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ICCDBB Sermon For Christ JESUS

JESUS New Vehicle

living plasma energies packets with internal combustion

JESUS Spirit and external including JESUS Greater Unseen.

Christ JESUS offers Anew in Your Flock, from the resource pool of: obsolete, new, current, ancient, transformed, and other.

JESUS Christ Gives Anew for instance in varsity defining: ascending from previous that JESUS Gave of first string definition, to only JESUS Christ Anew One Varsity Faith Path The True First String.

Moses put the snake on the stick, and now in the name JESUS Christ: How to put the snake on the stick such as for Christian Colonizers, Space Force, NASA,...and all for One Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS (Matthew 14.25))(see Drawing & text details below on JESUS Victory Over Revelation 3.14).

JESUS Christ is with the Creator Plan, including for instance Your Vessel Holy Spirit awareness such as if You want to travel to a place then to be aware of what vessel You would put on You, such as jump onto a bike if to be bicycling on a neighborhood road, or climb into a monster truck if to be 4 wheeling deep into mud, board a sailboat if to be sailing on water, or see Your Christian Church criteria if to be Christian colonizing throughout outer space.

So this key: JESUS Christ offers Mission Work, therefore including a destination(s) [and/or Path] in order to be with JESUS Victory(ies) over such; therefore if one or more destinations (such as 2 destinations: 1. go into Heaven and 2. return and Preach JESUS) then to know the terrain and environ, therefore to be aware of what type of vehicles (plural often) to Choose.

JESUS Mission Victory / JESUS Work / JESUS Vehicles And JESUS Tools [JESUS Transformers Often] / JESUS Path / JESUS Mission.

JESUS Christ Gives Anew Internal Combustion such as for outer space travel.

JESUS Line Milky Way highways constellations sirius orion pleiades southern cross garden of eden noah nimrod ararat 7 churches minorah volcano lightning New Vehicle measuring spirits specifics guide how to build ufos advanced physics hunt dinosaurs leylines god star jerusalem map pyramids scroll holy grail knowing what they will do what to expect after death bar nano machines Pope Francis pyramidal tract movie European Vacation snake on a stick moses convert in name JESUS

Christ JESUS explained via precepts the above is ancient history as civilizations have come and gone (yet some endure in Christ JESUS) though the world rejected greater JESUS Christ powers in this generation: friends (JESUS Truth for all Ezekiel 7.26 & Jeremiah 18.15).

In the name JESUS Christ the Given Living Precepts of JESUS, "Living" at least in You, yet "Living" in the Source Of Living Christ JESUS, is the concern who [You are or in this example] who a person is, in the sense of whether in the flesh vessel or the spirit vessel. Fruits of the flesh are as to gather weeds or foods and beneficial aspects for Good JESUS Highest Purpose, such as sins or properly ascending Mission Victories values in JESUS One (examples include Praying JESUS And Doing The Will Of JESUS Christ)(examples may include fasting, eating, shopping, piloting,...).

A JESUS key to who a person is, is the consideration of the person's level: highest level for each JESUS Given talent, highest position likewise in JESUS Christ, as shown above top center and to the right there are types of ways in JESUS to organize levels, to organize JESUS Precepts, and to organize talents, and JESUS fields of studies: all for JESUS One Highest Purpose.

JESUS offers the stars in the Heavens and many have organized such as to represent their cities, or other regions and groups of peoples and things; many birds do as much within their Firmament level to be guided by the stars such as for migrating. Yet in New Christianity is hardly the evolutionary rate of progress at great riskiness.

The above Drawing to the left shows in JESUS Christ a "New Sun is born" (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Faith Sermon In This Series at This is the Christian Victories times [as all times are], the New Christianity Victory Time as with this being the Christmas Season and with the New JESUS Sun: from Faith the Miracles and from the Miracles Preaching Thanks For JESUS Christ and so Christ JESUS Gives the greater Anew Faith measure, and even greater than that is from Faith to Faith directly in Christ JESUS: Your Proper Leaping In Christ JESUS.

This JESUS New Sun Victory is now, at the end of 2018AD: JESUS Victory with having crossed through the midst of the dust symbolically, JESUS Faithfully, starting a new time frame Year, and a greater JESUS Faith Enlightening portion of the higher Flow Purpose concerning the stars, constellation patterns, and the Straight And Narrow as shown above with the pink line ([with words added] the background is a partly rotated section of the larger round star map.

From JESUS Christ, here is how the star map started [(JESUS Victory Over Revelation 3.14) toward the pink line Miracles values and rather toward the greater JESUS Faith]: from ongoing Doing For JESUS Christ (in JESUS: Faith Grace and Maintenance Responsibility aspects apply) Prayerfully and with studying the Christian Bible and with the Heaven(s) in the Heart And Mind for JESUS Living Waters Outflowing,

the Seven Stars of the Seven Churches, Pleiades, while read many times previously, specially of JESUS Faith caught attention pertinent to JESUS, in the sense that some constellations were specially mentioned in the Bible and this, Pleiades, specially to match the Seven Churches including the mapping. So from the Bible the Pleiades stars were viewed (special thanks to JESUS: LDS, Biblehub, and Google as Good parts in these are often referenced for preparing JESUS Sermons) but not matched, though did match symbolically, Faithfully (if to view any constellations then to consider the typically secular source, also other factors such as some stars normally shown with Pleiades are not part of the 7 stars, and one of the stars is actually two stars, with other stars in the background).

The stars move, the stars change characteristics, there are hazy atmospheric conditions, there is the bending of light out there, and yet sufficient was to be with JESUS Faith and such transfigured into JESUS Greater Miracles Of JESUS Faith: more and more [indicators and] things started fitting into place, proper precept on proper precept.

JESUS Christ had studied the Old Testament (and Preacher: an important key: current things being written, example 3 Nephi 23.11) including about Pleiades and Orion (Amos 5.8) and in Highest Faithful Purpose Creator Plan Truth Agreed [from unseen to realized in the JESUS Heart Soul].

So JESUS Christ Offers Anew including beyond former constellations' parameters. In this situation of JESUS, a line from Pleiades to Orion. Then, like unto leylines.

"Note there are Christian ley lines globally such as how Christian Churches align, and the rate of plotting ley lines is increasing rapidly." (from JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at, be aware there are also other secular leylines and confused sinful purposes.

JESUS Christ knew of properly aligning and properly assembling precepts, so with extending the leyline through the Pleiades, Orion, and beyond "JESUS Major" (Canis Major) included the star Sirius known as the God star of the Egyptians (Great Pyramid...see above Drawing showing stars above pyramids) with the Nile River symbolizing the Milky Way (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons) related to maps where Christ JESUS had physically traveled (JESUS Major & Orion).

JESUS was born, "JESUS Major", went to Egypt, Orion, and His Heart is with [Christian, Zion, Jerusalem...and] the 7 Churches and beyond (Southern Cross is from the Southern Hemisphere perspective often in the Milky Way [a wrap around effect, a scroll in that direction of the above Drawing arrow]): JESUS New Christianity Faith Path Symbolism.

Note the star distances from Earth: Sirius 8.6 light years for instance. While the pink line is straight from this viewpoint on Your monitor, at 90 degrees there would be up and down spikes of distances of stars associated with the pink line path. Of what JESUS Value is the pink line?,

the JESUS pink line is a JESUS Guideline (see above text "JESUS Faith: more and more [indicators and] things started fitting into place, proper precept on proper precept").

In the above Drawing on the border of the big circle, imagine lines between the like letters A-A and B-B. In this process of not merely following the precepts of JESUS Christ yet also with building and growing [the Living Word, Living Symbolism, Living Facts, Living Work JESUS] is the JESUS Given coming of JESUS Wisdom: key JESUS Heart Physics [Wisdom = Love x Logic (Affiliated JESUS GodMath Testament)] is the coming of JESUS Wisdom, the Doing JESUS Precepts Growing is the inviting Wisdom including JESUS Grace Over flip-of-coin logic.

With such as invited / "inviting" / JESUS Doing / JESUS Precepts,

came this information to JESUS Give: A-A is the JESUS Highway. B-B is the JESUS Local Traffic Zone.

If to drive a car in the city there are buildings in the way (counted as if such in lower levels, and pertinent here for Edifying). They are buildings of clay and ores and such. Up there in the Heavens like on Earth are the clays and such.

The Milky Way (B-B) is as the Nile River (note how the width of the Milky Way "Nile River" varies from the narrows below the Cassiopeia Constellation to the more than 13 times wider part above Cassiopeia [according to the secular source and their measuring parameters])

for other types of vessels for travel, save if to build bridges and dams and transfigure routes. On the other side of B-B another A-A type highway would be appropriate, and away from the Milky Way would be more highways in the sky with cross route ramps (toward higher spirit per se), while B-B would be with sharper turns (toward secular per se).

The above stated "transfigure routes" of JESUS Spirit would be forthcoming (see above text "rejected")(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons In This Series For Christian Leaders on time frames and on related energy envelopes and packets of info, and on posting street signs and on rest stops with Christian Chapels And Malls).

Two pertinent aspect senses are discussed in the following:

Believe the name JESUS the Christ (to Give #1 above) or at least Believe #2 above to Give in the name JESUS Christ: even so Do at least one of these two.

In the countryside there is a chapel but it does not float in the sky nor even on water: so the faith is in NASA and similar groups that have jet packs and rocketry: instead there was a child in the water and that child stood on a board and now many people surf, and there was another that fashioned a large kite and for a moment was lifted from above off the ground.

What shall be done?, "Weep for me because I have not money enough to build an aloft ark", "Weep for me and give me wisdom", "Weep for me and give me a new fancy car": no: no rocket for you, no wisdom for you, no car for you: instead Christ JESUS already paid and You Friend are in the JESUS Victory already as much as You have had JESUS Faith to so be, even so

for JESUS Highest Purpose was Given unto You to be with some talent(s): to one person in a coma was Given a talent to JESUS Pray for the sakes of others and for JESUS Highest One, to another person was given the talent to build military tanks [(thou shalt not kill) though over lower Firmaments, so] to put these tanks on Aloft JESUS Chapels and JESUS Trains and JESUS Exoplanets and then to go with these JESUS Tanks to distant planets and to JESUS Edify

in secular words though true (technologies apply):

let's go shoot us some giant dangerous dinosaurs

if need be (not shoot people)(Proverbs 13.24)

to minimally apply laws until those dinosaurs

become such as horses for riding and lambs for wool

(though as much as to "apply laws" is that much

less room at the moment for JESUS Grace Save Mercy).

Ascend properly in Christ JESUS in a sense is like unto shouting: heads up! Of grace in a secular ball field people might yell: heads up!, because a runaway ball is approaching the stands or in case a player isn't paying attention. Christians, heads up!: the above text "let's go shoot us" is a precept of JESUS explaining how the law does not make perfect: the secular cliche [to shoot for us, to shoot for our sakes] has not been in the name JESUS Christ: it should not stay that sinful way.

There were crusades that were Christian and Peaceful in the name JESUS, but many have been other and sinful as if in the name JESUS but turned from grace and breaking commandments such as coveting things belonging to neighbors.

So form the group first in full repentance at least the authority power part [therefore all automatically] therefore if "the authority power" is to remain fully repentant then immediately the authority power to be properly recognized in the name JESUS Christ. And with the JESUS Authority Power Doing as Christ JESUS Taught And Did.

JESUS Star Map Victory / JESUS Via Your Charity / JESUS Prayerfully (JESUS Faith) / JESUS Earth (JESUS One, not merely earthlings as if no helps nor complex resources).

In the name JESUS are groups such as?: mobs that victimize? (no), civic groups that victimize? (ibid.); instead in the name JESUS Christ 1 Chronicles 28.21 applies hence 1 Chronicles 29.7 (and greater) NAS:

In the name JESUS Christ now in this generation this would be the JESUS True Charity (ibid.).

But there is a problem witnessed in the name JESUS, witnessed concerning Christian Friends: Your Churches (generally) cannot have received for instance the "100,000 talents of iron" much less the other greater part [a talent being the weight of a person (wiki)](except in lower level sense counted as if toward selfish: as to a build a skyscraper of iron to call your own [stated for JESUS Highest Edifying]).

Therefore make Your nation [and any other counted as though authority (comprehensively, including Internet)] fully repentant in the name JESUS Christ properly to begin.

Christian Friends: this is key to how to achieve this JESUS Second Coming victory in You

lest to wait for risks and lack of foods and clothes and such as follow (Book Of Revelation).

The Saved, have "risks"?, yes. The lack of properly ascending in Christ JESUS is a lack of one most important sense of properly ascending: if only to follow and not do is generally as to seek to be given charity instead of Giving as Christ JESUS. Behold the words Apostle Paul Rightly Had Of Christ JESUS and of Christ JESUS Grace Apostle Paul Of Charitable Grace freely opted to Give:

"In the name of Jesus Christ I command you"

and the spirit obeyed yet the JESUS Precept In Luke 10.20 [NIV] applies:

What good is it to know a precept of Christ JESUS?, well for instance if to know A-A then travel that route, then to more likely encounter JESUS road signs and JESUS Helps out there along the JESUS Way: so to know a JESUS Precept is to of JESUS Grace be with Wisdom over what might be found out there, even if without stated in text above things such as rocket, wisdom, nor even an earthbound car so this JESUS key that lower levels wrongly imagine they need certain things and two aspects apply:

In JESUS, in #1 in JESUS Faith all is needful to be JESUS One except sin. But "certain things" not for JESUS Highest Purpose at the time and/or in a situation are not only not Truly needful, also such "certain things" are not to be desired (Luke 9.61).

So this JESUS key that You already know, yet in this context that in order to gain #2 to Give, have #1: does this mean fly without a spaceship?, how to respond or how to describe the Kingdom Of JESUS Christ?, with the Second Coming yes of course fly without a spaceship if that is what JESUS would have You Do, though otherwise would You flying without a spaceship be the Highest Purpose or with excessive personal selfish joy?, in other words make JESUS fly, then the others, then see if You Yourself might fly [more, most, Perfectly Perfectingly: JESUS];

so this key is Faith In The Name JESUS first, then #2 Miracles as needful in Your JESUS Mission.

If You find insufficient supplies on Earth, look to the stars so to speak, look to the Heavens for foods and clothes (Mark 1.13), now consider the above #1 & #2 with this: to Your personal flesh lower level comfort You can add other people to Your spaceship roster as though to gather foods and clothes and fuels and supplies for their sakes, though this is not a loophole for Your own lusting. So be aware, diligent in JESUS Grace and for greater enlivening.

In the name JESUS Christ is the JESUS Faith Path Rate of properly ascending precept on precept, and in the name JESUS Christ is lower rate, the slower though hardly in the secular sense. In the name JESUS Christ the "slower" rate is often not about speed, it is about JESUS Enlightenment, it is JESUS Faith Ascending Properly in a vessel, while therefore the JESUS Spirit Of Enlightenment is Given (as though falls in secular terms [JESUS Save Oneness]) and the talents of faith(s) of a vessel receive for goodly purposes typically, except many sinners have worked to do other things wrongly toward worse results though some have of luck appeared as if right though not right hence grand delusions.

In the name JESUS Christ the previous sentence is as to gather the sinners in the sense of the JESUS Word (about weeds gathered first Matthew 13.40, see next sentence) so in the sense of JESUS Christ One being Enlightened: therefore this key to JESUS One Do something about it JESUS Prophetically in advance; and then the JESUS One Good Vessels Fruits are gathered into JESUS One name.

And this JESUS key (previous sentence) fits into the precepts of the above Drawing, so of JESUS Grace to opt properly (these are JESUS Truths: a Prophet may opt to solve for today [Matthew 6.34], another receives from JESUS a calendar and so plans to solve things for weeks, months, and years, another Prophet solves for Their Church Members, and others of other talents and situations and resources plans to solve over those realms for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose: and so each is free yet on the JESUS Straight And Narrow)

so if to notice weeds, then to JESUS Convert, therefore since times, talents, situations, and resources apply, in JESUS to properly distinguish the Good Fruits, that is as or likewise the goodly tool(s) needful or pertinent for JESUS One Victory over the Chosen (freely opted properly) Mission.

So the previous is how to be God. And it is: how to be the Creator, yet living: the JESUS Freely Creating.

