Thundercat Soaps

Parts 42-43

Part 42

Tygra awakened to an incessant knocking at his door the following morning. He groggily got up and opened the door. Leela walked in panicking.

"I can't find him. He didn't return last night." Leela babbled.

"Wait. Calm down, Leela. Lion-O didn't return last night?" Tygra asked.

"No, and I'm worried. I think he did something stupid." Leela said worried.

"All right. I'll get the others and we'll look for him." Tygra said and left.

"I know he did something stupid. I know it." Leela said.


Cheetara slept peacefully in her soft bed. Her legs tangled with her lover's under the now cool sheets. She looked very calm and relaxed as her head slowly rises up and down on Lion-O's large, muscular chest. She moan a little as she awakened. She yawn and rubbed her tired eyes as she sat up. She wasn't fully awakened until she saw a bare chest Lion-O sleeping beside her.

Cheetara eyes widen in shock. "No, we didn't." She looked under the sheets. "We did. Oh, no. I didn't mean for this to happen. I thought I dreamt the whole thing." She said and looked back at Lion-O, sleeping comfortably.

Cheetara saw how relaxed Lion-O looked. Cheetara has seen him sleep before but she never saw him looked so content as he did now. Cheetara wondered if it had anything to do with what happened between them last night. She felt one of Lion-O's strong arms caressing the small of her back, indicating that he was about to wake up. Lion-O awaken and saw Cheetara looking at him. He pulled her back down on the bed with him and kissed her before she could say anything. She wasn't reluctant in accepting his kiss as she was last night. In fact, she welcomed his hard, erotic kiss. She wanted to continue but to her surprise, he pulled away and stared in her brown eyes.

"Good morning." Lion-O said. He saw how the morning sun made her blonde spotted hair and body glow. "You look beautiful in the morning." He said gently as he caressed her face.

Cheetara slowly and reluctantly removed Lion-O's hand from her face. "Lion-O, tell me that we didn't--"

"Make love last night." He cut her off. "Sorry. I can't say that we didn't but we did. Are you telling me that you don't remember?" He asked.

Oh, she remember all right. She remembered how he kissed, held, and touch her. She remembered how hot and excited she was with him last night, how she her body responded to him and his needs as well as hers. She remembered how he entered her and made her feel things that she never thought she would. She also remembered the things she did to him, made him feel the pleasure he gave her, made him reached now heights of love and ecstasy. Just thinking about what they did, were arousing her again, but this time, she fought it back down.

"I remember." Cheetara said quietly pulling the covers closer to her chest. "I just can't believe that we did that. Lion-O, we committed adultery, a very high sin on New Thundera."

Lion-O sat up beside her, allowing the covers to roll off his chest, giving Cheetara a good view. Cheetara couldn't help but stare at him. Sure she sees his firm abs all the time, but she never saw his bare chest. It was nothing but rock hard muscles, each firm and smooth and a definite turn on for Cheetara. She wanted to rub her hands all over his chest. She wanted to kiss each piece of exposed skin on his chest, but fought the urge not too. She felt her heart rate and breathing increasing and she licked her lips. She bit her lip and turned away, trying to cool down. Cheetara felt him putting his arms around her.

"It may have been a sin, but it felt right." Lion-O pulled her closer. "Don't worry, it'll be our little secret."

"Thank you." She felt him placing a kiss on her right temple. "I should apologize for the things I said last night. I was wrong."

"No, you shouldn't. You have been burying all that inside yourself for months. It needed to come out. I should apologize to you. I didn't know you were going through all that."

"You shouldn't apologize either. You didn't know what I was going through." She said and lean her head against his.

"I guess you expected this to happen to you and Tygra and not me." Lion-O said nonchalantly.

Cheetara had forgotten all about him. "Tygra. I forgot about him. How could I do this to him,

after every thing he did for me?" She asked herself in guilt.

Lion-O saw the guilty look on Cheetara's face. He always thought she was pretending to be in love with him, but the way she was looking told him that she did care for Tygra.

"You really do love him, don't you, Cheetara?" He asked thinking he knew the answer.

Cheetara turned away from Lion-O. She didn't love him, but she didn't want Lion-O to know that. Lion-O became aware of Cheetara's action. He took a free finger and turned her face to his.

"You do love, Tygra, don't you, Cheetara?" Lion-O asked again.

