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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon For Christian Leaders:

JESUS Christ Prophesying In You

with Your Doing something about it: JESUS Christ Best.

Christ JESUS Gave [(Once for all) and Offers Freely] Victory

but many failed to receive. Even now consider applicability in this generation, JESUS Christ knew Elias Baptized many but He unraveled the Holy Scriptures to all such as Sermons on Mounds and such as Sermons involving Ships, though for the Select Few Leaders JESUS Christ unraveled greater.

You should be aware as a Christian Leader ("Select Few") that there have been errors in the "Holy Scriptures", such as the "good will to men" (of a limited truth) is more properly translated "men of good will" ( was headline news decades ago).

There are multitudes of mistakes in the Bible, and far more JESUS Christ is revealing for You to solve

including things not written, such as a broken limb from a storm so a person might opt to graft again or clean up the debris.

These are serious JESUS Christ Proper Ascending Issues. You might fix or clean up a specification and that might cause a machine to injure many people systematically, unless most perfectingly in JESUS Christ

(Caring In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose needs be applied).

If to leave 99 sheep to find 1 stray, then to place the 99 at atypical risk, so be aware that the 99 even the 100 need be JESUS Christ Equal One (greater than "Select Few": so JESUS Christ Perfect). Repeating JESUS Sermons is with value such as for the youth and for to remind such as to reference a pertinent JESUS Source (JESUS Precept properly in pertinence on a JESUS Precept).

There are verses that are [counted as though wrong, rather] not yet sufficiently ascended, not yet sufficiently Perfect In JESUS Christ. Words are formulas

([JESUS] formulae in the former sense which should be more in usage like unto above stated meaning of JESUS Precept On Precept).

JESUS Words are the most perfect of [JESUS] formulae though JESUS Christ Offers Greater Anew Value In Your JESUS Best Interpreting as often proven, reference the multitudes of Edifying and explanatory and exemplifying (including props often) JESUS Sermons and JESUS Commentaries.

JESUS Christ Gave this set of JESUS Precepts:

You know JESUS Is One, therefore evil is not. Evil instead bickers and each aspect spirit fights against any other as much as opted (higher JESUS Original Parameters apply). So this correction to previous interpretation to Matthew 13.19 applies like unto how a bird is more valuable than the seed it eats (typically, or formerly)(see [yet with awareness JESUS Christ already Conquered]).

A seed that fell onto hard soil or on a rock did not penetrate though was trying to penetrate, trying to fall

[in the name JESUS Christ: to JESUS Serve the greater unseen (unrealized therefore JESUS Faith One)]

( Lexicon "the idea of alighting; to fall").

JESUS Christ is also Victor over His Sheep that They stray not, to instead Obey, therefore these things JESUS Christ Shows Anew In Your Path Heart Prophetic Victory over Matthew 13.19 through 23.

You Will See precepts wrongly placed on precepts, You Will See problematic examples and misleadingly deceptive demonstrations, You Will Hear false statements and improper rules. Stick with the Greater JESUS Christ Good Multiverse Of Original Highest Purpose so to be able to overcome (even a JESUS Christ Good [habit though] Greater Good).

You because of being a Christian Leader, Will merely glance to see a very complex system that required much time and efforts by many to construct, and know in that instant that it should be corrected and in that moment explain how (Matthew 10.19)(Matthew 21.16). This is a JESUS Christ Proper Precepting key as to how the following verse applies: Matthew 6.34 NAS:

They want to be hard headed and logic as a machine and not with heart to keep their jobs (since not in the JESUS Christ Civilization Name, yet [JESUS Christ Prophetically To Be]), so they opted to not hear,

so the key JESUS Solves With Your adding appropriate water to soften their hearts (toward proper Path forming [with minimal JESUS Maintenance, maximizing JESUS Faith]).

Note: Fear the Lord, so hardly fear wine (conditionally).

On the JESUS Cross water spilled from the gut: consider whether sinners Will need be aerated lest they repent first.

The rock likewise can be as is (reference a flower pot as tiny roots slowly undo if given time...), or can be redone (Matthew 21.44).

Distractions and the thorns of inquisitions await their furnaces for themselves, yet JESUS Christ Prophesied Your Obeyance Victory.

You lead them from JESUS Christ Baptism to being in the Name JESUS Christ to Edifying other in the JESUS Word to the greater JESUS One Doing [with helps] to therefore Your JESUS key for JESUS Awareness in You so Your Prophesying, and if to know the future, then to JESUS One Overcome via JESUS One Creating.

Creating / Prophesying / Awareness / Doing / Word / JESUS Christ Baptism Name.

So You see in the above, "Prophesying" is a key to You being properly aware in JESUS Christ. Also You see if to overcome the future then through JESUS Prophesying One therefore toward confused destructions and other ways or JESUS You Christ Creating.

Because You Love JESUS Christ this above was Your JESUS Faith which has since now become Your JESUS Prophesying Miracle(s) Anew, including with reasoning to enter into such JESUS Christ Path Of Hearts Superhighway Constructing And Growing, and with JESUS Greater Purpose (Creating, for overcoming: JESUS Christ One Prepare [prior to the arrivals of after-the-facts]).

Shown below is a JESUS Christ Drawing of [in part] how JESUS Christ would Hope that this current civilization would be Wise In JESUS Christ To Best Think (this does not mean straight A's in secular school, nor promotions at secular work).

Note the mid lower "A", "B", and "C" in the JESUS Drawing (detailed lower on this page) with "A" from JESUS Original Plan Creative Hope (Giving options to choose), to higher (than letter "A") JESUS Christ throughout (JESUS Highest Precepts Apply) until JESUS Christ (above the big purple arrow). "B" and "C" are about some past civilizations and You Reaping In Christ JESUS where they had sowed, strawed, and other (Matthew 13.37 while aware of Matthew 13.25).

JESUS Christ is in the hearts of sinners even though they have been hardly aware, so You Can Reap The Good For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Proper Hosting (not in the former sense of the reaper that prefers to destroy [often as has been depicted in vids as insanely cruel]).

Note: JESUS Christ Provides Pure Victory, so the above stated "so You Can Reap The Good" is to reveal "Good" without disobeying JESUS Christ, and so when for their sakes.

Shown below to the left are indicators of gravitational waves (lines and contours in patterns) and particles (masses). JESUS Christ Created, therefore very important to the Highest Father Spirit is the Creating in Hope. Hope therefore is the JESUS One Yielding the Promise for their sakes. And with the Promise: must come the Prophetic if to be One JESUS Christ. Therefore the Promise needs be with You Creating Perfectly to enable JESUS Christ Perfectingly Solving Anew.

JESUS Christ You Perfectingly Solving Anew / Creating / Promise / Prophetic / Hope [for their sakes] / Original JESUS One Christ Plan.

The Pure Body Of JESUS Christ Flesh was and is with mass (as much as JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Eternally would opt as appropriate) so is a Christian Standard. Note the "opt as appropriate" is the Holy Highest Mass (One with Christians though JESUS Ascends and not greater than Master applies) so

with the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon, the Straight And Narrow is that mass moves out of the Way of JESUS Christ.

So it relatively appears from lower levels as though JESUS Body turns into Spirit such as to walk through a wall, though JESUS Christ turns not (lower levels turn example Matthew 8.29-32). Even so, each molecule and each wave is aligned for JESUS Christ of the Original Plan, though You are Given to JESUS Best Overcome sin and sin results. Likewise JESUS Christ can Do greater unseen.

JESUS Christ comes shining through

even though secular hardware and software compound problems.

The JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Drawing below left of center is a shining example of JESUS Christ Guiding in the midst of software errors and uninvited intentional ads by this new computer's manufacturer (and many computers brands and types have been tried).

In a Christian effort to make secularists aware so to protect offspring including their own and those of friends and employees, the below two drawings of loved ones by four year olds were evidently arbitrarily scored (a score of zero fail, and a score of "4" for another as shown) to [as if] permanently [or in an atheistic standard way] attach an IQ rating to a child (an innocent pure child Luke 22.26).

JESUS Alert: the "secularists" have not positioned worldly government as agnostic, but worldly secular government is atheistic

(corporate churches [including other corporate religions] have worked loyally to promote atheism)

(a person doesn't run for secular office saying "I don't know, therefore I don't know how to fix your problems, and I don't know how to make anything better").

Even so, the former (although failed or failing) system can be JESUS Christ Converted according to revelations, talents,...and faith levels. For instance University Professors in a pertinent fields have taught the "zero" score over the "4" score.

Though more to the point JESUS Christ Taught The Loving Spirit, something the lower secular levels (even if with high secular IQ) cannot fathom nor measure (John 3.34 NAS).

JESUS Christ Wisdom is with love, and with subset knowledge, that is, ancillary "knowledge", even as though toward expendable (such as if to cut off a hand in an emergency to save a person's life)(though hardly if at all be toward such Matthew 15.16).

The child's drawing with a "zero" score shown below [is with a flow and hardly about any psychological nor behavioral nor socio-economic...interruption problems and] appears as though portraying a person advancing civilization (social, not destroying) even if only at the secular level. The "zero" drawing is of a normal homelife yet with doing significantly for this generation in action and not idle nor sleeping nor zombie (a JESUS key for interesting Sermons and Christian Interests: Christian Activities, e.g. youth toys, teen tech,...).

While the IQ parameter was to count body parts in order to score, the reverse is true in JESUS The Eternal Judge, that if to fail to count body parts according to their self same parameter then per the Golden Rule that person that set the secular scoring practice risks failing the self along with their followers.

It is important to be aware the site that gave this info (thank you) did not do so to be called a fool, but showed normal or in best light (so to speak in secular lingo), the work that they do;

this indicates half or most of such IQ measuring is wrong (stupid, ibid.)(see above John 3.34 NAS).

Some info was recorded on the JESUS Drawing below but amidst many software and hardware glitches was the JESUS Christ Enlightening Thrill to see "Throne of JESUS Christ" overlaid on the text and the Pure Child's Drawing of Their Loved One fitting the JESUS Precept On Precept criteria: the "Throne" positioned under the [evidently] handheld device user that the Pure Child Loves.

How much others love you is part of that measure (the Second Commandment [2/2]) though the Righteous measure is according to JESUS Christ loving all, even so things such as precepts and proper ascending apply (First Commandment).

JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy beyond the Garden Of Eden time travel Immortality Field gravitons gravitational waves properly converting mistakes Prophesying Big Pulse Multiverse control over the birth of JESUS Faith flow current status atheism atheistic government destabilize nations regardless of ideas Righteousness advantage Healer Edgar Cayce described red hair 170 pounds JESUS Christ

JESUS Christ said wait until Empowered from on High (for the sakes of Followers [for rest]), though JESUS Christ Said Behold!: look and see all the things already Given From On Highest for You Beloved to Properly Best JESUS One Utilize: Behold: these things can be JESUS Converted into Your New Flesh Vessel Clothing Washed In The Broken Body Blood Of JESUS Christ In The New Eucharist Covenant.

JESUS Christ Gave a Gift, to be able to choose. Like unto the vessel, logic, and "to choose" are departures from JESUS Christ as much as to support sin (Romans 7.25): the Gift is not sin except if to plan to so separate from JESUS Christ, so then both the option to sin and the "plan" per se are involved, noting in the past people that fought against the JESUS Christ Way were simply with the result of their choice.

But in this generation with the gravity waves being formed against themselves such as by trial and error to know everything (and against all people), a need arises for civilization to not merely lead extremely well, but instead to be with Perfect Leadership so in the Name Of JESUS Christ. Since many sinners are learning how to ignore Christians and how to fight for their own sinful purposes while learning how to control time

the situation for Final End Time by their hands as in the Book Of Revelation, the worse part, is becoming something they are committing as never since the Garden Of Eden.

Be aware Christian, You worked to save a sinner, but if that sinner has not repented though is at a JESUS Christ Prophetic Given Rate toward repentance then if interrupted by Final End Time than Your work would have been in vain per se which can hardly be, therefore Perfect action is become importune (

Christian, in other words if You allow sinners to be in charge of You, and since Heaven is Perfect, then how hardly could a person that disobeys JESUS Christ be lifted to Heaven first, instead You Christian would have to suffer under the Book Of Revelation torments and destructions [Your] sinners caused, until You become Worthy ("Your" is counted as though such at least by sinners: as much as they "be in charge of You").

But JESUS Christ Unravels All Things Prior To Such Days: Christians formerly had that JESUS Christ Grace of time (previous sentence "until"), but consider it as though no more.

In an instant JESUS Christ Transfigured, but now people are splitting time and multiplying days.

Christ JESUS Gives You a Gift: JESUS Gravity. You opened a box and utilized what was inside: open this box in the Name Of JESUS Christ: JESUS One Utilize Best for all.

JESUS Christ Presents You with the Gift of Gravity to Utilize for their sakes, not to cause them to stray toward sin, therefor to JESUS Utilize and not secular confusion.

Your Church in the Name JESUS Christ is Good, though Friend, if JESUS Christ is over Your Church with corporate subset. Likewise Your Gravity unraveled and opened is with JESUS Christ Praying to JESUS One Guide others: behold and consider where You would opt to place Your gift, how intense would You make regions, how massive would be the most massive, and such is a lower level key: the "most" refers to something the secular can hardly fathom: the "most" is a superlative.

