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JESUS ICCDBB Sermon For JESUS One Name With So Doing:

JESUS Spirit Data:

(The Living Data Of JESUS Christ).

Christ JESUS offers for You to be aware Your Faithful JESUS One Heart produces Miracles, though others might be thankless and say "I had to break my back to get this for you" or similar, when JESUS Christ already prepared such from the original Spirit Creating Physics (a thing that can be calculated, measured in fact and truth and verified and agreed in Court, and can be described, and even theorized: but not Eternally Save In JESUS Christ [reference secular sinful belief in illegal perpetual motion machine which means the One True Spirit Of The Eternal JESUS Christ]).

In the secular levels, if to win a court case, prove the best interest of the Court; instead prove JESUS Judge Over that lower level that it be no longer a cut supply line in the torso of Innocent JESUS Christ (reference Catholic proofs for instance).

God is in the Old Testament, but the Old Testament is not complete because for instance people kept making law after law after law; instead of Converting Into One JESUS Christ Elias. If to send a child the wrong direction, then to have to continue making exceptions to correct as detours, until on the Straight JESUS Path again.

Seeking news? no news here except for laws and except for JESUS Christians Conquering Faithfully.

Save in JESUS, 3D hands can make 2D paper, but lower level paper does not properly make higher level hands.

JESUS Christ Flying Saucer specifications detailing key vessel and internal combustion design powers and capabilities, of the word Son of Righteousness arise from above lifting including for with to Prophetically be healings in the soles of Your feet, with physics analysis of the powers of waves for properly utilizing. UFO Flying Saucer Tractor Holder Repulsor Beam length and diameter vector velocity, movie The Negotiator Samuel L. Jackson Kevin Spacey, October Sky Apollo 13, Zoarism Ark of Christian ancient civilizations on planets Revelation 6:12 Bible Code Christian President Don Trump explained I can do anything name JESUS

Angel(s) in the image of Christ JESUS (Romans 8.29)(LDS pics of Father With JESUS) with this above Word Spirit Data added unto You is including ears ([to Hear] "Of" "Righteousness"), eyes (to See things "as" they are and rather of JESUS Grace as things "shall" be), the down pointing nose not as the former dog "shall tread" nor merely sniffing perfumes, yet breathing in JESUS Christ and exhaling JESUS Christ Creatorship, "Father" Giving "scriptures," [reference DNA from a self vessel], note the ovum (not born though "not I")(reference law trimesters...) comes automatically (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on automating toward Eternal) and "with should wisdom" above "the one" (ibid. on Adam & Eve should have been with Father [Agreeing then Marriage Invitation then Hosting]).

Important is the JESUS Christ key of Highest Purpose.

Yesterday January 2, 2019AD Christian President Don Trump explained if a certain thing that had been discussed under law was legal, then "I can do anything". And it is True as much as properly ascending in Christian Faith in JESUS One Highest Purpose. Though the point was the [legal] interpretation(s) of what was legal or not legal.

JESUS Christ Gives the above Bible Code details as shown, and also as written in the JESUS Affiliated GodMath Testament (and see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons In This Series) explaining individual letters clustered together: note the above [right arm flex option] "and" [right breast] "Scriptures," [Heart] "Father" [JESUS Living Christian Waters] "commanded" include the letters of President Don Trump.

Person against person and Christian against Christian is not the Way except as much as Christ JESUS Is The Highest Purpose and therefore not against anymore than a nipple against an infant.

If laws do not reward, if instead laws punish, then with exception but with little exception such laws would be illegal (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on "spoiled" at

In the name of the Christ JESUS, this is hardly to say less severe penalties,

rather this is to say rewards for Christians Doing Good.

With this key is to also offer rewards for yet to be Coverted others when doing goodly.

How to reward a Christian?: first Giving In JESUS Christ Good Glory Prayerfully make the law body into the name of the Christ: JESUS Christ. Then to see how to be more perfect.

Or else: today a group exclaims they want to be in charge, tomorrow another group exclaims they want to be in charge, and all groups each say they want to be in charge: decide (see above text).

A person can make a piece of 2D [mainly] paper, but that piece of 2D paper cannot make a person (save Genesis 2.7) key: the Highest makes the lowest but the lowest makes not the Highest (ibid. JESUS Christ).

JESUS From Heaven Spirit goes into the lower level to lift it toward Eternal Joy, not to punish except minimal: key the most minimal [zero or if to punish at all] is the Eternal Physics Spirit Of The Father In JESUS Christ though not to tempt improperly toward sin (sometimes JESUS dwelt openly, sometimes minimally toward privacy

(note even when bathing JESUS Christ was openly even [girded per se] as Mary washed His Feet whether others were present or not Luke Chapter 7: so like unto a pure and undefiled infant since being on their behalf).

Key to the worldly courts: instead of ordering a settlement be made [by any guilty party or parties](so to typically pay), instead let the court judges pay: that is, for the sakes of the court judges: redeem thyselves by paying for them and on their behalves: you are supposed to be in charge and it is your responsibility: do you want punishments to abound including against mistried innocent people or do you want rewards to abound:

you are supposed to be the Exemplar: set the goodly example. Is it a billion dollar penalty in a case?, then go there and correct their process for them or if they resist then give them not your approval. But if they then want to do harm then hope that you have full repentance and proper Christian Baptism that JESUS Overcome In You Christ.

Praying JESUS is for a reason: to report Good things, to report all the Miracles of the greater JESUS Faith.

Hardly should a person be judge if they fear to rule against a murderer, more importantly and key is hardly should a person be judge if they fear to dwell among murderers and other sinners, even so each is with their own cross to bear, and their own JESUS Mission even if unawares.

People interact with mentally insane killers: let the Exemplar be JESUS In Thyself. Solve the Spirit in Highest as much as Your talent including awareness, that You JESUS be with Victory In The Name JESUS clearly aloud in text and so on, Prophetically. Therefore no need to die, again, no need to suffer, again; except of Your Prayerfully Agreeing at the start ongoingly to Do in the name of JESUS The Christ.

If from You comes Good, then You cannot justify greater than minimal penalties.

If a penalty is minimal at least sufficient to teach them a lesson, then your reward is the penalty again (

Listen to the Spirit Of JESUS Christ in this: if a party is found innocent and another party found guilty (such as in a trial case), reward the innocent party

such as declare the government sentenced to pay the innocent and if the officials complain then explain they should have thought of it prior to making You Judge, though instead of injury to other [such as against "officials"] declare You Will pay the innocent party loose change [or greater] in Your pocket though the found guilty receive not according to "found guilty" (reference arbitrator: a legally "an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute", not defined as a: punisher). How hardly a Christian is to decide if They are Christian or not: that was already decided once with full repentance and with proper Christian Baptism: it is Eternal and not other.

Start with the Charity cross to bear. A sinner suffers, give them more sufferings so their contempt increases (reference Guantanamo Bay detention camp inmates repeatedly explained they hated: be JESUS Exemplar One instead of wasting Your time on being hateful for to be a punisher [reference law], note

"The Pentagon awarded a new contract to provide teachers to Gitmo (Quartz)

but if to teach to be a punisher and to hate criminals then contrary to laws and the Holy Spirit Teaching(s) Of JESUS Christ:

the "teachers" must needs be Christian Teachers

if to be Exemplar properly at least at the legal level.

Also adding: "teachers to Gitmo" is better than ignoring fellow people in prisons (in needs, even as each person has been).

Let the Christian in high JESUS level(s) let them know (Luke 7.43) there is a change as peace (at least for a moment) has been witnessed in them (likewise witness any and all goodly things as might be noted, even if only a very brief moment, even if they say "I want to kill"...then thank them for explaining their lack in themselves as they reach out to You for help as with saying the word "want", reference legal negotiator)

(reference the great but secular movie The Negotiator starring Samuel L. Jackson and Kevin Spacey: but reference in JESUS Christ so without the pistols).

Believe in time change Anew In JESUS Christ while You are with time change Anew In JESUS Christ: this is hardly about changing a clock an hour, rather this concerns Anew Time to Your Vessel if not already Victor Exemplar JESUS Christ Over Time. This is like unto "Believe in the light while you have the light," (John 12.36).

JESUS Christ explained as shown in the above Drawing left 1D through 4D: the Creator Greater Physics created 4D first, then 3D, then 2D, then 1D, and not sin because the Creator created Good.

The timeless JESUS Spirit Source is Eternal Authority Over all created [over all lesser things created, though the higher Glories (levels) are in Luke 10.20]: hence over all talents, situations to come, and so forth.

JESUS can send legions of Angels to Do Good though would rather that You ascend properly to become Worthy to so Do.

Turned spirits are as [sleeping or as] dead like fishing hooks that move in the water following the water current, the fishing line, the weight, the bobber, biting fish, the pulses of the wriggling bait, and when lifted the hook follows the wind as the follower dangles so as a follower dangling in the wind and as the boat tips the hook all too often has harmed the fisher.

Straight spirits are more toward a spear that hardly follows anything except the hand of the spear thrower, and yet rather as the net that has no hook nor spear point, so is mild, though not perfect as people have been caught in nets, simiilar to having been caught in following data instead of One JESUS Agreeing And Doing to Best Lead the data.

Above Drawing 1D is an amount of Spirit Data from JESUS Creator. 2D is more data: perhaps a person can control 1D in JESUS but not 2D, not lead 2D due to agreeing to follow 2D. In USA football cliche terms it is as to say "I will go 9 yards and then rest awhile". Does time wait?, does the other team?, though key is whether waiting is or is not what Christ JESUS would that a person Do In The Name JESUS.

In the name JESUS in the above Drawing top center 1, 2, and 3 appear as precepts (3 is not #1, should it be penalized for not being number 1, hardly, rather let 1 and 3 be Victorious in Christ JESUS along with #2). Be aware of Physics Precepts Given Of JESUS Christ, sometimes precept #3 is more valuable at the moment than precept #1, and in some situations precept #2 is more important than some other precept arranging (perhaps precept #19). So this is a problem for people to understand except people want orderly things to better know priorities and what's going on:

therefore JESUS Gives Lovingly for people to know the Wise Love in Highest JESUS Christ: therefore this is a priorities key, and a mass raw data key. It is a Way [JESUS Christ] to make sense out of data, to properly prioritize.

Lower level sinners focus on mission accomplished goals, and so fail: see above concerning followers. Don't be the aimless fishing hook lacking direction, therefore lacking purpose: made for the purpose of catching fish but instead turned to have caught the fishers. And if a fishing line is not long enough then unable to reach even as far as to tie to the hook (as a line from above Drawing 1D to 2D and greater pertinence).

Process of elimination logic is in JESUS Christ Anew Process Of Best Solving Wisdom From The JESUS Heart Physics Giving this key:

the lower of level, the more the levels above leading the lower followers.

Consider JESUS died once for all, and in so sleeping likewise symbolized for to awaken unto higher value: JESUS Christ served a little lower than the Angels therefore once for all though with the precept: according to amount of Faith In JESUS and hardly according to any significant turned spirits (some hooks point sideways, others point up,...) so if to consider prepping for a lower level Mission be aware (and be aware of Responsibility).

In doing Maintenance rarely would an expert kick a machine to improve the situation, rather would normally fix and oil and add fuel and monitor indicators. If they are so kind to machines, so much greater kindness to show to people of levels that are only higher than machines (above Drawing to the right concerning Firmaments):

broken machines or if out of fuel, are not cast into prison until they learn their lessons, and rather are given help or stored until help is available: but people are the help, and the machines are not except of the people that manufacture the machines and properly maintain and properly best utilize as much as appropriate.

God is over people. If machines destroy machines or higher levels then inappropriate unless such as a salvage business (hence for higher purpose). If a machine therefore would destroy a machine then higher level in people applies such as to not agree with that destroying machine. If a person harms a person then against God Physics.

If a person harms a person, hardly would the courts (Save JUDGE JESUS) have anything to do with it except invite God (Host God, see above "Charity"). If the courts are sinners then everything they can think of to interfere to selfishly gain (Matthew 24.28). Let the JESUS Priest Christian Leader be over the pertinent mutual benefit improving(s).

JESUS Faith first, then talents of data sets:

JESUS Holy Spirit Father, then JESUS Faith, then data talent(s).

Data talent(s) for their sakes / Data talent(s) for JESUS Highest Purpose / JESUS Faith / JESUS Holy Spirit Father.

A secular charity not in the name JESUS claims it does things for their sakes such as "to help others", but sadly mainly it does not, example: a group receives 5 people in need such as drug addicts, and the 5 become no longer addicted and do not go back to drug addiction: it is not proof: only JESUS Christ is Proof.

Even so if a secular charity group helped a Christian then the secular charity did goodly [Good in that Christian (not in a secular charity otherwise per se in a name other than JESUS Christ Matthew 10.42)]. To clarify: if a school bully takes money from kids but likes one child and gives some money to that child, it is stolen money so conditions apply: if for example to take money from Sue in front of Abe and then to give that money to Abe in front of Sue then Abe should responsibly to give it back to Sue:

this is not to be against charities, though to show the secular heaps responsibilities on people including themselves (Matthew 10.41).

So if to hear impressions of the Holy Spirit, or to be with feelings likewise (or other), or if to hear the Holy Spirit, then according to the name: so let a flesh self vessel (above Drawing top center #1) be aware therefore if to try to hear the Holy Spirit [or Holy Ghost] In Father Highest JESUS Level(s), then not to hear or not to hear properly best since in the selfishness (reference affiliated JESUS GodMath Testament specified in detail for this generation and greater) according to the "self vessel" is concerned of things of the "self" such as to bear it's own cross [light JESUS burden]

except if the "self" is in the name JESUS Christ (Luke 14.27). Be in the name JESUS to Best Help the group, nation, Earth, Known Multiverse and Heavens, and the Eternal Therefore In The Name JESUS, Therefore to be able to be JESUS Impressed and JESUS Feel and JESUS Hear

in order to be at liberty to be JESUS Aware (often per se, often up to a level, as JESUS Ascending Applies with One Properly Ascending In The Name JESUS [also]) to Give others You In The Name JESUS to JESUS Impress and make in them to JESUS Feel (to feel JESUS) and JESUS Hear (to be Hearing JESUS In The Holy Spirit.

And like unto the first JESUS One Highest, is the talents aspect, known in JESUS New Christianity as levels [and some of the levels are Firmaments not passed from below save through JESUS Christ]. As talents may apply, then to perceive spirits as written in Ephesians 6.12 NAS:

In the name JESUS Christ this Ephesians 6.12 key: [principalities,] rulers for misleadings, powers of ignorance (reference for instances fads and jokes [conditionally]), forces of backslidings, forces of wickedness, and sinful authorities over such things:

those "principalities"..., are a subset of the evil lower level interpretations of the Tree Of Knowledge;

and with this Ephesians 6.12 key:

Highest in the name JESUS is not "against" as in former ways: instead JESUS Anew the more excellent way for all JESUS One Joy Highest Heaven Eternally!

For their sakes lift others / make others worthy / in the name JESUS Christ

(above Drawing top center precept #1 with #2: and #3):

For JESUS Highest Purpose [unselfishly the Truth] report (#3) in the Holy Spirit Praying JESUS Christ / Your JESUS Miracle / You In The JESUS Christ Name In JESUS Holy Ghost Father.

Report the Good (also note some jobs such as for a JESUS Church include lower JESUS Church Maintenance responsibilities often including to report problems, though of JESUS Grace also seek to report JESUS Good).

Therefore be with this JESUS Distinguishing key, be with the JESUS Distinguishing of spirits not misinterpreted as the Holy Ghost nor the Holy Spirit in the sense that JESUS Christ is the Highest Purpose Leader,

if for instance Christian Leaders are in a room and JESUS Christ enters transfiguring through the wall or from the sky via greater ability than the "Christian Leaders" control, then it becomes clear Who is in Charge: JESUS Christ of Mother Mary And The Father In Heaven

(whether of vessels or not is subset, the second like unto the first).

Observe in JESUS Christ Ascending, hence as You ascend, that the lower levels ascend toward the Eternal when they are properly ascending even if of chance happening to ascend some levels properly (not Firmaments),

Yet Highest Rate Of Given Talents Properly Ascending JESUS Christians are ascending in this JESUS Christ key: Ascending In The Eternal.

So various spirits seek help (often for themselves), while the Highest Gives JESUS Help(s) for all [including for them for their sakes (for them to give best)].

The JESUS Highest Eternal Gives, other levels take and give amounts of spirits, and of those results: things. Hence this JESUS Christ key: the lower levels are known of being toward things, while the JESUS Highest Eternal is over JESUS Charity Grace Comfort and so on for JESUS Good Highest Father Spirit Eternal.

Do not divide Your Mass Members half against half nor 2 against 3, do not divide precepts of JESUS Spirit: instead JESUS One; even so JESUS Wisdom Over The Holy Spirit Of JESUS Enlightening Of The Father In Heaven applies: in simple terms from JESUS be Best Guided From JESUS Christ above (even if seemingly equal or servant) and reference the JESUS Creator Of Good In All,

though of the JESUS Once For All Servant Position of JESUS Authority To [or To Have] Serve[d] In The Servant Position to so Do [JESUS Maintenance]. For instance the door is locked and the alert JESUS Servant unlocked and opened the door responsibly entertaining the visitor, though the JESUS Servant standing in the Way blocking entrance as the tongue of the Servant distinguishes as "Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life." (

So the JESUS Blessed Flaming Sword Voice [tongue, sensors,...] Turn Every Way: Your JESUS Enlightening key to be able to JESUS Distinguish each and every spirit, meaning not merely the JESUS One Highest Holy Ghost or other spirits, yet to JESUS Distinguish each and all of Your Christian Church Member's' Spirits Saved though not all ascending the same of talents and circumstances;

yet to also JESUS Distinguish lower spirits in all directions.

Yet in JESUS Christ For Highest Purpose to hardly glory with such victories over levels and Firmaments (Luke 15.7) yet rather of JESUS Highest Grace that You be with the JESUS Highest Purpose such as writing their JESUS Name(s) in Heavenly Levels Places then to JESUS Pray the Good of having written Their birth names in Your JESUS Church Book (JESUS Roster Of Members, sign in at JESUS Services,...similar in JESUS Christ): now of JESUS Highest Faith is also JESUS Christian Church criteria perhaps not written elsewhere though Given Of JESUS now:

similar to how a person changes Their Christian name with [JESUS] Marriage, so too a JESUS Officer Appointed Of Your Church (such things should be posted where readily made known, such as at a building entrance foyer table, see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons for more key details) [pending JESUS Church criteria] may opt to change a name though only for the JESUS Highest Purpose.

Note that many spirits change names, appearances, plans, questions, and such in order to sinfully cause failures so as to appear as if relatively better than others. Their own guilt in their own restless spirits cannot free them from such miseries: only JESUS Christ sets properly at JESUS Liberty (JESUS Owns Liberty).

In the name JESUS Christ the above Drawing top center precepts #1, #2, and #3 are in order from lower to higher "steps" levels in proper ascending, though these can be interchanged (e.g. in constructing stairs a board can be utilized for a lower step or for a higher step), and other precepts also apply, so for instance a person understands JESUS Precept #1 first, while another person learns JESUS Precept #2 first,

though in JESUS Maintenance and in JESUS Distinguishing spirits such rearranging is not the same as the JESUS Straight And Narrow Path, even though steps as stepping stones fit into the JESUS Proper Ascending Path.

A person can travel to a deep space constellation, though it appears nothing like what it was perceived from Earth, and neither viewpoint is a lie. The person needs [be in JESUS Christ and therefore] change viewpoints (JESUS Proper Ascending Flow In Holy Spirit). Former data applies, though hardly for current purposes. Old Testament applies, and some of it more than other of it: of a key JESUS Truth: the angry fighters are not to be superheros nor even worth mentioning.

So a JESUS Superstar key is to be on the side of Good, in entertainment be a Good Superhero character, instead be JESUS Good Superhero whether entertaining or not.

The enduring parts of the Old Testament are more valuable than the less enduring. Let the children, and the lower than children creatures and spirits, learn JESUS Permanence, and let the JESUS Mature Wisdom Be One over [subsets, subset levels] the arranging of the JESUS Precepts and events and ancillary situations, while the JESUS Mature Wisdom Be With The Enduring such as written in Matthew 22.37 CEV:

and while this is of JESUS Grace [only (save if written into law, see next sentence)] it is a collection of precepts so a principle command of JESUS Grace Offering (see above text "Servant")(JESUS Baptism agrees with this verse), in lower perspective as though a collection of parts, yet in JESUS Christ Properly Assembled.

The United Nations, the World Bank, and a nation, for examples; needs be in the name JESUS Christ hardly for lower purposes and instead for JESUS Highest Faith Purpose, even so for lower JESUS Maintenance for their sakes to be JESUS Exemplar unto other behold and wonder at how Your JESUS Success is possible: to admire and yearn to so be JESUS Gracious And Full Of Charity increasingly according to their faiths, according to the levels and ascending patterns: from raw data to "JESUS Christ Properly Assembled": according to JESUS Distinguishing as stated above to properly distinguish their spirits that the lower worthiness [when to be] is JESUS You Responsibly To Benefit Reward [level and flow ascending rate] them toward JESUS Baptism and then for Their sakes likewise yet JESUS Anew Higher Values In Them of JESUS Your Leadership (see above #3).

JESUS Jetpack to Mars.

