Title- A Love Found of Friendship Part II Author and Email- CelticCharm/ Anya2121@widomaker.com Rating- PG-14 for now Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer characters, nor do I profit from them. They are owned by Joss W. and Mutant Enemy. Please don’t sue. Summary- After Oz commits the ultimate betrayal, Willow thinks she’ll never love again. Then she finds true love where she thought she never would, in a friendship. Feedback- Constructive feedback wanted. Nothing nasty or rude please. Authors Notes- No spoilers, just know that Angel can't lose his soul this time and most of season 2 and all of season 3&4 never happened. Also, Willow and Xander never had that affair. The sun was just beginning to rise as Willow opened her eyes and tried to remember the past few hours. It all came over her like an immense tidal wave. It was however, when she tried to sit up, that she realized that she was no longer alone in bed. Looking down she saw Angel. For the first time in a few hours she smiled and truly felt happy. They had both been through so much the past few months, and their friendship had been a stable thing they could cling too. The realization that she was being stared at brought her from her thoughts. Looking down again she found Angel watching her with interest. " What? You're staring at me like I'm some great new discovery." Willow saw as Angel continued to watch her from his position in the bed. For some reason, Willow wasn't as nervous as she thought she would be. Angel decided to say something before the beauty in bed with him dashed off in embarrassment. Not wanting to admit that he liked being this closer to her, liked waking up with her in his arms. " I love the way your mind works. How you can just sit there in thought and not notice anything else around you. " After his little declaration he reached up and pulled her back down against him and held her close. "Angel!" Willow cried as she felt herself being pulled down on to Angel. As she laid on his chest she could feel him chuckle. He thought this was funny! " Angel. I have school today, your just gonna have to let go." Look up into his eyes she gave her best puppy dog look and pouted her lips and said " Please? " Her puppy dog look never failed. Angel looked at Willow and has to use every ounce of strength not to lean down and kiss those pouted lips of hers. That look she gave him was quickly becoming a turn on. He didn't know how Willow could take something as cute as a 'puppy dog' face and turn it into the worlds biggest turn on. He smiled to himself..* this is Willow after all* " Oh all right..I guess I have to let you go. Not that I want to. Are you going to be ok today at school, you know, with them there? " Angel sat up and looked at her with concern. He hated seeing her tramped on and hurt. " Who knows. I have to go though, I can't spend my time hiding and wishing things different. The world doesn't work that way. Besides..I have you....you know..if something goes wrong. " Willow was shocked she had said that last sentence. She hadn't really meant to say that out loud. Angel smiled as he took her hands in his. " You have me no matter what Willow. We're friends, and that'll never change. " Angel knew what he had just told her was a lie. He wanted more then friendship. He wanted her love, he wanted to hold her and kiss her forever. * But she can never love a killer* Willow heart jumped a beat and she was glad she was sitting down. * Friends. * Something in her broke when she heard that. She loved Angel and was happy for their friendship..but there was a part of her that wanted more...so much more. * He could never love me...I'm too mousy and plain. * " WILLOW! You are NOT mousy and DEFINITELY NOT plain! " Angel was surprised when he heard her say that. He was pretty sure the comment was not to be spoken aloud either, by the look on her face. * Oh Goddess he heard me. Oh my gawd...I feel like a fool. * " You are by far the most beautiful person I know. You have so many wonderful qualities, I don't know where........." That is as far as Willow let him get. " Angel, look you don't have to tell me what a 'wonderful' person I am...or how 'pretty' I am. It's ok, you don't have to lie to me. I know the truth. " Before Angel could stop her or say anything else she got out of the bed and rushed to the door, pausing only to grab some clothes Running into the bathroom she shut the door and leaned against it. Sighing to herself she put down her clothes and turned on the hot water. Removing her night gown and stepping into the shower, Willow let the hot water run over her till she felt herself finally relax. Angel sat in Willow's room and decided not to follow her. She was upset and he knew they would just argue if he tried to convince her that he was telling the truth. Instead he got up and put a blanket over the french windows so that he didn't burn to a crisp while Willow was in