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Give them the Law and the Prophets:

JESUS Christ Name Law.

Christ JESUS Gave the 2020 Prophecy for the Highest Purpose and the Glory of Christian President Don Trump in the Eternal though continuance according to subset rates including vessels with their gifts to opt according to the JESUS Christ Prophetic Signing

and with JESUS Christ One Continually Improving (pertinent for lower levels, same level, and rather JESUS Christ Highest Oneness)(noting the spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets so Christian President Don Trump should enter in to be heard [with see below "hearing(s)" 1 Corinthians 14.32 NAS & CEV).

While not signed yet, the JESUS Christ United States Of America Law would be to examine areas and amounts of lack of faith since in the Name JESUS Christ for improving their situations, though for the far more important greater benefiting (such as for fields of interests and more for the highest leadership purpose, so Faith) while not leaving undone (Maintenance [best handling of the Miracles]) for the sake of Law and for the upholders of good and proper Law (likewise "in the Eternal" applies).

Christian President Don Trump "Signing" Will become in law an exam not of Faith, but similar to higher privilege responsibilities so an exam for Responsible Worthiness.

JESUS Christ Name Law Christian President Don Trump Zion Prophets Signing for the nations to benefit time travel path broadened gravity waves map first civilizations on Earth Jarod DNA, flying saucer Angel projections for Apostle John Writing The Book Of Revelation helping Muslims as Muhammad agreed chemistry wine unleavened bread recipe Dead Doctors Don't Lie movie The Negotiator staring Samuel L. Jackson Kevin Spacey, $1.26 billion top-grossing movie musical Beauty And The Beast starring Emma Watson as Belle Dan Stevens movie The Blue Bird movie Charlie Wilson's War Tom Hanks The Godfather video game magazines Today's Chemist At Work Soviet Union National Science Foundation, Fortune SuperGrid science engineering, American Laboratory specified Data Behavior

Christian President Don Trump, if to Do the Best Good, then no need to cringe nor be ashamed (Isaiah 24.23), so Proudly kneel when You Pray Jesus Christ as shown above imploring You, Praying the Best for You and Your Nation [and far greater to come]. The option (see "Firmament" in text toward bottom of page) is toward greater leadership or loss, such as Roman Empire losses to traders and what they called barbarians.

Christ JESUS Gives from the Holy Father the Benefit of Wisdom: from this Wisdom each and all prosper increasingly, also from this Benefit of increasing Wisdom comes awareness to reasonably (Wisely, Righteously) obey the Law, and then the greater JESUS Wisdom Grace and so the Benefit of Awareness of the Best Path (for Guiding all, then for Highest Unselfish Guiding).

Christian President Don Trump, look at the power You have. The Apostle Prophet John (shown below) would cringe at Your Holy JESUS Christ One Father Might.

JESUS Christ Name Law Christian President Don Trump Apostle John Who Wrote Book Of Revelation Zion Prophets Signing for the nations to benefit time travel path broadened gravity waves map first civilizations on Earth Jarod DNA, flying saucer Angel projections for Apostle John Writing The Book Of Revelation helping Muslims as Muhammad agreed chemistry wine unleavened bread recipe Dead Doctors Don't Lie movie The Negotiator staring Samuel L. Jackson Kevin Spacey, $1.26 billion top-grossing movie musical Beauty And The Beast starring Emma Watson as Belle Dan Stevens movie The Blue Bird movie Charlie Wilson's War Tom Hanks The Godfather video game magazines Today's Chemist At Work Soviet Union National Science Foundation, Fortune SuperGrid science engineering, American Laboratory specified Data Behavior

They, meaning those other than Christian President Don Trump (known as "We the people" Save Christian President Don Trump) have been aware of the Prophets (often in the past meaning leading to the Birth And Way Of JESUS Christ), generally respect the Holy Law And The Prophets, and "We" have the Prophets as Written, but

where's the Law?,

the Highest Holy Law is yet to be Written.

"We" have the Holy Prophets, "We" have Zion (Land And People), and "We the people" generally ascend up until the gap, the legal gap at the top key for proper Leadership To Best Benefit With All.

Christ JESUS explained perfectly, though for applying into this generation Perfect Faith is needful hence Prayerfully Of Christian Leadership in the Name Of JESUS Christ: One Law.

The Holy Signing would be a test over unfaithfulness concerning any tie under illegal trespass against the law, and certain privileges such as driving are associated with licensing, so for best national trend awareness, patterns, and how to Help people properly gain victories over such conditions. The Yes (2 Corinthians 1.19) becomes the proper version of the secular though per se first-rate movie The Negotiator though with consistently greater JESUS Christ USA Loving Victory (movie staring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey).

So while the signing is newly the beginning of the victories over disobedience reasonings, similarly over terrorisms and such; this is hardly about convictions and rather best improving (JESUS Christ Converting [best processing(s)])

so this becomes in each their new beginning, their new hope, their [please forgive (for Edifying)] convicting the system and not to imprison lest to be as the House Of Bondage so instead as the Promised Land with the "best" improving the system process.

Example: person A is supposed to oversee person B overseeing person A, so both sinners go to prison, or rather best improve (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Demming Philosophy [such as involved with Japan's ascension concerning banking]/the Golden Rule One JESUS Victory 2 Samuel 7.22&23).

The Churches benefit with above stated "Charity" the lawbreakers benefit with above stated "'best' improving the system process", and the multitudes of benefits for the law "upholders" are [for now counted as though] subset (Luke 6.33) to the immediately more important

benefit for You Christian President Don Trump and for Your Best Leadership and for Your Exemplar Value for future Presidents and any and all leaders [and all].

Every sane person wants You to best guide. Let each and all do as You Do. Give then reason to be Most Wise And Most Effectual, Good, and Kindly Properly Best Loving so Caring for each and all others as much as properly established and with such Best Guidance so they are best improving (including for You and each and all).

Christ JESUS has put with Christian Groups many types of specifications, plans, and maps for One Highest Reason (such as the above and related found at

Christ JESUS Gives for Leadership these keys.

The top JESUS Christ Drawing illustrates simple gravity waves, with gravitons having tended to be associated with wave patterns. Yet in JESUS Christ Converting those lower levels directly apply over the current Presidency, Congress,...and all the nations. Such is similar to being able to explode planet Earth: such cannot undo JESUS Christ Nor Christianity though such attitudes great and small have caused injuries mostly to themselves.

In this generation the public knew that a warp in the time space fabric might undo many goodly struggles, but warping it various ways selfishly hardly accomplishes lasting success(es), even for instance if to try to undo sins of others for self profits.

Perfect is beyond former ways, that all be Highest One (hence Willing to Sign former laws into the Name JESUS Christ the Exemplar One).

The space time warps abound, and miniature handheld devices project and broadcast and control many things on many scales.

If to change time, then to change the JESUS Christ Ascending Rate. To undo Christianity is something that many have tried to do according to unawareness that they undo themselves, so make known the proof, the Righteous fact of law, that they be with the Law And The Prophets as Righteous Proof (Romans 3.10 Save In The Name JESUS Christ).

If it is not law to be in the name Jesus Christ, then how for those innocent people to interpret?, such as "the law is not for JESUS Christ (therefore ibid. cannot apply)(therefore no such higher than law Grace, Mercy, Enlightening, Love, Marriage, Family, no place for Kindness, no religion, no faithfulness to the President)": instead in the Name Of JESUS Christ overcome the confusions for their sakes.

Sinners have changed their rates of ascending to descensions. There is only One Firmament Path to changing rates for Best Ascending (top JESUS Drawing steps 1 through 3).