A knock at Cheetara's door saved her from answering the question. "Cheetara, are you in there? It's me, Tygra."

"Oh, no, Tygra's here. Where's my robe?" Cheetara looked around panicked.

Lion-O looked around and found it on the floor on his side of the bed, along with the rest of their clothes. He picked it up and gave it to her. "Here."

"Thanks. I'll get rid of Tygra." She said as she put on her robe. She opened the door just wide enough for her to get out. "Tygra. Good morning."

"Cheetara.." Tygra paused looking at her from head to toe. Her hair was very disheveled, and through her silk robe, he could tell that she wasn't wearing anything underneath, although he couldn't see through the robe. "Rough night?"

"What? Why do you say that?" Cheetara asked.

"Your hair. It looks like you've been through a rough night. I think I know what happened."

"You do?" Cheetara asked nervous.

"Yes, you went out to cool off and when you returned home you fell into a fitful sleep." Tygra explained and stepped closer to Cheetara. "However, I didn't know you slept in the nude."

Cheetara forced a laugh. "You learn something new everyday." She said.

Tygra stepped closer to kiss her. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She said but was feeling the guilt rise.

"I didn't get a chance to ask you this, but why did you give Lion-O and Leela your music box?"

"I didn't want to, but when I came back from the mall. I slipped on some wax that Snarf didn't wipe up and dropped my bag and their music box broke. I didn't have enough time to get another one, so I gave them mine." Cheetara explained.

Tygra smiled and hugged her. "And I thought you still carried feelings for Lion-O. I'm sorry I doubted you, my love. I should've known better, huh?"

Cheetara forced a smile. "Yes, you should. Is that why you came to see me this morning?"

"No, Leela has me and the others looking for Lion-O. He didn't return to Leela last night. Who could blame him? About last night, are you all right?"

"I'm fine, Tygra. If you could give me a few minutes...."

"Sure, go ahead." He smiled and left.

Cheetara went back in her room and saw Lion-O finish dressing. "Tygra's gone. Leela has everyone looking for you."

"I guess I better go then." He said as he walked to her. "But first...." Lion-O leaned over to kiss Cheetara but she put her fingers on his lips.

"No. I've got to get you out of here before we get caught." She said and opened her door. She went out first and ran to check both ends of the hallway. She ran to her room and pulled Lion-O out. "It's clear. Go."

Lion-O kissed Cheetara even though she was resisting him. He kissed harder, knowing she will give in, which she did. He kissed her a minute longer and pulled apart. "All I wanted was a kiss. I love you."

"I know. Now go." Cheetara said.

Lion-O left Cheetara and went to his bedroom. When he came in, he saw Leela pacing back and forth. Leela saw him and ran to hug him. "Oh, you're back. I was so worried about you. Where have you been?"

"Here. I just didn't sleep in here. Last night, things got--"

"Out of control." Leela completed Lion-O's word. "Things were said that weren't meant to be said."

"I meant what I said." Lion-O said seriously.

"Fine. I'll apologize to her." She walked to him and placed her hand on his shoulders. "As long as she realizes that you're mine." She let her hand run down his shoulders and took his hand in hers. Something caught her eye. "Lion-O?" She asked shocked.

"What?" Lion-O asked.

"Your wedding ring." She raised his hand so he can see it. "Where is it?"


Cheetara sat on her bed, thinking. She was on the side Lion-O slept on and looked at herself in the mirror on her dresser. "Maybe Tygra was right about Lion-O. He's too young for love. We probably did get involve to soon, but I thought Lion-O was ready to be in a relationship.

"I'm 28. Lion-O's 25."

"Physically, yes. Mentally, no. You're 28 and he's 16." Tygra corrected her.

"Tygra, Lion-O is not the young, impulsive, person we first met on 3rd Earth nearly five years ago. He has matured over the years and acts like a mature man." Cheetara told him.

"16-year-old." (12)

"He's too carefree. This is very serious and he doesn't see that." Cheetara said to herself and smiled. "Of course I can't blame him about being carefree after what we did. Mmm." She moaned to her herself thinking how Lion-O made love to her. "He was an animal, so rough and wild and yet passionate and gentle. If only I could feel his touch again....NO! I can't think about this or him like that ever again. No one must ever know what we did." She got up and saw a group picture of the Thundercats on her dresser. She looked at Tygra in the picture. "Not even you, Tygra, especially not you." She noticed something else, too. Something that wasn't suppose to be there. A ring. Lion-O's wedding ring. "Oh, no. He left his ring here. Leela's going to notice that it's missing." She took the ring and ran as fast as she could to Lion-O and Leela's bedroom.