In the name JESUS in the Given above Drawing starting with the JESUS Bible and so the JESUS "line from Pleiades to Orion" and extended, the greater pertinent precepts apply when properly arranged Prayerfully in JESUS yet with JESUS Agreeing then thereof JESUS Doing In JESUS One You Ascending, so solved already (what is solved?, any sin along the Way, some short range time, some long, some this talent some that,...[so are the Gifts Of The Spirit as much as for Best Effectually yet per se per times, talents, situations, and yet as JESUS One Highest Purpose]);

so not [or hardly] as to plan to gain money today, such as if paid weekly, and so not [or hardly] to get a new car today if of the talent of selling a car and not buying a car (2 Kings 4.4), for examples.

In the name JESUS Christ the Creating continues straightening [types of] spirits

(concerning "types of" "spirits" see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on values of individuals and larger group sizes and positions at including "subset examples of the same constellation values").

So in the name JESUS Christ the Creating continues straightening [types of] spirits though You "to be God" as stated previously above are to (if to freely opt of JESUS Grace) to Convert the larger groups

(not instead of the smaller and individual [hence a Maintenance of part of Faith realm Responsibility if You God so manifest of the Spirit of Your Free Opting])

so You are of JESUS Grace to be rewarded accordingly if to opt to first Convert the largest weed groups or if Converted to Help the next largest or instead to Help the JESUS Converted Largest JESUS Named Group to Best Ascend unto JESUS Highest Purpose.

And then the others would be added into the JESUS Largest Group.

This key is Given in Christ JESUS the Lord in the Graceful Highest True Physics Purpose that the JESUS New Christianity One Leadership should be of JESUS Good Eternal Cheer and with Joy in Their Heart(s) to Give and overflowing as rivers from Highest of Their Stomach(s): and this key is a properly Distinguishing Of The Unseen Spirits key so to be as Creator JESUS (Each all for One JESUS Highest Purpose)

(note concerning the "Eternal" mentioned here is with the previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christian Leaders with extending JESUS Your Leading living lifespan [see text below over be One Pure "JESUS Christ whether there are sinners present or not"] from 120 years to at least 1,000 years as specified at, be aware of JESUS Vessel Maintenance Responsibility and of JESUS Anew You Vessel Creation as "Many things only last 1,000 years due to friction": see lower JESUS ICCDBB Drawing on Perpetual Motion Machines at

JESUS already Gave into the Christian Heart(s) the Higher level(s) aspect(s) for Christians [as much as able to properly receive to Give], that the Christian be able to Distinguish the Good Voice (JESUS, also high level voices may be heard though perhaps intertwined amidst weeds [not desired except such as Evangelism and of Purpose Higher than the lower]).

JESUS Christ Gave to be Wise to properly Gracefully Distinguish the High Level Value(s) such as

[(a Daytime [hardly nighttime] voice such as typical of a Christian Priest During Mass Sermon Giving For Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ, a key) with also this key that a High Level In JESUS Precept(s) Voice hardly need yell to be heard, so typically "not a voice of thunder, neither"..."a great tumultuous noise, but"..."a still voice of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it did pierce even to the very soul" (from Helaman 5.30)

and likewise "not a harsh voice, neither was it a loud voice; nevertheless, and notwithstanding it being a small voice it did pierce them that did hear to the center, insomuch that there was no part of their frame that it did not cause to quake; yea, it did pierce them to the very soul, and did cause their hearts to burn" (from 3 Nephi 11.3)(

yet also able to be as thunder and powerful to shake planet Earth (Alma 38.7) and the Heavens.

So the previous sentence is a key to JESUS Distinguishing In You Your Hearing of Good Spirits.

So if to Distinguish then be aware of the JESUS Good in each and all created concerning the lower levels for Converting and greater in JESUS Christ as written in 2 Nephi 26.16:

"For those who shall be destroyed shall speak unto them out of the ground, and their speech shall be low out of the dust, and their voice shall be as one that hath a familiar spirit; for the Lord God will give unto him power, that he may whisper concerning them, even as it were out of the ground; and their speech shall whisper out of the dust."

But the JESUS True Physics are for Good so the sinners would not be able to receive (2 Nephi 26.17) to properly give, even if to recant on a deathbed is not proper Christian Baptism, even if to kill the self for selfish glory is insufficient (except through JESUS Christ though also Baptism applies and also Eucharist and maximum proper ascending via JESUS Christ: many such things apply in a Given JESUS Physics Realm ([vessel] as much as needful and pertinent as already of the Original JESUS Creator Plan).

Consider how toy dominoes can be set on end to fall in series or along paths in groups, and up or down pertinent steps; though instead of falling consider kneeling down with ability in JESUS Christ to stand again (John 10.17), so a key to JESUS Distinguishing what to Do and when within JESUS Specified Precept(s) details.

So with the above key seek to only [with full repentance (see next sentence)] Convert the greatest of groups in the Given world (to many this means over the nations) and then to Help Guide such to Best Improve In The Name JESUS

In a person, such as trying to Evangelize and trying to Convert another vessel, the words "full repentance" is an obstacle, a barrier, and a closed door,

except in Christ JESUS a freeway, an inviting, and "an open door no one can shut" (Revelation 3.8 NIV). The same key is true of and with Evangelising, Converting, properly Distinguishing, and so on in Christ JESUS In New Living Christianity.

Yes Convert the authority over nations, yet if secular Physics is sinful and a larger group authority then in JESUS Properly Convert it first (lest trampled into dust and no longer a job to do but many pesky tiny nuisance chores)(Matthew 12.29).

So in JESUS in the above Drawing the JESUS Living Bible Leyline is a key to the greater Universe (ibid.).

With that "Leyline" in JESUS is now the "New Sun is born" JESUS Christ Second Coming: interpreted of JESUS Precepts as the evidently being able to be communicated (perhaps witnessed by UFOs, perhaps verified of telescope technologies: see above Drawing pic of JESUS at pink line),

and when able to be seen with the unaided eye in the former sense then perhaps at the Pleiades or closer,

note there are many ways to show the stars such as of a time of day, of a season, of a hemisphere,...and so the Pleiades while having often been shown as sideways relative to the above Drawing, and often of various numbers of stars [and nebulous (vessel(s))], though Pleiades is often shown with six stars

(two near each other from Earth view: Asterope [6 stars] or hard for many people to distinguish and see Asterope as two stars Asterope 1 & 2 [7 stars]) though Alcyone with stars Pleione and Atlante to the left though as shown at ICCDBB Sermon at

Alcyone is a belt of stars cycling once every 2,000 years.

so the JESUS Leyline indicates that in the Second Coming JESUS [would (Eucharist Wine Blood) be] Filling The Cup [Holy Grail] for JESUS Christ pouring out as Alcyone, Pleione, and Atlante symbolize the Glory Of The Lord JESUS with His Holy Second Coming.

Note the JESUS Anew Holy Grail, as noted

the Pleiades is the Chariot [in the former secular sense ( and greater Anew In Christ JESUS].

A Chariot is a conveyor, a transporter, a vessel as a vehicle.

So whether "6" or already "7", the Prophetic Path becomes increasingly clear in the JESUS New Christianity.

So indicated of the precepts is that the "6" is of the greater unseen from below, while the "7" is with the JESUS Christian Perspective Faith: and JESUS Greater Creating (see above text on "how to be God" and on freely opting to be so JESUS "Creating")

(note the JESUS GodMath Testament [Affiliated] page 292 starting concerning the numeral "6": "Part 6, the Eye of God: Management" so for the properly ascending in JESUS hardly the former 6 toward sin, and instead in JESUS the Higher Level Good with Heading into the greater unseen in Christ JESUS, as with a JESUS Victory over the work week accomplishments unto the preparing for the (#7) Sabbath Victory Rest; and as with JESUS Converting Success already such as to be the new Pleiades Star (#7) that had been unseen save of Christ JESUS as indicated in the above Drawing or the #8 Pleiades Star of the previously unseen JESUS New Beginning outpouring)

so this key that if to properly add a precept it can solve some concerns including answers to questions not yet asked of this generation, while as if solitary a precept has not answered every exam question (seek JESUS Wisdom over All Holy Precepts).

So in Faithfully in the name JESUS You see the Converting Physics Of God from former lesser [lower level] interpretations (example un-Converted "praying" at with "You are approaching the Planet of Dinosaurs", toward the JESUS Highest Good Purpose.

Now therefore concerning You over the nations (so a subset of the previous sentence) is as indicated of the JESUS Precepts, the growing awareness in the sinful parts (if any [weeds]) so the lower levels seeking various solutions,

but then when starting to see (like unto seeing the Pleiades, some sooner than others) becomes manifestion: then the calamities of nations [(Revelation 18.8) and groups] that have not yet become in the name JESUS The Christ of 2,000 years ago (see above Drawing "Arc of cumulative risks and errors").

Where is the proof?, [(2,000 years ago) also:] also open the courtroom window and start to see.

(see above Drawing "Arc of cumulative risks and errors"). In the news recently many have been brutalized for protesting against poverty (various news sources such as shown on TV)("in the name JESUS Christ" is required as stated in above text).

So the same JESUS Physics Converting key applies to the weeds as to the Good In The Name JESUS With So Doing, and to the weeds as 3 Nephi 20.20 (even the Word), while to the Just Prophetically for through such in JESUS for Good as 3 Nephi 20.24 (ibid.).

So this JESUS key, Your fully repentant visitor is to go through proper Baptism to go through JESUS Christ, as You Do daily go through JESUS Christ precept on precept;

and with this therefore the visitor goes through You as You Baptize Through JESUS Christ.

This same key applies not only for some things (see above JESUS Creator Physics) though in all: through You, through JESUS Christ (and it is normal to already understand this so far); also stated another Way along the Straight And Narrow

if Your visitor or a Member of JESUS Your Christian Temple hear another Christian then such and You enter through JESUS Christ though

be not led astray as levels apply, perhaps lower than Your Highest Level per se, perhaps same level, perhaps higher than Your Self Known Highest Level and so in this "higher" situation greater Good for Your Self Sake for to Give

(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon text with mid page Drawing lower right specifications at

JESUS Christ Space Time:

In the name JESUS Christ from an explanation at

The above Drawing is a map(s) of JESUS Christ Space Time, though now for JESUS Wisdom Edifying, consider less of the measurable space for a moment, and rather the JESUS Faith Grace, for example if to look at a clear stream with fish and leaves floating on top, and so as You faithfully look per se meaning not to worship the stream nor lower firmament things, instead for this JESUS Edifying that You notice the things that move due to the stream, the leaves that follow the stream even if riding on top (or sinking) flowing downhill, though the fish (and the Prophet Viewer You) are able to move uphill or downhill (and with the fish symbolizing JESUS With His Good Angels).

So You are with this key, the dead fallen leaves fall the more "sinking" and "flowing downhill", while the "fish" and JESUS You One with far greater ability.

Likewise consider less of the measurable space for a moment, and rather the JESUS Time (frames) as the leaves floating downstream are of a known path [largely] even though You do not follow them, while the Spirit You In JESUS move as You would like and free from the downward path(es) of fallen leaves, as long as Eternally in the name JESUS With So One Doing.

So now You are with the JESUS key of Spirit Liberty (like freedom though within precepts of JESUS [Will Of Father In Heaven]) and with the key of JESUS time over the secular leaves moving downstream (hardly otherwise, except another power move them otherwise as they hardly do for themselves).

So You In JESUS are with motion and time: these too can be measured (You with some keys to measure the spirits), like unto measuring the stars on the above Drawing measuring height on screen and width on screen.

In the name JESUS You measure Rate (flow, motion,...) and a key to Rate as You Measure and administer in JESUS time (seconds, days, seasons,...).

You measure the JESUS Direction Of A Rate (thus far a lower level rate reasonably yet toward Prophetically even of these JESUS Precepts) and with like awareness of Spirit Direction more than the lower level leaves and stream (see above "the Prophet Viewer You") so this or a vessel under Your control is the typical minimal amount of You In JESUS aware of "Spirit Direction"(s)

so in Christ JESUS You now are with an amount of Victory over John 3.8 (for You to Do such Highest Good).

In the name JESUS You measure and point the Direction, the Highest JESUS Guiding Direction (even in Your Preaching in the name JESUS the Christ).

You Give them the Holy Direction and You explain the rate they are to travel (stop sign, minimum speed sign, speed limit sign, flying over such lower level signs,...transfiguring beyond time).

You Give them time, as You Give them JESUS awareness including JESUS Precepts. "You Give them time", therefore You Give them time to live, though not for sin therefore the lower level is delimited (such as "speed limit sign" or even final "stop sign" Book Of Revelation)(similarly to "final" such as they exited from the Garden Of Eden according to the not adhering to: loving and respecting Father God).

Note that the "stream" [of water] with Your JESUS keys measures the spirit world, and as much as Your Faith and such the True Spirit Of Heaven (Heavenly levels, the Heavens), and the "stream" also is a way to teach electricity in the secular at least [such as with the Given now with Your JESUS keys] and other values for JESUS Christ.

As viewed from Earth, Sirius is the brightest star other than Sun. Note that the Moon, some planets, and asteroids,...can be far brighter.

Now with Your JESUS keys concerning time flow, JESUS was born in Bethlehem, moved to Egypt, moved to Nazareth; also note

(see above "Southern Cross" and spikes counted as though the "chambers" of JESUS Crucifixion [inside out, e.g. instead of inside a jail cell since innocent therefore exterior though flesh in place for people and all).

The above bright "Arcturus" of Bootes constellation as with bright star Vega of the Harp constellation similarly point [if flat] or scroll around to point the Southern Cross aka. the Cygnus constellation (hence associated with, tied to, or of the "chambers" of the above stated text "Local Traffic").

In the name JESUS Christ in the above Drawing pink line with JESUS Christ shown at the top over Space Time is not only all fulfilled from the Original Creator Plan, not only all fulfilled from the Living Of JESUS Christ, and not only all fulfilled from the Yes of the Father Spirit, yet also in pairs or more (Matthew 18.20 CSB: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them."), and yet now greater JESUS Christ makes available for You:

all is already fulfilled Save In Christ JESUS The Anew Perfecting even though already fulfilled including the "Anew" aspect: for as much as any lack(s) faith and even if only a particle of dust remain unconverted and in ignorance, then imperfect and not fulfilled unto their and/or it's realization

and this in no way undoes the Victory JESUS Christ already accomplished and so is a subset Firmament key until One JESUS Christ (Final End Time or sooner)

as if a lower Mission concern, even so this is stated now for the JESUS Highest Purpose to Edify concerning properly ascending through Faith likewise (see above text "fish" and "Prophet Viewer You" liberty / fallen leaves) that for instance Final End Time has not yet [completely] come, nor even the Second Coming in that same lower level train of thought (not only secular, also amidst Disciples, example Mark 16.11) so for the JESUS Highest Purpose to Edifying is valuable for Your Victory concerning the Higher Holy Flow (source JESUS)

to not only know the low and mid things yet most valuable the Highest JESUS One.

Now in JESUS Leading to this "Edifying" explanation from the comprehensive of the previous sentence [low to Highest] is Highest awareness therefore of value priority in Highest JESUS Purposing:

and while there are other aspects such as Arcturus and Vega mid way on the other side also of value and even less Highest value if able to be without Arcturus and Vega ([hardly save of higher level since:] all created and being created are for the Good Pleasure Of JESUS God One (see verse below)

so this subset key therefore while seen in the lower (such as "fish" liberty / under Firmament confined to the stream generally) is in the higher level(s) though often unseen so a Faith key (tied to such things a Holy Flow Rate, Truth Revelations, JESUS Time Frames (Revelation 12.14), JESUS Direction,...)

and importantly for greater JESUS Worthiness In You And So In Your Hearers And Perceivers, as written in 2 Thessalonians 1.11 BL:

So from the top of the pink line Christ JESUS may come [may break into the known (of His created bread), with may come to break bread with His People]: and the above Drawing may [Faithfully In JESUS Precepts] Help concerning the "liberty" of the "Prophet Viewer You" whether to await or to go up there to be with JESUS Christ.

So now in JESUS this key, if to go Straight And Narrow step by step, when able to properly go Straight And Narrow leap over leap, flight over beyond flight, then to choose to do the least for JESUS or the greatest Given and able to Faithfully Do For Loving JESUS Your Christ.