JESUS Faith leads, therefore if people think of going in rockets to the Moon, Mars, and as currently in the news [unmanned]

"New Horizons was just then about four billion miles from Earth and about to make the most distant flyby in the history of space exploration" (Boulder Daily).

"The most distant spacecraft is Voyager 1, launched in 1977 and now (circa 2007) fourteen billion kilometers away, or three times Pluto’s distance" (,

so very far from other stuff, except close and even within the fabric of space (as are You). If to travel to Mars with a jetpack (one for each JESUS Colonizer) You need appropriate Spirit Level while leaving Your body behind (reference envisioning, planning, and similar [such as trances (example at] though be with Your JESUS Pure Body unless JESUS Christ clearly informs You if otherwise ("Pure" or properly ascending in JESUS Christ Levels).

The Precepts Of JESUS, even the JESUS Commands are subject to the JESUS Highest (see above text on "rearranging") though the key is JESUS Eternal: the Way of JESUS In The Eternal, so like unto the similar Straight And Narrow, noting the Straight And Narrow includes repentance time and ascending time and more things of the temporary (save "ascending" delimited to JESUS Eternally Ascending, mentioned above).

So with Your preparing a jetpack for JESUS Christ, is the JESUS Spiritual Planning to so JESUS Lead of JESUS Highest Purpose Faith, and with Faith also including JESUS Maintenance Responsibility: so JESUS Faith is that You ascend to be with having established Christianity everywhere, for instance not burning in the Sun, instead in the Sun Mansion Paradise therefore subject the Sun to JESUS Your Plan.

And for instance concerning JESUS Maintenance some spacecraft have traveled merely billions of miles, therefore of JESUS Grace Guide such activities far JESUS Better: JESUS Best.

So in JESUS Maintenance per se considre what a JESUS Jetpack for Mars would entail: JESUS Spirit Highest (or as high a JESUS level as JESUS Gives for You to be with such talent: starting with JESUS in spirit [reference JESUS Name / JESUS Baptism, and reference JESUS Anointing and JESUS Sent]) obvious Maintenance secular level responsibilities if to be with flesh and or unmanned probes, so sufficient vessel (including above #3) with course route, goal, energy (including supplies), appropriate Grace protection (see above text on hooks), and other may apply such as if manned then air and heat "energy" and so on: but such things are lower level JESUS Maintenance, so be aware of the JESUS Distinguishing The Highest Purpose Eternal.

The JESUS Highest Eternal is the goal and so on, the other ideas are per se subset (save the JESUS Eternal One). Therefore the Maintenance is to not interfere with the JESUS Eternal One, even though JESUS Maintenance such as #2 above is very important: known as vital in the secular levels (so JESUS Distinguish over such), example John 15.13: therefore note John 15.13 is a subset under Maintenance, save as much as higher under JESUS Eternal. Therefore learn the JESUS Jetpack,

so learn the JESUS Transfiguring.

Christians in the name JESUS, JESUS Christ Will lift You, if to thrill and be amused with a Theme Park with rides and likewise to [safely] fly a jetpack to Mars and back as quickly as You like then JESUS Christ Will Do for You and greater fun for You to Give (in You so Giving In The Name JESUS Christ then to turn "fun" into the greater) JESUS Joy as much as Your JESUS Faithfulness)

yet far greater in Christ JESUS is the Highest Purest Spirit He Will Give, O Ye Properly Ascending One [as much as True (Reliably Ascending)] in Christ JESUS (JESUS Trueness to the JESUS Straight And Narrow: what Christian Faith should be, though allow for rates of ascendings within Your Flock: also...see Your Christian Church criteria).

Trueness in the secular is defined [in part (in pertinence)] as a

"Type of: actuality" (

JESUS Christ is One, though of a "Type", and in the JESUS Given Created sense concerning vessels, there are types of One JESUS [JESUS Edifying in the secular sense for clarity in You] since for instance there can be some Members Of Your Flock already Baptized One JESUS Christ though each Member You might call by individual name (and address and number and so forth) yet each is in the One Highest Name JESUS The Christ: Saved yet also in the name JESUS.

Each is with spirits (according to Your JESUS Sermon subset Matthew 5.37 of JESUS Precepts) save the Highest is One Highest Spirit (2 Corinthians 1.19)(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons for further details on the JESUS Oneness of Each Christian's Highest Ascending Rate of Given talents).

The Holy Comforter.

JESUS Christ already Gave all, including Your Mars Jetpack With Safety And With Fun Latest Tech Gadgets, with Your name on such and with JESUS Name on such as a key to such for You. If to prove that in a court of law let the court first be prominently in the name JESUS Christ (see above text).

Your JESUS Mars, and Your JESUS Mars Jetpack with JESUS Helmet and JESUS Spacesuit, and with terrific devices as much as the world had hardly imagined.

In the name JESUS in other words JESUS Christ already prepared for You And Yours In JESUS Christ: the latest JESUS Exoskeleton, even JESUS Exoplanets to suit You. Now what good is this if You're not interested [some for instance only want to talk about the Spirit (see above text on talents), some want for the self when should be JESUS Giving]?, so the answer to what good is according to the JESUS Exemplar.

  • You know that JESUS Christ died [slept] and walked after the tomb.
  • You know that JESUS Christ ascended [flew] into Heaven [the Heavens].
  • You know that JESUS Christ since then was in Heaven [again].
  • You know that JESUS Christ also Will return to Earth.

    Because in the name JESUS Christ You Wisely Know these things, You therefore also in JESUS Wisely Know:

    Beyond Temple doors there are more [not necessarily technically] advanced civilizations and there are the less advanced tribes and clans

    and like unto the Garden Of Eden go Guide In JESUS, Holy Comforter, those that had cast themselves out,

    so You would be their Comforter coming after JESUS Christ God Creator visited them, paved the Way for You, and prepared the harder of the Mission Work already for You. You would start with [as JESUS Gives You] those You can Best Guide And Help Spiritually In The Name JESUS and perhaps with technologies: JESUS Preachers are often seen with electrical devices and lighting effects, and there are many more UFO type powers such as Exosuits that lift giant rocks [for clans (precept Luke 10.6 applies)].

    Go: be their Comforter. Show them the JESUS Way. And come at least in JESUS Spirit though instead with keeping Your Flesh Pure In Holy Highest Father Spirit.

    Go: in the name of JESUS, and say no more to the Father In Heaven except Yes if to arrive in the name JESUS Christ, and then if to go on the lower level clan Missions, then to again Go in the name JESUS Christ to Best lead those clans.

    Go: utilize the JESUS Given UFO type vessel(s), that is, if You were already prepared to so be Ascended JESUS In The Heavens, then You be already equipped sufficient to the Mission(s) (pending transfiguring, and likewise time control).

    The above Drawing upper left is: hearing (1D). You already heard the Word Of God. Next is 2D and the pic shows You how to roll together Heaven and Earth into a scroll form. Next is 3D Creating In JESUS from 2D from 1D: for now in this Given generation. Next is transfiguring: 4D: be JESUS Doing in Heaven for their sakes for all One JESUS. Be Holy Comforter and yet be JESUS Father Family And Friend in the Garden(s) Of Eden(s) in the Heaven(s).

    In other words even as the secular knows in cliche: be prepared for any contingency. Though Do as JESUS Christ instead of entertaining former sinful lusts, note this is also the greater Faith, though with Maintenance Responsibilities (not a repeat of cast out the self from the Garden Of Eden: see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons).

    You Will be their Advocate for JESUS Christ,

    and for Females Faithfully Ascending In JESUS Christ Your Valuation becomes Anew now in JESUS Christ One as Your JESUS Talent already perfectly fits this Mission as noted in NAS:

    Truly In JESUS Christ The More Experienced Expert Counselor "Helper" One Will Shine as the stars of the Heavens as Your JESUS Family Hosting Responsibilities become Magnified In Christ JESUS [from clans to Christians].

    If a person still don't have a UFO type Fleet, see "permission" below.

    UFO type JESUS Ark Spaceship Chapels should abound and in numbers as both the stars and the planets in the skies, and far greater, and each in great value as written in John 14.2 LDS:

    Consider what is means to colonize up there, concerning supplies it means in this generation (though also see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on Your Manna Machine at in the general sense toward lower levels more than toward "Manna Machine" initially, it might be appropriate to bring with You hundreds of acres of farmland (ibid. on DNA at for a colony of a JESUS Sermon Mass Of [Members] Colonists, in addition to ores and other raw materials.

    Therefore in JESUS Christ is this key for You to seek to know for their sakes about their situation prior to traveling there, such as if any farmlands, pastures, water, air, mining, and such.

    If a JESUS Mission, then seek JESUS Answer(s) according to JESUS Faith Praying And Doing Faithfully as written in 1 Peter 3.16 GW:

    JESUS Christ is coming here again: if You have claimed You are a Follower of JESUS Christ, then to "Follow" Him back again. In so Doing for JESUS Christ to therefore be a Leader With JESUS Christ (from Heaven)(for their sakes, for all One JESUS); John 14.28 applies:

    Put on Your: JESUS Exoplanet. Be a star! Give Good measure (and be aware of Luke 17.18).

    Would You like to work with clans, showing them technologies?, JESUS already knows Your Heart. Would You like to work with clans that are amidst dinosaurs and/or other monsters, and teach the clans about breaking horses per se?: JESUS is aware not only of Your needs, also of Your Heart's desires. Would You like to Marry a Christian from a distant planet?, likewise seek the approval of JESUS Christ.

    Permission from JESUS Christ is key, seek to gain permission to enter outer space. If to go wildly flying about in outer space, then as often has happened to collide into projectiles; or increasingly Prophetically In JESUS Christ Will become the increasing likelihood to run into people such as Christians, save JESUS Christ spare.

    Permission is respectfulness in JESUS and yet greater [with permission] is inviting JESUS One Close Involvement

    (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Close Encounters at and at

    Note: concerning the previous reference (ibid.) the "Close Encounters" topic includes not only things unseen such as in the futuristic sense, yet also

    the ancient, so in Christ JESUS Guidance for proper planning and preparing be aware that for instance radiation from many artificial (including UFO Alien in the lower level sense of not typical of this Earth natural radiation) sources has covered this planet Earth, ranging from radiation leaks from processors and power plants and spreading from nuclear bombs, to ancient and not so ancient nuclear bombings that often occurred from the aliens of the heavens according to many ancient manuscripts and illustrations and more current findings as JESUS Spirit and technologies reveal facts.

    So key in JESUS Wisdom is that if to radioactive date soil and/or a civilization millions of years old, the result might indicate newer such as thousands of years old;

    and this JESUS key applies likewise to the outer space destination that also might be more toward (higher level) living materials than toward inorganics

    (also see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on time frames and time matter including past, current, and future).

    So again (verifying) the JESUS Heart Of Data key is tied to the JESUS Heart Of Data Interpretation key, yet also to the JESUS Heart Of Data Collection key; via One And The Same JESUS Spirit: so a Comfort key to You for You for them for all One. So this of JESUS agrees with to teach others in the name JESUS Christ to be responsible to Do for themselves (and greater such as above Drawing 1, 2, & 3), such as to farm for themselves though as detailed in the Christian Bible such as 2 Kings 19.29 [subset key: observe fruits already abounding, such as to indicate what would grow there, then later plant seeds (a JESUS Evangelism key)].

    With these JESUS keys be aware JESUS Faith Responsibility is greater than JESUS Maintenance Responsibilities. To Edify an aspect somewhat to compare the wake that follows a boat and the motor that pushes the boat, and as the boat stops the following pushes a little but then stops pushing: so JESUS key is that following is hardly comparable to Leading In JESUS One Name And Work And Highest Purpose.

    So this JESUS key is that while the Holy Comforter follows JESUS Christ, the Comforter is to be the same Leader One As JESUS Christ.

    New Wonders are in the JESUS

    Anewing (

    Spirit for JESUS Comforters hardly as Comforters following and rather of JESUS Grace: JESUS Comforter Leader and then JESUS Comforter Leader and then JESUS Comforter Leader and so on as much as appropriate in JESUS Christ Father One. So in the above Drawing JESUS Code portion, as highlighted from "Son" JESUS is with

    "ye" and then "down" as lightning though as JESUS Christ to Serve and then to return in appropriate bountiful Glory as in so Giving Serving Doing to thereafter properly ascend of the Spirit "Father" (John 6.39) then the option to return to JESUS The "Son" In Heaven (not as vomiting up, instead as blood pumping up (even Mark 14.24 though once for all hence with "Son" "healing").

    And with the hands to "saith:" JESUS Instructions and after that (":") then to be with "given" (worthiness according to "commanded" under the "Father")("with should [be] wisdom").

    Go not merely to colonize, yet also to "up ye they" (lift [from JESUS In You] them).

    The middle of the above Drawing is alike with JESUS Pic (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on iambic emphasis), and toward the right emphasis is on the 3D and greater nature of it in JESUS Christ Creator Physics Including Natural Physics as with levels emphasized and the Flow Of Christians from 1 each ascending to 2 bringing others to 3 returning to the "Son" JESUS Christ, with #2 tied to the Firmament parameters to the right, and above such are the JESUS Transfigured three: Moses, JESUS, and Elias, as above right JESUS Flies (for a reason [even if vacation...], not a careless thrill ride).

    Plainly stated You are to build Your Aloft Ark Fleet and in the name of JESUS Christ and for JESUS the Christ (and so for the Highest True Purpose including for their sakes). The Book Of Revelation applies not merely to this planet.

    In the name JESUS Christ, JESUS already Did the hard work and You are to reap the Harvest In The Name JESUS Christ With Preparing, Inviting, and Hosting.

    Sinners have been busy about the problems they created for themselves. Though You In Christ JESUS are to properly ascend, as with viewing the important part of this verse of precepts, in other words look at what You are supposed to Do Matthew 13.30 NIV:

    A new truth (subset to the whole truth as an aspect of truth as a true precept of the JESUS Christ Precepts) is now Given unto You for JESUS You Benefitting: hardly be about letting the weeds (sins) touch Your Innocent Self (since You have not yet wholely ascended John 20.17 each and all over sins as much as with time(s)) so rather mechanize and automate that the [future awareness of human machine interactiveness] show sinners to handle sinners: sinners undoing sinners so as each to flee from sin for JESUS Exemplar Highest Purpose.

    Then nothing is left save for JESUS To Enter Into His Greater Glory with JESUS One "wheat" into His "barn".

    See above text greater "for Females" concerning "Valuation", this "barn" is as a female symbol though symbols are greater than fonts, similar to the people coming into the Church Tent to see JESUS Your Preaching Potentate [male, unless female (the JESUS Person Best for the job)(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on valuations in greater specifics [and such as tied to pregnancies, births, and nursing children; also note best leaders such as hunters not at home discovering such as ark scrolls and building greater in JESUS Christ Pure Vessel Precepts including for the family leadership until the children opt properly receiving])].

    The above verse "I" is the above Drawing "Son" and Potentate JESUS The Christ as stated in Matthew 13.37 NIV:

    So You are to go up there into the Heavenly Places where JESUS Christ (through You and/or through Christians [and sinners may have been involved so conditions apply]) to Harvest the Already Ripe Good Fruits yielded from JESUS Christ One having planted the Good Word Seeds; and greater unseen, such as because

    JESUS Ascended into His Glory for Your sake personally,

    hardly because He suffered and died on the cross and so deserved it

    also of key importance ("personally" Romans 15.18, also positionally of key importance): JESUS Christ Is Most Worthy.

    It is stated JESUS Christ planted the Holy Word Seed, and Christian Others (You too at least a little) Did likewise, not only broadcasting JESUS radiating from Earth electromagnetically yet also [with word likewise electromagnetically, and yet also] to splash Holy Water influences the greater all, straightening the greater all into JESUS Oneness ("Potentate")(a key to above Drawing to the right: ascend levels to JESUS One Highest).

    JESUS Faith properly onto Greater JESUS Faith Anew unravels benefits toward Wisely unraveling the greater JESUS Value(s).

    Only JESUS Christ One deserves anything good, save the loving kindness of JESUS Christ One to reach down to lift others whether deserving or not though not only Charity responsibilities, also with Pure Vessel responsibilities, and these in JESUS One Highest Responsibility.

    JESUS Christ properly ascended, and now You are discomfited though ascending to opt to be Comforted in order to be with JESUS Wisdom to know how to Comfort: how to Give Comfort In The Name JESUS And No Other Name in order for You to become the Comforter

    the Holy Highest One Reaper

    the Holy Highest JESUS Host.

    Comforter wormhole types,

    instead Comforter Straight And Narrow Leading In JESUS (including types).

    JESUS Christ offers proper Faith to see the unseen, such as to behold the JESUS Transfiguring key.

    In the name JESUS Christ the above mentions words such as "minimal" and "hardly": toward as if nearly insignificant, while actually the smaller inside You is the greater Heart Source JESUS Christ and so the Heavens, and in a sense: places to be [not merely watched from a distance (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on the importance of watchers ascending too)](in this current timeline sense reference 3 Nephi 26.1 "34" AD [above Drawing arm B]) as of James 3.3-5 BS:

    JESUS Gave it so travel the Universe.

    The Chosen People did not merely sit in the House Of Bondage: Your Flock is landlocked while Your JESUS Flock is the Anew Chosen People. On the Moon the first step was not merely a step it was also a symbolic step, on Earth to the Heavens step JESUS Symbolically though not merely symbolically as if empty words. A greater than the Eucharist is Alive and Living Here Now in JESUS In Your Soul [with Your Faith In JESUS Christ].

    So set Your Soul to head for Heaven, and bring Your Pure JESUS Body (it's invited too)(Matthew 22.1-14): all expenses paid vacation (Revelation 22.17).

    Example: a person threw away a small bit of paper, and it helped a hiker start a much appreciated fire (symbolic, likely true in many cases). Example: a person discarded a bottle, another uses bottles to make bottle rockets artworks delighting and inspiring many (ibid.). Example: a child fashioned a kite, and then a massive rocket with a spy satellite (ibid.).

    JESUS You Preacher can Do such and greater since in the name JESUS Christ: papers with JESUS Highest Purpose: things people don't discard, thing that instead inspire Joyously toward the Eternal Highest JESUS Purpose, and JESUS Greater More Valuable Motivationally: for instance a person builds a JESUS Meeting Tent then a greater JESUS Place: opt to help a few or same effort to JESUS Help More and Prophetically (meaning on the right track: Straight And Narrow: properly ascendingly in JESUS The Christ One)

    You spread the Word into outer space, now Go: Word And Deed (behold what His Disciples said about Him Luke 24.19).

    A letter is like a point (1D, one dimension), a word is like a line (2D): a letter is the smallest part of a word.

    The primary particle in grammar is about how to read the rest of the words, it is like mortar that can be between red bricks or between large masonry blocks with hollows, and like fasteners that can hold together vessel sections such as amino acid sets. A primary particle is a type of JESUS Given Guide to format the sentence, so a JESUS Precept key toward properly putting together JESUS Precepts.

    If for instance to connect a person with an engine, then at least minimal primary particle type appropriate (to JESUS Mission) connective matter and/or energy, such as a motorcycle seat between the hot engine and the rider. So now with this, JESUS Christ is with this key for You: the Holy Spirit Flows, and a [JESUS Living] flow is relative to other, such as not flowing or also of the created a to flow relative to other flowing faster.

    So the primary particle connective vessel (connecting two vessels typically, such as in this case like unto mud connecting water to land) needs depend on JESUS In You on the types for the JESUS Mission that should be opted to connect: in pertinence if to connect a fast stream to land then perhaps a steel or concrete culvert though if slow flow stream to slow land (energy at rest) then mud may suffice.

    Your JESUS Vessel Purity large and small (big projects, and in the little things You Do [and mid range]) each and all are with JESUS values, such as travel to a big galaxy though via tiny JESUS keys. If to transfigure then in JESUS Christ to consider the "tiny", the JESUS keys: why?:

    it's the Best You can Do (JESUS Straight And Narrow), for instance if to move a mountain You can try to lift if with Your hands, or rather of the JESUS Spirit Command the [lower level] mountain to move (sufficient JESUS Faith is important),

    or JESUS Gives for the sakes of the people: to use powerful explosives for instance (reference JESUS Christ, and so laws and considerations for all).

    So JESUS Gives for You to utilize explosives Anew and only Best (save "for the sakes of the people", see above large font "JESUS Ascended" for You).

    Your JESUS keys are explosives and greater: JESUS Living Explosives (the JESUS Sent Eternal Comforter John 14.16 [the JESUS key to such as much as JESUS Faithfully in You for Their JESUS Sake(s)]). Note if You are with a taxi driver or a pilot or commander that is not Christian, then hardly the Highest Comforter as JESUS In You Is/Are One Leader.

    Your tiny JESUS key code data establishes proper "explosives" "primary particle" formatting: You can lift a mountain 2 Corinthians 5.1 APE:

    In the name JESUS Christ, perpetuate that which can be perpetuated.

    So in the JESUS Spirit be and greater such as to fit Your Flock within the Vessel(s). If to tell a person there is a vessel being considered for them, they would be concerned, and interested the better You explain the greater and greatest value: You would motivate fleets of people, mountains of people, You don't even have to purchase "explosives".

    Even so, high "explosives" thinking for the JESUS Heart is valuable and not merely in outer space colonizing to Do as JESUS Christ said. JESUS Power And Principalities And JESUS Authority are as high explosives, these are JESUS keys over lower levels (while Your Glory, if to Glory [Yes / JESUS Maintenance], is in JESUS Highest).