school. Then he climbed back into bed and let long needed sleep over come him. Looking at herself on last time in the mirror, Willow got ready to leave for school. She was wearing a pair of black jeans and a green sleeveless shirt with a green see through shirt over top. She had loosely braided her red hair and let a few pieces fall around her face. * Since everything in my life is changing, why not change my looks. * Walking out of the bathroom she paused in her room long enough to get her bookbag. When she walked in she found Angel had fallen asleep again. * Angelus, the demon with the face of an Angel. Boy were they right..well almost. he's no demon. * Leaning over, Willow kissed him on the cheek and pulled the blanket over him a bit more. As she turned she felt him grab her hand. " You were gonna leave and not say good bye? " Angel threw her a double whammy puppy dog face before smiling. He was rewarded with Willow sitting down next to him on the bed. " Well, you look so happy asleep. I didn't want to wake you. I'm sowwy. Good bye Angel. " Willow was about to get up again when he stopped her. " Nice outfit, but its a tad revealing. Take my jacket? " Angel's eyes raked up and down her body. She looked great, better then great. Fabulous. That's why he insisted on the jacket, he didn't want half the population of Sunnyhell High realizing what a knock out she was. She was his. Willow stared at him in disbelief. He was checking her out! She smiled at the thought of Angel actually doing that. * He's just trying to be nice * The self doubting part of her mind said. " Ok, although your wrong about this being revealing. " She smiled. It really wasn't that bad. " It's over on your computer chair. And yes it is. " With that being said he stuck his tongue out that her like Xander use to do, to prove a point. Laughing she go up and put his black leather coat on. It was two sizes too big, but it was warm and smelled of him. Inhaling deeply she zipped it up and went back to the bed to get her bag. " Bye Angel. Thanx for everything..really. I'll see you when I get home from school. " She started for the door when she heard him reply. " Anytime sweetling. I'll be here...seeing how I'd be ash if I tried to go home. If it gets to hard today..promise me you'll come home. " He looked at her as she slowly turned around to face him. A smile came to her face and they both saw the concern in each others eyes. " Promise. " Then she turned and walked out the door, shutting it behind her softly. Angel turned over and laid his head on her pillow as he wished he could go with her today. Slowly sleep claimed him and he dreamed of his Willow and a life that could never be. Willow paused at the front of the school and took a deep breath. There was nothing to be scared of. She still had Giles, and Xander, and in a really strange way, she had Cordelia. Underneath it all, the cheerleader really was a good person. Finding a new found confidence she walked into the school and towards the library. What happened next, Willow would remember forever. As Willow walked into the library she came face to face with the faces of her friends..but they all looked mad. Then she noticed Buffy and Oz sitting together in the middle of it all with smile's on their faces. " Umm hi guys. Whats up? " Willow walked to the table and put her bag down. The air was so think you could cut it with a knife. If someone didn't speak soon, she was going to scream. " So, Willow..when were you going to tell us you were screwing Angel three ways from Sunday? I mean, first you dump Oz, and then you go right for Angel? Whats wrong Willow..why would you do something like that? " Xander looked at his oldest friend with a look of disgust. Willow felt like she had gotten punched in the stomach. This had to be a dream. " WHAT? ALEXANDER LaVELLE HARRIS HOW DARE YOU DICTATE TO ME! " Willow screamed at him. Her anger gave her a new found self confidence. " You listen and you listen good. All of you. I did not leave Oz. He left me for Buffy! He had been cheating on me for a month and I am not SCREWING Angel! He is my friend and was there for me when I needed a friend. How dare you take their word over mine. I am your best friend." And with that she grabbed her book bag and started for the door. She would have keep on going too if Cordelia hadn't said something. " Willow, wait. Please. " The cheerleader looked at her boyfriend and frowned. Sometimes he could be so dense. Cordy was sure the only reason he had believe Buffy was because she had mentioned Angel. If he didn't get over his hatred for the vampire it would destroy his friendship with Willow. " No Cordy..let her go. If she is going to bitch and act like a baby then let her go. Its time this group realized what a bitch she is. " Buffy stood up as she said this. It was then she realized that Willow had Angel's jacket on. Pure hatred and jealousy burned deep down inside