Example: an infant started to toddle, then ran, then tested laws and liberties, then found JESUS, so generally speaking no longer needing to toddle since able to run and leap as much as valuable to so accomplish.

There are victories both here and out there to be accomplished. A parent (a level) might toddle to show an infant how to toddle, though another person a toddler might show them since the toddler already does it automatically.

For the Highest Purpose In Christ JESUS allow and enable a little taste of discomfort in Your life (bear Your cross daily)[(hate this life Luke 14.26 a precise amount) in order] to love to properly ascend from Your current task completed properly to leap and fly into the Higher Will Of JESUS Christ.

The toddler knows hardly anything (per se) save to teach the infant excellently (even with a vessel size appropriate so to help the infant see a small person can do greater things such as toddling).

Likewise a car mechanic may have a timing light (more for older cars) though the mechanic may instead opt to have a computer for working on cars which includes automatic timing aspects as for [JESUS Maintenance including such as:] automatic timing replacement parts.

JESUS may opt to fly from the "Grail" Pleiades to the Glory beyond, the Alcyone with stars Pleione and Atlante group, through Alcyone the [Halo] Heavenly Ring of stars that cycles once every 2,000 years

and so a Victory over a time frame pertinent for this generation as much as in the name of JESUS Christ,

and so of JESUS Grace rather with JESUS flying through Ceremoniously

(see Third Testament Of JESUS Christ [wormhole] rings across from page 405).

Through JESUS Christ care how the precepts apply:

a nation is to be in the name of JESUS Christ though each person and such needs be fully repentant

but this JESUS Precept key: the highest authority in [reasonable (reference Final Judgement Bar Of JESUS Christ)] control over the nation (or group, or system,...) needs be properly in the name JESUS for such properly establishing the nation to be in the name JESUS Christ.

If another come to power then to continue in the name JESUS the Christ though if the new authority is unfaithful to JESUS Christ then another Christian or Christian Group is to be over that new power appropriately (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons in this Series on specifications over the similar commander position).

When You were Baptized, did Your feet first say "We two feet are with Your Heart and so on, we two feet are fully repentant too"?, no Your feet did not say that (Luke 19.40).

Your JESUS Mission is to JESUS Obey, JESUS Pray, JESUS Talk, and JESUS Do.

This means (keys) do all things except sin. To climb a vertical mountainside that is crumbling is hardly the JESUS Way, it is other ways toward risks except if right to rescue a person, then it is a leap of JESUS Faith.

To fly beyond the Known Stars is a Given in JESUS as much as the previous sentence applies per se, and as much as the more important Way And Word Of JESUS Christ With Precepts And Principles Over Proper Faith.

Do larger and smaller subatomic according to what is proper for You according to Your JESUS Faith. And this with Your awareness that this is not reason for lower level excuse since the higher level Worthy Faith is Priority In JESUS Christ.

So if You fly through the stars and know Your way around so to speak in all Good Way(s), then better able to Help and Guide others.

If You do not try then hardly to avail for their sakes: hardly to benefit (see above text concerning excuses).

In ancient times people set snares and cast nets, of a level of value. Today snares and nets are obsolete to ranchers except concerning lower level varmints. It is at least proper secular progress.

JESUS said catch men [people, rather leaders, rather catch people that might include Angels and perhaps even JESUS Christ]. Would a reasonable person enjoy walking into machine gun fire or walking toward a Host that invited to banquet?, be the kind Host, the Anew net.

In the name JESUS some people left places for one reason or another, and not every reason was for the Highest In Christ JESUS: examine Matthew 10.23 BS:

Yet in the name JESUS the solution for the Highest In Christ JESUS was already Given in the previous verse: examine Matthew 10.22 BS:

For Your sake(s) JESUS Christ Gave Grace And Mercy so that a Christian could be at liberty to opt to leave a difficult situation, though the above allows according to "they persecute" meaning the lower level than You Christian: those sinners are not Your New Leaders.

Rightly distinguish in Christ JESUS. If due to lower level Maintenance then Responsibly In JESUS, but if to flee due to sinfulness, then possibly toward Matthew 19.8 [if JESUS Christ was so motivated though less likely (reference previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at on Prophet Joseph Smith fleeing, and on JESUS walking away)].

Your are to do the right thing in JESUS Christ whether there are sinners present or not.

In the name JESUS, if to send Members of Your Flock out there into the secular levels, such as to meet with suppliers, contractors, or various leaders, be aware [while Maintaining Thyself and Your JESUS Given Thing(s) Anointed And Pure] that You are sending Your Members into the often less pure.

Key is that "secular" levels in this ascending sense in JESUS Christ is hardly about the greater unseen but of the lesser unseen: JESUS God is greater so the greater is in the higher levels not the lower (2 Corinthians 3.11).

You may send Members out because They are Baptized as Christians so able with JESUS To Conquer, though You may opt to also Anoint Them for JESUS Mission Specifics whether at Mass or privately, with preparing Them and Giving Them opportunity to discuss in terms They understand (see JESUS Prayerfully With Consulting Your Church criteria).

For instance if to send a JESUS Missionary from Your Tent into a mosquito area You might in JESUS Anoint a can of oily mosquito repellent and with the Missionary agreeing spray Their back and perhaps Give Them the can.

So something the secular has is mosquitoes, whether there are sinners around or not, though mosquitoes are more associated with lower levels (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons In This Series on Firmaments).

Sinners tend to be with mosquitoes (ibid. on flip-of-coin ignorance, and on Heart [likewise on Soul]). Sinners have tended to be with pests, peskiness, and with critters, and with their carelessly self invited problems and so carelessly causing problems times ignorance = confusions times miseries [costly compounds heaped as if to be filtered].

Consider how many people have freely opted to join together to break commands of God, such as to go kill people so of a flow downward as if no way to change after such giving of a word in a trust [lest to break the trust], except JESUS Christ taught the higher levels are more perfect and override the lower levels that contain more turned spirits in ignorant mistakes realms.

A soldier [such as of a gang,...] has agreed to be under orders of the leadership or of the mob and group as a whole, therefore the soldier obeys the lower (JESUS Christ [see above text "such as to go kill people"]). Can You In JESUS forgive the soldier, yes if the soldier truly wholly repents.

If the soldier killed a person then truly wholly repents, can the soldier be forgiven?, yes, as JESUS taught and also with this key not only about the soldier misery about having killed and the soul life concern, yet also in the Miraculous Physics Of JESUS including the Miracles: the soldier endured mosquitoes [or critters or problems with ignorance] but had no JESUS Priest Baptizing nor Anointing For The Mission discussion(s), the soldier was not only with self invited ignorance miseries as the soldier opted to be with the miseries of others as though the self soldier's also.

For instance, whether discussing a submarine, a land or water vessel, or such as if the soldier was in a billion dollar jet and if insects were there too then toward costly failures: failed personal performance, failed "billion dollar jet" [or other vessel](perhaps a prototype so a failed more advanced idea), failed efforts by many [perhaps including innocent efforts (e.g. food providers Matthew 12.4)], failed energies (reference depletion and Earth temperature rising), failed concerning laws, failed personal soldier health possibly since a pilot has often been trapped in a tiny cockpit with little room to move with few if any extras such as critter repellent, and so forth.

So the sinner has often gone through many miseries and paid many prices to little avail if any. The sinner suffered, so if the sinner truly wholly repents, forgive aware You Forgive Because JESUS Christ Paid The Price Once For All and so make the sinner aware of this reasoning of the Heart: true whole repentance is required though Forgiveness is only through Christ JESUS so Christian Baptism is needful.

In the name JESUS Christian Baptism is needful though not "required".

In the name JESUS proper ascending higher through levels is needful though not "required".

When sending a pilot through deep space, mansions [typically plural] are needful, not "a tiny cockpit with little room to move with few if any extras".

Extra Gifts to be carried is one of the highest priorities: for JESUS Charity Giving.

What good is it to travel into outer space if not to be with extra gifts to give?: even so in JESUS Christ Do. In so JESUS Christ Doing, You are not silly, the previously stated sinner is silly in foolheartedness to the extent of instead of laughable: to feel sorry for the sinner [toward remorse and misery Save JESUS Christ One (Luke 10.20)].

In the name JESUS and concerning the above Given Drawing the JESUS Pink Line is an indicator of the precepts of JESUS Christ though hardly as a sphere as the Earth, Moon, or Sun, but outstretching as a flying scroll(s) [as much as shown in the above Drawing] so the Southern Cross for instance is not on the other side of the ball as if to draw a dotted line to represent a surface line on the other side: instead expansive and flowing.

So the JESUS Line is "expansive and flowing". Tangible today, though hard to prove in court if it disappeared from that [Truth or in secular terms:] premise; similar in the secular are for instance star distances as some nearby are not seen visually though seen clearly as with astronomical radio telescopy therefore the perspective of various [juror groups or] personal viewpoints: instead the viewpoint of JESUS Christ One [such as agreed to properly witness].

Note that in the name of JESUS Christ some other precepts were examined as potentially able to be properly applied to this line of JESUS Wisdom though hardly fit toward Edifying all for JESUS Highest Purpose Benefit for all.

As God said to Do: Moses put the snake on the stick and the people benefited.

The Nile stars, and the curvilinear flows, and the spirals of the Milky Way, have now been put on a stick: of the JESUS Pink Line. The snake on a stick was not a pretty line (save Higher In God, save such as if a person looked at it and became Miraculously Healed), similarly the above Drawing pink line may not make a lot of sense to a sinner. Even so, it is a step, it is Faithful Ascending Progress in Doing the Will Of Christ JESUS. This is a key, a Faith key, a JESUS key.

This is a JESUS key Given, Charitably, without expectation of return Save Through JESUS Christ (and perhaps others though see above text "whether there are sinners present or not").

So now this JESUS Victory! Now the JESUS Line exists! Also in the Heavens the JESUS Line exists! JESUS Christ Victory properly on JESUS Christ Victory!

Now in JESUS Faith something is known (and manifested: the pink line) that was never before known of this generation per se, yet shown of JESUS Precepts Of JESUS Faith And Work.

So in the name JESUS Faithfully, as explained at the top of this page, to know the Mission Path of the JESUS Word Plan Prophetically, then to know "what type of vehicles (plural often) to Choose".

Yet the JESUS Line also symbolizes an envelope wall, a Firmament. If to pass through a Firmament then needs be through Christ JESUS (as specified and illustrated in JESUS ICCDBB Sermon at In the above Drawing upper left to pass from left through the JESUS Pink Wall to the right plasma zone requiring not only another type of engine typically yet also another type of vessel as other types of risks apply.

The same is true of exiting the zone, for instance a long submarine can be launched properly via a process from dry dock to wet dock to the sea, though if to return for Maintenance it may crack in the return process.

Like unto the JESUS Line flowing, the JESUS Wall flows and all the greater [surface (and far greater within the energy "envelope")].

So this JESUS key: alive in JESUS Christ is hardly the same as former sinner ways. Living in JESUS is for the Eternal not the temporary, so for not only the one way journey so to speak for Edifying In JESUS Christ, yet also for the return (reference Second Coming). So this key is of other types of living spirits subsets under the JESUS Highest Spirit, for example a person used to walk up stairs, though as good as that often was, stairs are replaced by elevators and aerospace craft (no excuse to for instance forget the Eucharist though that too Prophetically Will Be Improved Of JESUS Christ).

Also with this key is the JESUS key of properly conquering the "envelope", Converting toward the Eternal Purpose Of The Original Plan.

Sinners traveled widely in various directions but greater are the JESUS Precepts for people and for all as written in Matthew 6.24:

Yet in the name JESUS Christ a Christian can properly ascend in JESUS Christ to master not only one step yet conditionally two steps at once, and likewise three or more as much as along the JESUS Given Straight And Narrow.

A person can leap and fly. Even a grasshopper can do as much, and You are far more valuable, though a grasshopper hardly would jump backward a meter while jumping forward a meter simultaneously. But sinners tried to do such, such as having tried to kill people to stop people killers, some have hoped for all people to be gone though there is only One Right Way Through Peaceful Kind JESUS Christ (no longer former: rather in JESUS New Creation(s)).

So with ascending properly in JESUS Precepts comes the better learning of the Heart Soul Faith Path JESUS Gives [Anew Unravels]. Though if wrongly allowing the self to be overly tempted then merely the secular idea of leaping without looking (in New Christianity such has been without humbly observing JESUS Christ [even if only in Holy Scriptures Of JESUS Christ]).

In JESUS Christ if to leap over two steps at once, then to Do two things at once: multiply Victories in JESUS Christ!

Multiply Heavenly Benefits for them in JESUS Christ.

The previous largest font is of JESUS Faith, the previous sentence is of JESUS Miracles and JESUS Maintenance to be minimized lest to wrongly overly tempt them such as to be lazy and to rely on You instead of leading with You JESUS One.

JESUS Line Local [and not so local, extending] Traffic: so a key to vessel types:

You, JESUS Christian Jew Group (including any JESUS Individual [organs as Members that are with the Individual Christian Jew]) Will hear JESUS Christ but Gentiles [not Jewish] would not listen [immediately (lest they see signs and wonders sufficient to convince them, though True Christian Baptism is of JESUS Grace not law nor force of lower Firmament nature e.g. a person is not to be tied to a cross and carried into the Baptism Water)].

From 3 Nephi 15.23 ...the Gentiles should not at any time hear my voice—that I should not manifest myself unto them save it were by the Holy Ghost"

therefore from not listening to JESUS to distinguish the sound of the Voice Of JESUS Christ: a sinner fails to recognize the Voice Of JESUS when heard

and so this great key over Miracles Of JESUS Faith: the sinner does not appreciate nor enjoy the Miracles when the Miracles Do happen, even right in front of them and tangible as facts of life and law, also the Gentile similarly in confusion does not obey laws (to such the laws are merely very many items to be memorized [and so to typically be used against others (whether innocent or guilty)(see above text "thou shalt not kill")]:

so while the JESUS Christian In New Christianity increasingly sees [greater Faith (and so Miracles Of Faith: hence a key such is as though becoming as if routine though JESUS Anew)] Miracles, that is JESUS Miracle Results, the routine breakers of types of laws and/or various laws is as in solitary confinement often (hiding from those they once trusted Revelation 2.4 [even JESUS One]).

So how then would an Evangelist Evangelize if sinners do not recognize in their souls the obvious (even [some of the] great Miracles)?, true there are some Miracles that would move-them, though be aware to Evangelize from Highest JESUS instead of from changing for each sinner at each of their conversation naysayings; therefore less about Miracles and greater in JESUS Faith as JESUS Converts; and so to be as JESUS including JESUS Converting then ascend New Christianity Levels to be JESUS One Highest Purpose Level as much as Given to so be able.

1. So Given (from 3 Nephi 1.22) "they might not believe in those signs and wonders which they had seen",

2. and Given lest they see signs and wonders they will not believe [as if without Miracles sinful lawbreakers would not ascend],

3. therefore between item #1 and item #2 there is a JESUS Precept missing

per se: enter in at the Straight Gate [the Straight And Narrow Path] JESUS Evangelist One as written in the JESUS Precept Of Luke 13.24:

"Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."

JESUS Christian Leader One: observe to lead instead of to follow after where sinner vessels are to gain sinners (not without values in situations):

You already have what they want, JESUS You, though they have hardly been aware except when You opt to JESUS Lead.

JESUS Gives into You [see above Drawing lower left] 3 Nephi 1.21:

After JESUS In You [opts and] shows them leadership [whether in Holy painting, dreaming, thinking, and/or otherwise JESUS Doing In You (You Living Miracle Vessel)] then of their curiosity, such as how to take by force for their own selfish sinful purposes: this key: those sinners become opting in JESUS Physics (ascending includes secular levels at the onset): a little bit sinners become interested in JESUS [in You] then a little more and more.

This is a JESUS key as to how JESUS Aloft Chapels Will gain proper JESUS Christian Popularity And With JESUS Membership Increasing.