    JESUS Your Authority is over lower level "high explosives" (above Drawing right toward bottom under higher JESUS Firmaments).

    Explosives are things of lower levels, along with their energies.

    JESUS Christ Gives You new keys as much as for Highest JESUS Purpose In The Father

    including a Tractor Repulsor Beam key

    though conditionally a JESUS One Transfiguring Preparatory key

    for the type of vessel talent(s) appropriate for Your JESUS Mission.

    These are Given of JESUS Christ in greater specifics in the Drawing below, though the "Tractor Repulsor Beam" key is also a Tractor and/or Repulsor Beam key [if utilized then with other JESUS appropriate precept (Matthew 20.23) keys (reference cliche three lock box)(so not as former precepts, rather in JESUS Grace Anew and see next lower level sentence).

    Logic alone (as if able to be without Heart Soul) has been said to be such as guilty or innocent, and such as a light switch on or off; but the logic alone data bit is wrongful confusion and obeys not the higher authorities over logic.

    Casting of lots as in the Christian Bible is [in the name JESUS Christ God Almighty Creator and is] respectful of God:

    it is not let sinners decide,

    it is let God decide

    meaning it is let JESUS Christ Do The Will Of JESUS Christ In The Will Of God The Father In Heaven.

    The Tractor and/or Repulsor Beam key like unto a hand and arm (as with Right Hand And Arm Of JESUS Christ) is as with (James 3.4) talent

    [data subset of JESUS Mission (Spirit Set as a Subset Of The Whole Highest Level Holy Spirit In JESUS) "This is the will of my Father who sent me, that of all he has given to me I should lose nothing," John 6.39).

    The JESUS Talent per se is to not merely attract nor repulse, yet: catch, toss, hold, Pray, pull, relocate, build, push into water to Baptize, and greater in JESUS Christ.

    JESUS Christ counted as grown up by grownup leaders of civilization at the time [at age 12 was with "the best thinkers" (see next sentence)] so in that (secular IQ) sense also JESUS Christ was ahead of His time advancing civilization but was cut down by the Romans.

    Physicist Archimedes was also cut down by the Romans previous to JESUS Christ. A secular site of an atheist

    (though with Creator JESUS within even if unaware [hence Isaiah 62.8&9NAS even if sinners worked similar to digging but quitting just prior to striking a gold vein])

    offers some values as of a level of interpretation (Luke 6.33)

    [such concerns this legal key in JESUS Christ (see above text "Logic alone"..."as if", and concerning Exodus/22.2 rather in JESUS Grace Exodus 20.13 with Mark 10.19 [neighborhood children have often broken into houses to play and/or steal), and]

    [for instance some utility workers have done similar knowingly breaking the law as practiced so often that criminals imitate (, but it is not right to kill them for it (reference JESUS Christ or at least the courts])]

    The "Romans sought", "Archimedes" (

    But Archimedes cared (ibid. tied to a reason a Roman soldier killed him

    [instead reference JESUS Christ Saving Grace Of Humility]). JESUS Cares And Helps.

    Archimedes cared and helped though mainly yielding physics with helps for greater physics and for applications. Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."

    JESUS Archimedes so to speak symbolically (not to judge whether Archimedes has agreed with a certain faith or not) for Your Greater Good Edifying in Christ JESUS is as:

    JESUS Christ Love x Archimedes physics = JESUS Loving Guidance [in You as much as You agree with JESUS Christ] Physics [so at least to the extent that Archimedes was correct],

    in other words concerning the above "lever" and "fulcrum" mass data management, in JESUS You it becomes victory already over such. Below in the JESUS Drawing is shown how the "lever" and "fulcrum" become Anew in principle in JESUS Christ: JESUS Care Faithfully applied to handling data such as to move masses for JESUS Highest Mission Purpose.

    God in the Garden Of Eden was with forbidden fruit, for the Worthy. To JESUS Edify the Fold, similar though secular is High Octane is of value, though not for all cars and not for birthday candles. God Gave the pertinent Word, and Adam And Eve wisely [temporary ascending but turned] knew the forbidden fruit according to surface appearance, Good In God; and not for Adam And Eve to improperly know the internal of the fruit.

    If the secular tests poisons by poisoning a set of [person or] people then the secular fails.

    Archimedes unraveled some internal things such as from the outward appearances of triangles and circles, to know the internal (sinfully except in this generation if through JESUS Christ).

    "Archimedes used the tools of Euclidean geometry to show that the area inside a circle is equal to that of a right triangle whose base has the length of the circle's circumference and whose height equals the circle's radius in his book Measurement of a Circle" (wiki).

    In the JESUS Drawing below is stated "For You [for Your sake], start with JESUS sized wave.", why?, because all the created starts with the Best, the Most Pure Good, the Christ: JESUS. There is nothing in the created that is known more perfectly than JESUS Christ, nothing more correctly legally and precisely accurate and on target. If to measure anything: start in the name JESUS as much as possible.

    The above speaks of the [typically secular] "Euclidean" philosophy: if it is JESUS Euclidean then [in this case Edifying over secularism (other cases involve other conditions against "secularism")] toward "Christ", toward the True Christian.

    Here is an example:

    Unique (JESUS Christ) appearance measure of [JESUS] units yields the internal JESUS Sum (also levels and horizontal talents): make each set squared (squared is not shown here):

    JESUS _____ JESUS

    JESUS _____ _____ JESUS

    JESUS _____ _____ _____ JESUS


    yields the JESUS Euclidean previously [as though] unknown: this JESUS [Right] Triangle:




    Make this set squared if to move to 3D toward the Living JESUS Christ.

    So these JESUS Six per se are only with the outward properly JESUS "Unique" (identical measures) of JESUS Nine "squared" per se. Likewise JESUS Three per se would be with Giving toward the outer JESUS Six [JESUS Christ is better than risk (Jeremiah 23.4)].

    The sinners make not progress, except repentance, and then only truly toward the greater if full repentance. So the secular makes not progress (save if any Christian(s) be lifting for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose).

    So if sinners propose ideas, they are risks in their goodly parts (beware) if any noticeable of JESUS Physics levels of perspectives, or the sinner assumptions are merely worse. So if not having JESUS Christ credit and for instance having found values in hyperbolic equations (such as though for Your Aloft Fleet Systems For Christianity In JESUS Christ) then "beware", though instead be aware such would be under the JESUS Fleet of Yours (that JESUS Gives for into Your Hand [Maintenance] or rather into Your Heart [Faith]).

    So because of the higher level ("JESUS Fleet of Yours"), the former hyperbolic equations are become no more that the JESUS Anewing In Your Fleet makes them into the JESUS Hyperbolic Equations (JESUS Data Control and greater)[Conquer their math for JESUS Christ, set at liberty any self imposed spirit twists against the Lord, "loose their tongues" (3 Nephi 26.14)].

    So this key You likely already know in JESUS Christ: things added under [Your] administration (if You go under sinners then improper, instead make the lower levels worthy), since in JESUS Christ, become JESUS Anew [if with "risks" then JESUS according to Your Faith (amount, level, rate of ascending, talents,...)] is to be JESUS You Faithfully Maintained:

    so "Faithfully" for the already JESUS Pure (Spirit, and if Spirit With Pure Vessel or Spirit With Pure Vessel Group) and key in JESUS Christ

    is with Your Doing of JESUS Maintenance if to Do JESUS Maintenance Work (also a Responsibility) if any impurity exists.

    For instance if a system is impure it might operate for awhile then stop, so fix it in JESUS Christ first except if JESUS Christ Higher Level [such as emergency] applies. Bear Your cross daily to bear in Your JESUS Soul Heart And Mind that the secular practice often has been to do as has been done in the world but not as in Heaven.

    Note it is not a sin nor illegal to continue to plow with a horse since meeting the law as much as for JESUS Good Highest Purpose like unto the cliche "above the law" since "law is not made for a righteous man" (1 Timothy 1.9 though levels apply)(in a Righteous Court, Romans 14.10, the Court does not hold back the Rightesous, but holds any guilty sinners; and JESUS Firmaments apply).

    So the Miracle of True Law is the only Miracle the sinner needs

    [though You may Give extra Faith Charity and if any more to Give (Luke 21.1-3) then Maintenance Responsibility]

    so JESUS Christ hath Given You this great Evangelism key!

    JESUS Anew Great Evangelism Key / JESUS New Christianity / "JESUS Christ hath Given You".

    So the JESUS Ascending Christian burden is lightened, so not such as a dog to perform [Miracle] tricks at the prompts of sinners as written in Matthew 26.68:

    The sinner only wants the self sinner to be proclaimed and glorified.

    If to measure anything, if to know anything, and if to be correct and right and true, and even greater if to love then to start in the name of Christ JESUS and continue in the name Christ JESUS.

    The value of the above starting with JESUS, citing JESUS, and continuing JESUS; is the perfecting in You greater than a reminder.

    Who killed the most people?, that person in a prison cell?, no, Hitler?, no, the largest group(s) of secular people killed the most people (be caring how Matthew 10.29 is interpreted in JESUS Christ) so time to move on instead in the name JESUS and in the JESUS Physics: make worthy to be with treasures instead of destroying until alone in hell.

    Today, January 16, 2019AD, is Freedom Of Religion Day and Religious Freedom day in USA (and Space Force,...). Though be aware the same was 2,000 years ago as the Priests were free but JESUS Christ was wrongly crucified by sinners: killers of people (instead 1 Samuel 24.12: repent).

    Legally there is no "Freedom" without Matthew 22.39 NAS:

    since Matthew 22.40 NAS:

    Killing JESUS Christ is not the answer nor the "Freedom": none can even kill JESUS Christ anymore.

    And the secular dead with the sleeping in graves need bend to become alive in Christ JESUS Only The Way Christ JESUS Taught And Does, and this does not say bend the rules; JESUS Grace explains in Romans 12.4 NAS:

    so True Freedom is not to be an artist nor a poet nor a subset of students in a classroom, True Freedom is all of these things as much as Members of Christ JESUS. This created belongs to JESUS Christ, not to a group of hateful people.

    Under law, a person believes in JESUS or not. If a person believes in JESUS Christ then to not believe laws that are not in the name and functioning of JESUS Christ. The worldly laws are imperfect so destroys itself and the lives of such believers in the worldly laws of sinners.

    Under JESUS Law is Highest True Pure Loving Grace that lower level laws need no longer apply. The automatic pistol or JESUS, save if to defend against lower level creatures though as much as able in JESUS Christ rather in JESUS Christ Grace improve such "pistol" type technology if appropriate [typically] in the JESUS Mission as JESUS The Creator did not carry a pistol nor even a sword to kill people: JESUS Gave the Firmament for dominion over the lower levels.

    Lack of JESUS Faith enables vulnerabilities, though is not cause to hate people.

    The Heart Of JESUS Brings and Gives Life and a better living toward the Best Living JESUS One.

    Bending light becomes the knuckles of the hand of JESUS Christ (John 8.12): One, for JESUS You One Highest Purpose. JESUS Spirit needs not gloves, though JESUS Mercy for Your Christian Leadership Sake offers gloves to handle though if Worthy for such a Mission Level according to JESUS Christ (if unworthy then Numbers 19.13NIV applies and requires "purify themselves" with proper JESUS Anointing, or greater risk if not as much as Baptized [importantly JESUS Gives this Word similarly often tied to people digging bones perhaps tied to diseases such as for ancient treasures]).

    So this light bending can be at risk of grabbing things in outer space that plague (note Matthew 3.11: entering Earth's atmosphere is correlated to burning) such as perhaps new computer data viruses as of advanced civilizations preventing data attacks.

    If to be "grabbing" things such as a code moving through a computer, then tied to traceability.

    The JESUS Drawing below explains to properly prepare such as to prepare whether to be with or without a needful thing for a JESUS Mission, such as whether to do extra work to transfigure something or not. A thing that does not need transfigured for JESUS Highest Purpose should not be transfigured even if no laws were made over such (exceptions such as play or research do not apply since such should also be in the name and Highest Purpose Of JESUS Christ, and sin is not an exception).

    Up there in the outer time space continuum (similar to smaller [subatomic]) are energies and hidden things: these are some of the great mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven for You to Physically God Unravel [at least consider it Your time to practice applying JESUS Christ Spirit Given You (example [intro with verse 12])].

    In the JESUS Drawing below is Given a reason to not transfigure if a simple repositioning might better serve the JESUS Highest Purpose.

    JESUS Gives Guidance Data

    (right half of Drawing unravels certain levels):

    JESUS Christ Flying Saucer specifications detailing key vessel and internal combustion design powers and capabilities, of the word Son of Righteousness arise from above lifting including for with to Prophetically be healings in the soles of Your feet, with physics analysis of the powers of waves for properly utilizing. UFO Flying Saucer Tractor Holder Repulsor Beam length and diameter vector velocity, movie The Negotiator Samuel L. Jackson Kevin Spacey, October Sky Apollo 13, Zoarism Ark of Christian ancient civilizations on planets Revelation 6:12 Bible Code Christian President Don Trump explained I can do anything name JESUS

    After full repentance, proper Baptism, and in the name JESUS Christ Praying, then JESUS Highest Purpose Designing [You already know law] JESUS Grace Heart Standard (One God JESUS "GODSLING" Mass) with Doing, orienting, JESUS Gyroscopic Guidance light [waves] for the Mass. Above Drawing bottom center JESUS Heart Gives to know greater over powers of the waves that have had powers over people, and above and right the expansive JESUS Loving Grace Lifting Spirit (so as lightning to a collapsible antenna except JESUS Safely: JESUS Gyroscopic Lifting, JESUS Proper Arc Gouging).

    Christ JESUS Gives Anew Authority over the secular sense(s) of "new" data. JESUS Data Set One is of the Highest Spirit And Truth And Grace. Above is explained in the Drawing to the left: things "not remembered":

    therefore this JESUS key: this is of JESUS Christ and with the unseen (such as no longer of knowledge [or yet to come])

    therefore this is one way to describe Faith.

    This is One JESUS Talent Way to describe JESUS Highest Faith: within the name JESUS Christ (whether with vessel knowledge or not)

    and "vessel" includes higher, same level, and lower precept level spirits;

    and "vessel" includes JESUS Highest Agreeing Spirit Hence Pure JESUS Vessel.

    Such JESUS Faith is so lest a lower than JESUS Highest Level talent apply [or risk if a sinner of confused faiths].

    So a JESUS key is Faith is very similar to JESUS Love, JESUS Hope, JESUS Grace, JESUS Mercy, JESUS Joy,...and JESUS Properly Ascending Anew for the sakes of all.

    A key unraveling the mystery of JESUS Properly Ascending is not limited to the Bible yet as the Living JESUS Bible And Highest Spirit Of Heaven, as JESUS Christ is Highest of JESUS Grace, though of JESUS Grace, Christ JESUS often visits lower levels in the spirit, even always whether seen or not [according to faiths and times and situations] from lower levels,

    though with exception that of JESUS Grace the lower levels are with grace to opt of the JESUS Tree Of Knowledge (for JESUS Good Purposing in the Heart) and JESUS is not for sin so to the lower levels so having cast themselves out sinfully (except JESUS Christ) there is no way to find Wisdom except to ascend in JESUS Christ precept on precept and likewise via JESUS Christ.

    So for instance whether in a dream or in the world, the lower level spirits of confusions often apply as JESUS Christ Ascends Anew (so a key need to catch up to newly realized JESUS Highest Level). And none would know the JESUS Straight And Narrow Way save JESUS once for all made Himself a little lower than the Angels (Your Flock [even greater in JESUS Christ applies greatly and often]).

    So in JESUS Spirit with the JESUS Open Door key (JESUS "made Himself a little lower than the Angels")

    this JESUS Spirits key: this is like unto subset lower Mission key. The Higher level Spirit(s) have been "ascending and descending" (Genesis 28.12).

    So now JESUS Christ Gives for Your Flock to be properly through JESUS Christ, to be with this Anew JESUS Mission key of "ascending and descending" properly even if to descend into the lower levels and even if [with Highest JESUS Joy (not lower sinful temporary thrills)] to go through their sufferings, works of sins, hells, pains, and attacks; except safely properly in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose In The Father Will In Heaven (John 1.51).

    So JESUS Christ revealed what the Good Angels In Heavenly Level Spirits have been doing (BC), and now in this generation toward Final End Time (weeds [not in the name JESUS Christ], if any, first in this case) to rightly be "ascending and descending" (applicable now to be in the name JESUS Christ such as if Space Force is to be correct). Another way to say it is if the data set known as Space Force (or greater the United States Of America) becomes in the name JESUS Christ: hence JESUS Christ Space Force (though reference previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on group size values, and on "commander" therefore needs be "JESUS Christ United States Of America [such as to lead the world legally and correctly]).

    In other words, if to walk into sin then to suffer, even if from Heaven ("Lucifer, son of the morning!" from Isaiah 14.12);

    so in JESUS Christ be with this JESUS Distinguishing key [that does not save Space Force (since not in the name JESUS Christ in the legal sense)] that if a Pure Data Set (JESUS Vessel) would opt to travel through impure data (reference Evangelism), then to JESUS Faithfully [Praying With Word With Doing JESUS Precepts] be with JESUS Maintenance to properly be JESUS Distinguishing what, how, and so on concerning proper Maintenance (e.g. what to Maintain, how to Maintain it, proper JESUS Recordkeeping,...)

    so Your JESUS Faith can be with JESUS Faith, though if with Pure Body then Your JESUS Faith [With JESUS Greater Faith properly, and] with JESUS Maintenance lest to be toward losing the formerly "Pure Body" (as of above cited Isaiah 14.12)("toward losing" includes such as more riskiness, such as risking contaminations and data damages).

    JESUS Christ Gently Invites along the JESUS Straight And Narrow Ascending Path.

    But lightning routinely has formerly been described as though very destructive, dangerous, risk associated, excessive temperatures able to have melted many lightning rods, and quick pulses of sharply jagged pain related angles similar to the nails that were put into JESUS Christ (jagged synonym includes "spiky, spiked, barbed"

    So there is a JESUS Way to be JESUS One Best "ascending and descending" in JESUS Comfort And Joy, or there is the quick fall through overwhelming hooks path as has been opted of any not in the name JESUS Christ.

    JESUS Christ often Walked through the midst of where many sinners were, and even Priests had misinterpreted key Principles Of Faith. JESUS Christ is aware for instance of JESUS Creator Physics and so such as over dark matter and wormhole types, therefore be in the name JESUS Christ to be properly "ascending and descending" not merely in the comforts of many mansions, rather as the JESUS Hosting Comforter In One Highest Purpose.

    So this JESUS Straight And Narrow key is Given though grand delusions unto sinful purposes as thorns unto sinners if to so opt (; JESUS Gives You Holy Highest Christian to be over thorns and other former terrors against You, for properly Leading In JESUS. What this means, for instance in this generation:

    the past few days [and nights](today being January 12, 2019AD) lower level spirits repeatedly fought the JESUS Highest Precept(s) Spirit, and so because of a "few days" they had time to motivate themselves to study the Scriptures and/or similar to become better Edified In Christ JESUS, but they did not so opt for goodness (so greater fall risks and pains became associated to their sinful paths [going on the wrong paths related to bigger losses compounding daily for instance]), though for their sakes since a "few days" the repeated type of data attacks came (against JESUS Precept(s)) a JESUS Christ answer was Given (Ezra 8.23) and for their sakes many Christian Bible references were cited (of verses concerning precepts) in specifics and elaborately.

    Now be aware of this JESUS Evangelism key: their first response was defensively turning back to their former sinful painful ways. So more JESUS Info was Given over there added sinful response (Matthew 21.32). So of this key, let the JESUS Evangelist be prepared.

    So let Your properly ascending Spirit be prepared: turned spirits often go down or similarly often cast themselves out astray. The lost know not as much as the Tree Of Knowledge, much less the key JESUS Heart Living [Tree Spirit]. So not their ways though JESUS Maintenance for their sakes, and Faithfully be properly "ascending and descending" if to answer the lower level turned spirits to JESUS Straighten.

    Now, having explained that, this greater JESUS Christ Leading Faith key is Given: try not to make mistakes when You Properly Ascend In JESUS Faith Levels of JESUS Physics

    when You record (recordkeeping) Higher Faith Revelations.

    There are two aspects of this, the one is the JESUS Answer to how to record the unseen unknown, and the second is subset that there is not all lost when interacting in Spirit Faith with JESUS Christ as some of the boundless Good [messages] coming from JESUS Christ (Psalm 40.5) are made into Your Brain (of the Heart Soul, then Brain then Your Mind: some within memory emerge) to type and/or write and/or Preach JESUS Anew Miraculously (see above Drawing liquid in tubes in increasing [levels, steps] amounts [of masses, measured amounts,..]) for their sakes for Highest JESUS Purpose.

    Now concerning the recording of the "unknown" there are in a person self made obstacles such as embarrassed to be so increasingly humble (Holy Highest True Reliable Obedience to JESUS Christ), and such as see previous on "their first response was"..., and such as due to temporary comforts so lack of interest to properly ascend in the Physics levels that JESUS Christ Offers. What then shall JESUS You Do?, remove their comforts?, hardly, since You Do not wish to destroy Your Space Colony's spaceship; so instead ascend the more (Matthew 6.33) with properly Maintaining (such as JESUS Maintenance Checks).

