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Who are they?

Well who are they you ask? They are those who possess the sacred rings of the Rose Bride and who will fight and risk it all to win either A) Her love or B) Her power. It's left in the hands of the 'Victor of the Duel' what fate will befall the Bride.

The super duellist!

Tenjou, Utena......The Reigning duellist who is in a set position towords the beginning to defeat her opponent Saionji who wants the power of the Rose Bride while Utena fights for the safety of her *bride* and the returning of her friend Wakaba's esteem. Utena's parents died when she was no more than a tiny weeping princess, when along comes a Prince atop a white horse who cares for her and gives her more than trust...he gives her a new feeling that of strength to fight for those in need which leads her on her path to the destiny of becoming a prince!

The Rose Bride

Himemiya, Anthy......The rose bride in herself! She is the one for whom each duellist have their own reasons for fighting. She within herself posseses the power of Dios (Her brother) who is the very essence for what everyone strives to obtain (For the revolution of the world). She is the type of girl who will hide all to the world and show nothing but respect for her victor. She cooks cleans heck she'll do the dorm windows if the winning duellist asks her to. She has few friends with the exception of Utena and of course er pet (CHU!) ugh...I mean *FRIEND* ChuChu the glutonous but super cute monkey mouse.

Power endulged duellist

Kiyuichi, Saionji......The green haired duellist of Ohtori's prestigious Student Council is the first of then many duels Utena must face. This iron clad fighter is a master in the art of Kendo and can be *very* persuasive. Admired by the girls for his good looks and skill deeply hated by Utena for the mistreatment of Anthy AND Wakaba (her best friend). He is scarred in his ego by his double defeat at the hand of Utena and is always up for a rematch.

Duellist of Time

Kaoru, Miki......The blue haired duellist is out for a MUCH more respectable reason than that of Saionji, in fact his intensions are the exact same as Utena, for Anthy's freedom...that and he has a massive crush on Anthy. When he realizes that Anthy is happy with Utena and that Utena is not out for the world wide revolution that everyone was anticipating would come with Anthy's power, Miki forfeits the match and resumes his crush on Anthy without duelling.

Golden Queen of Duellists

Arisugawa, Juri......Juri has a completely different reason for duelling. She is the lost soul who simply cannot believe that miracle do exist and happen. When Utena states to Juri her belief that miracles can come true, Juri will do anything to make Utena see her visions of a world of no hope by fighting Utena. When she is defeated she realizes that Utena's miracle may come true and through the fact that Utena cuts off the thing that means most to Juri her necklace which contains a picture of hope....

The bratty duellist

Kiryuu, Nanami......Nanami is the little sister of the president in the student council (Kiryuu, Touga) she is completely a control freak. Out to make Anthy's life miserable with her evil schemes for eternal happiness with her BROTHER. Well in any case she is a very demonic character in the show but is also a good cause for the side of the student counsil's comedy relief. I just hope the elephants can get her up there!

King of fighters

Kiryuu, Touga......The big kahuna of the school's counsil who is bent on revolutionizing the world through a secret organization simply entitled 'End of the World'(E.o.t.W). Touga's ambition seems to be completely abvious...or is it? You see while under his somewhat dictator like habits he is deeply in love with Utena (Hense, many of the stories you've heard of his interests in Utena are true). Towords the end in his second duel with Utena we realize he doesn't want Utena to fight Akio because he loves her so and knows that if she wins she would fight Akio (that dam* rapist!) and could lose more than the duel but in fact...her life.

There exist many others than we have mentioned here who are going to test Utena's abilities to hold the title 'Victor of the Duel' and keep Anthy's power. Some other duellists like...Akio Ohtori, and even Utena's BEST friend Wakaba! This is wonderous show you couldn't miss.


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