So now this JESUS key concerning Life: You are alive, and above is stated "ascending includes secular". The Tree Of Life is in JESUS Creator hence all. The secular can live, even health, safety, medical, and other secular teams are at times increasing probabilities for healthy longer living. Yet this JESUS Life key is the JESUS Loving Heart first, while with such also the JESUS Other [as much as though not yet One (or so interpreted if any lower level exists)]:

so fun life is not this key, fun Miracles are not key, the unseen promise of Eternal Joy per se is also hardly this key: this JESUS Life key is [in two steps to Edify (so hereafter with this JESUS key be able to leap)]:

1. JESUS Faith

2. With Knowledge

so JESUS (source of Pure Love) Faith then such JESUS Faith x JESUS knowledge = JESUS Wisdom (for properly ascending).

as written in Proverbs 4.7:

["not as stated" alone, not merely logic of understanding probabilities alone] instead be with JESUS Understanding (similar in secular cliche for instance is: "to know the mind of God" except see above Drawing red arc of failures).

JESUS Faith must be first, then JESUS Knowledge to JESUS Understand, then JESUS Wisdom.

JESUS Wisdom = JESUS Faith Properly Lovingly (including Prayerfully Obeying, Mercy, Grace, Humility,...) must be first, then, x JESUS Knowledge.

So a JESUS Leap Of Faith key is hardly as if to skip a step, rather automatic from having become used to proper JESUS Good habits, even so as conditions change bear in mind the JESUS Cross, the JESUS Maintenance, and the JESUS Eucharist (Matthew 5.17 a JESUS Leap subset key).

In the name JESUS, if to be toward traditional rocketry then of Wisdom importance with Your Prayerful JESUS Properly Ascending be aware of JESUS Given Patterns in the JESUS Spiritual Places and amidst the JESUS Faith Miracle Victories For You, that already exist for You in outer space,

for instance there are waves of energies and objects for Your JESUS Surfing, JESUS Slingshot Effecting, and so on (see the next [long] sentence example).

"JESUS" gathers for [(near outer space travel, "local traffic" as in the above text, or similar) Your aloft Ark slingshot effect Help] Edifying in Miracle "comet particles and bits from broken asteroids", that is, as The Catholic Astronomer explains "the Perseids have a longer peak viewing window than many other meteor showers throughout the year" coming from "a comet called Swift-Tuttle" (

(JESUS gathers the meteors into a meteor shower slingshot path that slows most of the meteors [almost stopping to turn back] so is a JESUS Guide Help toward safe landings while the proper [JESUS Ascending] angulating of JESUS Inertial Moments of incident angle for mass proximity is a key such as for liftoff, hitching a ride on a meteor, and acceleration though weigh debris field effects (see ibid. for great flow effects))

in the direction of Perseus Constellation (in the above stated "Nile") North of the Pleiades Constellation,

the meteors travel into "the Earth's upper atmosphere at some 130,000 miles (210,000 km) per hour" (

Concerning the "extending" beyond local constellations, time travel has been discussed in this JESUS ICCDBB Sermon Series with many JESUS Helps Given: so be Wise In JESUS Christ to be aware that Christians Did some things properly, so don't change those JESUS Victories (normally save greater in JESUS Christ) if to time frame jump (time travel). So JESUS Time Travel key is to be aware prior to changing, with being aware of the JESUS Prophecies In The True Spirit Will Of The Eternal Father.

JESUS Christ Gives Holy Knowledge in these end times in this generation such as seen in the secular television programs and as heard in schools and businesses. Some Preachers include JESUS Knowledge in Sermons, while other Preachers focuse on the greater JESUS Faith: other Flocks: One JESUS Fold.

Some Preachers might be too much toward Preaching knowledge as has been evidenced to an extent (yet in JESUS as evidenced),

though a Preacher Preaching JESUS Faith is hardly applicable to previously stated "too much".

The JESUS Faith Preacher leads, though as JESUS Christ Taught: be for their sakes.

So if to Preach JESUS Faith but if to be out of touch with the hearer such as the hearer dull of hearing, then idle words save no limit on JESUS Praying In JESUS Faith One Preacher.

The lower self delimited secular cliches per se have been for instances: "consider your target audience", "what is your target audience", and/or "have a captive audience".

In JESUS be aware and not ignorant, be Wise and attain higher knowledge levels (relative to the secular knowledge yet instead JESUS Knowledge so be aware to properly ascend in JESUS and so Do In JESUS Christ). Be JESUS Faithful to accomplish such (and with see above text on "automatic""leap").

If their secular rockets and/or other aloft vessels do things, let Your Aloft JESUS Chapel Do Greater (see above text on [even more excellent] JESUS Evangelism).

Be up there with Preaching JESUS Faith, within Your JESUS Mansions Chapel Fleet For JESUS Spirit Father, and be up there with JESUS Fold as many as would including as many as able, so as JESUS Evidenced In Fact including JESUS Preaching unto the Father In Spirit and unto Angels and unto JESUS Christ:

so JESUS Yes this key: Preach as though each hearer is JESUS Christ

though see above text to not overlook if a hearer might become "out of touch".

Truly truly some people sometimes have become exhausted and hear for a moment then their mind wanders, and similarly the Awakening Spirit part of their JESUS Soul [as the heart fades to rest, hopefully toward JESUS Recuperation].

An after-the-fact Miracle Aloft Mansion can JESUS Help Recuperate, similar to how a person goes on vacation for a change, or has a meal for a change.

What is life if without Miracles?: JESUS All One Creator At The Ready Already Victorious, though if not yet all JESUS One then offer the Miracles. In a Sermon for instance point out specific Miracles Of JESUS Faith (perhaps) such as to see a sleeping person and explain for them such as the Miracle of the pew for them at this time in Christ JESUS for their sake: a Miracle specific for their self vessel from God: God is aware of their every concern (such as to nap, see JESUS Prayerfully On Your JESUS Christian Church criteria).

Some love music, some love play, some love relaxation from the kids,...: each of these are JESUS Talents as much as each contains "love". It is hardly [away negelectfully] "from the kids" that matters, rather JESUS Faith Love matters first, then these talents can Righteously be added unto You (from JESUS In Your Heart [And Soul]).

Some love business management, some love finance, some love beer and shotguns,...JESUS Yes Good as much as first obeying JESUS: the JESUS Obeying key.

Some "love beer and shotguns": so You see there is an obvious clear need for JESUS You.

So if a person loves shotguns, then translate for them and explain the pertinent JESUS Precepts for them, tell them that if they love shotguns then to be aware to love JESUS Christ in order to properly love Christians [then a Firmament, then] in order to properly love people (potential Christians) [then a Firmament, then] in order to properly love critters and plants (such as to eat some and to Convert the others in this generation tied to JESUS DNA Modifying or let the others be), and so You Lead them unto JESUS Highest Purpose, and if for instance they like target practice then to substitute subset "eat" with subset "target" related matters.

For instance in JESUS Guide them away from targets of human images, to rather [if to be with targets, then] with targets of lower levels such as toward proper Old Testament food animals or such as nondescript images, that is, rather than shoot valued symbols such as flags or engravings (Exodus 39.6) which might offend some potential Christians yet Guide them also to not offend JESUS (Deuteronomy 4.16 [also a key to hardly make porn though hardly the same as looking, and other senses in this generation such as feeling are with specific JESUS Precepts, and see Your JESUS Church criteria])

so to value that which can destroy to an extent as JESUS Christ Specified, is no longer to destroy (such as to improve knowledge according to JESUS Faith as with gaining awareness and skills and after-the-fact types of JESUS Miracles because of beforehand content [type] of prayerful talent JESUS Faith:

if to pray imperfectly unto JESUS Christ, at least Pray JESUS, though ascend not only in vessel yet also ascend in Holy Spirit,

and if a person had prayed imperfectly unto JESUS Christ, then the results are hardly the same as to Properly Pray JESUS:

so Guide them to observe the results of their praying and consult You or JESUS Other(s) You Choose And Anoint To Such JESUS Counsel to interpret their prayers and why such results happened: so as to improve their JESUS Praying (to improve their JESUS Faith Ascending Rate [a JESUS key]).

If to be JESUS Empowering worthy others to be over such things Doing For JESUS that all be JESUS One,

then to be over JESUS Spirit(s) (only Equal to JESUS sufficeth and not higher, or be over as many spirits as JESUS Gives for any to be over worthily in JESUS Christ)

and JESUS Christ Gives a great key Help for You and Yours to so be Doing, in

so to be Prophetically aware of what a sinful turned spirit would do:

verse 43 that a spirit would go,

verse 44 that a spirit would return, and

verse 45 what a spirit would do next.

Your JESUS Aloft Vessel needs be not only better than secular vessels (see above on Evangelism), yet also better than Miracles, so JESUS Faithfully Anew Vessel(s) and impressive and splendid and appearing Heavenly (heart motivating: more than lower level appearance interpretations) thereof a Good fit for to be in the Heavens.

To be fit for being in the JESUS One Heavens meet the Physics Of The Creator at least (to survive if sinful secular, allowing for JESUS Converting as long as appropriate) and instead in JESUS Grace be far beyond the above three verses.

In other words the best [known] is hardly sufficient, rather be as JESUS Christ so with Anew JESUS Vessel [Fleet(s) with no weak link].

In the Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ is with the proper Straight And Narrow ascending, coming and going though on higher and higher JESUS Missions for JESUS Highest; but the turned spirits travel directions for not JESUS missions so not the Holy Straight And Narrow Path. Turned spirits are not rooted in JESUS, not grounded in JESUS Love, not grafted in as Saved, and so yield not perpetual JESUS Good Value (including each and every Good Value and even any goodly aspects that involved sinners)(turned spirits entrap sins against JESUS Commands so cannot benefit from higher JESUS Grace)

so JESUS Christ New Christianity is of the Straight And Narrow, while turned spirits are as the snake trying to wrap around a smooth pole to keep pace but even at high speed only able to ascend a tiny amount then falls back down (even if below and to look up: it is the greater unseen Colossians 1.16).

In the above Drawing upper right the UFO Flying Saucer type of design is similar to a recreational vehicle such as a rectangular camper vehicle (the engine can be in front, in the rear, or even inside the wheels) or such as a dirt bike: while the camper is better at holding a family, the dirt bike is relatively better at meeting criteria for entry into a dirt bike race.

JESUS In You Designing Your UFO Flying Saucer type of Aloft Ark Chapel would have an exterior typically independent of interior design ideas in many ways yet in Christ JESUS is the Best Design for Your Given JESUS Mission. If not of JESUS Precepts (and JESUS Commands and Principles Of JESUS Faith and JESUS Praying and JESUS As Much As In Highest Purpose) then hardly of reliable integrity in JESUS Christ

even if to integrate the external and internal designs and produce beauty that many want to buy or steal. Frankly if to Do The Will Of God then You Will begin to see the greater beauty and for Your Sakes (You Preaching for all) it only requires for a person to be doing for others perfectly: such are a person's equipment needs (Ephesians 4.11-13).

The above Drawing upper right doesn't matter (per se for JESUS Edifying) significantly, as there can be a multitude of variables substituted, on Your flat monitor alone are 360 degrees of choices, hues of [color] energies, and arrays of linked effects. They don't matter if it is needful to be not of such and to be a spirit about other thing(s).

If You were a tiny fruit tree trying to grow properly but some big old decaying tree trunk full of weeds and poison ivy wrapping around, all fell on You, You might start growing crooked to reach sunlight then growing around the old log with You then twisting plans to grow through the mire as a net; or first Do as Christ JESUS (proper Baptism With Ascending) said Praying JESUS and in JESUS (Luke 9.23) first remove the log [and problems including "false grain" (]

then to see straight in JESUS Christ to Do the JESUS Will Of God.

So this JESUS Will key, if to fly into outer space, the secular experienced, the secular fuel type, the secular guidance system, the secular engine type, and the secular hull materials are inconsequential relative to the JESUS Will (such as JESUS Prophecy, examples: Even so in JESUS Christ Prepare, proper precept on proper precept, and let coming JESUS (such as each moment Hebrews 13.2) find You JESUS So Doing (Matthew 25.21) that JESUS may find You Worthy of Better Greater Marvelous Grandeur Eternally Increasingly Joyously.

So this Will key of JESUS Christ hardly is of ascending properly if a person does not prepare in JESUS, is not proper precept on proper precept, and if a person is not so Doing As JESUS Christ would delight that the person so Do.

So this Will key like the other keys is a barrier. JESUS Grace offers barriers so the higher is not harmed, and so lower vessels don't hurt themselves as much although allowed to hurt themselves a little but not so allowed forever, JESUS Edifying parameters and greater for JESUS Good apply.

So if a Member of Your Christian Church feels stuck in a rut in their job, this from JESUS may Help: ask Your secular boss "In the name of JESUS do you want me to build barriers against you or do you want me to give you keys to those barriers", only ask delightfully and more tactfully and be ready with examples pertinent to Your job with matching verse precepts (record these in advance and have the record available for the appropriate time, reference Prayer List and many Prayers being answered of JESUS Christ).

Likewise in JESUS is Your UFO Design process: as a JESUS Prayer. JESUS is worthy of a Mansion Chapel Fleet In The Heavens: Go Build.

JESUS Christ is worthy of Your delightfulness: Go Be Delightful.

Yet in JESUS also as stated above be with reliability and integrity and most important JESUS Highest Purpose. Now as a key, look at as if the opposite: is there a Christian Church Flock that is unaware of JESUS?, no or hardly, is there a Flock unaware of secular science and the Heavens?, no or hardly, is there a flock without any experts in JESUS And JESUS Physics And JESUS Science?, no or hardly.

So the key You Christian Leader already have in addition to JESUS Christ, is that in this world in this generation [this week] You already have Christians in Your Flock and/or in a nearby Christian Flock (smoke signals, mail, phone, Internet, and Holy Spirit also apply) that are already talented in such matters as JESUS Christ would have that You Do: this key pertains to virtually any field

and with it this JESUS Expensive key: in JESUS Properly Ascending a person can find giant expensive equipment and complexities of nations are simply solved in JESUS Christ as written in Matthew 13.11 and Luke 10.24, for example:

"Fermi used his slide rule to make" "the world’s first [operating] nuclear reactor" (,

"slide rule"?, You are looking at a computer, with many types of calculators on the Internet, with many anxious people.

JESUS Christ already Gives You far greater selection capabilities, far greater precision, far greater resources [(Spiritually as with JESUS Precepts) and] including the fact that outer space vessels from Earth circa 1970 were made of materials now counted as scrap value by many: talk about low cost or haul it away for free or be paid for hauling it away.

In JESUS concerning the above Drawing top right the vessel (in JESUS starting with unmanned for sensor test purposes) skin might be a graphite polymer weave (reference various related secular values (Gifts From God) already applied to many industries [talents] such as ultra-tunable offset stabilizer (for bow and arrow hunting)(a guidance concern), and carbon core with thread [and sheet applications] (, a carbon pump for "transportation of molten metal" (, and of interest for Preachers also voice pump (

Did You receive a barrier or a key?: the previous sentence said "patent", is that a barrier to You or a key in Christ JESUS?: it is a key. Some have spent much money on getting others to test their products [for Your JESUS Prototype Aloft Chapel, or other]. The innovators want others to make their products popular. If they make a new car for instance, they want others to work for free to make a prototype to show how it is uniquely the best at a specific value, so of JESUS Christ Prayerfully And In Precepts Anew Give reason for them to work with You (show them You would not steal, while showing them You offer long range plans).

UFO Flying Saucers are popular as often are the the newest advanced physics, so You might opt to Preach [And Do (in JESUS)] the above Drawing upper right info for their sakes though some experts might be offended so consider inviting others (kids too) in the name JESUS Christ concerning upcoming technical Sermon topics (reference Christian Astronomy equipment able to interpret JESUS Birth Heavens some, and reference tech software so consider field trips to places where such software is available [and consider legal such as proprietary and copyright privacy]).

In the name JESUS for meeting in the Heavens (Matthew 25.1) the above Flying Saucer design symbolizes some of the many options for the JESUS Mission and some would fit some concerns more than others.

Consider in JESUS there were Exemplar tangible items, some natural (Given Of God) and some made with hands (ibid.) and in these examples consider the types of purposes similar to JESUS Precepts, in other words these are JESUS Vehicles:

1. forbidden fruit (Knowledge),

2. Noah's Ark (toward Rainbow), and

3. Ark Of The Covenant (Mercy Seat of Jehovah,

so each of the above three were items for JESUS Highest Purpose though as much as with applying JESUS Precepts Properly. If people wanted to move the Ark Of The Covenant to another city, then in this generation to do so only if the JESUS Highest Purpose though as much as [JESUS In You, JESUS In Your Group] properly cite JESUS and pertinent JESUS Precepts plain and clear for all to see [and JESUS Do].