    Recording of the JESUS "unknown" means You lack something (at least something specific) that JESUS Christ would be pleased that You properly gain (toward greater Faith Joy). So record even is to merely state [as stated above] "when You Properly Ascend In JESUS Faith" ["Levels"]

    then You know at least this much, that "You Properly Ascend In JESUS Faith".

    Behold! This is a great JESUS key: that when You begin to write about JESUS Christ

    (at least as much as You know to write, even such as the letter J for JESUS)

    then it is normal to find the JESUS Highest Spirit would agree with Your so agreeing.

    You New Christianity Leader are with a position ("Leader" for JESUS Christ). And yet sometimes You (reference Maintenance) are more personal, example: in Preaching You Teach the Mass, though at the exit after Your Sermon You shake individual hands and often ask and tell about family matters and other experiences such as concerning news items (aside from exhaustive matters, see above text on "automate" even to include above Drawing "GODSLING" "Gifts" bag [mass] on stick).

    So of position You Preach and of personal You handshake [as explained]. So for JESUS Edifying One and all for the sake of all, the author of this Sermon ("position") offers in JESUS Christ this more "personal" value Victory example for You and the Glory Of JESUS Christ. Throughout this [in legal sense known as though mortal] lifetime has been a personal desire, often for the greater good, to know more about electricity and waves, and even though from above Drawing Faith involving things "not remembered" and so "unknown" matters yet Faithfully continuing, great revelations began to be unfolded even while drawing (even drawing some and then correcting until more proper in JESUS Christ), like unto hints unseen, unheard, unperceived [or unremembered] yet of JESUS Faith to draw (John 8.6) as the true physics of energies became increasingly evident: Praise The Lord!

    So this is exciting [at least personally] and offered in Truth: so a key example (Revelation 22.17).

    Now with this subset key, even with being Given such, it became so JESUS Wondrous as to cause bewilderments and confusions: yes, to draw and then to go back to reexamine how such became possible was becoming as though too much to believe: great JESUS Joy.

    Of course You would hardly let such stop You from further ascending precept on precept as JESUS Christ Taught (Teaches). And such drawing JESUS Motivates from Faith [and as with Miracles] unto greater Faith: already with greater "roller axis" (or energy axis) details in the JESUS Faith Processing [of data] plans starting for the next Drawing, though first JESUS Maintenance to complete pertinent text thus far.

    So a key is that increasingly in JESUS Faithful Ascending Properly In New Christianity is the greater Hopeful Joyous Motivation to Leap In Faith, and such can be rightly Done according to many situations (though reference Highest Purpose) while often it is more important to go step on step for their sakes and to gain JESUS One Victories most properly (according to Given talents, and other as much as Higher Levels opting) hence to gain Victory over the above stated "bewilderments and confusions" so to JESUS Convert to JESUS Wondrous yet Miraculously Known via JESUS Christ.

    JESUS Christ Giving to this generation: Anew, for coming out of the House Of Bondage!

    JESUS Christ today [(January 13, 2019AD) though most would read later and others becoming aware later] discloses great profound information for Good Pleasing in the lower levels

    and not toward sin. This "Anew" to lower levels of souls is for delight and greater for pleasing, and first Will be Told the "Anew" resultant value for Holy Harvesting and then afterward in these sentences Will be explained how this Victory was already accomplished even though an Ongoing Victory [like unto a line of successes]: and so how it Prophetically Will be accomplished.

    The first part sounds dramatic, it is greater than dramatic (greater than position(s)), even as the former interpretations were as the sickle of the reaper; instead in JESUS Christ Good On Good Will be explained in the second part of these sentences in this JESUS ICCDBB New Christianity Sermon. The first part: the JESUS Return On Investment of 2,000 years ago:

    JESUS Christ has opened the door to coming out of the House Of Bondage Anew! And this Victory of JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ Revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for Highest Purpose Through JESUS Christ, is a Firmament Victory "Anew" to this generation in a mighty way of profound Wisdom In God.

    In JESUS Christ is the start of the greater meaning for Good for the Converting of nations, as JESUS Christ has revealed the actual spirits of some people.

    No need to fret, this is not about war nor famine nor plague nor incarceration nor oppression nor finding guilty in court. So be Wise to know the second part with this first part.

    JESUS Christ revealed something for each and all Christian Churches (Members, even if an individual Christian; and for benefiting of all):

    that each person and all are now in the House Of Bondage

    and Christ JESUS has started the setting free process.

    So since "each person and all", then no entity can accuse another lest to accuse the self.

    Even so, Christ JESUS Father Spirit One Highest continues with the ability to opt.

    All you beggars, all you murderers, all you "sickos" (in secular terminology), all you who might be any or all of such, all You Christian Leaders under problems at times (Galatians 6.2), each and all people and all are now Given this "Anew" advantage from JESUS Christ (the word all in this sentence applies to any not already with this advantage: in the normal sense in this world meaning the census sense of people and all tangible things and the energies).

    All you beggars and murderers and all alike are Given this advantage now.

    So whether a tyrant, or dictator with a long history of insanity, or a delightful Christian, or other: to each and all is Given from JESUS Christ God this advantage:

    Commenced already is the bringing out of the House Of Bondage Prophetically and already as has happened in fact and with repeatable proof already repeated to verify the proof.

    This is from the Holy Spirit Of The Father In Heaven through JESUS Christ that this bringing out of the House Of Bondage is of a form and type "Anew"

    and so not as the former per se. This bringing out can also be Exemplified in the various Christian Churches, though more clearly to the point in the largest and the more well known longer lasting of the Christian Churches (two in particular come to mind in this point, the Latter Day Saints Church, LDS, and the Catholic Church

    (no legal ties to either [save if a JESUS Christ related concern]).

    This exiting from the House Of Bondage is not as to flee as in the former days into the lack and the desert (conditions may apply such as people may actually be in desert places), rather of JESUS Grace the JESUS Church remains and the other if any is properly best lifted.

    This proper lifting is for example like unto [the Chosen People and/or] the LDS fleeing persecution years ago, though with a place now [a Christian, an LDS Building, Christians,...] as [a] New Jerusalem (a Christian Church), the surrounding community and greater are attesting unto the results.

    House Of Bondage chariots chased the Chosen People, no chariots are needed now that greater JESUS Benefit for all is becoming unsealed (unbound)

    so this JESUS Anew Belief key is of JESUS Word of JESUS Precepts become unsealed in JESUS Spirit so as needs be applied (Revelation 5.3 now with Matthew 6.10):

    JESUS Christ said Believe the JESUS Christ Name or Believe the JESUS Christ Work(s).

    Verily, verily, sins are chained to hard works against spirits; though saying or typing "JESUS Christ Name" is also work (and greater Good).

    JESUS Christ therefore Unseals for all nations and other groups to Behold a solution to a problem to those under logic, knowledge, and law(s):

    Believe JESUS Christ because of the JESUS Christ Name or Believe JESUS Christ because of the JESUS Christ Name

    [enabling JESUS Worthiness: (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on "now in the Name Of Jesus Christ a new Commandment" at].

    The JESUS Proof(s): the second part of out of the House Of Bondage!

    So this is not that the secular sinners must flee, since as stated above: each and all: "no entity can accuse another lest to accuse the self."

    Also this is not to say that sinners are free to commit sins, the JESUS Physics continue to apply.

    This second part explains how this came about, this awareness of greater spiritual matters (including the increasing talent for the JESUS Distinguishing [Discerning] of spirits: all for One JESUS Highest Purpose.

    Years ago Christians wondered about spirits (such as ghosts of the dead [things (Leviticus 5.2: hence all "murderers" and "sickos" and any very low Firmaments directly or indirectly [save JESUS Christ Purity Matthew 6.33 Victories In JESUS One Highest])])(and such as Angelic Spirits above [added to the pertinent level for the pertinent Worthy In JESUS Christ).

    This Sermon author too wondered increasingly (searching JESUS Christ so the Spirit of God)(see above "personally" [and "positionally"]).

    Some people (no pertinent need to disclose the particular group here, see above "Oneness") exhibited high spiritual talents, and the "group" included Christians. In other words (especially of some and especially in certain circumstances) some with Christian Faith exhibited in fact Miracles.

    So if to learn the Will Of God The Father [hence through JESUS Christ], then to be so involved with this Christian "group", and in this out of the House Of Bondage sense to become with JESUS Wisdom involving the Faith process, which also involved the Miracles in fact(s).

    In one sense, to witness and to observe the Miracle making process first hand (hence see above stated "personally").

    There is a time a person appeared from light (while awake and alert) and put into this Sermon Series, though that old Sermon may have been deleted by now.

    The JESUS Faith Miracle happened according to time and patiently waiting and looking only at the location as a pertinent Christian Stated In Truth, so not looking away even if to be blinded even though there was a blinding light (a Truly bright light, "a blinding light" in the secular sense)(do not disregard safety, this was a special case for JESUS Highest Purpose and not or hardly in need of re-attempting)(a person of the above stated Christian "group" appeared from not a person, from a flash of intense light as though a camera flash [afterward a person had claimed it had been a camera flash, though not witnessed as such by this Sermon author]).

    Data is sometimes lost, some things are erased, some people are forbidden to sin: there are barriers so seek Highest Wisdom to Best Conquer (Matthew 5.9 JESUS Christ God Creator Spirit Pure Person Explained, not toward "accuse" and rather in JESUS Grace no pain [once for all] with greater than nothing so Joy).

    It was forbidden to be written, until the time was come, and another way to Edify and to say it is:

    it was forbidden to be written, but not now.

    There was a proof: a person appeared from light.

    Now a Faith process verification of that type of "proof" and yet with greater proving (see above text "unsealed" now).

    This morning just after midnight with the start of a new Day (awake) aware of spirits of people delimited, then after awake asleep and dreaming again (though even in dreams be awake and JESUS Christ Mindful [seek to Say and Do as JESUS Christ] as in JESUS ICCDBB Sermon specifics at

    This morning part of the dream, was of clear dream images of people (interpreted as spirits of real people, though spirits can transfigure though not this time) similar to seeing strangers on the street (thank God this agrees with the above toward not accusing each other, and not blaming failed equipment)(in some dreams other people are often specifically known: who they are in the census sense).

    JESUS Christ Gave to behold people of the dream, hence spirits (note brain is living matter relative to mind is living spirit, Brain:Matter::Mind:Spirit), and what they were doing, since they were following this Sermon author around but pretending to not be spying

    (even if to attempt to Help, that is, maybe real Helpers though exhibiting traits for other than JESUS Highest Purpose)(perhaps they know who they are, though again: not disclosed here, even unknown to this Sermon author yet with this Sermon author toward becoming aware of this JESUS Mission)(Matthew 22.29 save Mark 10.27 for the sakes of all for JESUS Highest Spirit Purpose: so Matthew 22.29 is a subset of the greater Holy Highest Wisdom In JESUS Christ)(see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on "sheep in wolfs clothing" at

    So of JESUS Christ, now people can know: the time for becoming in the name JESUS Christ (such as a nation,...) is now, as Faith (dictates?, understand in JESUS Christ it is sin that has wished to dictate) unseals Good (Converted in JESUS Christ from such as the Old Testament [such as wars and deceptive practices] and such as the former worries of the Book Of Revelation, as instead Good Giving is JESUS Christ The Victor Giving for the benefiting of all).

    Slavery is not the answer. Christians are being Guided of Christ JESUS to become out of slavery [or similar in cliche stuck in a rut such as a job or a homework assignment that has been called in the secular "fluff" or "unnecessary" though all too often as though "required"]. Work is not bad, homework is not evil, though the room for better is toward JESUS Christ.

    The dream [characters] spirits were repeatedly caught (in the sense of observed first hand): none repented in the dream even after obviously having been [unraveled, unsealed] caught. Simply another character would walk near as a replacement. Then in the dream there were some related events (including in lower level: relative innocence was witnessed as self data was symbolized for any to behold as at least one of those characters looked for flaws after their own careless risks and their traffic accident into another car that also was driven carelessly to such of their mutual result), and after the dream the spirits in self imposed bondages were heard and had been given opportunity to repent though such was not witnessed, even so the above stated "Anew" awareness for JESUS Highest Purpose (or at least sufficient) is here "Anew", and is magnifyingly coming since Christians must ascend (Mark 16.16 & Matthew 5.12).

    The data is sufficiently purged already yet in JESUS Christ greater Will Prophetically Come in magnitude(s) and at an increasing rate as all becomes unsealed and unraveled before Final End Time (let the Second Coming be with rewarding Your group).

    JESUS Christ is not merely with a Book Of Remembrance (Malachi 3.16) yet also coming (so repent) with greater Distinguishing of spirits: so a little time is Given now.

    So now clearly a person can see these JESUS Words, as for all One In JESUS Highest Purpose, though hardly about "these" words alone: any who are with this JESUS Christ Holy High Spirit for Highest JESUS Purpose, are as much as Given to know for the sakes of JESUS Highest Oneness for each and all: all of these are Blessed with this, since being for JESUS One Highest Purpose, and

    even the sinners for selfishness are allowed to be aware (this is being publicly presented) and so motivated since in their secularly comparative level they can be some of the first to know!

    To know JESUS in the Christ Name is Good (John 10.38): people and lower cannot undo nor resist the Will Of God (Romans 9.19) therefore this Prophetically is coming to pass (coming to be happening and is so already)! This is a great time for celebrating since the nations Prophetically Will be Converted as written in Romans 9.26 NAS:

    Blaming others is bondage, oppression, torture, and slavery; without exception save if JESUS Christ would for Highest Purpose be clearly in Your Christian Heart And Soul so of Your Greatest Christian Faith would that You be not toward sin and yet be aware of the parameters wholely in the name JESUS The Christ and only for the Highest Purpose; in such situation, again it is the Straight And Narrow, though as You ascend it may appear as though a turn to a lower purpose: so do no such until clear in Your Soul.

    Now with the previous sentence be aware if to be "clear", goodly, though if to be "clear" then not of Faith in JESUS Christ since clarity of Highest Purpose is not Faith it is Miracle, even if only aware of Miracle Of Spirit as applied in this world, as applied in the created You: so in You the JESUS Christ Highest Purpose is key, whether of Faith or Miracle, even so alway be in JESUS Faith (at least Prayerfully for JESUS Christ).

    You In JESUS Faith, are with worldly visitors to be treated well even though often they have been sinners under the law.

    So let those sinners in lower levels that talk in wrong conclusions such as about

    [(eat or be eaten, get or lose, take or be taken, logic or illogic) and]

    innocent or guilty, consider weather forecasts such as in the Old Testament

    such as per se which is legal: to predict and forecast the weather

    or the True Prophets to Prophetically state the future weather.

    Since the True Prophet is legally right, the estimator forecaster that included extra risks for no Highest Purpose

    ("True Prophets to Prophetically state the future"),

    therefore the forecaster added sins against the hearers and so is illegal

    such as illegally costing people extra burdens (such as financial risks), and city planners not in the name JESUS Christ are also as illegal forecasters and guilty

    (though saved in JESUS Christ is not the end, toward inert, nor dead: instead JESUS New Christiantiy [according to their faith amounts Matthew 9.29, a subset of JESUS Spirit Data]).

    The True Prophets since the Teachings And Doings of JESUS Christ, are [from amidst the] people that are in the name JESUS Christ And Prophesying Concerning JESUS Christ [and the future (rather JESUS Grace Eternal: past, present, future, and JESUS Oneness according to proper ascending; for instances a person is with talent for discussing past and future while another is with talent for discussing present and future)].

    Seek JESUS Faith [humbly, thankfully, appreciatively, and properly] on JESUS Faith, also appreciating any Miracles from JESUS Christ (Spirit / Father).

    Seek JESUS Precept [likewise] properly on JESUS Precept. This is as though to say don't worry about the dazzling Miracles You Create (be with Wisdom JESUS Christ Creates Such In You And From You), yet of Grace rather be concerned (even if to fear God) about JESUS Faith.

    JESUS Faith is a Guiding Power (with bountiful blessings), such as like unto You actually being a star and/or a rainbow:

    The Living Rainbow with JESUS Highest Purpose for all.

    In the above JESUS Drawing (upper right) is the JESUS Highest (including Purpose)(other in the JESUS Drawing are also "Highest" as JESUS is shown in other pics to the right):

    so at least in this JESUS Drawing You know (for Highest Purpose, not for ignorance, nor backsliding, nor sin): JESUS Adds Highest Purpose Knowledge Unto You: JESUS Wisdom from the Heart and Soul of JESUS Christ.

    Because of this JESUS Highest Purpose key, lower turned things that JESUS Gives to be under Your Authority can be Straightened, though the JESUS Best Way to be processing those things applies.

    So at least You know the Best Goal (in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose): it is the proper starting point.

    JESUS Gave You an amount of authority because You (agreed to the responsibility properly in JESUS Christ For One Highest Purpose) became Worthy of such.

    Therefore any under Your JESUS Authority as much as Given You, is what You can Convert for One Highest Purpose Of JESUS Christ (JESUS Evangelism key).

    So now You know the destination (JESUS Highest Point), so You know the direction (to turn to Straighten [with JESUS Best Properly such as reorienting and/or turning if to Straighten) and the lower point the Given into Your Worthiness Authority (whether so to speak You descend to lift a person, or whether You lower a rope ladder, or whether You ascend like unto a parent carrying a child up the stairs,...: Missions that all be benefited or at least as many as able or as many as agreeing [conditions apply]).

    You have Your JESUS Straight Line Responsibility Gift.

    In the above Drawing this JESUS Straight Line Responsibility is further explained of the example spoon with [2 per se] moment of inertia points while a sphere is with only one generally (the center of a [uniform] ball): so from one simple to understand data point to 2, and 2 are each typically not the same as each other (save through JESUS Christ) so at least one needs to become agreed with the other

    (an old JESUS ICCDBB Sermon re-stated a secular finding that if two heart cells [pulse or] beat at different rates, one changes it's rate to match the other pulse rate [note in JESUS Christ to Edify for Your sake: the secular finding was flawed and that flaw was not stated here]).

    To further describe in JESUS Christ the previous sentence "flawed", the straightening of a flaw for JESUS Highest Purpose is not the same as the sifting precept of JESUS Christ (Luke 22.31)(see above text "Anew" with the above JESUS Precept to be "not accusing each other" Romans 6.14: since JESUS "you are not under law but under grace").

    In the name JESUS You Come And Go as the wind (John 3.8) though not to destroy the Highest Law nor the Highest Prophet(s) (Matthew 5.17) because You have the JESUS Precepts in JESUS Your Heart. So You have known (including the True Prophets) in JESUS Christ to Say And Do (including things, such as over properly ascending, and such as over things about materials and energies and the greater living True Spirit (ibid.).

    As You Lift Worthy Others Through Levels that JESUS Christ Gives You, the data amounts from Your "Others" (and such as including the True Prophets) becomes unfolded and JESUS Straight Oriented added unto You, and such adding causes in You the Holy Signage (the [street] signs that Guide from above) to better know where You are coming or going that the secular has opted to not know. Joyn 8.14 YLT:

    So this JESUS Christ Precept Victory Over The Straight And Narrow Path is becoming in You, as the above stated "ye" referred to the former world toward selfish backslider (that was typical of a person in the world [not so of Highest JESUS Christ]). The JESUS Faith lifted You, and now as You lift others per se, each success with their worthy ascending is Victory for them and JESUS sees the Good And Faithful Spirit In You so You are Comforted with the living data of knowledge in them that You raised (and greater) to therefore of that knowledge bank You know increasingly the proper vertical transaction path.

    So this Anew JESUS Victory key is now Given You: You and Yours ascend upward, precept on precept; and now with the Worthy [Good] part of the [JESUS] living data knowledge bank You are with Victory over the not merely the higher Path awareness, yet also the horizontal

    (top Drawing to the right, likewise this previous above Drawing to the right though in this second Drawing not showing lines as levels rather JESUS Grace involvements [data sets for ascending]).

    In other words for example a child goes up stairs, though on the phone the child asks the neighbor child to go up stairs at the same time, such as to playfully wave at the same time to each other from above, or such as to show the neighbor a new surprise.

    Your horizontal Knowledge Data Bank (In JESUS Christ) ascends with You, not as former sins (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons explaining Matthew 19.24), not self-taught, not self-made, not a competition:

    their knowledge, that is of those worthy that You lifted, is as though Your lifting the horizontal and that knowledge bank, a True JESUS Precept "unsealed" for You.

    Even so this Anew key to rather be aware JESUS Christ already is Victorious over every knowledge bank: so seek to make worthy and lift JESUS Christ (as JESUS Christ explained in Luke 18.27).

    Your JESUS Ascending Vessel goes from a pinpoint [You] ascending to many mansions and greater JESUS Vessel Fleet As One ascending, aware of the former ways JESUS Christ explained in John 9.41 NIV:

    so You now have JESUS Victory over the above verse!

    Your [JESUS] Victory is of course according to Your ascending, Your Faith In JESUS Christ.

    The above JESUS Drawing spoon is not only the Creator Spirit [counted as though a Mass point (to Edify in JESUS Christ)],

    the above JESUS Drawing spoon is also with the second (such as Your Knowledge Bank Them In You JESUS) like unto the Creator, so not only 2 moment of inertia points, since Your Knowledge Bank is as much as You properly lifted in the Name And Work Of JESUS Christ: like unto the stars of the Heavens added unto You. Example: that star belongs to JESUS, and that star and also that star belongs to JESUS; likewise according to as much as with JESUS Christ that star belongs to You, and that star and the next.