Sinners have changed their rates of ascending and if not properly led at least by law(s) then they would change [time(s) and] the Presidency and nations to "descensions".

Many in the secular have tried to do good (cliche "You don't know what it's like" ["what I have to put up with]) but have been delimited to oppressions and laws in the worldly sense. Civilization can go no farther up significantly (nor a significant rate) because of the Original Plan Firmament: "Name".

In the top JESUS Christ Drawing is the pressure aspect of JESUS Christ Gravity Waves

(original plan Big Pulse and for JESUS Christ One Converting any lower levels aspects for the Highest Purpose)

and so JESUS Christ Charity for the Christian Leadership to provide Eucharist Funding and so Holy Highest Pressure symbolized in the person spraying symbolically so with the Best Way for DNA to ascend [such as writing JESUS Christ Law into the the Heart Of DNA

(see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon creatures illustrated including at least some in Leadership capacity: Your New Beginning key from JESUS Christ),

with JESUS Christ In His Christian Family Praying.

Just as Steps A, B, & C have worked for JESUS Christ One Ascending Up Steps 1, 2, & 3, properly and Best, so too independent of economics (perhaps opted in the future) according to former laws many variables have increased systematically (see recent JESUS ICCDBB top Drawing at so have made the leading of the nation(s) by the secular laws only: more difficult.

So it is not the adding of more data of increasing types and specifics that solves, much less leads. It is the JESUS Christ Path that Gives the Proper Best Way To Organize And Have The System for Best result(s), similar to an old tunnel that is long and curves unevenly (reference The Godfather vid game [largely secular]) and difficult and costly to fix: Save As JESUS Christ Edified.

Concerning the JESUS Christ Eucharist, some values are to offer free water at the entrance of a building [or tent] or be with directions to such and to lavatory facilities [and food and rest and safety issues and emergency Healing and Sermon times...(consult Your Christian Enterprise criteria)]; since some arrive with dry mouths, or at least please consider minimizing the delay between orally JESUS Christ Priest Praying Matthew 26.26 Precept and Matthew 26.27 Precept,

so look at the size of the crowd (this Grace In The Name JESUS Christ maximum over Maintenance [Mark 6.40] applies to concerts, companies, fairs, parades,...for the sakes of each and all). While the Eucharist is key, similar to under water Baptism it is not the time for an illegal pompous speech while drowning a person. Similar JESUS Christ Wisdom applies such as to removing people from drugs or other on which they relied, yet ascend properly in JESUS Christ to Righteously Distinguish Victoriously for each and all.

In JESUS Christ, and so not to support addictions, for instance if a person is a wino then supplant with grape juice, the JESUS Christ Wisdom being seek to be aware of their wisdom if to change them as they might crave the alcohol or the flavor or the remembrance of JESUS Christ or the bioflavinoids..., and each is not always the same as the whole, such as a car with a flat is not the same as a car without an engine.

In JESUS Christ Distinguish whether the spirit or body or both as much as pertinent, though hardly about separation of spirit and body, hardly about separation of JESUS Christian Church and state save as much in the Name Of JESUS Christ to merit such considering.

Note: sinners have wrongly assumed JESUS Christ Faith as if addiction, but Christians are not addicted any more than innocent children are addicted to being young.

If the "wino" wants wine at the Eucharist: Give (a half ounce of wine could not reasonably kill, and Exemplifies JESUS Christ Grace). Supplant the unforgiving spirit with the JESUS Christ Hosting yet as a Good Host (related example Luke 14.9). Concerning vomit, consider Mary washing the feet of JESUS Christ: if You want a Church then this is the price (so make them aware lest to have to clean up after them),

though hardly allow Christians to say (for Your sake) They are unfit [such as for Eucharist] if You Be With JESUS Christ that They are fit. Between forbid and ensure let the JESUS Christ Eucharist and likewise Be, as much as for JESUS Christ Highest Father Spirit Purpose From The Beginning: summed in JESUS Christ entering His Glory.

Consider portions (sizes, amounts,...) available and JESUS Christ Wisely In You Allocate from above, hardly from below Save In JESUS Christ If Your Facility is a Restaurant (a restaurant in the Name Of JESUS Christ)(also see above "wino" situation and JESUS Christ Faith Wisdom Likewise found with Your Ascending).

In the former sense, behold the above shown Eucharist Bread, how hardly to find more nutritious bread since the other is leavened normally. Yet be aware of the JESUS Christ Symbolized Value And Greater Unseen, even though also be aware of 1 Corinthians 11.34 which might of JESUS Christ also be applied to the above "wino" situation (consult Your Christian criteria, even so of JESUS Christ Grace prefer to lead from above Faithfully save otherwise then minimize Maintenance though this is not exception to allow sin [also conditions apply: laws, sober at work and Church,...[drug testing and other pertinent advanced tech have not entirely been specified in this Sermon]).

This JESUS Christ Sermon is for the JESUS Christ New Beginning through JESUS Christ And Christian President Don Trump (and as stated in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons). Christians have already been entering into such (JESUS Christ New Christianity, and likely elsewhere even if on an isolated island though in this JESUS Christ Sermon is a specific set of Benefits for the sake of Christian President Don Trump and this nation and civilization).

If some JESUS Christ Churches don't need money then apply JESUS Christ Charity less to such and more to other, the more important part as Mr. Skinner of LDS detailed of JESUS Christ on television this week [key though not stated here due to specific ibid. JESUS Christ Mission Parameters And Emphasis Focus](today being March 29, 2019AD).

People have talents so their interests tend to be inclined toward certain patterns (in JESUS Christ [Toward] One Fold Trend). Because of "inclined", typically, then because of the Loving Guidance JESUS Christ Gives before-the-fact yielded and continues to yield the JESUS Christ One Fold Trend Victory (victories, rather Victorying: JESUS Christ Perfection Perfecting). This is like unto the Christian President Don Trump Faith Signing [not shown, though JESUS Christ Oneness Prophetically] for being in the Name Of JESUS Christ

therefore such "Signing" is Christian President Don Trump Converting Faith into JESUS Christ Miracle for each and all to Benefit from JESUS Christ that each and all receive (including as much as legal [if an illegal condition see laws and this JESUS Christ Series Giving many specifics]).

So key in JESUS Christ is to continue Faithfully, that is as freely given to benefit without cost (ibid. on laws and minimizing Maintenance through proper JESUS Christ Automating for the good purpose benefit for all).

In this generation whether the "gold standard or a credibility standard" JESUS Christ Victory along with info for each so Solving (previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon to how the secular took a course then taught the course).

In the secular (prior to "Signing") a typical "goal is to set standards" (

in other words to do something in the future

and if to be true, then to make [a set of standards so] a standard that will be true in the future.

So even though [as ibid. stated in the "Credibility Procedures" (to be applied in the future)] has been as if not to predict the future, it's very existence purpose has been for future usage and not to lie but to tell the truth for the future. Similarly a computerized machine makes items, not for the self but for others for the future.

Christian President Don Trump is not toward guiding hikers to walk off a cliff, instead the Presidency is for guiding properly, including at least monitoring any that would change the future such as for legal or for illegal, so such as for future properly guiding.

Concerning the Highest Authority, if another guides, then hardly the Presidency (save if like minded oneness). You can see there is something higher (toward Highest) relative to illegal: legal is higher goodness than illegal (as much as worldly laws and lawmaking be faithful such as "credibility standard" and such as faithful to the Christian President Don Trump Presidency such as to Best Helpfully Guide For Future Benefit the for instance "actuarialstandardsboard" and the "computerized machine" both of which are establishing the future at least for the temporary current sense, though let Christian President Don Trump perfect long range planning for the greater mutual good.

