This story is inspired by Mickey's Christmas Carol. I saw it on TV on December 9. Immediately, I came up with this story. So I should give credit to Disney and Charles Dickens who originally wrote A Christmas Carol. Now don't get mad, RD. Hee. Hee.

A Christmas Carol

The snow fell lightly on Christmas eve in New Jersey as RD Rivero rode to work in his limo. He looked out his window in disgust at the Christmas decorations on the houses, the children playing in the snow, throwing snowballs at each other and making angels in the snow. RD hated all holidays but this was the one he hated most--Christmas. From the decorations, the toys, the sales, the laughter, the singing, he hated all of it. His chauffeur turn the radio up as 'Jingle Bells' played on the radio.

The young man growled at the sound of Christmas music. "WilyKat, turned that blasted Christmas music off or you're fired!"

WilyKat jumped at the angry voice of his boss and turn the radio off. It was quiet the rest of the way to work. When his limo pulled up in front of his workplace, RD looked disgusted at the Salvation Army volunteers, Lion-O and Cheetara, ringing the bell, encouraging people to donate money for the homeless people. Wily Kat opens the door for RD and he steps out holding a bag in his left hand and a briefcase in his right. The volunteers spoke to him.

"Do you wish to donate money to the Salvation Army?" Cheetara asked.

A wicked smile crept his face. "I would if you be my Mrs. Santa Claus."

"Hey, you don't talk to a lady like that, especially not my girlfriend," the lion responded at RD angrily.

"Out of my way, boy, and take your pitiful charity elsewhere. You won't get any money out of me to support people who wants to freeload off rich, hardworking people like me."

"Let's go, Cheetara," Lion-O said gathering the money box.

"Well, Merry Christmas, anyway," Cheetara said as RD marched up the steps.

RD turned around to look at the cheetah. "Bah Humbug. Screw Christmas and everything with it," RD cursed the popular holiday and went into the building.

Once inside the building, the workers kept to themselves working on various experiments. RD owned the science research center where the workers work on various types of experiments to help mankind, unlike their owner and boss. They were all treated badly by RD but none were treated as bad as the man working under him, his assistant. He teased and taunted his assistant. Ignoring the employees, RD headed for the elevator that would take him to his private lab.

"Morning, Mr. Rivero," an employee said.

"Bah Humbug," the man muttered.

"How are you doing, Mr. Rivero?" Another employee asked.

"Screw you," he replied angrily.

"I told you not to speak to him," a woman said.

"Has he always been like this?"

"Yeah, and he always will be. No one could possibly stand a guy like that."

RD found peace in his elevator as it rode to his lab. This was one of the few things he enjoyed doing, working in the lab, creating private experiments that will help him take over the world or blow it up. Either way, RD would be happy with the results. He also had a love for something else. He grinned evilly thinking how he would torture his assistant. The elevator doors opened and RD stepped out. To his surprised his assistant wasn't there at his desk in front of the lab room. He walked to the door, leading to the lab room and read the sign, "RD and Mumm-Ra's Lab," with a sharp line scratched through 'Mumm-Ra'. RD smiles faintly, thinking about his partner. He died three years ago and left money for RD to give him a proper funeral if anything should happen to him. RD kept the money and sold Mumm-Ra's body to science for study. His mind returned to the present and thinking his assistant would be in there, he entered his lab. It was like any other scientific lab with the beakers, chemicals, mechanical devices, electrodes, and a small room where he would conduct private tortures for any stray Snarfs he would find.


Tygra rushes in from the door RD entered. "You call me, sir?"

"Where were you?" RD asked.

"I just arrived, sir. I'm sorry. My car had trouble starting," Tygra apologized.

"You are late," RD said through clenched teeth.

Tygra looked at his watch. "It's 9am. I'm always due at work at 9am."

RD looks at his watch. "It's 9 o'clock and 15 seconds. You are 15 seconds late and it's coming out of your pay."

Tygra was going to protest but didn't. He knew how his boss will get if someone argues with him. He lowly bows his head. "Yes, sir," he looked up at his sinister boss. "I know this is a bad time to ask, but I was wondering if I could work half a day tomorrow."

"If you work half a day, I'd have to dock half your pay. Let's see," the man pondered. "I pay you $5.00 an hour--

"Actually, it's $5.25," Tygra corrected him.