If to add a wing or an energy wave, first is needful to JESUS Pray and with JESUS Recordkeeping the JESUS Mission [JESUS Reason / JESUS Wisdom] and JESUS Pertinent Precepts cited.

There are many details many people have felt overwhelmed, so for their sakes this JESUS key

Prayerfully be in the name JESUS Christ first and [continue (with JESUS Ascending)] then [with JESUS Worthiness per se in Your JESUS Group] those "many details" are added as JESUS Victory over those "felt overwhelmed" aspects.

This is JESUS Grace, not lower law levels. This is JESUS Grace because this is JESUS Spirit First, then JESUS Things, that is JESUS Pure Things.

Do You want software and equipment that the secular has?, then it is a limit and a barrier, except as much as You make it a JESUS key according to JESUS making it so for You to be so Doing and seeing it is JESUS Truth.

Church to many people is the Preacher up there Preaching. The Preacher also eats, bathes, and normally Helps many others in many ways in JESUS One Way: some JESUS Preachers should stick to it currently while other JESUS Preachers should be more toward [Flying Saucer constructing] Ministers (above examples #2 & #3).

You admire JESUS, and so with JESUS You admire certain others likewise such as Noah: Faithful in the face of other reasonings.

Given From JESUS Christ The Creator One Of Eternal Heaven, Noah therefore became part of Your Wise Faith to Do as JESUS Christ would have You Do.

In secular terms to Edify symbolically: if You can't be as JESUS then at least be as Noah.

The previous sentence was stated improperly to impact Your mind from Your Heart Purpose: some Preachers Helped future generations more than others, and Noah was One such JESUS Helper ([prepare] Matthew 3.3) more than others because Noah not only said.

The Flying Saucer shape or other shaped vessel for JESUS Mission purposes as mission conditions change through the time space terrain of the Heavenly levels and velocities, compress, stretch, and turn sharply unseen, so Your JESUS Plan to reach the Moon is as a shadow of things greater for You to accomplish for JESUS Christ.

So of JESUS Grace You travel in Spirit ascending from not sin to sin nor from sin to Grace (Baptism), rather from JESUS Glory (worthiness) to JESUS Glory therefore

a JESUS Journey Segment per se is to be at least commensurate with 1 Corinthians 15.41:

there is a glory of a star and another glory of another star,

there is a glory of an aspect and another glory of another aspect, so

Prophetically be with JESUS Victories before the fact(s).

So in applying this JESUS Segment key, if there is a realm in the JESUS Mission that is for instance of a much greater velocity, and/or that compresses, and/or stretches, and/or turns, then prepare in JESUS Christ in advance (lest if [such as emergency rescue] needful to leap in JESUS Faith [not a bad thing, see above text on "shadow" [in other words: continue properly ascending in JESUS Christ]).

Be with this JESUS Comprehension key: if a person decides they don't trust a JESUS verse or precept, then normally it is sin to test the Word Of God;

though if to need be on a JESUS Mission and to risk the life of a human or to first test [with lower than human levels] the strains a human might encounter then Good In JESUS Christ.

With the previous key is this JESUS Wisdom key to not abuse the previous key as an excuse toward sin.

An energy beam can strike an object, such as a flashlight beam heating a pot of water. If to encounter in outer space compressions, stretchings, and turnings, then the "flashlight" might not be the best solution though generally speaking opt to be with flashlights. An energy beam can strike a large meteor of ice, and melt the ice prior to it striking Earth: the right JESUS Anointed Tool For The Mission Segment (see above text on an example victory over "molten metal").

In the name JESUS if Your Given Mission requires above Drawing upper right "Layered Harmonics" or special "Advanced Purpose Waves", the JESUS Gives some ideas for You already as for internal combustion and/or external (including vessel shell, and outer) purposes. In the Given Of JESUS for instance a wave can be within a region (in an outer space realm and/or in a vessel shell material), or at the surface (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on emulsifier, on wave types, and on Tractor Repulsor Beams), and if a shell material is thin then the wave might be larger [thickness] height

than the material so the waveform can change so this JESUS Transformer Material key:

that a transformer variable length of windings is tied to vessel shell thickness.

So from JESUS Precepts is this flight key: that a vessel might be charged as via Direct Current, though if of "variable" winding taps electrically then vessel outer surface charge [teeth] regions as flying saucer top and bottom gears (with timing moving gears either for external magnetism [and/]or electric field generating)

(reference longitudinal, transverse, surface, and lamb waves, along with harmonics also in the name JESUS Christ for moving the harmonic wave: see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons and Drawings on delay control, in pertinence also on range and gain controls).

Be aware the Evangelist Preacher is interested in popularity and typically more than the Flock Maintaining Preacher, and in JESUS the above Drawing flying saucer therefore is more for the Evangelist [and the JESUS Group Ascending](note the "Maintaining" also Ascends In JESUS: rates apply to "Evangelist" and to "Maintaining", though circumstantial talents also apply as Do the More Important concerns of JESUS For You).

Consider how an "Evangelist" is like unto a Shepherd that gathers lambs, while a "Maintaining" Preacher is as a Shepherd daily feeding responsibly though in due seasons shearing the wool (Mark 4.29): in other words Faith without Miracles is dead pending JESUS Christ Opting And/Or As Indicated With Final End Time.

To add a gear tooth is greater value when properly in Christ JESUS, to shear away a gear tooth is greater value when properly in Christ JESUS. The secular hardly has such keys.

Be with this JESUS key, the secular barriers involve the wings shown above: be rather of the JESUS Mission deep space spaceship design and the secular lift off the ground and in the atmosphere wings designs may be overcome already due to JESUS Spaceship Designing.

In other words, if able to travel from star to star, then able to properly travel fast or slow, and able to fly through the air or land (or go under water,...). Hardly would You need wings if to be with a new appropriate vessel (Jeremiah 32.14 on Earth, though in the Heavens with neither lower level wings nor lack of wings pertinent Galatians 6.15 in JESUS Grace). So make Your Time Travel Design to meet JESUS, or at least Your Deep Space Flight Flying Saucer Design to meet JESUS (or at least make balloon Christian Chapel designs,...).

So here You have it: in the previous sentence are things to Do for JESUS, Prophetic Levels because of JESUS Christ.

The above Drawing lower left is in JESUS Anew Way to consider the DNA Design (a DNA Tool), as though to reference a biplane or a triplane, though as stated in the Drawing there are air, water, and plasma considerations, and molten metal, secularly in other words to JESUS Edify this is concerning future things not previously accomplished (reference above text example on "patent"). So if a triplane design is no longer is considered, it might again be considered through JESUS Anew as the JESUS Mission is Anew with Anew JESUS Precepts (see above text "JESUS Segment key"), so that a viscosity change is tied to a number of propellers [similar to wings and wing types] change (and/or "gears" change as in number of teeth, delay, range,...).

JESUS Intro to 3 Nephi Chapter 28:

With the Christian President Don Trump (for JESUS Christ per se) lifting of Zion as listed in the known time frame, this [today] is the final "Intro" of the JESUS Given at JESUS ICCDBB Sermon [third Drawing] site on the "Prophetic Timeline of Christ JESUS".

JESUS Christ In Summation Finally explained in advance and so pertinent now in this time frame:

"The Three" "are given power" "and they are ministering"

( true then as today, though now even greater in Christ JESUS.

So, again, JESUS Christ went away (and JESUS Christ always returns Giving Glory For God The Father and Guiding all to better): no need to wait, Give Glory likewise and Guide in the name of JESUS therefore not only for their sakes yet also being in the name of JESUS Christ Gives Glory To JESUS Christ (JESUS Christ Converts the Glories into One Glory and Gives).

Many have Given coins to Christian Churches. With Your Aloft Chapel Fleet Of Many Mansions carry no script except to Give for Highest JESUS Purpose (important Mark 12.44, though if time for JESUS Maintenance Minimized [reference automated] Responsibly 1 Timothy 5.8 with Matthew 17.27).

JESUS said take no script for Your journey, though carry the excess if any for their sakes: in other words if invited by the Host to be at banquet You may opt to provide something not to insult though for JESUS Oneness And Likeness to be found so Doing In JESUS Likewise though if without Charity to Give is no excuse to not arrive: Give Thyself.

Provide for the JESUS Pink Line, provide this JESUS Info, JESUS Signs, JESUS Beacons, and other for to benefit others, though seek to consider the JESUS Highest Purpose not only concerning [parks and] pleasure tours, yet also concerning JESUS Highest Level over distinguishing realms of the Heavens for JESUS Establishing some realms and routes as more diligently systematic (toward laws yet as much as toward JESUS Highest Grace as able) while other realms and routes are toward natural JESUS Given (Leviticus 19.9&10)(also pertinent concerning things that destroy [crops and] foods "two main categories: biological and chemical. Yeast", all to be removed from people at least at certain times [other values may apply conditionally]).

In the name of Christ, JESUS, understand a reason for the JESUS Line, the rose colored pink line (as one of the main colors provided by the Given software, generally speaking): consider yellow represents the sun very often, gold color represents gold

(for Giving gold such as if to JESUS Colonize outer space then in some JESUS Highest Purpose causes for instance Give heat repellent gold into the spaceship vessel JESUS Mercifully to protect from excessive heat, hence for the JESUS Highest Purpose, JESUS Given Mission [specifics], JESUS Colonizers [and extra gold in case of JESUS Maintenance needs responsibly in JESUS Working on Their part literally and on Their Behalf Literally Yet JESUS Highest Purpose Spiritually for Their Wise Ascending] and so subset for JESUS Spaceship Vessel parts),

and so colors symbolize values being Given of the JESUS Creator for all JESUS One Highest.

Given dark red of the Given software is a color associated not only with shed blood

(toward it's sleep typically as though lower value exhausted and depleted though conditionally)

yet dark red Helps explain a body member source of the region of the shedding.

[Blood] "inside our bodies is blue, but it turns red when exposed to oxygen" (according to the evidently secular American Chemical Society, ACS).

so blood flowing from the lungs and if a person is cut and bleeding would be lighter red than blood flowing to the lungs, cut and bleeding darker red (indicating body flows and members [organs]).

Non-human creatures can be known by blood color (ACS)

and related humans can be known according to skin color and features more historically regionally than in the jet age (JESUS True Marriages through generations as much as Given Time...). With this JESUS ICCDBB Sermon Series For Christian Leadership and with Miracles such as of Christian President Don Trump Zion and Space Force, considering the extra 1,000 years [JESUS Available] of Christians (see recent JESUS ICCDBB Sermons) the distancing of colonies from each other is as the Spirit wave returning (historically people were at times isolated from others regionally [religious, political, and other parameters likewise have applied])

Yet JESUS Christ is of JESUS Oneness even though the vessels can be distinguished, including [Work and Records] such as traceable from "lungs" or other; and a greater than secular is here in JESUS You One.

So colors apply though according to JESUS Levels of JESUS Precepts and JESUS Physics and JESUS Original Plan. JESUS God Gave the Holy Rainbow, and so the worthy [including JESUS High Levels and] even in low levels came to the JESUS Given knowledge of the prism and similar things concerning colors.

If computer logic is 0 or 1, and if law is innocent or guilty, and if knowledge is yes or no;

then hardly a computer would be other than 0 or 1: not even black and white images.

If innocent or guilty then not able to discuss any other words.

If yes or no then to answer 0?, or such as to answer innocent?, and of such how to describe gray?:

instead Christ JESUS Gives the Holy Rainbow.

In Heaven the Spirit Father Is Yes In JESUS and only Yes. In Heaven on Earth and in the Given Created is Yes only in the Pure Vessel. Though the Pure Vessel if in a sinful world then no, and with JESUS Ascending Rainbow the gray and colors also apply of the Physics Of The Creator In One Ascended JESUS Christ, and so with such Ascending then through JESUS Physics Precepts Levels, and so for Your Awareness Through JESUS Christ that the Levels concern the spirits and some turned more than others for Your Work straightening throughout the Given Universe.

So this JESUS Spirit key: first straighten the spirit group [or the individual spirit] then with the vessel

[likewise leading as one (or if conditions allow at least following) the properly leading JESUS Spirit One You (Ephesians 6.12)].

And another key applies in JESUS yet with Edifying in the secular there has been a tendency to not say the name of God

(Old Testament [they fell from Grace Garden Of Eden and Christ JESUS was not yet come unto them, even to the Holy of them, often]),

though now with Christ JESUS having come from Heaven in the vessel and having Taught and Demonstrated How To Do Good Work(s) [even if circumstances are in Levels]

let the Honor be in the Christian to Proclaim the Holy Highest Name JESUS (including Immanuel, Jeshua, Jehovah,...) and likewise let the translations be with the Christians of Levels appropriated for pertinent translating.

And so with the Spirit Of Grace consider in Edification that conversational English might quickly yield proper results [such as in the moment for an emergency, or for a duration of time and situations] though the Holy Enduring is hardly failure to reference JESUS the Christ.

Christians can have long JESUS Sermons, and can have long JESUS Religious discussions, and a Group might have said They are in the name JESUS and of a Truth of Highest Value at the start, though after the start there have often been long durations of famine as written in John 4.34 LDS:

so while Working properly concerning Your JESUS Vessel whether individual Preacher or JESUS Group, if a visitor arrives, or if being broadcast or recorded, or even if only for Your own Maintenance sake of Faith [and subset memory (refreshing the Holy Spirit in Your as to why You're here in the first place)]

mention JESUS Christ and how Your discussion and work ties into the Highest Purpose In JESUS Christ.

The witnessing stated for Their sakes and for all One Good Of JESUS Christ is some have stated JESUS more than others.

So the above Drawing Pink Line symbolizes in the pink aspect the of fully oxygenated thriving viable living JESUS Blood ready for the worthy to be properly utilizing.

And this key: if a sinner steals Your Grail Of Wine or Your Anointed Minorah or such Holiness likewise, then 1 Corinthians 11.29 and Mosiah 3.18 apply.

Similar to the above stated "JESUS Intro to 3 Nephi Chapter 28" is Daniel 12.3 for JESUS Anew Christianity One "fully oxygenated" for Anew JESUS Awakening Greater, as if for any with knowledge and understanding (insight also often applies in a sense), rather of Grace the JESUS Wise and rather the JESUS Wisely Teaching And Doing, related to Matthew 19.28 and

As Christ JESUS explained the Kingdom Of Heaven is within, so a commander can only lead to a specific level [in secular terms a lower level of capability and skill set (a secular law or standard or policy over such commander criteria)].

Key JESUS Level aspects include proper JESUS Baptism One In Christianity and JESUS Ascending One and similar, if to command greater: a key: if "greater" then JESUS Anew (even if the secular levels have sinfully counted as if without "JESUS").

The JESUS Christ Latter Day Saints include these Daniel Chapter intros at

The above listed intros include both the Old Testament and the Newer unto the Third Testament, so for lifting the Chosen People Christians to be greater than the level of Members [of the General Assembly] and rather of JESUS Grace Each as a JESUS Prophet (the other Christian Churches likewise to not merely sit in a pew yet to be involving JESUS Word And Work in their daily lives).

The weeds go down as stated in the above list, or go up but not up into the JESUS Baptism Firmament.

The Christians are JESUS Given for to "shine like the stars": You need go into outer space for their sakes.

Excessive light blinds the human vessel.

Prepare in the JESUS Father Holy Spirit now. Then prepare in the JESUS Father Holy Vessel, virtually now: this is JESUS key to Converting a vessel to a Purity Level Faithfully [with integrity for reliability toward automation toward JESUS Eternal] including Maintenance Responsibility.

The weeds opt and go down not up through Firmaments

save of JESUS Physics One,

and to JESUS Edify In You Beloved, at the risk of momentarily sounding careless: Your are to focus on properly ascending in JESUS Christ precepts.

If to properly ascend in JESUS Precepts, to care all the more.

JESUS left to go into Heaven, not because He didn't care: verily, verily, a human cares more in work than in spirit alone, such as a nurse caring for patients though as an infant the future nurse hardly was known (aside from Prophetically) as if caring for patients and instead was a patient and in the secular sense a handicap. JESUS as an infant cared Faithfully, though was counted as if sin and as if "a handicap" (yet JESUS Original Plan Physics applied) then when older JESUS was of Old Testament Valuations counted as though of greater value.