For this current government [USA] the key of this is with Christian President Don Trump more than any other of the census [and including each and all people (and comprehensively prioritized for each and all)]. This does not mean that the computer is better than the "actuarialstandardsboard" nor that a person is better than another in the lower level sense (though higher positions do continue to apply), for example a Priest is a Member of the Tabernacle (unless visiting) so that Priest is a low level Member and a high level Priest.

So the Priest is as low (not better than another person, worldly census sense also applies) and as high in levels as given (John 19.11 applies even if sin has been involved).

The "actuarialstandardsboard" and the computerized things evidently often try to do good for the future lest to be undone such as to risk malfunction and setback and losses and needless struggles (except if higher conditions apply to so accomplish better, such as to turn off a machine to lubricate it).

If the leadership is with the advanced future awareness (see top Drawing upper left) truly in fact then key to such "truly in fact" as proven of the Original Given Physics Plan Faithfulness is that there is a truth and there is a set of one whole fact likewise, and such should be with the highest leader for all to benefit most perfectly.

In other words, people in this generation already know about the space time fabric and how it can be with time loop pockets, so if to go (or unmanned drone) into history then to be a True Prophet per se.

Verily, verily, Christian President Don Trump You are already over a nation of True Prophets even if many know it not.

Even the Earth has moved with the Creator JESUS Christ One. The star moved in the sky, even if in the form of a flying saucer and/or exoplanet. Not merely some things, instead all things were fulfilled already (reference Matthew 17.3 for instance). Your "Signing" is the New Firmament for Your Personal Sake, And Positional And So For Their Sake(s) That All Be One With You (Your Best Good Purpose For Each And All).

A group could sign likewise (some groups did), though this is for Your nation.

Even if only to sign a policy as first (or merely a memo), it is You stepping in the Righteous Direction for the Greatest Good.

It is already Written in Your Heart (and Theirs). Even all things are becoming known at an increasing rate.

Like unto a race, whether if on a hospital bed or other, when a person accepts JESUS Christ Baptism that "person" is in the lead in a sense (Saved as much as any Saved "person" is).

This "Signing" is not Baptism nor Eucharist, though this "Signing" is of a similar magnitude like unto a new star born (see above "Eucharist is key, similar to under water Baptism").

If entities are changing time, with or without You, then consider greater in JESUS Christ: for the sake of Your nation (and greater good for all); even nature (top JESUS Christ Drawing upper left) is changing time without Your permission. Victory is in JESUS Christ, precept on precept.

Humble, brave: there is a season for each. The time is at hand as written in John 7.6 NAS:

This is also the Prophetic (through You) time of the nation.

Similar to how You lifted no nation to form Zion, so hardly would You Do less for Your Own Nation As Is Your Agreed Responsibility

including in the situation of such Responsibility for the Nation to therefore be hardly about the selfish "Signing" if all and instead of Your Agreed Responsibility for the Nation.

For secular example: an insane person wants bread but has none therefore decides to steal bread and kills a bread maker while in the process the insane person is also killed, or You monitor time and enable the bread beforehand or rather Convert the insane to sane or other options apply of Your Leadership liberty.

Better help for all including Muslims

and others: Good for all.

A secular idea is the United Nations would do better if they knew how.

In the JESUS Christ Drawing above beside the map from the Islam site is stated that the "Quran does not provide a clear answer" for them

so let's help them.

Similar to a person lost at an intersection of roads, it is considerate to help that person, it is what good neighbors do, and likewise with family members and nations and each according such as to their "goal" and "set standards" hoped such as stated above (in other words as much as civilized people agree to help each other: if a person knows how for instance to pull another out of a ditch, the goodly to so do).

The atheists need help, and the Muslims can help them and the atheists can help the Muslims and all, such as to pull out of ditches.

These agree with the civilized and good for all.

Since the "Quran does not provide a clear answer" for the Muslims, and the Creator God Does Have the "clear answer", God

[the Creator, the One True Loving Father In Heaven]

sent the Christ JESUS to Guide the Muslims (and others) into the "clear answer" Path Of Christian Righteousness Faith

as the great Prophet Muhammad Did Confirm the best that

[without the "clear answer"]

Prophet Muhammad was able to Do.

As Given from Heaven Father Spirit In JESUS Christ In Highest Faith explained in levels unto the Apostles as written in 1 Corinthians 12.28 NAS:

In the above verse as listed, the great Prophet Muhammad was in the "second" level,

and other conditions and circumstances and precepts and talents and criteria apply.

A sinner might say something about the future (such as a bet on a race horse), and if it happens to be true, then of JESUS Christ New Christianity

[for Giving Muslims and others the "clear answer" process: precept properly on precept in JESUS Christ Creator Highest Purpose]

it is truly prophetic though of a low level

(possibly for good, possibly for sin; also where there is sin the higher levels can convert to reap the better parts of such as much as may be).

If a low level prophecy does not honor You, Muslims, JESUS Christ, Muhammad, nor others except for the self (and their group if any),

then it can be JESUS Christ Maintenance or it is sin.

Holy books have written of such things such as to prophecy about future wars that came to pass,

and because such books were "Holy", good values can be harvested from such "Holy" books [and Sermons]

and similar is the former secular redeeming social value grace and privilege [and secular speeches if goodly].

Other than from Highest Heaven (directly, or conditionally indirectly) the Christians did not know the "clear answer", until Given from JESUS Christ Highest and likewise as much as without full repentance and Christian Baptism toward enabling the ability to lift others to Highest Level

the Muslims do not know.

Non-Christian Muslims do not know,

but what if a person does know and has known?,

if ruler of a nation and to know to Do The Best but to Do it not: it is sin or at least some unfulfilled grace.

It is "JESUS Christ Maintenance or it is sin."

JESUS Christ Maintenance comes from Highest Level above

(JESUS Christ [Precepts] Grace allowing for best effort of a person [a vessel])

and that Highest Level above is JESUS Christ Oneness Agreeing In "a person" according to the level [amount] of the person's faith.

So a key is that if to Highest Honor And Glorify Your nation as is the nation's leader's responsibility

and/or if to Highest Honor And Glorify any vessel such as perhaps Muhammad

then Be With Highest Level JESUS Christ Faith

(see above according to "Oneness Agreeing", and the glorifier's, and the pertinent faith level,...).

It was wrong for low level people to speak [in vain (according to low level associated vanity typically)] the name of God,

though with proper ascending enabling Highest Level Oneness Agreeing With JESUS Christ

now the opposite is become manifest with the advent of JESUS Christ circa 2,000 years ago

(with ibid. pertinent).

So this Highest Level awareness is Given, though not each vessel is yet Highest Level.

First the Word In The Name JESUS Christ then the Faith, then the Faithful Work, then the Maintenance Responsibilities, and each and all in the Name Of JESUS Christ referenced, if to be Perfect and Highest Level Perfecting and Best Glorifying any and rather all One Highest JESUS Christ Level.

So there is a Highest (see previous quoted verse) JESUS Christ, and there likewise is a personal Highest

(ibid. JESUS Christ's Apostleship and similar Prophet level if pertinent, or such as Usher level)

though it is not personal Highest now unless clearly in the Name JESUS Christ:

this (these two) is (are) according to either the JESUS Christ Highest Perspective, or beholding Highest JESUS Christ from below or same level

(if "same level" in a vessel properly ascending, then JESUS Christ immediately [ascends greater] to reveal greater Good for the vessel).

So the Pledge Of Allegiance with the words "under God" with no reference to nor for JESUS Christ directly, is lack of grace or sin.