her. Xander watched in horror at the scene that had unfolded in front of him. He had never seen Willow get that mad before, not even during the ' barbie' incident. It was then that he realized that she was telling the truth and as much as he hated Angel, he realized that the vampire was going to be a permanent fixture in Will's life. He looked at Oz and saw the smile on his face as Buffy's words cut at Willow. What had happened? Everyone thought Oz was a great guy, who knew he has such a dark side. * Well, other the when he is wolfboy * He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Cordelia's loud voice. " You bitch. You selfcentered bitch. The world does not bow down before you and neither do we. Willow is twice the person you are." * I can't believe I am saying this. I really am a good person. * " The world does not revolve around Buffy. Why she put up with you for so long I don't know..but it ends now." With that she picked up her purse and walked over to Willow. Willow stared at Cordy is disbelieve. The brunette has actually stuck up for her. Now the question was, when this was all over would they be friends? Would Xander come with them? " Oh pretty speech Cordelia, that really hurt my feeling. Who knew you had feelings." Buffy replied snidely. She opened her mouth to say something else but Xander cut her off. " Shut up Buffy. No one cares anymore. " With that he walked over to Willow and hugged her in apology for ever doubting her. The three walked out the door and never once looked back. Buffy stood in the library shocked. * They left me. They all left me. * Just then the door to Giles office opened and her Watcher stepped out with a displeasing look on his face. But he didn't say anything, he knew her loneliness would be harder on her then any lecture. Then he shut the door. He had to think. " Look, baby you still have me. " Oz spoke for the first time that morning. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. Buffy turned and smiled. Leaning against him she knew he was right. She would talk to the others later and patch everything up. " Your right, I still have you." Then the bell rang and the two lovers walked to class. Outside the school the former slayeretts walked towards Willows house. No one had said anything since they left the library. Finally Willow decided to break the ice. " Um guys..about earlier today..." Cordy cut her off. " Don't worry about it Willow. Buffy is a bitch and I have been waiting to tell her off for a long time." Cordy looked at Willow and smiled. "Yeah Will's. I'm so sowwy about earlier today, I never should have believe Buffy. Its just that once she mentioned Angel, I kind of stopped listening." He looked at his best friend and hoped that they could get past this. " It's ok Xander, I'm pretty sure Buffy was counting on that. We survived without Buffy before, we can do it again. It just hurts, you know. Her betrayal like that. " Willow sighed and snuggled down in Angel's jacket as the wind stated to blow. Cordy's question caught her off guard. " Isn't that Angel's jacket? " Willow looked up and blushed. " Um yeah, he slept over last night and this morning told me to wear it cause he thought my outfit was a bit revealing. " To make her point she quickly unzipped the jacket to show them the shirts. Cordy smiled in approval and Xander make a comment he thought he would never make. " I agree with dea.. with Angel. " At that moment all hatred for the vampire left him. " Xander..I swear if I didn't luv you, I would strangle you. " Willow replied as she zipped up her jacket. She wrapped her arms around her as the wind blew. The sun had been covered by dark clouds. Vampires would be out hunting soon and they would be hungry. As if all thinking the same thing the trio quicken their pace. Willow let her mind wander as they walked towards her house. The sent of Angel filled her mind and all she wanted was to go home and be held by him. * I love him. I love his eyes, I love his smile, his laugh, and his love. What would I do with out him? * Willow shuddered at that thought. She would die inside if she lost Angel. " Earth to Willow. Come in Willow." Xander waved his hand in front of her face a few times before she snapped out of it. Xander smiled as he watched Willow stare out into space. He knew her thoughts were of Angel, and that didn't bother him. * I wonder if Angel knows she loves him? * " Sorry Xander. Do you guys want to stay here tonight? I'd feel a bit better if I knew you guys were here and not walking home. " She opened the door as she asked them to stay. She hoped they would. " Yeah, we'll stay. It'll be like one big happy family. " Cordelia said as they followed Willow into the house. " Thanx Will, I didn't feel like being vamp food tonight anyway. " They trio walked into the kitchen there they dropped there bag by the back door. " Just make yourself at home. I'm going to go change and tell Angel I'm