Thundercats Soaps

Parts 55-57

Part 55

The week until the trial wasn't a good one for the Thundercats. Reporters camped out around the lair and took pictures of anyone seen in the window, especially of Lion-O, Leela, who smiled and waved the cameras, and of Cheetara if they could get any. The reporters have tried talking to any Thundercat who stepped outside. The reporters kept their distance from Panthro, particularlyafter he punched out a camera man and reporter who tried to interview him and wouldn't get out of his face. The front page of all the magazines and newspapers were of Lion-O and Cheetara's affair and the upcoming trial.

With Leela's acting on camera she won the sympathy of many Thunderians. These Thunderians protested against Cheetara. Some even camp out near Cat's Lair with the reporters, shouting slogans and having posters call Cheetara a slut, mistress, whore and other derogatory names. The Thundercats tried keeping Cheetara's spirit up, but with the protesters, it wasn't helping much. She usually kept to herself in her room, with dark draperies over the window so the reporters couldn't get a picture of her. Leela felt that she didn't need a lawyer so she decided to represent herself in the trial and Cheetara was going to defend herself as well.

The week finally passed and Mike Lynx stood with his camera crew in front of the courtroom doors.

"We're on in 10 seconds," the cameraman said.

"Quick. Is my hair straight?" Mike asked.

The cameraman rolled his eyes. "Yeah. We're on in"

"Good morning, New Thundera. I'm Mike Lynx from Thundera News standing in front of the courtroom where the trial of Lady Leela vs. Cheetara will begin in five minutes. To quickly summarize the purpose of this trial, Lady Leela, wife of Lord Lion-O of the Thundercats and New Thundera has accused Thundercat Noble Cheetara of disrupting her marriage to Lord Lion-O, turning her husband against her through seduction and brainwashing. Although she isn't showing much, Cheetara is pregnant with Lord Lion-O's child. We tried to get a comment from Lord Lion-O and Cheetara but they refused to comment. However, we know in time that they must speak. Highlights of today's trial will air at the noon news. Until then this is Mike Lynx."

"And we're out." the cameraman said.

"Let's go inside. I can get a news emmy for this," Mike said excitedly.


In the courtroom, were reporters from television news and magazines. Lion-O didn't want the press in there with them, but Leela did and since she had the upper hand in the trial she could do that. None of the Thundercats sat on Leela's side including Tygra, but he was doing that so no one would know about his deception. All the Thundercats, except for Bengali, Lynx-O and Pumyra since they were on 3rd Earth, were obviously on Cheetara's side, showing their support. Panthro got of his seat and sat next to Cheetara at her table.

"How are you doing?" Panthro asked.

"I'm a little upset, but I'll be fine. I know I can win this trial," Cheetara assured Panthro. "He's looking at me, isn't he?"



"Hasn't he always been watching you?" Panthro asked and Cheetara sighed. "I don't know why you're keeping your distance from him. Your secret is out. Lion-O loves you and his child you're carrying."

"I know he does."

"Then why are you acting like this?"

"I can't be seen with him while this trial is on. It will contradict the judge's decision."

"Maybe, but I also think you are using this as an excuse, and I think you know why," Panthro said as he got up and went back to his seat.

A moment later, the judge entered out of her chambered doors. She was a cheetah. Leela frowned at that, but Cheetara didn't show any expression. She knew that because the judge was a cheetah, it wouldn't help her.

"All rise for the Honorable Judge Tatiana," the bailiff announced.

Everyone stood and once the judge sat down, everyone else did. She looked at the papers before her and back at the Thundercats. "So Lady Leela, you are accusing Thundercat Noble Cheetara of wrecking and disrupting your marriage to Lord Lion-O. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is."

"If guilty, you want her banished from New Thundera?"

"That's right."

"A very harsh punishment, but you are queen of this planet and as law states if the Lord or Lady of Thundera has a person put on trial, they can make their own punishment whereas commoners could not," the judge said and continued. "I don't run a circus court and I will not tolerate fights or outbursts, but since you all are the most respected people on Thundera, I shouldn't get any of that from you."

