You, Beloved Comforter).

Understand a talent to sin, is not (though see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on lower level Christian Missions and on Priests assigning Members [as much as to freely opt] to such to make Them worthy) a talent at all, though is counted as such. Example, a safe cracker talent is legal under certain circumstances, otherwise it is theft; so if a person tithe to Your Christian Church it is a talent (even a "talent" is also a monetary value similarly) so if a person sin and steal from Your Christian Church it might be counted as if an anti-talent.

In this respect of precepts of JESUS The Christ, if a person promotes a faith other than Christianity, then they are stealing from You. God is exacting (see above text), rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118.24) for as they steal love from You And Your Flock, or steal records, or truth and turn it into lies, or items or money or tithes or gifts of the spirit and talents, or anyOne You Baptized or anything You Anointed or Anything You called Holy and named for Christ JESUS; then without further cost to You the sinners owe You: One Christ JESUS (they owe You their own full repentance and proper Christian Baptism that they be One Christ JESUS to give unto You for Your sake and for Your Flock Philemon 1.19), and the sinners owe You the magnified greater value of what they stole (save ibid., Exodus 22.1), and here is a key: because You Anointed or..., they vex themselves from within according to the Living Anointing Spirit according to their works toward Your fall (Ezekiel 32.9&10) as You turn the spirits of stores into gift giving in Charity In Christ JESUS, into greater Holy Worthiness, and as You ascend:

so with this key comes yet another new key unraveling how You In Them be catalyst toward motivating them to seek the higher solving in Christ JESUS. For example if they steal [anything or] a Holy Chalice (Isaiah 51.22&23) from Your Eucharist Set, they would wonder at it and be unable to solve according to any further sinful efforts, though as much as they freely opt to be toward Christianity they would find themselves, the pure part, One You in them in need of full repentance and proper Christian Baptism.

Christ JESUS guides New Christianity through the Physics Of God, the given gift(s) of the Physic(s) Of The Creator One Comforter(s) JESUS. Now MAJESTIC 12 for instance, along with high school science students, and along with Christian science experts (perhaps some are in Your Flock), are aware of bends of physics such as otherwise straight lines of light around masses, such as around people ["halo" (Ezekiel 1.28 NLT)], such as around planets (Catholic reverse time progression movie(s) concerning Magi), and such as the general public knows about light, people, and other curving into a blackhole

so this new space travel envelope with "Meta-material shield" [secular site ( no legal affiliation unless stated](..."shield of faith" with "helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God"...from Ephesians 6.16-17 LDS) key is given now (of Your ascending now)(for instance if of the three a precept is lacking agreeing then perhaps a weak link or mistaken aspect) that similar to the bending as light curving due to a blackhole, the curving can be fractal in scale until the desired larger or smaller size is achieved for their sakes for Christ JESUS [(see above text on Anoint the "egg" Universe) also pertinent to Known Universe](see previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS on fractals)

so with a new key that the wormhole [of the soul in this sense] can be internal or [of the greater external Holy Spirit] external. For instance if partly in a wormhole a person can be larger or smaller than a planet or a subatomic particle.

If of that "partly" effect of the Physics Of The Creator JESUS, then where not only [curvilinear] length changes relative to diameter, yet also a talent to (as the "egg") [as of 90 degree vectors (normally thought in terms of pressures on the object, though pressures can be on the immediate environment: "envelope")("egg", heart of the vessel of interest [reference secular inspection "area of interest", and reference 3D "Meta" aspect of the Holy Spirit Creator 2 Corinthians 12.3]) be as to become of the heart (or pure body agreeing in Christ JESUS) a desired size if the Will Of The Heavenly Father so in the Will and for the glorifying of JESUS Christ in the Holy Spirit, and therefore for all their sakes and that all properly be One.

So the ascending whether onto the Right Hand Of The Heavenly Father or ascending including the smaller person, smaller body, smaller vessel, toward the subatomic Christian a little lower than the Angels and yet also onto the Right Hand Of The Heavenly Father as these two can (if of the Heavenly Will) be interchangeably "Meta"-physically pulsing, positioned temporarily (until Final End time), or All One as much as pertaining to the Heavenly and the Heaven(s) increasing.