home and have company. Umm Xander will you make lunch, I'm kinda hungry? " Willow gave Xander a puppy dog smile and he started walking to the fidge. Cordy watched in amazement. " Whoa, Willow you have to teach me that. " Both girls laughed at the hurt look Xander put on. " Um Cordy, do you need to change or anything? I think I have a pair of baggy jeans that would fit...." Willow didn't know if she would go for it or just laugh at her. She didn't expect the smile that was on Cordelia's face. " Sure..thanx Willow. " Cordy was glad that she and Willow were becoming better friends. She didn't really have any close female friends, or really any friends at all. As the two friends headed up the stairs as Xander started making lunch. While the chicken soaked the marinade he picked up the cordless and made a call to Willie's Bar. He figured Angel might be hungry too. Angel woke up as he heard the bed room door open. He didn't open his eyes though. " We have to be quiet, Angel's sleeping. " Angel tried his best not to laugh but he couldn't help it. He busted out laughing as Willow just stood there is shock. What he saw as he sat up made him laugh harder. Willow was standing, arms crossed, at the foot of the bed with a scowl on her face. It was then he noticed Cordelia. " I'm sowwy Willow. What are you doing home so early? Hi Cordy. " Angel looked at Willow with pure concern. Cordy made a little cough and excused herself to go see what Xander was doing. As she headed out the door Willow stopped her. " Here Cordy..." Willow walked over to her dresser and got out a pair of old jeans and a shirt and then handed them to the girl. " Tell Xander if he wants a change of clothes he can borrow something of my dads. " " Ok. We'll be downstairs. When you guys get done we can all have lunch. " With that she walked out of the room and shut the door. Willow walked over the bed and sat next to Angel. She leaned into his embrace as he wrapped his arms around her. " Willow, sweetling, what happened? " Angel pulled her back to look at her. " Buffy told Xander that we were....well, sleeping together, that I left Oz for you. She had everyone turned against me, but Cordy believed me and stood up for me. " The look on Angel's face make her smile. Even made her chuckle. " Yeah, that was my first reaction. But then Xander realized that she was right and that Buffy was lying. We walked out on Buffy. " The realization of that morning hit Willow and she felt saddened. Despite it all, they had all been a tight group of friends. * I wonder if things will ever go back to the way they use to be? * Angel looked at Willow and wished he could ease all her pain. " Are you ok Willow? Really, I mean everything has happened so quickly the past few days. " He ran his hands up her arms and over her shoulders. Letting his hands play with her hair. He felt her shiver and he smiled. Willow shivered as she felt Angel run his hands over her arms and shoulder and then stop to play with her hair. It took her a few minutes to find her voice. " Yeah, I'll be ok. I have Xander, and Cordy, and I have you. Thank you Angel, you have been wonderful through all this. I don't deserve you. " She smiled and looked down at her hands. * She doesn't deserve me?? No...I don't deserve her. * Angel slid his hand down to her cheek and cupped her face. Lifting her face till it was on eye level with his leaned in a placed a soft kiss on her lips. Pulling back he said " You've got it backwards sweetling. Its I who doesn't deserve you. " Before she could argue he leaned in a kissed her again. Softly moving his lips over her warms ones. Willow could not believe that she was siting in her room kissing Angel. She felt her knees go weak and thanked the goddess that she was sitting down. She ran her hands up his arms and wrapped them around his neck, brushing her hands through his hair. Moving her lips over his she started to lose herself in the passion of the moment. She felt Angel snake his arm around her waist and his other hand came up to cup her cheek. Allowing them both to deepen the kiss. Or they would have if Xander hadn't called out just then. " Angel! Willow! Lunch is ready, come on and get down here before it gets cold! " Angel pulled back and ran a finger over her lips, and put his heart out on the line. " I love you Willow and I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. " He looked into her eyes, to see her reaction and what he saw was a mirrored image of his own. Willow could not believe what she just heard. Angel loved her! It was almost to good to be true. " I love you too Angel, I have for a long time. I was so scared you didn't......" That was a far as she got before Angel leaned in and gave her a quick kiss. Pulling back he got off the bed and reached out her hand. " Come on, if we don't hurry up Xander is going to be mad and your lunch will get cold. " Taking his hand Willow got up off the bed and the