    Ownership for former selfish sinful ways?, no. You in JESUS protect Your colony and fleet and stars (see JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on how to Do this at

    So if You have only ascended part way, then Matthew 10.42 applies:

    a sinner already has their reward (toward the results of what pains they chose to have),

    the Christian has Their ([knowledge banks of others] rather more perfectly of JESUS Grace) Highest Reward

    as the Christian has the "Highest" from "JESUS Grace" hence the Best They Can Be thus far and in Given situation and according to the Plan And Schedule Of JESUS Christ.

    And so in the Christian Best key is the "more perfectly" become into the perfectingly in the True Holy Highest Way of making others worthy. This perfectingly is in JESUS Christ and in You so accomplishing agreeing and more in JESUS Christ yet also as stated above

    "their knowledge" bank that You lift vertically yet with horizontal, is the measure of Your Faith.

    Though gain that bank [for them too] from JESUS Christ for the greater unseen Faith key.

    So as You see here You are with Victory over the mustard seed of Faith:

    as written in Matthew 17.20 NIV:

    But [as though do not do as former ways, do not put God to the test if improper (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons for specifics)]

    not to show off against others as stated above "not self-taught"..."not a competition" and not to glory that lower spirits obey you (Luke 10.20). If for instance lost on a raft a person might test the flare gun but if there is only one flare then not to test (similar is not to waste goodly aspects including though You can Convert and even to move Masses of mountains and stars in the Heavens. The Tower Of Babel fell as if at great cost and while of a truth the greater cost was [not in the name JESUS Christ and] the selfishness to not do for the crediting of God for the works.

    The above JESUS Drawing spoon attaches [peace accord] two masses, one at the scoop and the other [touchdown point to table] at the other end of the handle. The spoon [works] is for functioning as one in the typical sense, yet shown above is a guidance system for You at no cost from JESUS Christ. A ship commander sees still water in the cup move [so JESUS] alerting the commander there is a change.

    There is a change after-the-fact, and there is an improving JESUS Christ can make in You Prophetically before-the-fact, such as for Your Data Bank including the lifted and key JESUS Christ.

    As notes and weighted letters and words and frequencies and precepts (above Drawing upper left) the living plasma of religious faiths can be weighed (the JESUS Judge judges the Good that overcomes, 2 Corinthians 5.4).

    Let Yourself become the JESUS Living Rainbow, some data for this color, some data for that color: consider the lower level needs of the rainbow though first Pray JESUS Christ and let the wideness and 3D depth, and the height and mass and energy of it be with the above stated source "JESUS Grace". So You Conquer from one point (as much as conquered) to two points (ibid.) to a multitude of points (ibid.) that Mother Mary interpreted as Magnifying (the Lord).

    So You JESUS Rainbow are hardly a point (e.g. "Look, a rainbow"), to two points, to Magnifying With JESUS: a Oneness key.

    If You make the rainbow from Your Heart [Soul] then from within You, therefore from JESUS Christ Grace Eternal rather than from others that were under Your level that You lifted. You Christian Leader lift others according to JESUS Christ therefore hardly to seek other than what JESUS Christ said, the exception being the Father Spirit In Heaven, and Good (though be aware with the above statement "sheep in wolfs clothing").

    Treat the lower levels as Highest with JESUS Grace Distinguishing their fruits, JESUS Precept properly on JESUS Precept.

    If the rainbow is from Your Heart then the rainbow in You and You in the JESUS Rainbow (from being withing JESUS Grace, and as much as Faithfully ascending and/or ascended). JESUS Precepts are keys, for Faith, and for such as how to build an aloft JESUS Fleet.

    In the JESUS Drawing above top center JESUS Statue shows a weight mass as gifts (such as perhaps Frankinsense, such as for a maintenance tech gifts of needful fresh oil if pertinent, and so on). But added weights of sin risks have caused problems such as viruses spreading. Your Grace Vessel direction for instance might be offset if to improperly add mass in a place in the Heavens where little relative gravity would more readily react to such.

    In front of the JESUS Statue with properly added mass, and light [known as white light] can with appropriate added (precept on precept) be yielded a rainbow.

    To the right of the lantern light is a bending (for Highest JESUS Purpose) of light, around corners: JESUS Gives You a JESUS Christ Construct, a Living Prism as for JESUS You to ride within and with the JESUS Rainbow as the JESUS Envelope, like unto a UFO Flying Saucer shape built not of hands yet of JESUS Spirit from Your JESUS Heart with You within ("to ride", to fly).

    If made with hands, then perhaps an extra burden. If made with Spirit then Spirit. If made Pure in the Image Of Spirit in JESUS Your Rainbow Vessel, then toward higher level than material (of hands lifting materials), in other words as the above stated "wind" the higher level materials might [as previous have gone from largely iron, to steel, to advanced aluminum] yet in You for JESUS Spirit from aluminum to an energy of light whether a vessel shell or a vessel door and vessel engine.

    JESUS Creator Spirit Physics are above, and levels lower than humans (Firmament) are below humans (without going into details at this point), so Christians on distant parts of Earth or outer space can be JESUS Like Minded Saved In JESUS Christ And Of Same Level (at least the pertinent level needful per se such as for a certain bus ride level or to drive a bus level,...for a JESUS Mission).

    JESUS Christ Offers the Straightening of spirits and the Lifting of Pure Worthy Spirit Vessel Souls (top Drawing large green arrow), though rather [above it (ibid.)] is You lifting the Worthy into the Heavens (hence properly in JESUS Christ), and with the "Worthy" also as much as appropriate to so witness for their sakes (the convincing powers of JESUS Miracles.

    In the above JESUS Drawing lower right is the Doing the [JESUS] Faith Writing yet with works symbolizing the "Highest" (see text below) Pure Flesh Vessel Work(s), here are two Spirit example types:

    A ceiling can fall on You (generally speaking of a person) for various reasons from higher above (such as a tiny piece which awakens a sleeper in the pew when appropriate Matthew 10.29); or

    You can build a ceiling;

    so the higher spirit can be involving a higher, same level, or lower thing, or You can be over the lower: both for JESUS Christ.

    The previous sentence is how a lower level thing can be over a higher level:

    in JESUS Christ do not be tripped nor snared by lower levels (nor idols of clay...) as You if appropriate in JESUS Christ now already prepared can lift both the "ceiling", and the mountains of the stars,

    though what good to now move a mountain on Mars to confuse people with telescopes (see above concerning "show off") or perhaps to kill a Mars life form (also concerning sin though more importantly fear the gap lack of JESUS Grace Guiding): instead in JESUS Christ continue consistently to be blameless and not of lower level Miracles: be of JESUS Christ Highest Faith. If to move mountains then for JESUS Christ Highest.

    Above the Drawing Living Writing And Living Work (Ball Of Curious Workmanship) is the [such as next] higher level: the walking on water (and JESUS Lifting Likewise [not shown]). Higher shown is Transfiguring (including time: past [Moses], present [then with witnessing], and future [for You...]), and higher is the Heart Of JESUS Christ.

    So You are with these levels even though horizontal lines are not show as in the top JESUS Drawing.

    So You are with the Holy Highest Spirit Of JESUS Christ Father One

    whether You speak and/or do the Word And Work or not (proper Christian Baptism contingency).

    So now therefore JESUS Pure One You Vessel can innovate, discover, invent, create, and such, because You are already with the Highest though for Doing if the JESUS Highest Purpose, such as:

    So JESUS You Doing / So JESUS You Saying / So JESUS You Praying / JESUS Prophecies All In One.

    So You can construct above in the JESUS Drawing in front of the statue of JESUS (symbol, not to worship the statue). Concerning "worship" many spirits might be for You to lead though actually a trap as with calling You by secular birth name (conditions apply) and not instead calling upon JESUS Christ; so JESUS In You is tied not only to the clay statue, yet to JESUS Christ;

    so rightly distinguish, that one aspect is for law, and another for JESUS Grace To Worship JESUS Christ (Revelation 19.10).

    So with You Worshiping JESUS Christ for Mission Highest Purpose in JESUS Christ One You, You might opt to build an aloft Christian Chapel such as with JESUS Physics as indicated "in front of the statue".

    Less toward lower level "Ball" to the bottom right and more toward aloft JESUS Walking On Water, a step of faith in this regard, or to leap the more, toward JESUS Transfiguring Physics.

    So a step is an ark (or fleet of arks), perhaps of hands similar to what Noah and Nimrod built of Spirit and of hands (though Pure or toward Pure) save for flying; or You might opt a higher energy level (this sentence is not about wavelength, amplitude, frequency, nor similar secular things), that is, concerning the [higher, rather] JESUS Highest Spirit at least to the JESUS Transfiguring level.

    JESUS Gives for You to create a JESUS One Teleporter, and as much as appropriate rather the JESUS Internet. So the "Teleporter" can go from point to point, so the Straight And Narrow, though the JESUS Internet is the net: the proper ascending JESUS Worthiness is the greater sense of the proper JESUS Straight And Narrow.

    Wide is the Way of sinners.

    But You Christian Leader are not sinner but JESUS Saved You, Truly Freed You (full repentance condition, properly ascending condition,...).

    Because You Do Not Sin, Your path can be as wide as You want: as long as You Are JESUS Christ One.

    Laws are written for to stop sin.

    JESUS Christ created the widest expanse.

    Anew in JESUS Christ is making the wide pews' Masses worthy in JESUS Christ.

    The secular governments: hardly the same except if in the name JESUS Christ. The secular schools: hardly the same except if in the name JESUS Christ. The secular bars: hardly the same except if in the name JESUS Christ.

    If not the same, then they are under laws such as under the Straight And Narrow matter (Mark 9.42).

    Go only the Straight And Narrow only adding love, joy, peace, servant robots to help others, and such if Your JESUS Mission requires (Faithfully needful per se), and so alway be with extending love, joy, and such as JESUS Christ Taught And Did.

    Joy is not a [carefree] careless vacation. The JESUS Straight And Narrow is a vacation filled with JESUS Highest Joy as Your cross to bear to Wisely [Give] learn of JESUS Christ: Love!

    Some of various religions go without weapons: such are with a special place in the Heart Of JESUS Christ, unless such reject JESUS Christ.

    Unravel the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven that all understand JESUS Christ their Highest And Living Creator.

    The wormholes are Yours, though [JESUS] Convert the twisting wormholes to Straight And Narrow as much as pertinent for JESUS You In JESUS Mission: if JESUS is two cubits wide, do not make it 1/2 cubit wide [JESUS Christ is with Pure Vessel (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on Golden Cube(s) such as at].

    A side of beef is of interest to a hungry person, generally, but if to try to swallow it all at once through the somewhat Straight And Narrow esophagus is inappropriate.

    The Straight And Narrow is made as if for man and not man for the Straight And Narrow, rather of JESUS Grace the Straight And Narrow is made for the JESUS Creator Highest Purpose.

    Bondage is made for people, not people to be in bondage.

    Dwell in JESUS Rainbow Spirit Energy Worthiness

    often and the greater part, and the second is like unto the first, dwell JESUS Responsibly in all toward perpetual automation and leave not the first part the JESUS Eternal Spirit left undone so JESUS Prepare [Your Soul and such as] the heart of any given [vessel (realm, level,...)].

    Worthiness in secular law(s) is the meeting of laws, compliance and even somewhat of lawmaking (as much as the goodly part though stop gaps need redone, just as sinners need JESUS Conversion(s)).

    So lower level worthiness is subjective to the spirits, including the spirits of sinners often (also in dreams, Do Your JESUS Christ Best)(though see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on JESUS Missions).

    Rather JESUS Christ Gives the Highest Level [Increasingly] for You.

    So, [asked rhetorically for Your sake lest to tempt toward opportunity in You to boast about Yourself though perhaps toward sin (though as much as for Good see above "Maintenance")].

    what do You Give?,

    this question is with the previous "Highest", and an answer is Yourself, though for their sakes, what should they be as Holy Recipients Worthy of receiving the "Highest"?, and this JESUS Christ Guiding is explained at least in part in Luke 22.29BS:

    (Highest Worthy Recipient Ready Christians) / Giving Heaven JESUS You / Giving Heaven JESUS / Giving Heaven Father Creator Of JESUS.

    Behold as in the previous sentence You already read it so in situations You beheld and were in the Spirit Of JESUS (sinners imagine under laws: guesses), and in another situation You beheld and were in the Spirit Of The "Heaven Father" [in JESUS], and You were in the Holy Spirit,

    and You were in the "Giving Heaven" JESUS Charity Spirit, and so on, and properly Baptized far above ("Highest") and beyond mere imaginings (see above "Your horizontal Knowledge Data Bank (In JESUS Christ)").

    So You know of Loving JESUS Wisdom, that You Were In The Highest Spirit Christian Baptized Leader. And so with this You can be "Highest" Pure as JESUS Christ Taught And Did: so in the Highest Spirit And Flesh Vessel (and in Your surrounding environ, and in such time: also reference Anointing).

    So of Your Pure Self, then with the Anointed (items in this sentence Exodus 3.2) You Pure One are ready for lifting things You Anointed though Firmaments apply. So to lift an item such as a wire to harness something for Your JESUS Mission (with wire worthiness as You have chosen and Anointed it), hence with it's worthiness adding to lifting You in Your JESUS Mission Highest Purpose (even as the wire traditionally in the world was temporary, and might be a temporary fixture, yet for greater)

    then with Your preparing Purely In JESUS over items and energies, conquer the Heavens of Your Spirit In JESUS Christ Father Holy One,

    so that the next step after the currently known as the known Heavens (reference the former secular cliche name: Known Universe ) may via JESUS become known in You for You to Explain (if no people...are around to Teach then as a Minimum In JESUS Spirit Pray Good Thankful Humble Praise) and Do.

    Why measure a spirit, is like unto why fill a cup the proper amount: in JESUS Christ to overflowing for Good is to fill the cup for the other(s): hence cups full for their sakes, yet also the greater symbolic example of JESUS Christ Exemplar for their sakes, yet not for You since to Give away though JESUS Christ Faithfully rewards so making worthy for being lifted toward Eternal JESUS Joy.

    This JESUS Responsible (Yet Innocent Of Lower Laws) Proper Giving unseals of JESUS Highest Grace the mysteries of the Kingdom Of Heaven.

    The "unsealed" become the JESUS Best [Things] To Give (1 Samuel 8.14 with Matthew 6.33).

    Of JESUS Proper Precept Aligning, Love, Grace, Wisdom, Peace, and Reliable Proper Ascending In JESUS Christ: these things are with the Straight And Narrow and if Worthy then to bring others up and

    the former killings are added unto You properly through JESUS Christ including the pertinent: unable to be killed anymore.

    The sinner wants to not be blamed: JESUS You are anxious to accept all blame according to You Giving to the enemy and to all

    since in the name JESUS Christ You Give so legally no person is Your enemy,

    this is the Truth in JESUS Christ and in law, and illegal secular laws are no longer laws at all but lawlessness.

    If a person hates another then contrary to the purpose of writing law. So if a law enables the calling of anyone an enemy, then that law and law writer become guilty of breaking the Truth Of The Law.

    The Truth Of The Law Is JESUS Christ Highest Grace.

    Here is the True JESUS Faith (A), or the sinful logic option (B): the Question Tree process (ascending right to left):

    A. Yes / Obeying JESUS Christ / Faithfully Leading and in awe of JESUS Christ / Yes / Tree Of Knowledge / JESUS Tree Of Life.

    B. No (a risk option [or perhaps yes (perhaps temporary yes and extra reworks)]) / Until in awe of a Miracle then a question / Yes / Tree Of Knowledge.

    JESUS Christ is a Gift from Heaven: the greatest Gift, mainly the Teaching And Doing, though of JESUS Maintenance also concerning the Crucifixion (evil crucifixion except JESUS Once for all for JESUS Purifying the formerly lower purposes vessels as much as Best Hebrews 10.10).

    The above JESUS Drawing statue is with "Gifts" mass, and in front of that statue is UFO Flying Disc example with energy bending around [the 4 corners (reference Ark Of The Covenant) of the heart of] that vessel

    and while objects (masses) have been considered hard, now being revealed increasingly is such value in energies which in the past were often tied to spiritual matters. As written in

    So the future vessel, like unto the Christian being with JESUS In The Heavens (and in the Soul Heart Of The Pure Vessel In JESUS Ascending) is not only about the internal self of the vessel, even if internal combustion; the person, the UFO, the Ark, and any other vessel is also directly involving the external

    though of the JESUS Ascending Physics: some have ascended at some rates and others at other rates (as much as ascended). Some properly carry talents, others properly carry other talents (as much as proper).

    The above shown JESUS Flying Disc example is with [straight light] waves bending around the Pure JESUS Vessel shown design, yet for JESUS Highest Purpose, that is, for instance JESUS Christ wore clothing wrapped around His Pure Body, and "wrapped around" for JESUS Highest Purpose. So the light bending is with JESUS Anew Value Meaning In You for lifting others as much as appropriate.

    JESUS Christ Gives this JESUS Anewly Innovating key with this: JESUS Straight And Narrow Spirit Energy Eternal "wrapped around" the network of clothing data for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose and this key is that nothing is to be turned "around" nor hooked except for [ascended level higher rather] JESUS Highest Purpose and as much as so then [some or] much can be turned, example: to turn in order to return for the sakes of the less ascended as with the Second Coming.

    This previous key is not license to freely turn for sins, nor for wrongly additions of risks ([ibid. from JESUS Christ Above hence] as much as improper).

    In other words, be in JESUS Wise, though aware of what sin represents (such as uselessness and extra works as burdens against the self and against other sinners).

    If not wholely highest in the precepts of JESUS, a Christian might be needlessly attacked by sinful spirits. So while You Christian Leader might be over such levels, in JESUS opt to be properly Guiding and Lifting and Merciful On Your Flock (even so, especially on any with higher positions Given Via You Via Christ JESUS).

    So the JESUS Flying Disc interacts with the greater Good for Good, though sin or similar less ascended through levels can be similar to friction against goodly travels.

    The future JESUS Flying Disc of Yours (JESUS Gives for You [whether opting])

    involves spirits, energies, and perhaps matter

    (such as Your Pure Body, also reference in the JESUS Sermons Series: Tractor and Repulsor);

    this in JESUS Physics ties to the JESUS Nature of waves (and spirits, and projectiles,...).

    The JESUS Nature of a wave as in part shown, concerns how to Properly and Best straighten a spirit.

    The helical "Nature of a wave" might be made to collide, bend, vanish, and/or other; as much as for JESUS Highest Purpose.

    The center line of a straight wave (shown in the JESUS Drawing lower center as dashes) is as

    with a Healing Wing on one side (JESUS Initial Pulse) of the dashed line, and if to wrap around then hardly to need a second wing, rather JESUS Oneness.

    JESUS Christ Gives You Importunity (Luke 11.8) to be with Victories over the above matters for to Give freely to all, and to immediately be with JESUS One lifting any [if opting to be agreeing and] becoming worthy.

    A lower than human Firmament agrees according to Your say so [if JESUS Straight (see above text)], or Your Converting and then say so, as with then finding right for JESUS Highest Mission Purpose and then so Anointing or with the Anointed (or human level over Baptized Firmament, see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons). For instance You might want fuel in outer space and instead of hauling it up there, be aware of what is up there and Anoint when there (if not Anointed already: a JESUS key is that a spirit might be turned between a time and another time (let the re-turn be JESUS Advanced Anew Highest such as with Luke 11.51 turn to the page of Exodus 30 verse 18: JESUS Grace Protection Maintenance: seek to know the Whole JESUS Truth).

    Be with JESUS Victories over turned spirits, yet the with JESUS Faith Victory One The Greater [including formerly unseen though now seen: with former True Prophets [conditions may apply (be with a JESUS Perspective from above])].

    JESUS Drawing above, bottom center is shown a partial roller bearing (a bearing with rollers), and if the right kind of energy pushes the outer part, the inner part may not necessarily significantly spin much (sure footing, sure foundation 2 Timothy 2.19) similar to how a car stands even though on rollers. So the bearing for instance can be lifted without turning the inner heart purpose. Likewise the energy can properly of JESUS push (or pull) the "heart" (green arrows).

    JESUS Christ can change the types of energies and/or projectiles and/or "sure footing" matters (example "X rays" shown) as He Purposeth in the "heart" for You to Do. To the right of "X rays" is shown 3 waves: 1, 2, and 1+2. Normally in ascending properly in JESUS Christ is not with the dark red line, and rather with the ["Healing"] "Wing" related line(s) from the central dashed line straight to the amplitude line per wave (such as where "Yes" is noted) generally;

    more specifically in Christ JESUS is the realm of the amplitude line, aligning with the pertinent "straight".

    So in JESUS two weak amplitudes can form a JESUS Spirit Moving key: this is one type of illustration of Matthew 18.20.

    Seen and unseen things come to mind, such as heard ..."sooner than you think", and such as seen text "the kingdom of heaven is at hand".

    JESUS Praying the Highest Holy Spirit Father is Yes (3 in 1).