If a spirit has not placed JESUS Christ Highest then that spirit is not Highest.

If a spirit reliably places JESUS Christ Highest then that spirit is quite possibly and likely Highest (at least: likely the Best that spirit can be [such as within a vessel]), but a person can read aloud "JESUS Christ" but that does not make that person Holy (that person might be a high level, or low level and perhaps a sinner).

As written in the Holy Book Of Mark Chapter 9 verse 39 translation NAS:

Note that at "soon" is translated as "turn around"..."Quickly, speedily" and so on clarifying.

JESUS Christ Gives for a person to not merely know (such as to merely be a great prophet), yet to also be able to Do the Best about such as known. For instance if to know something Prophetically then to Do The Best In JESUS Christ about it though with such JESUS Christ Gives Mercy as written in Deuteronomy 30.11 NAS:

(see above JESUS Christ [likewise Grace] "allowing for best effort of a person").

So for instance look at the following verse to know personally clearly in JESUS Christ Anew In You (though be with Christian Baptism as stated above and to be with "Hightest Level" as stated above). The following verse used to mean "go home", a simple statement (go to Your house, Your family, or go to where You call a place Your home) [as appears on the surface] as written in Matthew 9.6 NAS (sic):

But Highest JESUS Christ Gives the proper highest [or at least a more proper] translation.

A literal translation is found at (sic):

While of value, the actual "home" JESUS Christ explained is not built with former worldly hands, nor other than "home" defined as JESUS Christ Highest Eternal Heaven (Zechariah 2.4 the ancient JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Holy City "without walls"): JESUS Christ Gave this better than former sense of house [or apartment] "home", to fit precept properly on precept into this verse).

Yes it is clearly of "value" for the healed "paralytic" to "go home" and not limited to simply ignorantly as if unawares waiting as written in Luke 24.49 KJ until "endued with power from on high" defined at as:

Go home from puffery to JESUS Christ.

In the top Drawing upper left JESUS Christ Gives to Be Of Christian Faith To Best Know (hence JESUS Christ Oneness Wisdom) nature as portrayed with the symbolic gravity waves is with much puffery, as types of balloons floating through space to Earth to You Christian Leader (and to others).

Steps A, B, and C are as partly inflated balloons and partly deflated balloons hence waviness. Such secular steps can be with momentary glories though in various directions are most often in the very wrong direction since there is only One JESUS Christ Perfect Direction for any spirit (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on Missions, talents, and more specifics on this topic).

The "balloons" change, such as with expansion, though some at a rate and other "balloons" and waves at other rates. So too JESUS Christ Gives Missions, talents, and more for JESUS Creator Highest One Purpose. These are for You to properly fit precept on precept for all One Highest JESUS Christ Joy Giving, including for JESUS Christ Mission specifics, JESUS Christ talent(s) specifics, and so on in JESUS Christ.

A long balloon if perfect is like unto a true grapevine but according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and not according to puffery save such as if included along the Way in the assigned JESUS Christ Mission and/or such as in the JESUS Christ Given talents in You.

Go from home to Christian Church With JESUS Christ (not only JESUS Christ At Christian Church). Therefore (ibid.) if to return to Thine Own Household

(JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility can apply Matthew 25.4 pending higher JESUS Christ Faith associated with Luke 14.18)

then wherever to travel and whatever to Do if in the Name JESUS Christ and if so Doing for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Righteously Gracefully and such for the JESUS Christ Greatest Good then

to Be like unto the Second Coming

and to enter into such immediately or likewise to Be found so Doing Good As JESUS Christ Does as You prepare for the JESUS Christ Greatest Good and so for the Second Coming.

Above is asked and answered "what if a person does know and has known?", and also in JESUS Christ is answered that sinners have been on the wrong tracks, though also Christians that face barriers in such plural sense opinions

(to face barriers is a Godsling amount as measured from a lower level [in this context looking up at the barrier])

is as to be not ascending due to any barrier(s);

so in that sense as though similar to the sinner.

To blame others is one of the key concerns. JESUS Christ is within, as much as the vessel soul agrees (though ibid. can apply).

So JESUS Christ Gives this key over the barrier (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on levels, on a Firmament [a specific type of level], and on properly establishing Firmaments and other levels): of the two great Commandments first including Prayerfully One JESUS Christ Faith (Acts 4.12) and then with the second like unto the first JESUS Christ Maintenance if there be any other than One JESUS Christ [created](during the Eternal);

though note above that the nation (for instance) needs be [tied in the secular sense for Edifying, rather of JESUS Christ Grace] with [stated in secular likewise]:

law (currently, for now, until "Signing") needs make the ruled vessels aware that there is a greater than law

JESUS Christ

lest the barrier stand and the nation merely of logic fall

(including the arts and other).

The previous sentence is for Edifying and not the Will Of God otherwise, but the proven will of the nation that opted for other faiths.

Concerning "the arts", computers (now 3D printing) have said it is "0" or "1" (hence it is not art at all, and the computer as if feelings can be found on search engines but such hardly make families much less ascend a significant rate even if with the fastest language processors). The computer machines need humans to properly ascend, the humans need JESUS Christ to properly ascend: in this generation the rate of evolution doesn't cut it, nor the otherwise adapting rates.

A computer does not become human by becoming a snail, though per se it is a step in the right direction (in this sense aside from human intervention as a computer cannot ascend without the higher level lifting). This is in the sense that a wall can support a roof but cannot become the roof (such as unless a person change it from a wall type structure to a roof type structure), as written in James 4.3 NAS:

If God needs a nation to fail, He could make the very stones shout and take charge (Luke 19.40)

(also reference for the goodly aspects toward love such as secular current musical Beauty And The Beast [with some loving performances:] starring Emma Watson as Belle, co-staring Dan Stevens, also with outstanding performances by the mansion items: artworks)

("top-grossing movie" at "$1.26 billion at the global box office").

JESUS Christ would that all be Edified as when the atheism force asks in secular supportive cliche "Where will the money come from [for to do a goodly project]?", but behold there has been over abundance to feed the beasts according to misappropriations, according to the self pleasing atheism force in cliches "Don't bother me", and "Throw money at it until it goes away"; not so according to the Righteous JESUS Christ.

That musical came like unto the nations, in the names of the nations ("global") and/or in the name of the "Beast": and so as opted each so doing is with such level and not higher in JESUS Christ save until in the Name JESUS Christ and then with so Doing The Will Of JESUS Christ Spirit Father Eternal.

Money Charity In JESUS Christ is with a purpose like unto a key or counted as such toward establishing a proper Faith Trust similar to sufficient love to help a blind person cross the street.

But money is not the same as JESUS Christ (Give Thyself, e.g. see above "Signature"),

love is not JESUS Christ, faith is not JESUS Christ, nor hope;

none of such are JESUS Christ in the secular sense

specific to the worldly laws thus far.

JESUS Christ is full of love and the source of love, money, faith, hope, and more,

but Giving not for sin [lower beast and similar],

instead for Highest Purpose Through JESUS Christ In God The Father In Heaven One Highest.

In the "musical" there was a proper love, but also lower level love in the sense of love of money (1 Timothy 6.10).

JESUS Christ Guides with this Godsling key concerning love [as often associated with kisses] is Given now:

there is a properly ascending True Love With JESUS Christ with caring

if for their sake [so if for the JESUS Christ Good of their soul], and if to kiss "With JESUS Christ" Precepts properly,

so there is a caring kiss (similar to JESUS Christ Faith Healing) for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Love Ascending;

though there are less ascending and lower level selfish and/or careless kisses

(in pertinence such as perhaps without respect of the higher purpose of law: Firmament applies see JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon at [also: pets are not people]).