China for instance does not have troops in every multiverse place, neither does India for instance, they don't know (see above "stupid", friends and loved ones); so neither China nor India knows the "most" about anything (if the nation is not in the name of the Creator).

What is your source?, "I don't know" (see above discussion); instead JESUS Christ Lives and explains, unraveling the mysteries in pertinence for each generation.

In the above JESUS Drawing center to the left is a symbol of Your JESUS Gravity Gift so You can see the lines with highlighted wave info, from a secular televised show [recently (discovered 2 years ago)](and as seen on the Internet). The JESUS Gravity Waves coming at You [as portrayed] indicate various rates of approach in a sense although they all (the symbols) appear in the same time frame.

The JESUS Spirit of some symbols is away, while the JESUS Spirit of some other symbols is toward [You]. Other JESUS Spirit symbols are up, down, or other directions; and some lines are longer than other lines showing JESUS Vectors (as interpreted). Not shown above is this other JESUS Gravity Gift Converted for You from the following secular source.

"Taylor and Russell Hulse discovered in 1974 a binary system composed of a pulsar in orbit around a neutron star." The "first observation of gravitational waves themselves, made by measuring the tiny disturbances the waves make to space and time as they pass through the earth." "100 Years After Einstein's ..." (

From "Einstein" the Gift is from the secular atheist prediction category. From JESUS Christ: Righteous: Prophetic.

Atheist Universities taught that gravity was the lack of [other] forces: proven wrong by Universities.

Higher inspiration comes to each and all from the Creator Spirit [and in humans as is written in the heart (soul)(from the JESUS Eternal Heart And Soul)].

Inspiration can surpass religions if any religion fails to properly ascend.

JESUS Christ would that You put Your Gravity where it would be Best to so Do. JESUS Christ would that You Manipulate Your Gravity likewise.

You no longer need say the Lord delays His coming (3 Nephi 29.2)

and JESUS Christ One Brings His Gravity And Other Gifts With Him (JESUS One Flying: Daniel 9.21: the Holy Spirit Manifested)

[note the distance from Brownsville, Texas to Oak Island, Minnesota is similar to the miles a dimension of the JESUS Golden Cube (Prophecy Bible page 1913 titled "NEW JERUSALEM")(and other sources)]. Aside from rates (object falling to Earth / second / second), the secular offered the following from various sources:

"of gravity is a mere 10 miles per hour", "821 miles per hour", "Supermassive black hole dislodged from its galactic throne travels at 5 ...", "5 million miles per hour", "four-day stationary gravity waves", and "Gravity waves 'are the most powerful astronomical events witnessed by' .... corresponding to 1.08 billion kilometers (671 million miles) per hour" (no fact checks were done by this site).

JESUS Christ offers ancient artifacts, treasures beyond measure, though from sinners the Holy Grail for instance might be sold for what You have in Your pocket at the time. Yet for Christians ascending JESUS Christ offers the Creating of the Holy Grail. From the Disciples have come forth JESUS Victories in Apostleships.

From Elias with the Sent have come forth Christian Leadership In The Name JESUS The Father In Heaven (3 Nephi 11.7 / Luke 3.22).

JESUS Christ Gives to Edify the Christian Leadership and through the Orientation Of Your Christian New Members, through each and all, though be aware lest Your Words fall on deaf ears

and You be the cause of their ears having waxed gross from hearing

(2 Bible search results from [Matthew 13.15 & Acts 28.27] both speak of the "heart": see below "circumcision of the Heart"),

it is the properly ascending at maximum pace that Christian Leadership advances more greatly with the Word Of JESUS Christ,

though contingent upon perspectives.

For instance a Christian Priest may receive from above a great revelation that would solve a great Mass problem,

though there is more glory in Heaven over one sinner that repents and with Baptism is Saved In The Name JESUS Christ!

So it is of a truth the JESUS Leadership Wise in the Faith Path can accomplish much, the freshly Baptized New Member is the JESUS Christ Faith Path (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon).

Oak Island, Nova Scotia may be with the Holy Grail, and may be soon found there as indicated evidently by JESUS Christ (ibid. [Sermons on such]). Many holes have been dug as a predictable key is like unto the Grace Of JESUS Christ in this generation with bank vaults with many ["holes" and] chambers for storing valuables of individuals, companies, and nations. So Oak Island, NS is like unto a banking and a commerce stock reserve sanctuary and marketplace

so Victory over the money changers tables tied to the House Of Prayer Of JESUS Christ is key first in the Name JESUS Christ:

hence the Christian Highest Priest Your JESUS Value increases yet as JESUS Prayerfully [Guidance from above (JESUS Christ)] Faithfully Prepares for the least of These of the Members of the Family of JESUS Christ, and also for others concerned with entrusting their treasures with an entity (the JESUS Highest Priest [as per organization]).

So like unto the above map of where Elias opted, so too Oak Island, Nova Scotia [with water "holes"] is likely with many user drawers and chambers, yet Elias and JESUS Christ went to where appropriate, in pertinence such as toward or beyond the meaningful in pertinence border of the [Roman Empire for instance]: They were sometimes within reach (e.g. JESUS in the Temple daily, Elias where people could find Him to be Baptized).

So with the advent of the 13 developments to become state for instance, the Oak Isle situation may have been relocated [such as though less likely] to Oak Island, Minnesota beyond the new border;

yet the greater point of this is first in the Name JESUS Christ and second in pertinence to JESUS Christ Supplies Sanctuaries: with the point of Holy Sanctuaries being not to hold back, rather in the Name JESUS Christ to distribute freely [or toward such liberty for now] as long as the recipients respect (such as not food fights, such as not putting diamonds in slingshots for fun,...).

So Faithfully from JESUS Christ Trust, to JESUS Christ Trust [or at least a measure of trust]. So be JESUS Wise that if to withhold JESUS Faith it is a severity of sin risk, though if to withhold after-the-fact Miracles (that is, if to reorganize) yet with first making all aware then like unto forming levels and Firmaments, so for instance to let a person know before-the-fact that if a person or group would food fight, then hardly to work to make delicious food for that group to waste when another group would more appreciate

not to withhold all food, only the measure to mete Matthew 7.2

as a minimum and if to be with laws (rather of JESUS Grace Toward Prophesying),

though seek rather to JESUS Best Guide to solve in advance:

if kids want to play with food, consider their ages, and if the kids are more mature then consider their source of discontent that rather they be delighted before-the-fact supportive even to Charitably Support And Help Your JESUS Christ Efforts.

So of JESUS Wisdom consider a helper might leave if of Charity, though if relying on income then correlated to staying on, but such is not excuse toward slavery.

So whether if toward the subatomic (such as a person thinks) or toward outer space to establish JESUS Sanctuaries, if to set Your JESUS Plan into action there, in a place, in that flow, then to consider JESUS Christ Wisdom over duration of Your JESUS Event, Your JESUS Mission, and so on JESUS One Preparing all for Anew Higher JESUS Path Measure(s) Of Loyalty, Faith, And JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

While the atheists cannot so measure (evidently, as much as such has opted and/or opted to have stated), You can for JESUS Best One Highest Purpose Standard. If requested to fly JESUS Christ to Paris or elsewhere, You'd better know how.

Gravity control is subject to Your greater "convincing power" (3 Nephi 28.29). How to JESUS Convert the mass of a child?, with a stick, [hardly or] no, except with love such as to add to the child the gravitational mass of a candle lighter with bell snuffer, and such as to Give the Eucharist (consult Your Christian Church criteria on worthiness).

To fly better, some planes reduced mass, others added mass. To ascend in JESUS Christ is to add all these things for Highest Good (to add the JESUS Good and to add the JESUS Converted other as much as JESUS Good). Yet to apply JESUS Christ to the given [even including secular givens which have often been confused (see above text on corporate pertinence(s))].

Given of JESUS Christ is the above symbolized pattern with sets of types of energies subset to the whole symbol of gravity. Waves are like gears and like steps for ascending, and graviton particles are likewise, so an altar candle lighter for instance lifts some pertinent waves and gravitons (reference smoke, incense, prism, stained glass,...). JESUS Christ adds each and all to Your Gravity Gift for Giving.

The gravity symbol above is with "Bump" and "trough", so the Sermon On The Mound ("Bump") and the Sermon from the ship ("trough") may apply per se in some situations. In other words there precepts that properly fit to control Your Gift, and some more obviously than others, save if You are Highest JESUS Faith. And so in other words, some JESUS Words You Preach might resonate and increase in value according to the Given with You.

The Congressional Rotunda Building resonates sounds according to speaker physical positioning (also pertinent to hearers), similarly the gravity Gift as symbolized is with not only tiny particles yet also with wave patterns. When JESUS Christ Spoke, sometimes His Voice was like unto the movie The Perfect Storm though not as rogue waves (John 18.6).

JESUS Christ lets You Be in the right time and place for Your JESUS Perfect Good Sermon And Doing. Words can be amplified. JESUS Christ can amplify Your Work, lifting the masses of Your Burdens. Start the day with longsuffering to accept JESUS Masses and while JESUS Christ lifts those masses then in so Doing JESUS Christ reveals the Holy Direction You are to Grow [Your Sermon, Your Work (JESUS Highest Purpose Pertinent Direction including for their sakes)].

Consider how a horse neck trained, would be steered with a gentle touch on the neck: opted by the horse rather than to have the mouth bit tugged.

The gravity as symbolized came from the Big Pulse so from toward the Creator source smaller point as counted in lower levels and as much as with the realized created at a time, so counted as toward purity; though JESUS Christ is Purity.

JESUS Christ Gravity Waves And Bundles (Gravitons) relative to a human (see above text "JESUS...Standard") interacting are as ranging from friction to stairs in a perspective for JESUS Christ Edifying. The JESUS Christ Friction And/Or JESUS Christ Stairs can be manipulated according to JESUS Christ Leadership (levels, talents, and JESUS Christ Highest Original Purpose apply).

If too abrasive, JESUS Smooth, if steps are too large (reference JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at JESUS Improve Righteously. Gravity energies are Your (please forgive, to edify:) master, unless You JESUS Conquer Best. And if not, then how to guide Your Mass?, (Yes: Highest Is Found In JESUS Christ).

You know sandpaper, You know stairs: JESUS Christ You One Lead [(see above text "Matthew 10.19") key: Longsuffer Praying Preparing And Starting In JESUS Christ, then as much as needful and Best "Matthew 10.19" applies [continue, though with breaks of JESUS Grace for consideration for Faith and so as applicable to Your Pure Body].

If Your Body Is Pure (JESUS Christ) then Give it a break at times (rests, vacations,...).

If a vessel is impure, see previous sentence (the JESUS Christ Heart is in people, though lower than people levels are not precisely covered the same):

so this is associated with a JESUS Christ Victory key over sin. If a person opts lower (sin, or JESUS Lower Level Service [see JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Missions]),

then as much as sin (and similar if to follow rather than lead) the "Pure" aspect less applies according to JESUS Christ Giving some JESUS Christ Liberty (JESUS Creation Plan) that a person may choose and opt. So this key, if a person opts less than JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, then that person opted against self Benefits according to their amount of faith.

So if a person opts to rob for instance, then to opt to add an extra burden instead of to receive the above stated "break". If to show Mercy on that person, then conditionally in JESUS Christ Highest, since JESUS Christ Grace applies, and since JESUS Christ Mercy applies though Mercy is not for abuse nor wrongful usage. Mercy is pertinent for the innocent and for the ignorant optionally (conditions and precedents apply): to the sinner is without per se as long and as much as unrepentant.

The gravity wave is likewise a vessel, JESUS Christ Precepts apply. If the wave cooperated with You JESUS Christ One, Good, if not then these previous JESUS Christ Precepts apply. These "apply" according to You JESUS Christ Converting Best. Example: turn a light switch on or off and it effects gravity waves. Example: let both grow together until the harvest: this and the latter results effect gravity waves.

If to compare for JESUS Christ To Be Edifying: of the previous two examples, JESUS Christ You can see: logic is the easier.

So this is a JESUS Christ Complexity key: JESUS Christ Taught The Preparing, examples Mark 14.8, Luke 22.8, and likewise 2 Chronicles 35.6; though be aware concerning 1 Corinthians 14.8 (double preparation [supposed to be reserved for sinners, though pertinent in situations concerning followers]).

Hence JESUS Christ has thusly Given You Victory (or at lest JESUS Christ Methodology for such) Over time, times, and a half time (Daniel 7.25 / Revelation 12.14)

and this of JESUS Christ New Christianity Godsling also applies over 2 Kings 7.18 (JESUS Christ You Leading Over greater complexities).

The JESUS Christ Drawing above, lower left, of lightning tied to volcanism, is as though higher priority in JESUS Christ than deep space travels. Exceptions are as though optional complexities yet in the Name JESUS Christ properly conquering one is tied (conditionally) to conquering the other. In the previous Sermon a skyscraper was decommissioned: JESUS Christ One Prepare to handle the lightning and volcanism. So prepare the Heart.