two walked downstairs for lunch. The couple in the kitchen looked up as the two walked through the kitchen. Cordy was setting the table and Xander was getting the drinks and napkins. The smell of food in the kitchen was wonderful. Xander had made Sweet and Sour Chicken with rice and biscuits and vegetables. " Whoa, Xander..you out did yourself this time. I mean, when I said lunch I meant a sandwich..but this works. " Willow smiled as she said down at the table. She knew Xander could cook, but this was beyond belief. " Don't get too happy. The biscuits are the kind you put on a tray and cook and the vegetables are the bag kind. But other then that, yeah I guess my boyfriend can cook. " Cordy said with absolutely no tact, but with a smile as she sat down next to Willow. Both girls smiled as the men in their lives were silent. " Yeah, well if you two are going to complain then maybe I should stop cooking for you both. You know I don't have to do this...this is women's work. " he replied as he walked over to the table with the chicken. All he was missing was the blood for Angel. Just as he thought of that, the microwave went off. *BEEP* *BEEP* Angel sat down at the table and looked at everyone. They were all so young, yet they had seen things and lived through things they never should have had to. He loved then all so much. Even Xander. Although, the boy could get on his nerves sometimes. " I agree with Xander. You all should treat him a bit better. He didn't have to cook for you all today. He could have been lazy and did nothing but complain. " He smiled as the two girls looked at him like he had set the women's movement back 50 years. * Oh boy....I am in trouble* " Thanks Dea....Angel. You're right..I didn't have to cook for anyone, but I did. Heck, I even thought of you." He walked over with a mug filled with blood from Willie's Bar and a plate with a medium rare stake. He set the food and drink in front of the startled vampire and then sat down next to Cordelia. Who, smacked the back of his head for being an ass a few minutes ago. Angel looked in shock as the boy he thought hated him beyond all reason, set lunch in front of him. * I guess people really do change. * He looked over at Willow and smiled. He was so lucky to find her and have her in his life. He saw her smile back. " So, what were you two talking about up there anyway? " Xander asked as he took a bite of his latest creation. He hoped it was as good as it looked. When he looked up he saw a room full of suddenly very uncomfortable people. " What? What did I say? " " Umm...well...." That was as far as Willow got before it all became clear to Xander. Perfectly clear. * Their a couple. Oh my god..well, I guess I have to accept it and have a talk with Angel later. * " You're are couple, aren't you? " Xander asked, completely cutting off Willow and shocking the group. Willow looked at Angel and wondered when he was going to start talking. * Goddess, I swear I'll turn him into a toad if he doesn't help me out of this mess. * Angel knew Willow wanted..err needed a little help here, but it was fun to watch the two old friends talk like this. But making his love mad would have serious consequences. " Not yet Xander. I just kissed her, but if it will make you feel any better, I was planning on asking her out later tonight. " Angel said as he took Willow's hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. He watched Xanders face, waiting for him to get mad, or disgusted. But it never happened. * Who is this and where is the real Xander? * " Don't look shocked Angel. I am capable of acting mature. Besides, I don't hate you anymore. Never really did anyway. " Xander replied to the Angel's unvoiced questions. He knew that if given the chance and time, they would become good friends. " You don't? " Cordelia looked at her boyfriend with a look that could be described as shock. Disbelief. " You don't? " Willow looked at her oldest and dearest friend as if he told her the moon was made of cheese and demanding that it was true. " Huh? " Angel just looked at Xander and said the only other thing that came to mind. " I don't hate you either. " " Whoa...man. I never thought I would hear this in my life time. " Cordelia smiled as Willow voiced what she was just thinking. It was good that the two had 'talked'. Maybe now they can all be friends. The four friends got quiet as they ate their lunch and thought of what would happen in the months to come. They were all they had left, and they would make the most of it. " Yeah well...anyway." Xander said as he got up to take his plate over the sink. Things had gotten quiet after he and Angel made a stab at frienship. This day had to be a day of lose and gain. Although they had lost two good friends, they had gained another. The mature part of Xander realized that today would be carried with him till he die. " Hey guys, how about a movie? Why not spent quality time