RD smiled remembering, "Ah, yes, I paid you $5.25 when you started doing my laundry two years ago." RD tosses the bag he was holding to Tygra. "Here you go. Now, when 5.25 is divided by two, it equals 2.625. Hmp. I'll be nice and pay you $2.63 for your work tomorrow."

The doors burst opened and a man holding a Christmas wreath came in cheerfully. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Alluro," Tygra said. "How are you and your wife, Chilla?"

"The misses and I are doing fine. We got another kid on the way as a matter of fact," Alluro answered happily. "Merry Christmas, Cousin."

"Bah Humbug. What do you want, Alluro?" RD spat ill-tempered.

"I just wanted to invite you to Christmas dinner tomorrow night. Chilla, the children and I would like it if you'd come."

"Christmas. Bah Humbug. It's nothing but a worthless holiday that's on the calendar so people won't work. It's an ordinary day and people should be working, making me, RD Rivero, the greatest scientist that ever lived, more money. You have Thanksgiving. What more do you want?"

"But Christmas is the time of giving, too, to be with your family," Tygra said.

"Bah Humbug," RD growled. "Who needs family? They are nothing but a bunch of backstabbers waiting for you to die, so they can get your money," he turned his back walking to his lab table.

"All families aren't like that. We aren't and I say Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" Alluro cheered.

"I agree," Tygra added clapping, supporting Alluro.

RD turned around. "What do you think you're doing, Tygra?"

Tygra got a little scared of his boss. "Uh, nothing, sir, just exercising my hands that's all."

"Hmph," RD retorted. "Get back to work."

"Yes, sir," Tygra said and left the room.

RD was walking back to his table when Alluro spoke again.

"So, will you come to Christmas dinner tomorrow night?"

RD turned around smiling. "You mean Christmas dinner with turkey, ham, dressing, and cheesecake?"

"Yes," Alluro said.

"And pecan pie, rum cake and sweet potato pie?" RD asked excitedly.

The sound of the lovely food made Alluro's mouth water. "Yes, all that and more."

"Hell, no. I told you I hated Christmas. Now why would I want to spend it with you?!" He asked grabbing Alluro's arm and pushing him out of the lab room. He slams the door.

Alluro opens the door and put the Christmas wreath on the doorknob. "Merry Christmas, RD,"

he closes the door.

RD snatches the wreath off the doorknob and toss it in the wastebasket. "Christmas. Bah Humbug."

RD spent the rest of the day in his lab, grumbling to himself and working on his latest invention, this time, he hoped it would work and give him world conquest. He let Tygra go home late 30 minutes late, as punishment for being 15 seconds late to work. At the end of the day, he was the last to leave his science lab. He stepped outside, waiting for his limo.

"Where is that blasted, WilyKat? Probably smooching my maid, what's her name, Puma? Pulo? Pumalo? Pumyra? Oh, I'll think of it later."

The night grew cooler as the wind blew breezily. Jackalman in shredded clothing climb up the steps. "Excuse me, sir. Do you have a dollar I can borrow?"

"Get away from me, you bum! And get a job instead of begging from superior people!" RD pushed Jackalman down the steps. The jackal tumbled down the steps to the cold snow at the bottom. He weakly got up and ran away.

RD's limo pulled up. WilyKat got out immediately and opened the door for RD. RD slapped him on the back of his head. When WilyKat got back in, he drove off.

"Where were you?" RD asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir. I was talking to my girlfriend and I lost track of time. It won't happen again."

"YOU have a girlfriend? Who?"

"Pumyra, sir," WilyKat answered.

"Pumyra? Pumyra who?" RD asked confused.

"She's your maid, sir."

"Oh, I wondered what her name was," RD said aloud.

It was quiet the rest of the way home. When he got there, no one was in there, by RD's orders. He wanted to be by himself when he came home, so all his servants and maids cleaned his vast mansion and got dinner ready before their boss came home. When RD walked to the door, he pulled out his keys and begin fumbling with it, trying to find the right one to go in the keyhole. On his door, was a normal door knocker. It changed to the face of Mumm-Ra.

"RDDDDDDDDDDD," Mumm-Ra called in an eerie voice.

RD blinked in shock for a moment. "Mumm-Ra?" RD asked. "No, that can't be. You're dead."