So these above keys are important though must be in Doing the Will Of The Holy Spirit Plan In The Heavenly Father In Christ JESUS, no more no less.

Like unto as stated in previous ICCDBB Sermons For Christ JESUS such as involving time travel so that if a person at a site on Earth time traveled but the Earth moved around the Sun, then the person could reappear in another time and in another position away from Earth alone in outer space.

So too, if a person change size parameters change such as a slight breeze can become as a flood to a smaller vessel (reference secular bugs fly in soup, air is as soup viscosity to a bug), and not only the external yet also the internal, for instance a powerful brain message might be sent though as the wires, the axons, become smaller then to overload the smaller wires and burn away.

So whether You or MAJESTIC or this nation or that UFO crew, each and all must comply

(rather enjoy the properly ascending Graceful Holy Heavenly Guidance)

in Christ JESUS not only agreeing yet Doing and as Being One JESUS

for their sakes.

So as You increasingly notice with proper ascending in Christ JESUS as new greater higher meanings apply for new Prophetic wisdom with applicable contexts, this is a key, in Christ JESUS words gain new higher meanings until finally only JESUS. This hardly applies over greater more complex and more capable systems, yet rather over proper ascending over such, that is if to encounter a great new UFO technology large or small, to have added to the Christian so ascended the discerning, examples, a child says "car", an adult car seller might say "sports coupe for sale", a savvy car shopper might say "it has a small dent you can see if you look from this angle", and an officer might be expert with VIN and say "that was reported as a stolen vehicle"; so the ascended Christian per se might become with these things added (about cars, UFOs, small things, and more) distinguishing all these talents properly not only for instance whether or not to buy a car or UFO, yet also to recognize their fruit as personally never before per se.

Therefore this new key is toward Christ JESUS, thusly forming a New Evangelism Methodology (though not for tempting any toward sin) that You may be emboldened toward proper Charity (reference Your Christian Church criteria on allocating).

Christ JESUS would therefore have You have another new key, even the awareness of not only sin, yet also Good and so Doing anew: to better Edify Your Flock. In former Evangelism was the person to person inviting to Church, and the impersonal newspaper ad, and the Church bake sale, and similar; yet new better outreach unseen to sinners is pouring out from the Heaven In You: verily every Christian Thing You Do: rather All You Do, Are, And Will Be In Christ JESUS One:

Wonders, Yes, and yet with these New Wonders, and New Types Of Miracles. Do as Christ JESUS God: God let His Chosen out of the House Of Bondage into the Promised Land as a great marvel, and Christ JESUS walked on water and brought Lazarus back to life from the dead, and as much as You In Pure Faith may freely opt to endure to live to provide the New Wonders now in this generation: there Will be other situations, and You Will amaze!

In the above Drawing the Woman's Faith approaching Pure JESUS and talking with JESUS for the sake of all people around Them are One:

1. For Their Sake(s) = Woman [Christian Faith] + Christ JESUS.

2. Healing Woman = Woman [Christian Faith] x Christ JESUS.

In #1 above there is a plus sign as the Woman and Christ JESUS have the "For Their Sake(s)" added unto Them (added unto the Woman and Christ JESUS).

In #2 above there is a times sign as another gift is added, therefore if more than one gift then able to utilize multiplication for the sakes of all such as toward better understanding higher Wisdom levels.

3. For Readers In This Generation = Woman [Christian Faith] x Christ JESUS.

Note that in this ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christ JESUS, Christian Heavenly matters are often capitalized, though in the above 3 cases all were capitalized to emphasize the above precepts of the Heart given from the Creator into each person's vessel (also into lower vessels)(Hebrews 13.2). Christ JESUS is in You, though if Yourself at home You One might heal Yourself (whether gradually or another rate), though Miracles are often for [Christian Church or] open public showing for their sakes: including at the risk of embarrassing Thyself and that leap is sometimes the point, God would not embarrass You beyond Your Faith nor beyond Your talents nor means, though if lacking Faith, if the hearers are attacking even if shown signs and wonders, and if Prophetic givens are other, then Beloved the miracle might not be as expected.

Apostle Peter walked on water, and even He sank yet He tried to walk on water and succeeded and for the sakes of the onlookers in the boat (Matthew 14.31/Exodus 2.10): You can fail, yet if appropriate go ahead and walk on water: heal their leg.... As they say in the secular "You might get lucky", and are You much more properly Faithful?: Good and Faithful Servant Of Christ JESUS.