together. They were all they had. He looked around the room as he voiced his opinion. " What movie? I mean, we have seen all the movies at the Realto. Not to mention its three in the after noon. I doubt Willow wants crispy fried Angel. " Cordy replied as she and Willow cleared the table. Angel followed them and helped with loading them into the dish washer. " Yeah Xander, I mean, I know I need a tan.... but I don't want one that bad. " " Well, I agree with Cordelia. I don't want a crispy Angel. That might not be fun to kiss. " As soon as the words left he mouth she felt a blush rise up across her face. * OH GODDESS. I just said..... goddess help me, I've gone insane. * The burst of laughter across the room didn't help either. Nor did the look at fell over Angel's face. Angel couldn't believe what just popped out of Willow's mouth. One eyebrow raised in an arch and a smile wiped over his face before he started laughing with the other. It felt good to laugh. * Yes I can. I just can't believe she is blushing. Hmm, lets make this worse. * Walking over to Willow he gathered her in his arms and pulled her into a kiss. Leaving on hand on the back of her neck and letting the other slid slowly down to the small of her back. He began to draw circles on her lower back and begged her lips for entrance. For the second time that afternoon Willow thanked the goddess that Angel had a hold of her. Her knee's went week and she melted in his arms as she felt him rubbing on her lower back. Running her hands up his arms she kissed back with a passion she never knew she had. As she opened her mouth to give his tongue entrance Xander made a little coughing noise. Slightly unhappy she pulled back and laid her head on Angel's shoulder to catch her breath. Xander could not believe what had just happened. The couple had seemed to completely forget where they were. " While you all were sucking face, us good PDA respecting people picked out a video. Vana, show the love birds what we picked. " The goofy, problem free Xander was back. Forget maturity, that can come later. He wrapped his arm around Cordy as he held up the choice she had pulled from her book bag. " I had, well, was suppose to have, film class today. Don't look at me like that, I can have depth. Anyway, we were suppose to bring like movies that had meaning. Well, I use to watch this with my mom before she....well before she died...." He voice fell short as unwanted memories came back to her. Handing the box to Willow she walked out of the kitchen to compose herself. Willow looked at the box and smiled. " Space Balls. " That video brought back memories for her as well. Xander and her had watched that movie 167 time one summer. She had broken her arm and Xander had broken his leg in an attempt for her to learn how to skate board. She looked up at Angel and saw the confusion in his eyes. " Get ready to watch the best movie of your undead life. " Xander cut her off before she could say anything. The three walked into the living room just as Cordelia walked out of the bathroom. They all squished together on the couch and laughed the night away. The four had formed a bond that would never be broken. Not even death, for they had formed a friendship of love, understanding and acceptance. But most of all Willow and Angel had a love found of friendship and a bond that although new, would be so strong that it would still be felt after they were gone. Even Angel. *********Epilogue********* Later that night after watching Space Balls and a few others, they had decided to go to bed. Cordy and Xander took the guest room at the end of the hall and Willow and Angel took Willow's bed. As the couple laid in bed Willow wondered how she got so lucky. " I love you. " Angel's husky voice brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up at him and saw the passion, desire, and love that burned in them. She knew her eyes mirrored his. Leaning up she kissed his lips before pulling back. " I love you too. " She laid back down on his chest and drew circles with her finger on his exposed skin. " You know, if you don't stop that, I'm going to lean down and kiss you till you can't think straight. " Angel smiled as she paid him no warning and kept right on doing what she pleased. * Atleast this time Xander won't interrupt. Gawd, I thought I was going to have to hurt him there for a minute. * Smiling he fliped Willow on to her back and kissed her before she could protest. Kissing her soundly but softly he kept true to his word. Willow quickly lost thought of anything execpt how much she wanted this man. Angel pulled back and looked into her eyes. " We don't have to do anything you don't want to. " Staring into her eyes he saw the same passion he knew she saw in his. " Who said anything about stopping? " Willow said with a smile as she pulled Angel's head back to her own and met each other in a love that made time want to stop and lay down for.