He blinked again and saw an ordinary door knocker. He opened the door and entered his home. Not interested in eating dinner, he walked up the steps to his master bedroom. After changing clothes, he went to bed. The windows in his bedroom opened and a cool breeze entered as well as an eerie spirit. He was ghostly white and in chains, he was old and decayed, he was Mumm-Ra.

"RDDDDDDDDDDD," Mumm-Ra called in a thin voice.

RD rolled over in his bed and pulled the covers over his head.

"Wake up, you idiot!" Mumm-Ra shouted shaking his chains.

RD slowly awakened. With blurry vision, he saw Mumm-Ra. Frightened to see his old partner, he fought with the sheets trying to get out of bed and away from the spirit. Losing the battle with his bed sheets, he fell on the floor.

"M-Mumm-Ra? No, it can't be you. You're dead."

"It is me, RD, and I come with a warning. All my life, I was as evil as you, thinking of ways to harm people and soon take over the world, but I unexpectedly died. And as punishment for my terrible deeds done here, I will spend all eternity in these chains, suffering forever in perpetual punishment, horror, oh, the horror, the horror," he shakes his head thinking about the terrible images he's seen and the ghastly things done to him. He points his mangy, bony finger at RD. "But you, RD.... you can save yourself. You must turn your life around."

"Bah. Humbug," RD said. "My life is just fine. I don't need saving."

Mumm-Ra waves his chains in front of the foolish man. "Tonight at midnight, one, and two, you will be visited by three spirits: one from the past, present, and future. Listen to them, do what they say or your punishment will be worse than mine," Mumm-Ra said slowly floating back to the window. "Farewell, RD....farewell," his spirit flew out the window and the window closed, following his exit.

RD stood up, annoyed, "I knew I should've eaten something for dinner. Nothing, but a stupid dream," RD assured himself. He picked up his sheets and went back to bed.

The clock struck midnight everywhere in RD's large home. The man ignored the clocks chiming as he slept happily in his bed. He laughs maniacally to himself as he sleep, dreaming about causing more evil at work, especially Tygra, and possible plans of destroying the earth. A spirit flew to his window and opened it. She walked in, looking for RD. She walked to his bed and gently shook him.

"RD, wake up," she said softly.

RD didn't stir.

"Wake up, RD. It's time for your trip into the past," the female spirit said.

RD rolled over in his bed.

Getting a little frustrated, the spirit turned on the lights.

RD pulled the covers over his head, "Five more minutes, mom," he mumbled.

Annoyed, the spirit pulled the covers off his bed. "Get up, RD!"

Half asleep, half awake, RD sat up in bed, smacking his lips. He yawned. "What?" He said, eyes squinting at the light. He rubbed his eyes, getting it to focus. He gasped when he saw a woman standing before him.

"About time," the spirit said, folding her arms.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" He asked demandingly.

"I am Tatiana, the Ghost of Christmas Past. It's time for your trip."

"Ghost of Christmas Past? What, you mean I didn't dream seeing Mumm-Ra here?"

"No, he was real, and in terrible horror. Oh, the humanity. Now come, let's go," she said walking to the window.

RD stepped out of bed, unsure. "Where are we going?"

"To the past, silly, as I said so many times," she stood on the window ledge.

"You expect me to go out there? I can't fly."

"Take my hand," Tatiana said holding her hand out.

RD took her hand and they flew out the window. They flew over the buildings and homes in New Jersey. The snow felled gently as they flew in the cold sky, but RD was surprised to find that he wasn't freezing in his pajamas. They continued to fly until they landed at a college dorm. Tatiana and RD landed on the balcony of the dorm. They look inside and saw college students, dancing and partying.

"I know this place. This was my graduation party, all my then friends were there," RD said.

"Yes, and there you are, shyly sitting in the corner, watching your friends celebrate graduation from college," Tatiana observed.

As the RD in the past sat in the corner, watching his friends enjoy themselves, a young woman with soft dark hair and dark brown eyes walked to him. She sat beside him. "Why don't you join in on the fun, RD? It's college graduation."

"It's not my thing, Willa."

"Yeah, right. I don't believe you one bit. You just need someone to show you how fun it will be," Willa took his hand and led him to the dance floor with everyone else. He was a little slow at first but caught on to the dancing. At the end of the dance, Willa gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek that made him blush.