"Your honor--"

"I will not have anyone interrupt me while I talk. You and Lord Lion-O may rule Thundera but I run this courtroom."

"Yes, your honor," Leela apologized.

"Good." Judge Tatiana looked around and noticed none of the Thundercats were on Leela's side. "Lord Lion-O, I assume you are supporting Cheetara?"

"Yes, your honor," Lion-O answered.

"So, I assume you are spending most of your time with Cheetara than your wife."

"No, your honor. I haven't been in contact with either women."

"And yet you all live in the same lair?" the judge looked uncertain at Lion-O, as if he was lying. "Until the trial is over, I restrained you and Cheetara to be 20 feet from each other."

"20 feet?!" Lion-O started to argue with the judge as he got of his seat.

"Shall I make it 30?"

"No, your honor. 20 feet is fine," Lion-O agreed and sat back down.

"That judge is tough. She's not for either side," Panthro whispered to Lion-O.


At noon, the afternoon news came on and Ocela Jones sat at the news desk. "Good afternoon, New Thundera, I'm Ocela Jones and on to our top story. This morning the trial of Lady Leela vs. Cheetara began today. With highlights of the trial here is Mike Lynx."

The camera split screen to Ocela in the news room and Mike outside the courthouse. "An interesting first day of the biggest trial in Thundera's history, Ocela. Judge Tatiana wasn't favoring any sides as she shut Lady Leela's mouth by telling her she wouldn't be interrupted in court. She also ordered that Lord Lion-O and Cheetara stay at least 20 feet away from each other unless they are in the courtroom."

"Did any Thundercats come to the stand this morning?" Ocela asked.

"A monitor connecting to Thundercats Bengali, Pumyra, and Lynx-O were first to speak. They didn't have much to say about Leela but all agreed that she was cruel to Cheetara. These statements may be thrown out since the three Thundercats lived on 3rd Earth and haven't been on Thundera much. The twins, WilyKit and WilyKat were next to approached the bench. They were in favor of Cheetara and allegations against Leela of the way she treated Cheetara. According to them, Leela hasn't been truthful about her true behavior to Cheetara, but as more Thundercats take the stand, more will be known."

"Well, who is scheduled to go on the stand tomorrow?"

"Thundercat Nobles Panthro and Tygra will take the stand and the day after that Lord Lion-O, Lady Leela and Cheetara will take the stand. I can tell you now that that day will be interesting. I'm Mike Lynx for Thundera News," Mike said.

"Thanks, Mike. In order news--"

Snarf turned off the monitor. He was sitting in the main control seat in the control room. He turned around and saw Leela, Tygra, Lion-O and Cheetara. The furry creature watched Tygra put metal bracelets on Lion-O and Cheetara's right wrist.

"Now these bracelets are set to go off when you two are less than 20 feet apart. Like so," Tygra said and pressed a blue button on Cheetara's wrist. There was beeping noise on the bracelet. When this happens..."

"I know," Cheetara said quietly and left the room.

"Today's court was interesting. Imagine what tomorrow is going to be like. Heh. Heh. Heh," she laughs wickedly and left the room.

Panthro grabbed Leela when she stepped out of the control room. She looked at him as if he was crazy to just suddenly grab her. "Leela, don't do this to Cheetara."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Expose me. You will love that."

"Actually, I wouldn't. You see, I don't care for you or your problems. I just did all that so I can have control over you. You didn't like me, so I made you like me by framing you. However, I should warn you not to be too distasteful of me when you approach the stand tomorrow because I may not have control of myself and I just may slip out your affair with Vasa, and if I do that, then the twins will hate you and I know you don't want that because I've seen the way you act around them. You act like the twins are your kids, so I know you don't want to hurt that relationship." Leela laughed at Panthro's fearful look.

"Like I said Panthro, no one crosses me and gets away with it," Leela smiled wickedly and walked off.

