Program to calculate credits, installments, interest rates, loans ... with many options. Possibility to print a repayment schedule and a result sheet.
Opens a new
Repayment record.
Open Database:
Opens a new
Repayment database.
Saves the
actual record.
Deletes the
actual record.
Closes the
actual window.
Finishes the
Deletes the
selected text and copies it into clipboard.
Copies the selected text into clipboard.
Pastes the text
from the clipboard to a textbox.
Select All:
Selects the
whole text in a textbox.
Undoes the last text operation.
This is the form where you can do all your calculations.
Input Fields (register card calculation):
Corresponds to the amount of the payment for the credit, if the charges / expenses are add. Corresponds to the total sum of the credit, if the charges / expenses in the credit sum are included. If you calculate the capital (credit) then here is no input required.
Term to maturity in months:
To input is the total term to maturity of the credit in months. Are special payments, the term to maturity must be higher as the date of the last special payment. The term to maturity is always from the 1. of the months calculated. If you want to calculate the term to maturity, then here is no input required.
Interest rate p.a.:
That is the valid interest rate per year for the calculation in percent. If you want to calculate the interest rate here no input required.
Installment without expenses:
Input here the desired installment without expenses. The installment relates to the period, which is in the option field "pay by installments" is specified.
Balancing account expenses:
To input is the sum of the expenses, which at each balancing of an account arises. Are further payment by installments as account balances in a year, the program would consider this automatically.
Processing charge:
Input here the current percentage of the processing charge, so far this the borrower pays.
Local tax office charge:
Input here the current percentage of the Local tax office charge, so far this the borrower pays.
Base journal tax:
This value is the base for the calculation of the journal register tax. In the most cases you have to input here the
total sum of the credit + 40%. Please note, that sometimes to the total sum of the credit the other expenses are to add.Journal tax:
Please input the current percentage for journal registering of the credit. The percentage relates to the value of "base journal tax".
Other expenses: <<Top>>
If you only have one value of other expenses to input, please do it here. But if you have more than one please select the register card 'other expenses'.
Output Fields (register card calculation):
Output fields cannot be edited. They are only for displaying results.
Option fields (register card settings):
Balancing of the account:
In which time intervals are the balances done? Yearly / half-yearly / quarterly / monthly.
Payment by installments:
In which time intervals are the paying by installments done? Yearly / half-yearly / quarterly / monthly.
What do you want to calculate? Installment / interest rate / term of maturity in month / credit (capital).
Installment / Rounding:
If the installment should be rounded, you can choose between to 1.- or to 10.-.
Charges / Expenses:
Should the charges / expenses be added to the capital (total sum of the credit increases, amount of the payment = capital), be included in the capital (total sum of the credit = capital, amount of the payment decreases)?
Journal Register Tax Pays:
Who pays the journal register tax: Credit. (Bank transfers from the credit sum, the journal register tax is debited from the account), client cash (the journal register tax will be not considered by the credit).
Interest days:
How much days of the year are considered in the calculation:
30 / 360 (year = 360 days, month = 30 days), cal / 360 (year = 365 days, month = 30 days).Payment of interest: <<Top>>
How should the payment of interest of the credit be made:
Afterwards (= decursive) / in advance (= anticipative). Please note, that these choice concerns the payment of interest of the rest capital. The payment of the installments is always made afterwards (decursive).
Options (register card settings)
Here you can define, the begin of the term to maturity as well as as the number of days per month for the calculation.
Begin of the maturity:
Input here the date of the begin of the term to maturity. If there is no begin of the term to maturity given, automatically the first of the current month and year is used. If put in another day as the first of a month, automatically the first of the month us used.
Days / Months:
This option field gives you a decision opportunity, how the number of days / month should be used: Average (all months in a year have the same length), exact (each month will have the exact number of days.; e.g. Jan=31, Feb=28/29, Mar=31, etc.)
Other expenses (register card other expenses)
Here you can input other, with the processing of a credit arising expenses. In all you can input here up to 8 different amounts of expenses with its comment.
comment text (kind of the expense): Please input here the comments to the expenses.
expenses: Please input here the expenses.
apply: saves all values.
delete: deletes all values.
Special payment (register card special payment)
Special payments are used, to amortize a special amount premature.
You can input up to 2 different special payments. Special payments are considered, if you calculate the installment !
special payment after month(s) : Please input, after how much months the special payment will be done. Please note, that the second special payment must be done after the first. The number of months always correlates to the begin of the term to maturity.
Amount of the special payment: Please input the Amount of the special payment
If the month is zero the input is ignored.
Window Repayment Schedule <<Top>>
In the window "repayment schedule" is the repayment schedule of a calculated credit displayed.
Paying Date: Indicates, when the action will be done. <<Top>>
Rest Capital: Displays the amount, which is to pay at the special time.
Installment: Shows the installment (incl. expenses). If you have some special payments in your calculation, they are also displayed here, but they are not separate labeled.
Interests / Expenses: Shows the interests and expenses at a specific time. Expenses always correlate to the balancing of an account.
Part of the Repayment: The part of the repayment is the difference of the installment(s) in the period of the balancing of an account less interests / expenses.
Attention: The repayment schedule itself is not be saved in the database, but only the definition. If you want to print the repayment schedule, or to display it, you have to calculate it first.
Creating (calculate) a new repayment schedule:
All new repayment schedules starts with the pressing of the key „New". So the program will be initialized and new values can be entered and a new record will be created.
Exporting of repayment schedules:
Saving: The repayment schedule will be saved in that format, which is shown in the grid. This file can be imported again by using of the button „open".
Exporting: This Button is for exporting of the repayment schedule as a text file. This text file you can import and edit in other applications like MS - Word or MS - Excel.
If you press the button 'calculate' the calculation starts relating on you inputs. If you inputs are not
meaningful a message screen will be shown.Print Options:
On this screen you can input the necessary data for printing the Repayment schedule.
Result Sheet: Prints a short result of the current calculation.
Repayment schedule print: Prints the whole repayment schedule.
Title: This is the caption of the current printing Repayment schedule
Print: Starts the printing
If some Data have changed, because of import or input etc. you can reload all your data with this button.
If you want to see all your records in one table please use this form.
Color Settings:
With this dialog you can define a
specific color for each control. If you press the default button, the controls
will get the Windows default color again.
If you want to use a picture as background for your program, please choose this dialog.
Country Settings:
This time the repayment software runs with two languages: German and English. Please use this dialog to set your language.