RD smile at the image. "I remember that. Willa was the only woman I loved. She understood me in every way. She was my compatible mate."

"Yeah and in five years, you love something else more--your lab and your conquest for world domination."

The image of the college dorm faded away and it magically changed into RD's lab. RD busily worked in his lab alone. Willa walked in.

"RD, I need to talk to you."

"What is it?" the man grumbled while busily working.

"Well, we've been engaged for five years and I was wondering if you were ready to set a date. We can't wait forever."

"I'm too busy to think about it."

"Too busy to think about our own wedding?" Willa asked.

"You're not worth the trouble," he said focused on his work.

Willa, stunned and angry, walked to the door, "I'm leaving, RD and I'm not coming back," she waited for RD to get up and stop her but he continued on with his work. Knowing he wasn't going to go after her, she slammed the door and walked away forever.

"You love your work more than Willa. In fact, it was Christmas Day when you broke up. Willa left and you never saw her again," Tatiana stated.

"I saw her again, almost everyday since that day from a distance. I know she works at the hospital as a pediatrician. I tried to talk to her and apologize but I never found the courage," RD said regretting his mistake in the past. Saddened and not wanting to see anymore.... "Tatiana, take me home. I cannot see any more of this."

"Remember, RD, you are the one who created those sad memories," Tatiana told him.

RD awakened in his own bed again. He was sweaty and almost shaking his head at the dreadful images of his past. "Oh, it was a dream," he said looking around in his own bed. The lights were out and everything was as it was. "For a moment there, I thought it was real." Relieved, he pulled the covers over his head and went back to sleep.

A spirit mystically appeared in front of RD. "Oh, no, you're not sleeping on me," the spirit said. "Get up, RD and I mean now!" He turned the lights on, pulled the covers off RD and pulled him from his bed.

RD hit the floor hard. "What? What?" He asked looking around. He saw another spirit in front of him. "Who are you and what do you think you're doing?"

I am Fianna, Ghost of Christmas Present."

"Oh, no, it wasn't a dream," RD groaned.

"It's real. Now get your lazy butt up so we can go," Fianna ordered.

"Hey, I thought you spirits were suppose to be good."

"Well, after all the nasty things you have been doing in the present, I have a right to treat you vilely," Fianna responded, picking RD up by the top of his pajamas and vanished.

The two men appeared in front of Tygra's house. They looked inside and didn't find much. The only furniture and appliance they found in what appeared to be a kitchen/dining room/living room was a table for five and an old, run-down stove. A used, dried, withered, Christmas tree was in the center of the room as two young tigers, a boy and a girl happily decorate the tree with their father. Also in the room was Tygra's wife, Thundera Tiger, taking the small dinner they were having for Christmas Eve out of the oven. She looks at her family happily and fondly.

"Why did you bring me here?" RD asked disgusted at the picture.

"This is the home of your overworked and deeply underpaid, Tygra. Despite all the mean things you did to him, he's remain forever nice and loyal to you."

RD ignored Fianna's comment and took a closer look at the dinner Thundera Tiger took out of the oven and was now setting on each plate. Each plate had a one green pea, a fourth teaspoon of mashed potatoes, and a thin slice of chicken no wider than a tablespoon.

"That's all they are going to eat?" RD asked.

"Well, with the low salary you pay Tygra, that's all they can afford," Fianna explained.

RD felt a little sad, but then he saw something boiling on the stove. "Wait. What's that? Tygra's wife must have cooked something else."

Fianna looked closer in the window. "That's your laundry she's cleaning. They are too poor to afford a washer and dryer."

Two of Tygra and Thundera Tiger's children eagerly went to the table, getting ready to eat dinner.

"Wait, children, we must wait for Tiny Tiger," Thundera Tiger said.

"Here I am, mother," Tiny Tiger, a small little tiger said weakly walking in the room with a crutch under his right arm. Tygra happily picked up his son and carried him to the table. His eyes widen excitedly. "Wow! Look at all the wonderful food. We must thank Mr. Rivero for his generosity."

Thundera Tiger looked a little sad and upset by her son's comment but didn't let her children notice her expression.

"Who is that smart and kind boy, and what's wrong with him?" RD asked.