Angry, Panthro punched a nearby wall. I warned Cheetara about Leela but she didn't listen to me. I hope she wins, but Leela will pull out everything to win, and if she does win, Cheetara will leave us forever. Hmm. I wonder...I wonder if murder will be the only thing to stop Leela.

Part 56

Panthro was the first on the stand the next morning. He was nervous but hid it. He wondered what Leela would asked him and was wondering if he should murder her. If he did, it would be for a good cause. His secret would be safe and Lion-O and Cheetara would be together on Thundera. Leela casually walked to the stand where Panthro waited to be interrogated after he was sworn in.

"Panthro, isn't it true that Cheetara has a grudge against me?" Leela asked.

"I wonder say a grudge--more of a dislike. You did steal her fiancé."

Leela folded her arms smoothly as a smile crept her face. "Did she ever talk about me and getting even with me behind my back?"

"No. She kept her feelings about you to yourself."

Leela looked back at Cheetara. "Hmm. Smart girl." She turned back to Panthro. "So she kept her feelings about me until it blew up say when she was brainwashed by the mutants?"

"I-uh...I wouldn't say that."

"Did she or did she not attack me?"

"Yes, she did but--"

"For those of you confused, the mutants attacked Thundera months ago. Cheetara was captured and was brainwashed to kill Lion-O not me, but as Panthro said, she did attack me, which proves that she hated me and wanted me dead, too." Leela looked at Judge Tatiana who was writing down notes from the trial. "I have no more questions."

"Your witness, Cheetara," the judge said once Leela sat in her seat.

Cheetara walked to Panthro at the bench. "Panthro, did I say that I wanted Lion-O?"


"Wasn't Leela giving me a hard time after she married Lion-O and could you give some examples?"

"Yes, Leela would to tease Cheetara because she didn't have anyone. When we were celebrating Lion-O and Leela's wedding anniversary, Leela gloated how she and Lion-O was still married and how Cheetara was still single," Panthro explained.

"Do you remember what I told you when we went to Cat Hall?"

"Yeah, you told me Leela asked personal questions about your relationship with Lion-O like--" Panthro paused when he saw an angry Leela looking at him. She mouthed Vasa.

"Panthro?" Cheetara called.

Panthro snapped backed. "Yes?"

Cheetara looked at Leela and then at Panthro. "Go on."

"Uh, I forgot what you said."

"You forgot? How could you forget when--" Cheetara looked back at Leela again. Right then, Cheetara knew Leela had something on Panthro, but what? She and Panthro would tell each other practically everything. He was a good friend to her, but what was it that he was hiding that Leela knew and didn't want anyone else to know? "Um, I have no more questions."

"You may step down," Tatiana told Panthro. Panthro left the bench and returned to his seat next to Lion-O. "Tygra, you may come to the stand."

Tygra went to the stand and raised his right hand. The bailiff place a book under his left hand. "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth by the Code of Thundera?"

"Yes," Tygra said and sat down.

The judge nodded her head and Cheetara began. "Tygra, did I say or tried to come between Lion-O and Leela?"

"Of course you didn't. You turned Lion-O away from you so he would become close with Leela."

"And how did I do that?"

"You didn't speak to him, took missions that would take you away from Thundera for weeks and when you were here, you spend as little time as possible with Lion-O," Tygra answered.

Leela sat in her chair grumbling at the tiger. When she saw that Cheetara was through and sat down, she cheerfully got up. "Tygra. Tygra. Tygra. You are Cheetara's boyfriend now right?"

Tygra shifted uncomfortably and nervously in his seat. "Yes."

"Does my husband love Cheetara?"

"Uh-oh," Panthro whispered.

"Yes, he does," Tygra answered.

"How does that make you feel?"

"Oh, no," Cheetara worried as her heart began to pound. "I object," Cheetara said rising from her seat.

"Sustain. Answer the question, Tygra," Tatiana ignored Cheetara's request.

"Remember, Tygra, you must tell the truth," Leela added.

Tygra looked at Leela darkly as if he wanted to kill her. "I'm not very happy about it."

" 'Not very happy about it' would be an understatement, wouldn't it, Tygra?" Leela asked slyly.