Be aware, the secular seeks bragging rights, You are free, Servant, to let them continue to brag on circa 2,000 years ago. Let One Do the Will Of The Heavenly Father, rather than flip a coin. Let One Do the highest matters, and then let the ancillary matters form their ranks and Follow, and rather be in New Christianity.

In the above Drawing upper right the Word Seed is going into Each. Likewise Each is planning to actually accomplish (Victory For Christ JESUS), in other words Each loves such Holy Word within the Heart of Each Vessel. If to sing or speak, then to race (increase Flow Rate) Blood Of Holiness into the throat. If to hold a book, then to race the Blood Of Holiness into the limbs. Truly to help the butt to not offend, truly to help the head be awake, and to feed some prior to Christian Church visit: all these Members Of Each Vessel is of One Heart, in Holy agreeing with the higher Christian Leader, the better, though some sinners (Matthew 11.6) are offended (against "better") because they are under sins including associations with various faiths, governmental types, background experiences, and other, so generally in all matters Do The Will Of God including toward peace rather than toward offenses, even so while for instance the word "better" is found in the LDS search thousands of times, their secular Google (no legal affiliation unless otherwise stated) search for instance reported "About" 3,810,000,000 results (thanks for Google's help).

The Christian is not to offend the higher part as written in Romans 13.1 Webster's Translation:

Do not do as sinners. Even so, if a parent sinned and shows a child how to eat, let the child learn. Therefore in such context, not toward sin, You while in this world yet in Christ JESUS are free to hardly do as sinners, and if to suspect a sinner does something better than You, such as formulate chemicals better than Your Known Vessel ever was able, then to learn from that sinner, knowing that sinner was placed under You and over You according to Your Higher Faith and per se the aspect of Faith You lack in an area, a field of study, a talent; yet You may be Pure and lack a specific for a higher purpose so that You help that sinner, or for higher purpose the sinner may have been lifted in a lucky better chance so that rather than they fall again You intervene (learn and also:) helping them toward Christianity as they see mutual interest in You and so become motivated; other conditions and examples apply.

So while the sinner may be legally counted as if better or better at some things; the Christian Faith is highest (if the legal states otherwise then of illegal law(s)) and with this talents vary per person as do rates. The secular has great intelligence, even if not evident on the surface. Sinners have great intelligence, though do not reverence their sins: their sins are not better than the Christian Firmament. Lucifer sinned and became no longer above. The things Satan offers are often as if better and needful, though only the Thing(s) From God Above (and in Your Heart as much as properly Faithful) are better and needful: similarly if to give a sinner a compliment, then only enduring as much as that sinner is toward Christ JESUS per se, but if to turn away from Your compliment and therefore to disagree, then the sinner is so affected and effected (rate applies, as does depth of level(s)).

Two or more places at once: consider that if You made stackable flimsy canoes (without seats, simple hulls) and each could nicely float on a pond, but made the canoes so that they (perhaps 2, or 3,...) could be snapped together to be more rigid so go on lakes with some waves, then You could have a legal boat perhaps made of 2 or 3 boats, vessel in vessel design, that could be taken apart, and other smaller vessels could fit within. In the above MET physics, if the whole of the Universe was not all immediately effected (such as did not expand in at least a vector per se), then reasonably (secular) the effected area (vessel) would move into the adjacent area (vessel), and since no squishing was witnessed, then as a ghostly spirit (vessel, without previous secular form save reference plasma and/or temporary and/or transitional phases such as undistinguished [relatively] stem cells and "new materials" see top Drawing) moving through and into the adjacent vessel.

Other higher levels also apply to these and greater and smaller weightier matters of the greater part.

A person might be as little as a head and torso, and a person might be as small as less than a year old, in secular terms and many details apply.

Such lower details, are like unto the higher levels of New Christianity though all for Good In Christ JESUS. DNA for instance can be toward Christening and toward Baptism such as via Anointing.

In Christ JESUS smaller or larger are the spirits (see above text "known as talents"), even the secular knows an idea can spread. Though the selfish sins deny the selfish as the selfish freely opt.