"That's Tiny Tiger, the youngest child of Tygra and Thundera Tiger. He is very sick and if he doesn't get the proper medical attention needed, there will be an empty space where Tiny Tiger is sitting."

RD was shocked. " mean that Tiny Tiger will...," he turned around and didn't see Fianna. "Fianna, where did you go?"

Suddenly darkness surrounded RD. It became cold and breezy once more. RD held his clothes as close to him as he could to keep warm, but it wasn't helping. A fog suddenly appeared around RD.

"What? Where did this come from?" He looked around and squinted his eyes when he saw a dark figure in a black, hooded cloak walking towards him. The person in the cloak stopped in front of RD.

A little fearful, RD asked, "Are you the Ghost of Christmas Future?"

The figured nodded. The fog cleared some more and RD realized he was in a cemetery. "Can I asked you something? What happened to Tiny Tiger?"

The Ghost of the Future pointed to a hill not far from them. RD saw Tygra, Thundera Tiger, and two of their children standing in front of a grave. Thundera Tiger and her two children left while Tygra sadly stood in front of the tomb. He placed a crutch by the tomb and walked away.

RD's face covered in sadness. "No, don't tell me he died. I never wanted that to happen. I just wanted to taunt him, show him who is in control, not this," the once wicked man was almost on the verge of tears. "Tell me that this can be changed."

Suddenly RD heard laughter coming from a grave closer to him. "Look at this one. The worst funeral I have ever seen. No one came to this man's funeral," Panthro laughed.

"Yep," Bengali agreed. "A grave unattended, unadorned. Nobody liked this guy. Let's take a break. He's not going anywhere."

Panthro nodded an approval and left.

RD and the Ghost walked to the isolated grave. "Ghost of the Future, whose grave is this?"

The Ghost of the Future magically created a ball of light out of no where. The figure shined the light on the grave. RD gasped at the name he saw. "RD Rivero."

The Ghost of the Future pulled off the hood from the cloak. "Why yours, RD," Cheezey said and pushed RD into the grave. "The stingiest, richest, cruelest man in New Jersey's cemetery!"

RD grabbed on to the edge of the ground, trying not to fall in as he dangle above his coffin. Cheezey stepped on his right hand, crushing it, causing bones to break "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA!" she laughs maniacally. "Go on, join your REAL friends," she said while laughing.

The ground opened up below RD. It was like a red steamy pit fire. RD, now more scared than every tried to climb out. "No, please! Don't let me fall in! I'll change! I'll change! Give me one more chance!"

"What makes you think you deserve it?" Cheezey asked and kicked him in the face. He let go and fell to the ghastly fiery pits below.


RD bolted out of bed in a cold sweat. He was tangled in his sheets, sweat covered his body. He looked at the window and saw that it was morning. He felt himself all over to see he was actually there. "I'm alive. I'M ALIVE!" He yelled happily. He opened a window and saw young Snarfer. "Young man, what day is it?"

"Why, it's Christmas day, sir. Snarfer. Snarfer."

"That means I'm not too late. I've been given another chance," RD said to himself. He laughs happily to himself and got ready to make good on the rest of the world. When he ran outside, WilyKat was outside waiting for him. He opened the door for RD to enter the limo. "Good morning, WilyKat, how are you doing this fine Christmas morning?"

"Uh, fine, I guess."

"Fine? You should be happy, estactic! It's the most wonderful day of the year," RD said and took out some money. "Here," he hands him money in a clip. "An overdue raise for you. Take the rest of the day off. I'll can handle myself."

"Are you sure, sir?" WilyKat asked.

"Indeed, I am. And take your lovely girlfriend, Pumyra out to dinner and buy her a lovely gift."

"Oh, I will, sir, and thank you."

While RD drove around town in his red mustang, he turned the radio up singing to "Jingle Bells." He saw Lion-O and Cheetara, swinging the bells, volunteering to get any money in for the Salvation Army. He stopped his car and stepped out. Remembering their last encounter, Lion-O put a protective arm around Cheetara.

RD put his hands up in defeat. "Don't worry, I'm not here to offend you. I came to apologize to this beautiful maiden. My behavior was inappropriate and I beg for your forgiveness."

Cheetara was caught off guard. "Uh, you're forgiven."

RD smiled and pulled out some money. "Here is something for your wonderful charity. I hope it's enough," he said handing Cheetara a bag of money.