Leela looked at Lion-O angry. "Well, where is it?"

A rapid knock came to their door. Lion-O left Leela and opened it. "Cheetara?" He said surprised. He didn't expect to see her so soon.

Cheetara looked over Lion-O and saw an angry Leela. "I..uh, left this in the lounge." Cheetara said handing Lion-O his ring.

Leela walked to them. "What are you doing with my husband's wedding band?" She asked in a angry tone.

"I found it in the lounge this morning. That's where I found Lion-O." Cheetara lied.

"How cute of you to find Lion-O?" Leela said thinking there were more than what Cheetara said.

"Leela, I told you--" Lion-O looked at Cheetara. "Excuse us, Cheetara." He said and closed the door.

Cheetara sighed and left to get dress and meet Tygra.


A couple of hours later, Cheetara met Tygra at the construction site of the latest city being built. Cheetara spotted him, sitting in a chair looking at the city's blueprint. She didn't know why she was going to see Tygra, probably trying to get making love to Lion-O out of her mind.

"Tygra?" Cheetara said.

Tygra turned his chair around. "Cheetara. What a pleasant surprise." He pulled her to sit on his lap. "What did I do to deserve this?

"I just wanted to see you." Cheetara said.

He gave her a quick kiss and pulled her closer. "I miss you too." He showed her his blueprints. "What do you think of these blueprints?"

"It's lovely." She said but was feeling uncomfortable about being so close to Tygra.

"I hate to bring up bad things, but has Leela apologized to you yet?"

"No, but Lion-O told me that she would." Cheetara answered.

"You talked to Lion-O last night? When? After you got back?" Tygra asked.

"No, I didn't see him last night after I got back. I saw him before I left and he told me that Leela would apologize." She lied.

"She better." Tygra said angrily and looked at Cheetara with soft eyes. "You didn't deserve anything of the cruel things she said last night."

"Thank you, Tygra." Cheetara said, but after her night with Lion-O, she felt that she did deserved it.

"You're welcome. I want you to know that you can trust me, Cheetara. I will always be there for you. If there's anything you need, I'll be here."

Cheetara wondered why Tygra had to say all these things now. She was feeling guilty big time now, but she put on strong face. "Thank you, Tygra. I know you will."

"Cheetara." A familiar but annoyed voice said.

Cheetara and Tygra turned to see Leela and Lion-O.

"Leela. Lion-O. What are you doing here?" Cheetara asked.

"Go ahead, Leela." Lion-O told her.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior last night." Leela apologized.

"And?" Lion-O said.

Leela continued. "And for all the times before. I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't do something like seduce Lion-O or sleep with him. He's married and you have morals. I promise not to accuse you of flirting or seducing Lion-O again." Leela apologized. She held her hand out. "Truce."

The apology from Leela was not helping Cheetara. She was now feeling even more guilty. She took Leela's hand anyway. "Truce." To Cheetara's surprise, Leela hugged her. Cheetara shot a guilty

look at Lion-O. Lion-O's expression didn't change.

Leela broke the hug and looked at Cheetara with a smile. "Well, I think Lion-O and I should go. You and Tygra we're looking pretty cozy." She took Lion-O's hand. "We'll see you back at the lair." She told them and left.

Cheetara watched them as they left together. I know you wouldn't do something like seduce Lion-O or sleep with him. You have morals. Leela's voice played in Cheetara's mind. What have I done? By Thundera, what have I done? I need to talk to someone. I need to get this out or I might lose it like last time.

"Cheetara?" Tygra's voice broke Cheetara out of her thoughts. "Are you all right?"

Cheetara turned to face him. "I'm fine." She hugged him.

Tygra held her close. Finally, you are mine.

Part 43

Vasa opened her door and Panthro came in. He immediately sat on the couch. She closed the door and joined him. "I'm surprised to see you so soon. What brings you here?"

"Leela knows about us." Panthro said.

"What?! She knows? How?" She asked.

"She caught us making love a week ago." Panthro explained.

"What are we going to do?"

"Right now, she controls me. If I do anything to defy her, she'll tell WilyKit and WilyKat about us and Aline."

Vasa eyes widen. "She knows about that?"