Yet of a key the Pure Christian Faith Word Is Immediate Will, as much as a higher level agreeing and rate and...might be applicable. A tiny substance can be in a person such as a thorn or a drug.

Yet of the Christian Word can be the large, the small, or even the New Wondrous event hardly recorded of this civilization.

Consider the large tree. Today it can grow to a new world record height. Consider the tiny thing, it can squeeze into a tiny opening.

Consider Your Faith, it can fit into Heaven, within You; One within other(s) (as much as if "other" might continue to be applicable until Final End Time). Consider the moment of Your Eternal Faith One, Your time, Your "moment" whether You like [to and fro (] measure in hours, days, seconds, centuries, or other: Your Holy Time, God Owns Time. So now two new keys are given:

You own time, and

You own the sinners: Your Heirs to the Kingdom Of Heaven (higher weightier levels apply with conditions, such as offering free options).

So if a sinner steals from You, how hardly, as if Your child at home grabs and plays with a toy (Matthew 5.40).

So a new key is, You own the people but not their sins.

And so a key, You own all, for Good In One Christ JESUS.

It is Your Time, there is no time for the sinner to hide;

it is Your Universe, there is no place for the sinner to go, save Christian Faith.

Let Your Mission be the higher One, on the Right Hand Of One Heavenly Father, for their sakes for All, that Your Mission be Their Mission In Christ JESUS: that All be He Who Was Sent. Do things Angels long to look in hope of seeing (

Christ JESUS explained the limitations of sinners (the exceedingly big limitation being the Baptism) and rather the ability of righteous giving according to [Prophetic] worthiness (Matthew 25.15).

Christ JESUS explained both (and greater) how to be the same size and fit into a vessel, and how to be Your currently big size and now in this generation fit into a very small vessel. For a vessel to fit perfectly into a vessel for instance is how an amount or in other words a vessel of the Holy Spirit that is exactly Your size fits perfectly into Your Perfectly Pure Body as much as You are Perfectly Faithful In The Heavenly Father, Son JESUS, and Holy Ghost Spirit ["every whit whole" (John 7.23 ERV)];

so in the Holy Spirit a key is "every whit whole", also called "completely", "entirely", and "perfectly" in more translations.

To properly ascend in New Christianity In Christ JESUS is important so if to ascend then to properly distinguish.

So here is a great key concerning interpreting (Spirit, living, blood, verb) and interpretations (Spirit, living, matter, bread, cells, vessels; also in the secular counted as if inorganic)(generalized descriptions)

The Google definition of "whit" is "a very small part or amount. The interpretations of "completely" and "entirely" explain as though oppositely of "whit".

Yet together these interpreted already to unravel the depth of Word Vessel(s) Talents, of each Word yet together unraveling the context, the parameter(s), the range and scope of the higher intent and meaning toward the creating the substance of Vessel Faith per se: from "whit" to the whole all such as "entirely".

So while One Perfect interpretation is best, the lone word "perfectly" explains less to the reader than with the other words together (save the Highest Level Eternally JESUS), various interpretations help explain the Spirit Fruits involved

(of this Series also see previous ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS "New UFO Tech" Drawing on interpretations at

For example a worker generally following safety and other instructions dug a "whit" [in this case a shallow] pit in the ground and wants a ten foot long chain hardly for strength and rather to temporarily encircle the pit to warn others that there is a pit so the worker can go for lunch break as required, but the person finds a chain that is only 9' long and so substitutes a thin string for the final foot, and the boss asks if the pit was dug (meaning the entire job including chain) and the worker replies "Yes", though another site has an emergency as they need a 10' long chain so the boss tells another worker "Take the chain to them."

Personal End Time is of great value, understanding all things are possible in Christ JESUS. And for the sakes of others.

Final End Time is in the Christian Bible, and yet Personal End Time is the preferred. This is a great key.

Final End Time is of the "completely" unselfish Personal End Time as a whole,

and to edify, many are free to not opt for Christ JESUS "completely" in Personal End Time, the living ascending for the top level "for the sakes of others"

and so another great key comes forth from above to be known and of properly Faithful Worthiness to be Conquered For Christ JESUS:

Do as Christ JESUS, speak to the Heavenly Father in the "whit", "entirely" and "perfectly" agreeing completely and over every part of the Life and Knowledge (Spiritual Trees) not only for the Known yet also for the greater unseen entire created, pulsed, and beyond of the Eternal Universe for the greater sake(s).