Next to that pic is an ancient complex illustration with measuring involving heavenly and earthly matters. It is not necessarily One In JESUS Christ The Highest Purpose Father (Even Father One Maker: Baptism). The ancient illustration is with heart to be JESUS Converted In Your Heart to overcome the complex to remove variables that distractions and/or sins may have made (as evidenced: no reference in that illustration for citing JESUS Christ).

That illustration is garbage and gravity waves are garbage, unless You properly JESUS Convert them; but such is not true of humans as a JESUS Christ Firmament applies under humans; note the word "garbage" is stated not to discard such, instead and rather for JESUS Christ In You to properly Convert them (as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose).

In secular math to remove variables by replacing with constants is an idea often with value, though "of humans as a JESUS Christ Firmament applies under humans": this is a JESUS Christ Intelligence key.

In the JESUS Christ Drawing left of center is "Score: 4" (used as a part of the IQ standard) and above it is a youth's hand drawning of a person, apparently [though unattached] 2 eyes, a mouth, a horizontal line and 2 sides and/or legs. So this is a subjective interpretation, and not necessarily the same as the scoring party's interpretation.

Though key is the term "subjective": subjective to as high [level wisdom and] reasoning as possible. So "subjective" to JESUS Christ or other (toward sins: as the secular info source site exemplified (by not promoting JESUS Christ, see above: a shameful sinful promotion of "promote atheism"))(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on related [so attached] subset religions, and instead on "Oneness").

So worldly individuals and groups have done as in the days of JESUS Christ From Heaven, Converting Wholely In The Name Of JESUS Christ And So Doing, or opted for promoting sin which involved their option to be without full repentance, their option for sinfulness, their option to not receive JESUS Christ Eternal Benefit even though they opted for selfishness temporary benefits now

(and this is not to single them out, though of such positions pertinent to such scoring there is hardly excuse, not toward innocence, not toward JESUS Christ Mercy; so far),

and so secular worldly individuals and/or groups have opted for other people to fall from higher grace in order for their own sin related workings to temporarily establish gains. Consider who told them to not mention JESUS Christ, worldly secular governments likely, though also inside their own person and/or group (if with a group then the group sins + the personal sins + the positional sins of each + guilt (since rejected Judge JESUS Christ) that any to so "fall" accordingly tie to such sinfulness.

New laws have been hotly debated such as the Parlement of England fist fights, and other eliminations of targets. People set in charge of secular things work to hide their history trails except to brag on themselves. To censor JESUS Christ, to not cite JESUS Christ (known per se in such secular leaders), and similar is sin, to so "fall".

Intelligence is of the source JESUS Christ One. None other applies as much. The IQ scorers counted body parts to measure the scores: a large widely recognized corporate world leader legal group (over patrol officers and higher positions and other) though secular stated in legal terms not to do so since "it would be thrown out of court".

If such measuring is "thrown out of court" due to being not highest and therefore arbitrary and subjective, then all walks of civilization are guilty (save JESUS Christ One Highest John 4.34):

how hardly to "measure" IQ if illegal, how hardly to "measure" the size of a cafeteria meal if without legality, how hardly to legally count words to pass laws much less to be prophesying?,

cafeteria floors awash with overfilled cups and plates of drinks and foods would form illegal safety hazards; but if in the Name JESUS Christ then the proper legal Holy Way: Highest Authority.

The "Score: 0" illustration

(hence IQ of zero if not otherwise increased by pertinent measured scores inclusively [adverb, therefore same secular source "thrown out of court" applies along with a long list of other lower level position truths (also reference similar though not same: circumstantial)])

in a Christian interpretation is with a head, with hair, an eye (as many as appropriate Matthew 6.22) to match the pic(s) above it

(though to secular hand drawn renditions of perps and software age progressions to find missing people "thrown out of court" [illegality] applies)

along with intelligently shown arms, hands, and more even beyond expectations to analyze body parts to even include pertinence in activities (James 2.26) as evidenced. Though the flip-of-a-coin has decided either way: the whole truth or guilt: it matters not to the coin;

in the secular sense the coin is unawares, though in JESUS Christ each whether called inorganic or not, is alive with spirit(s) except sin (and except James 2.26 with pertinence for followers that opted to not lead [note: leading is with talents, levels, and other JESUS Highest Given conditions of the original plan]).

The top three pics of people do not match "Score: 4" representation, but that does not make "Score: 4" wrong. The pics can help "Score: 0" representation be right:

this is key to intelligence and how JESUS Christ Measures And Weighs the Good people Do

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Godsling including rates).

Intelligence Valuing is according to Judge JESUS Christ Weighing And Measuring The Good

In The Name JESUS Christ, With JESUS Christ Criteria, And With JESUS Christ [One] So Doing.

During such "Measuring" is also the living aspect and the stepping and leaping...since JESUS Christ Lives, and therefore with this JESUS Christ Converting key that as an unrepentant sinner falls toward one end of the scale, toward the other end is the JESUS Converting even during the exams, as much as New Christianity Faith In JESUS Christ Continues Properly Ascending.

So that by the end of the analysis [though the analyzer may sinfully take credit], the analyzed may already surpass the criteria that was at the start of the analysis (secular reference cliche: "the patient is their own best doctor" [actually JESUS Christ Is Best]).

Shown above between the volcano and the map is what is typically associated with intellect, but a singer might be with great intellect though hardly any such drawing and measurement recording skills. So JESUS Christ Gives This Intellect key, that IQ reaches higher greater with the larger Christian Group (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at correlated or at least associated, ibid. on Oneness).

So JESUS Christ Gave This Intelligence key, that Righteous Intelligence is not static and can grow and fly.

True JESUS Intelligence is in the Heavens, with the Holy Spirit throughout except not seen according to lower level perspectives accordingly (higher level conditions, and talents apply): "in the Heavens" in the sense in this generation concerning Space Force, planets, meteorites, stars, and such flying about [including as Earth flies for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

Intelligence flows (of JESUS Christ though also reference secular cliche: "military secrets are the most fleeting of all", though actually concerning "the most fleeting" is of JESUS Christ Highest Level John 6.63).

Things are energies, unseen are energies, living energies.

If to standardize, then be JESUS Christ One Standardizing (see below "same") and if weigh, measure, rate, evaluate, and such then to JESUS Godsling (see below "Distinguishing them").

JESUS Christ reveals through Paul the Oneness, as in 1 Corinthians 10.4 BL:

Christ JESUS Gives the "all" to mean the partakers of Loving JESUS Christ Way Faithfully, and "all" can apply to all people as much as willing and Paul explains some of their powers per se in 1 Corinthians Chapter 9 (toward liberty to so be willing and "all" JESUS Christ Greater In Oneness for the JESUS Christ Original Hope Plan: the Creating).

Christ JESUS Hoped Eternal Good so this is a JESUS Christ Irresistible key. That Hope is unraveling now, from Christians (including pertinent Spirits) yet greater Good from Christian Leader(s). This Irresistible Force is in JESUS Christ [(The Judge Eternal) so] just as JESUS Christ is the Eternal Rock;

so if an irresistible force meet an immovable object, then it is JESUS Christ: in JESUS Christ New Christianity Of GodMath:

JESUS Christ (With Greater Good) = Irresistible Force x Immovable Object.

Irresistible Force / Immovable Object / JESUS Christ (With Greater Good).

Living Pure JESUS In One Spirit / Word (JESUS Christ: including the Righteous Law and so the True Prophets) / JESUS Christ (With Greater Good).

JESUS Christ Joyous Work One (this is a Hope Victory key) is JESUS Christ New Christianity Leadership Oneness,

[and of JESUS Christ Offering Grace (though with Final End Time Option)]

rather than Christians-that-merely-opt-to-Follow (yet of Highest Salvation Value per se, in JESUS Christ: Good)

and so instead of being under distractions and worldly laws and temptations (things of lower levels that a person might opt to follow when supposed to be leading lower levels).

So JESUS Christ would that the people be aware to gain advantage(s) and so to benefit all the best so to therefore lead instead of sin, and rather in JESUS Christ One Highest Leadership (including Offering the Holy Path As JESUS Christ Specified: JESUS Heart And Soul From Spirit Highest Heaven [if to count, measure, standardize, and such as in JESUS Christ Census then within each vessel with any JESUS Christ Heart Leading any lower level vessel].

So JESUS Christ would that each be aware to Best Lead Toward JESUS Christ Oneness, so such as to be "accompanying them" rather (or instead of) following as many translations have less appropriately (or sinfully) assumed such as at (, thank You) and in reference to the Lexicon:

Writing this JESUS Christ Sermon found the solving hardly as the others [referring to part 1 of 2], they solved through 1. proven translating techniques and 2. likely greater from JESUS Christ at least in some of the translators. Writing of this JESUS Christ Sermon found the solving for the most appropriate translation according to JESUS Christ New Christianity for leading Christian Leaders, In The Name Of JESUS Christ, and so JESUS Christ Praying The Father Spirit So Working Precept On Precept as JESUS Christ Taught And Did.

You One JESUS Christ Will become able [if not already permanently Eternally] to see through translations and words and the fruits of others in Your JESUS Christ Distinguishing them (making more worthy) for their sakes (Malachi 4.6).

The above concerning these keys in this 1 Corinthians 10.4 example are as a preparatory format [often] and so key to the higher Righteous Prophesying, so JESUS Christ levels properly on levels, and so the Righteous Path and so: this JESUS Christ Oneness key.

So this same (Rock) JESUS Christ New Christianity key (Force)(including as stated above concerning 1 Corinthians 10.4)

is likewise in JESUS Christ: how to be with proper JESUS Christ Victory Over 1 Corinthians 9.27 of a wide range of interpretations, including formerly translated the idea to follow, that rather should be the proper JESUS Christ Oneness Leading as JESUS Christ Specified at length in New Christianity: minimize Maintenance (pertinent to verse 1 Corinthians 9.27) while maximizing Faith (ibid. as much as JESUS Christ One Faithfully Preaching as a minimum and rather the JESUS Christ Word With Force As One).

The flowing river in the above map is with an area where there were abundant water supplies where Elias John The Baptist Baptized many including JESUS Christ.

It is Extreme Highest Intelligence but has not occurred on many IQ exams: not likely any to date.

Though God Does have an IQ Exam and it is on the Holy Highest Exam.

Note that a person with extremely high IQ might be drugged (such as in a hospital...) or might be exhausted, or other to be as if stupid: while they are not (though see above large font).

Baptism is with a long history, long before Elias. The history includes some related subset religions, though seek the JESUS Christ Highest One (though conditionally see above "Intellect key"). Importantly "when the longsuffering of God was waiting in the days of Noah, of the ark being prepared, in which a few--that is, eight souls--were saved through water," (from BL (also note the pertinent subsequent verse).

If to ascend in love and knowledge the in the JESUS Christ Eucharist.

JESUS Christ Gives Now This Eucharist key, this key is the JESUS Christ One Victory over the JESUS Christ Fermenting key.

The JESUS Christ Preparation for Your (or for a person's) Spirit container vessel is the unleavened bread, without fermentation.

The JESUS Christ Spirit Fulfilling key for Your Soul is the fermented wine, with fermentation.

Both are with love, one is with fermentation.

So the JESUS Eucharist of John The Baptist is key over higher precepts and worthiness. Though hardly the Eucharist alone, nor the isolated talent to ferment, nor IQ alone, nor the power to swing an axe for instances. JESUS Christ is Comprehensive over all, so is the top Priority.

People have thought of themselves as gods, and Christianity Teaches similar, Members as One God JESUS Christ. Though a greater than perfect is JESUS Christ: boundlessly Eternal as the One Source Of Good And Love And Greater Anew for all. If "perfect" then Heaven already, therefore, now, Perfect is Perfecting Perfectly. So "gods" plural would be after-the-fact of the first god; instead JESUS Christ Oneness applies as though until all One

(save JESUS Christ / Spirit Father opting) so to JESUS Convert all dust into JESUS Highest;

though not in the former sense of [lesser (see above "plural")] sinful clay idols (reference above "rates", "talents",...).

This Oneness is therefore with properly ascending in JESUS Christ lest to be merely as after-the-fact Miracles (see previous "greater than").

There is a lineage of generations, though history also shows failed generations. There is a value to a talent and some talents are passed through generations (and through foods, and handed-down tools and jewelry and systems,...).

A system can include many generations, accordingly such can be great value if JESUS Christ Converted for One Highest Purpose. A religion such as Hinduism can be of such Converted Value, similar to how the Jews were uplifted recently by the nations, though some high levels are hardly the same as the Highest: JESUS Christ Oneness.

If to form a caste system (meaning against people so as to put some people into lower levels, see above on IQ) then toward such cast-system-authority to subjugate not for all but instead for selfish sin, is to leverage against such authoritative position according to such self opted plan. So there is not only ascending within JESUS Christ Parameters, there is also the JESUS Original Plan For Highest Purpose that a person or group might opt to go to lower levels per sins or if JESUS Christ Gives such a Mission from the greater agreed.