"I had no choice but to tell her."

Vasa thought of a way out of it. "I know a way where we can stop Leela."

"How's that? I'll do anything." Panthro said.

"We have to tell WilyKit and WilyKat about us."


Cheetara opened communications to Lynx-O at the Tower of Omens. "Cheetara to the Tower of Omens."

Lynx-O appeared on the screen. "Hello, Cheetara. How are you?"

"I'm fine, I guess. Lynx-O, have you done something that you have regretted?"

"I think we all have done something in the past that we wished we hadn't. What have you done, Cheetara?" Lynx-O asked.

"I rather not say. How did you get over it?" Cheetara asked.

"From the sound of your voice, it must really bad. My advice is that you try not to think about it. In time, you will soon forgive yourself for what you've done and forget it." Lynx-O advised her.

Cheetara thought about last night and making love to Lion-O. She looked at Lynx-O. "I don't think I can ever forget it."


Panthro looked at Vasa as if she was crazy. "Tell the twins the truth about us. Are you crazy?"

"Why not?" Vasa argued. "They need to know and I'm tired of all this secrecy. We have something great, Panthro. I know it. It'll be even greater when we tell everyone about us."

"NO!" Panthro shouted getting off the couch. "They mustn't know."

"Oh, I get it now. You're ashamed of us." Vasa realized.

"I didn't say that."

"You didn't have too. I can tell. You're not only ashamed of us, but you think that Kit and Kat will hate you for killing their parents."

"I didn't kill them. It was an accident. You and I both know that." Panthro defended himself.

"Then why won't you admit to it." She stood up beside him. "All these years, Panthro, you have been dealing with two problems: the death of Aline and the thought that you killed WilyKit and WilyKat's parents. Panthro. It's time you come to terms with what happened 15 years ago, and the only way you can do that is by telling the twins your part in their death." Vasa advised them. Panthro continue to remain quiet.


"It must be terrible to get you so upset." Lynx-O told Cheetara with pity. "And you cannot say what it is?"

"No. I really rather not say."

"I won't pressure you, but try not to think about it." Lynx-O told her.

"I think this huge mistake is going to cause me a lot of problems." The cheetah said regretfully.

"And what would that be?" Lion-O asked standing at the control room door.

"Nothing, Lion-O." Cheetara lied and looked back at Lynx-O. "I'll talk to you later, Lynx-O. Cheetara out." Cheetara said and cut communications from the Tower of Omens.

Lion-O walked to Cheetara and sat on the edge of the control panel. He looked Cheetara over. "You're regretting last night aren't you?"

"How else am I suppose to take it, especially after what Leela said? 'I know you wouldn't seduce or sleep with Lion-O.'"

"You didn't seduce me, and you shouldn't worry about it, Cheetara."

"How can you be so calm, Lion-O? This is serious." Cheetara said getting up from her seat.

"I know, but I can't help myself. You are so beautiful, and when I think about our lovemaking, it only proved to me that we love each other and everything will work out in the future. I don't know how you think what we did was wrong."

"You are a married man, and I slept with you, also known as adultery which is a sin." She was going to leave, but Lion-O grabbed her arm.

"I know I am married to Leela. I know what we did went against your morals."

"My morals? What about yours? Don't you have any?"

"Of course, but mine says we did the right thing." Lion-O said but that didn't help Cheetara. He asked her something he been meaning to ask since earlier that day. "Did I hurt you?"

Cheetara looked at Lion-O a little confused. "What?"

"This morning. I saw you limp a little when you went to see Tygra at the door."

Cheetara looked startled. She had hoped Lion-O didn't notice. "I'll be all right. Don't worry about me." She told him but Lion-O looked concerned. "It's a woman thing. It's natural that it happened." She said trying to get him to stop worrying.

Lion-O pulled Cheetara closer to him. They were only two inches apart. "I'm sorry if I were too rough on you last night." He apologized.

"You have nothing to apologize for. I'm fine, okay. Let's just drop it." She told him.

"I love you, Angel Face."

Cheetara's eyes moistened at the pet name he gave her. She turned away from him. "I wish you wouldn't call me that. You know how that makes me feel."

Lion-O stood up and put his arm around Cheetara from behind.

"Lion-O, please don't do this. Let go." Cheetara begged.

"If you really want me to let go, you would've already." Lion-O said.