WilyKat leaned over in his seat. "What do you think she means about that?"

"I'm not sure," Cheetara whispered back.

"I have no idea what you mean," Tygra said, eyes wavering.

"Hmph. I'll let that go. As we know, Cheetara is pregnant with my husband's child. How does that make you feel? Your girlfriend cheated on you with my husband and is now carrying his child."

"I'm not happy with it," Tygra answered.

"Another understatement. Do you think she enjoyed?"

"I object!" Cheetara shouted rising from her seat.

"Rephrase your question, Lady Leela," Judge Tatiana told the queen.

"Yes, your honor. Do you think Cheetara has feelings for Lion-O?"

"No, of course not. The only feelings she has for him is lust. That's all she has for him."

"So given all she has been through, would you be surprise if Cheetara came between Lion-O and I?"

"Yes, I would be surprise. Cheetara has morals. She wouldn't come between a husband and wife," Tygra supported Cheetara.

"Yes, but she'll sleep with my husband like the tramp she is."

"I am not a tramp!" Cheetara shouted.

Almost at the same time, both Lion-O and Tygra said, "Cheetara is not a tramp!"

Judge Tatiana pound the gavel, "Order in the court!"

Lion-O, Tygra, Cheetara and Leela began arguing.

"Order in the court! Order in the court! I said order in the court!" Judge Tatiana shouted as she pounded her gavel, causing it to break.

The Thundercats stopped arguing and looked at the judge.

"I have no more questions," Leela said.

"You got that right," Tatiana said. "This is a court of law, not a circus. I will not allow anymore outbursts in my court or I'll have you all in contempt."

"I apologize for out behavior, Judge Tatiana. It will not happen again," Lion-O apologize.

"I should hope not," the cheetah judge said pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Court will reconvene at 10 am tomorrow. Lord Lion-O, Lady Leela, and Cheetara will take the stand. Court's dismiss," Tatiana did her best to pound her gavel, but since it was broken, it was useless.

Outside the courtroom, the Thundercats were met by the press that awaited them outside. Most of them ran to Cheetara, Lion-O and Lady Leela. Cheetara put on a pair of black shades to avoid the flash of the cameras.

Here we go again. The cheetah thought. "No comment!" Cheetara said as she pushed the reporters out of the way as she left the courthouse. When she got outside, she hopped in the Thunderclaw. The rest of the Thundercats came in the Thundertank. She looked at the metal bracelet and turned it on. It began to beep. She was about to leave when Tygra caught up with her.

"Cheetara," Tygra called. "I'm sorry for what happened in court. I didn't know Leela would ask me questions like that."

"I know," she looked up and saw the rest of the Thundercats coming out of the courthouse. "I have to go. I'll see you back at the lair," with the Thunderclaw warmed up, Cheetara flew off.

"Tygra," Panthro called walking to him. "What's with Leela's interrogation?"

"I don't know," Tygra lied. He saw the reporters coming to them. "We better go," Tygra said and walked to the Thundercat.

"Yeah, right," Panthro said. "Why do I have a feeling he's lying and knows why Leela did that?"


Later that evening, Cheetara lied curled up on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around her in the Thundercat lounge, watching the evening news. Mike Lynx was on the screen.

"....we went out in Claudus City today and asked the people what they thought of the trial."

The screen switches to early in the afternoon at the Mall of Thundera. Thunderians were shopping and looking through the store windows while others wave their hands and made poses on the camera behind Mike Lynx and a Thunderian he was interviewing. A security guard came and pushed them out of the camera's view.

"What do you think about the trial?" Mike asked.

A teenage female cheetah holding some shopping bags answered. "I think the whole trial is wrong. This whole situation should be handled in private by Lord Lion-O, Lady Leela and Cheetara."

"I think the public should know. If there is trouble in Cat's Lair, then the people should know," an elderly lion woman said.

The next person to answer was a male tiger who appeared to be in college carrying a large backpack and holding a stuffed teddy bear and a stuffed tiger. "I don't care about the trial. The whole Thundercat system is screwed up anyway. They should all die. Mwhahahahahahaha!"