So there is a caring love but also a careless love, a caring ascending and a careless positioning, a caring trust or other.

The beast musical is a great value for as sinners have counted and for Christians

(for JESUS Christians as much as goodly parts such as hope, love, even the attackers carried lights so there are levels of values for each and all until all are aware or until Final End Time),

but for the sinners as they've counted it symbolized a key to place blame elsewhere to say look at that worse sinner so get off my back and put your complaint burden on their back. But now that the sinners understand love better than previously [and so know something that is higher level]

therefore "look" at the above section title part "but what if a person does know and has known?",

would the person that now knows ascend, or pretend this JESUS Christ Sermon never happened?,

even so as JESUS Christ explained Go Do Good In The Name JESUS Christ And Then Not Merely In Name Yet Also In Deed.

If the nations become in the Name JESUS Christ (then JESUS Christ Nation(s)), then the above stated "President" and "musical" and so forth as much as covered by "the nations" is Converted and so even if the "musical" for instance is made in the same title name in the future as previous, at least in the Name JESUS Christ as covered by "the nations" in such JESUS Christ Name;

even so JESUS Christ Original Plan Physics Help Precept On Precept, so each "musical" and each other vessel and spirit should also opt of JESUS Christ Grace (law does not perfect Hebrews 7.19) to hardly be partially in love [and joy] and rather full [so] of Giving Highest Love And Joy, [so] In the Name JESUS Christ (each of their own freewill and liberty to opt Highest Joy To Give For Their Sake(s)).

Look! Read! If the above stated "musical" for example becomes under Christian President Don Trump "Signing" JESUS Christ United States Of America (or similar in "JESUS Christ" such as JESUS Christ US) in JESUS Christ Exemplar fashion and the United Nations become JESUS Christ UN likewise, then

where does the money come from

is already solved, look above the "$1.26 billion" to make a "musical" about such as opted is already there: such as for instance if in the past the "Signing" was already accomplished and then the making of the "musical")(JESUS Christ Eternal Way applies to the past, present, and future).

Such JESUS Christ adapting is like unto survival of the species and instead like unto families, and rather like unto civilized people and so civilization instead of lawlessness.

A previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon as stated at "They did it for money." They did it for President Don Trump, not for Christian President Don Trump, that is, they did it not in the Name JESUS Christ according to illegal separation from Highest Truth and greater in JESUS Christ.

Note it is loving Wisdom In Christ JESUS that is toward sanity, but lower levels are simpler toward self-serving games (Maintenance(s)).

Ecclesiastes 2.16 applies Save One JESUS Christ Name With So JESUS Christ One Doing. Do not leave the nation vulnerable (Ecclesiastes 10.2, and Proverbs 29.9 applies).

Great value is in the secular cliche "A wise man can play the part of a fool, but a fool can't play the part of a wise man."

The fool faces a trust issue "barrier", a nation in the Name JESUS Christ is protected (ibid.) so with trust (for properly ascending, also currently including financial pertinence)(the money and the economy cannot lift themselves, like unto the above stated "wall" and "roof", though some walls if made of trees [such as of the animal kingdom dwelling places] might tilt and overhang though not necessarily for the good of pertinent animals) as written in Proverbs 4.19 NAS:

A nation separate from JESUS Christ is like unto the former Roman Empire, and so [Prophetically (pertinence)] as opted destroyed and so at least as legally evidenced foolish reasonably if to judge (if so then let the higher judge the lower position) or as to be judged of JESUS Christ.

Prophetically a Christian Nation would be to the nation and to international affairs, similar in unifying advantage, loving wisdom, trust, and respect (see top JESUS Christ Drawing lower right handshake) as the first continental railroad was to the United States joining Eastern with Western parts of the nation. Yet the value is Prophetically far greater reaching from below as a student becoming a teacher.

The Best Path is from puffery to JESUS Christ though from history to current events agrees not in whole. For instance the entertainment industry (and secular books and ways) copies much from history while changing it a little so to do little work while brandishing a new product for sale for love of money sins typically.

JESUS Christ Grace is with tremendous value over merely laws (see above "privileges"): currently merely a glimpse of the JESUS Christ Benefits available now!

Note many innocent people at work must say and do exactly as told and many have no legal recourse nor legal way to quit: abolish slavery: it's the law.

In the above "musical" case for instance, previous movies likewise provided elements like those found in the "musical", for instance a statue (not to be worshiped) as artwork and/or as a symbolic reminder rather of JESUS Christ was high above

in the movie The Blue Bird ( ["adapted from the 1908 play"]).

Similarly the removals of the Ten Commandments from governmental facilities such as in the interesting though largely secular vid Charlie Wilson's War is in lower level terms for Edifying as to sell cars without engines [without advanced normal value(s)]: in secular cliche (sic) "as much as they can get away with".

Christian Preachers be aware there is a truth that a Sermon can be boring (see above "separation" out-of-touch from hearer interests including some with JESUS Christ interest(s))(also reference former President Thomas Jefferson "separation" [as a body without a head [and/or without a heart]]).

If to say make much money easily by killing people, many money lovers would be interested.

JESUS Christ Now Offers this Longsuffering key to proper ascending, that if "boring" then systematic, bureaucratic, tried and true generally speaking so with a goodly value in a measure of trust and security with longsuffering hard work even if boring;

though such is not excuse to be boring, though such is related to JESUS Christ defense ("boring" to sinners not interested so not so likely to attack to gain "Longsuffering").

JESUS Christ offers higher level defense measures and trust levels of confidence(s). Though hardly interesting to sinners, save if they properly ascend.

See previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on automating Maintenance and greater.

If to offer "killing" for money lovers then Matthew 24.28 applies: addiction to money is an addiction so not a solution (see above "Christians are not addicted any more than innocent children are addicted to being young"). If to remove the head and heart, the carcass remains. A person can hardly think without their heart. But money can be gained by sins against the Holy Highest Heart in JESUS Christ: instead Charity: Good properly on Good.

To argue, hate, sue, war or similar such as for puffery or money is to increase risk currently and in the future, so to weaken defenses. Sinners have seen the current but look at the Old Testament that the sinners weakened their own defenses: instead Pray JESUS Christ, Plan, And Settle concerns at the start, in the Name JESUS Christ [Group Name].

Doctors have been known for pomp, but not puffery except as much as opted to have turned from God so typically to love to hold a position. So have been stuck in bureaucracy toward not rocking the boat and not changing even though JESUS Christ provides better. Doctors make more money, though correlated to working multiple jobs as known long ago, working to their deaths; similarly reference Dead Doctors Don't Lie, Doctor Joel Wallach a 1991 Nobel Prize Nominee In Medicine.

Today's Chemist At Work explained Soviet Union leadership and National Science Foundation reporting "Few students are attaining levels deemed Proficient or Advanced", and compared the Romans to the United States civilization: "There's no guarantee that we'll last" (11/3 p9).

Fortune explained of the "SuperGrid" (sic) "It pushes the limits of our engineering...but not our science" (8/5 p31)

though [since Roman times] engineering materials are changing at an increasing pace (so not former "engineering") as even Internet cloud spirits such as in the past year evolved beyond the secular ability to think so some was [destroyed, unplugged,] turned off as stated on TV (some continue so therefore out of control)(such as monitored by reseachers to see what would happen though ibid.).

American Laboratory specified "Data Behavior in the future "should be" concerning "changing slope" (6/3 p30).