"Oh, thank you and Merry Christmas," Cheetara told RD as he left.

"Merry Christmas!" He said happily.

Cheetara looked inside the bag of money.

"How much is it?" Lion-O asked.

"Why, there's nothing but one hundred and fifty dollar bills," Cheetara said shocked.

On his way to Tygra's house, RD saw Jackalman in torn clothing in front of a fire he and his friends, Monkian, Slythe, and Vultureman were able to make. RD stopped his car and stepped out. Jackalman saw him and hid behind his friends in fear.

"Oh, I'm not here to cause trouble," he said handing a thick wad of money to the mutants including Jackalman. "Here, buy some food and clothes. This is enough to get you back on your feet."

"Thank you," the mutants said as he walked away.

"Merry Christmas!" RD said. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way," RD sang to himself happily.

RD made his next trip to Tygra's house. In his hand, was a large bag. He knocked on his door violently. "TTTYYYYYYGGGGGRRRAAAAA!!"

The door immediately opened. "Mr. Rivero. What are you doing here?"

"I have every right to be here," RD said marching in. Thundera Tiger and the children stepped back in fear of RD. "Tygra, I have another load for you. There's also something I've been meaning to say to you. I am tired of your half day work and I can't stand it anymore. You leave me no choice but to--"

Tygra got on his knees, "Please, sir, don't fire me. I need to support my family,"

"Get on your feet, and take your punishment like man," RD ordered and Tygra stood up. "You leave me no choice but to give you a raise."

Tygra looked at his boss in shocked. "A raise, sir."

"Better yet, I'll make you my lab partner. From now on, we'll work to serve, aid, and save mankind," RD said happily.

"I don't know what to say, but thank you," Tygra said.

"Oh, you owe me no thanks," RD said. He walked back to the door and snapped his fingers. Caterers came in with loads of food for the family for a proper Christmas dinner. He opened the bag he held that Tygra thought was a load of clothes which was actually toys for Tygra and Thundera Tiger's children.

RD picks up Tiny Tiger. "And we'll give this young man, the best doctor I can find to make him better."

"God bless us everyone," Tiny Tiger said and hugged RD. RD set the young boy back down to play with the toys RD had bought for the children.

The family happily basked in the miracle that has been bestowed upon them. RD gracefully was about to exit when Tygra called him.

"Mr. Rivero, would you like to stay for Christmas dinner?"

"Thank you, but I promised my cousin I'll have Christmas dinner with them," RD said politely and left.

RD's next stop was his cousin Alluro's home. He knocked on the door. A moment later, it opened, Alluro stood there. "RD, Merry Christmas, what brings you here?"

"I like to accept your invitation to Christmas dinner if you have me."

"Of course, cousin, you're always welcomed," Alluro stepped out of the way, and allowed RD to enter.

Chilla walked out of the kitchen, "RD, you decided to come to Christmas dinner?"

"Yes, if you'll have this foolish man who has learned the error of his ways."

"Of course," Chilla smiled and showed him to the table where Alluro and Chilla's children waited anxiously to eat. They all welcomed and hugged their relative that was distant to them for years and happily ate Christmas dinner.

RD knew he had one last thing to do. Later that evening he parked in the local hospital parking lot. He went to the doors and waited on the bench for someone. In the hospital, a woman walked out after a long shift. When she stepped out, a gentleman stepped in front of her. The woman gasped.

"RD?" the woman said.

"Yes, Willa," he said, pulling out a dozen red roses behind his back. He handed it to her. "I want to apologize for my behavior those years ago. I was wrong. I shouldn't have put my work before you, my precious jewel, my only love. I know I am late in saying this, but I never stopped loving you, and I'm sorry for the pain I've caused you," he apologized and walked away.

"I never stopped loving you either, RD," Willa said softly.

RD turned around. "What does this mean?"

Willa walked to him. "Have you set a date?"

RD smiled, "Tonight. The nearest courthouse I can find," RD whispered softly to Willa.

"I accept," Willa smiled and kissed RD, ready to start her life again with the man she always loved.

I was waiting for Tygra to usurp RD as the evil millionaire.  Oh well.  More fanfics.

If Panthro had used the Thundertank, would he have dug RD's grave faster?  Main page.