    The lower level spirits are no unless [as they have demanded (so wrongly withholding from You and others)] any "Yes" value unless You agree to their sinfulness in illegal and sinful order, in their sinful hopes to cause You to support their sinfulness according to their illegal and sinful coercion attacks (though often acting as if needful in You [also know them by their fruits])(and this agrees with the JESUS Christ Precepts for You to Do Good Legal Word Work In JESUS Christ only, and not sin and not for breaking laws).

    The followers of lower turned sinful coercive spirits may ask for bread but instead have been given of those spirits: worse than nothing. Followers committing sinful crimes receive instead of bread: snares, traps, barbed hooks, and fake bread (Matthew 7.9).

    The lower spirits might be clearly heard briefly such as a second (or less often such as many minutes [so remind them JESUS is Lord]), but then the lower spirits lacking JESUS Living Righteousness: the sinner spirits have faded away to hide and have become confused so as unable to clearly speak and have not yielded clear thoughts in such situations even though the sinners fight to persist awhile [(Matthew 6.7) such as 1/2 minute] and make demands that they themselves reject.

    Sinners offer help if You would first help them, but such have been confused traps that do not work against levels higher since full repentance is required with proper Christian Immersion Baptism In JESUS Christ though ascending to JESUS Highest Level conquers greater and most perfectingly (right to left):

    Ascend Highest In Christ JESUS / Saved should be greater than wait for JESUS / full repentance from sins.

    Sinful spirits hope for temporary delights such as to trick people into secular works.

    In Christian Baptism and in proper ascending in JESUS Christ, in such steps and leaps and such Your Worthiness In JESUS Christ is with agreeing to serve JESUS Spirit Father only, and not sin. You a person, and much more, a Christian, agree to lead Your Pure Vessel to serve Highest JESUS Spirit Father only (thus fit to lead others of lower levels).

    Let Your Christian Sermon be proper JESUS Volume And Clear: this enables in You to so be in the realms of spirits such as when in bed resting (seek to be awake in dreams so seek to speak of JESUS Christ and the words of JESUS Christ).

    Sinful spirits want to be heard but they talk about themselves [far more than about JESUS Christ (even so note that in dreams for instance it might be hard to think about the knowledge as You rather Love JESUS Christ In Soul Heart One so at times JESUS One Give Mercy for other spirits though mainly Luke 2.49 enabling Matthew 6.33)].

    So as turned sinful spirits fail to repent, then properly in Christ JESUS Give them cause (ibid.).

    If You respond no longer to sinful spirits, then of their lower logic they would either wrongly imagine themselves right (later feeling pains), or they would immediately realize something about the life giving spirit and their own faith(s): less pleasant spirit as much as without JESUS You.

    The Evangelist works at times, and the sinners work at times. The Evangelist Work is Eternal Joy to come in JESUS Levels Higher: according to Evangelist Victory in JESUS Christ even if no sinners repent according to mere appearances, yet this "Victory" is far greater than "mere" Followers in pews until allowed (social pressure mistique in less ascended) to go home.

    So prior to JESUS Giving this above Drawing Flying Saucer info, first has now been Given the greater Worthiness key over such according to JESUS Faith; instead of lower levels of secular trials and errors against innocents and at great costs otherwise as secular creatures claim small victories such as a cat catching a mouse for temporary reward (note cats can catch rabies from mice).

    So now You have reference that Flying Saucer info came from JESUS Christ Of Highest Heaven, with the skies above and with JESUS Inviting.

    The JESUS Data of the Flying Saucer is according to JESUS Physics such as the top JESUS Drawing upper left: masses of notes, though masses of certain values with pertinent to each a note value. So for instance cup of water has a value, a glass of water another value, a middle note has a value, and the highest shown note has a value such that for instance a cup of water is a mass with weight and water properties and such values while if at the highest shown note it interacts a certain way such as in tune or not, such as harmonically or not.

    JESUS Gives data such as octaves of the same note that match the same measure value (reference chemistry moles)(such as to resonate water at certain octaves and some of such agrees with a measure of steel at certain octaves, as both can vibrate harmonically at the same octave(s), some octaves more than others. So the JESUS Flying Saucer for Your making would sit there on the ground, or would vibrate into liveliness according to the spirits (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on secular raising the dead and greater [though sins might apply according to various physics that may have not praised JESUS Christ] "Great Pyramid energies / water pump animation" linked at

    The same as much as in Christ JESUS is True In Highest Holy Father Creator Physics and not as "sinful coercion" but as JESUS You Victory (as already accomplished for You to Do greater in JESUS) as written at NIV & NAS:

    To answer the question, sinners killed John The Baptist, and of Original Creating Plan: JESUS Gives for to properly save sinners if the sinners agree.

    Christ JESUS Gives Your Faithful Leadership the key to the ancients and the aliens: according to JESUS Ascending properly in You, and according to Your liberty to so agree (JESUS Liberty is complete freedom to be in the name JESUS Christ and in the same JESUS Christ Word And Work, [so with precepts, even all JESUS Precepts In One Highest Purpose] so for highest purpose, though it has been interpreted in the secular as though to not sin [a truth as much as logic is sometimes yes for instance]).

    The Flying Saucer, like unto the Noah Ark, and like unto the Nimrod Arks, is a Vessel that can be as an Ark for JESUS Christ, though unlike Noah and Nimrod in that those arks were prior to JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago. Yet in JESUS Christ You can benefit others all the more since able to better interpret those arks for the JESUS Alpha And Omega Eternal Original Plan Highest Purpose. So with ancient tech now You Give for future better for all (according to the future faiths).

    With this also subset are other technologies even if secular, even if from temporary good. You can Do this since You are through JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ Created that "good", JESUS Christ cleared the Way and Guides You ("good"), and You are at JESUS Liberty to consider Your JESUS Mission and options concerning the JESUS Given.

    Zoarism is one of the oldest religions tied to Christianity [that disappeared then reappeared (reference secular Jews that lost a nation then regained)]. As stated on television (various sources) Zoarists had a large undergound cave system (reference for instance related 1 Kings 18.4 [former goodness, now through JESUS Christ Exemplar including risen from tomb once for all])

    known as the ark for people and pairs of animals.

    But know this about the future of Your Spaceship Ark, it needs continue in the JESUS Highest Purpose lest to be as 2 Nephi 12.19:

    Even so be aware the glory is not in the shaking of the caves. Instead the JESUS Glory would be that such be with You Above.

    Anew JESUS Tech In You / JESUS Precepts / Ancient advanced tech of past civilization(s).

    Likewise applies to life forms in outer space, and also in subatomic space(s).

    Hence according to the current JESUS Mission, if there is any newfound reason in You concerning the JESUS Mission, Your application(s) for Your Mission may need be improved (changed in the sense only to be more perfect).

    Example: Your Christian Chapel colony travels through outer space and encounters a previously unseen anomaly such as a black hole or a wormhole or a meteor field; so You Do something for JESUS Highest Purpose, You Pray JESUS and perhaps simply continue on course, or perhaps change for JESUS such as to improve the spaceship or go around the anomaly ([beforehand as much as of JESUS Talent] reference "Plan" such as "Creation Plan", and preparation such as preparation for the Sabbath);

    though instead consider JESUS Prayerfully and what JESUS Christ would Do, perhaps toward refueling and/or gathering supplies from the anomaly, or such as clearing the Way for followers, Converting the lower levels to better higher values.

    A wormhole for instance is a tube of energy, like unto the magnetic field [line] between the Earth and the Sun. Mass with greater mass, like unto the above Drawings with the spoon and the "GODSLING". While the former wormhole ideas were typically from an open end and to travel through to the other open end, the Earth to Sun is as a wormhole cut in half and the former ends connected (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon Drawing illustration at

    so from an enclosed tube portion at Earth through somewhat open space in JESUS Mission opposite the wormhole line pulling back to Earth (conditions apply such as the revolving path of Earth) then though JESUS You Maintaining the trajectory line (appropriately Straight And Narrow for the Mission) then to the Sun [such as to send an unmanned probe].

    So of JESUS Worthiness as You understand the previous, JESUS Gives In You greater such as to further unravel the mysteries of the ancient times, such as concerning large spheres on the ground in many places: masses: gravitational fields such as for study of dark matter: for Your JESUS Ark Fleet And For Their Sakes (outer space colonists).

    Currently people are studying mountains and pyramid tops measuring energy fields (also subterranean). Note the way the earth breaks can form natural pyramid shapes, though many have been synthetically altered or have been built by humans

    such as with some types shown at secular site .

    Likewise the very many obelisks around the world are tied to energies and energy changes such as to send energy change data when the region trembles, and such as when the temperature changes moment to moment. There is a heart of [JESUS] Your Ship, and there is an exterior reason for the shape of [JESUS] Your Ship.

    In JESUS Christ plan ahead for the Good Highest JESUS Journey Christ JESUS provided for You.

    JESUS Christ Will Pray [and/or Communicate) with the Father Spirit Of Grace when You Pray JESUS in the name of JESUS, but if not in the name of JESUS then Ether 4.8 applies.

    So if a person deny JESUS Christ then to snare the sinner self vessel (3 Nephi 26.8): if to prepare a vessel, such as an outer space vessel then to before the fact prepare the Spirit In Father In JESUS And Within You One for JESUS Highest Purpose and including for [JESUS] Your Pure Vessel(s) to be able to withstand Victoriously the quaking of the Heavenly Levels including JESUS Vertically One and JESUS Horizontal (as much as Christ JESUS Will that You Do lest if to apply [on Earth as in Heaven] Psalm 106.17 ESV:

    The dust of the Earth is generally down under the feet, but the sinners, Prophetically Of JESUS Precepts, are worth lower than that same dust under foot, save full repentance then proper Baptism (to then be a Member hence as foot part perhaps, save JESUS New Christianity proper ascending [in such situation from Baptism JESUS Heart With Elias then if to backslide or deny effort to ascend then "foot part perhaps" (according to Hope in levels concerning Faithfulness]). In other words, if a backslider wants to backslide and lower the self to relax and sleep, then toward "lower".

    A person can be an expert at "lower" things, or in the name JESUS Christ Spirit Plan Highest to agree with the JESUS Creation Plan. Remember what Moses did for their sakes and divorce, and Moses is remembered to this day for such even though Moses also Did Mighty Miracles Of Faith Charitably: Charity does not cover a multitude of things until proper to so Do In The Spirit Of JESUS Christ for the Greatest Good.

    The Old Testament is mainly Maintenance. The New Testament and greater in JESUS Christ [including JESUS Sermons,...and the greater unseen Good] are of the greater Faith. Continue to Rejoice properly: that Your Member names are written in Heaven: data includes such things as the Book Of Life such as the Roster,

    even so let Their names also be the Eternal name JESUS The Christ.

    If to carry data (see above "horizontal") on Your outer space journey, would You carry paper books, floppy discs, and such full of names?, perhaps

    yet be aware in advance the name JESUS is less data than above stated "Roster"

    even so carry the JESUS Bible and JESUS Highest Info including [subset to JESUS Spirit] specs and greater JESUS Mansion things. This does not say forget precious Member names (reference Your Christian JESUS Church criteria for more details such as some JESUS Groups might have).

    In JESUS Christ a move away from tangible matter toward energy is related somewhat to a move toward the Highest Spirit (conditionally). The above JESUS Drawing of the popular Flying Saucer shaped vessel is such: toward energy and JESUS Spirit, though also be JESUS Wise that the secular sinfully called inorganic [dead] is also Truly Alive of the Living Creator JESUS Christ (reference the ground "opened and swallowed up" [note other versions offer other words other than "up"]).

    Worth mentioning of JESUS Spirit, though often difficult to measure, is for instance the recent JESUS ICCDBB Sermon showing a map of the JESUS Highway ( can also be described as a logarithm though was extraordinarily "difficult to measure" toward precision and accuracy (reference the following raw data series: 1, 2.8, 29.2, 65)(JESUS Edifies over "difficult" including Christians Ascending, and over secular ascending or that have descended to multiply their own "difficult" work [similar to concave lens scattered broadcast] cross to bear).

    Precise JESUS Sermons are often extremely difficult to prepare, and are often extremely higher Spirit beauty and simple to prepare: like unto ascending.

    It is like unto a child briefly visiting a parent or guardian at work and innocently remarking in secular cliche "And you get paid for that?", yes and for other efforts including showing up for work. You mush show up for JESUS Faith Work, then after that You can be with proper JESUS Victories.

    So You know to Do JESUS Good, though be aware pride in JESUS Christ Spirit Father is Good, but pride in other is flawed (reference e.g. A.W.S. law). UFO and ancient civilization discussions on television shows have often spoken of civilizations in constellations and such though such is no protection against God (except if opted to be in the name of JESUS Christ and through JESUS Christ [lest dead, James 2.20, and patriotism to other than in the name JESUS Christ has sinned]) as written in Obadiah 1.3&4 YLT:

    Similarly in JESUS Christ be aware proper ascending is not all about leaping and flying up at a person's careless command: if to properly ascend in JESUS Christ through a Firmament, sometimes other spirits would attack sinfully (hence a need to be Worthy In The Name JESUS Christ, and with JESUS Christ Grace Work). In cliche it is OK to weep ( if You see attacker spirits vessels flying at You exploding because of having set their engines to run at such as 120% capacity (reference such as O.S.H.A. law, and such as secular sampling techniques):

    now consider that if a secular fleet commander orders the fleet to attack at 120% capacity, even though the fleet witness one of their own vessels explode for that same reason, if the fleet continues to follow those same secular orders without deviation each and all of them might explode and accomplish not the mission.

    Therefore it is not sufficient to be a watcher only. It is not sufficient to follow the former ways while rejecting the better: as all Good comes from JESUS Christ.

    Greater than watching a compass (or ball of curious workmanship in above JESUS Drawing lower right) and greater than writing [conditionally (Romans 15.18)] and greater than speaking (ibid.) normally is Doing such as with hands, though it is typical for the Leadership (including over a JESUS talent area, and likewise over JESUS field of study) to JESUS Write and/or JESUS Say [JESUS Preach] and that might be sufficient JESUS Work In These Christians, though if not leading Anew In JESUS Christ then to need be the Hand(s) Of God JESUS [including through such Anew In JESUS Christ "Leadership".

    In brief, in the secular often there is a leader in the field, often there are many leaders in a field, and in either case there are typically many followers putting the plans into action: such follows the JESUS Plan that the normally the JESUS Preacher Preaches and then the JESUS Flock Members Go Do Accordingly.

    The writing of JESUS Data is of value(s), though typically viewed as greater is the walking on water as in the JESUS Drawing above to the right and as written in Matthew 14.23 BS:

    Without helps nor props otherwise (such as very shallow water due to a sandbar, also reference Moses parting the sea) it requires great JESUS Spirit Faith to walk on water, and behold when JESUS Christ was Doing it, in "the fourth watch of the night", not sleeping: JESUS Doing (this is no excuse to fall asleep at the wheel: instead this is for the JESUS Properly Worthy and not for any lesser than JESUS Highest Spirit Purposeful And Best Reason).

    Note just prior to the arrest concerning the JESUS Crucifixion (unto better JESUS Living), was not the only time Christ JESUS Did much Praying (with Doing) even long into the night even through much time.

    In that same JESUS Walking On Water pic is also the ship "On Water", JESUS "On Water": so is the lower Firmament ship higher than a person since able to be "On Water" more similar to JESUS Christ than a typical person that sinks much into the water?, yes [or no (Colossians 4.6)]. Save Your Vessel is in the name JESUS Christ at least, then the ship and dust rise above, though unguided careless spirit can fall and prefer to travel down as lightning.

    JESUS Christ created the dust. JESUS Christ saw that it was Good: Pure and Innocent, so much so as to kiss the nostrils and after Victory continue to be Pure and Clean, Innocent and Free (see above "liberty"), Boundless and Unchanging. The sinner changes things worse, so needs repent.

    JESUS Spirit You Walks on water, air, and the cliche vacuum of space [the greater unseen]. Though let Your JESUS Faith ascend to include the JESUS Pure Vessel to be with greater value and JESUS Doing than ships and dust.

    JESUS Gives a Christian Wings, see above Drawing Transfiguration. They Did it, Moses and John Did it, with JESUS Christ. Moses even Did it with a divorce [for others] background. If they say "Walk on water": JESUS Gives Evangelism Opportunity: when JESUS Christ wants You to "Walk on water" it Prophetically is Accomplished (prepare in the Spirit Of JESUS to become properly ready).

    A competition key, it is not sin to outperform sinners; though such is after-the-fact Miraculous if so preparing in JESUS Christ and so Doing, so goodly for their sakes; even so rejoice as "JESUS" is written in Heaven.

    JESUS You are with this JESUS Spirit Awareness for JESUS Highest Name. So of this Faith JESUS provides for their sakes Exemplar as You form Your Flying Saucer of valued spirits, and so of JESUS Measuring, and so of JESUS Planning.

    Some waves push water, such as microwaves. Some waves push earthquakes. JESUS Gives JESUS sized waves to lift JESUS, and what specifically is "JESUS sized". Consider Your height, mass, Your passengers and such, and the greater ship size appropriate to such JESUS Highest Mission Purpose. An earthquake sized wave may suffice for some initial purposes.

    Consider how a secular rocket pad has much mass to be sufficient and more, for not only the rocket mass yet for also the rocket liftoff compounding that mass gravity effect. So mass is not merely as though at rest, JESUS Mass Is Living, ascending. Secular rockets across the English Channel lifted off nearly horizontally: their compounded mass was toward minimal.

    The fact is, JESUS Christ ascends, so how to keep it [per se] down?, that is, better stated how to not fly?, and add sin is the wrong answer. As written in John 3.8 NAS:

    So Your spaceship is vulnerable (lost, damaged, exploded, crashing into other ships and planets,...) unless JESUS Victorious,

    and this is a JESUS Spirit key unto greater JESUS Firmament keys JESUS Christ Gives in this subsequent large font.

    JESUS True Spirit from in the JESUS Work from in the JESUS Name.

    This previous sentence is True and similar to the next though not the same.

    Greater JESUS Spirit from greater JESUS Work from in the name JESUS Christ.

    This is similar to JESUS Evangelism and greater JESUS Priesthood and JESUS Anewly Unraveling JESUS Priesthood.

    JESUS Christ Baptism in the JESUS Name (Acts 2.38) is

    likewise JESUS Anointing in the JESUS Christ Name such as a nation with writing into law

    (3 Nephi 26.8 & 21.3).

    The greater JESUS Purpose from repentant leadership to in the name JESUS Christ and the Members benefits becoming known.

    It was said to fully repent then Baptism in the name JESUS Christ then [JESUS Precepts apply] from and through JESUS Christ the Holy Spirit is Given though only parts have been received by the various JESUS Christ Body Members

    so a JESUS Christ Holy Spirit key is there are spirit gaps, like unto gaps between planets, stars, energy waves, and between subatomic particles; the gaps in the lower secular levels are due to sins,

    though of a JESUS Christ Baptism key glimpses toward the Whole Holy Spirit may be witnessed [the seen so not Faith, Maintenance (rather JESUS Grace Faith)] therefore this key applies to JESUS New Christianity ascending

    greater than mortar filling the gaps that continue unless now in this lifespan [each] JESUS Grow into every JESUS Good Purpose.

    If to walk on water, hollow balloons do as much; if to transfigure in the spirit, a student daydreaming does as much. When people see they are better at something than other people, the "better" talent spirit is promoted though if a DNA chain has a weak link then problematic: the solving is with JESUS Christ Wholely Pure Spirit And Flesh therefore key: to Do The Will Of JESUS Christ (not about competing against other people).

    From full repentance to proper Baptism to in the name JESUS to working in the name JESUS Christ

    is often to have missed the greater Good JESUS keys of Eternal Value(s).

    Greater from JESUS than previous for the nation / Anointing with forming into laws (hence over lower levels) / Full leadership repentance (such as a nation).

    Though history has given reason to continue Faithfully For JESUS Christ lest toward problems.

    A JESUS key over gaps is yes improve Your expert (see next sentence) areas yet all other Good parts also, in JESUS Christ.

    Many have misinterpreted what "expert" means. In the Bible, expertise has been tied to secular knowledge in the lower levels;

    yet in the Christian levels JESUS Heart Wisdom includes not only the True Heart Spirit JESUS Leadership Faith yet also with knowledge, expert knowledge, JESUS Knowledge meaning JESUS Highest Purpose Way Awareness With So Accomplishing Victoriously In The Name Christ JESUS And With Victory Giving Christ JESUS The Credit (Acts 12.23).

    If to properly ascend in JESUS Christ then Faith and Knowledge become Anew In Christ JESUS You. If a spirit talent ascends vertically, and another likewise vertically, and the two together as one, then there becomes a JESUS Straight And Narrow Horizontal Component or aspect or measure.

    Now the JESUS Father Highest Spirit is with awareness, though now the following is JESUS Given for Your sake(s): if a spirit is unaware of something else that is Good, then a problem, so that "spirit" is JESUS Given Maintenance Knowledge [a little, toward minimal] to recognize not merely from the self yet rather of and through JESUS Grace Faith to recognize some otherwise created JESUS Awesome Miracle(s).

    In other words instead of merely the spirit of Good, greater, greater, greater,...; JESUS also Gives You the Holy Comforter Spirit yet including Miracles, JESUS Items for Your sakes as Your Worthy talents receive according to having become more worthy from JESUS Christ from You becoming of the Soul to know to agree with JESUS Christ.