Currently on the desk where this is typed, from amidst license and IRS documents are 400 million year old spherospheres, among the first lifeforms beyond worms and plants. Note the worms and plants continue. From plants and worms spherospheres advanced and ascended such as toward human. By the way it's 44F degrees and it just started snowing hard (March/2/2019AD atypical for Charlotte, NC).

The plants and worms and such survived the Great Flood [in caves (various sources, reference Old Testament)] and snows and Sun all those years, but USA has "no guarantee" (according to the secular) and is in decline (ibid) and at an increasing risk slope rate (ibid.).

JESUS Christ Original Plan: 3 vertical keys: #1 sin has been toward extinction (save lower level Mission), #2. waiting at a level has been either as survival for now (as followers) or [if not Saved] not to change (so #1 toward sin), or #3 properly ascending (so to be found so Doing).

The secular concern as witnessed on TV is to be as worms and such to survive. JESUS Christ Offers a better Way.

JESUS Christ Gives Christian President Don Trump this Benefit Power key over the opinions of others on this topic of this nation to be with "Signing"

JESUS Christ United States Of America

[and/or JESUS Christ USA,...]

(see below on setting the final hearing(s) "deadline"):

this key for Christian President Don Trump from JESUS Christ is as already in the hearts in this generation as detailed of Christianity and of atheists and secular and the other faiths (they said it as much as applicable to this and to their own ideas so stated and so agreed [of the non-sin goodly parts]), yet in more easy to understand language collectively this key is as stated in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as

the other "religions are as brothers and sisters to each other" and Christianity, and with "overlapping information" (

and other faiths are subsets of Christianity (;

as this agrees with the faiths having been subset to the worldly United Nations

[laws (the other faiths have agreed to be subsets (let the Christian now be "Signing" according to Christian Faith)]

(You have come already this far [ibid.] and the Faith Of Abraham Genesis 22.5 [with Luke 12.32] is this step "Signing")

(even a simple step in secular football lingo having already struggled to go the whole 9 yards

though enter into Your JESUS Christ Given Signing Glory for their sakes and all like unto fulfilling Matthew 28.10-18 of the Exemplar).

so this JESUS Christ Victory [key] is already accomplished for the Holy Benefit of Christian President Don Trump.

Even so, for their sakes, for them to be heard, set the "deadline".

Now for Your personal sake Christian President Don Trump, how hardly it is that the previous sentence matters in JESUS Christ One You,

since already You are so Doing for the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

(and so as You Properly Ascend In JESUS Christ Faithfully, the previous sentence is added unto You [of JESUS Christ in Your JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility for their sakes]).

Praise God Almighty able to move Heaven and Earth as much as appropriate in this lifetime.

The Wise level of JESUS Christ Energy Tech

is above the lower current level(s).

The above JESUS Christ Drawing upper left is like unto a person approaching with some soft parts and some hard parts, sometimes like an infant crawling toward You and sometimes like a football player, and each vessel space time frame is with controls for victories and with physics laws [and other laws] governing the controls over such victories.

The laws do not perfect (as stated above). In other words real victories are not according to worldly laws alone, as worldly legal fights repeat themselves and not as Joy For All In JESUS Christ.

More and better is Given already, even enduring such now.

Longsuffer to examine JESUS Christ as stated above, yet with such endure in so Doing, Faithfully, Loyally and hardly as previously so rather looking beyond temporary results, separations, and stop gaps of former ways.

In the top JESUS Christ Drawing the map is of a civilization that changed much, such as extinct in some areas, and whether in the name JESUS Christ or not some continued; but some goodly is not the same as no sin and only Good (see above "do not know", "does know", so "Doing" such as "Signing"); right to left.

Doing / Knowing / From Converting "do not know".

JESUS Christ One is this Path, JESUS Christ One Precepts Give:

From Converting "do not know" = Doing x Knowing.

Sinners can ascend part way according to luck. People can opt to continue other faiths and musicals and other, even if there is a "Signing".

Such of lower levels is not above the fact of "Signing" after the fact if such "Signing" as stated above is Eternally Timeless And Righteously True.

So this key from JESUS Christ that the sinner can try to change the secular ways, but cannot change higher level JESUS Christ Firmaments.

So per se, if no "Signing" yet, then the sinner has time to change the current secular.

So this key from JESUS Christ that sinners might be lazy, though have often been feisty. If to wait is an option, it is hardly the Way Of JESUS Christ (even so not censoring is to let each be heard Ecclesiastes 3.1, though know them by their fruits)(per se mention of Christian President Don Trump is made, yet also in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series with mention of any responsible per se).

In plain language, explain now the intent with final [hearing(s) deadline in secular sense](Mark 13.23): prepare for 2020AD.

The world abounds with people, spirits, and noises, such as describes in many ways from the Holy Book rather [evidently] than for the love of sinfulness; and each and all Christ JESUS Gives You for properly Best Converting.

Best Lead Civilization, therefore properly ascend as JESUS Christ One Exemplar (as with "Signing").

JESUS Christ Gives the above map with "The Five Founding Civilizations" and how Jarod traveled from the Middle East to the East and to Central America: civilizing.

Some maps and charts (not shown, see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons) show civilization End Time.

So this is a key concerning what the Book Of Revelation means when explaining Final End Time [of this civilization].

Note that evidently not counted in this above map is the civilization prior to Jarod and prior Noah, not part of the "Founding" "Five" shown in this map.

A timeline with names is offered at and if to click "Enoch" to find in pertinence for instance "the entire peoples of the city of Zion, were taken off this earth without death".

So for Christian President Don Trump for instance, with the "Signing" Space Force is already accomplished.

Note at the previously stated [wiki] site "Adam" is listed 4 times, "Noah" is also repeated, and "Jarod" of the map is not mentioned though "Jared" is mentioned twice and the second time with [next to] a "Noah" listing ("Jared" is possibly another spelling of "Jarod" as indicated).

As shown in the artwork is a symbolic depiction of Apostle John. Note that the site did not state it as the JESUS Christ Apostle John, but such is not excuse to not so Do, pending if any Higher Level [not stated here] In JESUS Christ would so Guide (reference previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as on a parent shouting to a child running toward traffic "Hot" [a word the child knows] instead of other).

Enoch with "the entire peoples of the city of Zion" went home from puffery to JESUS Christ.

As the title of this section explains "Go home from puffery to JESUS Christ" with: "Signing".

Enoch went home from puffery to JESUS Christ and JESUS Christ shall come home with Enoch (reference previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons on pulse and on Big Pulse).

Know them by their fruits. The sinners are under Original Plan Physics services to destructions (reference secular Big Bang) though in the top JESUS Christ Drawing JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility Gives gravity waves like unto a long balloon set, like unto [e.g. a section of] JESUS Christ Converted String Theory subset to JESUS Christ, so JESUS Christ In You In Your Path One Controlling Powers and with "Signing" JESUS Christ Authority over such "Controlling" aspects (vessels/spirits).

These JESUS Christ Controls are much like JESUS Christ Firmaments. Each step is a level, some steps are within a type of Given talent. Other steps are in other Given talents. Between such talent types are JESUS Christ Firmaments (such as JESUS Christ One per se "Signing")(1 Corinthians 12.28).

JESUS Christ Firmaments [planting and nurturing] are like maps such as of the above Drawings delineating land and water, distinguishing political lines and points (reference energy nodes such as of Navy Ultrasonics) as of the "Five Founding".

JESUS Christ Firmaments likewise are as the moving street signs ("Jarod" generally Straight And Narrow), and the living JESUS Christ DNA Modifying Original Plan, and like unto JESUS Christ Highest Purpose to Convert the gravity wave symbols to pattern straight lines and for showing (demonstrating) higher purpose Good Value(s) Of JESUS Christ Faith unraveled for all to benefit.