JESUS Christ explained Good would come to a nation, group, or other entity if such becomes in the Name Of JESUS Christ. The Christians Would Prophetically Benefit (reference recent JESUS ICCDBB Sermons) while others continue to be with the JESUS Creator Gift from the Tree Of Knowledge to be able to opt.

Note completely free to opt is not available except Highest, so at liberty to opt tied to parameters of the faiths (as JESUS Christ One Authority over any such Good aspect, even as those in lower levels counted themselves as if unawares).

So subset keys apply. JESUS Christ Gives to Help the Christians, especially the JESUS Leading Highest Oneness

(including Converting things from the Heavenly Father into Your Soul, a key to Your Soul; and including Converting JESUS Anew Good In You [example Baptism Joy In Heaven] into Greater JESUS Christ Joy In The Father, key through JESUS Christ into the Spirit Father)

(and the innocent normally associated with youth, though for instance some vehicles long time hibernate or as in a coma sleep...).

And while the Christians are Helped, the other faiths according to their former liberties are JESUS Christ Helped according to the weighing of any goodly works, so in this and in every sense it is Best to be JESUS Christ Highest Level One. Even so, or at least leading very high (pertinent to JESUS Christ Created Levels).

Be JESUS Wise to consider that if sinners obey not the JESUS Righteous Law And Prophets, then Luke 16.31 applies. In other words, many can be invited to a feast at which gifts are given (the goodly aspect is somewhat similar in the Francis Ford Coppola secular movie The Godfather Part III staring Al Pacino as Michael Corleone) though some contrary yield not that benefit (temporary might apply, see above faith and rates) and Matthew 22.3 and Luke 14.10 apply.

So even if JESUS Christ Gives much higher IQ, much better food, much greater financial solutions, and better other; people continue to be at liberty

though JESUS Christ Gives this Distinguishing key, that some Prophetically would realize "IQ" advantage(s), others "better" advantages, others "food" advantages, and so on. So the key is hardly the lower level "liberty" to opt for JESUS Christ even if only in the secular "Accord" levels of values

(reference talents)(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on "Accord")

rather of JESUS Grace the value becomes into the Christian Leadership (JESUS Christ Victory, a key, over Isaiah 52.15&16).

So JESUS Christ Gives the lower levels this great Anew key for them, though first this subset key that sinful stealing is not an option (at least at JESUS Christ Highest Level/Purpose) or if to opted (hence conditions apply) then to fall a conditional amount (ibid.). So this great Anew key is that the Christians, especially such Christian Leadership, continues as much as available to also Help as much as Given Authority Over any in lower levels.

Because Their Names Are Written In Heaven (JESUS: the Christ) this can apply to Help lower levels though moreso toward Helping from the Higher Good Given From JESUS Christ. In other words for symbolic example to Edify, JESUS Christ said some sentences and walked away, but a person (#1) daydreamed during some of those sentences, even so another person (#2) that paid attention can inform "person (#1)".

So JESUS Christ Gives this previous sentence as an Evangelism key, and a key to lift Followers to JESUS Leadership.

The lower level secular way has been [even current (such as DNA and wave...changes to mind control)] interrogations (also beware to not fall into the Dark Ages nor the Inquisition).

Such trying to climb up not with JESUS Christ so other ways: fails (Amos 9.2 applies to the JESUS Throne below and the JESUS Throne above). The Righteous JESUS Throne is in the JESUS Perfect Heart, whether on Earth or other.

JESUS Christ is gone!

As written in 1 Peter 3.22 NAS "gone" indicates not here. And explains Baptism is "[the] pledge".

Though a much greater is come into Heaven above ([for the Glory Of The Eternal Father Spirit One Highest] 2 Corinthians 3.11).

John The Baptist Chose the region on the above map because of "[the] pledge" though not only because of "[the] pledge", also because of the many deep waters. It is also where typically fresher cleaner mountain waters entered into the Jordan River and then down to the Dead Sea. Note natural springs were in the greater region including Jerusalem.

Electricity flows, text is streaming, in the Name JESUS Christ is this pertinent John The Baptist Advantage. Now JESUS Christ Gives This "streaming" key, that if an IQ of a person is 100 for instance, and that person streams text, then the IQ of that "streaming" electricity flow and text is become with augmented IQ. The Copper, the Fiber Optic Line, and the Wireless vessels themselves become lifted per se as when the High Level Christian Leader Texts: the Holy Spirit is in the line and in the air

though along with the other spirits. So JESUS Christ Gives this secular level key in secular terms that the other spirits have been present similar to the weakest link in the chain

and likewise a sinner opted to have chosen their own weakest link(s): to be with the sinner.

In the funny television series That '70s Show Eric Forman (Topher Grace) was portrayed as the [Christian) Teen Leader (from the Heart) while concerning his SAT [Score] knowledge he said "I got 800, I'm lucky I can wash myself".

JESUS Benefits Given are often hardly about things lower levels hope, such as praying for higher scores than others nor to win at contests against others nor battle victories: not IQ, nor better food, better health, more money, nor other; unless the JESUS Christ Praying Is Proper: One Highest Purpose (and even then JESUS Original Plan Conditions [Helps] may apply, see above "Anew" for instance).

A person might hope and pray for alcohol, drugs, sex, cash for such, cars, jewelry, and even churches, and to ascend, but might pray amiss and selfishly.

These precepts over spirits of uplifted electronics, and waves, and people vessels, apply not only to this generation, but also "JESUS Christ is gone" applies to past generations and civilizations.

JESUS Christ Given Opting Choice applies for the Good over such precepts and parameters and rates and vessels, and to the extent of proper Faith JESUS Christ is not gone: alWay present.

Gone: is the presence from JESUS Christ if vessels so opted, and then only per se: temporarily.

In the above JESUS Christ Drawing mid lower right at "A" JESUS Christ is shown a little lower (though Pure In Heaven, since Heaven is where JESUS Christ Is).

From "A" the Creator made Genesis [Word and] things such as grains

(ibid. therefore the grains are not above JESUS Christ in the Eternal Creator of levels sense, though has been counted as such by people at least until 2,000 years ago, and so now by some people).

Like in Heaven, the Spirit Father In JESUS Christ ascends. Early on the people distinguished between the goodly grains and the tares (weeds: imitators).

With the Good [including goodly grains] and with the Tree Of Life are other ["goodly" and rather] Good Value(s) such as the depicted Jesus Christ Face painting The Veil Of Veronica by Domenico Fetti,

the Christian Marriage (shown are Prince Harry Duke of Sussex with USA born Rachel Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex [Baptized in the Name JESUS Christ] "with water from the River Jordan": British royal family, Married "in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace": wiki),

and with the Burning Bush Tree Of Life symbolized in the above Drawing.

So representing JESUS Christ Wisdom (see above Luke 16.31) Wisdom From The Loving Heart Guides and when so in Highest Level Guiding Overcomes: logic, IQ, brain size and shape, knowledge, riskiness, lack of Prophesying, guesses, and other former ways toward lower levels or idleness.

Above the Burning Bush Tree Of Life is symbolized the Menorah individual Churches though with some of the flames (spirits) toward JESUS Oneness as shown with JESUS Christ above though not harmed by the flames of sins of the burnt weeds: so a JESUS Pure Vessel key.

So with the Immersion Baptism In The Name JESUS Christ Waters key is the JESUS Victory One over the Burning Bush Tree Of Life With The Menorah Of The Christian Churches yet hardly according to faiths if a Christian is the Highest Level They Can Be (in that moment in the situation: in JESUS Christ) and rather of JESUS Christ Grace this Holy Symbolism Is With Such JESUS Faithful One(s), currently pertinent is:

Highest Purpose JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit Level / JESUS From Heaven Fire Spirit / JESUS Christian Church Spirit(s) Flame(s) / Christian JESUS Vine Vessels / Rooted in JESUS Baptism Water(s).

Note that the Christian Church Spirits, the Vine Vessels, and the person being Baptized are not as high of levels as the JESUS Christ Highest Level. This is similar to how a New Christian Member of a Church is hardly as high as the properly Anointed Worthy Christian Usher Position In JESUS Christ, though both are Saved In JESUS Christ.

Likewise note the New Member is often able to sit where they reasonably like, in a front pew or mid or at the rear (though the rear is often somewhat reserved for latecomers: see Your Christian Church criteria), though importantly often for special events and special practices some pews might be reserved for such situations [often toward the front].

The Christian Baptism, Eucharist, and other Christian practices are normally with far more than appearance meanings over all of Creating, such as [goodly habits, instead JESUS Christ Highest Purpose] practiced:

  • over mountains (Matthew 17.20), over pits (2 Peter 2.4), over fires (Revelation 15.2), over wild creatures (3 Nephi 28.22), over civilization ([every person] if in Highest Level JESUS Christ Name Micah 5.8), and
  • over non-highest heavenly and/or other authorities and principalities (reference e.g. "Euclidean Wormholes, Baby Universes" [such as 1/meter or such as subatomic)
  • with Helaman 5.45 Faith but be aware to not be hardened against the walk of JESUS Faith as followers of after-the-fact Miracles 3 Nephi 2.1;
  • so over whispers of unturned and partly turned spirits [so not the Highest Holy Spirit Of JESUS Christ] of dust, ores, materials, machines, and advanced technologies (2 Nephi 26.16).
  • You in the Name JESUS Christ are to Guide high spirits that they become JESUS One Highest Purpose. Many persistent (such Will Prophetically In JESUS Christ Convert Into Victory For JESUS Christ One Highest) spirits already inappropriately interpret saved as if to mean Holy Spirit, or similarly that if to receive such a Gift from JESUS Christ that means as if such can tell JESUS Christ what to Do (sin or toward sin): instead Give JESUS Christ the Good Best Option You can.

    Above is stated "over civilization" "every person". Lions don't say every lion. Bears don't say every bear. Bulls don't say save each and every bull. People can opt to say the First Commandment, the Second Commandment, the Golden Rule, and so on as much as appropriate faith so for "Highest" as specified above therefore be in the Name JESUS Christ.

    Do not confuse JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith. For instance do not opt for sinful practices (Deuteronomy 18.11&12)

    as a JESUS Christ Highest Faith matter key,

    but after-the-fact concerning Miracles, is this subset so conditional [of JESUS Christ Precepts] key for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Faith

    (including if a special JESUS Christ Mission(s))(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on "commander" option(s))

    so concerning things there are considerations such as do not eat the flesh of a pig as if food (Deuteronomy 14.8) since an abomination, though not to be abused lest toward idle or falling generally, Ether 9.18 might with JESUS Christ Prayer One in You perhaps warn then perhaps allow a sinner, a commander, or other, to be with such,

    not as an excuse to sin, but of JESUS Christ Grace such as if to allow secular learnings (see Your Christian Church criteria).

    So there is the Leader JESUS Christ Faith key, and there is the conditional Miracle(s) key(s).

    As governments and secular enterprises that have not been in the name of JESUS Christ

    (so opted not for: as written above the "JESUS Christ Highest Faith matter key" over loyalty and for Best Planning)

    therefore governments and secular enterprises have been bombarded by not only attacks but also witness to the onslaught of sophistry as many have used fallacious arguments for various purposes, especially having had the intentions of deceptions against such group vessels and the better goodly purpose(s) hoped and/or of such responsibility.

    Now behold the opposite even though delimited as shown here to the extent of being in the secular sense: Google defines sublime as:

    adjective 1. "of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe" [like unto] "exalted, elevated, noble, lofty, awe-inspiring, awesome, majestic, magnificent, imposing, glorious, supreme; grand, great, outstanding, excellent, first-rate, first-class, superb, perfect, ideal, wonderful, marvelous, splendid, delightful, blissful, rapturous; informalfantastic, fabulous, fab, super, terrific, stellar, heavenly, divine, mind-blowing, too good to be true, out of this world;

    [not] "poor, lowly, ordinary used to denote the extreme or unparalleled nature of a person's attitude or behavior [see above JESUS Drawing (IQ "Score 0")]

    verb 1 "Chemistry (of a solid substance) change directly into vapor when heated, typically forming a solid deposit again on cooling. cause (a substance) to sublime" [such as] "these crystals could be sublimed under a vacuum" [and]

    2. "archaic elevate to a high degree of moral or spiritual purity or excellence."

    Both "sophistry" and "sublime" are found in "BD Peter, Epistles of" at

    including: "The Prophet Joseph Smith said that 'Peter penned the most sublime language of any of the apostles'".

    Beloved Apostle Peter sublimely of JESUS Christ Wrote In The Spirit 2 Peter 1.20 NAS:

    since JESUS Christ One Prophet Living is with the "Prophetic", "the prophetic message as something completely reliable" ( and

    as with this JESUS Christ Sermon and likewise as You Christian Leaders Author, as with 2 Peter 1.21 NAS:

    Note the secular [education, government, business,...] has worked to push away and shut out Christianity

    (not the JESUS Christ Original Plan, not the e.g. original US Declaration and Constitution plan nor path [see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons])

    as sinful ways worked to separate, segregate, detach, and make caste system

    (above Drawing IQ, ibid. and on the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts)

    toward sinful works that yielded "archaic" tied to "elevate"...and "excellence" as secular nonsense lawsuits and complaints have intentionally tried to interfere and have disrupted.