    Be aware in JESUS Christ that attacks and interrogations come, though the repetitions reveal the future yields, for instance You know a water flow amount (rate and speed) though if reduced then You know a restriction exists (reference JESUS Converting related constriction as Moses put the snake on a stick).

    Yes be a JESUS Healer, though rather ascend to be a JESUS Guide (one of the JESUS Anointed Guides) for Helping others to properly ascend: JESUS Precepts Before The Fact such as to see a poisonous snake pic to not have sin to be bitten, instead of added worries about healing after the bitten fact.

    So lest to be with a gap, be aware and with JESUS Healing Talent (see older JESUS ICCDBB Sermons [possibly deleted by now] though do not put God to the test, instead per se see previous sentence and seek JESUS Christ Within [see above JESUS Victories such as "killings are added unto You" Psalm 107.20]).

    Faith is as to leap, while knowledge is as a road sign; though such live in JESUS Christ hence they change.

    So Christ JESUS Gives for You to Prophetically know that if Your Fleet goes to a star, but the star is become not there, then in advance know it is alive.

    If a balloon is split open it flies so fast away from the cut as to be hard to see. If a light splits it explodes faster.

    In the above JESUS Drawing upper right JESUS pointing up and also to the Heart, such is JESUS Guiding similar to "Wave 1" showing radial lines (wave line to center line). Since the fabric of space is curvy, the JESUS Heart center line becomes the JESUS Knowledge centrally located line generally, like unto living DNA double helix as both are curved and flex (not shown).

    The slinky shape shown is with many JESUS Talents Revealed. Starting lower right a traditional ideas is to fly through a wormhole similar to the bank vessel as if to travel up into the slinky shape though to not to be able per se to travel through the slinky shape bend. Similar is the tiny bank vessel if to approach the side of a wormhole inappropriately.

    Though in JESUS Grace Faith finding the right conditions (JESUS Miracle(s)) is like unto wind or water as the JESUS Spirit of the JESUS Pure Vessel [with You] easily passes through the flaming sword of light wave, ascending into higher JESUS Glory and so with harder responsibilities: Glorious JESUS Miracles From You Source for JESUS Christ In The True Spirit Will Of The Eternal Good Greatest Father One.

    So Your wave for starters is JESUS Size, for JESUS Christ to fit. And Your wormhole also needs be JESUS Size. All things, all Your Miracles need be JESUS Size if to be with JESUS Grace.

    Now JESUS was not 6'5" but shorter, according to various sources generally. And some people are taller than 6'5" (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on giants, and on Bigfoot at

    JESUS Christ is also many feet larger than the Known Multiverse. And smaller than small, smaller than anything known or imagined as small. The great Eternal and the small within Your Heart are One JESUS Faith.

    So the JESUS Precepts apply for one and all that all be JESUS One. To properly be JESUS One Your Vessel (Your Self Flesh or larger vessel [smaller not detailed here]) needs be lifted from Christ JESUS (above Drawing UFO Flying Saucer Tractor Holder Repulsor Beam [optional: dematerialize then signal then rematerialize ibid. not shown]).

    If to leave Earth, then if to return, then perhaps to be given updated info such as a [shown bank vessel] data set, an enabling JESUS Spirit Talent. If to return to the extent of communicating, then limitations may apply (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on how to create Your own Manna Machine at

    If from Earth to send forth a beam such as to grab Jupiter, according to the mass of Jupiter and the mass of Your JESUS Ark Chapel For Colonizing outer space, Your JESUS Ark would be lifted (conditions apply such as Your beam strength, and such as laws).

    If to go into JESUS Multiverse a step then with proper stepping, then like unto a bicycle from a stop, hardly moving and most likely to fall sideways instead of moving forward at all (landing is likewise), though with moving forward for JESUS Christ then through the gears: such as from slingshot effects to black holes to dark matter sailing and wormhole navigation (e.g. JESUS Straight Navigating).

    The bicycle rider has to obey street laws, though hardly or be ticketed, instead because if they don't then such as a truck runs over them or due to their high speed they don't make the bend and crash into people and a building wall.

    So Your Grace, You become the JESUS key: You become the JESUS Law Anew as You JESUS Guide others through Multiverse aspects (Ephesians 1.16-23NLT).

    If to change gears from the start [JESUS Pure Vessel]: if to start in JESUS Highest Gear then 2 Corinthians 12.3 formerly counted only as Faith, though JESUS Christ is shown in the above JESUS Drawing upper right depicted above the transfiguration as a person in the flesh. So if to send drones and watch on JESUS [Your] Monitor then similar to look out from the deck of a ship as being there, even so to look at JESUS Christ is greater (Matthew 18.10).

    Concerning the looking at a "Monitor", JESUS DNA Eggs might be sent with JESUS Parental Spirit Robotic Humanoid Shapes (possibly problematic), or with people actually traveling out there (ibid.).

    Whether to send robots or people, JESUS Vessel criteria applies including such as if pertinent the ability to withstand G Force slingshot effects. So in JESUS Christ this Outer Space Travel key: making the person worthy or making the environ worthy.

    If to change the feel of high velocity changes, then to solve for JESUS Christ Victories. JESUS Christ knows how, and tells Your JESUS Heart.

    Aluminum structure, or other material with mass, is not this key, so with or without such materials (after the fact, tangible, Miracles, Maintenance: High Maintenance). If to bounce higher from a spring or trampoline then normally to not take with JESUS You the "spring or trampoline" (free for You to consider whether to opt to bring or not [conditions may apply]).

    So JESUS Spirit Faith Energy lifts You above the "spring or trampoline".

    Not only JESUS Spirit can lift of Your Faith, yet JESUS Maintenance includes this January 21 [today], 2019AD a very rare Super Blood Moon hours ago, which had been capped with a crescent of brilliant white light for awhile (Miracle Of Faith). In a related story China started broadcasting [secular] from the far side of the Moon

    "Jade Rabbit 2 rover and the Chang'e 4 spacecraft that transported it on the first-ever soft landing on the far side of the moon, which always faces away from Earth" (

    The secular pics are likely real and unretouched though be aware if to view such pics they can appear as though fakes because they are so out of place concerning Your norms of the mind concerning experiences, for instance without as much atmosphere the images can appear sharp as if fakes, and with dust as if cheap fakes, and the types of things shown can reflect and shine very differently then Your history due to advanced materials, lack of certain types of references normal to Your daily living, and so on.

    JESUS Christ Transfiguration is also beyond sinner belief often, even when given Miracles [according to the previous sentence and] as lower levels can hardly fathom to relate to higher JESUS Firmament Authorship.

    Similar in the name JESUS is also True of the above Flying Saucer "spring" effect and other wave effects, as if waves of Holy Spirit energy talents were not Your friends though JESUS Does Give such into Your Hand as tools and materials without cost (

    JESUS Christ Gave this illustration this morning (21st) over turning apparently people vessels in the forms of gummy fish shaped candies, with each instantly per processing being changed into credit cards [data (on a table with "HELL" engraved on it [if not true as evidenced, then a system failure (see above text on "name JESUS" need)])], and so (ibid.) with reason to stop the process until JESUS Christ Highest Approval check concerning above stated "Anew".

    JESUS Christ Gives this info now in conquering such properly precept on properly pertinent precept. While the lower levels are with values (such as see above text on "how to create Your own Manna Machine"), the lower levels are not normally to be over the higher levels (and not through JESUS Christ Firmaments as able to wrongly imagine in the lower logic level as if able, except as JESUS Miracles can apply for their sakes such as for them to catch a glimpse of the higher good heart spirit reward).

    JESUS Christ Offers this analogy (including since many don't like being treated as children). A robot might want to be perfect including dominion over every creature, and a person might put a robot over the commander position (automation); but the robot is not over the lowest level human even if the robot wants, and even if the human has robot parts (living tissue is higher level than tools and parts such as of ores and/or traditional composites)(be aware Christ JESUS Highest is over all of this sentence),

    and the robot might want to look like a current human world leader and/or as God and to be internally such, though again JESUS Creator Physics is of lifting from above.

    If a robot or another lifts wrongly and/or carelessly then not perfect God and not properly ascending.

    If to build Your Flying Saucer and other for the Good Pleasing Hope In JESUS Christ Holy Father for One Of Us (Genesis 3.22) then for the good and proper robot and system, and not other. So this is a JESUS Proper Ascending key similar to make pews for people to sit, not for animals nor worms to sit while people wait outside in the natural elements.

    This is agreeing with people casting themselves away from responsibilities if to become unworthy sinners (it is a free option JESUS Physics Gave toward full repentance, therefore this "JESUS Proper Ascending key" agrees with "good and proper" doing at any level).

    Therefore leap in JESUS Faith over the sin need for full repentance, to instead the "good and proper" doing, and so in the name JESUS Christ.

    Praise be and thanks for JESUS Christ having shown the Highest Straight And Narrow JESUS Christ and the JESUS Christ Way And Flow.

    Your Flying Saucer waves of springs energies for the JESUS Holy Spirit Father places in the Heavenly Spirit Realms Of The Heavens And Heavenly Levels, is as to "leap in JESUS Faith over" lower materials (to JESUS Edify in lower secular level terms: inorganic, save JESUS Lives hence organics [reference according to their faiths]).

    JESUS Christ is of being the JESUS Engine And Vessel Aplenty. If of lesser faith then perhaps consider minimal (Maintenance) tools, even so, rather in JESUS Grace consider JESUS The Source For All Good, and therefore if appropriate: tools for their sakes. This therefore may seem as though a backslider excuse: it is not.

    From the above statement "JESUS Engine And Vessel Aplenty": Your JESUS Spirit Faith "Engine" needs be a certain size, Your JESUS "And" needs be a certain size, and Your JESUS "Vessel Aplenty" needs be a certain size. The JESUS "Engine" idea seems clear up to this point, the JESUS "And" is the interacting (such as controls, ductwork,...), and the JESUS "Vessel Aplenty" needs be Wisely In JESUS and/or reasonably (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on commander) at least motorcycle size for low altitude Earth travel and for unmanned vessels, though in the Heavens larger such as concerning insulative needs and such as tied to space debris sensors and contols (such as attacking the attacking meteors, such as shielding types, also reference such as time, distance, and shielding [reference in the name JESUS Christ to properly describe for instance in JESUS Triadic Formulating).

    So for instance if You can sense a distant meteor approaching or being approached, then to be able in JESUS Christ to Do something "good and proper" about it. If so, in JESUS Christ therefore this may affect the Heart of Your [JESUS] Design (JESUS With You Designing). In other words, it is Good And Proper Wisdom In JESUS Christ to know for instance the Book Of Revelation

    [as if the end, though it is not (yet symbolically at least, as far as knowing today)]

    prior to perhaps: a traveler casting the self out (of the Garden Of Eden Planet). This is no excuse to not lead higher including literally.

    As shown in the above JESUS Drawing "C", light bends around corners, like unto the "slinky" effect, offering a JESUS Natural free without cost penetration point in one part of the wave, more than in other parts of the wave.

    The JESUS Wave can pinch the corner while becoming vulnerable for Your Flock Sake(s) at the outside of the bend (note as much as faiths [in Maintenance] logic might apply, the opposite [or other in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose] might be formed more valuably for JESUS Highest Purpose). In other words compression on one side of the bend is as though a material (such as a mass and/or hardness), while expansion on the other side is as though lighter such as to relatively rise at least in secular terms (conditions apply).

    For example brass is with mass though not as hard as some advanced aluminum products. And for example fish (see above text on fish "data") can swim high or low in the water, and can leap into the air somewhat.

    A balloon in a wind spirit type is able to fly according to the wind spirit type and according to the balloon spirit such as air molecules with energy spirit springs and minimal seen (exterior rubber Maintenance). A balloon inside out [as much as appropriate in JESUS Christ] is the above JESUS Flying Saucer Design.

    Let Your JESUS Spirit be the greater, and the leading edge, the cutting edge (in secular JESUS Edifying), the edge over unturned spirits so for Best JESUS Highest Purpose. So the JESUS Vessel is a JESUS Converter (for Converting to be JESUS Christ: as much as Given to be).

    Software data is not higher level than a person (JESUS Christ Levels, not some other criteria) even though the data is often put over the person (conditions apply such as temporary, time frames, JESUS Highest Purpose, JESUS Mission,...): therefore the system over the person must be in the name JESUS Christ or sin (save if a Miracle from JESUS Christ [Anew] Isaiah 43.18: and then only with JESUS Christ Worthiness over that "system" or at least within that JESUS Highest System).

    So a greater than meteors and space debris is here: JESUS Highest Father Spirit System.

    So make the JESUS Faith Spirit Highest One, and so make the JESUS Maintenance Spirit And With Miracles Following Pure To Be Highest One.

    Then to JESUS Prayerfully be making Your JESUS Best Design.

    In the above Drawing in front of the JESUS Statue, Your JESUS Energy Flying Saucer (Faith With Pure Vessel) would from the JESUS Heart Engine Power Center would extend outward (not the same as cast out since for JESUS Highest Purpose) somewhat (conditionally, aspects, talent needs per talent). Some religions are more about clear crystals than others [letting light pass through], though JESUS Crystal Growth applies here:

    Christ JESUS Gives You Anew this JESUS Flying Saucer key as it applies for Your Aloft JESUS Fleet Plan like unto clear crystal growth of the JESUS Original Plan:

    if there is a flaw toward the center starting point, then the crystal interior clarity and grain growth angles change, along with exterior facet and the whole,

    though if a flaw is toward the exterior it is still a flaw though of less effect thereafter though a reject matter so be instead for JESUS Highest Purpose.

    So be with JESUS First In Your Planning,

    in other words ["flaw" (for JESUS Edifying)] for instance if to regrow skin after damage, is hardly the same as to replace a liver for instance. A secular note of concern that a search engine found January 22, 2019 was [sic]:

    "Which organ is most commonly transplanted? Next most commonly transplanted is the liver, with more than 6,000 surgeries in 2010. That's followed by the heart, lungs, pancreas and intestines" (

    And in a related story, if to colonize outer space and if to travel slowly then medical matters are a concern though see above on "Healing" (rather than "after the"..."fact"). Also prepare in JESUS Christ for no cost. For instance if a colony would travel slowly with foods and ores...(supplies) then such as bed bugs, though prepare as much in advance as appropriate in JESUS Highest Purpose: JESUS You might strike a stick to a rock and the "bed bugs" be gone, though also JESUS Christ Gives kidney bean leaves which the secular reported stops many "bed bugs": hence a no cost solution as JESUS Paid The Price.

    Not all things are for Spirit per se (save JESUS All One Highest Purpose Final End Time)(see above Law Miracle) such as the Spirit made the created, so since not all is for Spirit in this Given world, consider the JESUS Wisdom to be better aware, that is, JESUS New Christianity for properly ascending (JESUS Precepts unraveled in current language for this generation [and this stage of civilizing]).

    In the above JESUS Drawing Flying Saucer A and B are shown as to control Flying Saucer aspects, such as travel direction. Though in the name JESUS consider how if to approach the speed of light (such as somewhat such as to approach a black hole interior) then to compress.

    Therefore this JESUS Compression [And/Or Expansion] key: if a flying saucer is made with two as if equal pillars side by side and one of wood and the other of thick steel, the wooden one per se would crumble before the thick steel pillar. Now pillars can change, such as by adding heat or cold, though waves can change as quickly as the wind spirits so to speak, and automatically in the properly JESUS Controlled Way(s).

    If to compress a spring, it works to spring back to original shape and value. JESUS Christ offers much "spring" effect value for You in this generation (as though hardly offered to the caveman [secular: type] civilization prior to their ascending in JESUS Christ Levels Physics unto the stage of springs, such as the bow and arrow [toward minimum level].

    Similar to the above JESUS Drawing (C) of light bending around a corner, Your JESUS Fleet would consider hyperbolic speed (not only particle "Fleet" yet also JESUS Flowing Spirit For Highest Purpose for Your Sake(s)), the speed often needed to escape the corner [or central object's] gravitational pull, that is, if adding speed is desired for JESUS Highest Purpose, also known as escape velocity, so instead JESUS Escape Velocity (if JESUS Opts To "Escape" And Be With Such "Velocity").

    JESUS Christ is aware of perfect data, and so the perfect system. The above JESUS Drawing Flying Saucer is a shape of a group of spirits. In the name JESUS Christ The Pure Heart of the vessel can be made JESUS Purely and greater than JESUS Escape Velocity,

    JESUS Your Victory / JESUS Anew Purity / JESUS Escape Velocity in the former sense per se.

    The JESUS Creator Physics are overcome with JESUS Anewing as much as in a person's soul (see below "Coming soon"). So if to be with a vessel design and construction then the levels apply (including against the lower levels of nature as much as pertinent: meaning JESUS Prayerfully against sin). How hardly a person's words and data are, save if JESUS Christ Say And/Or Transmit Data With The Father

    (the Holy Highest One per se word "With" in lower levels can be interpreted for Edifying as the word "to" [to transmit to the Father]). Since there is a Firmament "against the lower levels" (counted as if of natural sin, though the Tree Of Knowledge is established for not sin and instead Good) then as JESUS Christ showed repeatedly (see above references) a vessel can be lifted from above (JESUS From Heaven Above).

    So in JESUS One is the JESUS Anew Purity of either JESUS Highest Mission Purpose, or of a person's mission purpose. So if not JESUS Highest then to miss the target.

    If to miss the target then to miss the ramifications thereof such as much as likely pertinent: JESUS Escape Velocity (with considering waves and slinky effects).

    So a JESUS Outer Space Effects against Your Colonizers key is subset to this previous of JESUS Precept keys with "waves and slinky effects", "crystal" pure or flaw effects, and great key: in the name JESUS Christ.

    The secular ways include multitudes of problems, such as the rocket power to get up there in great movie October Sky, and such as how to overcome the freezing of great movie Apollo 13, and so forth. Already JESUS Christ Gave the One Best Way Through JESUS Christ Creator.

    For example: a person is going to walk, another person is going to eat, both may be going about different things and both might be innocent or guilty: such is the way of the secular; meanwhile the Christian whether walking or eating is going the right Way ascending in JESUS Christ, and slowly save JESUS Christ In The Heart, not only the Christian Praying (if without such JESUS Functioning: dead focused nation, vessel, spirit,...James 2.26) yet also JESUS Doing: so from one type of data set to a greater in JESUS more valuable data set as written in Romans 4.7 NAS:

    So, a little lower level to JESUS Edify, from one data set (JESUS Praying not for sin, instead JESUS Praying With You Christian Leader for Good Success) to a higher level data set, from a line of words to 3D data (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on greater than brain including e.g. Heart, Blood, Stomach,...[associative Flock Membership Spirit], JESUS Priest(s)).

    At least in the secular, if data is brought together it is as if to have mass so that a truck would carry it. Though the data had the mass already, whether spread across the desks or across the skies and Heavenly Places.

    Your Flying Saucer Mass is to be of JESUS Data in order to agree with the "spread across the" Heavens. And the Heavens are not just for viewing:

    a JESUS 3D key is in gathering the JESUS Data that exists not here but up there hidden from Your sight. Heavenly Places are with freely available unto all, cures for things people didn't even know needed cured.

    So this JESUS Living key includes as if secular adaptation and instead proper JESUS Christ Growing Ascending for the coming JESUS Prophetic(s) ("freely available unto all" hence according to faiths: hence this is a key concerning previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons over "commander").

    Data is as crumbs that become stale, unappealing, and often cast aside Psalm 147.17 ESV:

    so be aware that in the sky of Earth, ice falls from plane wings to melt typically, though not so in outer space. JESUS Your Flying Saucer can "stand" appropriately for JESUS Highest Purpose.

    JESUS Living 3D Data is interactive within, JESUS Alive And Growing Heart, and interactive externally like how the JESUS Flying Saucer For Your Flock And Yourself would agree with data in the Heavenly Places: so to interact such as to gain JESUS Wisdom Prayerfully Greater Anew (JESUS Main Part), and likewise to JESUS Do The Travel Part (JESUS Minimal Maintenance Responsibly)

    and so with such JESUS Doing key the latter is become greater than the former (Haggai 2.7-9 > Daniel 11.13).

    The JESUS Heart is with springy tubes ("waves and slinky effects") as the JESUS Loving Heart Doth Directly Control (including prior to the mind, though the mind is also with value, and the latter > the first state of that nature.

    Nature living very beautifully is with JESUS Purpose, per se (according to faith including a perspective), as a person can behold beauty, or opt to look at nasty (JESUS Firmaments apply if to lift "nasty" to such as the perspective of more proper more civilized: decomposition)(of JESUS Grace rather opt referencing JESUS Recycling and far > former).

    The more modern of generally obsolete buggies and such have been with seat springs rather than sitting on a board (although a "board" is legal: law does not apply in this point, though does apply in other "board" considerations). The car is with greater springiness and comforts. Your JESUS Aloft Chapels should be with far greater JESUS Mansions and many (including reasonably for future generations, consider what can be made where You are to Go for JESUS Christ [or perhaps JESUS would that You stay]).

    JESUS Interactive [Data] With Heavenly Places / JESUS [Organs And Data Subsets] Members / JESUS Springiness (waves, ductwork types,...) / JESUS Heart.

    In the previous straight though triadic (hence with JESUS 3D Data pertinence) line is a data path though the sentence contains for instances no mentions of fuels, material grades, time (though notes "Heart" source "JESUS"), and no mention of air and other things necessary. This is important.