"Uh, right," Mike said and noticed the teddy bear and tiger. "Can I ask you a personal question?"


Mike asked anyway. "Are those stuffed animals for your girlfriend?"

"No, they're mine, all mine. Mine. Mine. Mine!" The male tiger shouted and ran off in the mall madly, knocking down everyone in his way.

"What's his problem?" Cheetara wondered.

In another part of the mall, people were still questioned.

"What do you think about the possibility of Cheetara carrying Lord Lion-O's child?"

An orange striped female tiger stated her opinion, "Cheetara should have kept her hands off Lion-O. He's married now. Besides, I thought Cheetara was going with Tygra. He's a total hottie--way cuter than Lion-O. How could she cheat on him?"

A lynx answered, "It's not our business, but I'm for Cheetara. After all, she was going to marry Lord Lion-O when Lady Leela burst in on them in the middle of their wedding. They were still in love with each other when they broke up. If you ask me, I think Lady Leela should be banished."

Cheetara smiled at the comment but soon frowned when Devon appeared on the television.

"I've seen Cheetara up close. She's real fine. Who could say no to that?" Devon told Mike and looked at the screen. "If you're watching Cheetara, remember I offered myself to you, but you chose Lion-O instead. If you got it on with me, you wouldn't be in all this trouble," Devon said and winked at the screen.

Cheetara rolled her eyes and the television clicked off. Knowing she didn't do it, Cheetara looked up and saw Panthro holding the remote in his hand.

"Why are you watching this garbage?"

"I was watching the news, Panthro."

"The only thing on the news now is you and this scandal. It's sickening." the blue panther strolled over as Cheetara sat up on the sofa, allowing the blue panther to sit next to her.

"You can tell Lion-O I'm fine."

"Why are you saying that?" Panthro asked confused.

"I know Lion-O asked you to see how I am doing since he can't ask me himself."

Panthro chuckled. "You know Lion-O too well. It's like that when you love someone."

Cheetara eyes hardened although her voice was soft. "I don't love Lion-O, Panthro."

Panthro leaned back on the sofa and looked at Cheetara. "Do you love your child?"

"Of course I do, Panthro. How can you ask a question like that?"

"If you love your child, how can you not love the father, especially with the way you have been acting towards him after you found out you were pregnant. Given your situation, you either love them both or you don't, now which is it?"

Panthro's statement caught her off guard. She hadn't thought about it like that. She had convinced herself that she was over Lion-O and didn't love him anymore, but after what Panthro said she wasn't sure. "I-I don't know," she said almost in a whisper.

"Sure you do. You just don't want to admit," he said getting up. "Think about it, Cheetara," he told her and left.

Taking Panthro's advice, Cheetara left the lounge to go somewhere she could think. Walking around the lair she found herself in the mouth of Cat's Lair. Cheetara wrapped her blanket around her as the wind blew cooler. Seeing Thundera City in the distance and looking at nature helped her think. Like Panthro said, she knew the answer all along. She just didn't want to admit it. Her bracelet began beeping. Knowing Lion-O was nearby, Cheetara got up and prepared to leave. She turned around and saw Lion-O standing right in front of her.

"How did you get so close to me without my bracelet going off any sooner?"

"I just turned mine on right now," Lion-O answered.

"I have to go," she walked passed him.

Lion-O grabbed her arm and gently pulled her in front of him. "No, not before I say this. I want to apologize for all that is happening. If I didn't seduced you--"

"No, Lion-O, you didn't seduced me and I didn't seduce you. We both wanted it and we didn't want to stop."

"Still, I want to apologize even though you probably hate me and our child. That's all I have to say," he apologize and began to leave until Cheetara stopped him.

"Why would I hate the two most important people in my life?"

Lion-O stopped and slowly turned around. "What?"