    Some Christians are skilled at writing proper standards and laws, and in overlapping yet more for Highest Guiding some are skilled at writing Prophetically In JESUS Christ, these two as One At The Highest Level Together are key as written in Romans 3.20 & 21 NAS:

    (Luke 16.31, and the Golden Rule Matthew 7.12 save if in the Name JESUS Christ One Spirit Father [key precept Righteously on key precept: if to opt to properly advance sublimely and ascend in Blessings of the Highest Creator The Eternal Christ]).

    But people are "not supposed to know" [the "law"

    (so of JESUS Christ Prophecy for instance Christian President Don Trump is supposed to move on,

    to start moving the law from former separatist segregated ways, toward the Highest: JESUS Christ Prophetic Oneness)].

    ( Ellicott's Commentary "for the introduction of positive law"/the [JESUS Christ key] rate of developing "insight")

    pertinent for Christian President Don Trump (reference Exemplar) and so for as many as so enabled to enter into such benefits from above as JESUS Christ said test God in this (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon In This Series).

    In other words to Edify, there has been amidst the people and even through generations and through civilizations a barrier against proper progress and unifying good for all and blessings and care for others and all, but that barrier has become obsolete at this time frame in this generation; see the above text concerning the definition and "Chemistry" rate of a sequence of a process so then to "change" such as "directly into vapor when heated", and this likewise applies to adolescence, and likewise to a stroke of a pen like unto circumcision for all with removal of a part tied to waste not to be inserted into another person especially a Beloved Mate Of Marriage Of Male Into Female

    and the resultant pleasure, even a joy in Marriage that the Heart of the wife can appreciate together in the pleasure of the male. This is hardly the tip of the iceberg of the greater pleasure to come unto joy in others, yet also with the elimination of the "barrier" "tied to waste not to be inserted into another person". And these keys together are "hardly the tip of the iceberg" of the better to come,

    and now consider that a person might cut away the tip as in circumcision, with the result that the "pleasure" manifests along with "barrier" "waste" problem eliminated, this agrees with previous JESUS Sermons In This Series concerning such as the "commander" and "Accord" of nations; though circumcision has often been tied to after-the-fact (John 7.22) though now is the time

    for the Good Higher Ripe Hosting In Exemplar Christian President Don Trump and so beyond the past into the future within circumcision of the Heart (via JESUS Christ). As written in Romans 2.29 NAS:

    The above can be understood by a level,

    now a (generally speaking) higher level is Given Of JESUS Spirit Christ Vessel.

    Miracles / JESUS Faith / Dust (physical, vessel(s)) / Spirit.

    Right to left, the above is that "Dust" returns to [dust] "Miracles".

    But not so if in JESUS Christ Faithfully Ascending Properly.

    Being now careful how You hear and perceive: the Highest "Spirit" created the "Dust", the "Dust" did not create the "Spirit" including therefore from Heaven Father Creating JESUS Christ,

    though again "save if in the Name JESUS Christ One Spirit Father".

    A great vessel can run Earth [civilization and greater]. A tiny rudder can turn a great ship.

    You Christian Leader can lead from the top, or from the bottom

    or from amid [ship,...(reference "Godsling")].

    If to reject Your nation(s) and/or Your corporation(s) and/or Your Church(es), such would be taken away from You as a thief in the night, that is, in a way or ways not planned (if known and planned then hardly taken though sins or instead the Precepts Of JESUS Christ apply).

    Your all seeing eye [of JESUS Grace parameter Guiding though stated more firmly now for Edifying:] must not be about after-the-fact Miracles, friends.

    It is to be with a newly recognized Holy Highest Writing In Your Hearts In JESUS Christ Ascending One Together.

    The Lord talked and worked (James 2.26) with His Lord as Matthew Henry Commentary explains "Nor can any solve the difficulty except he allows the Messiah to be the Son of God, [JESUS Christ] and David's Lord equally with the Father".

    JESUS Christ provides this "Lord" with "Lord" as a "for all" key, a comprehensive key.

    If to be with the all seeing eye, then likewise be with the JESUS Christ All Wise, enabling this JESUS key: Almighty.

    Be aware as explained above, sinners would [at least seek to hide and/or] interrupt and distract and seek to contaminate and destroy even themselves to gain temporary selfish delights (a key to awareness of such tares (or rather fruits, though JESUS Christ One Convert the tares lest they burn themselves).

    So if the Spirit is without dirty contamination ("Dust"), then how to exist, and counted in lower levels as if not

    (above text explains former obsolete "atheistic standard way" [expired, having run it's course as of the Highest JESUS Christ Precepts In One For All One])

    save in JESUS Christ Highest Grace Giving Guiding Help Benefits [from Faith to Miracles to be now more greatly aware for better]

    then with the Spirit the "Dust" can be, that is, as much as the "Dust" (vessels) properly ascend or are tolerated until burned or likewise cleaned up typically discarded.

    As written in James 2.26 NAS:

    So in the beginning the Heavens were created and then the Earth.

    So the Heavens could not be created from the Eternal Spirit except if already with works (One Highest Holy Work)

    so this key is JESUS Christ In Pure Vessel Flesh was and Will Prophetically Be Eternal, including as much as to start the "beginning" and any new beginning

    so a Purity key that Purity needs Be In The Highest Purpose Spirit With JESUS Christ And With JESUS Christ In The Flesh (Including You If To So Be).

    So sinners exist [an Evangelism key and other values and so keys apply] because they are not entirely bad, but because they have some goodly aspect that should not be undone: therefore in plain language not to kill them.

    Though not to follow their sinful ways: obsolete applies. People need to die

    though rather or according to the previous instead through JESUS Christ One (died already once for all). This applies in law, until the law now in this year and the next be with "circumcision of the Heart" as stated above: to be fair for all, that the law be fair and just and Righteous for all to be Best Helped.

    As Prophesied in 1 Corinthians 15.22 NAS:

    You too great nations, great religions, great corporations, great computers, and great anew [DNA modified, genetically varied in organisms,...] formed monsters must needs Be transfiguring and Spiritual and with Purity and uplifting the Worthy In JESUS Christ levels.

    You need to be Prophesying and not guessing.

    If a person grows hairs on the head, and to count each body part (Matthew 10.30) then very likely smarter in IQ than the above examined and scored: scores of the scorers collective.

    People have continued in their former ways because they lost faith according to this Anewly Given JESUS Christ key concerning faiths: a person lost faith because the person sinned or because the person agreed to a system that included sin plans. In other words, if a civilization has a leader or a leading body, that leader or body [and although a grace option to choose (JESUS Creator Gave)] must (hence a Firmament) select JESUS Christ For Highest Purpose or the civilization must of given physics fail in part or whole (example Genesis 18.24).

    Some people are commanded to do things, others are more free and are asked whether to do things: both as much as their faiths under any governing authority might feel stuck in a rut if the authority they respect and obey be toward them being stuck in a rut (not the same as JESUS One Fold, not the same as JESUS Straight And Narrow, even evolving vessels sometimes leap to adapt).

  • Some people don't care unless told to care.
  • Some people don't try unless told to try.
  • Some people don't become victorious unless told to become victorious.
  • Many people want specifics: Christian President Don Trump must put USA in the name of JESUS: JESUS Christ USA.

    Christian President Don Trump is free to do other as much as according to the JESUS Christ Given Option, and for as long as such applies.

    The previous "must", is according to JESUS Christ Grace, for a person to opt, though some is for consideration while other is a Faith Trust even if JESUS Christ Highest purpose to leap for the chance to be found so Doing (prior to 2020AD).

    Truly, truly, barriers have mounted against people such as against their lines of progress, and many stop gap solutions (such as of historic record on which all previous relied) truly would become obsolete.

    JESUS Christ Gives a True Prophecy In One JESUS Christ, and of talents in other vessels JESUS Christ The Creator Of Firmaments And Levels Gave From The Original Plan types.

    JESUS Christ Ascending Precision / Original Plan Parameters Over types of future ideas / Given true vessel talents (true except if false seer was opted).

    The "talents" part of the above triad is subset to this sentence since each person is become "like one of us" [in Eternal Heaven (Genesis 3.22)],

    a great JESUS Christ Eternal Saving key

    (though how many times to return through pains to dust first?, instead JESUS Is Lord)

    though the point here concerning the triad is the human over animal Firmament. JESUS Christ Physics Gave Humans: Choice. Prophecy concerning a person, therefore a variable, is not the same as concerning an animal, a robot, nor about moving a mountain

    as via a plan (Matthew 17.20 & mustard seed applications in the Bible). The secular has been with prediction (with risks) on prediction (so with accumulated risks). Yet if to build and grow JESUS Christ Precept properly on JESUS Christ Precept, then

    now consider building and growing JESUS Christ Prophesying properly on JESUS Christ Prophesying (within JESUS Christ Precepts and Perfect Way Perfecting, for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose).

    A Christian of a level can Prophesy, such as to repeat what Zacharias filled with the Holy Ghost said [many good things] such as for the future:

    "for us in the house of his servant David", "be saved", "the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant"

    [from verses 67-72 (].

    Prophesy: these things Will come true again (see above "many times to return" in the Eternal, pending Final End Time).

    Now with greater JESUS Christ Worthiness from the above to the triad, be aware as JESUS Christ Did, a Christian Servant might walk through the shadow of sleep (hell) and even if not Christian a person, vessel, or spirit(s) might give true Prophecies from hell but perhaps for sinful purposes (see above on JESUS Christ Gift Given that a person might choose [conditional to if "like one of us"].

    So JESUS Christ Gives this Anew In You key concerning truth, and true and false prophets.

    So if to hear a Bible verse, is not the same as to be with a Bible verse in context, in meaning, in the greater JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Over All.

    The secular teacher (and physicists, and government workers,...) learn as they teach and do, likewise the properly ascending Christian (JESUS Christ New Christianity Gift) learns the proper JESUS Christ Distinguishing (so hardly about the self working to distinguish save proper longsuffering Matthew 16.24)

    even including that JESUS Christ Distinguish His Own Words That He Stated In The Bible for You.

    And while living, likewise while writing this JESUS Christ Sermon Series, this (up to the triad) has JESUS Christ Conditionally Converted the previous Sermons' Prayers from praying for Final End Time (so that Christians would no longer be harmed and killed), to rather that the Will Of God Be Done (Including Prophetically) therefore of this "JESUS Christ Conditionally" aspect: that the Christians properly ascend better and Best and so as JESUS Christ is Giving such Power(s) from JESUS Christ Enlightening with You [with a Christian] Preaching And So Functioning (Working, JESUS Christ Working and You attend the Feast)

    yet this is not Christians only, this includes for outpouring benefits for sinners that they also be JESUS Christ One Highest

    and with proper ascending lest with less benefiting.

    So Christian President Don Trump is at liberty according to the Prophecy or if to opt not.

    From the perspective of writing this

    (One Perspective Is With JESUS Christ, otherwise many perspectives can apply if so opted),

    "at liberty" to make this a True Prophecy or not.

    And "at liberty" to be with such idea(s) or not.

    JESUS Christ Likes to Help others. As written in Luke 7.22 NAS:

    Today the first Google news article per se stated "Immortality Field will be really good against Graviton". People now are changing time frames.

    Christian President Don Trump, others are changing a thing that is tied to Your free opting.

    This is not the same as previous such as mind control methods. Theirs is toward the scroll over the Big Pulse Multiverse.

    Hence for Your Part in this very true sense key to whether to improve or undo all of Your hard work up to now

    and future, in other words consider if any would desire to be in control over the birth of JESUS: yes.

    The gravity waves (as a TV show said yesterday) are such that if to change them, such as to push a net, then to change time.

    There is a website at that explains the Seven Seals in a Way that may Help explain how simple it now is become to handle the Seven Seals as the Tree Of Knowledge is pouring out including on the secular including toward any that would want to be sinfully in charge.

    Bible history shows that when a nation ceases to produce good fruit, it is undone. Another is then free to rise to power.

    We the people worked very hard through generations: not preferring such work to be for nothing.

    We the people have done things other nations have desired, including many goodly things through generations.

    We see many mansions, though God is able to restart from scratch, consider what Did Elias Do to find such great favor within God?: John The Baptist "had a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey.", (along with [Immersion] Baptizing including JESUS Christ from Matthew 3.4 NAS).

    So?: "wild honey" for instance is a JESUS Christ key to future humans Prophetically

    so the need now is in the Name of JESUS Christ to JESUS Christ Best Be With Appropriate Wisdom To Guide others and so per se to

    in the Name of JESUS Christ to JESUS Christ Best Be Prophetic

    (the living Prophetic greater than laws and at least equal to the previous Prophecies, so JESUS Christ One Prophesying and latter greater than former).

    So from the Eternal Original Plan Source JESUS Christ comes this key to the greater JESUS Prophetic One:

    the properly ascending Christian is on the Right (JESUS Christ Righteous) track,

    but those trying to commit sins do not fit proper precept on proper precept so opted to disable proper JESUS Christ One Prophesying on proper JESUS Christ One Prophesying.