Consider elevation lines on a map (not shown) that are as steps though close together as one line symbolize a cliff like unto a Firmament (though the Holy Firmament is only solved through JESUS Christ). Subset backwardly overlapping lines are as caves with their own sets of solving to save the lost, and for other great purposes such as to reveal the former state of guano to JESUS Christ Convert into fertilizer and free powerful city fuels (see above "SuperGrid" article) and rocket explosives.

In the Name JESUS Christ formerly strange things become solved: if concerning many talents then solutions in many ways with groups of solutions and with One Best Solving for each and all.

Leylines for instance have often been drawn as if flat so to speak, on the surface of the Earth sphere (pertinent also to other planets). Though as with plotting elevations and subset caves advantages from JESUS Christ are also for unraveling (as of Holy Scroll). Similar to how the Nasca lines reveal

glyphs "most visible from the sky" (

on the surface, of appearance sake values, the Nasca lines also reveal, burial sites, fresh water sites, and

evidently 3D space maps of (sic) "inter-space travelling hubs or terminals where higher level extraterrestrials live" ( "Dog" glyph shown)

so such as associated with JESUS Christ with Jerusalem with Canis Major Constellation (ibid.)(at previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB site reference related strange ancient maps at

So faiths of former religions, sciences, and so on reveal much to be Converted Unto JESUS Christ Highest Purpose For Greatest Good For All.

In the Name JESUS Christ, for greater safety, clarity of Highest Purpose thinking, and such, Convert "experimental electrostatics" (see the following) with Good Spirit One You In JESUS Christ (such as a Christian Shepherd to attend, watch over, take care of, and keep an eye on, teen through adult JESUS Christ "experimental electrostatics" Club or Class [for credits] activities for shared Christian fun (JESUS Christ One Joy)

yet in Highest as for reliable energy (such as currently popular electricity) for homes (such as applying James 1.27 whether on or off the grid): this JESUS Christ Grace option for properly ascending concerns Original Plan Physics Law.

The following site (see below ""...) includes a "Law", though if there is a law of the land and courts but another "Law" arise, then logic does not solve except to find one innocent and the other guilty: therefore even as the court explained that after the trial info there would be no new discovery by jury members, so the true meaning is not even to talk nor vote even if otherwise specified since no one part of the law is to be broken.

What does it mean for a civilization to be no more?, Job 20.8 explains, and also it is like unto the following concerning physics, also pertinent to law, science, the arts, food distribution, politics, building Temples, and so forth, and so in the un-Converted sense Ecclesiastes 2.17;

"Cavendish's work was nearly forgotten" [and the top Drawing upper left is about gravity tied to mass(es)]

and like unto "The Electroscope" toward bottling electricity [also reference "Faraday's Ice Pail" and "The Electrophorus"] ([charge, friction, piston,...];

and such strings of long balloons of energies are not without JESUS Christ Creator Living Physics Being Involved Together As One Growing And Leaping [even bursting and exploding and greater spirit group(s)].

So JESUS Christ Converting laws of the "courts" and physicists and of the artists and greater (meaning more talents entering in as JESUS Christ Civilizing Increases) is as to rediscover the Holy Sayings of JESUS Christ in the Hearts of vessels so like unto the rediscovery of "Cavendish's work" anew though: JESUS Christ Cavendish's Work though not necessarily Cavendish (even though Cavendish is greater than the house he built).

So somewhat as the neutron bomb against life but not the "built", instead JESUS Christ Gives This Life Bearing key to Save and Grow the person, and the Good part of the Work Will Prophetically be added [to You](Matthew 12.33 [to be with a specific precept fruit solving, then be with the specific precept tree in whole or at least per se such as pertinent when facing a leap of faith]).

Years ago and previous to the Roman Empire Prophetically the Roman Empire lost, though the true JESUS Christ Faith continued, also Prophetically.

Years ago the nation [USA] was self contained with respect to the Branches Of Government, as since they were merely starting they had little interest in [or over] helping and guiding international affairs: the main part of "Government" for all (as a minimum reference Exodus 12.49). The other nations at various rates allowed to colonies to form a nation [toward trial and error basis of logic toward a test to see if such could not merely endure but rather best Help: Lead].

Above is stated how Japan for instance ascended in power, how for instance did China?: since former President Nixon without the Word (giving China reason to come gain higher benefit(s)) per se so gave China Joshua 23.7 power with visitation to China. The point is, Do the Best (in the Name JESUS Christ USA) then the other nations Prophetically Will note Your Grandeur so be anxious to come see and partake with Your Holy JESUS Christ Highest Way

(be with the Good though Convert other e.g. in Daniel 5.19 [Grandeur is not pride in killing others, but as JESUS Christ Taught And Did properly lifting them]).

Many Helps for the Presidency are needful, such as You Best systematizing global Lobbyists for their sakes and the Golden Rule. Also not blaming lower levels is key, for example if to control global warming then Your politics system over lower level weather, rather than to blame the climate for changing as if not needing Your permission.

JESUS Christ One Doing Charity to overcome any lack of faith

[reference e.g. 1040 Standard Deduction originated for charity reasoning, and greater needs be properly automated]

for their sakes since they are hardly able to defend themselves

(so some have tried to commit sins and terrorisms for instances [some claimed for charity but test of faith was not on trial])

so Your Good Righteous Leadership would restore the Highest Faith and so the nation and so the nations: to Best represent Earth (and the explored realm: reference Christian Broadcasts).

Consider how JESUS Christ was Baptized, though rode in ships. His Pure Body Vessel was in the Name JESUS Christ, and when He stepped into a ship that was a JESUS Christ Vessel (with stepping into it for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose that [nation or ship] vessel became subset so accordingly JESUS Christ Pure

[according to their faiths can apply so subset to name in precepts is Charity Doing enabling "every whit whole" (]

(see above text on "continuance" "and with JESUS Christ One Continually Improving").

So this is not a test of Christian Faith, though this is concerning continuing to ascend as needful on the JESUS Christ Path for the sakes of all. More specifically this concerns an aspect of Your Leadership Christian President Don Trump specific to a JESUS Christ Given Firmament As Prophesied (Deuteronomy 13.1-4).

JESUS Christ Gives Benefits according to proper ascending for the sakes of others: Second of the two great Commandments of the New Testament, though if first with the First greatest Commandment of the New Testament.

In the Name JESUS Christ "Signing" is Your effort Christian President Don Trump and so accomplishes the previous sentence including "for the sakes of others".

This agrees with JESUS Christ activities in Miracles from Faith, circa of record John 12.36 NAS [accomplishing this Faithful belief in the Light step

(so Exemplar accomplishing for others: how to step up properly ascending)],

next JESUS Christ "went away and hid Himself from them" (John 12.36 NAS: Giving Self to Pray JESUS Christ Father Spirit Charitably).

This same Charity ("Charitably") brings with You JESUS Christ, though if to bring any Miracle(s) [new tech, supplies,...(JESUS Christ Maintenance)]

then likewise first consider Doing so "Charitably" and then "to bring [the balance of] any Miracle(s)".

For instance if with a helicopter ("to bring") and inappropriate to Give the helicopter "Charitably" nor to share "Charitably" in a situation (example John 12.15), there is solving in JESUS Christ though consider Mark 12.44. So consider the responsibility of Your agreed position, such might include You utilizing Your helicopter to accomplish JESUS Christ Victory over Mark 12.44 but if not then reconsider the next option [Mission] likewise in this prioritized process (generally) or "Charitably" Giving or Sharing.