Time reliability is a JESUS Grace key. A weed can become a great weed, such as so more easily noticed and grabbed and tossed into the fire of it's own choosings sinfully. JESUS left [with longer value time (time frame(s))(of the Eternal Time One)] for a Higher reason, including Giving room [at the top] and reason for people or a group or a person to Convert.

The above section title "JESUS Intro to 3 Nephi Chapter 28", note that JESUS with Christ are titles as One like unto names as One and like unto levels of positions as One: and the "JESUS Intro" is like unto the greater unseen substance of an ad, even a true info ad of useful highlights and full of glamor, thrills, substance of beauty, and of greater proper Holy Faith.

In JESUS the Sermon toward Crucifixion misery is needful as much as dealing amidst sinners, and also for remembering including for each vessel to bear it's cross daily

yet the greater balance is the amplifying Joy, not misery, and the proper glamor and thrill rides (e.g. in JESUS Christ types of Prophetic living experiences),

so in the Preacher Flesh not sin though of a Pure Vessel range (if of a range of levels e.g. according to various talents in various topics)

so to Preach JESUS ranging from great (a level) to greater (a higher level), so not backward rather of Pure Grace in a range including the lower part of thrilling exciting values and Holy Benefits, to the JESUS Highest Purpose With Giving The Whole Of Each Vessel

though not to remove their living from them (Mark 12.40). So You Give this key for Sermons grounded in JESUS Grace Maintenance Responsibility according to JESUS Precepts Of JESUS Faith, and the greater JESUS Faith joys as they properly through JESUS Christ give joys (note a person doesn't have to be Baptized to provide goodly things, though if not Baptized [since Elijah and JESUS Christ] then often misleading and worse).

Concerning the JESUS Spirit and the "JESUS Intro" "range" of Holy Heavens in a dream moments ago 2018AD December 12, a spirit (a person) asked about a spirit without naming, so after distinguishing more precisely and goodliness was clarified: then responding many [goodly spirits] "come through here". Dream value lesson learned: be the Holy Gate (as Christ JESUS One Equal In The Moment reference Matthew 3.40 and John 17,22, or toward Christ JESUS Anew Highest Level [reference next few sentences]).

JESUS Christ taught to take no script for Your Journey, and near the end of the Book of Luke in Chapter 24 verse 49 explains

so an ascending [of levels] but hardly to wait after being "clothed" and filled with Father Power Through JESUS Christ, and then Do as Exemplar JESUS Christ Did Fly in verse 51 (immediately John 4.35 [laws apply] lest to lose what little was gained in a person of a Gift of JESUS, similar is Revelation 14.18 and Firmaments apply).

So along the JESUS Path there is to be no script at the start, and then the city for power from JESUS (note Matthew 22.20 and some have been tempted by money and some have sinned to gain money, so consider other forms of JESUS Spirit Empowering and other trades) and then straightway make proper utilization of that power for JESUS Highest Purpose (Luke 19.30).

So the JESUS Precept key: counted as if without though even so JESUS Pray (and be with Charity Giving the Baptized Self, also see Mark 12.42)

and to wait upon the Lord until the Sermon [and perhaps greater] is come then: step, leap, fly.

It is delightful to behold children prancing and leaping joyfully in high spirit, and elderly people could do more of such themselves (minimum in JESUS Physics Luke 6.23) yet let the adults Give greater JESUS Cause to fly.

Let Your Spirit Soar In The Heavens. Would You opt to leave Your body behind?, JESUS Christ Gave You That Vessel, and JESUS Christ did not leave His body behind save Higher Purpose including [witnessing Mary saw the legally dead JESUS alive and talking prior to JESUS ascending more (John 20:16&17)] for to ascend level(s) to enter into His Glory though even so Matthew 26.53 applied over His Pure Body (reference proper Christian Baptism).

Of a truth:

Living / Baptism / Dead.

Of a truth ("legally dead JESUS alive") in two parts:

1. Alive / JESUS is already from Heaven / Dead.

2. or if a person is not JESUS Christ then

Alive / JESUS With One Elias Baptism / Dead.

Of JESUS Grace Truth:

Alive / JESUS / Slept (Christians) or others sleeping.

Fly in JESUS Faith properly first to know the JESUS Way to so Do, then with JESUS Wisdom over the Mission to so Do as whether alone such as a leap in Faith, or such as to plan Christian Churches, contractors, a crew, colonizers, and/or such, and then in JESUS Wisdom equipment, tools, supplies and/or such with the JESUS Team With You (this "JESUS Wisdom equipment" section should often be subset to the JESUS Team Helping to select such lower level things, though often You might be empowered with equipment so then to organize a JESUS Team (or "alone" as JESUS One [so hardly alone]).

In the name JESUS Christ and with dazzling leaping Faith as an above stated "true info ad of useful highlights and full of glamor" and prestige, in the above Drawing lower right is the Prophetic for JESUS Christ yet not Faith alone: make the pure vessel [as symbolized (though as little or as much as Your Mission is Best interpreted in You for Christ JESUS)]. In other words the words You Preach are limited, You say a word and hearers don't always understand Your pertinence intentions in each sense of definition of that word. Likewise the Drawing is not e.g. 50 meters wide and not 3D, so there are parameters concerning Giving the JESUS Message for the sakes of others: so the Drawing offers symbolism of a thing, a contraption with many reasons to not build such for a certain goal, though more than a contraption is the JESUS Symbolism of the more comprehensive and the Highest Purpose.

In other words a Preacher might explain about a fork, though with clarifying to Edify as to a fork that [shovels] and is large and made for pitching hay and cut wild brush. So "fork" means at least two things, and the above "contraption" symbolizes many great pertinent options (like unto a transformer machine [or toy]).

The Holy Spirit is extensible (see text below example). The Holy Spirit is extends from One Heaven through JESUS Christ into You and others and such extending is unto talents, and situations. The Symbol extends from JESUS for: according to Your [or a person's] needs, whether for example a tank can be used for oxygen or for argon gas though typically not to be improperly mixed. The above Drawing symbol can be utilized for air and/or water such as at the right moment of inertial flow to insert air into a jet of water flow (from mid wing to rear).

So as of the above triads from the "dead" rather the "sleeping" wings or "blades" can be properly Converted through JESUS You from with surrounding flow to augmented level effect more lively: Anew "Alive". Old ideas, Anew Faithful Empowering And Ascending And Flying Through Proper JESUS Precepts Path.

If intermittent, then in JESUS Christ the opposite intermittently [as much as needful (above Drawing upper right "Forward" or "Reverse") such as by flipping a wave].

JESUS Latter Blade Part Power / JESUS Convert [invert, or opposite effect (reference wave crest or wave trough e.g. transformer...)] / JESUS Blade Front Part Power.

So via Christ JESUS the Straight And Narrow Path ahead becomes increasingly unraveled for JESUS Highest Good [benefiting a person here, a person there,...(Isaiah 52.15)].

So in the name JESUS: the way a wave is formed, effects the way a wave yields latter fruits. And so this Prophetic key, JESUS Gives, how a person asks or begs, effects how the latter effect is, so whether to beg for worthiness for others, or whether to beg for JESUS Highest Purpose, such approaches to the JESUS Physics Solution Prophetically yield often very same results in JESUS One while very different results according to lower level perspectives.

Therefore this JESUS Prophetic key: if perfectly communicating with JESUS Spirit then Your Faithful Work becomes 3D JESUS Code [as if hidden code in lower perspectives toward former ways (see text at the bottom of this Sermon on the next Sermon "JESUS Code for 2019AD") as a matter of Prophetic Faith not yet fulfilled (Matthew 17.20)].

The Holy Code of the Creator [of the Hand Of JESUS Christ] is in all things, some more readily evident than other places, and Conversions and rates apply, so JESUS made DNA (Genesis 2.19) and the Christian Living (being written of Christian Leaders) Bible is greater (it speaks of JESUS Christ) than DNA;

until [in this generation interpretation as much as witnessed] now:

JESUS Christ Gives You Anew formula: JESUS x Flesh = JESUS Eucharist Christian(s), JESUS DNA.

So in the name JESUS Bible Code agrees with JESUS DNA Code In Christians (JESUS Grace Precept Levels apply as to Vessel Purity, reference full repentance, circumstances, and previous two sententences).

But JESUS Code Physics agree not with sinner DNA (2 Thessalonians 2.11, reference Affiliated JESUS GodMath Testament on selfishness tied to sinfulness).

Note for instance a steering wheel turns left or right, and no sin is in it per se (if not cracking toward loss of [heart, soul,] proper purpose, except if You were a steering wheel seek to be Converted into a living creature [organic and greater] and rather leap in JESUS Faith to be a person rather a JESUS Priest.

In the name JESUS care in order to apply 1 Corinthians 14.1:

In the name JESUS, if to turn off the light, even so the JESUS Code exists right in front of You even if not seen. The Spirit JESUS Christ can talk with You though the JESUS Living Bible pages [of paper and electronic and software much as True] is the Word Of God JESUS and though of this JESUS Word And JESUS Spirit key:

The paper (ibid.) pages of True JESUS Scriptures are Holy even though there might be software type blocking or there might be ink runs interfering with this subset key a person's (or software,...ibid.) interpretation.

So in the name JESUS the JESUS Physics offer the sinner a double blind technique (and more, and conditionally; see above text "barrier" or "a JESUS key").

Rise to face the double blind barrier or in JESUS Administer properly over the key.

One of the JESUS Codes for building Your Aloft Chapel Fleet is in 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 (so if You properly utilize this Chapter as a whole then like unto a JESUS Precept [with subset precepts]) as itemized in a list at (verse number items): some in part and/or condensed samples extracted example: verse 3 includes "Jesus is the Lord", 4 gifts, 5 administrations, and 6 operations,...and with JESUS proper system utilizing specifications and greater purpose.

So the previous sentence goes from JESUS Faith to things (Miracles from JESUS Faith), then properly JESUS Converting In One In JESUS Greatest Purpose, in JESUS Highest Purpose, in the Anew Name JESUS the Christ, and within the JESUS Living Properly Ascending Faith.

JESUS DNA for instance is growable unto JESUS: whatever You need as long as You Perfectly Do the JESUS Highest Purpose (such as Doing a JESUS Given Mission). So this key, Your self JESUS Converted for Your Given Mission (to ascend unless JESUS Christ otherwise Gives), so if required to go on a space walk and Prophetically the umbilical cord breaks, then "Your self" already includes the solving (the JESUS Solution) unless for other to intervene (ibid.).

So this becomes in Your Perfect JESUS Self One, a key of readiness and awareness that Your Spirit Converted, and Your Body can change [JESUS One Body Change Converting For Highest Best Purpose]. Would it grow some sort of outer space rocket wings?, yes in JESUS, example: perhaps You have a container You can quickly in the name JESUS puncture (already JESUS solved on the cross) to rocket You to the cord, or perhaps to jetison false teeth or mighty spit (Mark 8.23),

or greater if God Wills of any flesh (concerning inertia of mass: many in the name JESUS have found Miraculous Healings in the flesh such as a missing body part appearing or a disease mass disappearing)

or the cord might come to You as Your space walk might agree with and be ahead of and in line with Your Spacecraft coming toward You (many in life and characters in entertainment give their lives needlessly, while seemingly for others (John 10.28 with Matthew 19.29 so not die, survive far better including Pure Flesh, that is, if in Perfect JESUS Flesh Highest Purpose).

So in the name JESUS as indicated by history, many groups not in the name JESUS suffered again pains and losses even of the group or nation

if a group or nation was not in the name JESUS literally, and continuing in the God Spirit In JESUS Christ.

JESUS Vessels:

In the name JESUS Christ consider the confinement aspect for a traveling JESUS Group Of Colonizers (hence Give Them Mansions).

Now in the name JESUS Christ consider the confinement aspect even as an enduring prison

concerning those left behind on Earth: those that opted to have confined themselves to Earth.

Christ JESUS offers JESUS Physics Fairness and greater loftier JESUS Leadership Physics Fairness.

Leave or be left behind: these are both options. These options are part of a person's daily routine.

Yes there are conditions, though in New Christianity conditions are not the same as excuses for sinful pleasures.

An enduring prison is to sit and wait for the Second Coming

(it too is temporary as JESUS is greater than His event Matthew 23.17 & Hebrews 3.3&4)(even so any found goodly via Righteous Judging of Christ is Prophetically to be Eternal in the name JESUS).

Behold [in Edifying in Christ JESUS] the Old World and the New World, and the reasons for people to migrate from the Old (note: likewise people travel today), for instance the Old World ran out of land for farming and was subdivided so as to not be sufficient for crops for families, and the industrial revolution factories had insufficient space for their pollutions (for JESUS Physics to naturally handle automatically and recycle), and the more recent nuclear experts had no time for waste recycling, and the nuclear researchers had insufficient room for prototype accidents nor for as though unknown (Genesis 2.19) experiments (hardly about wild and crazy things, though reference lay brainstorming and instead JESUS Prophecy and therefore:) show them Mercy according to Charity setting them free [at liberty to opt whether to agree] to colonize outer space with JESUS You (but not for sin: applies to commander and all, yet Mercifully, reference JESUS Converting Physics).

So Your Vessel out there in space is to celebrate the arriving of Christ JESUS so a spectacular Vessel that celebrates the JESUS Victory of 2,000 years ago come to fruition with all in the name JESUS (plus if JESUS Christ might opt to allow ibid. until Final End Time)(though also Wisely be JESUS One Aware in referencing the Old such as The Book of Revelation

written sometime around [year] 96 (

JESUS be Praised the Anew In JESUS Christ is greater, instead of from old to newer to new (right to left):

JESUS One even greater to come / JESUS Greatest in person on Earth / JESUS great though often unseen (e.g. only the Highest Priest at first entered the Holy Of Holies).

JESUS while sleeping [Spirit (legally was dead)] went to the control center of the Earth (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on "control center", on Exoplanets, and on "Kolob" related times, levels, talents, and specifics).

So in JESUS Christ be aware that if civilizations out there already know the reason to make Exoplanets [and other] then many Exoplanets would exist (this is not to be misinterpreted, as if to say for instance: so dust did not land on dust and contribute to forming Earth)(JESUS is also over where dust and meteors are thrown and gathered: ibid. on pitch catch, and on cleaning away space debris).

Clean Your Church building that You be experienced in cleaning that JESUS Golden Cube [as if dust was a problem: therefore conquer filtration, collect diamonds into one bag and silver in another]. JESUS Automate Your the goodly of Your Processes, JESUS Improve (see above text "JESUS"..."greater".../ JESUS Greatest").

In the above Drawing for JESUS Leaders is shown a wing [or blade] with [air, liquid, or plasma] slits (in cross section), while the front view of that wing would perhaps if JESUS need in You to form to be extensible: so hardly a wing and instead like unto an antenna or a pointer that extends (note extra moving pieces requires extra Maintenance [automation] responsibilities in JESUS). A foreign planet atmosphere may require more lift, and travel through a Saturn halo may require less surface area toughness.

In the above Drawing for JESUS One the extensibility aspect applies to the [spinning] JESUS DNA [not only the blades (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on modifying DNA)].

If to add anything, or if to extend or retract anything, then along the JESUS Straight [Purpose] Axis (Moses put the snake on a stick). If to turn a ship (see above text "steering wheel") for higher purpose in JESUS Christ then to consider the energies, the directional equipment, the cargo load, attachments [such as whether docked with another vessel and to detach], and the extensibles.

Christ JESUS Gives in the Heart of JESUS to likewise properly explore, discover, and experiment

(explore: seek and ye shall find)

(discover: unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven)

(experiment: solving for Victories In The Name JESUS Christ)

as much as proper within the Grace Precepts Of JESUS Christ, though as written in

(note: not merely a decision, instead JESUS Reliable Faith So Properly Ascending).

JESUS Physics are Merciful yet firm: the worse a group the more dramatically it suffers: 3 examples:

1. The Roman Empire called it's own civilians barbarians and did not give them the same benefits as others [as in trade, and key concerning innocent JESUS Christ: note many in this generation have pretended no such occurred].

2. For Edification in Christ JESUS compare in cliche secularism in this generation that called people "animals" (not even "barbarians" of example 1 above).