    The secular has been able to distance itself (atheism) from the Help Of JESUS Christ according to the JESUS Christ Gift: Choice (to choose).

    Such "secular" has been the JESUS Reasoning tied to the "wild" part of the above stated "wild honey" though the "honey" is also something the secular knows how to substitute (though not as sweet nor as Perfect As JESUS Christ).

    Likewise In The Name JESUS Christ Prophesying Truly For Highest Righteousness

    (not simply to give the answer the secular teacher demands)

    is to now for this generation and all perfectly, to Lead With Healing (In Your JESUS Wings)

    so to be with the JESUS Christ Best Healing: Prophesying In The Name JESUS Christ.

    Newly planting a JESUS Given Precept should [of JESUS Christ Grace], fit properly on a current precept level per se, and talent per se (e.g. "Wings");

    likewise a new JESUS Christ Given Prophecy [then from You from JESUS Christ Grace] should be properly fitting and planted on the current status.

    The Prophecy that You properly plant is with one option (One Holy Highest JESUS Christ Way or the other in sins [as if many ways to escape])

    and is with other options such as with JESUS One Caringly Considering how for instance any Higher Level would react (They Must Agree with Your Grace or wasted time and efforts), and if to JESUS Consider for instance lower levels then whether to add laws (so JESUS Christ Prophesying First, key, then JESUS Consideration Of Lawmaking),

    and if concerning below human Firmament then those parameters apply,

    though if concerning a lower level of people (such as Disciples and/or a group) then key is to JESUS Christ Consider Their Worthiness [to receive without tempting otherwise].

    In JESUS Christ Triadic Formula reading from right to left:

    JESUS Christ Prophesying / JESUS Christ Precepting (properly planting and growing JESUS Christ Precepts) / In The Name JESUS Christ.

    JESUS Consideration Of Lawmaking / JESUS Christ Prophesying / In The Name JESUS Christ.

    Now another thing about the "wild honey" is that since the secular has become able to substitute wildness and other things instead of "honey", there has been an increasing disconnect from the original Elias situation (over time and through situations the Old Testament...has lost much meaning: proper interpretation has suffered). For instance typically to control honey producing bees is better than exterminating all bees because of their stingers.

    So JESUS Christ Gives You this key that the "honey producing" is not the problem, so consider how the bee puts the honey where it belongs, generally, and likewise how the healthcare industry tries likewise to put the poisonous biohazards where they belong in vessels, and in a simple example though JESUS Christ Gives You a multitude of options consider a tank of extremely lethal biohazards can be contained within vessels without as much as very tiny leaks, so to contain bees (as in outer space) is relatively very easy,

    also there are ways to modify bees (without stingers, as via genetics or via DNA modifying or...), also there are computers attached to bees for complex bee group leadership reasons, and these often directly apply to the higher levels even the likes of which are being developed now, such as shown on TV as a touch screen computer with monitor built into the surface of the skin as on an arm though invisible unless [so instructed such as] touched (then the arm shows text and pics and vids (reference e.g. graphene).

    Yet as in previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons a greater is in JESUS Christ Guiding, as with the JESUS Christ Trammel Net key for constructing things including 3D and greater as with times, rates, and flows.

    Now the Spirit can flow, and also the "Dust" and physical things and energies can each and all flow.

    In the JESUS ICCDBB Bigfoot Sermon was detailed much about how things can grow Anew In JESUS Christ for Righteous Highest Purpose such as to grow a needful person, place, or thing out of a person (male or female Matthew 22.30 [a key concerning this year and the next])

    greater than the former (birthing):

    an even more excellent Way In JESUS Christ

    (so first be in the Name JESUS Christ).

    The secular and/or low level spirits have stated the fabric of aliens not of Earthly origin have skin that feels like fabric, and robot manufacturers have faced the similar concern, though from the living can come the greater living.

    A mudskipper might remain in the water, or emerge.

    A vessel might remain, or ascend (in Christ JESUS even if the vessel has been unawares).

    If a mudskipper emerges, then new challenges, though a better place than the former. The tip of the penis is not happy to be cut away, though the male was not happy to be with the tips offense first to produce excrement in the inappropriate location toward spreads of diseases so associated. Yet in JESUS Christ this is not the same as John 11.50 (Genesis 3.22) yet Matthew 5.29 applies.

    In the Name JESUS Christ, if to encounter a sinner [or conditionally if to encounter a Christian backslider], do not [or hardly per se] wish them Godspeed ( so hardly [per se may be applicable] to for instance wish Space Force or a race car driver or other "Godspeed",

    and likewise in JESUS Christ You Firmament Creator, hardly wish "Godspeed" to any secular hope (see above "food fight" discussion)

    lest they might quickly rocket themselves to hell.

    Many Pray JESUS Christ for the President, many Pray JESUS for their family members, many pray for others, and though conditions apply, consider the JESUS Christ Righteousness over such,

    that many prayed ineffectually because they prayed hardly according to the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose,

    the greater result being their own dwindling faiths, and their explaining to others that the faiths of others accordingly dwindle for no good purposes.

    For example if to pray that Your child do well at school,

    would You Hope all others relatively not "do well"?, perish the thought.

    If to pray for a system to function but the system is for former secular toward atheism then such prayer might be fulfilled toward crashing as [the system creators and perps] opted.

    Real is a Righteous Cause And Effect: JESUS Christ.

    Fake is a secular idea.

    A sham is "a thing that is not what it is purported to be" (goog)

    such as a sales gimmick.

    Of a level of truth, not all gimmicks are illegal, though such as aside from playings and entertainments conditionally, gimmicks are immoral. If immoral then toward cannibalism and not in the Eucharist sense.

    If awake

    and "conscience" ( : Webster's)

    then toward consciousness and Highest IQ (Source JESUS Christ Creator [of such and all goodness]).

    If there is a God then why doesn't God give Christians the right answers when Christians have to answer exams, and why do good innocent people suffer?, so JESUS Spirit Father Now Gives You to Wisely understand from the Heart this higher level because of Your Heaven Name JESUS the Christ to Best answer such interrogations from any such as from lower levels looking up not only for their own concerns:

    so while to JESUS Help all, understand such ("all") includes to JESUS Help the secular including sinners and sinner plans and systems, and from answering this question is to go from a higher level of JESUS Faith to a lower after-the-fact Miracle (so this subset key that not all Miracles have been believed), even so

    if God would help for instance a teen by giving the right answer without the teen solving, then the teen would not learn per se, and would therefore be at further sufferings risks even like unto a hole in a ship;

    yet JESUS Christ is with a Highest Reason attached to the First And Greatest Commandment,

    that if to always Miraculously Help a Christian teen then when the Christian teen is in a secular situation answering the secular teacher's exams then as history has shown the secular teacher sees their secular process as though good so the secular teacher praises the secular ways (see above "atheism"),

    and the teen similar is so inclined (ibid.)(Luke 23.34).

    Truly many today see atheism endorsed, financed, empowered (including punishing young Christians), preserved, guarded, and supported by government

    and so the children [and adults, and computers, and animals] lose proper faith.

    JESUS Christ Gives as in the above Drawing upper right for You to be aware of some things such as to note the planet with trees and distinguish the Firmament as shown with Halo People (Christians or Christian Leaders) below the Firmament and God With Angels above the Firmament, yet with Christians in the image of God (not to mutilate the Christian Vessels) though below it is another image of God,

    of types of faiths such as Min ("an ancient Egyptian god" according to wiki) as back then the ancients interpreted but if not with JESUS Anew Christianity Prayerfully Inviting JESUS Christ Awareness as to how to Guide the people

    (and all spirits and vessels [including JESUS You One Guiding any higher levels if the higher so opts])

    then the House Of Bondage result. The Holy JESUS Christ Prophet Joseph Smith Faithfully With Resultant LDS Gave as much as the community vessels could endure (Your external worthiness factors, key(s)).

    JESUS Christ LDS Resultant Work is with the JESUS Christ Faithful Christians Properly Ascending, though hardly in any of lesser faiths: 1. among such Christian Leader(s) Benefit on Benefit is properly resultant, but 2. amidst the secular have been governmental laws, corporate policies, and individual attitudes to reject, rejectionism (reference the former term "Arab rejectionism"), but such is changing (ibid. such as via Christian President Don Trump Properly Ascending);

    though in JESUS Christ also distinguish properly for the sakes of the lands and trees and according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose 3. the planet and trees have often been as though unawares of current mid and lower levels except if to physically move them such as by hand or a bulldozer, though such too is advancing (see above on genetics & reference GMOs)

    so You know if #3 changes to the better, improving of the JESUS Christ Original Plan, so too the naysayers against Christians, LDS, Angels, New Christianity, and such Will as the open Windows Of Heaven be changing things (of the Original Physics Plan [of the Heart Of God]).

    So this JESUS Christ Power key is revealed: if the sinners continue to prefer sins, the relative powers would destabilize, like unto a seesaw and if the unworthy lift themselves then at the mercy of the weightier (grounded in Love Source JESUS Christ):

    while the JESUS Leadership is on the Straight And Narrow, the sinners continue under relativity laws. The brave sinner would hardly say please gently let me down, but instead in habit commands "Back off or I'll kill you!" or similar: to their own painful drop and if to survive then to blame the Christian "You knew and caused me pain on purpose" though if to continue to sin then the sinner eventually undoes their own vessel and any pertinent golden cars hardly belong to that vessel anymore (solve this before-the-facts).

    The interpretation of God, as with JESUS Christ You Guiding The Modifying Of DNA, is hardly as previous; and if to so JESUS Accomplish then into what new vessel would You opt to put a spirit?: the Will Of JESUS Spirit Father Eternal Be Done.

    A secular idea was on TV yesterday, they found a gold flake, and advised people to look where others had not looked. So to look inside a bear trap for instance, or rather to Do The Will Of The Father JESUS that Your Flesh Continue Pure And Whole. In other words, if to look where a sign declares "Quicksand", then prepare if a JESUS Mission the Spirit, and if to so move the body then Pray JESUS Christ whether to so Do without equipment or with (even so, fear God, not the "Quicksand" (see JESUS Victory for You at [though consider Better In JESUS Christ]).

    Many including lacking prayer results (that they opted and hoped) have been of the mindset evidently that if all else fails, try JESUS Christ. Yes.

    The even more excellent Way is JESUS First. In this sense it is for the JESUS Highest Purpose, not for others except as part of "for the JESUS Highest Purpose" (Psalm 7.15&16 instead verse 17).

    Pray for them. Yes. Yet Pray Properly. In other words, if to pray improperly is hardly prayer at all, and can be as though to curse (JESUS Power is in the Word like unto the JESUS Power in the Whirlwind Nahum 1.3,...[and more great JESUS Power(s)]).

    After having Prayed ("for the JESUS Highest Purpose") over the above JESUS Drawing ancient symbols, now is with JESUS Highest Giving to be with "Highest" awareness at least according to current JESUS Christ Faithfulness: hence be with such JESUS Grace Protecting.

    In the JESUS Christ Drawing mid to lower as indicated by the secular source from past to modern times,

    should be in the Name And Will Of JESUS Christ Converted [In You Now] to be ascending, from point "B" (white art on black background) symbolizing two all seeing [seer] eyes on either side of the round Sun (all seeing eye) symbol. Though used, by a failed civilization (or left behind); now with JESUS Christ Converting (or JESUS Christ Continuing In You) the symbol now for You is become a JESUS Christ symbol for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose,

    but not for You to tempt others beyond their talent per se

    (lift if they be worthy, not or hardly [conditionally]) if not worthy (ibid. reference e.g. above text "commander" and such as to bring a child on a bus though not for the child to drive the bus)(of JESUS Christ Be Victorious [With Name JESUS In Heaven so] over confusions (such as also with values at

    Next beyond the evolution rate is the adaption rate evidently symbolized as the Sun with wings, and next in sequence the Sun with Healing In It's Wings, and at the bottom between lions (even lions like to be Healed).

    Note it has been said in secular cliche "music soothes the savage beast" (or "breast"

    and is with Healing properties, though let it be JESUS Highest Holy Music (James 3.7 but 3.8 can apply).

    Because as it states above concerning the "ancient symbols" in the Drawing "should be in the Name And Will Of JESUS Christ Converted", consider the multitude of nations that each and together symbolize lower levels of trusts, atheism, clay idols, and such in the governmental structures, logos, and other buildings

    (including national flags though such are toward lower levels, lower than states, the families & toward each member: currently needful).

    A major reason is to welcome any law abiding person, but stupidly:

    including guesses about requirements ( reference secular word: innovation)

    and carelessly in secular cliche: "regardless" of

    such as "their political" ideas (

    and such has often been goodly in former secular ways (even "innovation" adapts to often yield products advertised as though "New" or if so not "innovation" at all)

    but the unconverted "ancient symbols" are an illegal

    (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on properly applied in pertinence legal word source meanings of their roots)

    abomination as if able to be against JESUS Christ Creator And God.

    So unawareness does not apply, so to instead care, therefore "regardless" does not apply.