Cheetara had to admit. Lion-O was right. His arms around her were gentle. She could break free at any time, but the fact was, she didn't want him to let her go. She wanted him to hold her closer. As if reading her mind, Lion-O pulled her closer to him. He pulled her hair from her neck and kiss it. Cheetara felt heart racing. She raised her hand and press it on his head, telling him to continue. She closed her eyes and moan softly as his lips left her neck and moved to her shoulders after he removed the straps on her uniform. His hands moved possessively over her body. She was enjoying this and begin thinking about their night together. Something from behind cause her to jerk her body, but she knew what it was.

Lion-O turned Cheetara around. "I want you, Cheetara. All day today, I could only think about you, me, and our night together. Tell me, you want me as you did last night." He said huskily. A simple nod from her told him yes.

He kissed her roughly, allowing energy and heat to pass through their bodies. Cheetara couldn't help herself. She felt mesmerized by him. No one has ever kissed her the way Lion-O did, even Tygra. Tygra's kisses showed feelings of love, but she didn't feel anything. With Lion-O, she felt hot, excited, aroused and she didn't want to stop. She returned the drugging kisses he was giving her. Lion-O moved to Cheetara's neck and she let her head fall back, giving better access. She moan loudly and Lion-O continued more forcefully. Cheetara felt her senses were returning. She suddenly realized that what they were doing was wrong.

"No, No, No, Lion-O!" She used all the strength she had left to push Lion-O off her. "I--we can't do this. I can't even trust myself to be alone with you without something happening."

"Cheetara. I'm sorry. It's my fault." He said stepping closer to her.

Cheetara shook her head and put her hand in front of him. "No, please don't come any closer. Don't come close to me ever again." She said and ran out.


Panthro stepped away from his lover. "No,Vasa. I will not. End of discussion." He begin walking to the door.

"Panthro, you're only making this worse." Vasa got in front of the door so he wouldn't leave.

"Are you going to keep avoiding this and wait until it blows up in your face?"

"No, I don't want that." Panthro said turning away from her.

Vasa looked at Panthro from behind. She saw something sticking out of his back pocket next to his nunchucks. It looked like a picture. Panthro doesn't have a picture of her so she was curious as to who it was. She pulled it out of his back pocket. "What's this?" She gasped. "You still carry a picture of Aline with you?"

Panthro thought about what he told Cheetara.

"No, I'm not comfortable talking about it, but I guess someone had to know." He said and motioned Cheetara to sit down. Panthro leaned on the wall and sighed, thinking where to begin, what to tell and what to leave out. "It's been nearly fifteen years since Aline died. We were engaged and were planning to spend the rest of our lives together." Panthro reaches in his back pocket and hands Cheetara a picture of him and Aline. They were holding each other closely and smiling.

"She's beautiful." Cheetara commented. "Do you always carry her picture?" Cheetara asked handing it back to him.

"Yes, but sometimes I feel I should put it away and move on, but I can't. (29)

Panthro turned around surprise. "Where did you get that?" He didn't feel her getting the picture out of his back pocket.

"From your back pocket. You told me you accepted Aline's death and you're ready to move on. Did you carry this while we were making love?"

"We weren't wearing our clothes during that." Panthro said simply.

"I know that! But the picture was here, every time. I thought you love me or were falling in love with me."

Panthro took hold of her shoulders. "But I do love you."

"Then why do you still carry her picture around?" She asked furiously.

"I loved her deeply. We were to marry. Why can't I carry it?" Panthro asked angrily.

Vasa couldn't believe he'd asked a question like that. "I don't believe it. You're still in love with her. I understand how you will always love her, but after 15 years, Panthro, I thought you were ready to start a relationship, but apparently, I was wrong. It probably explains why you want a secret relationship."

"No, that's not true." Panthro tried to tell her.

"Isn't it? Until you're ready for a public relationship, I don't want to see you." Vasa stepped aside and opened the door.

Panthro didn't say anything. He just left confused. He rested his head on the back of her door. It's true, Panthro. No, it can't be. I do love Vasa, but I doubt I'll ever love her as Aline. My past is coming back to hunt me. I can't let it. I won't let it. Panthro told himself as he got into the thundertank and drove off.


Parts 44-47: Cheetara is pregnant! Who's the Daddy?! How will Tygra take the news?!

Wait a sec...Cheetara?  Pregnant?!  More fanfics!

Panthro should just give up on women.  Main page.