3. Hitler's Nazi Germany (there were many goodly supporters until later realized [JESUS Preachers should Preach JESUS Christ]): people were treated as if items such as happened to break a child's leg often to measure various healing rates.

Nation 1 "barbarians".

Nation 2 "animals".

Nation 3 "items".

So now You know how You rank, in the JESUS New Christianity Precepts And Levels, so when You approach the JESUS Final End Time Bar Of Justice: You Will Prophetically In The Name JESUS Know What To Expect (see the Commentaries at, also see Romans 14.5 with Mark 1.15 and with Deuteronomy 28.1).

Your nation must be in the name JESUS Christ if to not be double minded, or if to properly ascend in JESUS New Christianity, the Highest Authority You recognize needs [at least by law (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons)] in the name of JESUS Christ and

if such is the situation then to JESUS Convert, though if unable then JESUS Convert the next Highest [in sequence...] over You lest You let any other interfere

(see above text on "key" or "barrier", also reference Isaiah 52.11).

In the name JESUS consider how a rocket can be with backup guidance systems, but if the systems are incompatible or otherwise the wrong systems for the rocket then backups to the wrong thing also are wrong multiplying incompatible short circuits more likely extinguishing humans and causing other systems problems while likely adding improper mass. Similarly if a direction is wrong then subset precision measures are also not only wrong they are also draining battery power for instance.

Now in the name of JESUS for Edifying consider how the JESUS Highest Purpose needs not change [(Eternal, Unchangeable, Job 23.13) yet Anew In You (Luke 15.7) so the following does not say "do not repent", no exception is offered per se (see text after this verse) Romans 11.29:

though "gifts" have been though of as Miracles and as "items" (see above text) though gifts are not delimited to Christmas Presents under the Christmas Tree for instance, there are also gifts of the Heart. The Gift(s) Of Faith that JESUS Christ Gives are greatest Holy Joy(s) in the unseen.

So how would a nation know it receives such an "unseen" gift?, JESUS Gives this [unseen] key (You do not see a key, right?, per se yes.,) that with ascending, the higher levels reveal the unraveled lower levels.

In other words even though no Miracle has become manifested nor tangible nor felt nor otherwise of the secular world, this key is similar to how a person can think except in JESUS Christ Physics Up The Straight And Narrow Only.

This is how Matthew 7.28 can apply in Your Nation [or next higher Church level or at least in You].

In a level You gird up Your loins, in another level generally the next higher level You gird up Your feet with sandals (socks,...), and in the next You gird up around Yourself for JESUS Christ Your Aloft Chapel Fleet Of Colonizers in the name JESUS.

JESUS Fleet / JESUS Sandals / JESUS Loins.

JESUS Fleet (not JESUS items, not JESUS animals, not JESUS barbarians) / JESUS Sandals / JESUS Loins

(concerning "barbarians" see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons In This Series such as on Bigfoot and such as on other civilizations such as not of Earthly origin [or so called since greatly advanced (JESUS Ascend Properly)]).

So if You want to build a rocket or launch a balloon or even prep for the Sabbath, then include:

JESUS Faith [and therefore Miracles] / JESUS Sandals / JESUS Loins.

You care about Your stomach, You care about Your nation: You car about Faith Levels greater and smaller than You. If to go into outer space ("greater") then to also consider the "smaller". This is key to the Straight aspect of the JESUS Straight And Narrow.

Now JESUS key concerning the "Narrow": Your stomach needs You, You are "greater" than merely Your stomach. You need for example Your nation, except if not in the name JESUS Christ and clearly in legal detail and greater and noised abroad so to speak as an awakening call in JESUS Christ.

So of this JESUS "Narrow" key You need be keenly aware of Your highest Miracle [group, system, level,...] over Yourself so with this key

You need be Wise to consider if there is any level between You and JESUS Christ, and if so, consider whether that level is in the name JESUS Christ And So Doing or not.

So JESUS Physics offer this subset key: Obey JESUS Christ, clear on the most important matters, and on details JESUS Pray also JESUS Criteria applies such as see Your Christian Church criteria and whether updating is of value in JESUS Christ.

If a nation or other group over people and systems opts to be sinful then JESUS In You Convert it, lest You allow it to suffer somewhat, and "somewhat" might include You and/or some Christians, so consider JESUS In You Convert carefully Mark 10.14ASV:

(indignation: as from the lower level perspective; the higher perspective is with the JESUS Steadfast Physics of the Original Plan and not to be sinfully removed from such, nor even to improperly vary a little).

A JESUS key is to let there be little varying if any (otherwise wide are the ways of sinners). Examples of a "little varying" include for instance infants having been rolled and picked up by humans become interested in testing the ways to roll and so on and such is not considered sin (see above text on "experiment" and so on as in the JESUS Precepts).

JESUS: from JESUS One Vessels Fleet

to JESUS One Vessels Cube:

JESUS Line Milky Way highways constellations sirius orion pleiades southern cross garden of eden noah nimrod ararat 7 churches minorah volcano lightning New Vehicle measuring spirits specifics guide how to build ufos advanced physics hunt dinosaurs leylines god star jerusalem map pyramids scroll holy grail knowing what they will do what to expect after death bar nano machines Pope Francis pyramidal tract movie European Vacation snake on a stick moses convert in name JESUS

Christ JESUS explained the Greatest Heavenly Highest Purpose, if to behold Faithfully, then the Heart, and if to behold the Heavens above, then JESUS Faith With JESUS Maintenance. The map shows the star Sirius (Jerusalem) with the travels of JESUS to the extent of JESUS Major (Canis Major). Egypt is of Orion, though the Pleiades "Those seven stars are the seven churches" ( Even so, this is the JESUS Straight And Narrow Line.

This is a Special Holy Time Of A Holy Year beyond Zion, as much as with the Heavens weaving together the Straight JESUS One Path. Last night brought a special change toward the Heart of the Anew JESUS Guiding Star as the people traveled from near and far to see the [cast out Mary And Joseph though until the] Baby JESUS.

"This is the day when Sun appears at its most southern position. The solstice this year is also special because it will be followed the next day by a full moon, called the Cold Moon, which will be visible in the night with the Ursid meteor shower" (

"December 25 If you’re looking for a Christmas star to mark the holiday, you can’t go wrong with brilliant Sirius. The brightest star in the sky (after the Sun, of course) gleams at magnitude –1.5. This makes it nearly four times brighter than the next brightest star visible from mid-northern latitudes" ( This site (ibid.) also has a beautiful pic of The Pleiades of the night sky, depicted with the Holy Grail symbol at the bottom (The Pleiades) and the other bright stars [as if rising] above sparkling wine of the Blood of JESUS shed unto the air.

Some Earthlings looked up and found the things of the Heavens guiding them, with the stars and the other flying vessels in the Heavens. Now consider the UFOs of ancient Christian artworks. The UFOs were coming from near and far also.

So in the name JESUS Christ is the Giving of this Anew stars key: the UFOs coming from far from amidst the stars of the Heavens, were less counted as if following the stars in a sense, and more counted as if following Earth.

So in the name JESUS with that former Help in that previous sentence subset to this latter greater sentence in JESUS Christ is that as the distant UFOs coming to Earth so should You [hence You in JESUS Spirit with any for to see the Christ Child or at least the Earth region more clearly (as with flying over the Manger Of JESUS as shown in the artworks)]: prepare to Do likewise this greater accomplishment, hence greater glory for Christ JESUS.

Beyond the "Cold Moon" Matthew 3.11 NLT:

The site offers other translations, instead of "greater" they speak of JESUS as "more powerful" and "mightier", and while true ("of physical strength") from the lower levels perspectives, the New Living Translation speaks more in the JESUS Highest Purpose in this verse, noting while JESUS is the "more powerful" and "mightier" in the coming to John The Baptist For Your Sake(s) JESUS therefore was coming Humbly ("greater") 2 Corinthians 12.9 NAS:

So this is the JESUS Faith, yet with the Innocent Holy Emanuel ("Emanuel" translated from original Hebrew language / Google) JESUS Maintenance level(s) 1 Corinthians 1.25:

So in the name JESUS the stars and waves and vessels are toward JESUS Maintenance, with the greater in the Faith in the JESUS Christian Zion (not self delimited to Jew in the former sense B.C.: instead Anew Star In The Birth Of Christ JESUS, the Anew Birth of the Straight Original Plan [reference Moses and divorce for their sakes yet Conquered in Christ JESUS).

In the above Drawing upper right are nano (hair width) sized machines (example add proper directional pressure and the arm extends along the rod, reference solenoid, machinery with springs, and above text concerning "extensible"). Conquering great distances for the greater Glory of JESUS Christ is with Conquering the smaller distances in the Heart Of JESUS Christ You One. The nano machine is as an energy plasma pump, a water pump, or a blood plasma pump (heart).

The JESUS Line as shown in the top Drawing as if agrees not with the Pleiades, yet in the name JESUS comes the Highest Truth: JESUS is not only the Straight Way, even though Straight And Linear JESUS is also the Alpha And Omega.

So this key to the top Drawing pink line through the Pleiades of the land to the Northeast of Jerusalem: Turkey is a scroll or wrap around effect of the lower level interpretation of the Alpha And Omega Straight And Narrow Of JESUS Christ, not only from the JESUS Birthplace Bethlehem, yet as the top Drawing also points [diagonally] the "Southern Cross" and while of a truth, such is the lower level perspective.

The higher level perspective is from the (and previous Eternal, also the creation of the created applies conditionally) Birthplace Bethlehem, and even where JESUS In Heart Was Daily (Matthew 26.55) Jerusalem, the Anew JESUS Jerusalem. From Jerusalem [(Sirius) in the Heavens (see above Maintenance)] through Orion and the Pleiades then wrap around toward the Cross and rather the ancient and Holy City Anew (Faithfully with Anew JESUS Jerusalem)

the [JESUS] Apostleship of the Seven Sisters, the Seven Churches Of Christianity in Turkey (Asia Minor)

and not toward sinful repeating works already accomplished,

therefore this JESUS key, as Moses lifted the (wrap around / Word / scroll) helix (snake) in the wilderness [saying symbolically "Watch out for this type of creature"] the JESUS Line is counted as if wrapped around lest to circle back to the cross (once for all, also Proverbs 26.11):

So the JESUS Creation Plan is with the [technical term such as applied in immersion ultrasonics] indexing.

JESUS Christ [therefore of a step up to a higher level] Gives this Highest Purpose key concerning [from the helical "indexing"] the DNA Double Helix vessel information of the Created Maintenance Word Responsibilities (as applicable to the created even also with Creation of Pure Vessel JESUS Christ).

So this is how the DNA double helix is actually become clearly Straight in Christ JESUS and through Christ JESUS.

So this is life, as the secular sees it, that is, as the secular sees the works responsibilities of the created vessels (especially the higher as much as so seen: the secular humans, or in Miracles such as sinners might glimpse the UFOs, the Unidentified in the perspectives of the secular levels typically).

Now it is a long distance to wrap around (Maintenance [formerly largely delimited to mere steps: secular proof on proof [after-the-fact]) relative in the secular to the indexing distance Christ JESUS Gives (a Leap Of Faith).

So while a secular rocket might fly far faster...the Christians can Leap In Christ JESUS. The lower perspectives are after-the-fact curves and angles and mismatches (reference on site adjustments for multitudes of reasons), while the JESUS Highest is Straight.

JESUS Gives above center in the Drawing an outer space anomaly though perhaps a large flying saucer vessel generating a huge energy field [not necessarily the case] symbolic of the top Drawing upper right option (also see above pertinent text). The plasma field is mainly evidently circular hence less likely advanced in Christ JESUS at this time as witnessed, though the field is with vertical fields of other talents (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on spirits, scrolls, and the mapped multiverse at

JESUS Gives the Word(s) with symbolism to the right of the above Drawing UFO type field, concerning the developing of the pyramidal tract (such as mentioned at the start of the funny though secular popular family movie European Vacation).

JESUS Gives the developing of the pyramidal tract Anew Value(s), as for instance many addictions are with circular reasonings or flips-of-coins. Many wonder at leylines, though the greater part is greater than the 3D and that greater than the 2D mapping with it's large part built-in errors, instead with builtin function beyond compare Save In JESUS Christ.

Heaven is not according to former worldly measures, therefore for JESUS to enter into His Whole Glory then all need be not merely JESUS New Christianity ascending [evolving, adapting, stepping], yet JESUS Highest One [more than leaping, more than flying:] Transfiguring.

So this JESUS Second Coming key (including if a person wants to become out of lower level sufferings) is JESUS needs enter from Original Heaven into New Heaven On Earth As A Whole: from Heaven to the Heaven The Result Of Innocent JESUS Suffering The Edifying

precepts, commands, principles of Faith, Good loving kindness, and so on (that there be no delay for your sakes)(this refers to people and not to the lower than people Firmament, though such is also invited if to overcome far more keys than a human needs in law and Grace to Do). So this is like a [JESUS Christ Highest One] people wave [through a time frame].

If to look at the 2D maps consider the scroll: correct in one direction, except many changes have come since much usage of scrolls (see above text e.g. "extensible", and such as "living" maps). A person can say the stars move slowly, though there goes some starlike thing shooting across the sky, hardly can many of the largest things known travel less than approaching the maximum speed of light: they are full of energies exploding [reference popping a large balloon, not all explosions are the same save in Christ JESUS Highest (Isaiah 28.13 [capture them])].

So because of Christ JESUS Living (with the "JESUS Good" as stated above), much is Faith and little is Good Applied Knowledge, such as applied to a map (this JESUS key: the Good of the Tree Of Knowledge agrees with the JESUS Tree Of Life, see Commentaries).

So in Christ JESUS and with a Holy Scroll example a JESUS Good Straight Line on a map can be introduced onto the map, and another straight line can be marked on the map but the two do not agree unless a continuation of the first JESUS Good Straight Line (from highest perspective all is already drawn).

So a JESUS mapping [Earth surface, constellations, outer space curvatures, eddys, and flows,...] key is One JESUS Straight Line can be plotted as at least symbolized in this JESUS Sermon.

Yet because of JESUS Living, the a little wider path line can be appropriate for lower level Maintenance Service In JESUS (a little lower than the Angels) like unto skin (also in a sense a housing, such as a house or an engine housing, or a Temple Tent) that stretches over Your Vessel Person,

so in this key like unto fabric such as paper, if to place the 2D on the globe the 2D stretches a little (reference wrapping Christmas Presents) but then it turns and folds against the mapper's or wrapper's wishes, so some globes have for instance been made in cut arcs () as curve cut strips of paper glued to the sphere.

Even so note for typical sense: latitude lines are evenly spaces apart from each other, though longitude lines are wide with converging points.

So from this JESUS Living Map key, the width of the line is as the width of a line of ink of a fine point pen, though as the wider line on a highway: so this JESUS key applies to the JESUS Mission Ascending Properly: Fine Line Faith, with the Work Responsibility Maintaining Properly JESUS Given Miracles as appropriate to the toward automating of the Miracles and including Faith unless the Hearers Of Your Preaching Are Also Highest One With You JESUS (then Faith: a works overcome key in JESUS Christ).

The JESUS Planners Design the Highest Good. To comply with the JESUS Grace in Their ascending from Highest to Higher Anew Highest With Christ JESUS One is the Work(s) until the Second Coming as stated above, as if Final End Time [actually JESUS Anew Highest New Beginning (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Personal End Time(s)).

In JESUS Christ, Given are globes toward Edifying as with ["Living"] flex material to bend all pertinent directions as with JESUS Original Plan though if with the JESUS Wisdom that the fine JESUS Heart Line is already Edified,

so in other words a key is that if Given extra higher level Grace, don't lose track of the JESUS Fine Faith Line responsibility.

In other words if to build on cumulative errors then only if to properly best leap in JESUS Faith, to leap according to the most fine point and most fine line and most perfectly understood most pertinent precepts, and not from ancillary sets wider along the path. Consider wide long stepping stones across a shallow creek: of a JESUS Value, though consider the higher value in other situation with a highway, of a JESUS Value as these agree: hence beyond merely Edifying.

The Work Of The Father In Heaven includes the mapping of the Straight And Narrow, hence the Golden Highway For The JESUS Golden Cube (top Drawing pink line wine). If to therefore in JESUS be with such an Holy Highway then prepare Thyself In Spirit, and if Given time and JESUS Mission To Ascend Properly build Your Vessel(s) for It.

