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Win An Award

To qualify for all the awards you must link to me and sign my guestbook.
The Smile Award
Your page must be Buffy related
You can't have many broken links

The Bewitching Award
Your Page must be Willow centric
You have to have either images or fanfic
You can't have many broken links

The Angelic Award
Your page must be Angel(us) centric
You must have either images or fanfic
You can't have many broken links

The Evil Award
Your Site must be about either Vampire Willow or Angelus
You must have either images or fanfic
You can't have many broken links

The Meant to be Award
Your site must be Willow/Angel(us)
You must have fanfiction or something else that is interesting
You can't have broken links
You site have to be designed well

The Perfect Love Award
This Award can't be applied for. E-mail me with your name, site name, and which award you want to win.

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