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My Ultra-Cool Neighbor ********

because just about anyone, including people from the ward, could access this site, the names are changed. my ultra cool neighbor will be referred to as ucn. her x will be so titled. those of us in the room will be [room].

ucn just got back from her summer vacation. Here is her story:

This is her x (former boyfriend) story. "So he came up, and he was with K(friend of x), from upstairs. The first day that he got there we went to the Pearl Jam concert, which was really good. Then we went to Mt. Raneer. x brought up an 'Us' talk. x: 'I don't think you are into this relationship. blah blah blah.' ucn: 'Well, I am not really interested, blah blah blah.' A 'You Suck-Fest' ensued. So I was like, kind of upset that we had had a talk. I didn't want to have to worry about it. He was dating for marriage, I was not. This is on the second day he was there. This was Thursday, and he stayed to Sunday. So the last day, we had a really good day together, but we decided that since we are not really loving this relationship, we should still break up for the time being. We will have a three week sorting through feelings time, until I come back. I thought that i would think about it and I would decide that I would totally love him and that I would want to marry him, yadda yadda yadda, and then finally he calls me one night, and I don't know what is up with him, but he hadn't checked his mail in three weeks. so he hadn't turned in this stuff that i had sent him. So anyway, we were talking, and he says, 'I have kind of been acting weird lately, because, well, I have been dating this other girl.' After A WEEK AND A HALF!!! I was so upset. 'I think I might be falling for her.' I was totally crying, so hard. I thought we would totally get back together, I was like, totally crying, and I couldn't handle it. So I said, I need to call you back. So maybe we could just talk about it, and whatever. so i called him back and said, you know this was just a big slap in the face. it was with a girl that i know. he said, 'i had no intention of going out and dating her.' [The room has determined that this is impossible] they would talk a lot, and stuff, but we were dating, so it was never a big deal. i don't know. i still don't know the whole story. [room determines: bottom line, "men are scum"] he said, 'i don't know. it's never been this easy before to hang out with someone. I still love you, and care for you, but i think that she is the girl that i am going to marry.' i was upset, but i was trying to happy for him, because he honestly thinks this is the girl he will marry, so i was trying to be nice. but i had to get off the phone because there really wasn't anything left to say to him. and i haven't been able to eat stuff right. i don't know. i was so upset. so this is the thing. so he finally called me up a few days later, and he calls me up and says that all this stuff is going well for him. i was trying to be supportive and stuff, and he was like, 'i am so glad that we can talk about this like friends. i haven't told anyone, not even my family. just you.' [room mentions that x will no longer be in the ward] that's good. i am happy that he won't be there. i guess she doesn't go to school here, she goes to school in arizona. so she will be down there for the whole year, and they will get married next winter semester. so now i am back, right on time. seriously, i couldn't accept it, that he could get over me so easily, and even when we talked the second time, i was just like, whatever, i can't do anything about it, and all i can say is, just can you pray that i will feel better about it. and it was weird. that night i felt so much better. so that's it. he's planning to get married. [room does a funny impression of x] i think he knows sammie the best. he won't be in the ward, which will be good, but now i am tainted with the X. ucn describes her thankfulness that we knew it was never working. we are her safehaven. i am glad that this story has a happy ending.