    First in the name JESUS Christ, then not a lower person reveals, instead then of JESUS Grace JESUS Reveals Best including what to Do, how to Do it, with proper traceability such as how to plan with the JESUS Creator Original Plan including for this particular generation: and each generation is JESUS Given > the sky's the limit, according to faiths.

    First the JESUS Pure Plan From The JESUS Heart, then the better becomes materialized according to faiths.

    JESUS Christ Gives this JESUS Anew Faith Original Plan key example:

    Moses lifted the serpent onto the stick and people could be Healed

    (see above text after-the-fact) or greater to be aware of the danger,

    though Moses did not lift the desert onto the stick.

    Lift the JESUS Desert.

    Lift Your JESUS Vessel Flying Saucer, lift properly.

    In JESUS Christ two precepts apply to this: it is not right to lift the snake nor the desert above the Firmaments and over the children and the people

    save in JESUS Christ to lift properly (JESUS New Christianity) for JESUS Highest Purpose Original Good Plan (Matthew 15.26&27).

    Behold! A great mystery is now of JESUS Christ Given unto Your Responsibility.

    Only JESUS Christ is allowed to allow any to pass upward through Firmaments

    so lift properly (Ephesians 5.31&32)(see above text on "Worthy").

    In the above JESUS Drawing there are bends of energy lines, shown as forming four UFO Flying Saucer type corners for JESUS Edifying for each and all though for safety for the "Worthy" and if for others then with greater warning emphasis lest they harm themselves.

    If the energy bends, then it forms a corner. So for instance for JESUS Energy Wave "D" to agree with an adjacent wave as shown, the interaction of data would realize a corner effect.

    So the JESUS Wave(s) would drive the shape of the JESUS Vessel such as the shown UFO Flying Saucer type vessel.

    So this is become in Your clear awareness a JESUS Spirit Effect, such as for flying.

    Not to be ignorant of what motivates this generation

    (whether in secular terms cliche "the competition" [translation as if Your competition, rather in JESUS such have souls too whether secular or not])

    in searching for ancients that controlled bolts of energies from the Heavens, the music group Pearl Jam logo appeared ( with some pertinent lightning bolt placements (also a pistol on the page though with a less obvious smaller cross)(also reference pertinent Jesus comments at

    So while Your words are toward perfect, as JESUS Christ Taught [And Did], others have not necessarily been as obvious, so Pray JESUS and be with JESUS Mercy Giving for such "others" (according to at least the fruits of the works: ibid.),

    and be aware of the elements as gems lying about on the desert floor [where none travel], and aware of the Mass for Their sake(s). So a need to be JESUS Perfect (Matthew 6.33) yet aware of the hearers (Maintenance) lest to JESUS Preach to the empty pews.

    If to be with JESUS Aloft Grand Chapel [With Mansions] then continue to JESUS Perfect Faith Preach, and perhaps to invite such as popular Pearl Jam (though be ready to interpret higher if able if JESUS Appropriate In You [such as above stated "less obvious"], also see above "before-the-fact" and the top JESUS Drawing upper left Godsling as though notes).

    To lift the spirit, at times Feasts such as with song and dance are appropriate ( of JESUS Faith John 4.35 so from JESUS Faith to JESUS Miracle Harvest And JESUS Feast Rejoicingly hence to greater JESUS Faith Anew Spirit One).

    So this JESUS Greater Spirit key: some JESUS Work is by a Preacher for instance (or a Christian Group) while the JESUS Greater Spirit Anew is often with the larger Mass(es) together JESUS Rejoicing (though a "profligacy" Firmament

    Which is easier to say, carry a pistol to shoot unfriendlies such as the child that cried at night and woke you, or to tell that child in the neighboring nation next door across the border of JESUS Christ and Do Give them comfort?; and likewise

    which is easier for the Good Samaritan to say "I will hurt that king and leave him for dead on the side of the road, then later lift him to show I am God and can save his life that I may receive My reward" (Luke 10.35) or for the Good Samaritan to say "Peace, that Joyous Love be Yours from JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Highest Purpose In God", and then to rescue that king.?: even so be the True Holy Good Samaritan In The Name Of "JESUS CHRIST" (

    The same is True In JESUS concerning Your Flying Saucer, including the previous sentence "rescue".

    If JESUS Christ would empower You with Your Own Flying Saucer

    (Spirit, or Spirit With Pure Vessel [beware of risks if other condtions apply as JESUS Highest Spirit Purpose is key])

    then to utilize to opt to do as the secular sinners have said to "Give them hell" or instead JESUS Christ Said And Did Peace, Love, Giving Good, And For One Highest Purpose.

    To JESUS Edify others in secular cliche, a low unemployment rate "does not put food in my baby's mouth"; even so many civilizations out there in outer space are coming and while others are being undone (just as "my" has been doing), according to not caring for other babies, other nations, other alien civilizations that are coming into wealth, other alien civilizations that are losing wealth and their living, and not caring for Mark 4.38 (also reference Alma 38.9).

    Your vessels are toward not for You but for others. Sometimes it is goodly for JESUS Maintenance to speak plainly. Yet let the food be as written in 2 Corinthians 1.24:

    If You feed that distant civilization unknown by the secular levels to date, then the JESUS Holy Highest Purpose "baby" would be with plenty of food before the end of this day (even if reading at midnight or the fourth watch Mark 2.19). JESUS Said eat my flesh and drink my blood and the Disciples said this is hard to understand (JESUS Heart, John 6.60, JESUS burden is actually light). So here is an explanation, even so seek JESUS Christ:

    the preparing for the Holy JESUS Sabbath on [counted as] Fridays [in this generation largely (and such if in JESUS Christ More Than Suffieceth)]

    in the Old Testament is about after-the-fact Bible foods, and the same is True in the JESUS Highest Purpose Spirit Father, though

    also within the New Testament (pertinent for more than merely this generation) the JESUS Holy Sabbath Practice is for the JESUS Highest Purpose:

    as JESUS Christ: this mainly consisted of JESUS Preaching (Luke 22.53 boldly [not about hateful anger]) and the things that followed such as:

    Miracle Healings, and such as Miraculously bountiful foods.

    So this JESUS Food key, if to be adamant (in JESUS New Christianity and JESUS Physics correlated to a "rate")

    about "does not put food in my baby's mouth", then needful in You before-the-fact is to more than that level and it's pertinent effectual rate of "adamant",

    so therefore all the more "adamant" in advance in preparing properly in JESUS Christ, so the JESUS Faith Preaching

    (Miracles follow, not Your schedule, [JESUS] His Highest Purpose Schedule), yet be aware some even many Miracles including foods were already JESUS Given You.

    How can a person work all day, be ripped off and left in the ditch, then be able to feed the baby?, JESUS Preaching. JESUS Preaching.

    To talk is of value, and You know the talk is here and gone except as much as can be remembered (though also greater in JESUS Remembering All Good). So JESUS Christ had Disciples write (this agrees with Apostles [Sent]). Voice recordings of JESUS In You Preaching are also of value, and such recordings with putting into text [and pics] is also with value, and the Holy Highest Spirit Father is also yet more than some generations of Value(s). By having Done these (that is if JESUS Victories over "these"), then JESUS Christ is ready to Give greater harder to accomplish since any less might offend You Beloved Baby Lover.

    So You know a JESUS Worthiness key, as the "harder" becomes the simpler, the easier to accomplish, and the JESUS Joy For Heaven. For example, a person ate ham because of it's flavor, so wanted ham, including for their family; but if to offer ham to a person that knows the Old Testament the offer might be refused: yes eat what is set before You but not if obese, yes because of JESUS a person can eat ham though Did the Creator make anything better for You to eat such as at least at times vegetables if to be with living flesh (save if JESUS Highest Deuteronomy 9.18 but if JESUS Highest Host then no need for food since abounding),

    so You can eat ham but if other food is available then not to eat ham ( and do not eat things sacrificed to as if other gods (including if for sinful worship of other names): save first at least JESUS Praying Agreeing in Your Heart (yet be aware: JESUS You Fasting is not a sin [except if opted Matthew 6.5: Matthew 13.12]); so feed on the Word Of JESUS Christ [Chosen, so] as

    JESUS Guides that You "should be holy and blameless" (Ephesians 1.4 ESV):

    not Chosen because You are pure with pure deeds, Chosen because JESUS Chose You to become "holy and blameless" and more perfect.

    The Chosen People wanted divorces and ham ( but should become [if not already] JESUS Pure One Holy And Blameless.

    If to supply Your JESUS Fleet to Colonize deep outer space, then pigs are not on the supply list if to be as Pure as possible (see above text "does not put" [Holy] "food in my baby's mouth"). Holy Food most Pure is the Highest Word JESUS the Christ Word and not another called JESUS except if Highest One Eternally Pure.

    Now this JESUS Christ Highest Word key, JESUS Christ includes the Highest Command and the Second like unto the first, and the Highest Word and other words to Edify.

    There is JESUS Flesh Person and there is the JESUS Vessel Fleet [Yours to make]. There is the JESUS Person and there are the Christians Persons, and JESUS Rode on sandals, and like unto the first let Your Fleet Ride Vessels.

    JESUS Wave Convergence key: this is like unto two planets colliding and exploding and so such "exploding" causes another corner effect according to their incident angles and explosion properties such as shock wave energies and projectiles: in other words their approach paths form an angle, a corner. Typical wind and typical water does not pass through beyond that "corner" because of the impasse formed by that explosion (a JESUS Firmament to such).

    A car does not pass through a big explosion typically, instead it meets the corner edge of where the car can be: otherwise the car is cast back or destroyed.

    JESUS Christ Gives You to change matter and energy into JESUS Preparing and JESUS Hosting foods and properly Maintained cars (JESUS Fleet not driving into explosions carelessly)(JESUS People and JESUS Materials not going into explosions improperly).

    The external boundary of an explosion agrees with the pertinent external boundary of a material. Some materials are very hard, though some are very springy. An explosion meeting (agreeing with) hard can be with hard values (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermon on canon tungsten at though for people to not be impacted by a hard shock wave, other than hard shielding (correlated to great ability to transmit shock waves), is springiness (correlated to great ability to not transmit shock waves [like unto cushioning, reference Comforter]).

    So JESUS Gives This Human (and supplies and equipment [such as to protect computers and robots from damages]) Grace key, that if an explosion is below, then to lift (reference currently popular rocket designs)(see above text "Pearl Jam logo" bottom bolt of lightning overlaying all seeing eye).

    If to JESUS Host, then as an explosion of foods to eat such as at harvest time for a set of crops in their season. The opposite lifting is to fast.

    If to be with a corner at the top of the JESUS Flying Saucer then to be with an explosion, and with lift so tied to [fast and] implosion. Even so, an explosion can be reasonably half explosion and half implosion (Matthew 19.26).

    You understand the previously stated rocket explosion. Yet You are aware in so exploding to the external (fuel going to the external) the rocket lost fuel: implosion of the above part.

    If so, and if JESUS Internal Combustion, then inside the JESUS Flying Saucer can be implosion toward the JESUS Heart from above [Heavens, Father Spirit], while with below the explosion.

    So this JESUS Christ Deep Space Engine key: if to collect data, then to amass

    (though not about subduing things under Yourself "feasting" carelessly, instead for JESUS Highest Purpose)

    and in amassing to gain heat, a subset key.

    JESUS Imploding is with heating [a vessel collecting] while exploding is with cooling the JESUS Heart of the vessel (as to cast away heat in the process of burning fuel to the external).

    Together these many above sentences of JESUS Precepts are in this JESUS Wave Vessel key: while matter such as a board can be of finite length, a wave can be as a of springy length (lively).

    A spring can even flow, such as of Earth mass down stairs turn step after step along the JESUS Straight Path per se. A person might be with spring in their steps bounding up the stairs: JESUS One Properly Ascending.

    A voice can move an eardrum at a distance such as half a football field. A seismic wave at that distance can move a person. An explosion

    (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons on Initial Pulse)

    can be with a process to safely deliver a person from one place to another. So this JESUS Explosion Process key is to accelerate a person to the speed of the maximum shock [carrier] wave (and then from step to properly higher speed of accelerating the person greater [or closer,...] explosion step).

    Now some regions of outer space are toward energies, some toward matters, some toward empty, some are mixed. So to JESUS Collect is with the key of Your Ship Net Size Varying when appropriate in JESUS Christ to accommodate (John 21.11).

    Know that You know this because of JESUS Faith Ether 12.30 therefore reference JESUS Christ Faith For One Highest Good Purpose lest to want to feed the "baby", lest to fail the Highest Good For You, lest to fail and have to redo Your Hard Works as You Struggle as much as: if not with JESUS Light Burden.

    JESUS Christ offers this above Drawing Flying Saucer hardly as the previous secular cliche as a flying "tin can", though hardly without Heaven Father JESUS Holy Ghost One, and likewise hardly in this generation without some metals and ceramics and spongy effects though much of this is in the form in JESUS Anew Spirit For The Father Including One (Fold Fleet(s)) as energy waves and not merely as stars (see previous JESUS ICCDBB Sermons in this Series on convoy(s) as detailed, and on JESUS Highway Of The Stars).

    In the name JESUS consider how some people are celebrities (including JESUS The Living Christ), stars, and the stars are with an entourage effect like unto holding a nearly clear though colored glass (e.g. all red, all blue,..., and/or a convex magnifier...) in front of a star (e.g. light,...personality of symbolic character,...1 Corinthians 13.12 has applied: formerly Exodus 33.20 though ascending in level Exodus 33.11).

    Likewise consider how JESUS Gives the microwave oven to vibrate water...even if partly through secular hands as often might be the cases. Inside out this JESUS Christ Flying Saucer (or other shape such as cube) is hardly about a type of wave such as "microwave", though concerning the region of the JESUS Given Heavens and also the interior and key the Straight And Narrow such as "JESUS Highway".

    Celebrities flowing across the red carpet, in cliche, therefore are like unto hardly a star so of JESUS Grace as a beam of [light] stars (see above "bolts of energies from the Heavens" as much as JESUS Christ Spirit Father Good be in such though with emitting). Likewise is the JESUS Authority Christian Leadership Stream Controlling.

    For JESUS Safety, let the "bolts" of lightnings be with sensors appropriate to the JESUS Mission need(s) if any "need(s)" yet for the sakes of any if not JESUS Perfect.

    So this JESUS Energy key, JESUS Energy is clear, except if to introduce sin; though concerning Christians Highest In JESUS Christ there is [a type of] JESUS Clarity Victory that applies according to JESUS Grace. For instance if to opt to go into the Heavens with a JESUS One Flying Saucer as described here, then You have opted to go into a set of regions You already know are with space debris, and particles and greater, to there are for instance particles turned unto themselves (not necessarily sinful reasons, instead as an ascending set: verse below)

    so of Your flying option Your result is this JESUS Energy key to go where turned [spirits] "particles" [in former terms] are except the Saving Spirit Of JESUS Christ to agree with the Father Of The Heaven(s): JESUS Straight And Narrow

    so subset key the Christian Fleet, the Fold, Your Family, the other people and/or things You bring (see above such as "Your horizontal Knowledge Data Bank") for the Father Highest Purpose travel with You along the Straight And Narrow (though not Your sin if any, bring not sinners except for JESUS Highest if for their sakes (many laws and conditions apply)). As written in Matthew 12.50:

    Truly if You bring with You [if most appropriate in JESUS Christ] things such as equipment, then such is entered into the JESUS Straight And Narrow, which from Your own perspective might seem as if: Your Straight And Narrow (such as [to Edify] in secular cliche "your mission")(see above Anew Exodus 33.11 level).

    Spirit Highest Purpose: JESUS Christ.

    If to travel into the realm of the Creator (though see above "formerly Exodus 33.20" might apply) then this subset key to fall asleep at the wheel so other than sinful risks, the value to this JESUS Awake [(Aware) counted as though "asleep"] key is such as if to put any into hibernation:

    so this is a great JESUS Time Frame To Time Frame Travel key (not that "asleep" nor "hibernation" need apply, conditions apply not stated here).

    If to travel through time (other than formerly measured as time), then JESUS One Spirit only is awake, though JESUS Spirit With One Pure Flesh [eventually (pending proper ascending in JESUS Christ)] so the rate of the mass data Maintaining Pace In JESUS Spirit is key.

    So be aware of these JESUS Spirit Father triads (key(s)):

    Not ascending has often been called sin (whether under the law or legal due to improper worldly laws in situations), though similar yet legal (in JESUS Highest Law: Commandments) is that not ascending sufficiently is as to increase the selfish burdens upon the self and such may affect others

    also tied to above ("food in my baby's mouth") in a sense save JESUS Pure Spirit Pure Vessel Guide has already Victory Available (and for some sakes including their work even though of JESUS Grace: 1 Corinthians 13.11). Even so pick up Your burden cross daily:

    if to pick up seeds to plant (if in the name JESUS Christ and for JESUS Christ), then to enter into the Harvest Of JESUS; likewise if to drive a bus for other children (ibid.) then into the same JESUS Harvest Feast; likewise if to go into outer space (work) then the same JESUS Feasting applies: not all are carpenters, not all are nurse maids, yet each and all can be for JESUS Christ (see above "JESUS Spirit With One Pure Flesh").

    So there are talents that can be applied though not all [in situations] are most effectual such as authority over other spirits that are in lower levels (, yet the Father JESUS Christ respected the Father In Heaven portrayed as above and if above then JESUS Christ swayed the opinion of the same level and higher, save JESUS Father Spirit Oneness: so key is counted as though "above".

    JESUS Christ Purity key: with above proper ascending: a Christian must be Pure if to be with Whole Victory over 2 Corinthians 5.17.

    2 Corinthians 5.17 is not a get out of jail free card, not a hall pass, not an excuse to sin (often worldly laws apply, alway JESUS Physics [Law] Applies until Final End Time),

    2 Corinthians 5.17 is not even an excuse to not opt to ascend (JESUS Grace).

    People have walked into the street and been harmed because their former ways were to listen for the approach of any vehicle, though new more silent vehicles arrive for goodly higher purposes.

    Powerful noisy energy waves can vibrate and lift Your Christian Chapel. Noise from Flying Saucers, lights, sensors, and other can endanger externally and internally (see above text "explosions"). JESUS Christ Grace agrees with above stated "cushioning", and sponginess, and springiness, and other comforts against Your vessel fleet to Your shame and perhaps worse, unless for their sakes and all, so except for JESUS Pure One.

    If to bring a tool with You, it is not sin except such as to make a noise with it too much, or such as except if to leave it to drop as space debris of former ways that would be better such as via You Perfecting in JESUS Grace.

    Each vessel design step needs be through JESUS Pure Vessel, lest some other way. If to birth a baby, if to build an ark, each and all need be through JESUS Pure Vessel Step(s) (Highest JESUS Step, or ascending JESUS steps the best enabled in Your Given Talent [also acceptable of JESUS Grace]).

    Be aware of the above triads. You would seek to Do the Best Highest Spiritually (including design, birth, and/or as opting [note even sinners have wanted as much]) and to be Best then also Pure though aware the others including those ascending while not Highest offer problems and/or what they think are helps though such from them is not necessarily true.

    Many spirits heard have said things such as JESUS is not the Spirit but JESUS is actually not only Spirit yet Highest Spirit since alway(s) agreeing with the Father In Heaven. Also refer to the JESUS New Christianity above triads over such (hardly as secular triads, since secularism is generally each or each group, for their own success: reference competitions.

    In JESUS Christ Pray and behold His Holy Highest Purity, for so Doing likewise, and if to be within the Second Coming Heavens with JESUS Christ then according at least to this JESUS Sermon consider the enormity of what to design,

    in other words a typical person might have wanted to fly, but did not, a Christian may have wanted to own a mining company, a navy, and/or a giant aerospace company but did not, such as because of lack of funds, or such as according to notions.

    Yet Christian be ready: Prepare: JESUS Christ would be thrilled to add each and all as much as Good Highest Purpose unto You far greater than "notions" imagined.

    And to add such things is hardly the tip of the iceberg so to speak: be with the greater JESUS Purpose in so talented JESUS Given Spirit Data.

    The results of Your Aloft Christian Chapel Fleet Purely For Christ JESUS offer far more expansive values and are far greater than the designs and tools and initial results that went Prophetically into the Best Success(es) (

    A child did not have money for a kite, though far more than a fleet may be agreed in Christ JESUS.

    ICCDBB Sermon In This Series For Christ JESUS For Christian Leaders

    January 26, 2019AD

    Click for ICCDBB For Christ JESUS Main Site at

    Coming soon:

    Planned for the next JESUS Sermon in this ICCDBB Series from JESUS Precepts

    JESUS True Warp Drive For Christian Leadership

    [waves and particles (3 Nephi 26.14&15)].

    tags: JESUS Christ Flying Saucer specifications detailing key vessel and internal combustion design powers and capabilities, of the word Son of Righteousness arise from above lifting including for with to Prophetically be healings in the soles of Your feet, with physics analysis of the powers of waves for properly utilizing. UFO Flying Saucer Tractor Holder Repulsor Beam length and diameter vector velocity, movie The Negotiator Samuel L. Jackson Kevin Spacey, October Sky Apollo 13, Zoarism Ark of Christian ancient civilizations on planets Revelation 6:12 Bible Code Christian President Don Trump explained I can do anything name JESUS