    Form the Good habit. When the Father Spirit Spoke With JESUS Christ, JESUS Christ did not say "regardless" of that instead I'll do something else. How You regard and respect people is vital. You trespass the Golden Rule if to say I disregard you and your opinion and your life.

    Concerning former vote ways, the above applies properly as much as in the Name JESUS Christ.

    Otherwise a person can for instance let voting machines arrive at their property though as soon as on their property then legal rights over such, as in pertinence when 49 Senators vote a way and 51 another way to own the vote as though beyond a trust of former faith.

    Secular law enforcement note "'possession is nine points of the law,' which referred to possession's satisfying nine out of eleven factors that constituted absolute ownership": possession is 90% of the law (

    Nonsense compounded on nonsense is not good for the country, the nations, the civilization, a person, the families, the environment, God, nor other.

    Symbols of pagan anti-Christian ways are sins.

    Also be Wise In JESUS Christ that if a crucifix of very Good important value is found as an excuse in another tempted and worse to sinfully worship their clay gods for instance (John 10.34), JESUS Christ Pray explain (though see above "stupid" according to already explained), though if to be JESUS Merciful And Inviting then consult Your Christian Church criteria on putting such away if JESUS Christ Needful In You to save souls.

    Be aware in JESUS Christ the crucifix is not only a reminder of JESUS Good Christ, also it is like law a reminder of sin and death (also the Eucharist likewise).

    So hold to Christian Faith In JESUS Christ In One Spirit Father In Eternal And Heaven, though be aware if the Second Coming and Final End Time come quickly on You: Be JESUS Christ Prepared And Pure.

    If You don't find JESUS Wisdom to Convert a person and/or thing, at least do not transgress the part of the law(s) You find goodly (a key to greater JESUS Christ Faith With Wisdom).

    In the Christian Bible can be seen how many disobeyed God (many because they opted their resultant chain-of-command)

    while some opted the JESUS Christ Precepts Wisely Similar To JESUS Christ Giving Prophesying (if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) to people and all (Luke 19.40).

    Behold a person knows how to fit some precepts together (such as Faith / Hearing / Word Of God). Another person might have opted to not so fit such.

    Behold a person knows how to fit some Prophecies together to be properly JESUS Christ Prophesying. Another person might have opted to not so be.

    Now behold this: accordingly a JESUS Christ Person might ascend properly in Wisdom with the Precept Triad "Faith / Hearing / Word Of God", while the sinner opted to not so ascend to be with such benefits.

    And likewise in JESUS Christ a Prophet Giving JESUS Christ True Prophesying, is with such advantage, even if sinners rejected (John 2.19)

    (accordingly of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose there might also be subset to Highest Level other high level variables or Accord(s) such as evidenced in Luke 1.63 though each and all should be of JESUS Christ Faith to Do Perfectly the first time, or as much as able [note God is a Jealous God, is not an excuse, Jealous God means against sin and rather JESUS Christ Converting Properly, and likewise if to ascend be sure to Give God The Glory lest the self anger God, even so God is Joy and anger has been the self options against JESUS Creator Physics).

    If sinners opted to separate, segregate, and reject JESUS Christ and God in order to be with as if godless laws and policies regardless of groups then be aware: the JESUS Christ True Prophecies Have All Been Fulfilled In And Through JESUS Christ the Good behaving became the Blessed, and the many others toward that which they opted.

    JESUS Christ Gives this above "advantage" as a key toward how to properly as linked to faiths and instead (though with awareness during this world) to JESUS Christ One You Converting former false prophets and false prophesies into the Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ.

    Ancient knowledge for JESUS Converting Into Your Value Sanctuary

    (from inner sanctum to JESUS Christ Outer Giving Sanctum).

    Concerning the JESUS Anew Symbology In You, You Behold not merely symbol after symbol, rather in JESUS Christ You Behold the links and the lineage and the flow yet with values at each step, like unto climbing stairs and with windows every ten steps or so. You gain a JESUS Advanatage Point key at each window, like unto steps as levels then a Firmament not accessed except if a person overcome the lower levels.

    Like unto the wings the Dogon and Native American Indians and others have been with a sphere and/or head in the center with feathers to the sides (and above). But JESUS Christ would hardly have people dress as if animals and so behave (see above James 3.7:..."birds, reptiles"...) nor to mutilate the self (hence the above "graphene" discussion is conditionally even if before-the-fact)

    so this (ibid.) in JESUS Christ is key over any change if considered [so for or contrary to] Your JESUS Pure Body. One direction is down toward animals and materials (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons Giving many specifics) and the other direction is up for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

    In the JESUS Christ Drawing below "C" is like unto the symbols changing from eyes in the wings to healings, though below "C" is the change in people through civilizations.

    If not converted, all such things and people and tools and equipment and systems and powers and energies and plasmas continue as secular until undone (with [such as evolutionary] awareness from the Tree Of Knowledge is pain.

    Instead in Christ JESUS is the Joy.

    These Converted things added from below, according first the Highest JESUS Christ Faith Provisioning per se, key, is as to allocate for a purpose or mission.

    Consider how a novice might want to transfer funds from a bank, but the teller first asks "To where do you want to transfer the funds?", so first the novice needs have an account elsewhere if to make a transfer (except if to cash to the novice hand [a type of transfer of funds though conditional to laws and bank policy, i.e. some banks have treated cash the same as transfer, others have not]).

    If to look on the JESUS Christ Given Fields Of Peoples, [individuals and] groups are with talents. Those talent groups are position level vessels (such as from a high level including to a lower level of that same talent). Those vessels are often found with machines, such as a book club is with books, a train club with trains and they have criteria over joining (such as perhaps free for any to join, or such as if with meeting responsibilities for group mutual benefits such as to bring tracks or train cars).

    So the secular groups are with machines pertinent to their interests, typically according to their talents.

    Therefore from their JESUS Given hearts (talents) guiding them, the interests per se and the equipment per se follow accordingly.

    These are JESUS Christ Given keys for Evangelism, Distinguishing, Worthiness, and much more: from Your Leadership JESUS Christ Heart.

    In a respect it is as though to say You know more about their club than they [the renowned experts] know, though only as much as JESUS Christ Gives Into Your Talent according to Your Faithfulness yet according to Your JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteous Work. Even so rather than about separating by distinguishing [toward caste system], JESUS Christ Gather In Distinguishing and glory in Your Name JESUS Christ Written In Heaven.

    Now Behold JESUS Christ In Your Wisdom To Distinguish spirits of people, key, and spirits of tools and/or systems, key [such as to know where to find something (see below Plan A)].

    So in the above Drawing from "B" to "C" the line down is the symbolism trail including toward raw data (ancient), so for You JESUS Christ One to Convert (to Conquer). And from "C" toward "A" the people through the ages changed from system to system, from civilization with tools to civilization with tools.

    So from the tools, the type of civilization is indicated from the Heart Of JESUS Christ and as much as Your Leadership to JESUS Christ Distinguish, yet toward the more valuable typically the newer but not the case as sinners have interfered against their own tool progress. Such is especially true of extinct civilizations, and in JESUS Christ more true in the living existing civilizations.

    If a person dresses in an animal costume then a civilized or greater or less indicator. If a Christian dresses as Their Christian Church Leader or as a club leader, then an indicator: so a JESUS Christ Victory is indicated or a temporary victory for another which indicates a problem though not necessarily. For instance if to work at a Church as one of the club of landscapers, then perhaps to dress for such rather than to soil owned Priest clothes.

    In the above Drawing beside the big smiling face of JESUS Christ as symbolized is the torn curtain of the Temple. It is a Victory For You over the secular words, that as JESUS Christ revealed You can walk up to a wall or barrier and then in the Name JESUS Christ as much as Perfect For Highest JESUS Purpose: Walk Right Through it. Walk Righteously Through JESUS Christ.

    There are problems today and some increasingly such as about a decade ago the secular found the glaciers were falling down the

    mountains twice as fast a the older typical rate, and now many regions are without glaciers and the drinking waters they provided.

    Extreme weather is hardly about possible, instead it is now in these years.

    Likewise governmental whole Earth planners can't function as previously such as to build a road,

    as the population explodes without waiting for supply lines adding 100 million people each year

    2019AD 7,714,576,923

    2018AD 7,632,819,325

    2017AD 7,550,262,101

    2016AD 7,466,964,280


    A population explosion would be a good thing if in the Name JESUS Christ, but if not, then as seen: sins, such as wars for more territories for groups vessels peoples, and such as homosexuality, excessive drinking, eating, recreational drugs, confusions of spirits and thoughts, thefts, coordinated problem makers, and far more other sinfulness (even so, as stated above many of these are conditional matters, for instance concerning "thefts" reference Matthew 21.2).

    When the Earth [land] first became entirely populated, when the New World saw California become a state in 1850 the world population was 1.2 billion. So what time it took entire civilization to grow to fill Earth, is now done in about a decade.

    In the above JESUS Chris Drawing lower right the big circle shows many types of civilizations, some a people, some toward the center as horses standing on two legs (and/or people in costumes and/or exosuits), and some as symbols like unto a pop up book only in the JESUS Christ Revelation sense Converted as a scroll with people symbols the when unraveled pop up to be actual people (from JESUS Christ see above on genetics, on graphene, and on modifying DNA) so for Your to be JESUS Christ Creator Writing Good Code.

    As You Behold JESUS Christ Highest Wisdom, not only for Your Joy In Heaven, and rather is Your JESUS Christ Responsibility to solve such as addictions and rather JESUS Christ Best Guiding [saving time and effort] with JESUS Christ Creator You Writing Good Code:

    Your Sermons!

    No more [or hardly] about the former ways of preparing Sermons: You Thriving In Your Congregation is for the greater Responsible Glory In JESUS Christ, Meaningfully Now, And Most Effectually In The Name And Work Of JESUS Christ.

    As an open (2D) scroll (from 3D) You can read (a line 1D) the symbols of the lines in the big circle of the above JESUS Drawing. Yet on the circumference is another (4D) aspect not only to read around, yet as a roller with words to mass produce these words. Such is with time via roll print cycle toward automating lower level processes. If the circumference is made with a lazer system for instance then as a certain type of high speed copier magnifying the Lord in Your Sermon(s).

    As the Earth rotates from a point on the Moon perspective the Word And Name JESUS Christ appeared at times, and now at an increasing rate even as a blur: increasing intensity in all Enlightening.

    "There's no time to consult the LORD!"

    Don't let the previous sentence happen to You, even so be JESUS Christ Faithful.

    You must learn many JESUS Christ Victories over many things (including in each thing in the Book Of Revelation), not merely victories, yet instead the JESUS Best as a key to be Highest: Christ.

    Auto maker Volkswagon for instance has had many big catastrophies, go and consider doing likewise as much as for JESUS Christ, as for instance Volkswagon has had many big catastrophies crashing cars in many ways for safety prior to sales. Go explode the Sun and such if appropriate for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, considering how hardly the Creator delimited what the Creator might Do: the Creator Did Each And Every Good Thing (Isaiah 24.18).

    This is ancient JESUS Creator Christ Wisdom From The Heart, and it is Good.

    JESUS Christ Prophesying, so preparing;

    the Book of Revelation is Prophecy: so prepare.

    JESUS Christ Gives for You to JESUS Christ Prepare For Highest Praying For The Eternal, that Your Wisdom is with JESUS Christ Converting anything created into something Good For JESUS Christ (Matthew 25.21)

    so JESUS Precept Step properly fitting on JESUS Precept Step as a minimum. The previous sentence did not say merely be a follower sitting for awhile toward the back pew. Put the Name JESUS Christ into the workplace and play place and love life and if there is any addiction to first be with adding to obey JESUS Christ.

    Let the other religions behold such putting in "the Name JESUS Christ", an Evangelism key.

    JESUS Christ Step on JESUS Christ Step solve each of the coming Book Of Revelation vessels (aspects), and hardly about secular explanations, so solve for JESUS Christ (again Matthew 25.21).

    The Book Of Revelation was solved 2,000 years ago, and the pulses of such are coming at their talent rates again and more powerfully increasingly

    (reference [JESUS Christ] universal expansion for instance that not all things are in a place, some arrived already, others are coming bigger and more powerfully: reference [JESUS Christ] harmonic amplification types for instances e.g. some large crystals collided and so pulse and so approach with great powers).

    Earth needs be in the Name JESUS Christ. Christians are already Saved, though for the sakes of others, Do Good toward greater JESUS Christ Priesthood Worthiness Eternally.

    While awake in a brief vision like art on a page there was the smaller portion first then the larger, and the smaller was the JESUS Good Joy, but the latter was the larger and the ground opening vastly with smoke rising: that the choice opportunity is now and the later time frame is after the preparing time frame and after the due date and preparation time expired.