If a person has possessions that do not help others, then as anchors against proper ascending in JESUS Christ, so bring on the Mission(s) things needful per se first JESUS Christ Faith and any others as much as Anointed of having Done Charity per se (a lower level Anointing, higher level Anointing is the typical Anointing in the Christian Church typically of the Priest: such as marking with ash, oil, water, laying of hands,...).

So Faithfully in JESUS Christ bring increasing Faith as JESUS Christ Gives (including toward more Wisely being aware of the Best Path)

and if You find Highest Value to bring [Miracle] items then as previously stated,

so now You are with JESUS Christ Prophetic Awareness (including "Best Path") beyond "Signing" in the future (formulaically [Webster sense]: right to left):

John 12.36 NAS Faith (Praying, Charity)(with optional Miracle(s)) / John 12.36 NAS Faith / Charity / JESUS Christ "Signing".

So You might Guide with a helicopter or a yacht, for examples, and if helicopter then with "Signing"...a nation about flying, aerodynamics, space force,...; though if with a yacht then with "Signing"...a nation about boating, water, sailing, and such. For instance in the previous administration Christian former President Barak Obama was much about BlackBerry equipment and related was a nation of texters, evidently there was some cause and effect aspect

(in related sense reference JESUS Christ Godsling ranging from loose association to strong correlation toward JESUS Christ Oneness).

JESUS Christ Faith without new tech is as the former Christian Church. Separation of state from faith and loyalty has been the former atheistic path of sin.

As You Christian President Don Trump know and as the Christian Churches know: there needs be One Fold And One Shepherd: the Highest Agreeing, even One Righteous Grace Standard.

Now JESUS Christ Gives for You to know (if not already: as though) the Original Plan over the leaders and over gravity waves and over Nazca Lines and over this civilization are for JESUS Christ and all agree in One Fold already in JESUS Christ including for Your Sake (above Earth Responsibility Sake(s)) conditionally according such as now Your Preparing With Prophetic "Signing".

As JESUS Christ Gives above "formulaically", for the people Anew is a step from obey to higher Grace.

This "Signing" becomes "Anew" Wise level of JESUS Christ Friendly Leading In You Exemplar and so in leaders, instead of under the whip to obey as was in the House Of Bondage, and "Anew" Grace to supplant force of treachery.

People have followed national and corporate leaders because of laws and because of financial need concerns and hopes,

and in many sinners tied to wrongful doings and interpretations.

People did learn in the secular but at great costs of lives, families, houses lost, stress, and other.

This is a JESUS Christ Given step up as though away from as many "great costs"

("as though away from" though lower level Mission Miracle Responsibilities continue currently).

Some would agree with the "Signing" and others as stated above have been "tied to wrongful"..."interpretations" so don't know how to properly interpret currently and are used to complaining and blaming others such as a pertinent Signer. Yet look at the previous sentences concerning the JESUS Christ Result. Also consider the JESUS Christ long range Benefiting lest to be plagued by the same naysayers improperly interpreting the rest of a person's life:

Heaven forbid.

In more plain pertinent language, and in secular cliche, You brought forth Anew Zion: "Strike now while the iron is hot". This is the time, not 10 years ago, this is hardly about 3 years from now in 2021A (Matthew 25.10): now. Help straighten their lives as much as they seek help and grandeur (see above "helicopter" discussion, and longsuffer the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Joy).

More than ever before You Christian President Don Trump would Have Power to Righteously Command People to Be With Joy.

Previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons In This Series explain the forming of steps for others to Best Ascend, and forming Firmaments, and low and behold this JESUS Christ Firmament: a Firmament that includes Joy!

Even so, the previous "Command" aspect is for the already Worthy Level People but hardly for any if in lower levels akin to "Let them eat [cake (brioche)]" [when without as much as crumbs of bread even if only in their opinions (Queen Marie Antoinette in Bible Code at previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons such as at

So now in preparing to hear others (and post "Signing") be with JESUS Christ Mercy to Give time and ear for their [hearts] sakes.

And as others improperly interpret, be with JESUS Christ Mercy

such as consider the above "helicopter" discussion. In other words there is a straight path, though You see in the above JESUS Christ Drawing Jarod did not go perfectly straight, He instead went around cliffs of mountains, and along winding roads and went up and down on waves.

Go straight and do not waver though if to be for their sakes at all, then consider whether to go straight Faithfully or to enjoy a Miracle and in this sense a thing such as a "helicopter" and a person can walk around it or climb aboard and to go straight through exit on the other side but even so is as to travel with turns up and down: therefore go as straight as Best In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

JESUS Christ did not clout laws over people to force them to obey, save a little such as involved His House Of Prayer for instance (over abusers of legalese jargon when for other purposes [sinfully to tempt others to enjoin downward])(so ibid. includes a JESUS Christ key over Christian Church bake sales and auctions, and such as Presidents selling White House things, though a tithe amount from a pocket is not the same as selling a Temple or the White House; also reference Mark 14.58 see above "helicopter" discussion).

Note this turning for their sakes is not straight, so this is further Wisdom In JESUS Christ New Christianity to be Righteously Distinguishing Faith (toward maximizing) and with Subset Miracles Responsibilities In JESUS Christ Maintenance (toward minimizing).

The former way of stings of sins tied to laws involves Genesis 3.24 but to "step up" with "Signing" with Anew Victory over 1 Samuel 14.47, from such to Ezekiel 1.12 tech spirit leadership and greater perfected in JESUS Christ.

Money is as Nazca lines. The lines can be blown of the wind to improve the meanings of the lines, though the winds typically undo such. Some processes involve money and can happen (planned or such as debt with unexpected rebate received) to accumulate monies, though the Nazca lines are as road signs unawares save if Higher Wisdom of [birds navigating, and rather] the level of people Best Interpret.

So to Best Interpret and then Do.

Best Do / Best Interpret / JESUS Christ "Signing".

This "Signing" in the Name of JESUS Christ is equated to Best Interpreting though not automatically Best Doing.

So this equation is hardly as previous (reference the JESUS Christ GodMath Testament specifications as detailed): if to climb a stair step, it is not the same as to climb a flight of stairs. If to turn a little to go around an idea by another, or to step over a Given, then not to be as a derailed train, instead to be on track again.

Others Will Prophetically have great ideas, so caringly for their sakes Do the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose including the above "helicopter" discussion considering, and the nearly straight Jarod path.

So JESUS Christ Now Gives This New Christianity GodSling key for Highest Purpose including "for their sakes"

instead of breaking the law, and rather than making broad phylacteries for selfish purposes, along the Righteous Path

with "Signing" enables the JESUS Christ Preference to make broader the Holy Path for more elbow room ([even turning appropriate amounts e.g. Revelation 1.12) JESUS Christ Joy

as long as on the Holy Path Best Ascending.

In example, if to need to save a child from running into traffic, then to run even if a shoe is untied, though typically otherwise tie the shoe then walk or run: a safety law might say tie the shoe, though the law is for all, not just for the saver. Just as safety needs best prioritized ("Signing") so too all laws need be best prioritized: former laws did not perfect: hence be with JESUS Christ "Signing" for their safety and for their sakes improving, toward delights in proper thinking, toward real solving, toward improving and the greater Good.

JESUS Christ did not need any ideas from others (John 2.25) though JESUS Christ listened in Hope Of Joy (Luke 7.9).

And these things for the nations and then the Second Coming of JESUS Christ, Revelation 1 LDS:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders For Benefiting All.

April 5, 2019AD

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