If to Do so now (see above "Anoint) then hardly about time, so hardly about You in Final End Time (save for their sake(s)), so rather of ascending unto newest higher Final End Level Eternally with the increasing rate

(credit Eternally for Christ JESUS, The Heavenly Father One, and the Holy Spirit continues to apply)(with the free opting available in the Holy Highest One JESUS): and yet the time given to sinners, and the time given to ascend applies in this world; and the Holy Planning (toward new creating for Holy Heavenly Greater continues to apply).

So this too is a great key in this given created world Prophetically, beyond End Time through New Proper Planning For Christ JESUS.

This is the Better Way To Grow, a key, yet be aware the root of better is bet, though hardly as a better as a gambler, and rather look at the Christian Bible source toward the Living Word Of JESUS Christ concerning the Old Testament casting of lots which was the giving glory to the All Knowing Eternal God as people had some situations on which they hardly agreed so reverenced the Heavenly Creator to settle the matter via the results of [the tumble of dice, spin of a wheel, and/or other beyond their known control such as] tossing a coin or something onto the ground or on a table to see which symbolic Way it landed.

A lot cast symbolized for instance a lot of land under dispute, so the cast result symbolized the land ownership. Satan might notice whether a person cast their soul.

A small thing can be toward insignificant or great in Christ JESUS on the straight and narrow though worldly interpretations of sinners on crooked paths have had improper perspectives so appropriate New Christianity interpretations for their sakes are important: multiple interpretations with multiple viewpoints though if only for One higher purpose [such as concerning casting out (John 8.7 even if "whit" 1 Samuel 17.49) rather for Good (John 21.6 rather All Revelation 22.22).

Hardly the people came to see and hear the spirit of a small thing, as a reed (small) shaken by the wind (greater size)(Matthew 11.7), yet this is pretty much what they finally received, a person with vocal cords Preaching, as You Beloved can Do in Christ JESUS as never before personally of this given created as of the known in You now. When some Preachers Preach, the skies change and cast things have moments of Holy Spirit involvements: Miracles happen all around when some Christians are as though normally Speaking and Doing Holiness.

A person hardly carries a bulldozer scoop of land and cast lots over it (save for instance that type of business), rather a person might carry money to bid on a property: they might carry a small lightweight thing to symbolize a like value.

This is a key toward what the Holy Spirit is. Rather than wasteful, Christ JESUS saves lives. Rather than high maintenance, Christ JESUS is effectual, even perfectly.

These things describe the Holy Spirit: Comforter(s) (Holy Bodies with Holy Spirit, Vessels), like value Anointed items (And/or Whole as much as in the concerning of plural such as for proper interpretations for edifying guidance in Christ JESUS), and for instance the unseen Greater Holiness. Yet rather than "a bulldozer scoop" or "money" the Holy Spirit is "whit" that each and all be Whit per se.

So now is given You a key that may open a door possibly unpleasant depending on Your Christian Church criteria, though this is hardly for You to change Your criteria, depending on higher key(s): hardly let them tithe for Your benefit, that is, Friend, generally (and rates apply) invite Your New Members to tithe more than Members that have long endured with You (yet let them continue for Good and/or goodly cause(s))(for example money may be needed for a televising license for the sakes of others, for Christ JESUS).

The point of this key is found in Matthew 10.8 as the Holy Spirit is neither bought nor sold. So of another key, charity in the form of money or in anything other they the personal heart and soul, is the only acceptable charity (see "Pure" above).

Christ JESUS for You also spoke of things needful in this world (toward tail, toward maintenance): toward lesser values (even as with valuation: things, children, females, Mother Mary that JESUS Christ come to exist in this world).

Money, things, and Former Logic Only do not properly perfectly solve anything, rather the person can be Holy, it is the Human Firmement from above, enabling the Christian Firmament. Of the created rate, after the lesser comes the greater value.

Hardly seek the lesser value, rather ascend the Perfect Way In Christ JESUS, He already died for You, He already handled sinners properly as the Perfect Example For You, He showed You how to ascend.