    What is True Prophesying?, if to quote Prophecies from the Christian Bible that came true, then to quote True Prophecies at least about the past things that came true; so it is true if to be discussing a mindset of Moses for instance (JESUS Christ Grace Physics Apply), though generally speaking it is not current normal Truly Prophesying; True Prophesying is first from a True Prophet therefore from a Christian (also Psalm 8.2 applies and pertinent even [rarely] to sinners Ecclesiastes 9.11)

    yet Christ JESUS Gives New Christianity Holy Highest (per se) Reliability, in other words with fitting the proper JESUS Christ Precept on a JESUS Christ Precept (such as to gain a specific Victory In The Name Of JESUS Christ, so for JESUS Christ);

    though there is far more complex to it yet simplified in JESUS Christ, for instance because of JESUS Christ in the past (such as circa 2,000 years ago) this clearly applies to after-the-fact Miracles yet be for the before-the-fact JESUS Christ Faith First And Foremost.

    After-the-fact Miracles (for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose) that were Truly Prophetic, each True Word With Each True Prophecy, are facts found in this list:

  • David ate the bread of Priests: JESUS Christ Eucharist.
  • Elias Baptized: JESUS Christ became Baptized.
  • There were the Prophets of the Old Testament: JESUS Christ is the sum of the Prophecies (and the sum of the Prophets).
  • There were laws for guiding the people properly for the future: and while the laws do not perfect, even so the good parts JESUS Christ fulfilled.

    Now Anew JESUS Christ Gift From New Christianity is the Prophetic that for the properly ascending: JESUS Christ is Obeyed (JESUS Christ Obeys and so such people enter into such obeying). So such Obeying JESUS Christ Is Living Prophecy In Action And Growing (Leaping).

    When JESUS Christ Does What You Say And Do, it is not You commanding JESUS Christ, yet it is Highest Proof that JESUS Christ Agrees With You and that You Did Prophesy.

    When JESUS Christ Does What You Say And Do, then Your Obeying Is True Prophesying.

    It is True Prophesy to say JESUS Christ Will Come In Great Glory prior to the Final End Time,

    though many previous civilizations have vanished.

    There is a value to warn, though rather of JESUS Christ seek to properly Guide that there be no need to warn (a JESUS Christ Maintenance concern, normally). There is a value to Give True Prophecies, though rather of JESUS Christ seek to Give Good True Prophecies for instance JESUS Christ advised to cast the net on the other side and then many fish were gathered, and in so Doing JESUS Christ Gathered The Fishers.

    In the Name JESUS Christ, first, Prayerfully Invite JESUS Christ Spirit Father And Do Wisely Understand The Heart Path Of Victory over each Book Of Revelation aspect. Not to merely read about an earthquake and smoke but through JESUS Christ solve and with those ideas Do: JESUS Christ Best Solution, as much as able (and for each aspect of the Book Of JESUS Christ Revelation 15.8): this is how to Eternally live.

    If without equipment, then toward Spirit Highest Faith; if with equipment then also with tools that might apply to Your certain JESUS Christ Solving Plans.

    And this is not only about waiting for disasters to strike lest to be after-the-fact, this therefore is to enable, such as of previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons In This Series as with Angels traveling from star to star to the Sun then to Earth and reverse (and such, reference secular wormhole ideas [rather JESUS Christ Straight])(Genesis 28.12 again greater John 1.51)(though Isaiah 59.19KJ [JESUS Christ Interpreting Anew so "against" rather becomes JESUS One Anew according to John 4.48 at least for Christians properly ascending]).

    So when a star explodes, when the Sun has explosions, when the Earth has explosions, You already know in JESUS Christ Best Solving Authority. If You have equipment for secular lingo Plan B, then if a person with Plan A Equipment comes along You In JESUS Christ know to immediately Convert from Plan B to Plan A; if Plan A equipment is owned by a sinner, of course convert not Your JESUS Christ Faith: You JESUS Christ One must obey to stay in control lest toward disjoining from the faith and/or appearing so, so be hardly toward wrongly tempting others. So obey lest to risk added conditions.

    Obey JESUS Christ to gain for JESUS Christ Victories. So greater is such JESUS Christ Grace Victory, key, over JESUS Christ Obedience; even so obey JESUS Christ.

  • In the above JESUS Christ Drawing toward upper right, according to that source the modern day Prophet Joseph Smith asked "Min" to draw "God": what is that Thing?, It looks like a bird and hard to understand, sitting on the Throne, with the all seeing eye in front of "God", presented by another bird with arms.

    If You do not faithful solve the lesser above stated matters then will entrust to You the greater, in secular terms the mind-blowing?, (Luke 16.11):

    in like JESUS Christ Wisdom Luke 16.12:

    JESUS Christ Said Feed My Sheep.

    You lead Your Flock to greener pastures (Faith) and when in greener pastures You watch over Them (Maintenance),

    and there are overlap areas, though the leading is often hardly the same as the maintaining in a position

    (though people Preach JESUS Christ on busses, and similar applies to aloft future ark Chapels, and likewise Christian Churches on Earth moving through space time).

    So JESUS Christ Has Given You These Distinguishing Fruits (Spirits) keys,

    that are not completely (see above text on how "Comprehensive" functions) available to any that opted to censor themselves against highest Christ JESUS Wisdom.

    JESUS Christ of circa 2,000 years ago is Lord with all the True Prophecies including over people and civilizations. Above stated concerning Christian President Don Trump for instance is that this same JESUS Christ of circa 2,000 years ago may allow Christian President Don Trump as normal, though if the Original Plan requires other, or in a lower perspective if a Miracle is needed (such as for sinners, for Christians, for both, or perhaps to realign the stars beyond previous civilization dreams and visions,...)

    then perhaps JESUS Christ may or may not touch the Heart of Christian President Don Trump and this is Good for many reasons rather JESUS One Highest Purpose

    (and this is pertinent for everyone such as so a person hardly glories in the self and rather in [other(s) ultimately in] JESUS Christ One Spirit Father)(another reason for instance concerns JESUS Christ moving people into Heavenly Places [even with Victory already],...).

    So there is a JESUS Christ Heavenly Faith key beyond even the Prophetic, yet for Eternal Good In JESUS Christ. If a New Beginning as Promised, then a New Creator Plan so with the Original Plan lest lesser value when supposed to be JESUS Christ Best Ascending.

    Sinners (including civilizations) died and their flesh returned to dust or was allocated from JESUS Christ as much as good for food such as for to feed germs. And so the secular found at least a partial truth concerning the Periodic Table (a partial victory over "dust").

    Yet lo and behold JESUS Christ The Servant cleaned up the situation and garnished such as with the greater gravity waves symbolized in the above Drawing.

    So the Final End Time is already in Hand (JESUS Christ): and even available. If available then no change: continue on the JESUS Christ Path For Greatest Good Original Purpose. Time is able to be changed in many ways, the secular is already aware. This is goodly if to Convert the secular:

    though be aware of proper precept on proper precept, to first JESUS Christ Convert the secular, and then ascend Highest and then They can be [Given or at] liberty to change all the time frames They Perfectly Want for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, in these specifics yet in the growing JESUS Christ Heart:

    At liberty in Highest to change all the time frames JESUS Christ Purposeth In His Heart / Ascend To Highest / JESUS Christ You Convert them to Christianity first.

    In other words a child might prove they are worthy to ride and care for a bike, but that does not make them worthy to drive a car. This is even more important concerning robots and animals.

    This explains how JESUS Christ became as written in 3 Nephi 20.44:

    (note: this verse is not footnoted in the "1989" nor "2/93" publications though can be inked in: Isaiah 52.14).

    JESUS Christ Gives this key therefore over properly Converting levels into Firmaments and Firmaments into levels.

    Levels are for the worthy as much as opting to become more JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Worthy.

    Firmaments are for any not properly ascending

    [many considerations apply for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose such as] a person asleep should hardly be Preaching (conditions apply such as reference Christian Edgar Cayce)]

    and such as similar to a chef following directions but then checking food progress and finding a little more time is needed to completely cook the food due to no fault of the cook (such as due to a power problem or such as due to an assistant having not completely thawed the food).

    Above is stated JESUS Christ was "marred" according to "astonished" (3 Nephi 20.44/Isaiah 52.14).

    You know JESUS Christ entered into His Glory (On The Right Hand Of The Father In Heaven) and is with the even more excellent Way.

    Therefore JESUS Christ In Making All Things Known In These Latter Days Gives for You to know in Your Heart (with the next verse) this JESUS Christ Glory key

    hence a key into which entrance JESUS Christ is to Prophetically Enter (see below Matthew 24.36 [therefore JESUS Christ Gives this Father key]).

    Because of the Glory of this verse, the greater Prophesying key is revealed, Luke 7.22 NAS:

    With this (like unto Isaiah 61.1) is that JESUS was "marred", and behold the previous verse and Matthew 10.8: You Heal.

    As People are Saved They Heal JESUS Christ, this is JESUS Christ entering into His Greater Glory!

    So Prepare In JESUS Christ. Healings are Miracles through JESUS Christ. From the Faith of Christians, Healings of vessels, systems, powers, authorities "spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (see below Ephesians 6.12) are Conquered, and when You Do on Earth then also in Heaven (a person's [dreamless sleep or] JESUS Christ One Eternity realm).

    JESUS Christ Gives to properly Best ascend (JESUS Christ New Christianity Gives Helpful Guidance including small steps easy to conquer Faithfully)

    so to be at the Highest (JESUS Christ Spirit Father Original Plan) Level continuing properly ascending, hence You JESUS Father Be With Victory Over Matthew 24.36 NAS:

    Victory is not enough. Continuing Greater Victories In One JESUS Christ Victory is One Joy In Heaven.

    A person can happen to be amidst sinners (such as during Evangelism) though such is toward lower levels and Maintenance (yet JESUS Christ Vital, like unto Baptism), the highest levels are as with the previously quoted verse, with JESUS Christ Spirit Father In Highest Original Purpose (Increasingly Higher Greater JESUS Christ Faith).

    So mid way among the lower Maintenance and the Highest JESUS Christ Faith is Ephesians 6.12 NAS:

    To seek JESUS Christ, including in each vessel heart, for Father You Highest Purpose, to Best Accomplish the lower toward Maintenance: Baptism, with a little higher Eucharist and so Best Worthiness [typically concerning Talents] Anointings unto Position Holders such as Evangelist, Usher, and such.

    So for instance for JESUS Christ Blessing Christian President Don Trump to put USA into the Name: JESUS Christ USA, for instance in pertinence and of tremendous value for all, therefore is the above value for so "Blessing" and Guiding (above verses Luke 7.22 & Matthew 10.8) yet not separate from such is JESUS Christ One Prophecy properly fitting on greater JESUS Christ One Prophecy:

    be of Good Cheer, JESUS Christ already accomplished that Victory for each and all

    such as would would happen immediately after, and then the next months and generations: as much as JESUS Christ One Agreeing And Continuing.

    These large font verses with info accordingly came from the Heart Of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Source through a [person spirit heart in a] dream early this morning, while Helping that person be aware of interesting tensile tightening and written with illustrated instructions though that person did not seem much interested. Then with waking up greater love interpretations came from that initial source

    that in pertinence the tensile strength as appropriate for a scroll as appropriate for the written Word Of JESUS Christ is of value in this world (and so the Best part is of value in the greater better world to come).

    Word Of JESUS Christ / Scroll / Tensile (and other properties).

    So from small goodly effort on a person's part can come the greatest of things through JESUS Christ Faith.


    JESUS Christ Gives the above key: the purpose of a "Joke", as through the eyes of the cited above.

    Some comedians make many great points, though often comedians have opted toward lower than JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (see above text "many times to return through pains to dust" has been opted by sinners [not necessarily falling that far

    levels and Firmaments in JESUS Christ are safety nets and better,

    though sinners have opted toward Luke 22.31NAS:

    If to try to interfere with the birth of JESUS Christ, then toward interference against self abilities.

    To clarify for all, JESUS Christ Imparted Faith in a recent dream in Victory over some lower level interpretations by some spirits. The dream was JESUS Faith to be with JESUS Christ Anew Oneness Awareness, now to explain is Given the Miracle(s), yet be JESUS Aware the Faith came first. The dream was with some knowns though the dream was also about JESUS Christ Oneness so how the knowns Best fit together.

    The dream was with notes (playing an air-piano as never before of this vessel, fun JESUS Christ Converts now to JESUS Joy in Some of this Sermon [also note values likewise for "all"]).

    As a Holy Scroll (see JESUS Drawing mid page at though seen in the dream as a Hershey Kiss (no legal affiliation) the music scrolled around left to right bottom to top to JESUS Christ. At the end of the dream came the JESUS Christ Interpretation that the candy symbolized the people.

    Now further interpretation details come as people come into the world (births) and then stray a little (though a crazy murderer for instance seems as though a lot [according to faith amounts), then tend toward JESUS Christ.

    Thank You for visiting, and may JESUS Christ Bless You Christian Leader, and others according to the options of those that helped contribute goodness aspects.

    In JESUS Christ Amen.

    ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

    March 23, 2019AD

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    tags: JESUS Christ USA Christian President Don Trump Prophecy True beyond the Garden Of Eden time travel Immortality Field gravitons gravitational waves properly converting mistakes Prophesying Big Pulse Multiverse control over the birth of JESUS Faith flow current status atheism atheistic government destabilize nations regardless of ideas Righteousness advantage Healer Edgar Cayce described red hair 170 pounds JESUS Christ Local Business Directory, Search Engine Submission & SEO Tools