Cheetara walked to him and put his hands in hers. "Panthro and I had a talk that opened my eyes. I told him that I love our child but I don't love you. He asked me how can I not love both you and our child. I did some thinking and I didn't want to admit it, but I want to now. I love you and our child, Lion-O. Always have and always will."

Lion-O, at a lost for words, just threw his arms around her tightly. "I love you and our child too. I'm just sorry for doing anything that made you doubt that."

"I know you do. I'm the one who should apologize for all the things I said to you," she pulled apart from him and looked into his eyes. There mouths slowly met in a powerful kiss.

"Well, isn't this lovely? I bet the judge would love to here about this tomorrow," Leela said as she watch the pair kissed.

Lion-O and Cheetara slowly pulled apart from each other. "How long have you been staring there?" Cheetara asked.

"Long enough to know that I won the trial and you'll be on a one-way ticket to 3rd Earth by Friday night. Bye," she laughs wickedly and walked out. "I've won now. Cheetara's out and I'm in forever."

Part 57

At a quarter to ten all the Thundercats were talking and waiting for the judge to come out of her private chamber. Cheetara sat alone at her defense table thinking about the trial of course. Leela left her table and walked over to her.

"Hello, B---h."

"Hello, Hussy." Cheetara remarked back.



"Tramp?" Leela repeated surprised. "I think you've got me confused with someone else, particularly yourself."

"Is there any reason you came over here besides insulting me?"

"If you plea guilty now, I might forget about yesterday's incident."

"I wouldn't give you the honor."

Leela leaned closer and smile. "We all have secrets, my dear. It's a shame yours were exposed."

"Since you know my secret, why don't you tell me yours?" Cheetara asked.

Leela's happy face vanished and a dark one appeared. Her voice was bitterly cold when she said, "And ruin everything I have now? Never. I've done too much to have you ruin my life and take everything away from me that I so deserve."

"Done too much? Leela, Lion-O was born engaged to you. Your title was practically handed to you.....wasn't it?" Cheetara was now getting suspicious.

"The judge will find you guilty," Leela said icy and went back to her seat.

Cheetara watched Leela go back to her seat suspicious. "She's obviously hiding something, like Panthro, but what?"

Judge Tatiana came from her chamber doors and sat in her high chair looking down at the Thundercats and the one news team that were allowed to tape the trial. "Court willl now come to order. Hopefully, we won't have a repeat of yesterday," she said eyeing Lion-O, Tygra, Leela, and Cheetara. "Lord Lion-O, you may approach the stand," Lion-O got out of his seat and went to the stand. After the bailiff sworn him in, Tatiana said, "Cheetara, you may begin."

Cheetara left her seat and walked to Lion-O on the stand. "On our wedding day, didn't I tell you that you had to marry Leela regardless of our feelings?"

"Yes, you did."

"After you and Leela married, did we spend much time together?"

"No, you spend time away from us by going missions away from Cat's Lair by my orders," Lion-O answered.

"Wasn't Leela paranoid whenever we talked?"

"Yes, she would go crazy if Cheetara and I talked even though we are friends now."

"I object!" Leela shouted from her seat.

"Sustain. Continue, Lord Lion-O," Tatiana said.

Lion-O continued by giving examples of when Leela would get jealous and finished by telling what had happened at the dinner on their wedding anniversary.

"So, believe Lady Leela is even more jealous now that you are friends?" Tatiana asked.

"Yes, your honor," Lion-O answered.

"Objection!" Leela raised from her seat again. "Lion-O, darling, sweetie, how could you say something like that?'

Judge Tatiana pounded her new gavel. "Sit down, your highness. You'll have your turn." Leela sat down and the judge looked at Cheetara. "Do you have anymore questions?"

"No, your honor," Cheetara answered and went back to her seat.

Leela got up before the judge gave her permission to. She smiled wickedly as she walked to Lion-O. "Lion-O, I'm going to get to the point so we don't waste anymore of the judge's time. Did you sleep with Cheetara? Isn't she pregnant and aren't you the father?"

"Yes, I did sleep with Cheetara. She is pregnant, and I am the father of her child."