Let every whit best ascend, this is a key: He showed Your Flock already how to ascend for the sakes of others, so they already know,

though of a key, Preacher, they know in their heart(s) though some have done otherwise.

And so of a key, remind, yes, yet with such automatic agreeing in Them (even if they don't say so, possibly some might be embarrassed) raise them with new guidance rather than toward repetition lest as if to cause them to go backward(s) or hardly advance.

A smaller than You vessel can hold Your Spirit. As in Ezekiel 1.20 their Spirit was in their larger spacecraft, also their Spirit was in their wheels of another type of form, not as a human. In a cup of wine are spirits: Anoint in Christ JESUS and the wine becomes One Spirit suitable for Eucharist, unless if to become tainted by a person or a thing such as of a person such as for other purpose such as to get an unwed person drunk in hopes of sexual relations (see Your Christian Church criteria)(reference Honor, Marriage, Mercy, Convert, and proper Christian Leadership responsible planning), or as of a thing such as if somehow contaminated by paint thinner so poisonous and not suitable for Eucharist (Acts 28.5 rather Deuteronomy 6.16).

A "folktale" [of "Androcles", "the Latin name of Androclus, a runaway slave of a former Roman consul"] was said that a person removed a thorn from a lion's paw (Wiki). Similarly reportedly (many sources) the secular has inserted things (such as micro computer chips, and such as energies) into people and things to alter them internally and/or externally, sometimes toward healing and sometimes toward destruction [perhaps in the name of higher purpose(s)]. Such enabled the inserter to control a person in part and/or in whole (toward Former Logic Only, let the Christian rather be aware of higher Holy levels) according to the inserter's free options (let the inserter be responsible to Christ JESUS). So the Spirit or spirit(s) of the inserter was in the thing inserted and in the person or thing, larger or smaller.

When thinking of the Holy Spirit in You and/or if in any other vessel(s), consider as Christ JESUS often taught "for their sakes" and toward healing and helpfulness for all.

In the secular if to be in spirit in a smaller vessel, then historically to forsake values, such as if to be in a fly in order to spy, then to forsake relatively stronger human arms. As technology advances such things are being overcome.

Let the Christian be ready to be in any vessel so freely opted, therefore with agreeing above with Prayerful Holy Anointing, and if to become of the realization of being inside a sinner, then wisely let the full repentance Work be with Holy Christian Baptism.

In the top Drawing to the right is text about Immersion Baptism, as if a small thing though toward greatest: "A little lower than the angels".

In the second Drawing to the right are shown Angels, Each and All both Following and Leading, both Physically and Spiritually In Holiness For God The Heavenly Father For Christ JESUS.

God created Their subatomic constituents, Their Living Spirit is in Their Subatomic Christian parts and the Realm, the Heavenly Realm both on Earth and Above. When They Speak, Sing, and/or Do the subatomic particles within and beyond realize, even the Heavenly find Goodness in such in Christ JESUS: even the Creator finds Holy Creating being accomplished at All levels.

Yes look here and there as much as to properly freely opt, aware Good Christ JESUS within even at the subatomic level is also likewise Doing One Goodness Throughout The Universe and beyond the Created Plan, even that the Christian is free to come and go for their sakes.

ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS October 9, 2017AD.

ICCDBB: Internet Church for JESUS Christ: new space flight and science leadership via Bible precepts.

Tags: Primordial soup, the primordial ooze as aglae is revealed to be the same as a giant brain. How to guide MAJESTIC 12 MAJIC-12 Ultra Delta international and interstellar UFO counterparts properly into New Christianity for their sakes and mutual advantage. How governments have lied to their own people throughout their entire lifetimes including their own high officials, due to lack of interest in Christ JESUS of facts in evidence ("lied to their own people throughout their entire lifetimes") such as concerning distinguishing over those counted as though not of Creator JESUS origin. Space travel envelope: size travel egg ( Visitors from other worlds, in humanoid shapes and in monster shapes large and small even subatomic, are arriving to see the Christ JESUS You Christian Leader(s). The importance of making friends with parents prior to making friends with their children: making friends with Christ JESUS, while the Second Command is like unto the First. Robert Ross Benchoff Internet Church ICCDBB Drawings For JESUS Christ.