Travel with JESUS, see the sites. The above Drawing pyramidal tracts can grow better in certain situations (JESUS Situations) according to JESUS Precept Levels (even though the above referenced site gave not JESUS the citing respect of law (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons)). Some grow wider than others, as shown above. Some help a person to see with the eyes, and to otherwise sense and to perceive and interpret in and for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose

and hardly would You be entrusted with greater lest properly ascending in Christ JESUS, therefore this key is Given Of JESUS Faith: to You Christian Properly Ascending Leader Will be Given new senses greater than the five, and hardly as previously, even living senses; even such is already being done in places today as with mind [nonverbal, not with fingers,...] commands and computers obey,

rather in JESUS Grace Your Spirit without helps [of great values, and broadly far reaching effects] Will Do Your Bidding. The Earth Will unravel at Your JESUS Thought ([who by taking thought?,] yet not merely possible in Christ JESUS

Consider for a moment for Edifying in JESUS, how a caveman type clan of the movies would recognize his own clan members though hardly counted as if the same as another clan, according to sight, also the other four senses were involved with some more than others (e.g. people that fished reeked of fish and people that farmed garlic reeked of garlic), and it is called a bank of knowledge of values (such as perhaps a little garlic on fish for a meal), so with being amidst his clan and walking in a line, another line at another angle of the other clan would be two lines for higher purpose e.g. "for a meal" as much as they both could enjoy though some perhaps did not like garlic and/or fish.

Similarly in JESUS You Will be with New Living Senses, not sensors in the former sense toward stagnant (e.g. geologic rate of change for JESUS often) as Your Living Body Parts [whether attached or not] Will be with Sensors that grow unto the Lord as much as You are properly with JESUS Highest Purpose hence guiding the new Miracles being added unto You (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on JESUS Living key(s)).

Concerning above stated "attached or not" consider if Your Hand is cut away during a traffic accident, You want it back so with JESUS Prayerfully attaching properly as per Miracle of JESUS Faith Transfiguring or perhaps JESUS Physics functioning through a medical team. If to "want it back" then "want" if JESUS Father would so Will (also be aware of Matthew 5.30 [sometimes sinners need mighty Miracles in order to start believing: for instance if no arms to box then hardly able to break another's neck that way so to consider: the higher reason and other redeeming option(s)]).

You One JESUS Will see what others see and sense: One God Eye, One God Perceiving Wisely. Some insects see ultraviolet flower centers that people formerly did not perceive [the ultraviolet]: You Will JESUS See. You JESUS Will see the ultraviolet of the rainbow as greater than 2D. You JESUS Will see the back of the door while looking at the front of it, You JESUS Will see the Hand Of God Doing In Real Time.

There it is now, above Drawing upper right.

And shown below it, a little more than a wavelength is a fish shape, and like unto a JESUS Created Fish the fish container is an energy envelope as much as Your Seeing to so Create In JESUS, hardly toward innovate, instead a new discovery-ing in JESUS You, Anew Highest Heaven Joy Purpose saving lower level things and energies, of Spirit(s), and in JESUS lifting unto Your Personal JESUS Mission unto the Worthiness Level of Your Mission Needful In JESUS Highest Purpose Level per se.

Consider the spirits concerning a fish in a stream. The stream flows and the fish is pushed [such as downstream]. The fish flows spirits internally and swims upstream.

The above Drawing fish in Your JESUS Vessel Fleet Constructing for JESUS Chapels everywhere (large, and small) can (if opted / JESUS Mission of Yours) be with waves as a stream, whether inside and/or outside Your Vessel, yet see above text that JESUS is coming to Heaven. So this is a precept with this subset key that You know waves travel through air, they also travel through outer space, in cold, in hot, and waves travel through vacuums: some places with specific waves more than other places (reference cable TV waves / Word Of God creating light).

In the name JESUS Christ, if to wrap a string around a globe with above stated indexing then a JESUS key from 2D to 3D; and with the previous "JESUS is coming to Heaven" and the internal fish waves for JESUS Highest Purpose then from JESUS 3D to JESUS 4D (e.g. xray the internal "globe" or vessel components and JESUS Convert appropriately for JESUS Highest Mission Purpose (4D, 5D, as many for JESUS Christ as there are options, if for the finest point and if pertinent in JESUS the finest line, and in JESUS So On).

So the above 2D Drawings are not accurate, save in JESUS as much as a line is accurate, except if Mission such as an Edifying Mission is greater in the more expansive sense for the JESUS Highest Purpose. On Earth to draw a line from Jerusalem (JESUS Sirius) through Cairo (JESUS Orion) to (JESUS Pleiades) yields Libya with it's seven basins, including in the desert the Kurfa Basin:

"the seven individual basin outlines and uplift structures of present day Algeria" (, "the Kufra basin [is] one of the [largest and] most irrigated oases in the Sahara ( with "a very large oil refinery" (wiki) and

"This interpretation ["for the first time"] "suggests a meteorite impact"..."about 29 million years ago" in the Kurfa Basin ([BP and Oasis craters concerning Desert Glass] 2013AD).

The other [New Beginning] direction is one of the purported (a grand place, not an embarrassment hid away and made small) Garden Of Eden [with JESUS Word flaming pink tongue sword Angel] regions tied to Noah's Ark and Mount Ararat. Together these point toward the Southern Cross [Drakes] passage between the great seas.

In the name JESUS Christ "about 29 million years ago" agrees with JESUS ICCDBB Sermon Garden Of Eden (so called secular Pillars Of Hercules Strait of Gibraltar region to City Of Light Ur of Father Abraham related to North and South Atlantic Rivers with Tigres and Euphrates Laurasia ICCDBB Drawing at

"Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south, separated by an oceanic area called Tethys. Laurasia is thought to have fragmented into the present continents of North America, Europe, and Asia some 66 million to 30 million years ago" (

known in secular cliche as from the Age Of Dinosaurs [actually continuing in JESUS] through the "meteorite impact" time [until the present].

So of JESUS Precepts from 1. the JESUS Watery Birth [generations Miracle Matthew Chapter 1 (John 7.38)], to 2. the JESUS Elias Immersion, to 3. the Kurfa Basin Oasis In The Desert [considered Holy Water in Arab African history (including Muslim which also wrote some amount of JESUS)], 4. to the JESUS Southern Cross Water Path. In JESUS Christ of these [diagonal in secular] four:

1. JESUS Watery Birth, to

2. latitude levels North [above in secular typical terms] of the Holy Mount Zion Eden Region (included according to faiths) [are the Seven Apostolic Churches (in Turkey) and is] Mount Ararat of Noah (reference Nimrod), and to the lower levels with the crossing of the JESUS Mediterranean Waters ( (see below indexing) and the Nile (Milky Way) and a purported Ark Of The Covenant (symbolic wood value, not with gold...) latitude level (in Ethiopia) to

3. the Seven Basins and the JESUS Watery Oasis in the Sahara Desert and below in latitude levels the Congo River with volcanic lightning Mount

"Nyamuragira is Africa's most active volcano (Oregon State University)

"It has been suggested that a by-product of volcanic lighting are lightning induced volcanic spherules" (wiki)

so from the top [latitude level] of the Seven Candles Flames (7 Churches in the Bible in Turkey) the forging of the Minorah and with the JESUS Flames as One the "spherules" from the molten [as candle wax drops](also a region tied to ancient human DNA)(and hardly to look on a fire without seeing the Rainbow colors) to

4. to the JESUS Southern Cross (level 60 degrees South latitude)(foot of the JESUS Southern Cross [Cygnus] points to Southern Celestial Pole) Water Path and wrap around beyond indexing back to the ancient New Beginning Victory In God With Noah over the Great Flood with Rainbow, while indexing forward toward the New World ([JESUS Nimrod LDS] Great Flood with Rainbow) of the Seven Christian Church Flaming Spirits tied to the [Pink] Flaming Sword [as a JESUS River Of Living Water(s)].

JESUS Living Waters becoming the [properly] ascending Minorah Flames [perhaps smoke of the Book Of Revelation (save if Converted)] with heat typically in JESUS Giving The Light Of Highest Enlightenment:

so for Your JESUS New Outer Space Vehicle from water unto the ["indexing" toward the smaller or smallest known end of the scale toward the center of the JESUS Earth (not all is tied to Earth per se in secular though all tied to JESUS and so JESUS Faith and with JESUS Earth and JESUS Stars...] water so from JESUS H2O "indexing" in small though of JESUS Precepts Significantly to Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 rocket fuel (plasma).

And in the name JESUS Will show You greater than former. Now in JESUS concerning the levels of vessels (crew, each crew member, each colonizer, flying saucer talents,...) the following may in JESUS Christ Help as a generally descriptive "talents" key:

range of each talent of a flying saucer for instance ([vertically] Level, [horizontally] talent #1, talent #2, talent #3)

... Talent #1, Talent #2, Talent #3

Level 44: 0, 0, 0

Level 57: 0, 2, 0

Level 59: 1, 2, 0

Level 90: 1, 2, 3

Level 95: 0, 2, 0

Level 96: 0, 2, 0

Level 99: 0, 0, 0,


so the JESUS Highest Talent of the vessel is Talent #2 in Level 57. The biggest range is Talent #2 from Level 96 up to Level 57. The Level in which all three types of talents agree is Level 90. The vessel is with least range in Talent #3 so if a larger range is needed or a higher Level [than Level 90] is needed then to modify the vessel or work with [in JESUS Christ Choose] another appropriate vessel with such Talent #3 as desired for Your Highest Purpose In JESUS.

For example energy waves and particles are emitted from blood, so for instance from a given heart may flow out a heat wave energy range [Talent #1] and in the same moment some of the blood "particles" [Talent #2] and in the same moment a heat wave enters [Talent #3]: how each Talent is measured is according to JESUS Precepts in Your Mission criteria for JESUS Christ (in summary: in this example case more heat and blood as though losses in the moment than gained as much as listed).

There are many scenarios in the secular though within the name JESUS The One Christ Plan Guides. Remember the Compassion Of JESUS as lower levels "taketh the truth to be hard" (1 Nephi 16.2).

So for JESUS You One Properly Ascending In New Christianity, the lower level vessels view and interpret the higher levels as though foreigners while within the same time frame JESUS You One delight increasingly in the JESUS Faith Ascending (save to bear one's own cross, especially initially on some days [such as due to Soul motivation to start (accepting JESUS Giving from Your Heart), and such as due to distractions...]).

To properly guide is far more important than to work, yet continue the JESUS Work according to the Christ Guiding JESUS In Yourself so in Giving JESUS Guidance for Your Vessel(s). The above [JESUS Spirit:] spirits list ranks the levels of the spirits.

So what You are Doing with the above is the measuring the JESUS Criteria Given over the spirits [talents] in order to measure the "Talents", in order to Give from JESUS to Your [Mission and/or Talent(s)] JESUS Highest Purpose (JESUS Faith and/or JESUS Maintenance). In other words You are learning as JESUS Faith Gives into Your Heart (if into Your Heart then measurable amount(s)), so You Wisely In JESUS Faith know to allocate according to JESUS Precepts along with JESUS Higher Charity:

therefore this JESUS Precepts Spirits key is You are Heartfelt Wise to Guide Your Knowledge to know why,...,and how, JESUS Give You, so You know emphasize Giving Charitably yet properly for others, that is,

sometimes spirits are not for You to Give, such as until the recipient is able (JESUS Worthiness) to sufficiently Convert

(reference keys for a teen).

So this JESUS Trust key: immediately Give when the recipient vessel or recipient value is found Worthy (in the Level, in Christ JESUS Physics Over Levels)

though not excuse to delay nor hoard.

So tell the Flock pay bills quickly [timely] toward Charity [JESUS Your Christian Church, typically speaking] and with planning concerning allocating [paying bills], and if to pay then hardly toward debts (not debt on debt [higher levels might apply though hardly in the typical sense]).

Now in this allocating discussion (with much Faith Charity including JESUS Miracles Of Faith(s)), for the next key perhaps ask Your Congregation if there are any visitors (an innocent question: to Welcome) though also with a greater key purpose in Christ JESUS: if none (so as not to tempt a visitor) explain some gangs have their own branding of members and tattoos, so Your Congregation Members each have talent in appearances toward the inner workings of other vessels, and this key concerns

temporary tattoos (Mark 13.23) and so You might alert the JESUS Congregation or a JESUS Small Group that if to frisk a person and find no secret plans, consider for JESUS Edifying awareness that the person might have temporary tattoo lines concerning a planned sin. Now the goodly part of the Tree Of Knowledge in this key is that temporary records can be kept for JESUS Good Highest Purpose, and intermittent such as a certain wavelength to scan script so visible in a moment only in the bank teller talent.

Likewise in JESUS in this key do not brag of value improperly beyond their temptation limit (reference related Matthew 7.10): if unworthy the value physics would turn against the recipient per se. Of JESUS Grace Give the [example] door to the proper [precept] door frame and not to the walkway to trap those You invite to the JESUS Feast.

Some plans are hidden for the sakes of the lower levels: Good. Some plans are hidden for the higher levels (see above list): inappropriately often.

Secrets are not evil, such as to privately advise someone their zipper is down: so for JESUS Highest Purpose to properly Gird. So brag on Your JESUS People And Equipment, though appropriately in JESUS Christ Only.

In the above Drawing lower left JESUS would have You know the equator is roughly right angle to the general plain of the Milky Way, the "Galactic Equator". So if to send out people from the centrifugal force of the Earth's Equator, the "Celestial Equator" (account for Earth axis tilt [shifting]) then not toward the pink line nor the JESUS Milky Way plain.

If to travel in JESUS to Sirius and so on (above Drawing bottom mid and top Drawing [see nearest distances]) and return then in JESUS the Grace You may responsibly opt to Do is to refine the line for others to not merely follow, yet Giving them reason so better Faithfully ascend properly in Chris JESUS. With the above, some of the signs and wonders might be formed from You as unseen, unless of level Worthiness [level awareness in JESUS Christ (].

JESUS Care key: You Will hurt them [of the lower levels] if You are not Careful. You Will harness and Give powers of JESUS Christ, so be aware of JESUS Charity Anew.

You Will see unseen internal designs and exterior visions of powers and principalities, and as with temporary mouthpiece in the horse You Will JESUS Guide: both the horse to waters beside greener pastures, and the Worthy unto the Greatest Highest Purpose In Chris JESUS.

You Will freely opt to mouthpiece the dinosaur and the greater unseen that terrify the lower levels, and You Will Pray Christ JESUS.

Greater than the former tattoos and mouthpieces You With And In JESUS Will Of The Heart Write Anew In Their Foreheads And On Their Hearts.

The change is coming, the change came, the change is coming and in JESUS You the latter greater than the former; key upon key, precept upon precept, Good for Highest Good In Christ JESUS.

Above in JESUS Drawing toward bottom mid right are the signs already to behold (such as nightly) from before You were born, some "unseen" (see above tattoo temporary terrors though instead 1 Peter 1.19 as You Convert all to JESUS Good)(see above text "Winter Solstice") ready for Your Preaching Holy Broadcasting while also ready for Your JESUS Secret Info (John 19.38 though with JESUS Highest Wisdom to only fear God).

In the name JESUS the Christ is the above Drawing lower left a "right angle" is through the plain of the Milk Way near the center like unto a JESUS Magpie Highway [perhaps ready, perhaps under construction awaiting Your Help (be with appropriate supplies to JESUS Give Such Help)]: even overcome any and all black hole fine points, all worm hole fine lines, and the broader and indexing and transfiguring JESUS Converting for JESUS One Highest Purpose.

ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

December 24 (Merry Christmas), 2018AD

Coming soon:

planned for the next ICCDBB Sermon:

JESUS Code for 2019AD.

Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

tags: JESUS Line Milky Way highways constellations sirius orion pleiades southern cross garden of eden noah nimrod ararat 7 churches minorah volcano lightning New Vehicle measuring spirits specifics guide how to build ufos advanced physics hunt dinosaurs leylines god star jerusalem map pyramids scroll holy grail knowing what they will do what to expect after death bar nano machines Pope Francis pyramidal tract movie European Vacation snake on a stick moses convert in name JESUS