Cheetara looked worried as she placed her hand on her stomach. She knew Leela would bring it up but didn't think she would like that.

Lion-O continued, "I have no regrets and she did not come between you and I. Our marriage was a wreck the moment it began."

"That's because she brainwashed you into loving her and turning you against me!" Leela shouted.

"That's enough!" Tatiana pounded her gavel again.

"I have no more questions. I am ready to take the stand."

Tatiana ran a frustrated hand through her hair. She has never experienced a trial like this. She was getting a headache. "Very well, you may step down, Lord Lion-O."

Lion-O left the stand and glanced at Cheetara as he took his seat and she began her interrogation.

"Admit it, Leela. You hated me the moment you set eyes on me."

"No, that's not true," Leela lied.

"Aren't you upset that Lion-O loves me and not you?" Cheetara asked.

"Of course I'm upset. I'm his wife. You're his mistress. He's suppose to love me."

"I am not his mistress," Cheetara defended herself.

"Of course you are. You slept with him while he is still married to me I might add, you're carrying his child. When this trial is over, we'll still be married, and you'll be stuck with that bastard."

"Don't you call my child a bastard!" Lion-O shouted rising from his seat.

"Sit down, young lord," Tatiana ordered.

Lion-O sat back down and Panthro nudged his arm. "Calm down, Lion-O Your behavior isn't looking good in front of the press."

Lion-O watched as Leela left the stand and Cheetara was being sworn in. "I can't help it, Panthro. Who does Leela think she is?"

"The most important person in the world that's for sure." Panthro said. Who has to be eliminated. When he looked up, Leela was interrogating Cheetara.

"Lion-O is the father of your child, correct?" Leela asked.

"Yes, you already know that. Why are you asking that again?"

"I'm the one who ask the questions here," Leela corrected Cheetara and continued, "You wanted to have a baby by him to gloat about it to me, didn't you?"

"No, that's not true. Lion-O and I didn't plan this."

"Do you love him?"

"Yes, I do but I didn't wreak your marriage. There was never love in it," Cheetara shot back.

A low snarl came out of Leela's mouth before she asked Cheetara, "Tell everyone what I saw you doing last night."

"Oh, no. Don't do this," Lion-O said in a whisper.

Panthro heard Lion-O's whisper and looked at him. "What happened last night?" Panthro asked but he didn't hear the answer from Lion-O.

"I was kissing Lion-O," Cheetara answered.

"Even after you were suppose to stay 20 feet away from him?" Leela asked.

"It was my fault. I turned my bracelet off so she didn't know I was near her," Lion-O answered from his seat.

"Anymore outbursts and I'll hold you in contempt, Lord Lion-O." Tatiana said. It was obvious that she was about to lose her temper at the young lord.

After Tatiana's statement, Cheetara spoke, "I didn't know he was in the room until I turned around and saw him."

"You could've left. Why didn't you?" Leela asked.

"Lion-O wanted to apologize for what's happening and I told him that it wasn't his fault."

"But that doesn't explain why you were kissing my husband. So explain."

"I told him that I loved him and our child. We were overcome with emotion that we kissed," Cheetara simply stated.

Leela noticed Judge Tatiana writing some notes from the trial on her pad. Leela smiled, knowing victory was hers.

Tatiana puts her pen down and looks at everyone in the room. "I've heard enough. I'll have my decision in two days. Court will resume at 9 am Friday morning." she slammed her gavel, thus ending the trial for the day.

"Start packing, Cheetara," Leela laughed and walked back to her table.

Cheetara sighed knowing the trial has taken a turn for the worst. She looked at Lion-O with worry and Leela who was happily talking to the reporters. The cheetah wasn't concern about herself but her child. Seeing defeat, she wondered how her life would be like, rasing a child on her own, without any contact with the father. She didn't want that, but after today's trial, she felt that it would be so.


Parts 58-60: The trial ends.

Fight! Fight! Wow, what a courtroom.  Why won't they show this kind of thing on TV?  More fanfics.

Oh wait, they do show that kind of thing on TV.  Never mind.  Main page.